Daily Prayer Focus

Today, I stay centered in breath.
I breathe slowly, rhythmically.
Any challenge is met from my centered Self.
I am walking through my day with open hearted optimism.
Openness and optimism inspired by my Connection.
Thank you, sweet Source, for my connection in Light and Love.

October 2024

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.21.24

    Stepping back from the world’s chatter, I Merge with Divine Intelligence focusing prayer energy on all people opening their hearts, minds, and souls to Divine Intelligence. I visualize crystalline strands of Divine Intelligence connecting to all, anchoring us in Divinity. I visualize all empowered from the Creator within, each of us making choices for the Greater Good.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.20.24

    Pondering one of the twelve attributes of the Tree of Life, Divine Rest, I allow myself to rest in the Divine. I know all is well despite possible outward appearances. Life on Earth is a sacred learning experience. We are Light beings learning to become One. Thank you, God, for Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.19.24

    As I open myself, Spirit stirs within me. Today, I give thanks for the knowledge that we are ONE. All is well. No Matter What. The Divine has a plan and on the astral level the template is prepared, and it is Perfect. Expanding from Spirit I hold Peace for All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.18.24

    “Be positive! You are the Light of the World.” Today, I immerse myself in revolutionary optimism knowing We are the light of the world. In Divine Connection I expand anchoring Love, Light, the optimism of faith, and Joy. I am grateful for my ability to stay in the Divine Flow. I am in the right place, at the right time, praying, saying, and doing the right things for the Greater Good. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.17.24

    Someone said: “You can’t build security in a world of fear.” I Know this is true. So today, I trust the Creator, that which is All That Is. Today, I trust and have faith. Today, I pray for my Self. Today, I pray for our beloved Earth and all inhabitants. Today, I declare: “I am Divinely Guided.” All is well. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.16.24

    We are Light Beings having an earthly existence. As I think about pitfalls on the earthly plane, I consider addiction in its many forms. Today, I expand to fill everyone with Light and Love. Visualizing cravings of any type as strings attached to people, I take my heavenly scissors and snip the impediments freeing us all. Thank you, beloved God, for helping us realize our True Identity. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.15.24

    As I breathe in Light and Love, I am strengthened by the Creator within me. I am divinely guided. I am Light filled. I am Love filled. I take each day as the Creator within me directs. I breathe, eat, sleep and move in divine flow. I am in a bubble of Light on all dimensions and only Light can come to me and Light can come from me. I am a Light being. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.14.24

    Recognizing Indigenous People’s Day and Columbus Day, today, we expand this sacred day to fill all people around the world with Love and Light. Through Love we release our ancestral and personal injuries to Light and Love. Today, I join with others in holding sacred space for Divine Harmony and Divine Peace for all, as a rainbow family of people on the divine path to Oneness. Thank you, sweet Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.13.24

    Today, I extend myself to encompass Earth filling it with Light and Love. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for the nurturing beauty of our fantastic planet. Thank you, for our beloved wild spaces and wildlife from whom we have much to learn. Thank you for ever better stewardship of our planet as we safeguard all wildlife now and forevermore. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, day, Saturday, 10.12.24

    Pondering our planetary zeitgeist, I turn within and find solace in the Divine. From the Creator within me, I fill our world with Love and Light. This transitional time is filled with Light. Light directs change for the Good of All. Today, I hold sacred space for Love, Light, Peace, Joy, and Harmony for All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.11.24

    I AM a Light Being. I AM resilient. I AM strong. I AM able to see clearly. I AM able to hear clearly. I AM one with the I AM That I AM. Thank you, beloved Source, for You in me. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.10.24

    Today, I am reminded: I can only control my own thoughts and behavior. I cannot control the choices of others. I can view them as the Light Beings they are. I can set a good example. I can pray for them and visualize them in the beauty of their Light-ness. Thank you, God, for this reminder. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.9.24

    Tuning into Spirit, I allow myself to depend on the Energy of All. Every need is met through the Divine. I release grasping to have my needs met. I visualize everyone releasing their many needs to Light. Spirit within creates Light and Love blanketing our world. Acting as guided, visualizing my goals, Spirit meets my every need. Expanding, I envision everyone’s every need is met. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.8.24

    Breathing, I join with other Light beings creating Divine Calm in our world. All areas affected by unusual weather events are calmed with Light and Love. There is only Light and Love. I help anchor Light and Love in troubled situations. I am Light. I am Love. I am Guided.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.7.24

    Breathing deeply, I release any anxiety to Light. As a Light being having a human experience, I turn to the Creator within me to meet my dependency needs. Opening my heart, mind, and soul to Divinity, I am guided. I am in the right place at the right time saying and doing the right thing for the Greater Good. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for your Guidance and Comfort.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.6.24

    I am a flexible, adaptable Light Being. We, all of us, are flexible, adaptable Light Beings. I move through today’s tasks guided by Light and Love. Each of us moves as guided by Light and Love. Each day, a step at a time, I give thanks. We give thanks. We give thanks. We give thanks. I create Good here and now. We create Good here and now. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.5.24

    As I breathe in Light I am strengthened by the Creator within me. I am divinely guided. I am Light filled. I am Love filled. Expanding, I fill everyone and everything with Light. I visualize each person’s Light guiding them. All of us are in a bubble of Light on all dimensions and only Light can come to us and Light can come from us. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.4.24

    Today, we as Light workers, fill the U.S. with Love, Light, and Divine Calm. We breathe the Peace that passes all understanding into all. We fill our first responders with Divine Energy and ask that Spirit protect and guide them. Collectively, we anchor Love and Light on Earth. And so, it is. Amen.

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September 2024

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.28.24

    Moving through my day, I meditate on joy in the Flow. Divine Flow. I am in the Flow. I resolve to Love as I labor; to find the Joy in daily work. I am worthy of fulfillment of my aspirations. I am Connected in Flow and am Divinely Guided. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.27.24

    Deep with, I focus Spirit flowing through me and declare Love and Light is channeled to those of us in need. Regardless of circumstance or need, I visualize Divine Love and Light guiding, directing, and healing. Today, I work with Spirit flowing through me to aid in creation of Heaven on Earth for all. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.26.24

    Choosing to tune into Spirit, I release my defenses allowing myself to depend on the Energy of All. I affirm every need is met through the Divine. Trusting, I take action as Guided, visualizing my goals, God meets my every need. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Light Center Closed due to Tropical Storm

    The Light Center will be closed on Friday, September 27, due to inclement weather. Please stay safe, centered in Light!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.25.24

    I am thankful for daughters and daughters-in-law. Daughters carry forward family traditions. We, all of us, daughters and sons work together for the Good of our world and beyond. The role of daughter and son is sacred in many ways. And today, I celebrate the role of daughters in life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.24.24

    From deep within I visualize filling all world governments with Light and Love. Light clarifies, revealing everything on all dimensions. I visualize all world leaders harmoniously working together for the benefit of all and for the benefit of our sacred environment. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.23.24

    Pondering Native American Day, I bow to the Divine in all Native Americans. Joining in Oneness, I honor each for their service to our natural world. Native American spiritual traditions help guide us all. I feel a depth of gratitude to the Native American culture and the Light Beings who have cared for our beloved Earth for eons. All our Native American tribes are filled with Light and Love. Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.22.24

    Treasuring autumn, I embrace cooler temperatures and shorter days. As a Light Being, I fill our world’s physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual climates with Light and Love. The Creator within all guides all to create Good through thought, prayer, and action. Today and every day we enable action to protect our fragile fantastic planet. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.21.24

    Slipping into Oneness, I merge with Divinity. Riding the energy, I feel the Peace that surpasses all understanding. I am so grateful for my peace. Expanding myself to encompass the world, I join with others filling our world with Peace. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Tickets still available for Richard Shulman’s Autumn Equinox Concert on Sunday, 22nd, 2 to 4 p.m.

    Composer/pianist/recording artist Richard Shulman plays a concert on the Kawaii Concert Grand piano in the Light Center’s geodesic dome prayer room. Richard creates music intended to be a positive influence for himself, audiences and society. Advance tickets (until 4 p.m. on 9/21)$20; at the door $25. More information and tickets: https://urlight.org/events/autumn-concert-with-richard-shulman-sunday-291/

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.20.24

    Today, I sit with Spirit and I allow myself the gift of wallowing in Light. Today, I soak in Light and Love feeding my Self. Today, I allow myself to be satiated in Light and Love. Today, I will move slowly being kind to every living thing starting with myself. Thank you, sweet Spirit within, for this gift of time.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.19.24

    God is the Energy that is maximizing the potentialities of the Universe for the Greater Good. Going about my daily tasks, I know the Creator within me maximizes the positive outcome of my actions for the Good of All. It is a beautiful dance of Spirit and I rest assured knowing all is in Divine Order. I am a dancer in the Cosmic ballet of Light and Love. What joy this brings!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.18.24

    Expanding myself in prayer to become my high Self, I visualize what we are meant to be: the living body of Divine Mind. Sitting in Divine Silence and Love I soak up Love, Light, and Serenity. Thank you for this communion of Spirit.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.17.24

    Praying for unity within my fellow Light beings, I expand from deep within and visualize all of Us as One. One Heart, a shared Oneness with the Creator within each of us. Today, I hold space for our shared harmony as One in Divinity. The Oneness of Beingness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.16.24

    Today, from deep within I cleanse each cell of my body with Light. Standing at the gate of my thoughts, I release negative thoughts to Light. Releasing and walking through my fears helps lessen our world’s darkness by clearing thought pollution. Little by little, slowly we turn to Light and Oneness. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.15.24

    As I embrace any pain, it transforms to Holy Love. I die daily to christ-conscious Love. I find myself surrendering ‘self’ into Love. I leave my physical body to be filled with Love. I am a vessel of Love, generating healing Love. For myself. For us all. Everywhere, everything is radiant Light and Love. There is only Light and Love. (UR volunteer.)

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.14.24

    The Creator within me creates Love and Light within all people everywhere. Expanding to encompass our world, I visualize all of us becoming aware of the Living Light that is our essence. All open to Oneness and are Guided. All are in the right place, at the right time, saying and doing the right thing for the Good of All. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.13.24

    The Creator within me creates Love and Light in and through all weather events. All fires, floods, and earthquakes across our world are filled with Love and Light. Our world’s people are filled with Love and Light. Light directs climate change for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.12.24

    September is a time to feel the light. (Henri Cole.) I sit in light. I sit in Light. I am Light. I am Love. I am one with the Divine. I am Divine!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.11.24

    Turning within, I release any sadness over man’s inhumanity to man. Expanding, I become Love and Light. I visualize Love and Light within all who have lost loved ones due to the acts of others. Today, I help magnify and anchor Love and Light within all. Working together we create Good, so we truly become the family of Divine Man. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.10.24

    The U.S. is filled with Light and Love. The loving Light of the Divine guides our nation and our body politic. Today, I fill all my fellow citizens with Love and Light. Expanding I spread Love and Light through all nations. Light guides our entire world in Love. We are One. One Heart – One in Divinity and so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.9.24

    Riding a spiritual wave of our Creator’s energy, I continue to push personal expansion of my human boundaries to consciously feel All That Is. I release my defenses as I surrender to Divine Flow. Sweet, sweet Spirit, my cup truly does runneth over. Thank you, for this sacred, conscious, not-always-easy-to-surrender Path of Light. Thank you. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.8.24

    I am grateful for my family of origin and the lessons I learned. As I fill all families with Light and Love, I focus on grandparents who hold amazing power in families. Today, I fill all grandparents with Light and Love. I am grateful to my grandparents for the sacrifices they made for us. I am filled with gratitude for all I am learning and have learned from family. Thank you, God, for my family and for the human family.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.7.24

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I radiate Light and Love throughout my being. The Loving Light of the Creator nourishes me. I am empowered as the Light Being I am. As I do this for myself, I expand – radiating Light and Love. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light and Love.

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  • Sacred Circle Dances with Maggie Moon

    Hello dancing friends and happy early fall! Our Sacred Circle Dance returns to the Light Center on Sunday, September 15, from 2:30 to 4:30. Please join us and bring a friend! Each dance gently taught, no previous experience required. Donations to support the Light Center are much appreciated. During the summer hiatus, I have been to Dance Camp at Ferry Beach, Maine and hope to bring you some new and exciting dances.  Please join us! Blessings of this beautiful season, Maggie Moon

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.6.24

    Centering, I release any judgment or worry about our world. Recalling Rumi’s quote: “Out beyond right and wrong, there is a field. I will meet you there.” It’s a cliché, but today, it feels right. Today, I step out into that metaphorical field of Love knowing Light will direct my actions. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for Your Love, Your Light, and Your Guidance. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.5.24

    Thank you, dearest Creator, for my creativity. I am deeply grateful for may ability to pray, to create from deep within. Thank you for the wellspring of creativity that is YOU within me. Thank you, for You. Thank you for me. Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.4.24

    As my body or soul calls me to it, I release my past and deep past to Light. I permit a cleansing of blockages to Oneness. I release pain and embrace the purging fire within. I allow God’s divine healing Spirit within me to take command. I rest in the healing Grace of All That Is. I rest in Grace.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.3.24

    As I return to work, my day job, I recall I am where I am for a reason. I know work is Good. “Work is Love made visible” (Khalil Gibran). In carrying out my work from my High Self, the Creator within me Guides me. I am co-creating with All That Is. I work and pray with loving intention for the Good of All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.2.24

    Today, as I rest from my labor, I consider the notion: we began to labor as we turned from Divine Love. Today, I rest in Spirit knowing that I can imbue my work with love. This day is for renewal; for resting in the Divine Creative Essence of Life. Thank you, God, for this day and every day. Thank you for meaningful work. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.1.24

    Riding a spiritual wave of our Creator’s energy, I continue to push personal expansion of my human boundaries to consciously feel All That Is. I release my defenses as I surrender to Divine Flow. Sweet, sweet Spirit, my cup truly does runneth over. Thank you, for this sacred, conscious, not-always-easy-to-surrender Path of Light. Thank you. Amen.

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August 2024

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.31.24

    Expanding from deep within, I focus Love and Light on our world’s leadership. All leaders and politicians are filled with Light. All public officials open their hearts to the Voice of Spirit. They hear and listen. Our world’s leaders are Guided lead our world with Divine Wisdom. I visualize them leading with compassion, joy, and peace in their hearts. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.30.24

    My health rests upon the living Christ. I am grateful for the good health that underlies my ability to carry out the Greater Works on Earth. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.29.24

    Thank you, dearest Creator, for my creativity. I am deeply grateful that I am able to pray, to create from deep within. Thank you for the wellspring of creativity that is YOU within me. Thank you, for You. Thank you for me. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.28.24

    Today, I hold myself in Divine Love and Light. Expanding, I take planet Earth and its inhabitants within me holding everyone and everything in Love and Light. I help anchor Love and Light on our incredible planet. Thank you, sweet Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.27.24

    Thinking of those returning to school, I picture all school systems filled with Love and Light. I envision all students, and their families filled with Love and Light. All teachers and school employees are filled with Love and Light. All schools are secure in their own bubbles of Light. Expanding into the universe, I see the crystalline bubbles of schools connecting around the world; a shimmering web of Love and Light. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.26.24

    Today, I pray for man’s best friend, the dog, all have Divine missions. Many Light beings are alone. While we pray and meditate, giving and receiving love and nourishment, a dog’s presence can be grounding and affirming. All entities are rising toward the Divine. Thank you, God, for the Divinity in man’s best friend. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.25.24

    From the Creator within me, I visualize our exquisite planet filled with Love and Light. Setting intention from the Creator within me, I expand Love and Light within our beloved planet. I am comforted by the incredible gift of our beautiful natural world. Thank you, Mother-Father God, for our world. Thank you for all things working together for the Good of All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.24.24

    Freedom is nothing left to be (Tammy Tuberville). Today, I am grateful for spiritual freedom. Opening my heart to Oneness, I feel free to explore my boundaries in Thee. As I float in Oneness I feel Joy expanding my heart. I am overcome with joy and gratitude for limitless Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.23.24

    Everyone is coping with some type of challenge during our earthly existence and we are all learning our lessons at different speeds. Today I visualize all of us filled with Light and Love, able to put down our resistance to change, able to accept Grace and speed our learning process. Thank you, Divine Presence, our experiences on schoolhouse Earth. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.22.24

    As energy on our planet continues to shift, I embrace change. I consciously breathe giving thanks for All That Is. The Creator within me guides and directs me. I am in the right place at the right time, thinking, saying, and doing the right thing for the Greater Good. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.21.24

    From the Creator within me, I reach out in Light and Love to those of us who are lonely, afraid, ill, transitioning or in any peril. Working in concert with the loving aid of our angels, I expand Light and Love in our family of man. I visualize all of us and our beloved Earth filled with radiant Light. Together we hold space, anchoring Peace, Divine Calm, Light and Love for all. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.20.24

    God works on a need-to-know basis. I don’t know The Big Picture but as I release and grow, more is revealed. Opening my heart, I see miracles every day. Joy surfaces easing ambiguity. I am reminded Source is my spiritual safety net. Thank you, Sweet Source, for this exciting pilgrimage to Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.19.24

    The creator within me changes any outdated concepts to Light. Any misinformation within me is deprogrammed. I embrace my Light. I embrace my Divine Inheritance. I am one with the Creator within me. I listen only to the Divine Voice within. Thank you, beloved Creator, for my ability to hear. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.18.24

    I am a prism that refracts beams of Divine Light. I am a Light being. I am a Love being. I help anchor Light and Love here on Earth. I am Divine. Thank you, Beloved, for this life of Light!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.17.24

    Thank you, dearest Divinity, for You within me. Thank you for my divine Connection in You. I am ever so grateful for Connection, Light, Life and Love. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.16.24

    The Energy that is All, has room for us all. Expanding from deep with, I visualize everyone manifesting their divine missions. With gentle intent, I visualize everyone having each and every need abundantly met. Today, I open my heart, mind, and soul to Universal Abundance. There is room for us all at the Table of Life. (Inspired by Jo Harjo.)

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.15.24

    As I turn within finding temporary respite, I let the mundane fall away. I let the chatter and talking heads go. I center in Divinity and feel loved. Expanding, I visualize all people filled with Love and Light. I remember God is the Energy of all creation. And I relax and rest in this Truth. And so, it is, Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.14.24

    As I listen to the Divine within me, I follow my mission as well as I can. I let go of my EGO – no longer Edging God Out, no longer saying “no or I can’t.” As I listen to the Divine within me, I retain enough EGO to Execute God’s Orders. I am God’s willing worker, for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.13.24

    “In seizing the moment, you find heaven.” – Rodney Padgett Today I seize the day, finding peace in Divine Flow. I am elevated, reaching out to expand this Peace to all. I realize, again, Heaven is a state of consciousness. Thank you, beloved God, for Heaven in life. Thank you for the ability to experience Heaven now.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.12.24

    Thank you for Earth’s animal kingdom. All our kin, the creatures of the world, are filled with Love and Light. Thank you for the air and water that sustains life. Our air and water are filled with Love and Light. Thank you, dearly beloved Creator, for our beautiful planet and its myriad organisms. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.11.24

    Today, I give thanks for parents who are the path for our newest generation of Light beings. And I am grateful to all the souls who choose to be born now. Parents teach character by living their lives in front of their children. Parent or not, I am grateful for those who undertake nurturing our freshest world citizens. I visualize families lifted and filled with Love and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.10.24

    The Creator within everything fills our world with Love and Light. Holy Spirit expands Love within everyone. Holy Spirit expands Light within everyone. Everyone is Divine. Everything is Divine. I am Divine. Thank you, Spirit, for your Creation and thank you for me!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.9.24

    As I think of my fellow Light beings, I am buoyed by the actions of the many heroes we have on our beloved Earth. We create change working toward Heaven on Earth. Thank you, God, for Light. Thank you, God, for Love. Thank you, God, for this life and our ability to create. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.8.24

    Opening to the energy of Source within me, I welcome Light as it moves within my cells. In gratitude I embrace Light, declaring “I am One with All That Is.” More fully opening to Oneness, I consciously accelerate my spiritual growth. Co-creating with Spirit, I am Guided to be in the right place, at the right time, thinking, praying, saying, and doing the right things for the Good of All. Thank you, sweet Source, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.7.24

    Climate change is directed by Light for the Good of All. As I help create Good in climate change, I visualize all discomfort or suffering changing to Light. I visualize all creatures’ suffering changing to Light. I visualize all plants’ suffering changing to Light. Everyone is filled with Light and Love. Everything is filled with Light and Love. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.6.24

    Today, I stay centered in breath. I breathe slowly, rhythmically. Any challenge is met from my centered Self. I am walking through my day with open hearted optimism. Openness and optimism inspired by my Connection. Thank you, sweet Source, for my connection in Light and Love. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.5.24

      Expanding from deep within, I focus Love and Light on our world’s leadership. All leaders and politicians are filled with Light. Anyone holding public office hears the Voice of Spirit. Our world’s leaders are Divinely guided to lead with Wisdom. I hold sacred space for them to lead with compassion, joy, and peace. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.4.24

    Centering in Source, I find Truth. As I don my spiritual armor, I am enabled. I am shown how to navigate any plight. I am given strength through Communion. I am empowered to face all challenges. Thank you, God, for this divine partnership in Your Love and Light.

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  • Sound Voyage Concert with Jeannie and Wolfgang on Sunday, August 4 is CANCELLED!!
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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.3.24

    As I think of us on Spaceship Earth, I expand from deep within filling us with Light and Love. Everyone is coping with some type of challenge. Spaceship Earth is a schoolhouse, and we are all learning our lessons at different speeds. Today I visualize all of us filled with Light and Love, able to surrender our resistance to change, able to accept Grace and speed our learning process. Thank you, Divine Presence, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.2.24

    With expanding consciousness, I find a wish to protect my growing awareness. In releasing my increased sensitivity to Light, I realize all things will become transparent. Today, I ask Spirit within me to increase my tolerance to match my growing awareness of All That Is. Thank you, God, for this journey of discovery.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.1.24

    Spirit energy hovers in our midst, as we attune to Love and awaken to the Joy of Oneness. (Linda Joy Montgomery,1998).

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July 2024

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.31.24

    Centering in Light I feel Christ consciousness envelope me. The Christ Consciousness in me frees me. I am risen from the human plane of existence to the Divine Plane. Sparkling with Energy I move through the vibrational gate and become One with Spirit. I feel the Joy of Oneness. I am Blessed. (Taken in part from Tully Moss’s prayer.)

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.30.24

    I am filled with gratitude for my friends and my friendships. Close friends are my chosen family. Friends help me stay connected to a shared reality. Friends bolster me with their insights and support. Friends increase my buoyancy and fun! Friends are a gift from Spirit. I am filled with deep gratitude and love for my friends and for the interactions and relationships I have with them. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.29.24

    The Creator within me creates Love and Light in and through fires across our world. All unexpected weather challenges are filled with Love and Light. Worldwide, our first responders are filled with Love and Light. They are guided in their missions to save lives, lands, and homes. All are safe within a Bubble of Love and Light. Thank you, God for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.28.24

    Reflecting on parenting, a 24/7 role that is sometimes pure joy and often not, I visualize parenting filled with Divine Ease. All parents are filled with Love and Light. Parents are Divinely Guided for the good of their children and people everywhere. Families are the building block of society. The Creator within parents fills all families with Love and Light for the Good of All. And so, it is. Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, day, Saturday, 7.27.24

    As I pray for our world and its people, I consider our global economy, the movement and flow of monies. Focusing intention, I pray for the living flow of greenbacks, a plant-like system. Expanding myself into this Green flow I visualize needed monies moving to where it is essential for everyone, for everything, for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Sound Voyage with Jeannie McKenzie & Wolfgang Ettenreich–Change of Concert Time

    The time of the Sound Voyage concert on Sunday, August 4, has changed to 3:30 to 5 p.m.  Tickets are still available here: https://urlight.org/events/sound-voyage-concert-with-jeannie-mckenzie-and-wolfgang-ettenreich-702/  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.26.24

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I am a Light Being. I am filled with Light. I radiate Light and Love throughout my being. The Loving Light of the Creator nourishes me. I am empowered as the Light Being I am. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.25.24

    Today, I follow the quiet voice of the Divine. As needed, I ground myself to aid my work in this dimension. I remember a fully functional Light Being functions well in all spheres. Today, I function well in the physical, mental, emotional, astral, and soul dimensions. My High Self connects through each facet of existence. Thank you, dearest Source, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.24.24

    The anniversary of one’s birth, such a courageous act – coming through into the physical, to learn more, do more, BE more. To work toward Oneness. I am humbled – reflecting on this act of faith. Turning within, I fill all having birthdays with Love and Light. Focusing backwards, I fill everyone who had a birthday in the last 364 days with Love and Light. The Creator within me sincerely thanks all who have contributed to this physical dimension.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.23.24

    Sometimes, I find myself at a crossroads needing a sign. Stepping out in faith, as a spiritual scientist, I collect data on a subject of one, myself. “Basic research is what I am doing when I don’t know what I am doing.” (Werner Von Braun). If this is a basic research day, I say “Thank you, God.” In faith I reach within becoming One with All in my process of growth. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.22.24

    As I turn within I feel respite from the world. I let the mundane fall away. I let the chatter and talking heads go. Centering in Divinity, I focus Love and Light on the United States and on our wonderful world. I fill the U.S. with Love and Light and I remember that God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the universe for the Good of All. I center in this Truth and create Good. And so, it is, Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.21.24

    Today, I rest enjoying the fruits of my labor. Regardless of what I see and hear, all that truly matters is Love and Light. Today, I rest my heart in Spirit. Divine Connection is truly the pinnacle of worldly success. All else is smoke and mirrors. I rest in Ease, Grace and Glory.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.20.24

    Today, I confirm that the Creator within me gives me all the insights and information I need. If I pay attention, I can trust I will receive all needed messages from my High Self. I affirm I trust the Creator within me. I trust myself. I trust God. Thank you, High Self, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.19.24

    Thank you, unseen Light Beings, for being here. Thank you for helping anchor Light and Love on Earth. Thank you, dearest angels, fairies, and friends of Light for all you do for us on this dimension. It helps to know we are not alone in our most perfect work. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.18.24

    From deep within, I focus Light and Love on all of us who are in climate impacted or war-torn areas, ill, impoverished or imprisoned in mind, body or spirit. I visualize the Creator within each suffering soul opening to release discomfort and find ease, comfort, and peace within Thy Mercy. Thank you, Beloved God, for your Tender Mercy.

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  • Tickets still available! Chakra Sound Healing with Rev. Heidi Peck, Shaman & Seeker of Truth

    Saturday, July 20, 2 to 4 p.m. To purchase ticket and get more  details: https://urlight.org/events/bathe-in-the-frequency-of-chakra-sound-healing-with-rev-heidi-peck-shaman-seeker-of-truth-548-577/

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.17.24

    Today, I declare from deep within, I am loved. I am Love. I am Light. I am wise. I am strong. I am healthy. I am grateful. I am powerful. I am one with Divinity I am Divine. I am Joyful! I am One!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.16.24

     Today, I visualize our beloved planet Earth filled with Love and Light on all dimensions. Today and every day, I am in the right place at the right time, listening, thinking, saying, and doing the right thing for the Good of All. I help likeminded Beings hold the frequencies of Love, Light, and Peace for all in this dimension. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.15.24

    We dedicate the energy of our prayers to benefit all Sentient beings throughout time, space, and mind. May the power of our prayers increase to help others know their perfection as one with Divinity. Amen. (Revision of the Tibetan dedication of Merit; offered by Jacquelyn Sendak- Zavaleta.)

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.14.24

    Joining with other Light workers, we create Divine Peace throughout the U.S. and its countrymen. Peace flows through our world. All our world leaders are Guided in Light. All political figures are filled with Light and Love. All media reporters are filled with Light and Love. All people are filled with Light and Love and are Guided by Divinity. Light directs all for the Greater Glory of Oneness. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.13.24

    Focusing on our planet, I think about litter and littering. Suspending judgment, I fill those who litter with Love and Light. We all litter, knowingly or not, trash out of a window, words out of a mouth. Today, I fill all with Love and Light. Today, I litter our world with Love and Light holding space for a new heaven on Earth.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.12.24

    Again, I am reminded: the keys to the Kingdom come as I release any personal negatives to Light. One by one, it is a gradual process. Today, I release my worry, anger, and fear to Light. Today, I step out in faith – trusting the Creator within me to guide me on my path to Oneness. Today, I take my courage in hand and Trust. Thank you, beloved Creator, for this journey to Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.11.24

    We are One, whether we know it or not, what happens to one happens to all. The Creator within me releases the pain of man’s inhumanity to man. Spirit fills injury with Divine Love and Light. The Creator within each person opens them to healing. Confusion is transformed to Light bringing Clarity and Love. We are One. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.10.24

    From my High Self, I visualize our world filled with Light. Crystalline strands of Light weave a radiant tapestry. Immersing myself in this creative endeavor, I visualize Light and Love filling our physical dimension. Everyone and everything are bathed in Light and Love. Thank you, Divine Essence, for this template of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.09.24

    Light directs climate change to Light. Light and Love direct all weather patterns to Light for the Good of All. Light and Love guide all fires for the Greater Good. Light and Love fill our atmosphere. Thank you, dear Divinity for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.08.24

    Merging with Divinity I declare: I am in the right place, at the right time, thinking, saying, and doing the right things for the Good of All. I am grateful for my God-given ability to co-create. Thank you, God, for this journey of Life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.07.24

    Today I rest, comforted in Divine Presence. Anything that wells up to be released, I fill with Love and Light and I release it. Only through facing, loving, and releasing fear am I free to be who I truly am: a Light Being. Thank you, beloved Creator, for our ability to choose Love. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.06.24

    Turning within I fill all generations beneath me with Love and Light. As I find myself becoming an elder, I realize prayer is the most potent gift I have to offer. Visualizing from the Creator within me, I see our world’s young people as they truly are: co-creators with the Divine. Our world’s young citizens are filled with Love and Light. All are able to easily access Spirit within them. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.05.24

    I find myself grateful for my many blessings. Yes, there are challenges, and these help me grow. As I consciously breathe, I am filled with gratitude. Today, I pay it forward, acting locally and praying globally for the Good of All. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for my many gifts.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.04.24

    Amidst the parades and John Philip Sousa, I turn within visualizing a nation whose leaders and citizens are truly free. A nation where each of us is free of worry, fear, anxiety, and self-doubt. Today, I visualize the U.S. filled with Love and Light, a nation that upholds dignity for all. Our beautiful country is filled with creative Light Beings who are working for Good. Together, we hold space for Unity for us All. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.03.24

    As a citizen of our world, I am aware of global shifts in weather patterns, politics, and stresses on my fellow beings. Merging with Divinity, I focus Light and Love on our international body politic. Light shines Divine Clarity for everyone. Love brings movement towards Oneness. All countries are filled with Light and Love. All governments are filled with Light and Love. Together, we anchor Light and Love throughout our world.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.02.24

    Today, I let go of my personal stress and attachments. I breathe as I anchor within the Earth stretching my energy body to encompass our planet. Today, I embrace a lively curiosity about how I will be directed in Light and Love to help myself and others. Flow brings… Joy!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.01.24

    On international Joke Day, I give thanks for my sense of humor. It is leavening for our emotional bodies. Humor is our birthright; it helps us in “Lightening” up. It enhances resiliency to aid in achieving Oneness. Today, I use my God given humor to ease my life and the lives of others. “…Heaven is the birthplace of laughter.” ~Martin Luther

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June 2024

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.30.24

    Today, I hold myself in Divine Love and Light. Expanding, I take planet Earth and its inhabitants within me holding everyone and everything in Love and Light. I help anchor Love and Light on our incredible planet. Thank you, sweet Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.29.24

    Today, I give thanks for our magical environment, Spaceship Earth. Expanding from deep within, I take our beloved planet within me filling it with radiant Love and Light. I visualize Light balancing and healing all elements- air, water, earth, and fire. I visualize Love permeating every person’s consciousness – that we may all awaken to our role in protecting our world. Thank you, Spirit, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.28.24

    The Creator within me helps anchor Light and Love in our world. Aware or not, we are all Light Beings progressing toward Oneness with All That Is. Today, I anchor in the Divine visualizing kindness, generosity, and brotherly love between all people regardless of race, creed or color. Today, I exude Divine Peace, Light, and Love to all. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for our opportunity to create Good on our beautiful planet.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.27.24

    As I ponder leaving the physical plane, I fill all departing souls with crystal clear Light and Love. Light aids them in their transition. I visualize them easily finding their way to their next learning experience. Expanding, I visualize those left behind loved ones filled with Love and Light. Light and Love cushions their loss. I radiate Light and Love to all. For All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.26.24

    Today, I recommit myself to prayer for Oneness. Centering in Source, I fill myself with gratitude. I feel so lucky to be aware of the Divine within me. Thank you, Beloved, for this journey of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.25.24

    Today, I anchor myself in God’s constancy. I remember that God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the universe for the Good of All. I center in this Truth. And so, it is, Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.24.24

    Turning within, I find respite from the world. I let the mundane fall away. I let the chatter and talking heads go. Centering in Divine Peace, I focus Love and Light on our world. I fill the U.S. with Love and Light. I fill our world with Love and Light. I help hold space for Oneness. We are One on all dimensions. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.23.24

    I open my heart to Divinity and I am one with the Knower within me. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.22.24

    From the Creator within me, I release any behaviors, foods, or substances that are not for my highest good. I am a Light being having a human experience, I turn to the Creator within me to meet my dependency needs. Opening my heart, mind, and soul to Divinity, I am guided. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for this journey of awakening to who I truly am!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.21.24

    Thank you, God, for my place in the universe. Thank you, God, for You. Thank you, God, for me. Thank you, God, for my “Light-ness.” Thank you, God, for me being part of You. I feel so lucky to be aware of the Divine within me. Thank you, Beloved, for this joyful journey of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.20.24

    Looking forward while honoring ancient traditions, I merge into the “I Am That I Am” setting my intentions for summer. Taking both the Earth and Sun within me on this hallowed day, I radiate Love and Light to everyone and everything. As an Earth steward, I act locally and pray globally. I visualize Love and Light working for the Good of our beautiful planet and all beings that inhabit it. On all dimensions, I help increase Love and Light for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.19.24

    Juneteenth commemorates the end of slavery in the US. Light beings of all creeds and color worked together to bring about its end. Light beings are creating change to end racism. From deep within, I am Guided in helping create a new world where we are One. Today, I am grateful for my releasing judgments of others to Light. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for our Oneness in You.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.18.24

    Expanding into my High Self, I visualize Earth within me. The Creator within me fills Earth and its inhabitants with Light and Love cleansing all negativity. The Creator within Earth anchors Light and Love on all dimensions. Light directs our beloved planet and its inhabitants for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.17.24

    As our world continues to spin in apparent turmoil, I hear deep within: “Love makes the world go round. Love makes the world go round… High in some silent sky Love sings a silver song making the earth whirl softly Love makes the world go round.” Today, I help anchor Love and Light for all. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.16.24

    Heaven is as close as our breath when we connect to Source. It is there we find our Father. It is to this Divine Heavenly Father we turn for guidance and help. Each day, I honor the Divine Father within. Today, I may honor my earthly father knowing Love and Light, Heaven, is within him also. Focusing within, I fill my father with Love and Light. He is a Light Being; the Creator within him guides him in Love and Light. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.15.24

    Light directs all climate change. Our planet is in a bubble of Light and Love on all dimensions. Thank you, Spirit, for Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.14.24

    Gazing at the US flag, I ponder the nobility of our founding national principles of freedom, justice, liberty, and equality. Centering as a Light worker, I weave strands of Love and Light through our United States. I declare: the Creator within each American fills them with Love and Light. Today, I envision all Americans woven together in Love, Light, and Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.13.24

    As I consider the concept of “fluid intentionality,” I am smacked by the rigidity that often comes with my goals. Today, I release rigid means to achieve goals. I embrace my goals knowing I am Divinely Guided. Spirit is fluid. Spirit is dynamic. Spirit is vibrant. Today, I flow in Spirit. Thank you, Spirit, for your Guidance.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.12.24

    As we recognize Shavuot with our Jewish sisters and brothers, we reflect on the ethics we honor as Light Beings. Expanding from deep within, we center in Oneness. We are One with All. We honor All. We respect All. We intensify Love and Light in All. There is only the ALL. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.11.24

    Centering from the Creator within me, I fill the Office of the Presidency with Light and Love. Turning to Congress I visualize our representatives filled with Light and Love. Expanding, I visualize our Supreme Court Guided in Light and Love. Coming from Source there is only Divine Clarity and Divine Effectiveness. Divine Truth, Light, and Love guide all three branches of the U.S. government for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.10.24

    In my meditation-prayer time, I expand focusing Love and Light on our world leadership. All leaders and politicians are filled with Light. Anyone holding public office opens his or her heart to the Voice of Spirit. They hear and listen. All our world’s leaders are Divinely guided to lead our world with Divine Wisdom. I visualize them leading with compassion, joy, and peace. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.9.24

    Doing my inner work, I release any barriers to Light. As hindrances release, a wave of rarefied Energy presents itself. Opening to this Energy, my body starts to “sizzle” in the rarefying flow. Giving thanks, a wave of Joy surfaces. Surrendering, I ride the Divine Flow. Thank you, sweet Spirit. Thank you, for this sacred, conscious Path. My cup truly does runneth over. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.8.24

    Focusing on our beautiful spiritualizing waters, I declare: Earth’s oceans are Light. Light guides the cleansing and purification of our world’s oceans and seas. Each molecule of water is filled with Divine healing Love and Light. Love and Light radiate through all fish, coral, and sea creatures. Thank you, God, for our Living Waters.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.7.24

    Centering, I gently release all judgments of others. Regardless of appearances, all are Light Beings. Today, I focus prayerful energy on all our disenfranchised brothers and sisters. Those living on the margins of society, who may appear as “other” to us, play as important a role in cosmic creation as do those who appear mainstream. From the Creator within me, I fill all with Love and Light. I pray globally as I act locally embracing all in Love and Light. We are One.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.6.24

    Today, I open my heart to the integrity and honesty of the Creator within me. I am honest with myself as i gently examine and release any fears preventing Oneness. The Creator within me leads me to Oneness and I am open to being led by the Creator. I am filled with gratitude for this process of change. Thank you, Creator, for the changes within me. I embrace them knowing they bring Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.5.24

    Today, we as Light workers, fill our beloved world with Love, Light, and Divine Calm. Expanding, we breathe the Peace that passes all understanding into all people in our world and on all dimensions. Collectively, we anchor Love and Light on Earth. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.4.24

    Sometimes I receive a “Divine download,” information with a To-Do list attached. Taking a deep breath, I step out in Faith. “First you leap, then you grow wings” (Wm. Sloan Coffin). Today, I am grateful for the courage to leap in faith. Thank you, God, for my faith and my courage. Thank you for showing me the way, the truth and your Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.3.24

    All perceived problems have a Divine solution. From deep within, I am reassured there is a template for any needed solutions. This template already exists in the meta-dimension. Breathing deeply, I stay connected to Source. I wait for the Divine Solution to be revealed. I breathe, trust, pray, and do my daily work as I wait for revelation. Thank you, Dearest Creator for my Journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.2.24

    Today, I give thanks for Divine Rest. Today, I rest in Spirit, renewing myself in Quiet. Today, I minimize, focusing on the moment, attending minute by minute to my High Self. Giving thanks for the Connection within, I rest in the knowledge that despite any perceived inner or outer chaos, all is well. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.1.24

    Thank you, dearest Divinity, for me. Thank you for my ability to love. Thank you for my ability to love myself. Thank you for my ability to love others. I am a loving Light being. I am a loving Light being in thought, word, and deed. Today, I help create more Love and Light everywhere. Amen.

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May 2024

  • Sound Voyage on Saturday, June 1 is cancelled

    Sound Voyage with Jeannie McKenzie and Wolfgang Ettenreich is cancelled. Please join us on August 4 when they return to the Light Center.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 5.31.24

    Expanding in prayer I take our beloved world within me filling it with Love and Light on all dimensions. Visualizing, I fill our world’s species- both plant and animal on land, air, and water with Love and Light. All species find their right place within our changing environment. As a co-creator, I take daily action in thought, word, and deed to help protect our fragile fantastic planet and all its species. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 5.30.24

    We are One, whether we know it or not, what happens to one happens to all. The Creator within me releases the pain of man’s inhumanity to man. Spirit fills each with Divine Love and Light. The Creator within each person changes injury to Love and Light. In Light, confusion is transformed bringing clarity and Love. We are One. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 5.29.24

    Moving within the Divine Presence I am filled with Vastness. A Vastness that I cannot encompass but am. A deep Quiet. Peace.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 5.28.24

    Meditating on courage, I stand in awe of people doing their best each and every day sometimes despite great hardship. The decision to be born is an amazing act of faith. Today I join with other Light workers praying for everyone and expanding Light and Love throughout our beloved planet and its people. I hold space for Love, Peace, Light, and Respect for all. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 5.27.24

    Expanding from the Creator within me, I focus on souls who died in service to country. I visualize Divine Love and Light enveloping these souls as I reach back through time. I picture Love and Light releasing any traumas for those who perished in conflicts. Any earthbound souls are released in Light. All are freed to pursuit Oneness. Thank you, Sweet Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 5.26.24

    As I travel toward complete Connection, I release my struggles, major and minor. I release the daily grind, visualizing Divine Flow in my daily turn. I embrace ease. I allow the Creator within me to guide me. I relax into the Loving Embrace. Thank you, Dearest Creator.

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  • Join us for Community Sound Bath with Otorongo & Friends Concert on Sunday

    Immerse yourself in a nurturing and revitalizing sound meditation experience with Paul Gaeta, aka Otorongo & Friends.  Join us to cocreate a sacred space dedicated to healing and renewal. Together, we will craft a supportive container where we can harmonize our energy systems, nurture our nervous systems, and sink into a state of profound relaxation and restoration. Through the enchanting vibrations of gongs, singing bowls, Native American flutes, chimes, drums, and an array of other instruments, we will embark on a journey of inner exploration and healing. Purchase Tickets at the door $30

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 5.25.24

    Today, I visualize a world that is safe for us all. I visualize all societies and systems dedicated to Love and Light. I radiate Love and Light throughout the physical, mental, and emotional dimensions. I join with likeminded Light beings to hold space for Love, Light, Peace, and Harmony. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 5.24.24

    Thank you, God for my mistakes. Thank you for a showing them to me in a way I can easily understand. Thank you, God, for the flexibility to see the need to change and the ability to change. I am in Your Accelerated Learner Class as I become more and more One with You.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 5.23.24

    Opening my heart, I gently advance my understanding that I am a being of God. I release all self-judgments. I release all judgments of others. I am a Light being. I am a Love being. I radiate Light and Love to everyone and everything. I am centered in gratitude and filled with wonder at this growing awareness of All That Is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 5.22.24

    Turning inward I focus Light and Love on the women of this planet. Deep within I hold Love, Light, and Divine Space for the feminine aspect of Spirit on Earth. Today, I filled with gratitude for the feminine face of God. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 5.21.24

    Today, I am grateful for my daily devotionals that fortify my connection to Spirit. I am strengthened and sheltered in Spirit. I feel and release my anxieties and fears to Light. I walk through my fear and am transformed. I am filled with Divine Light and Love. Thank you, Sweet Beloved, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 5.20.24

    Today, I find myself pondering life’s training, I realize: God works on a need-to-know basis. We only get what we need for now. Why? Some parts of life are fluid, dependent on us for outcome. So, today, I step out in faith, trusting the gentle guidance I am given. Thank you, God, for your Divine Guidance.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 5.19.24

    Resting in the Divine, I am grateful for life. Focusing, the Creator within me fills our beautiful planet with Light and Love. All flora and fauna are filled with Light and Love. Planetary fires are filled with Light and Love. Any global disturbance is filled with Light and Love. I am grateful to our angelic kingdom for unseen helping hands. Light directs healing for the benefit of all Creation. All is well as we move toward Oneness. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 5.18.24

    The mission of our Armed Forces is to serve and protect our nation. Today, I fill all military personnel with Love and Light. All open their hearts to God and know the sanctity of their mission. They and their families are protected in a Bubble of Love and Light on all dimensions. Guided by the Creator within, all branches of the military work together for the Good of All. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 5.17.24

    Centering deep within I keep peace. I release to Light anything that disturbs my peace. I visualize everyone centering deep within. I hold space for Divine Peace in this dimension. Thank you, dearest Divinity for your Peace that passes all understanding. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 5.16.24

    I give thanks for the many generations who came before me. I am grateful for my ancestors’ work. I stand on their shoulders, and I am grateful for their contributions to me, my life, and our world. From my High Self, I radiate Light filling my transitioned loved ones and past generations with Light and Love. I hold them in Light and Love. And so, it is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 5.15.24

    Today, I give thanks for my ability to pray. I know my gratitude opens me to Divine Connection. I am grateful for the integration of my High Self with my self. I am filled with gratitude that we are all becoming one with All That Is. Thank you, sweet Divinity for this journey of Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 5.14.24

    Tapping into the frequencies of Light and Love, I focus my mind allowing the Creator within me to fill our world with Light and Love. Everything is energy. Everything has a frequency. Everything is part of God. Everything is filled with Light and Love on all dimensions. Everything is Guided on the path to Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 5.13.24

    Our solar storms bring us shifting energy. Expanding from within I use the energy from these sun flares to cleanse and purify my astral body. I embrace this intense energy to move forward in Light and Love. Thank you, God, for this opportunity for growth for everyone and everything and especially for me. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 5.12.24

    On this sweet Remembrance Day, I turn within thanking the Divine Mother within me for the loving care that keeps my body functioning. Thank you, Divine Mother within me, for me. Thank you for my nervous system. Thank you for my respiratory system. Thank you for my circulatory system. Thank you for my metabolic system. Thank you for my sensory systems. Thank you for my digestive system. Thank you for my endocrine system. Thank you for my immune system. Thank you, Divine Mother within me, for filling each cell of my body with Light and Love. Thank you, Divine Mother, […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 5.11.24

    Today, I give thanks for gentle gifts – clean air, birds, the sound of leaves rustling through the trees. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for the nurturing beauty of our fantastic planet. Thank you, for our beloved songbirds who nurture our souls with their music. Thank you for all birds, the companions of angels. Thank you for ever better stewardship of our planet to safeguard all wildlife now and forevermore. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 5.10.24

    The Creator within me releases any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I am a Light Being. I radiate Light throughout my being. Expanding to encompass all beings, I visualize the Creator within each of us filling us with Light and Love replacing any unhealthy habits with nourishing Light. We are healed; empowered as the Light Beings we truly are. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 5.9.24

    Faith, constancy, and willingness to be directed by the Creator within us builds empowerment. When I don’t know what to do, I turn within asking for guidance. Anchoring myself in faith, I listen to the quiet voice within. I trust God; telling myself if I misunderstand Spirit will correct me. Thank you, beloved God, for helping me strengthen my faith. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 5.8.24

    Sometimes, I come to a crossroads and need a sign. When this happens, I step out in Faith, as a spiritual scientist, collecting data on a subject of one, myself. “Basic research is what I am doing when I don’t know what I am doing.” (W. Von Braun). If this is a basic research day, I pray globally re-searching my connection to Spirit. I am One with All in my process of discovery.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 5.7.24

    Thinking of our earthly realm and all it teaches us, I give thanks for those who choose to teach others. Teaching is a noble profession. On schoolhouse Earth, everyone is both teacher and student. I visualize all of us releasing our resistance to change and able to accept Grace to speed our learning process. Thank you, Divine Teacher, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 5.6.24

    Centering, I release my ego to Light. Releasing my “small i,” to Light, I more easily feel the “big I” in the “I Am That I Am” within me. I am open to receiving God’s instructions. I keep enough ego to have the “groundedness,” to Execute God’s Orders as I connect to the Divine in me. Thank you, Spirit, for You in me. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 5.5.24

    Relaxing into the Creator within me, I am filled with Joy. The frequency of divine Laughter heals me. Laughter provides leavening to lighten our earthy experience. Everything is energy. Everything has a frequency. Everything is part of God. Laughter brings Light and Love on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for your Laughter.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 5.4.24

    From deep within I fill our beloved world and its people with Love and Light. Our planet and people Walk as One. We are filled with Love and Light. Whether I am walking in World Labyrinth Day or not, I hold the essence of Love, Light, and Peace within me projecting these divine gifts through the world and our people. All nations, all leaders, all of us on this sacred planet are anchored in Divine Peace. The Peace that surpasses all understanding. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 5.3.24

    Centering myself, I recall God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the Universe and beyond for the Good of All. I give thanks for helping hands, seen and unseen. Together, we – the christ conscious, the Doers, on this dimension fulfill our missions to help further people and planetary spiritual evolution. Thank you, God, for my part in this evolution.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 5.2.24

    Today I fill my family of origin with Light and Love. I fill my brothers and sisters with Light and Love, releasing them in Light. Looking back, I release all my family relationships to Light. Expanding into the Vastness, I fill the family of man, all spiritual beings, with Light and Love. Thank you, God, for this family of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 5.1.24

    In ancient times May Day, Beltane, was a celebrated rite of Spring to welcome new growth in the world. Fire was used to banish darkness. Today, I welcome May Day in a personal celebration of new life, Spring. I breathe, sinking into the rhythm of our Earth. I allow new budding life to fill me with Joy. Today, I use fire metaphorically to help purify our incredible planet and myself. I let go of all fears that are limiting me. I am a Light Being filled with the Joy of New Life for All. In Joy, I breathe.

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April 2024

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 4.30.24

    If I feel battered by events, it is okay. I can give myself grace. I can rest in Divinity. I release any self-judgment to Light; I stay mindful and treat myself kindly. It is enough to say, “thank you, God.” Thank you, God. Thank you for thee. Thank you for me. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 4.29.24

    Centering from the Creator within me, I fill the Office of the Presidency with Light and Love. I visualize the White House filled with radiant Light. Turning to Congress I visualize our representatives filled with Light and Love. Divine Truth, Light, and Love guide all elected officials for the Good of All. Coming from Source there is only Loving Effectiveness. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 4.28.24

    From the Creator within me I breathe, inhaling Light, exhaling Love. I rest in Divine Peace. As I am renewed, I expand anchoring the Peace that surpasses all understanding. I visualize everyone comforted; cradled in Divine Light and Divine Love. Light centers and calms every one of us. Love connects us to Spirit. Thank you, God, for our Oneness. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 4.27.24

    As I ponder the Australian aborigine adage: “The more you know, the less you need.” I realize some who are on our societal fringes may be carrying out the Greater Works. Again, I release my judgments of others’ to Light. We are One. One. One in our Creator. So, I work locally and pray globally for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for my beloved world community.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 4.26.24

    Today, I am grateful for helping hands. Seen and unseen helping hands. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for my fellow Beings. Thank you for your support, guidance, Divine Love, and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 4.24.24

    Centering in Spirit, I fill myself with Light. Lovingly, I release all judgments of others. Regardless of appearances, all are Light Beings. From deep within comes: all are learning in Thy Light. Again, I release judgment of others and myself. I am a Light being. We are all Light beings, learning on our path of Light. Thank you, God, for the journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 4.23.24

    Honoring Passover I expand within embracing freedom; in the Jewish tradition, I invite the Living Christ within me to celebrate freedom from bondage, bondage of spiritual impotence. I embrace Holy Freedom to become who I was meant to be, a creator-in-action. Expanding, I take the world within me, filling everyone with Holy Freedom. Thank you for this journey of Freedom.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 4.22.24

    Thank you, God, for our beloved world, Mother Earth, a spaceship of life. I am humbled as I touch into Earth’s essence. Doing my best to reciprocate, I expand taking Earth within me. I radiate Light and Love into our exquisite planet, a being in its own right. I am one with Earth. We are one Being. Thank you, God, for this gift of Planet Earth. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 4.21.24

    Today, I embrace the Divine’s Ease, Peace, and Joy. I relax into Oneness and rest. Thank you, beloved God, for this beautiful day. Thank you, beloved God, for You in me. Thank you for Divine Connection. Thank you!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 4.20.24

    The earth remains jagged and broken only to him or her who remains jagged and broken. (Walt Whitman). Connecting with Source deep within, I take my little jagged and broken bits and lovingly soften the edges. As I breathe, I use my Light to smooth the rough ends. I soften. I expand. I heal. I visualize us all healing. I am grateful for this process of healing in Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 4.19.24

    Societal systems, systemic racism, otherness, as I think of Oneness, I move deep within to anchor Love, Light, and Peace in all human systems. I help anchor Love and Light in all governments, schools, places of worship, health care systems, educational systems, and corporations. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 4.18.24

    Daily, I turn to the Creator within, replacing fear with Connectedness. I take steps to manifest my vision of my life. If my vision clouds and I lose my way, I fall back to basics – meditation, prayer, and gratitude. Patience will reveal all. Thank you, God for me. Thank you, God, for you. Thank you, God, for clarity. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 4.17.24

    From the Creator within me I fill all our world’s children with Love and Light. On this dimension, all are Divinely Guided to helping hands. All children are in a Bubble of Light and Love on all dimensions. All are safe and secure on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 4.16.24

    I am wise. I am centered. I am peaceful. I am Connected. I am joyful. I am healthy. I am grateful. I am loving. I am Love! I am Light!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 4.15.24

    The Energy that is All, has room for us all. Expanding from deep with, I visualize everyone manifesting their divine missions. With gentle intent, I visualize everyone having each and every need abundantly met. Today, I open my heart, mind, and soul to Universal Abundance. There is room for us all at the Table of Life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 4.14.24

    Resting in Spirit, I give myself time and space to anchor in faith. Slowing down allows me to know the unknowable. I move in faith as I go about my daily turn. Holding to Light and Love, I fill with gratitude. Today, I am thankful for Grace. Thank you, Spirit. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 4.13.24

    Light directs climate change to Light. Light directs our weather to Light. Everything is Light. Everything is Love. Anchoring deep within, I send my divine roots into the center of our planet helping to anchor Love and Light. All is well. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 4.12.24

    Today, I fill my Electrome, my body’s electricity with Love and Light. Each cell makes neural electricity and I fill them all with Love. Expanding, I visualize everyone’s electrome filled with Love and Light. We are truly Beings of Light! I find myself jubilant with this revelation. I am so thankful. So very thankful.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 4.11.24

    Grieving man’s inhumanity to man, I turn within actively releasing my judgments to Light. I release my grief and sorrow to Light. From deeper still, I create Good from my High Self. Joining with other prayer workers, I aid in cushioning grief and sorrow in our world. I visualize Divine Love and Light expanding through all dimensions. I help my fellow beings in Love and Light. We are One in Love and Light. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 4.10.24

    Beloved Source, thank you for my siblings from my family-of-origin, who are with me in this life. Other than my relationship with You, it is my longest connection in life. My sisters and brothers are filled with Light and Love. I am filled with Light and Love. All families are filled with Light and Love. Everyone is filled with Light and Love. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 4.9.24

    From my christ consciousness, I expand taking our world within, intensifying Love and Light in everyone and everything. Increasing the intensity, I visualize our beautiful world cleansed of all impurities, remade in the image and likeness of the Holy Spirit. I hold space for Heaven on Earth. Thank you, beloved God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 4.8.24

    Today, I resolve to be still and know. Moving deeply within, I anchor in Source. Quietly, anxiety and fear are released. In stillness, I become a knower. I am refreshed and renewed. Thank you, beloved Creator, for your gifts.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 4.7.24

    To stay in the Flow, to shut out the chatter, to focus on the Quiet Voice, takes commitment, takes courage. Thank you, beloved Flow, for guiding and aiding me in my commitment. Thank you for the courage to listen to the transcendent song of my soul. Thank you, Beloved, for the ease of this Joy.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 4.6.24

    With Spring, a sense of renewal buds, immersing myself in Spring I feel a response within. From deep within, I expand filling our world’s people with Love and Light. Today, I act locally to help my peers and our beautiful world. Today, I pray globally for all. Thank you, God, for this journey of Life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 4.5.24

    Dearest beloved Creator within, thank you for my many blessings. I continue my inward focus to draw ever closer to my divine Self during this holy time of year. Thank you for your Oneness and for what I am learning. Thank you for my personal growth. Thank you for each being on this planet and for Your divine plan. Thank you for the small part I play. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 4.4.24

    Opening my heart to Divine Mind, I realize we are like Pando (Quaking Aspen trees), one organism. Centering in Oneness, I visualize Love, Light, and Divine Peace being anchored for the Good of all creation. Today, I echo Divine Peace, Love, and Light for All. We are One. One creation of Love and Light. One. Amen.

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  • Sound Voyage Concert with Jeannie McKenzie and Wolfgang Ettenreich – Saturday, April 6, 2 to 3:30

    Get your tickets for Saturday’s concert with the Sound Voyagers!! Space is limited Sound voyages are intentionally crafted, guided sonic meditations that use healing frequencies of multiple instruments in unique combinations. The artists use singing bowls, gongs, didgeridoos, violin, flutes, rain sticks, hand-pans and a variety of other instruments including their voice. Listen to samples of their music here: http://the-sound-voyagers.holismatrix.org/ Purchase tickets: Advance $25 (must purchase by 4 p.m. on April 5); onsite $30  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 4.3.24

    I am Divinely Guided. I listen and trust my Guidance. Thank you, sweet Source for your Guidance.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 4.2.24

    Reflecting on the importance of rituals, I give myself over to meditation and prayer. Today, I rest in gratitude knowing everything works for the greater glory of God. From deep within, I focus Love and Light on Divine Solutions for our beloved world and all beings who reside upon it. Thank you, God, for your Solutions. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 4.1.24

    Remembering that Jesus and many masters have a sense of humor, I realize humor is our birthright. It brings resiliency by helping us tap into Oneness. I embrace the Creator’s efforts to help me “Lighten” up. Humor IS faith. Today I use humor to ease my life and the lives of others. “If the earth is fit for laughter, then surely heaven is filled with it. Heaven is the birthplace of laughter.” ~Martin Luther

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March 2024

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.31.24

    As I surrender to the Christ consciousness within me on Easter, I become aware of the Power of the Resurrection: Life made manifest after death. It’s stunning to realize the Love that was demonstrated in Jesus’ mission. Bursting with love and joy, I expand from the Living Christ echoing Love and Light for all. Thank you, God, for your Divine Love and Peace.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.30.24

    Pondering Jesus’ only command: “Love one other as I have loved you,” I expand taking our world within me, intensifying Love and Light in everyone and everything. Increasing the intensity, I visualize our beautiful world cleansed of all impurities, remade in the image and likeness of the Holy Spirit. I hold space for Heaven on Earth. Thank you, beloved God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.29.24

    Today, Good Friday, is the day traditional Christians believe Jesus died “for our sins.” As I ponder this demonstration of everlasting life, what comes is: “Know ye not, that ye are gods.” (John 10:34; Psalm 82). And I Know: for Jesus to fulfill his mission of aiding souls in understanding our divine nature, we must also become christed beings. I feel a flood of love and loyalty to help fulfill this mission. Thank you, God, for our journey of Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.28.24

    Moving toward Oneness, I open my heart, mind and soul to Spirit. Maundy Thursday, “maundy” from “mandatum” Latin for commandment. I give thanks for Jesus’ new commandment: “Love one another as I have loved you.” Obeying, I expand Love filling everyone. I fill everything with Divine, Healing Love. Thank you, Jesus, for being the Way-Shower, Thank you for your many gifts to all Creation.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.27.24

    Centering in the dimension of the Christ Consciousness, I open to Oneness. As I center in my High Self, I relax into Connection. From this awareness I know all is well. All is moving forward in Light, Love, and Peace. The Divine template is in place. All is well. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.26.24

    Today I center within, focusing on Divine Peace and Love. I radiate a vibration of Peace, Love, and Light. Relaxing into this vibration of Peace and Love, I visualize it expanding within our world and within everyone and everything. There is only Peace, Love, and Light. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.25.24

    As some of us celebrate Holi, a Hindu festival celebrating love, it is traditional to pray that any internal negativity will be cleansed. I center deep within focusing on changing any internal conflict and negativity to Love and Light. Expanding from a well of Love, I visualize all of us changing personal negativity to Love and Light. Today, I help hold space for Love and Light for all humanity. Our world is filled with Love and Light. Thank you, dearest Source, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.24.24

    Today, I am thankful for Grace. Resting in Spirit, I give myself time and space to anchor in faith. Slowing down allows me to know the unknowable. I go about my daily turn creating Good in thought, word, and deed. As I hold to Light and only Light, I fill with gratitude. Thank you, Spirit. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.23.24

    Daily, I am filled with gratitude for our planet. This fantastic being is our mother working in concert with the Divine. I visualize our beloved Earth filled with Love and Light. I am so grateful for our physical world. Joining with other Light workers we create Good for our Mother Earth. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Join us for Sacred Circle Dance on Sunday, March 24, 2:30 to 4:30 p.m.

    Hello my friends, and Happy Spring!  Hope to see you on Sunday! Newcomers welcome, so come and bring a friend. We’ll be dancing outside if weather permits. https://urlight.org/events/sacred-circle-dance-with-maggie-moon-32424/

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.22.24

    Joining with the global community of prayer and Light workers, I feel a sense of belonging to this mission of holding space for Divine Harmony. Working together we are doing our missions as Light beings anchoring Light. We release all fear to Light. We release all judgment to Light. We are Light beings anchoring Light. Thank you, dearest Creator, for our journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.21.24

    From my Christ consciousness, my High Self, I am grateful. I am grateful for large and small things. I am grateful for each inhalation and exhalation. I am grateful for our shared Journey of Light. And our shared Journey of Love. I am grateful with each cell of my being. Thank you. Thank you, beloved God. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.20.24

    As a Light being, I know God encompasses both genders. I am ever so grateful for the many Light beings who, as women, have aided humankind now and throughout history. Joan of Arc, Marie Curie, Catherine Johnson…. Half of the good minds on our planet belong to women. Today, I celebrate the female gender, giving thanks for the Light Beings we know as women. I am humbled and filled with gratitude for our world’s females and the gifts they share on our beautiful planet.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.19.24

    Today, Spring’s Equinox when our sun’s rays are equally balanced between both hemispheres of our beloved planet, I embrace this planetary balance of light and dark. From my essence as a Light Being, I release any darkness or negativity to Light. I am filled with Light and Love. Expanding, I visualize all of us filled with Light and Love. I am grateful for Divine Balance in all aspects of Creation.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.18.24

    As I reach out to my fellow Light Beings, I consider the difficulties life may bring. From deep within, my High Self rises in love, Divine Love, for this planet’s people. I hold everyone in Light and Love, visualizing us all bathed in Divinity. I visualize all needs met bringing Joy for all. Thank you, sweet Divinity for your Joy.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.17.24

    Today, I am grateful for all things Irish. An Irish friend says:” On St. Patty’s Day everyone is Irish!” I am grateful for that loving attitude. I am grateful for Irish fun and ribald humor. Today, I give thanks for a wee bit o’ fun and the “wearin” of the Green. I remind myself that “On St. Patty’s Day, everyone is Irish” and we are all one on the journey of Light, Love, and Joy.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.16.24

    I am reminded to give thanks when I feel discouraged. Thank you, dearest Creator, for my creativity. I am deeply grateful that I am able to pray, to create from deep within. Thank you for the wellspring of creativity that is YOU within me. Thank you, for You. Thank you for me. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.15.24

    “For the dead and the living, we must bear witness.” (Elie Wiesel.) We are now called to witness our world’s events. As we witness, we love everyone. We fill everyone with Love and Light. We help soften events with kind action and prayer. We hold space for Divine Peace and Healing. Today, we grow through giving Love with awareness. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.14.24

    Today, I declare: artificially intelligent devices are filled with Light. AI is filled with Love. As Creators-in-action, we radiate Light and Love to every thing, we radiate Light and Love to everyone. We work in concert with the Divine creating Good. Today, I visualize a world filled with and directed by Light. I help by anchoring Light and Divine Love for all. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.14.24

    Today, I focus on my physicality. My cells are Light. My body’s bacteria are Light. My skeletal system is Light. My muscular system is Light. My nervous system is Light. My sensory systems are Light. My endocrine system is Light. My circulatory system is Light. My respiratory system is Light. My digestive system is Light. My urinary system is Light. My reproductive system is Light. I am a being of Light. I am a Light Being. I radiate my Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for me and for All That Is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.12.24

    Life on Earth is variable. Change happens. Sometimes bringing up fear. So, any time fear surfaces, I breathe and facing it, I lovingly release my fear, weaving its strands into the fabric of my High Self. Embracing my High Self I expand, envisioning all of us becoming one with our High Selves. I ask the Creator within everyone to aid in whatever must be faced today. Thank you, beloved Creator, for our ability to choose your Divine Love, Courage, Peace, and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.11.24

    From Holy Connection, I feel called to pray. Prayer creates – everything else distracts. My prayer for today: The Creator within me fills our world with the calm healing Energy of Divinity. Spaceship Earth and all its inhabitants are filled with Light, Love, and Peace. On all dimensions, all are filled with clarifying Light and Love. Thank you, God for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.10.24

    Moving toward spring, I turn inward and feed the revitalization of my personal spring spirit. I visualize my love and light greening up and blooming into ever deeper love for everyone and everything. My prayer is giving thanks for being in the right place, at the right time, thinking, saying, and doing the right thing for the Greater Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.9.24

    I turn within releasing any internal conflict to Light. I exhale any struggle and inhale Peace. Expanding to encompass the world, I radiate Peace. Today, I stay centered in compassion and forgiveness. I help anchor Love and Light in our world. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.8.24

    There are only Light Beings, children of Spirit, but for our earthly experience we select a gender. Today, I celebrate women. Women bring wisdom, fortitude, courage to earth. Women bring life into this world. I find joy and gratitude in celebrating half of the great minds and doers in this world. Thank you, God, for the women of this planet.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.7.24

    Thank you for the animal kingdom. All Earth’s animals are filled with Love and Light. Thank you for the plant kingdom. It is filled with Love and Light. Thank you for the mineral kingdom. Our rocks and minerals are filled with Love and Light. Thank you for the air we breathe. It is filled with Love and Light. Thank you for the water that sustains all life. Our water is filled with Love and Light. All marine life is filled with Divine Health. Thank you for our Angelic kingdom. Our angels, Earth’s angels, and fairy spirits are filled with Love […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.6.24

    Touching into Spirit I find tranquil Love. I visualize this Love filling our world with Divine Comfort. I expand this dynamic Energy of Love and Light to focus where it is needed. I give thanks to all angelic beings for their help in softening and releasing fear, sadness, worry, and hunger. We aid our fellow Light beings through prayer. Thank you, Spirit, for your Hand in solving all conflicts. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.5.24

    Centered in Source, I consider the spiritual revolution that is quietly happening. I am one of many who pray for all – setting a field of rarified, spiritualized energy that is immersing all of us. From the Creator within, I aid in the creation of Divine Peace, Love, Light, and Joy. Thank you, dearest God, for my small role in helping anchor Love and Light for all creation. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.4.24

    In my meditation, I breathe Peace, Love, and Light to all nations and continents. I fill North America with Love and Light. I fill Central America with Love and Light. I fill South America with Love and Light. I fill Europe with Love and Light. I fill Asia with Love and Light. I fill Africa with Love and Light. I fill Antarctica with Love and Light. I fill Australia with Love and Light. Our wonderful world is filled with Peace, Love, and Light on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.3.24

    Thank you for the animal kingdom. All Earth’s animals are filled with Love and Light. Thank you for the plant kingdom. It is filled with Love and Light. Thank you for the mineral kingdom. Our rocks and minerals are filled with Love and Light. Thank you for the air we breathe. It is filled with Love and Light. Thank you for the water that sustains all life. Our water is filled with Love and Light. All marine life is filled with Divine Health. Thank you for our Angelic kingdom. Our angels, Earth’s angels, and fairy spirits are filled with Love […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.2.24

    “I feel there is nothing truly more artistic than loving people.” ~ Vincent Van Gogh Starting with myself, I extend Love. Gently bathing myself in Love and Light, I extend myself and simply love everyone and everything. I visualize every ONE of us in a bubble of Love and Light on all dimensions. Only Love and Light can come to us. Expanding further, I extend Love and Light to everything; blanketing our world in Love. Thank you, God, for your Loving Kindness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.1.24

    Putting down my burdens, I embrace Ease, Grace, and Divine Glory. I rest in this soothing Flow. Comforted, I visualize Light and Love in each troubled region of our planet. All ground is holy ground. All is well. All is well. All is well. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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February 2024

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.29.24

    Today, I live in Love and Light. I know I am made from pure Love and I am Loved. I am Love and I am Light. Expanding Love and Light is my mission. I radiate my Love and Light to All. All people on Earth are filled with Love and Light. I see the Living, Loving High Self of each being. Thank you, beloved God, for You, for me and for everyone. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.28.24

    There is a solution to every problem. Intellectually, I know problems are gifts; today, I take my problem and release it to Light. I put it in God’s hands and rest in the Divine. I give thanks for Divine Guidance – clothing myself in Faith. I ground myself in Trust, thanking God for my learning experiences here on Schoolhouse Earth.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.27.24

    Gently, I examine my thoughts and actions releasing those which no longer serve my highest good. I release all self-judgments. In prayer, I open in gratitude for my spirit-filled journey of discovery. I am open to Divine Guidance. As I celebrate my journey toward Oneness, I expand filling everyone with Light and Love affirming we are One. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.26.24

    Thank you, beloved Source, for your Light. Thank you for your Peace. Sitting with your Peace, Light, and Love, I focus my attention on filling each of us with Light. Any who are experiencing echoes of past traumas are filled with God’s fortitude, Love, and Light. Today, I help hold space for Peace.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.25.24

    “We need to sit on the rim of the well of darkness and fish for the fallen light with patience.” (Pablo Neruda) Today, I patiently focus Love and Light healing our beloved world. Working with others, I fill our fellow beings with Love and Light. I visualize everyone is in a bubble of Love and Light on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for this journey of creating Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.24.24

    On this anniversary, I help anchor Light, Love, Courage, Divine Calm, and Peace in all of Ukraine, Russia, Europe, and the world. Our brothers and sisters are filled with Light and Love. I visualize each heavy heart filled with Light. I thank our angels and the Angelic kingdom for the help, Love, and Light they are giving us and our world. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for your Light and Love. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.23.24

    Thinking of “influencers”, I turn to the Great Influencer within me. Opening my heart, mind, and soul to Divine Influence, I am comforted like a child. I embrace the vision of our world encompassed by Divine Influence. I envision each of us comforted by the knowledge that All is Well.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.22.24

    Focusing my creative Self on our world’s leaders, I visualize each nation’s leaders filled with Light and Love. They are divinely Guided. Expanding to our world’s citizenry, each of us is a leader in some fashion. We lead through Light, Love, and a sense of mission. Today, I embrace Light leading and guiding us all to Oneness. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.21.24

    Today, I give thanks for my ability to pray, to co-create in concert with Divinity. My creativity and fertile imagination are gifts. I am grateful for the Connection that allows Flow. I am grateful for my ability to listen to God’s voice. Thank you, sweet Divinity for this flowing beautiful journey to Oneness with You.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.20.24

    Deep within I connect to the “I Am”, pondering “You are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14). Turning within, I intensify Light in my body. Expanding to encompass the world, I increase the radiance of my Light and Love to everyone and everything. I visualize all awakening to their Light. Thank you, God, for everyone, for everything, for me, and especially for thee. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.19.24

    On U.S. President’s Day, the Creator within me fills all presidents, past and present, with Light. Regardless of astral or physical dimension, each president is filled with Light and Love. The mantle of the Living Christ rests on the shoulders of the Presidency. Today, I help anchor Light and Love in the Oval Office. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.18.24

    Aligning in Oneness, I rest in holy Connection. Today I replenish myself in Spirit, then focus my divine Self on trouble spots in the world. Breathing deeply, the I Am within connects to these souls filling each one with Light, Love, Peace, and Harmony. Joining in Spirit with my peers in prayer we tether Peace, Light, and Love for us all. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for Peace in our world. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.17.24

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I release unhealthy use of any substances, food, drink, or behaviors to Light. The Creator within me changes any negative habits to Light. Every need is met through the Divine. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.16.24

    Taking a deep breath, I center myself and tune to the frequency of Divinity. I release any worries and frustrations for myself and for our world. I am filled with Divine Peace. I am renewed. I radiate Peace, Love and Light to all for all. Thank you, sweet Divinity for You and for this journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.15.24

    Deliberating on our world’s turmoil, I release my human judgments to Light. I release worry for our world’s future to Light. I am a Light Being. From deep within, I create Good in our current global situations. Our geo-political world is filled with Love and Light. I hold steadfast in Faith filling everything and everyone with Love and Light. There is only Love and Light. Thank you, sweet Source, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.14.24

    Today, I expand into Connection radiating Love and Light to everyone and everything. I send this missive of Love and Light to all creation. Regardless of the personal, I send a valentine to All. I am filled with a profound gratitude for my connection to All That Is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.13.24

    I am a “tuning fork” resonating to Divinity. I visualize other people resonating to Divinity. Together, we raise the frequency of Love and Light on our beloved planet. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.12.24

    “Be sure to put your feet in the right place, and then stand firm.” (Abraham Lincoln). As I think of Lincoln’s commitment to service, I think of my fellow world citizens and radiate Love and Light to all. I visualize safety, security, and satiation of all needs for my Earthly cohort. I radiate Love and Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for this shared journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.11.24

    In meditation and prayer, I sink deeply into Oneness. As I center, I release all concerns. Focusing, I visualize what I desire in my life and for the world. I release my desires to Light asking for what is in Divine Order. In gratitude, I center in Holy Oneness as I move through the day. Thank you for sweet Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.10.24

    Today, I join 1.5 billion people celebrating the Lunar New Year. In mediation- prayer I visualize Divine Beauty encapsulating all of us. In this year of possibilities and opportunities, I fill everyone with Light and Love envisioning Oneness for All. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.9.24

    I am grateful for our angels and archangels. I give thanks for helping hands both seen and unseen. As the Living Christ, the doer on this dimension, I visualize Earth’s angels helping to ease and heal our beloved planet’s difficult situations. Working together, we fulfill our missions to further planetary and people’s spiritual evolution. Thank you, sweet Source, for the small part I play.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.8.24

    From deep within I radiate gratitude for our first responders who are caring for our world’s suffering people. Expanding, I take our world within me, filling all people who are suffering with Light and Love. All are safe and secure in a bubble of Light on all dimensions. I visualize healing, radiant, purifying energy for our world and all its inhabitants. We are One.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.7.24

    Focusing on others, I give thanks for all people. Regardless of race, creed, gender, and orientation, we are each a drop in the Ocean of Spirit. All One, All equal in our beingness in Spirit. From my High Self, I radiate Light and Love through All. We are one in Light and Love. We are One. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.6.24

    Centering, I anchor myself to Light. I live in two worlds – staying anchored in Light as I do about my daily rounds. Daily, I expand Light and Love to everyone and everything aiding in the creation of Harmony and Peace for all of us. We are One. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.5.24

    If I don’t know my Divine Mission, I accept the work in front of me. If I don’t know what to do, I start with doing one kind thing for myself and for others each day. Slowly, through meditation and listening, I am Guided. I take small steps thinking of Maya Angelou: “Good done anywhere is Good done everywhere”. Today, I contribute to Good.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.4.24

    We are resilient spiritual beings. We are made in Love and of Light. We are Light Beings. As one awakens, more will awake. We are One on all dimensions. I am a resilient spiritual being. I am made in Love and of Light. I am a Light Being. Thank you, beloved Source, for this journey of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.3.24

    Sinking into meditation and prayer, I expand from the Creator within me anchoring Light, Love, and Divine Justice for all. Those promoting social injustice and hate are filled with Light and Love. Today, I affirm there is Divine Abundance for the Good of All. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.2.24

    Today, I embrace my creativity. I am a creator in thought, word, and deed. I create in concert with the Divine. I am divinely directed as I focus Love and Light throughout our world and beyond. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for the role I play in helping create Good in Your Creation. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.1.24

    “In seizing the moment, you find heaven.” – R. Padgett. Today I seize the day, finding Joy. I am elevated, reaching out to expand this Joy to all. I realize, again, Heaven is a state of consciousness. Thank you, beloved God, for Heaven in life. Thank you for the ability to experience Heaven now. Thank you for the ability to help create Heaven for all. Amen.

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January 2024

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.31.24

    I give thanks for the loving gift of art. Art and our artists are Divine Gifts. Art cushions us, heals us, and inspires us. All art, especially music, lifts us from our toils. Refreshed, we return to our daily round. Visualizing all artists filled with Light and Love, I see them filled with the Creativity that flows from the Wellspring of Life. I give thanks for artists and all art. I know we are all artists in our own way. Today, I express Love and Light in an artful way.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.30.24

    Focusing on my physicality, I declare: My cells are Light. My skeletal system is Light. My muscular system is Light. My nervous system is Light. My sensory systems are Light. My endocrine system is Light. My circulatory system is Light. My respiratory system is Light. My digestive system is Light. My urinary system is Light. My reproductive system is Light. My body’s bacteria are Light. I am a Light Being. I radiate Light throughout my body. I radiate Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for me, and for All That Is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.29.24

    I am filled with gratitude for seen and unseen helping hands. Thank you, beloved Source, for my aid and comfort. Thank you for visible and invisible help for everyone and everything. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.28.24

    Today, I allow Divine Rest, one of the twelve attributes of the Creator. Taking care of self is respectful. Today I relax, resting in the Divine. I breathe, rest, reflect, and heal. From deep within comes the knowledge that all is well. All is well. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for Divine Rest.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.27.24

    Focusing within I join the Profound, entering sacred space. We are One. Holding that knowingness, I breathe peace and ease to all who have suffered injury due to abuse or crimes. Expanding to encompass our world, I fill each of us who feels the emotional echo of past trauma. I fill all with Divine Peace, Light, and Love. We embrace Peace. We are One. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.26.24

    God is Energy. Focusing on the energy of abundance, I open within accepting abundant health, wealth, and joy. Expanding, I visualize abundance flowing in whatever form needed to where it will benefit all planet Earth and its peoples. Thank you, God, for making it so. “Everything is Energy” (Stephen Lewis).

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.25.24

    Thank you, Creator, for our world’s caregivers, heroes all. Thank you for their selfless giving and for their commitment. Today, the Creator within me visualizes abundant Light and Love in all spouses, siblings, friends, parents, children, and professionals who give care to others. I am humbled at the love and light of all these loving beings. Thank you, Creator, for your Divine Essence in us.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.24.24

    Taking a deep breath, I center myself and tune to the frequency of Divinity. Breathing rhythmically, I release my concerns, worries, and frustrations for myself and for our world. I am filled with Divine Peace, Love and Light. I am renewed. I radiate Peace, Love and Light to all for all. Thank you, Sweet Divinity for You and for this journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.23.24

    Resting in Spirit, I focus Love and Light on my brothers and sisters in need. Whether it is loss of a loved one, income, or community, all experiencing loss are filled with Divine Peace. Visualizing those who have lost stability in their daily turn, I focus Light to help expand each individual’s feeling of stability in the Divine. Today, I help anchor, Light, Love and Peace.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.22.24

    In prayer and meditation, I give thanks for my free will. Unlike Adam and Eve, we are not unthinkingly unaware. The gift of self-determination enables us to freely choose our path. Thank you, beloved God, for my freedom to choose to be One with You, One with All That Is. I am grateful for spiritual freedom. .

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.21.24

    As I rest in the Divine, I focus my mind on Divine Calm. Breathing, I inhale Light, exhaling Calm. I focus to help our world achieve peace. Expanding, I fill our world leaders with Divine Peace, Calm, Light, and Love. I join with other prayer workers in visualizing Light strands supporting our world leader., Thank you, God, for world peace. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.20.24

    I know the Creator within me is radiating Divine Light and Love through me. Opening, I merge into Light and Love. Expanding, I radiate Light and Love to everyone and everything. I am a conduit of Divine Light and Love through all dimensions. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.19.24

    As I pray for our world’s economy, the movement and flow of monies that support our endeavors on this plane. I pray for the living flow of greenbacks, a plant-like system. Expanding myself into this flow of Green, I visualize needed monies moving to forward progress for all, for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.18.24

    Centering deep within, I give thanks for my divine health. Spiritual, physical, mental, and financial health. I am healthy! I am grateful! Expanding, I visualize robust health for others and for our beautiful planet. Thank you, Source, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.17.24

    Moving deep within I fill what seems to be “broken-ness” in our world with Light and Love. I help anchor Calm, Light, and Peace throughout our planet. I unite with like minds radiating Love and Light for all. Thank you, dearest Divinity for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.16.24

    Praying for my fellow Light beings, I am guided to understand the importance of modeling – setting an energy and an example. Each and every day, I will set an example of living in concert with the Divine. Giving others an energy to match, in a humble effort to contribute Light and Love to the Greater Good. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.15.24

    Meditating in his old church, I realize Dr. King is still anchoring Light and Love for us. From the Creator within me, I visualize all of us treating our fellow citizens with Love and respect regardless of race, creed, or color. To be truly American means to be truly inclusive: exploring differences, helping, and loving one another as heirs of the Divine, one and all. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.14.24

    In Holy Connection, I expand filling all people with Love and Light. I visualize members of radicalized groups filled with Love and Light. Expanding from the Creator within me, I visual everyone filled with Divine Love. An internal plume of Sacred Energy fills all with Divine Healing, Love and Light. Known or not, we are all Light Beings on a path to Oneness, a sacred family sharing time on Earth. We are One. And, so it is, Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.13.24

    Expanding in prayer I take our beloved world within me filling it with Love and Light on all dimensions. Visualizing, I fill our world’s species- human, animal, and plant with Love and Light. All species find their right place within our changing environment. As a co-creator with God, I take daily action in thought, word, and deed to help protect our fragile civilization and planet.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.12.24

    Today, I focus within on any unhealthy behaviors I may have. Releasing these negative habits to Light, I surrender to Divine Connection. As I open to healing and direction, I pray others may open their hearts to accept Divine Healing. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.11.24

    One country, one destiny. One world, one destiny. One galaxy, one destiny. One cosmos, one destiny. We are one. We are One. One Heart, One Mind. One.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.10.24

    Thinking of those of us with role-strain, too many roles to play, too many demands. I expand from the Creator within me filling everyone with Light and Love. I visualize everyone being able to fulfill necessary obligations in a loving and Light-filled way. Light enables each of us to be who we are: Light Beings.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.9.24

    Focusing, I relax and think of myself. My Self. I ask: what do I need? An answer wells up. Filling myself with Light I say “I love you,” “I honor you.” Bathing myself in Love and Light, I promise to respect my needs, to be more loving to myself. I will treat myself as who I am: the Light of the world. I am the Light of the world. I am the Love of the world.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.8.24

    From the Creator within me, I envision Divine Love and Light radiating from both Houses of Congress. I visualize the Light of Congress merging with the Light in the White House. Expanding, I imagine the Executive and Legislative Lights merging with the Light of the Supreme Court. I picture all three branches of the U.S. government immersed in Light and Love. Light guides our country for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.7.24

    Grace is not a get-out-of-jail-free card. It is not carte blanche to do nothing. Grace happens as we strive for a goal, then surrender, and magically it works out perfectly. So today, I step forward in faith towards my dreams. Today, I work in concert with the Divine. Thank you, God, for this path of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.6.24

    Life is for living in Divine Essence and Oneness. Let us live in a new way of Oneness! (a la Diana Goure).

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.5.24

    Reconsidering Epiphany, I meditate on the gifts of the Magi; gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Gifts symbolizing incorruptible wealth, spiritual knowledge, and the necessity of ego transcendence. Humbly, I turn within accepting these gifts for my high Self, the Living Christ within. I visualize these gifts being accepted by all our world’s citizens – Heaven on Earth.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.4.24

    Today, as we celebrate the Season of Light, I continue to purify myself in Love and Light. Standing at my mind’s gateway monitoring thoughts, I release negative thoughts to Light. I am helping cleanse our world’s thought pollution. Facing my fears, darkness disappears and a New Day dawns.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.3.24

    Focusing within, I fill our world’s governments with Love and Light. Each country’s leader and governing body is filled with Love and Light. Each country’s leader is open to Guidance. Each nation’s leader puts the people first. Our world leaders work together for Good. We, the people, work together through meditation, prayer, and action creating Good for all.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.2.24

    As I prepare to return to work in the new year, I recall I am where I am for a reason. I know work is Good. “Work is Love made visible” (Khalil Gibran). In carrying out my work from my high Self, I work with loving intention for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.1.24

    God is my providence. All that I am, all that I have is of God. Opening my heart, I know God as my providence. I give thanks for the blessings I have and for those I am about to receive. I give thanks for Divine Connection. As I face the new year, I am grateful for my open heart and my ability to pray for myself and others. Through my Light work I aid all of creation, and so, it is. Amen.

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December 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.31.23

    On the last day of the year, I focus within connecting to my High Self. I release everything that is not of service to me. I release guilt and anger. I release self-blame. I release my ego. I am a Light Being. Breathing, I embrace my larger Self envisioning a future of Light and Love for all. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for this journey of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.30.23

    As I consider those who have made a transition from the physical to the nonphysical, I expand from the Creator within me, filling each of us in the transitioning process with Love and Light. Thinking of friends and family who may feel left, I expand Love and Light in each grieving soul. Our world is filled with Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.29.23

    Giving thanks for the closing of the year, I relax, allowing my mind to range as the Creator within me guides me. As the Living Christ, I am the hands of Divinity. I am guided and given any needed tools. I am in the right place, at the right time, saying, and doing the right things for the good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.28.23

    In synchronizing myself with Oneness, I recall God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the Universe for the Good of All. Giving thanks I move into this flow visualizing Creative Energy maximizing health for everyone and everything. All are in a bubble of Love and Light. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.27.23

    The Creator within me aids in magnifying Love and Light within families. I visualize parents intuiting the sacred duty of raising responsible, loving Light Beings Parents are Divinely Guided for the good of their children and people everywhere for the Good of All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 12.26.23

    As we celebrate the first fruits of harvest, I go within and give thanks for Unity. I give thanks that everything is of God. Centered in the “I Am that I Am” I expand myself through all creation. I expand Love, Light, Peace, and Joy. I radiate God’s fruits to all, for All. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 12.25.23

    Celebrating the birth of christ consciousness within, I allow myself the Joy of Oneness. Giving thanks for the birth of this Way-Shower, I celebrate our Oneness with Divine Essence. Opening my heart, I am grateful for the sacred gift of freedom to choose Oneness. Thank you, God, for this journey of Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.24.23

    On this Christmas Eve as the Christian world celebrates the anniversary of Jesus’s birth, I turn within giving thanks for my burgeoning christ consciousness, a consciousness of Love. I find myself filled with gratitude. Expanding, I radiate Love and Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for our gift of Oneness with You.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.23.23

    Today, I surrender to Light. I surrender to Divine Love. I surrender to Joy. I surrender to the essence of Divinity within me. I am Divine. (From Diana Goure.)

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.22.23

    I am a Light being, I am a Love being. I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. Through Love, I release unhealthy use of any substances, food, drink, or behaviors to Light. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I am a Light Being; my every need is met. Expanding, I visualize everyone filled with Love and Light. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.21.23

    As the veil thins between the astral and the physical with winter solstice, I center myself expanding my beingness to encompass the world. I fill everyone on all dimensions with Light and Love. All who may be transitioning from the physical to the astral are eased in and through Divine Peace. All is well. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.20.23

    Today, amidst the flurry of activity, I rest in Divine Peace. I release any negatives to the Gentle Comforter within. Centering in Divinity I radiate Love and Light to all who may be isolated, ill, or troubled. I help create Loving Flow for the good of all, especially for those with any unmet need. I visualize the Loving Essence meeting every need. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 12.19.23

    As the year moves forward, I focus Love, Light, Peace, and Divine Effectiveness on the Oval Office. From the Creator within, I visualize the Office of the Presidency resting on the Mantle of the Living Christ. Lovingly, I intensify the Light and Love so that all in the White House are divinely Guided for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 12.18.23

    In this season of Light, I am grateful. Thank you for unexpected gifts. Thank you, beloved Creator, for Love. Thank you for Life. Thank you for an abundant life for all of us. Thank you for this beautiful planet. Thank you for Light and Love. Thank you for Divine Energy. Thank you for Divine Rest in You. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.17.23

    In this season of Light, I center within expanding Love and Light into all of us who survive any violence. Love and Light fill each surviving family member and friend anchoring them as grief buffets their souls. All who suddenly transition during trauma are filled with Love and Light. All are cocooned in Love and Light. My efforts help magnify our shared dimensions in Love and Light. Thank you, Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.16.23

    Centering, I begin with gratitude for All That Is. I give thanks for all opportunities. Be they difficult or easy, I greet each opportunity with an open heart and mind. My centeredness and gratitude keeps me in the Universal Flow.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.15.23

    Sitting with Spirit I find unwelcome events are catalysts for prayerful direction of Light toward where there appears to be little. I do not allow distraction from my immersion in pure Light. Facing challenges propel us deeper into Light. Today, I am a perfect channel of God’s omnipresent, omnipotent Light. (Based on a writing by a LC volunteer.)

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.14.23

    The Energy that is All has room for us all. Expanding from deep with, I visualize everyone manifesting their divine missions. I lovingly visualize everyone having each and every need abundantly met. Today, I open my heart, mind, and soul to Universal Abundance. I visualize us all opening to Divine Abundance. There is room for us all at the Table of Life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.13.23

    I am free in Light and Love. I am a Light being. I am a Love being. I release any obstacles to my Oneness. I am free to feel God’s Joy. I am filled with wonder as boundless joy overcomes me.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 12.12.23

    The season of Light is a time to welcome the Living Christ within. Today, I welcome my High Self, the Living Christ within me. From my High Self, I am the hands of the Creator on this dimension. Today, I affirm I am in the right place, at the right time, saying, and doing the right thing for the Good of all. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 12.11.23

    As the year moves forward, I focus Love, Light, and Divine Clarity in the US Congress. Members of both houses open their hearts, minds, and souls to the Divine within them. The still small voice of the Creator within guides them in their daily activities in Congress. Light guides as Love directs our Legislative branch of government. Today, I help all prayer workers create Good in our US government. For the Greater Good. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.10.23

    As I entrain my mind in Source, I enter Sacred Space. All of us have dreams, hopes, and wishes. Dreams, whether realized or not, are how we create. We have a God-given right to co-create as divine beings. Today, I visualize each of us enabled as the creators we are met to be taking action to advance our dreams in Divine Oneness. For the Greater Good. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.9.23

    In this season of Light, “let your heart be light.” Today, I let my heart be light, I release any worries and fears to Light. “Let your heart be light.” I let my heart be Light. I am a Light Being. Thank you, dear Divinity, for this journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.8.23

    As we celebrate the Season of Light, I know the Creator within me is radiating Divine Light and Love through me. Opening, I merge into Light and Love. Expanding, I radiate Light and Love to everyone and everything. I am a conduit of Light and Love through all dimensions. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.3.23

    In this season of Light, I fill all families with Love and Light. All are safe in Divinity. Joining with other Light workers, I help anchor Love, Light and Divine Abundance for the good of All. Today, I focus Love and Light on families, visualizing every need filled through Light and with Love. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.2.23

    Today, I affirm the Creator within me guides in Light and Love. I am a knower. I know what God within me tells me. I am guided by Light and Love. I am One with All That Is. Light guides us all. We are Guided on our paths to Oneness. All is well on all dimensions and so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.1.23

    From the Creator within, I am grateful for my like-minded fellow Light beings. Today, I help anchor Light and Love in our world. Inhaling Light, I exhale Love and Gratitude helping to hold sacred space for Divine Compassion. We help anchor the frequency of Compassion as we and others realize our Divine Essence as Light beings having a human Experience. Today, I visualize Divine Compassion. Amen.

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November 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.30.23

    Today, I give thanks focusing gratitude, Light and Love on our magnificent angelic kingdom. The Creator within me fills all angels and archangels with Light and Love. Beloved Angelic Kingdom, I am so grateful for your love, your help, and your constancy. Thank you, God, for our angels and their missions. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.29.23

    As I pray for our world, our economy comes to mind. The movement and flow of monies that support our endeavors on this plane. I focus intention and pray for the living flow of greenbacks, a plant-like system. Expanding into this flow of Green, I visualize needed monies moving to forward progress for all, for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.28.23

    Centering in gratitude, I am deeply grateful for my many blessings. I am grateful for my ability to meditate and pray. Turning within, I know that everything is an opportunity for growth. I focus on Divine Flow in my life and I embrace change. Thank you, dear Divinity, for this path of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.27.23

    Expanding from my High Self, I visualize us all filled with Love and Light on all dimensions. For those of us who are returning to work today, I envision crystalline Light infusing our workstations with Love and Light. Working together we create Love and Light throughout the remainder of this year and into the next. Thank you, Divine Source, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.26.23

    Centering in Source, I focus on those of us making a transition through physical death. I visualize radiant Light and Divine Love easing each soul through this “graduation.” I envision the families filled with Light, Love, and Peace. Despite circumstances we are One. One Heart. One Mind. One in Divinity. Life is progressing without end. All is well. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.25.23

    From the Creator within me I release any behaviors, foods, or substances that are not for my highest good to Light. I turn to the Creator within me to meet my dependency needs. Opening my heart, mind, and soul to Divinity, I am guided. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for this journey of awakening to who I truly am!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 11.24.23

    I am filled with gratitude for the Divine gift of our beautiful, natural world. Thank you, Mother-Father God, for Earth. Thank you for the plant, animal, mineral, and microbial kingdoms. Thank you for the trees that hold spiritual energy for us. Thank you for our natural world that nourishes us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Expanding, I fill our beloved planet with Love and Light for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.23.23

    On this Thanksgiving Day, I reach within and give thanks for all I have and all I am about to receive. Radiating Light, I focus to help us all open our hearts, minds, and souls to Divine Generosity. When the impulse to give comes, I give generously in thought, word, and deed. We are One. Thank you, Holy Spirit Within for You and for us All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.22.23

    Centering in Source, I focus on those of us coping with any illness, financial problem, or any other adversity. I visualize the Light and Love within each guiding us, easing each soul through this growth experience. I envision us all filled with Light, Love, and Peace. All is well. Life is progressing without end. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.21.23

    As the weather cools in the northern hemisphere, I focus my prayerful mind on the needs of others. Deep within I create Love, Light, Prosperity for all, that each may have every need met. All are divinely guided to places, people, and services that provide for any need. We are One. We are connected on all levels through the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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  • The Light Center Dome will be closed for Thanksgiving on Thursday, 23rd

    The Light Center will open at Noon on Friday, 24th. Happy Thanksgiving! The trails and labyrinth will be open during daylight hours.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.20.23

    Earth is a planet of Light. Earth is a planet of Love. Each being on Earth is filled with Light and Love. On every dimension, everyone is filled with Light and Love. Earth radiates Light and Love throughout the cosmos. And so it is, Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.19.23

    Today I embrace my Power in the Divine. My consciousness is Christ consciousness. I envision Light and Love empowering everyone to create Good on planet Earth and so, it is. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for helping us all make it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.18.23

    Centering within I pray for all those in need, filling my fellow planetary citizens with Light and Love. I visualize all our body’s chakras filled with empowering radiant Light and Love. Schoolhouse Earth allows us all to learn and grow. Thank you, beloved Source, for this Journey to You. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 11.17.23

    As I go about my daily life, I find myself grateful for “little things.” Today I am grateful for my mind that can focus as I choose. Today, I choose to focus on the Creator within me. I gratefully focus mindful energy visualizing Light and Love for all. Thank you, beloved Creator, for me. Thank you for shared Light and Love for All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.16.23

    Today, I give thanks for the grace and generosity of our world’s caregivers and first responders. From the Creator within me, I fill all these noble individuals with Love and Light. I visualize them safe and secure in a bubble of Light and Love on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.15.23

    Connecting within, I am grateful for Oneness. My daily meditation provides a safe haven as I negotiate the twists and turns of daily life. Connecting in Oneness, I slow – filling myself with Divine Peace, Love, and Light. Faith rises within as I rest in Oneness. I know all is well. All is well. All is well.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.14.23

    Today, I stand with my fellow world citizens. Regardless of race, creed, or gender, we are one. We are all Light Beings whether we know it or not. Today, I help anchor Divine Calm, Peace, Love, and Light. Today, I radiate Light to help change any negativity to Light. As a creator I declare: Our planet is a planet of Love and Light. And, so it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.13.23

    On world kindness day, I merge with my High Self expanding Divine Peace, Calm, Love, and Light to everyone and everything. Pure crystalline strands of Divine Understanding weave together everyone and everything. All beings extend themselves in Divine Kindness creating Heaven on Earth. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.12.23

    Merging with the Creator within me, I find myself overcome with emotion. My human frailties rise to be healed. Opening, I embrace Mother-Father Divinity within me and I am comforted in Presence. As I allow myself to be encompassed in Love, I find joy rise within. I am filled with joy and gratitude for God’s Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.11.23

    On this sacred day, 11-11, I merge with the Creator expanding Divine Love and Light within all who serve or have served our country. Those who have served in the military are filled with Love and Light. Those who have served to protect our people are filled with Love and Light. Their families are filled with Love and Light. Those who have served people in any capacity are filled with Love and Light. I honor service to all by helping expand Love and Light within all. Thank you, God, for Divine Service. Amen.

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  • Tickets still available for Sound Healing with Kennedy OneSelf on Saturday, 11/11

    For more information and tickets: https://urlight.org/events/sound-healing-with-kennedy-oneself90323-862/

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 11.10.23

    Praying for our beloved beautiful planet, I help anchor Light and Love to off-set any anxiety so many are experiencing. There is so much Light! Today, I help create more Light, more Love to fuel energies to help maintain and heal our beautiful spaceship Earth.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.9.23

    Today, opening within to Divinity I realize I am God’s hands in this dimension. I open my heart, mind, and soul to Spirit. I ask to be a clear instrument of Divine Will. From deep within, I release all impediments to Oneness. Thank you, beloved God, for Divine Connection.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.8.23

    As I think of my fellow Light beings, I am buoyed by the actions of the many heroes, sung and unsung, we have in our world. Working together, we can make progress – creating Heaven on Earth. Light and Love creates Good on Earth. Thank you, God, for Light. Thank you, God, for Love. Thank you, God, for this life of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.7.23

    Considering my global fellow citizens, I anchor in Love and Light visualizing our nation filled with Light. I visualize our world filled with crystalline stands of Light. As a Light Being, I declare: Light guides our nation. Light guides our world. Stepping out in Faith I help expand Love and Light for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.6.23

    If I am at a crossroads, I center deep within. Divine Knowingness comes to Guide me. I know I am called to model Divine Presence Within for all people. Doing my best, I model God’s love, truth, grace, presence, and spontaneity for all. Thank you, beloved God, for your Guidance.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.5.23

    Centering from the Creator within, I visualize all of us working together to create Divine Unity. As I expand to encompass our world I magnify Light and Love to help increase Unity. We are One and so it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.4.23

    As I open myself, Spirit stirs within me. Today, I give thanks for the knowledge that we are ONE. All is well. No Matter What. The Divine has a plan and on the astral level the template is prepared, and it is Perfect. Expanding from Spirit I hold Peace for All. Amen.

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  • Tickets still available for Sound Voyage with Jeannie McKenzie and Wolfgang Ettenreich on Nov. 4

    Saturday, November 4, 3 to 4:30 p.m. Tickets: Advance $20 (purchase by 4 p.m. on 11/3); at door $25 https://urlight.org/events/sound-voyage-concert-with-jeannie-mckenzie-and-wolfgang-ettenreich-702/  

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  • Tickets still available for Discover the Power of Tai Chi Gung with Nancy Foster

        Advance tickets: $20 (purchase before 4 pm on 11/3); at door $25 For information and tickets: https://urlight.org/events/discover-the-ancient-power-of-tai-chi-gung-with-nancy-foster/    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 11.3.23

    Yellow, gold, russet, our autumn is beautiful. No matter where we are, our slice of Earth has beauty. Today, I know I am standing on holy ground (R. Crow). Expanding from deep within, I fill my world with Love and Light. I help re-create our world as a planet of Love and Light setting an example for all creation imitate. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.2.23

    On the Day of the Dead, All Souls’ Day, I give thanks for the many generations who came before me. I am grateful for my ancestors’ work. From my High Self, I radiate Light filling my transitioned loved ones and past generations with Light and Love. I stand on the shoulders of those who came before me and I am grateful for their contributions to me, my life, and our world. I hold them in Light and Love. And so, it is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.1.23

    Celebrating All Saint’s Day in a new way, I consider the many Light Beings who exist on various dimensions. I give thanks for those Beings. I give thanks for the example they have set for me and the Love and Light they have created. Breathing deeply, I expand centering Love and Light for us all as we knowingly or unknowingly strive to complete our spiritual missions.

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October 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.31.23

    Samhain, the night the veil thins between heaven and earth, I expand from the Creator within me, filling everyone and everything with Love and Light. Immersed in Divine Flow, I am helping create a New Heaven on Earth. Thank you, dear Divinity for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.30.23

    The Office of the U.S. Presidency is filled with Love and Light. The President is divinely Guided. The U.S. Congress is filled with Love and Light. All representatives and senators open their hearts, minds, and souls to Love and Light. All are open to Divine Guidance. All is well. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.29.23

    Sitting in silent communication with Source, I radiate Divine Peace, Love, and Light within our world and its people. I know we are all God’s chosen Ones. We choose. We choose God’s path of Love and Light. I visualize Light and Love expanding in everyone so all may know we are all God’s chosen people. With Love, I help anchor knowledge of Oneness for all.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.28.23

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I release unhealthy use of any substances, food, drink, or behaviors to Light. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. The Creator within meets my every need. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.27.23

    Expanding deep within I focus Light and Love in all warring areas of our world. I visualize all people filled with Divine Love. I visualize Light guiding every mind, heart, and soul. I visualize all minds open to Light and Love. I visualize Divine Peace saturating the area on all dimensions. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.26.23

    There is only Energy. As I sit with this notion, I am flooded with Light. From deep within, I radiate Divine Energy to all our world’s governments. All governments are filled with Light and Love. All non-governmental organizations are filled with Light and Love. I visualize increasing awareness for everyone. We are One in the All That Is. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.25.23

    If I hesitate or don’t know my next step, I turn within, asking for Divine Guidance. I do not judge myself. Sitting in silence, I wait for clarification from my High Self. As I wait, I release my personal will affirming “Thy will, not my will.” Thank you, sweet Source for Your Guidance.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.24.23

    The United Nations is filled with Light and Love. Each UN member opens his or her heart to the Divine within. Each member willingly accepts the Mantle of the Living Christ and is divinely guided to serve for the Good of All. The United Nations, through the Power of the Creator within, LEADS the world’s nations to protect and serve the world’s peoples. And so, it is. Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.23.23

    Today I affirm: My life’s tasks are easily achieved, in an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way, in a timely fashion, for the Greater Good. Amen. (Marc Allen).

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.22.23

    Focusing on my physicality, I declare: My cells are Light. My skeletal system is Light. My muscular system is Light. My nervous system is Light. My sensory systems are Light. My endocrine system is Light. My circulatory system is Light. My respiratory system is Light. My digestive system is Light. My urinary system is Light. My reproductive system is Light. My body’s bacteria are Light. I am a Light Being. I radiate Light throughout my body. I radiate Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for me, and for All That Is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.21.23

    In prayer, the Creator within me focuses Love and Light in our world’s jails and prison systems. The Creator within me radiates Love and Light for all of us in any type of prison, physical or mental, imposed by others or by self. The Creator within provides Divine Freedom for all, that we may be free to fulfill our sacred missions for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Tickets still available! Getting Beyond the Physical: Guided Soundbowl Meditation with Naeemah Anai

    Discover a transformative meditation experience that speaks directly to your senses. Explore the soothing resonance of physical sound bowls, guiding you into a state of deep relaxation and heightened awareness. We go beyond traditional methods, incorporating principles of quantum physics to help you tap into the essence of being without form. No prior experience required – just an open mind and a willingness to explore. Come as you are and embark on a journey of inner discovery. Are you ready to tune in? Purchase Tickets at the door $30 https://urlight.org/events/getting-beyond-the-physical-guided-soundbowl-mediation-with-naeemah-anai/

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.20.23

    Expanding from the Creator within me, I focus on the needs of everyone and everything. The Creator within all people, flora, and fauna fills them with Love, Light, and Prosperity. Every need is abundantly met. All are divinely guided to places, habitats, people, and services that provide for all needs. We are One, we are connected on all levels. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, there is abundance to meet every need for all species in this beautiful dimension. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.19.23

    From deep within I affirm “I Am one with Divine Calm.” I Am Divine Calm. I radiate Divine Calm. We are Divine Calm. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for the creation of Divine Calm for all. Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.18.23

    Praying for our beloved world and its creatures, I fill our land, air, and waters with Light and Love. I visualize all climate change directed by Light. As a Light Being I help anchor Love and Light. Thank you, God, for your Divine Guidance.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.17.23

    “Be positive! You are the Light of the World.” Today, I immerse myself in revolutionary optimism knowing We are the light of the world. In Divine Connection I expand anchoring Love, Light, the optimism of faith, and Joy. I am grateful for my ability to stay in the Divine Flow. I am in the right place, at the right time, praying, saying, and doing the right things for the Greater Good. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.16.23

    Moving into Oneness, I focus Love and Light in and on our country and in all countries. I visualize Light casting clarity on leadership in our country and in all countries around our world. Our world is filled with Light and Divine Love. Light and Love create Good in our world. Thank you, beloved Divinity for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.15.23

    Stepping back from the world’s chatter, from deep within I focus on Divine Intelligence. Merging with Divine Intelligence, I focus prayer energy on all people opening their hearts, minds, and souls to Divine Intelligence. I visualize crystalline strands of Divine Intelligence connecting to all, anchoring us in Divinity. I visualize all empowered from the Creator within, each of us making choices for the Greater Good.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.14.23

    As I open myself, Spirit stirs within me. Today, I give thanks for the knowledge that we are ONE. All is well. No Matter What. The Divine has a plan and on the astral level the template is prepared, and it is Perfect. Expanding from Spirit I hold Peace for All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for World Peace is Cancelled on Sunday, October 15; Join Peace Prayer with Fr. James Twyman

    Please join in a worldwide prayer for peace on Saturday, October 14 at Noon. The Light Center Dome will open for silent prayer for one hour, joining Fr. James Twyman, the Peace Troubadour, in a prayer for Israel and Palestine: “At noon NY time on Saturday, Oct. 14, stop whatever you’re doing and spend 30-60 minutes FEELING the energy of peace prevailing in the Holy Land. We’re not “asking” for peace to prevail, but feeling that it already has. This type of energy-based affirmative prayer has been proven to powerfully impact world situations. Continue to send your love and energy to […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.13.23

    Today, on Friday the thirteenth, I know I am lucky. I am filled with Divine Grace, Love and Light. Today, I expand filling our war-torn brothers and sisters with Light and Love. Joining with prayer-workers around the world, we fill our brethren with Love and Light, Peace and Joy. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.12.23

    Today, I extend myself to encompass Earth filling it with Light and Love. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for the nurturing beauty of our fantastic planet. Thank you, for our beloved wild spaces and wildlife from whom we have much to learn. Thank you for ever better stewardship of our planet as we safeguard all wildlife now and forevermore. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.11.23

    Pondering our planetary zeitgeist, I turn within and find solace in the Divine. From the Creator within me, I fill our world with Love and Light. This transitional time is filled with Light. Light directs change for the Good of All. Today, I hold sacred space for Love, Light, Peace, Joy, and Harmony for All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.10.23

    I AM a Light Being. I AM resilient. I AM strong. I AM able to see clearly. I AM able to hear clearly. I AM one with the I AM That I AM. Thank you, beloved Source, for You in me. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.9.23

    Recognizing Indigenous People’s Day and Columbus Day, today, we expand this sacred day to fill all people around the world with Love and Light. Through Love we release our ancestral and personal injuries to Light and Love. Today, I join with others in holding sacred space for Divine Harmony and Divine Peace for all, as a rainbow family of people on the divine path to Oneness. Thank you, sweet Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.8.23

    Today, I sit as an Observer. I sit in silence and observe my mind, my thoughts. I do not resist, that which I resist, persists (Carl Jung). I observe and I release, I let go, and focus on God. I am a clear vessel through which Spirit flows for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.7.23

    From deep within, I let the mundane fall away. Someone said: “You can’t build security in a world of fear.” I Know this is true. So today, I trust the Creator, That which is All That Is. Today, I trust and have faith. Today, I pray for my Self. Today, I pray for our beloved Earth and all inhabitants. Today, I declare: “I am Divinely Guided”. All is well. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.6.23

    We are Light Beings having an earthly existence. As I think about pitfalls on the earthly plane, I consider addiction in its many forms. Today, I expand to fill everyone on Earth with Light and Love. Visualizing cravings of any type as strings attached to people, I take my heavenly scissors and snip the impediments freeing us all. Thank you, beloved God, for helping us realize our True Identity.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.5.23

    Today, I am reminded: I can only control my own thoughts and behavior. I cannot control the choices of others. I can view them as the Light Beings they are. I can set a good example. I can pray for them and visualize them in the beauty of their Light-ness. Thank you, God, for this reminder. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.4.23

    Tuning into Spirit, I release my defenses and allow myself to depend on the Energy of All. Every need is met through the Divine. I release grappling to have my needs met. I release my human relationships to Light and Love. Spirit within creates Light and Love in my relationships. Taking action as guided, visualizing my goals, Spirit meets my every need. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.3.23

    As I relax and open to my High Self, I become more one with the Divine. Today, I relax and release my human desire to be perfect. I release all negative self-judgments. I am a Light Being and I am open to Divinity. I am a flexible fluid Light Being surrendering to Oneness. Thank you, Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.2.23

    As I pray for our U.S. Supreme Court and Congress, I visualize Light and Love flowing through all activities. Light and Love lead the way for all the judges and representatives. Light and Love enable flexibility and wisdom in their daily functioning and the execution of their duties for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.1.23

    Pondering one of the twelve attributes of the Tree of Life, Divine Rest, I allow myself to rest in the Divine. I know all is well despite possible outward appearances. Life on Earth is a sacred learning experience. We are Light beings learning to become One. Thank you, God, for Oneness.

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September 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.30.23

    Joining with others in my meditation-prayer, I help create Peace, Love, and Light in all nations. I fill North America with Love and Light. I fill Central America with Love and Light. I fill South America with Love and Light. I fill Europe with Love and Light. I fill Asia with Love and Light. I fill Africa with Love and Light. I fill Antarctica with Love and Light. I fill Australia with Love and Light. Our wonderful world is filled with Love and Light on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.29.23

    Happiest are those who have sought and found a way to serve” (Albert Schweitzer). As I ponder this quote during these turbulent times, I am inspired to gratitude for all that I have, all that I am, and for my purpose as a Light Being. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for you, for me, for Life. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.28.23

    Focusing on our media, I direct the Creator within me to fill each person watching any news or social media with Love and Light. Increasing Light within each viewer, I envision all opening their hearts to Source, filling the internet dimension with Love and Light. I visualize all of us filling cyberspace with Love and Light. Thank you, Sweet Source, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.27.23

    Expanding myself in prayer to become my high Self, I visualize what we are meant to be: the living body of Divine Mind. Sitting in Divine Silence and Love I soak up Love, Light, and Serenity. Thank you for this communion of Spirit.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.26.23

    Expanding to encompass our rough-n-tumble world, the Creator within me fills each of us with Light and Love. Visualizing Light filling our institutions with Love, we open our hearts, minds, and souls to the Creator within us. We learn from any drama in our lives, changing it to Light. We are Light Beings. We move forward creating Good as One. And so, it is, Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.25.23

    Today I am thankful for daughters and daughters-in-law. Daughters carry forward family traditions. We all of us – daughters and sons work together for the Good of our world and beyond. The role of daughter and son is sacred in many ways. Today, I celebrate the role of daughters in life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.24.23

    Moving through my day, I meditate on joy in the Flow. Divine Flow. I am in the Flow. I resolve to Love as I labor; to find the Joy in daily work. I am worthy of fulfillment of my aspirations. I am Connected in Flow and am Divinely Guided. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.23.23

    Treasuring autumn, I embrace cooler temperatures and shorter days. As a Light Being, I fill our world’s climate with Light and Love. The Creator within all guides all to create Good through thought, prayer, and action. Today and every day we enable action to protect our fragile fantastic planet. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.22.23

    Pondering Native American Day, I bow to the Divine in all Native Americans. Joining in Oneness, I honor each for their service to our natural world. Native American spiritual traditions help guide us all. From deep within, I feel a depth of gratitude to Native American culture and the Light Beings who have cared for our beloved Earth for eons and who continue to lead as environmental activists. All our Native American tribes are filled with Light and Love. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.21.23

    Slipping into Oneness, I merge with Divinity. Riding the energy, I feel the Peace that surpasses all understanding. I am so grateful for my peace. Expanding myself to encompass the world, I join with others filling our world with Peace. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.20.23

    Praying for unity within my fellow Light beings, I expand from deep within and visualize all of Us as One. We are One. One Heart – a shared Oneness with the Creator within each of us. We are One. Today, I hold space for our shared harmony. The Oneness of all beings.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.19.23

    From deep within I visualize filling all world governments with Light and Love. Light clarifies revealing everything on all dimensions. I visualize all world leaders harmoniously working together for the benefit of all and for the benefit of our sacred environment. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.18.23

    Freedom, not just another word for nothing left to lose, but free to BE. I am free to Be. I am free within myself to be my Self. Breathing, I sit with my Self feeling this truth. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for this journey to Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.17.23

    Deep with, I focus Spirit flowing through me and declare Love and Light is channeled to those of us in need. Regardless of circumstance or need I visualize Divine Love and Light guiding, directing, and healing. Today, I work with Spirit flowing through me to aid in creation of Heaven on Earth for All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.16.23

    Choosing to tune into Spirit, I release my defenses allowing myself to depend on the Energy of All. I affirm every need is met through the Divine. Trusting, I take action as Guided; visualizing my goals, God meets my every need. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.15.23

    Praying for everyone making a transition from the physical to the nonphysical life, I fill them with Divine Love and Light. Expanding from Source within, I visualize all left-behind-loved-ones filled with Love and Light. All grief, hurt, and anger are changed to Light. Today, I help enrich Harmony, Peace, Love, and Light within everyone and everything. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.14.23

    Today, I hold myself in Divine Love and Light. Expanding, I take planet Earth and its inhabitants within me holding everyone and everything in Love and Light. I help anchor Love and Light on our incredible planet.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.13.23

    Today, from deep within I purify and cleanse each cell of my body with Light. Standing at the gate of my thoughts, I release negative thoughts to Light. Monitoring my thoughts aids in clearing our world’s thought pollution. Moving deeper, I release and pass through my fears helping lessen our world’s darkness. Little by little, slowly we turn to Light and Oneness. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.12.23

    As I embrace any pain it flows into Divine Holy Love. It transforms to Holy Love. I die daily to christ-conscious Love. I find myself surrendering ‘self’ into Love. I leave my physical body to be filled with Love. I am a vessel of Love, generating healing Love. For myself. For us all. Everywhere, everything is radiant Light and Love. There is only Light and Love. (UR volunteer)

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.11.23

    On the anniversary of 9-11, I turn within releasing any sadness over man’s inhumanity to man. Expanding, I become Love and Light. I visualize Love and Light within all who have lost loved ones due to the acts of others. Today, I help magnify and anchor Love and Light within all. Working together we create Good so we truly become the family of Divine Man. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.10.23

    September is a time to feel the light. (Henri Cole) I sit in light. I sit in Light. I am Light. I am Love. I am one with the Divine. I am Divine!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.9.23

    The Creator within me creates Love and Light within all people everywhere. Expanding to encompass our world, I visualize all of us becoming aware of the Living Light that is our essence. All open to Oneness and are Guided. All are in the right place, at the right time, saying and doing the right thing for the Good of All. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.8.23

    The Creator within me creates Love and Light in and through all weather events. All fires, floods, and earthquakes across our world are filled with Love and Light Our world’s people are filled with Love and Light. Light directs climate change for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.7.23

    As my body or soul calls me to it, I release my past and deep past to Light. I permit a cleansing of blockages to Oneness. I release pain and embrace the purging fire within. I allow God’s divine healing Spirit within me to take command. I rest in the healing Grace of All That Is. I rest in Grace.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.6.23

    Breathing from the Creator within me, I fill any divisiveness within our U.S. Congress with Love and Light. I visualize all in Congress opening their hearts, minds, and souls to Divine Love. All are directed by Light and Love to work together for the Greater Good. Today, I help hold space for Love and Harmony in Congress and throughout all nations’ governments. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.5.23

    As I return to work, my day job, I recall I am where I am for a reason. I know work is Good. “Work is Love made visible” (Khalil Gibran). In carrying out my work from my High Self, the Creator within me Guides me. I am co-creating with All That Is. I work and pray with loving intention for the Good of All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.4.23

    Today, as I rest from my labor, I consider the notion: we began to labor as we turned from Divine Love. Today, I rest in Spirit knowing that I can imbue my work with love. This day is for renewal; for resting in the Divine Creative Essence of Life. Thank you, God, for this day and every day. Thank you for meaningful work. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.3.23

    Riding a spiritual wave of our Creator’s energy, I continue to push personal expansion of my human boundaries to consciously feel All That Is. I release my defenses as I surrender to Divine Flow. Sweet, sweet Spirit, my cup truly does runneth over. Thank you, for this sacred, conscious, not-always-easy-to-surrender Path of Light. Thank you. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.2.23

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I radiate Light and Love throughout my being. The Loving Light of the Creator nourishes me. I am empowered as the Light Being I am. As I do this for myself, I expand – radiating Light. We are truly Beings of Light and Love. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.1.23

    Centering, I release any judgment or worry about our world. I recall Rumi who said: “Out beyond right and wrong, there is a field. I will meet you there.” Maybe it’s a cliché, but today, it feels right – today, I step out into that metaphorical field of Love. I step out in Love asking Light to direct my actions. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for Your Love, Your Light, and Your Guidance. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.1.23

    Pondering one of the twelve attributes of the Tree of Life, Divine Rest, I allow myself to rest in the Divine. I know all is well despite possible outward appearances. Life on Earth is a sacred learning experience. We are Light beings learning to become One. Thank you, God, for Oneness.

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August 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.31.23

    Thank you, dearest Creator, for my creativity. I am deeply grateful that I am able to pray, to create from deep within. Thank you for the wellspring of creativity that is YOU within me. Thank you, for You. Thank you for me. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.30.23

    Today, I hold myself in Divine Love and Light. Expanding, I take planet Earth and its inhabitants within me holding everyone and everything in Love and Light. I help anchor Love and Light on our incredible planet. Thank you, sweet Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.29.23

    As energy on our planet continues to shift, I embrace change. I consciously breathe giving thanks for All That Is. The Creator within me guides and directs me. I am in the right place at the right time, thinking, saying, and doing the right thing for the Greater Good. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.28.23

    As I reflect on children returning to school, I expand from my High Self to fill all schools and school systems with Love and Light. I envision all students and their families filled with Love and Light. All teachers and school employees are filled with Love and Light. All schools are secure in their own bubbles of Light. Expanding into the universe, I see the crystalline bubbles of schools connected around the world; a shimmering web of Love and Light. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.27.23

    From the Creator within me, I visualize our exquisite planet filled with Love and Light. Setting intention from the Creator within me, I expand Love and Light within our Divine home. I find myself filled with love and gratitude for the incredible gift of our beautiful natural world. Thank you, Mother-Father God, for our world. Thank you for all things working together for the Good of All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.26.23

    Today, I pray for man’s best friend, the dog, all have Divine missions. Many Light beings are alone. While we pray and meditate, giving and receiving love and nourishment, a dog’s presence can be grounding and affirming. All entities are rising toward the Divine. Thank you, God, for the Divinity in man’s best friend. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.25.23

    As I think of all of us on Spaceship Earth, I expand from deep within and fill us with Light and Divine Love. Everyone is coping with some type of challenge. Spaceship Earth is a schoolhouse, and we are all learning our lessons at different speeds. Today I visualize all of us filled with Light and Love, able to put down our resistance to change, able to accept Grace and speed our learning process. Thank you, Divine Presence, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.24.23

    Turning within I fill all generations beneath me with Love and Light. As I find myself becoming an elder, I realize prayer is the most potent gift I have to offer. Visualizing from the Creator within me, I see our world’s young people as they truly are: co-creators with the Divine. Our world’s young citizens are filled with Love and Light. All are able to easily access Spirit within them. And, so it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.23.23

    I am a prism that refracts beams of Divine Light. I am a Light being. I am a Love being. I help anchor Light and Love here on Earth. I am Divine.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.22.23

    The Energy that is All, has room for us all. Expanding from deep with, I visualize everyone manifesting their divine missions. With gentle intent, I visualize everyone having each and every need abundantly met. Today, I open my heart, mind, and soul to Universal Abundance. There is room for us all at the Table of Life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.21.23

    The creator within me changes any outdated concepts to Light. Any misinformation within me is deprogrammed. I embrace my Light. I embrace my Divine Inheritance. I am one with the Creator within me. I listen only to the Divine Voice within. Thank you, beloved Creator, for my ability to hear. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.20.23

    The creator within me changes any outdated concepts to Light. Any misinformation within me is deprogrammed. I embrace my Light. I embrace my Divine Inheritance. I am one with the Creator within me. I listen only to the Divine Voice within. Thank you, beloved Creator, for my ability to hear. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.19.23

    Thank you, dearest Divinity, for You within me. Thank you for my divine Connection in You. I am ever so grateful for Connection, Light, Life and Love. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.18.23

    As I think of my fellow Light beings, I am buoyed by the actions of the many heroes we have on our beloved Earth. We create change working toward Heaven on Earth. Thank you, God, for Light. Thank you, God, for Love. Thank you, God, for this life and our ability to create. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.17.23

    “In seizing the moment, you find heaven.” – Rodney Padgett Today I seize the day, finding peace in Divine Flow. I am elevated, reaching out to expand this Peace to all. I realize, again, Heaven is a state of consciousness. Thank you, beloved God, for Heaven in life. Thank you for the ability to experience Heaven now.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.16.23

    As I release sadness, a response to recent effects of climate change, what comes is: “In seizing the moment, you find heaven.” – Rodney Padgett Today I seize the day, finding peace in Divine Flow. I am elevated, reaching out to expand this Peace to all. I realize, again, Heaven is a state of consciousness. Thank you, beloved God, for Heaven in life. Thank you for the ability to experience Heaven now.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.15.23

    As I turn within finding temporary respite, I let the mundane fall away. I let the chatter and talking heads go. I center in Divinity and feel loved. Expanding, I visualize all people filled with Love and Light. I remember God is the Energy of all creation. And I relax and rest in this Truth. And so, it is, Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.14.23

    As we pray for those affected by our Maui fires, we know we are one in Spirit. What happens to one happens to all. Today, I help anchor Love and Light in Hawaii. I visualize Love and Light permeating all of Maui and our brothers and sisters there. Love and Light guide all activities throughout our world’s changing environment. We are One. We are One. We are One.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.13.23

    The Creator within everything fills our world with Love and Light. Holy Spirit expands Love within everyone. Holy Spirit expands Light within everyone. Everyone is Divine. Everything is Divine. I am Divine. Thank you, Spirit, for your Creation!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.12.23

    Climate change is directed by Light for the Good of All. As I help create Good in climate change, I visualize any discomfort or suffering changing to Light. I visualize all creatures’ suffering changing to Light. I visualize all plants’ suffering changing to Light. Everything is filled with Light and Love. Everyone is filled with Light and Love. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.11.23

    Today, I give thanks for parents who are the path for our newest generation of Light beings. And I am grateful to all the souls who choose to be born now. Parents teach character by living their lives in front of their children. Parents or not, I am grateful for those who undertake nurturing our new world citizens. I visualize families filled with Love and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.10.23

    As I go about my daily life, I find myself grateful for little things. Flowering plants, rest, sunshine, laughter… I am grateful for my mind that I can focus as I choose. Today, I choose to focus on the Creator within me. I am grateful for the ability to focus mindful energy in prayer to create Good for All. Thank you, beloved Creator, for me.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.9.23

    Today, it is enough to center, meditate, and hold space for the highest Good for All. Centering I radiate Light and Love. Visualizing, I see crystalline Energy radiating from everyone’s solar plexus, power chakra. I help hold space for an age of enlightenment for All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.8.23

    Opening to the energy of Source within me, I declare: “I am a Creator-In-Action on our beloved planet.” Co-creating with God, I am Guided to be in the right place, at the right time, thinking, praying, saying, and doing the right things for the Good of All. Thank you, sweet Source, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.7.23

    Centering in Divinity, I help anchor Light, Love, and Divine Clarity in the U.S. government and in all governments around planet Earth. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.6.23

    Centering in Source, I find Truth. As I don my spiritual armor, I am enabled. I am shown how to navigate any plight. I am given strength through Divine Communion. I am empowered to face both personal and worldly dilemmas. Thank you, God, for this divine partnership in Your Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.5.23

    As I think of us on Spaceship Earth, I expand from deep within filling us with Light and Divine Love. Everyone is coping with some type of challenge. Spaceship Earth is a schoolhouse, and we are all learning our lessons at different speeds. Today I visualize all of us filled with Light and Love, able to surrender our resistance to change, able to accept Grace and speed our learning process. Thank you, Divine Presence, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.4.23

    Today, I stay centered in breath. I breathe slowly, rhythmically. Any challenge is met from my centered Self. I am walking through my day with open hearted optimism. Openness and optimism inspired by my Connection. Thank you, sweet Source, for my connection in Light and Love. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.3.23

    Praying for our bacterial and viral kingdoms, I fill these kingdoms with Love and Light. Each has its own intelligence that mutates to fulfill its mission. I visualize all mutations filled with Love and Light. We ourselves are mutating, changing, every day. Today, I visualize everything and everyone mutating to enhance Harmony, Peace, and Love within All That Is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.2.23

    As my Consciousness expands, I become aware of a wish to isolate, to protect my awareness. Centering, I change my increased sensitivity to Light. As my perception increases, I am learning all things will become transparent. I am learning that Spirit within me will increase my tolerance and understanding to match my growing awareness of All That Is. Thank you, God, for this journey of discovery.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.1.23

    Expanding from deep within, I focus Love and Light on our world’s leadership. All leaders and politicians are filled with Light. Anyone holding public office opens his or her heart to the Voice of Spirit. They hear and listen. All our world’s leaders are Divinely guided to lead our world with Divine Wisdom. I visualize them leading with compassion, joy, and peace. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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July 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.31.23

    Expanding from deep within, I focus Love and Light on our world’s leadership. All leaders and politicians are filled with Light. Anyone holding public office opens his or her heart to the Voice of Spirit. They hear and listen. All our world’s leaders are Divinely guided to lead our world with Divine Wisdom. I visualize them leading with compassion, joy, and peace. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.30.23

    Today is International Day of Friendship. I am filled with gratitude for my friends and my friendships. These friends are my chosen family. Friends help me stay connected to a shared reality. Friends help me center when I start to question myself. Friends help me have fun! Friends are a gift from Spirit. I am filled with deep gratitude and love for my friends and for the interactions and relationships I have with them. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.29.23

    Through the lens of Infinite Intelligence there are no problems; there is only Creation. As I rest in Divinity, I anchor Light and Love; clarity comes with the knowledge that solutions will present for any challenge facing humankind. All is well.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.28.23

    We are One, what happens to one happens to all. From Spirit within, I visualize all creatures, all plants, all living entities on this planet filled with Love and Light. Expanding, I visualize our Mother Earth filled with Love and Light. Spirit fills each molecule on this dimension with Divine Love and Light. We are One. One Heart. One Destiny. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.27.23

    God works on a need-to-know basis. I don’t know The Big Picture because I may be able to digest it. As I release, more is revealed. Opening my heart, I release fear and anxiety. I open my heart and I see miracles every day. I open my heart and joy comes in, easing ambiguity. I am reminded Source is my spiritual safety net. Thank you, Sweet Source for this exciting journey of discovery.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.26.23

    As I pray for our world and its people, I consider our global economy, the movement and flow of monies. Focusing intention, I pray for the living flow of greenbacks, a plant-like system. Expanding myself into this Green flow I visualize needed monies moving to where it is essential for everyone, for everything, for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.25.23

    The Creator within me creates Love and Light in our planet. All unexpected weather and resulting challenges are filled with Divine Love and Light. Worldwide, our first responders are filled with Love and Light. They are guided in their missions to save lives, lands, and homes. All beings, whether plant, insect, animal, or human, are filled with Love and Light. All are safe within a Bubble of Love and Light. Thank you, God for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.24.23

    Sometimes, I find myself at a crossroads needing a sign. Stepping out in faith, as a spiritual scientist, I collect data on a subject of one, myself. “Basic research is what I am doing when I don’t know what I am doing.” (Werner Von Braun). If this is a basic research day, I say “Thank you, God.” I choose to reach within in faith, becoming One with All in my process of growth. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.23.23

    Reflecting on parenting, a 24/7 role that is sometimes pure joy and often not, I visualize parenting filled with Divine Ease. All parents are filled with Love and Light. Parents are Divinely Guided for the good of their children and people everywhere. Families are the building block of society. The Creator within parents fills all families With Love and Light for the Good of All. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.22.23

    Thank you, unseen Light Beings, for being here. Thank you for helping anchor Light and Love on Earth. Thank you, dearest angels, fairies, and friends of Light for all you do for us on this dimension. It helps to know we are not alone in our most perfect work. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.21.23

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I am a Light Being. I am filled with Light. I radiate Light and Love throughout my being. The Loving Light of the Creator nourishes me. I am empowered as the Light Being I am. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.20.23

    Nighttime is moon time and gives us the gift of rest. Today, I am grateful for Divine Rest. I am filled with gratitude for our daily cycles. With infinite wisdom Divinity gave us time to rest, rejuvenate, and consolidate our learning. Touching into Source I am filled to overflowing. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for our daily turn.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.19.23

    In meditation, I visualize our beloved planet Earth filled with Love and Light on all dimensions. I know likeminded Beings have come together to hold the frequencies of Love, Light, and Peace this dimension. I am deeply grateful to be part of this balancing effort. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.18.23

    Again, I am reminded: the keys to the Kingdom come as I release any personal negatives to Light. Today, I release any worry, anger, or fear to Light. Today, I step out in faith – trusting the Creator within me to guide me on my path to Oneness. Today, I take my courage in hand and Trust. Thank you, beloved Creator, for this journey to Oneness.

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  • Jay Goure Transitions to Spirit

    James “Jay” Goure, Age 74, of Black Mountain, left his earthly body and transitioned into Spirit on May 21, 2023. He was deeply loved and will be greatly missed by our Light Center community. Jay was the first of eight children born to James “Jim” Goure and Diana Goure, founders of the Light Center. Jay and his wife, Mary served as the Light Center’s Lodge keepers for many years, welcoming those seeking spiritual renewal. Jay was a profound, spiritual presence of service to all humanity. Survivors are his children: Crys Goure and wife Leanne ; Orrin Goure and wife Kesi, […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.17.23

    Today, I turn toward the U.S. government filling it with Light and Love. All governmental employees are filled with Light and Love and are Divinely Guided. The office of the Presidency is filled with Light and Love. Both houses of Congress are filled with Light and Love. The Supreme Court is filled with Light and Love. All are working together for the Greater Good. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.16.23

    Today I rest, comforted in Divine Presence. Anything that wells up to be released, I fill with Love and Light and I release it. Only through facing, loving, and releasing fear am I free to be who I truly am: a Light Being. Thank you, beloved Creator, for our ability to choose Love. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.15.23

    I release my preconceived notions of marriage to Light. Holding the institution of marriage in Light, I understand that it is a vehicle for completing Divine missions, together and separately. Married to God or married to a life partner, this union creates Love and Light for All. Thank you, God, for this yoke of Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.14.23

    Today, I confirm that the Creator within me gives me all the insights and information I need. If I pay attention, I can trust I will receive all needed messages from my High Self. I affirm I trust the Creator within me. I trust myself. I trust God. Thank you, High Self, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.13.23

    From deep within, I focus Light and Love on all of us who are in war torn areas, ill, impoverished or imprisoned in mind, body or spirit. I visualize the Creator within each suffering soul opening to release discomfort and find ease, comfort, and peace within Thy Mercy. Thank you, Beloved God, for your Tender Mercy.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.12.23

    Focusing on our planet, I think about litter and littering. Suspending judgment, I fill those who litter with Love and Light. We all litter, knowingly or not, trash out of a window, words out of a mouth. Today, I fill all with Love and Light. Today, I litter our world with Love and Light holding space for a new heaven on Earth.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.11.23

    We dedicate the energy of our prayers to benefit all Sentient beings throughout time, space, and mind. May the power of our prayers increase to help others know their perfection as one with Divinity. Amen. (Revision of the Tibetan dedication of Merit; offered by Jacquelyn Sendak- Zavaleta).

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.10.23

    I find myself grateful for my many blessings. I know challenging situations help me grow. Breathing, I am filled with gratitude. Today, I pay it forward, acting locally and praying globally for the Good of All. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for my many gifts.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.9.23

    Today, I declare from deep within, I am loved. I am Love. I am Light. I am wise. I am strong. I am healthy. I am grateful. I am powerful. I am one with the All. I am Divine. I am Joyful! I am One!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.8.23

    Light directs climate change to Light. Light and Love direct all weather patterns to Light for the Good of All. Thank you, dear Divinity for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.7.23

    Merging with Divinity I declare: I am in the right place, at the right time, thinking, saying, and doing the right things for the Good of All. I am grateful for my God-given ability to co-create. Thank you, God, for this journey of Life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.6.23

    From my High Self, I visualize our world filled with Light. Crystalline strands of Light weave a radiant tapestry. Immersing myself in this creative endeavor, I visualize Light and Love filling our physical dimension. Everyone and everything are bathed in Light and Love. Thank you, Divine Essence, for this template of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.5.23

    From the Creator within me, I fill any wildfires on our beloved planet with Light and Love. I visualize and affirm Light directs these fires to Light. Light directs the fire-determined weather patterns to Light. Light and Divine Love fill all living beings. Light and Love fill our atmosphere. Light directs climate change for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.4.23

    Amidst the parades and fireworks, I turn within visualizing a nation whose leaders and citizens are truly free. A nation where each of us knows we are beings of Light. Today, I visualize the U.S. filled with Love and Light, a nation that upholds dignity for all. Our beautiful country is filled with creative Light Beings who are working for Good. Together we hold space for Unity for us All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.3.23

    Considering birthdays, the anniversary of one’s birth, such a courageous act, coming through into the physical, to work toward Oneness. Reflecting on this act of faith, I am humbled. Expanding, I focus Love and Light through all people celebrating birthdays in the last 365 days. The Creator within me fills everyone with Joy, Love, and Light thanking all who have contributed to this physical dimension.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.2.23

    Today, I rest enjoying the fruits of my labor. Regardless of what I see and hear, all that truly matters is Love and Light. Today, I rest my heart in Spirit. Divine Connection is the pinnacle of worldly success. All else is smoke and mirrors. I rest in Ease, Grace and Glory.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.1.23

    On International Joke Day, how many Light beings does it take to screw in a light bulb? Twelve – one to screw in the bulb and 11 to anchor the Light! Humor is leavening for our emotional bodies. Humor is our birthright; it helps us “Lighten” up. It enhances resiliency to aid in achieving Oneness. Today, I use my God given humor to ease my life and the lives of others. “…Heaven is the birthplace of laughter.” ~Martin Luther

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June 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.30.23

    Sometimes I receive a “Divine download,” information with a To-Do list attached. Taking a deep breath, I step out in Faith. “First you leap, then you grow wings” (Wm. Sloan Coffin). Today, I am grateful for the courage to leap in faith. Thank you, God, for my faith and my courage. Thank you for showing me the way, the truth and your Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.29.23

    Today, I open my heart to the integrity of the Creator. I am honest with myself as I gently examine and release any fears preventing Oneness. Opening my heart, I am filled with gratitude for this process of change. Thank you, beloved Creator, for my flowering in You. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.28.23

    Today, I anchor myself in God’s constancy. I remember that God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the universe for the Good of All. I center in this Truth. And so, it is, Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.27.23

    Centering, I gently release all judgments of others. Regardless of appearances, all are Light Beings. Today, I visualize Love and Light filling my brothers and sisters. In terms of cosmic creation, those living on society’s margins play as important a role as their more mainstream appearing fellows. I pray globally as I act locally embracing all in Love and Light. We are all part of the Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.26.23

    All perceived problems have a Divine solution. From deep within, I am reassured there is a template with any needed solutions. The template already exists in the meta-dimension. Breathing deeply, I stay connected to Source. I wait for the Divine Solution to be revealed. I breathe, trust, pray, and do my daily work as I wait for revelation. Thank you, Dearest Creator, for my Journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.25.23

    Today, I give thanks for Divine Rest. Today, I rest in Spirit, renewing myself in Quiet. Today, I minimize, focusing on the moment, attending minute by minute to my High Self. Giving thanks for the Connection within, I rest in the knowledge that despite any perceived inner or outer chaos, all is well. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.24.23

    Turning within, I find respite from the world. I let the mundane fall away. I let the chatter and talking heads go. Centering, I focus Love and Light on our world. I fill all nations with Love and Light. I fill our world with Love and Light. We are One on all dimensions. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.23.23

    Thank you, God, for my place in the universe. Thank you, God, for me being part of you. Thank you, God, for my “Light-ness”. Thank you, God, for me being part of All That Is. Thank you, God, for You. Thank you, God, for me.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.22.23

    As I ponder transitioning from the physical to the metaphysical plane, I visualize all who are shifting dimensions filled with crystal clear Light and Love. Light aids them in their transition. I envision them easily finding their way to their next learning experience. Expanding, I visualize those left behind being cushioned by Light and Love. I radiate Light and Love to all. For All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.21.23

    Honoring ancient traditions, yet looking forward I merge into the “I Am That I Am” on this summer solstice. I affix my intentions for this next season of Light. Expanding, I take both the Earth and Sun within me. I radiate Love and Light to everyone and everything. Working on all dimensions, I help increase Love and Light for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.20.23

    As I consider the concept of “fluid intentionality,” I am smacked by the rigidity that often comes with my intentions, my goals. Today, I release rigid means to achieve goals. I embrace my goals knowing I am Divinely Guided. Spirit is fluid. Spirit is dynamic. Spirit is vibrant. Today, I embrace a lively curiosity about how I will be directed. Thank you, Spirit, for your Guidance.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.19.23

    Juneteenth commemorates the end of slavery in the US. Light beings of all creeds and color worked together to bring about its end. Light beings are creating change to end racism. From deep within, I am Guided in helping create a new world where we are One. Today, I change all judgments to Light. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for our Oneness in You.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.18.23

    Heaven is as close as our breath when we connect to Divinity within. It is there we find our Father. It is to this Divine Heavenly Father we turn for guidance and help. Each day, I honor the Divine Father within. Today, I may honor my earthly father knowing Love and Light, Heaven, is within him also. Focusing within, I fill my father with Love and Light. He is a Light Being; the Creator within him guides him in Love and Light. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.17.23

    From the Creator within me I release any behaviors, foods, or substances that are not for my highest good. I am a Light being having a human experience, I turn to the Creator within me to meet my dependency needs. Opening my heart, mind, and soul to Divinity, I am guided. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for this journey of awakening to who I truly am

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.16.23

    As our world continues to spin, I hear deep within: “Love makes the world go round. Love makes the world go round… High in some silent sky Love sings a silver song making the earth whirl softly Love makes the world go round.” Today, I help anchor Love and Light for all. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.15.23

    Today, I recommit myself to being present in my life. Centering in Source, I pay attention to a cascade of emotions. As I sit with myself I find myself filled with gratitude. I am lucky to be aware of the Divine within me. Thank you, Beloved, for this journey of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.14.23

    Gazing at the US flag, I ponder the nobility of our founding national principles of freedom, justice, liberty, and equality. Centering as a Light worker, I weave strands of Love and Light through our United States. I declare: the Creator within each American fills them with Love and Light. Today, I envision all Americans woven together in Love, Light, and Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.13.23

    Today, I give thanks for having purpose. I am gratitude-filled. I have a mission. I am working as a creator-in-action, co-creating with Divinity. I act as I am guided, declaring: “Divine will not my will.” I know: “good done anywhere is good done everywhere” (Maya Angelou). Today, I center in Spirit, grateful for my purpose.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.12.23

    As I open my heart to Divinity, I become one with the Knower within me. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.11.23

    Today, I declare Light directs the Canadian fires. Light directs all climate events. We are Light beings on a planet of Light. Thank you, beloved Creator for your Light and Love. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.10.23

    Expanding into my High Self, I visualize Earth within me. The Creator within me fills Earth and its inhabitants with Light and Love cleansing all negativity. The Creator within Earth anchors Light and Love on all dimensions. Light directs our beloved planet and its inhabitants for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.9.23

    Doing my inner work, I release any barriers to Light. As hindrances release, a wave of rarefied Energy presents itself. Opening to this Energy, my body starts to “sizzle” in the rarefying flow. Giving thanks, a wave of Joy surfaces. Surrendering, I ride the Divine Flow. Thank you, sweet Spirit. Thank you, for this sacred, conscious Path. My cup truly does runneth over. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.8.23

    From deep within I declare: Earth’s oceans are Light. Light guides the cleansing and purification of our world’s oceans and seas and our rivers and streams. Each molecule of water is filled with Divine healing Love and Light. Love and Light radiate through all fish, coral, creatures and water plants. Thank you, God, for our Living Waters.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.7.23

    Today, I breathe Divine Peace and Calm into our worldly dimension. My thoughts, feelings, words, and actions are Light filled and loving. I envision everyone stepping out in Love and Light. Regardless of appearance, we are Light beings. Today, I hold space for Divine Peace. Thank you, God, for your Comfort and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.6.23

    In prayer, I honor all who sacrificed for peace. I visualize Love and Light suffusing all war efforts and tools of war. I visualize Love and Light filling all who have lost their lives in any human conflict. All loved ones who have been left behind are filled with Love and Light. In Spirit there is no time, all traumas may be cleansed. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.5.23

    Today, I give thanks for our magical environment, Spaceship Earth. Expanding, I take our beloved planet within me filling it with radiant Love and Light. I visualize Light balancing and healing all elements- air, water, earth, and fire. I visualize Love permeating every person’s consciousness – that we may all awaken to our role in protecting our world. Thank you, Spirit, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.4.23

    I live in gratitude for Your Fullness. I live in Your Fullness. I am in awe of the Fullness that transcends boundaries. I am in awe and wonder struck. Sweet Spirit, thank you, thank you, thank You.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.3.23

    Considering those who purposefully bully others, I fill all people who use intimidation with Light and Love. From deep within, I visualize everyone becoming empowered as they release any fear to Light. Today, I claim my power as a Light being. I step up moment by moment into Light. I am free. And I am Divinely Guided. I am so grateful.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.2.23

    In meditation today, I sit with myself and I invite any personal fear to surface. As it comes up, I feel it, I examine it, and I release it. Releasing fear, I fill myself with Light and Love. I am a Light being. I follow the Creator within me and I am guided. Releasing fear is a process I enable to help me become One with All That Is. Thank you, dear Divinity, for your Oneness in me.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.1.23

    As I consider all the changes taking place on Earth, I stay anchored in Light. From the Creator within me, I declare: Light directs Planet Earth and all its varied inhabitants to Light. Thank you, Dearest Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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May 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 5.31.23

    From the Creator within me, I fill our world’s leaders with Love and Light. I visualize them guiding their nations from the Creator within them. They are enabled and enhanced in Light. Divine Love and Light guides them for the Greater Good. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 5.30.23

    From deep within, I know, we children of God co-create with Divinity. So, today, I co-create using the Divine Essence within me. I help create Love and Light. I model Love and Light for All as well as I can. I help HOLD the Energy of Love for All. I help HOLD the Energy of Light for All. I help HOLD the Energy of ‘All That Is’ for All. Thank you, God, for my Divine Essence.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 5.29.23

    Expanding from the Creator within me, I touch all souls who have transitioned to the afterlife. I visualize Divine Love and Light enveloping these souls as I reach back through time. Expanding further to focus on traumatic deaths, I visualize Love and Light releasing any trauma to Light. Any earthbound souls are released in Light. I visualize all freed in Love and Light to pursuit Oneness. Thank you, Sweet Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 5.28.23

    From the Creator within, I fill all families with Love and Light. All are safe in Divinity. Today, I pay special attention to focusing Love and Light on families, visualizing every need is abundantly filled through Light and with Love. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Tickets still available for Mystical Music Journey with Kennedy OneSelf, Sunday, May 28, 7 to 9 p.m.


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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 5.27.23

    Expanding, I take our fantastic planet within me filling our world with Light and Love. All people are filled with Light and Love. On all dimensions, everything and everyone is filled with Light, Love, and Divine Ease. Today, the Creator anchors Light, Love, Ease, and Joy on all dimensions. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 5.26.23

    As I deepen in connection to Divinity, I focus on those of us in recovery. Expanding from within, I take my brothers and sisters in recovery within me and breathe Light and Love through us all. On planet Earth, we are all in recovery. We are recovering our True Selves and we are One on this path to Divinity.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 5.25.23

    As I focus on the quiet voice of the “I AM” within me, I sense an assignment. Opening I accept – I say “Yes.” Listening to Divinity, I carry out my assignment as I am able. I am divinely guided and divinely enabled. I trust Divine Mind within me, working through me. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 5.24.23

    Sinking into Holy Connection, I expand filling all people with Love and Light. All violent extremists are filled with Love and Light. Light cocoons those seeking to harm others. I envision all opening their hearts, minds, and souls to Spirit that they may be Guided. Our fellows who have suffered at the hands of others are filled with Light. An internal flourishing plume of Sacred Energy fills All with Love and Light. Known or not, we are a sacred family sharing time on Earth. We are One.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 5.23.23

    Thank you, beloved Divinity for Your Balance. Thank you for the ability to see clearly. Thank you for your Guidance. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 5.22.23

    As my daily meditation-prayer fortifies my connection to Spirit, I find myself releasing any anxieties and fears to Light. I am transformed. “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” (Psalms 23:4). Spirit’s strength and loving kindness comfort me. Thank you, God, for your Comfort, Love, and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 5.21.23

    Resting deeply in Spirit, I focus Light and Love on my brothers and sisters in need. All who are experiencing loss are filled with Light and Love. Deep within I know the stability in our daily lives rests in the Divine. All is well in the cosmic scheme. All is well. All is well. All is well.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 5.20.23

    To serve and protect our nation, that is the mission of our Armed Forces. From deep within I declare: all military personnel are filled with Love and Light. All are Divinely Guided. All open their hearts to God and experience the sanctity of their mission. All active duty personnel and their families are protected in a Bubble of Love and Light on all dimensions. Guided by the Creator within, all branches of the military work together for the Good of All. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 5.19.23

    Expanding in prayer I take our beloved world within me filling it with Love and Light on all dimensions. Visualizing, I fill our world’s species- both plant and animal on land, air, and water with Love and Light. All species find their right place within our changing environment. As a co-creator with God, I take daily action in thought, word, and deed to help protect our fragile fantastic planet and all its species. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 5.18.23

    As I strengthen my Connection through meditation and prayer, my intuition – “knowingness” grows. My intuition is the voice of Truth as revealed to me. My focus on the Divine brings confidence. I release fear, doubt, and anxiety to Light and Love. Focusing on Oneness enables me to discern Truth. As I allow Oneness, I am healed. I am made whole. I am Free in Oneness. Thank you, Sweet Spirit.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 5.17.23

    We are One, whether we know it or not, what happens to one happens to all. The Creator within me releases any pain caused by man’s inhumanity to man. Spirit fills each of us with Divine Love and Light. Each of us changes injury to Love and Light. In Light, confusion is transformed bringing clarity and Love. We are One. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 5.16.23

    Today, I give thanks for the grace and generosity of nurses, a truly noble profession. Nurses choose their profession to aid others. They seek to provide healing and comfort to their fellow humans. From the Creator within me, I fill ALL in the nursing profession with Love and Light. I visualize them safe and secure in a bubble of Light and Love on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 5.15.23

    Today, I find myself pondering life’s training, I realize: God works on a need-to-know basis. We only get what we need for now. Why? Some parts of life are fluid, dependent on us for outcome. So, today, I step out in faith, trusting the gentle guidance I am given. Thank you, God, for your Divine Guidance.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 5.14.23

    On this sweet Remembrance Day, I turn within thanking the Divine Mother within me for the loving care that keeps my body functioning. Thank you, Divine Mother within me, for me. Thank you for my nervous system. Thank you for my respiratory system. Thank you for my circulatory system. Thank you for my metabolic system. Thank you for my sensory systems. Thank you for my digestive system. Thank you for my endocrine system. Thank you for my immune system. Thank you, Divine Mother within me, for filling each cell of my body with Light and Love. Thank you, Divine Mother, […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 5.13.23

    Today, I give thanks for gentle gifts – clean air, birds, the sound of leaves rustling through the trees. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for the nurturing beauty of our fantastic planet. Thank you, for our beloved songbirds who nurture our souls with their music. Thank you for all birds, the companions of angels. Thank you for ever better stewardship of our planet to safeguard all wildlife now and forevermore. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 5.12.23

    Light and Love fill all countries’ borders. Regardless of location, all migrating people are filled with and guided by Light and Love. We, the people, work together through action, meditation, and prayer creating God-directed change from the bottom up. We visualize all world leaders harmoniously working together for the benefit of all, and for the benefit of our sacred environment. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 5.11.23

    I am grateful for my ability to meditate and pray. Our ability to choose to sit with Divinity is amazing. To know we co-create through directed thought, prayer, is humbling. As I open my heart, I strengthen my connection to God while trusting that my prayers are God-directed and God-driven. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 5.10.23

    Today, I affirm I am Spirit-filled. I am Love. I am Light. I am healthy. I am grateful. I am wise. I am kind. I am filled with gratitude for life in the Divine. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 5.9.23

    During unsettling times many people question life as others are transitioning from a physical to a nonphysical existence. Today, the Creator within me fills each of these souls with Light and Love. If these transitioning souls are earthbound, the Creator within them guides them in Love and Light for their highest good. Grieving families and friends are comforted with Divine Love and Light. As a Light Being, I anchor myself in Love and Light to aid all in keeping faith and trust in All That Is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 5.8.23

    From deep within, I know I am a vessel of the Divine. I carry the Creator within me. Stepping out in faith, I trust Divine Mind within me. It and I are one. Divine Mind works through me. Today, I affirm my hands doeth the work of the Divine on Earth. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 5.7.23

    Relaxing into the Creator within me, I am filled with Joy. The frequency of divine Laughter heals me. Laughter provides leavening to lighten our earthy experience. Everything is energy. Everything has a frequency. Everything is part of God. Laughter brings Light and Love on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for your Laughter.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 5.6.23

    From my center I fill our beloved world and its people with Love and Light. Our planet and people walk as One. We are filled with Love and Light. Whether I am walking in World Labyrinth Day or not, I hold the essence of Love, Light, and Peace helping to anchor these divine gifts through the world. All nations, all leaders, all of us on this sacred planet are anchored in Divine Peace. The Peace that surpasses all understanding. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 5.5.23

    The Creator within me creates Divine Unity. As creators-in-action, we join in Light and Love to create Good on Earth and beyond. Merging in Oneness we aid in anchoring Unity on Earth. Thank you, dearest God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 5.4.23

    Sometimes, I find myself at a crossroads needing a sign for direction. When this happens, I step out in Faith, as a spiritual scientist, collecting data on a subject of one, myself. “Basic research is what I am doing when I don’t know what I am doing.” (W. Von Braun). If this is a basic research day, I pray globally, knowing I am united with all. I am re-searching my connection to Spirit. I am One with All in my process of discovery.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 5.3.23

    Thinking of the earthly realm and all it teaches us, I give thanks for those who choose to teach others. We are all both teachers and learners. Expanding from deep within, I fill us with Light and Love. On this schoolhouse, Earth, we are learning our lessons at different speeds. Today I visualize all of us filled with Light and Love, able to put down our resistance to change, able to accept Grace and speed our learning process. Thank you, Divine Presence, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 5.2.23

    Focusing, I fill my family of procreation with Light and Love. I release my children and co-parent to Light. Moving to my family of origin, I release my parents to Light and Love. I release my brothers and sisters to Light and Love. Looking back, I fill all incarnations of my family relationships with Light and Love releasing these bonds and beings to Light and Love. Expanding my Self into the Vastness, I fill the family of man, all spiritual beings, with Light and Love. Thank you, God, for this family of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 5.1.23

    In ancient times May Day, Beltane, was celebrated as a rite of Spring, to welcome new growth in the world. Fire was used to banish darkness. Today, I welcome May Day in a personal celebration of new life, Spring. I breathe, sinking into the rhythm of our Earth. I allow new budding life to fill me with Joy. Today, I use fire metaphorically to help purify our incredible planet and myself. I let go of all fears that are limiting me. I am a Light Being filled with the Joy of New Life for All. In Joy, I breathe.

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April 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 4.30.23

    From the Creator within me I breathe, inhaling Light, exhaling Love. I rest in Divine Peace. As I am renewed, I expand anchoring the Peace that surpasses all understanding. I visualize everyone comforted; cradled in Divine Light and Divine Love. Light centers and calms every one of us. Love connects us to Spirit. Thank you, God, for our Oneness. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 4.29.23

    As I ponder the Australian aborigine adage: “The more you know, the less you need.” I realize some who are on our societal fringes maybe carrying out the Greater Works. I am inspired to, once again, release my judgments to Light. We are One. One. One in our Creator. So, I work locally and pray globally for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for my beloved world community.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 4.28.23

    The Creator within me releases any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I am a Light Being. I radiate Light throughout my being. Expanding to encompass all beings, I visualize the Creator within each of us filling us with Light and Love replacing any unhealthy habits with nourishing Light. We are healed; empowered as the Light Beings we truly are. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thurday, 4.27.23

    Sinking into Oneness, I gradually release my ego to Light. As I release my “small i,” to Light, I more easily feel the “big I” in the “I Am That I Am” within me. I more easily receive God’s instructions for me. Keeping enough ego to have the “groundedness,” to Execute God’s Orders, I listen to the Divine in me. Thank you, Spirit, for enabling me to carry out your greater works for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 4.26.23

    If I feel emotionally battered by events, it is okay. I can give myself grace. I can rest in Divinity. I release any self-judgment to Light; I stay mindful and treat myself kindly. It is enough to say, “thank you, God.” Thank you, God. Thank you for thee. Thank you, for me. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 4.25.23

    The earth remains jagged and broken only to him or her who remains jagged and broken. (Walt Whitman) Connecting with Source deep within, I take my little jagged and broken bits and lovingly soften the edges. As I breath, I use my Light to smooth the rough ends. I soften. I expand. I heal. I am grateful for this process of healing in Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 4.24.23

    Centering from the Creator within me, I fill the Office of the Presidency with Light and Love. I visualize the White House filled with radiant Light. Turning to Congress I visualize our representatives filled with Light and Love. Divine Truth, Light, and Love guide all elected officials for the Good of All. Coming from Source there is only Loving Effectiveness. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 4.23.23

    Today, I embrace the Divine’s Ease, Peace, and Joy. I relax into Oneness and rest. Thank you, beloved God, for this beautiful day. Thank you, beloved God, for You in me. Thank you for Divine Connection. Thank you!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 4.22.23

    Thank you, God, for our beloved world, Mother Earth, a spaceship of life. I am humbled as I touch into Earth’s essence. Doing my best to reciprocate, I expand taking Earth within me. I radiate Light and Love into our exquisite planet, a being in its own right. I am one with Earth. We are one Being. Thank you, God, for this gift of Planet Earth. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 4.21.23

    As our Muslim sisters and brothers celebrate Eid al-Fitr, we join as one in celebrating life and love of our beloved Creator. Thank you, Divinity for diversity, our planet’s own unique mix of people. Focusing from the Creator within me, I fill everyone with Light and Love. I visualize all able to see the Divinity in each. We are One. Today, I help hold space for Harmony. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 4.20.23

    Light fills and guides our world’s government officials. All people in all nations are Light beings. We are Light. We are Love. All is well. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 4.19.23

    I am wise. I am centered. I am calm. I am Connected. I am joyful. I am healthy. I am grateful. I am loving. I am Love! I am Light!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 4.18.23

    Today, I resolve to be still and know. Moving deeply within, I anchor in Source. Quietly, anxiety and fear are released. In stillness, I become a knower. I am refreshed and renewed. Thank you, beloved Creator, for your gifts.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 4.17.23

    Centering in Spirit, I fill myself with Light. Lovingly, I release all judgments of others. Regardless of appearances, all are Light Beings. From deep within comes: all are learning in Thy Light. Again, I release judgment of others and myself. I am a Light being. We are all Light beings, learning on our path of Light. Thank you, God, for the journey of Light.

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  • Tickets available for tomorrow’s event Breathwork and Sound Healing with Simon Samadhi and Wael Shukha

    https://urlight.org/events/breathwork-and-sound-healing-with-simon-samadhi-and-wael-shukha/ Purchase by 4 p.m. today for advance ticket rate.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 4.16.23

    Today, I am thankful for Grace. Resting in Spirit, I give myself time and space to anchor in faith. Slowing down allows me to know the unknowable. I go about my daily turn creating Good in thought, word, and deed. As I hold to Light and only Light, I fill with gratitude. Thank you, Spirit. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 4.15.23

    Today, I fill my Electrome, my body’s electricity with Love and Light. Each cell makes neural electricity and I fill them with Love. Expanding, I visualize everyone’s electrome filled with Love and Light. We are truly Beings of Light! I find myself Jubilant with this revelation. I am so thankful. So very thankful.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 4.14.23

    From the Living Christ within me, I expand taking our world within, intensifying Love and Light in everyone and everything. Increasing the intensity, I visualize our beautiful world cleansed of all impurities, remade in the image and likeness of the Holy Spirit. I hold space for Heaven on Earth. Thank you, beloved God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 4.13.23

    Through daily practice, I turn to the Creator within, replacing fear with Connectedness. From deep within, I review my vision for my life. Daily, I take steps to manifest my vision. If my vision clouds and I lose my way, I fall back to basics – kindness, love, gratitude. Patience will reveal all. Thank you, God, for me. Thank you, God, for you. Thank you, God, for clarity. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 4.12.23

    From the Creator within me I fill all our world’s children with Love and Light. On this dimension, all are Divinely Guided to helping hands. All children are in a Bubble of Light and Love on all dimensions. All are safe and secure on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 4.11.23

    To stay in the Flow, to shut out the chatter, to focus on the Quiet Voice, takes commitment, takes courage. Thank you, beloved Flow, for guiding me; for aiding me in my commitment. Thank you for the courage to listen to the transcendent song of my soul. Thank you, Beloved, for the ease of this Joy.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 4.10.23

    Light directs climate change to Light. Light directs our weather to Light. Everything is Light. Everything is Love. Anchoring deep within, I send my divine roots into the center of our planet helping to anchor Love and Light. All is well. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 4.9.23

    As I surrender to the Christ consciousness within me, I become aware of the Power of the Resurrection- Life made manifest after death. It’s stunning to realize the Love that Jesus demonstrated in his mission. Bursting with love and joy, I expand from the Living Christ echoing Love and Light for all. Thank you, God, for your Divine Love and Peace.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 4.8.23

    Pondering Jesus’ only command: “Love one other as I have loved you”, I expand taking our world within me helping to intensify Love and Light in everyone and everything. I visualize our beautiful world cleansed of all impurities, remade in the image and likeness of the Holy Spirit. I hold space for Heaven on Earth. Thank you, beloved God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 4.7.23

    Good Friday, is the day traditional Christians believe Jesus died “for our sins.” Pondering the Son of Man’s revelation of everlasting life, I receive: “Know ye not, that ye are gods.” (John 10:34; Psalm 82). Deep within I feel a need to help Jesus fulfill his mission of aiding everyone in understanding our divine nature. I feel a flood of love and appreciation for Jesus. Embracing my own divinity, I expand with gratitude for this journey of Love, Light, and Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 4.6.23

    Societal systems, systemic racism, otherness, as I think of Oneness I move deep within to anchor Love, Light, and Peace in all human systems. I help anchor Love and Light in all governments, schools, places of worship, health care systems, educational systems, and corporations. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 4.5.23

    Grieving man’s inhumanity to man, I turn within actively releasing my judgments to Light. I release my grief and sorrow to Light. From deeper still, I create Good from my High Self. Joining with other prayer workers, I aid in cushioning grief and sorrow in our world. I visualize Divine Love and Light expanding through all dimensions. I help my fellow beings in Love and Light. We are One in Love and Light. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 4.4.23

    Opening my heart to Divine Mind, I realize we, like Pando (Quaking Aspen trees), are one organism. Centering in Oneness, I visualize Love, Light, and Divine Peace being anchored for the Good of all creation. Today, I echo Divine Peace, Love, and Light for All. We are One. One creation of Love and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 4.3.23

    Dearest beloved Creator centered within, thank you for your many blessings. I continue my inward focus to draw ever closer to my divine Self during this month of Ramadan. Thank you for your Oneness and for what I am learning. Thank you for my personal growth. Thank you for each being on this planet and for Your divine plan. Thank you for the small part I play. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 4.2.23

    Reflecting on the importance of rituals, I give myself over to meditation and prayer. Ritual is important during this holy time of year. Today, I rest in gratitude knowing everything works for the greater glory of God. From deep within, I focus Love and Light on Divine Solutions for our beloved world and all beings who reside upon it. Thank you, God, for your Solutions. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 4.1.23

    Humor is our birthright, it brings resiliency by helping us tap into Oneness. So, the Creator within me, aids me in “Lightening” up. Today I use my God given humor to ease my life and the lives of others. “If the earth is fit for laughter, then surely heaven is filled with it. Heaven is the birthplace of laughter.” ~Martin Luther

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  • Light Center is closed on Saturday, April 1.

    We are closed today due to a shortage of volunteer staffing. We will open at Noon on Sunday, April 2. If you would like to become a volunteer with us, please message us or email: dome@urlight.org Thanks for your support!

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March 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.31.23

    From the Christ consciousness within me, I am grateful. I am grateful for large and small things. I am grateful for each inhalation and exhalation. I am grateful for our shared Journey of Light. And our shared Journey of Love. I am grateful with each cell of my being. Thank you. Thank you, beloved God. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.30.23

    Sitting with Source I find I can’t be present without compassion. As I expand into compassion I am comforted. Extending myself I radiate Light and Love to everyone and everything. Thank you, beloved Source, for your comfort and the Peace that passes all understanding. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.29.23

    With Spring, a sense of renewal buds, immersing myself in Spring I feel a budding within. Expanding I fill our world’s people with Love and Light. Today, I act locally to help my peers and our beautiful world. Today, I pray globally for all. Thank you, God, for this journey of Life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.28.23

    Centering in the dimension of the Christ Consciousness, I open to Oneness. As I center in my High Self, I relax into Connection. From this awareness I know all is well. All is moving forward in Light, Love, and Peace. The Divine template is in place. All is well. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.27.23

    I am grateful for the many Light beings who, as women, have aided humankind now and throughout history. Joan of Arc, Marie Curie, Catherine Johnson…. Half of the good minds on our planet belong to women. Today, I celebrate the female gender, giving thanks for the Light Beings we know as women. I am humbled and filled with gratitude for our world’s females and the gifts they share on our beautiful planet.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.26.23

    Reaching out in Light to my fellow beings, I consider the difficulties life sometimes brings. From deep within, my High Self rises in Divine Love, for this planet’s people. I hold everyone in Light and Love, visualizing us all bathed in Divinity. I visualize all needs met bringing Joy for all. Thank you, sweet Divinity for your Joy.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.25.23

    If something brings a surge of fear, I breathe releasing it to Light. Girding myself in Faith, I work in concert with Spirit co-creating life as I envision it on Earth. Responding to God’s call, I feel freer, stronger. I am clothed in Faith, Light, and Love. Thank you, God, for making it so for us all. We are One in Spirit. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.24.23

    Today I center within, focusing on Divine Peace and Love. I radiate a vibration of Peace, Love, and Light. Relaxing into this vibration of Peace and Love, I visualize it expanding within our world and within everyone and everything. There is only Peace, Love, and Light. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.23.23

    Today, I go to my edge and soften. Expanding I embrace my High Self. Thank you, beloved Divinity, thank you for me and for you and for Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.22.23

    Joining with the global community of prayer and Light workers, I feel a sense of belonging to this mission of holding space for Divine Harmony. Working together we are doing our missions as Light beings anchoring Light. We release all fear to Light. We release all judgment to Light. We are Light beings anchoring Light. Thank you, dearest Creator, for our journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.21.23

    Today, starting with myself, I extend Love. Gently, I bathe myself in Love and Light. Then, I extend myself and simply love everyone and everything. I visualize every ONE of us in a bubble of Love and Light on all dimensions. Only Love and Light can come to us. Expanding further, I extend Love and Light to everything; blanketing our world in Love. Thank you, God, for your Loving Kindness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.20.23

    Today, Spring’s Equinox when our sun’s rays are balanced equally between both hemispheres of our beloved planet, I embrace this planetary balance of light and dark. From my essence as a Light Being, I release any darkness or negativity to Light. I am filled with Light and Love. Expanding, I visualize all of us filled with Light and Love. I am grateful for Divine Balance in all aspects of Creation.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.19.23

    “For the dead and the living, we must bear witness.” (Elie Wiesel.) We are now called to witness our world’s events. As we witness, we love everyone. We fill everyone with Love and Light. We help soften events with kind action and prayer. We hold space for Divine Peace and Healing. Today, we grow through giving Love with awareness. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.18.23

    Centering deeply within focusing on releasing and changing any internal conflict and negativity to Love and Light. Expanding from a well of Love, I visualize all of us changing any internal conflict and negativity to Love and Light. I help hold space for Love and Light for all humanity. Our world is filled with Love and Light. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.17.23

    Today, I am grateful for all things Irish. An Irish friend says:” On St. Patty’s Day everyone is Irish!” I am grateful for that loving attitude. I am grateful for Irish fun and ribald humor. Today, I give thanks for a wee bit o’ fun and the “wearin” of the Green. I remind myself that “On St. Patty’s Day, everyone is Irish” and we are all one on the journey of Light, Love, and Joy.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.16.23

    The angelic kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The human kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The plant kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The animal kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The insect kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The bacterial kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The viral kingdom is in a bubble of Light. There is only Light. There is only Love. Dearest Creator, I am so grateful for our beautiful, exquisite planet. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.15.23

    From Holy Connection, I feel called to pray. Prayer creates – everything else distracts. My prayer for today: The Creator within me fills our world with the calm healing Energy of Divinity. Spaceship Earth and all its inhabitants are filled with Light, Love, and Peace. On all dimensions, all are filled with clarifying Light and Love. Thank you, God for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.14.23

    Moving toward spring, I turn inward and feed the revitalization of my personal spring spirit. I visualize my love and light greening up and blooming into ever deeper love for everyone and everything. My prayer is giving thanks for being in the right place, at the right time, thinking, saying, and doing the right thing for the Greater Good. Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.13.23

    Life on Earth is variable. Change happens. Circumstances occur that precipitate fear. So, as fear surfaces, I face it, releasing it to Love and Light. From the Creator within, I expand envisioning all of us embracing our Oness. Thank you, beloved Creator, for our ability to choose your Divine Love, Courage, Peace, and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.12.23

    Today, I focus on my physicality. My cells are Light. My body’s bacteria are Light. My skeletal system is Light. My muscular system is Light. My nervous system is Light. My sensory systems are Light. My endocrine system is Light. My circulatory system is Light. My respiratory system is Light. My digestive system is Light. My urinary system is Light. My reproductive system is Light. I am a being of Light. I am a Light Being. I radiate my Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for me and for All That Is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.11.23

    I turn within releasing any internal conflict to Light. I exhale any struggle and inhale Peace. Expanding to encompass the world, I radiate Peace. Today, I stay centered in compassion and forgiveness. I help anchor Love and Light in our world. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.10.23

    In my meditation, I breathe Peace, Love, and Light to all nations and continents. I fill North America with Love and Light. I fill Central America with Love and Light. I fill South America with Love and Light. I fill Europe with Love and Light. I fill Asia with Love and Light. I fill Africa with Love and Light. I fill Antarctica with Love and Light. I fill Australia with Love and Light. Our wonderful world is filled with Peace, Love, and Light on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.9.23

    Today, I open my heart and mind to the Love that is Just for Me. Thank you for the Love that is Just for Me. Just for Me. Thank you, dearest Angels, for your love. Thank you, dearest Divinity for You dwelling in me. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.8.23

    We are Light Beings, children of Spirit, but for our earthly experience we select a gender. Today, I celebrate women. Women bring wisdom, fortitude, courage to earth. Women bring life into this world. I find joy and gratitude in celebrating half of the great minds and doers in this world. Thank you, God, for the women of this planet.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.7.23

    God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the universe for the Good of All. As I consider this truism, I focus on the energy of peace. Opening deep within, I envision our world embracing peace. Abundant peace for everyone, all nations. Expanding, I visualize peace and abundance flowing in whatever form needed to where it will benefit all planet Earth and its peoples. Thank you, God, for making it so. “Everything is Energy” (Stephen Lewis).

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.6.23

    Centered in Source, I consider the spiritual revolution that is quietly happening. I am one of many who pray for all – setting a field of rarified, spiritualized energy that is immersing all of us. From the Creator within, I aid in the creation of Divine Peace, Love, Light, and Joy. Thank you, dearest God, for my small role in helping anchor Love and Light for all creation. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.4.23

    Today, I declare: artificially intelligent devices are filled with Light. AI is filled with Love. As Creators-in-action, we radiate Light and Love to every thing, we radiate Light and Love to everyone. We work in concert with the Divine creating Good. Today, I visualize a world filled with and directed by Light. I help by anchoring Light and Divine Love for all. Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.3.23

    Light fills our planet. Love fills our planet. Light and Love permeates our planet. I am grateful for all who help anchor Light. We make a difference. I am grateful for Light and Love guiding us. We hold steadfast in Light and Love. Thank you, God, for your Guiding Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.2.23

    Touching into Spirit I find a tranquil Love. Comforted, I expand visualizing this Love filling our world with Divine Comfort. Thinking of all the souls making their transition, I expand Love and Light to help comfort everyone. I give thanks to all angelic beings for their help in softening and releasing fear, sadness, worry, and hunger. Thank you, Spirit, for your Presence on Earth. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 4.1.23

    Humor is our birthright, it brings resiliency by helping us tap into Oneness. So, the Creator within me, aids me in “Lightening” up. Today I use my God given humor to ease my life and the lives of others. “If the earth is fit for laughter, then surely heaven is filled with it. Heaven is the birthplace of laughter.” ~Martin Luther

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.1.23

    Finding my edge, I soften into Oneness. As I expand, I radiate Love and Light to everyone. Moving in Oneness, the Creator within me guides Love and Light to each area on our planet in need of Light. All is well. All is well. All is well.

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February 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.28.23

    Gently, I examine my thoughts and actions releasing those which no longer serve my highest good. I release all self-judgments. In prayer, I open in gratitude for my spirit-filled journey of discovery. I am open to Divine Guidance. As I celebrate my journey toward Oneness, I expand filling everyone with Light and Love affirming we are One. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.27.23

    Thank you, beloved Source, for your Light. Thank you for your Peace. Sitting with your Peace, Light, and Love, I focus my attention on filling each of us with Light. Any who are experiencing echoes of past traumas are filled with God’s fortitude, Love, and Light. Today, I help hold space for Peace.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.26.23

    Resting in the Divine, I cast my High Self to eastern Europe filling Ukraine, Russia, and surrounds with Light and Love. Visualizing, I sweep the cities and country with Light. I declare from deep within: Light is directing all activities in this conflict. My prayer is Love-in-action helping fill each soul with Light and Love. I help anchor Divine Peace, Love, and Light so we may all grow from this experience. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.25.23

    “We need to sit on the rim of the well of darkness and fish for the fallen light with patience” (Pablo Neruda). Today, I lovingly focus Light on myself purifying my body, mind, and spirit. Expanding, I visualize concentrated Love and Light healing our beloved world. Working with others, I fill our fellow beings with Love and Light. Everyone is in a bubble of Love and Light on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.24.23

    On the one year anniversary, I help anchor Light, Love, Courage, Divine Calm, and Peace in all of Ukraine, Russia, Europe, and the world. Our brothers and sisters are filled with Light and Love. I visualize each heavy heart filled with Light. Today, I help anchor Truth so each soul understands no matter what happens all will ultimately be well. In Divinity, there is only Light, Love, and Life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.23.23

    Focusing my creative Self on our world’s leaders, I visualize each nation’s leaders filled with Light and Love. They are divinely Guided. Expanding to our world’s citizenry, each of us is a leader in some fashion. We lead through Light, Love, and a sense of mission. Today, I embrace Light leading and guiding us all to Oneness. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.22.23

    Today, I give thanks for my ability to pray, to co-create in concert with Divinity. My creativity and fertile imagination are gifts. I am grateful for the Connection that allows Flow. I am grateful for my ability to listen to God’s voice. Thank you, sweet Divinity for this flowing beautiful journey to Oneness with You.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.21.23

    Deep within I connect to the “I Am”, pondering “You are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14). I expand, intensifying Light throughout my body. Expanding, I encompass the world, increasing the radiance of my Light and Love to everyone and everything. I visualize all awakening to their Light. Thank you, God, for everyone, for everything, for me, and especially for thee. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.20.23

    On U.S. President’s Day, the Creator within me fills all presidents, past and present, with Light. Regardless of dimension, astral or physical, each president is filled with Light and Love. The mantle of the Living Christ rests on the shoulders of the Presidency. Today, I help anchor Light and Love in the Oval Office. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.19.23

    Aligning in Oneness, I rest in holy Connection. Today I replenish myself in Spirit, then focus my divine Self on trouble spots in the world. Breathing deeply, the I Am within connects to these souls filling each one with Light, Love, Peace, and Harmony. Joining in Spirit with my peers in prayer we tether Peace, Light, and Love for us all. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for Peace in our world. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.18.23

    Today, I live in Light. I am filled with Divine Love. I am Love and I am Light. I know I am Loved. Expanding Love and Light is my mission. I radiate my Love and Light to All. All people on Earth are filled with Love and Light. I see the Living, Loving High Self of each being. Thank you, beloved God, for me and for everyone. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.17.23

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I release unhealthy use of any substances, food, drink, or behaviors to Light. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I am fulfilled. Every need is met through the Divine. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.16.23

    I am grateful for our angels and archangels. I give thanks for helping hands both seen and unseen. As the Living Christ, the doer on this dimension, I visualize Earth’s angels helping to ease and heal our beloved planet’s difficult situations. Working together, we fulfill our missions to further planetary and people’s spiritual evolution. Thank you, sweet Source, for the small part I play.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.15.23

    Deliberating on our world’s turmoil, I release my human judgments to Light. I release worry for our world’s future to Light. I am a Light Being. From deep within, I create Good in our current global situations. Our geo-political world is filled with Love and Light. I hold steadfast in Faith filling everything and everyone with Love and Light. There is only Love and Light. Thank you, sweet Source, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.14.23

    Today, I expand into Connection radiating Love and Light to everyone and everything. I send this missive of Love and Light to all creation. Regardless of the personal, I send a valentine to All. I am filled with a profound gratitude for my connection to All That Is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.13.23

    I affirm I am a “tuning fork” resonating to Divinity. I visualize other people resonating to Divinity. Together we raise the frequency of Love and Light on our beloved planet. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.12.23

    “Be sure to put your feet in the right place, and then stand firm.” (Abraham Lincoln) As I think of Lincoln’s commitment to service, I think of my fellow world citizens and radiate Love and Light to all. I visualize safety, security, and satiation of all needs for my Earthly cohort. I radiate Love and Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for this shared journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.11.23

    Resting in Spirit, I focus Love and Light on my brothers and sisters in Turkey and Syria. Light guides all rescue and aid efforts. Light guides all to safety and security. Light enables stability in each beings’ life. Visualizing, I help expand Love and Light throughout the Middle East’s terrain. Today, I help anchor Love, Light, and Stability.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.10.23

    Taking a deep breath, I center myself and tune to the frequency of Divinity. I release my any worries and frustrations for myself and for our world. I am filled with Divine Peace. I am renewed. I radiate Peace, Love and Light to all for all. Thank you, sweet Divinity for You and for this journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.9.23

    From deep within I radiate gratitude for our first responders who are caring for our world’s ill suffering people. Expanding, I take our world within me, filling all people who are suffering with Light and Love. All are safe and secure in a bubble of Light on all dimensions. I visualize healing, radiant, purifying energy for our world and all its inhabitants. We are One.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.8.23

    Centering deep within, I give thanks for all people. Regardless of race, creed, gender, and orientation, we are each a drop in the Ocean of Spirit. All One, All equal in our beingness in Spirit. From my High Self, I radiate Light and Love through All. We are one in Light and Love. We are One. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.7.23

    Centering deep within I anchor myself to Light. Daily I live in two worlds, staying anchored in Light as I do about my daily rounds. Daily, I expand Light and Love to everyone and everything aiding in the creation of Harmony and Peace for all of us. We are One. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.6.23

    If I don’t know my Divine Mission, I accept the work in front of me. If I don’t know what to do, I start with doing one kind thing for myself and for others each day. Slowly, through meditation and listening, I am Guided. I take small steps thinking of Maya Angelou: “Good done anywhere is Good done everywhere”. Today, I contribute to Good.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.5.23

    We are resilient spiritual beings. We are made in Love and of Light. We are Light Beings. As one awakens, more will awake. We are One on all dimensions. We are Light Beings. Thank you, beloved Source, for this journey of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.4.23

    Sinking into meditation and prayer, I expand from the Creator within me anchoring Light, Love, and Divine Justice for all. Any groups that promote social injustice and hate are filled with Light and Love. I declare and affirm there is Divine Abundance for the Good of All. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.3.23

    Today, I embrace my creativity. I am a creator in thought, word, and deed. I create in concert with the Divine. I am divinely directed as I focus Love and Light throughout our world and beyond. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for the role I play in helping create Good in Your Creation. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.2.23

    “In seizing the moment, you find heaven.” – R. Padgett Today I seize the day, finding Joy. I am elevated, reaching out to expand this Joy to all. I realize, again, Heaven is a state of consciousness. Thank you, beloved God, for Heaven in life. Thank you for the ability to experience Heaven now. Thank you for the ability to help create Heaven for all. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.1.23

    In meditation and prayer, I sink deeply into Oneness. As I center, I release all concerns. Focusing, I visualize what I desire in my life and for the world. I release my desires to Light asking for what is in Divine Order. In gratitude, I center in Holy Oneness as I move through the day. Thank you for sweet Oneness.

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January 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.31.23

    In meditation I give thanks for the loving gift of art. The arts and artists are a Gift from the Divine. Music and musicians, especially, are a Gift. The arts cushion us, heal us, and inspire us. Art lifts us from our daily toils. Refreshed and renewed we return to our daily round. Art fills us with Light and Love. Today, I fill all our artists with Light and Love. They are filled with Creativity flowing from the Wellspring of Life. I give thanks for all artists and all art. I know we are all artists in our own way. […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.30.23

    The Energy that is All, has room for us all. Expanding from deep with, I visualize everyone manifesting their divine missions. With gentle intent, I visualize everyone having each and every need abundantly met. Today, I open my heart, mind, and soul to Universal Abundance. There is room for us all at the Table of Life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.29.23

    Today, I allow Divine Rest, one of the twelve attributes of the Creator. Taking care of self is respectful. Today I relax, resting in the Divine. I breathe, rest, reflect, and heal. From deep within comes the knowledge that all is well. All is well. All is well. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for Divine Rest.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.28.23

    Sometimes, I find myself at a crossroads needing a sign. Stepping out in faith, as a spiritual scientist, I collect data on a subject of one, myself. “Basic research is what I am doing when I don’t know what I am doing.” (Werner Von Braun). If this is a basic research day, I give thanks reaching within with faith, I am One with All in my process.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.27.23

    Focusing within I join the Profound, entering the sacred space of Oneness with all. We are One. I hold that knowingness as I breathe peace and ease to all who have suffered injury due to abuse or crimes. Expanding to encompass our world, I fill each of us who feel the emotional echo of past trauma with each new tragedy. I fill all with Divine Peace, Light, and Love. We embrace Peace. We are One. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.26.23

    In quiet, I reflect on free will. We freely choose our path. Self-determination is a gift. I find myself grateful for spiritual freedom. Thank you, beloved God, for my freedom to choose to be One with You. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.25.23

    In quiet, I reflect on free will. We freely choose our path. Self-determination is a gift. I find myself grateful for spiritual freedom. Thank you, beloved God, for my freedom. to choose to be One with You. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.24.23

    Centering deep within, I tap God’s loving wellspring. Gratitude for Oneness allows me to extend Light and Love to all my fellow Light beings who are in pain, suffering, or in any discomfort. Focusing Light and Love I visualize all people comforted. Light guides all human action for the Greater Good. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.23.23

    Visualizing Light and Love filling our US Congress, I am filled with faith and hope in this new beginning. Today, I expand Light and Love in all elected officials that they may carry out their duties to their citizens. Expanding to include our beloved world, I visualize filling our beautiful crystalline planet with Love and Light. I help anchor Light and Love for everyone everywhere- seeing us working together for the Good of All. Thank you, Dearest Creator, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.22.23

    Today, I welcome rebirth, the renewal of christ consciousness in me. As I luxuriate in rest and reflection, I am renewed in Spirit. Today, I tap into my High Self, connecting deep within to the me that is one with Divinity. Today, I renew – readying myself to act as the hands of the Divine on this plane of existence. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.21.23

    As I pray for our world’s economy, the movement and flow of monies that support our endeavors on this plane. I focus intention praying for the living flow of greenbacks, a plant-like system. Expanding myself into this flow of Green, I visualize needed monies moving to forward progress for all, for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.20.23

    Today, I focus within on any addictions or unhealthy crutches, I may have. Releasing these habits to Light, I surrender to Divine Connection. As I open to healing and direction, I pray others may open their hearts to accept Divine Healing. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.19.23

    Releasing my past and deep past, I turn toward the future. I am a Light Being with a future of limitless possibilities. Opening my heart in joyful Union, I carry out my missions for the Good of all. Facing forward, I thank you, God, for my past, my present, and my future. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.18.23

    Sitting with Source, I give thanks for my ancestors, those who came before me and whose labor has benefited me. I am deeply grateful for their sacrifices and for what I have received. As I honor them, I fill these beings with Light and Love. With gratitude, I release them to Light. Thank you, dear Divinity, for our shared journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.17.23

    Today, I practice Active Patience as an exercise in spiritual maturity. Without judging, I listen to others. Kindness builds the character I seek. The Creator within me enables me to see the Divine in everyone I meet. Expanding, I fill all my fellow beings with Light and Love. Thank you, God, for allowing me to see the Divine in everyone I encounter.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.16.23

    Dr. King strove for justice and equality for all. Visualizing from the Creator within me, I see all of us treating our fellow citizens with Love regardless of creed or color. Any groups promoting social injustice and hate are filled with Light and Love. To be a Light being means to be truly inclusive: exploring differences, helping, and loving one another as heirs of the Divine, one and all. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.15.23

    Sinking into Holy Connection, I expand filling all people with Love and Light. Expanding from the Creator within me, I visual everyone filled with Divine Love. An internal plume of Sacred Energy fills all with Divine Healing, Love and Light. Known or not, we are all Light Beings on a path to Oneness, a sacred family sharing time on Earth. We are One. And, so it is, Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.14.23

    Expanding in prayer I take our beloved world within me filling it with Love and Light on all dimensions. Visualizing, I fill our world’s species- human, animal, and plant with Love and Light. All species find their right place within our changing environment. As a co-creator with God, I take daily action in thought, word, and deed to help protect our fragile civilization and planet.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.13.23

    In synchronizing myself with Oneness, I give thanks as I visualize Creative Energy maximizing the health of our Amazonian rainforests, our deserts, our plains, our piedmonts, our mountains, our tundra, our savannahs, and our poles. Our planetary waters are filled with Love and Light. Our beloved Earth is in a bubble of Love and Light. Our beloved people are in a bubble of Love and Light. Divine Light is guiding all climate changes. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.12.23

    Reflecting upon leadership, I think of setting an example. Each and every day, I will set an example of living in concert with the Divine. Giving others an energy to match, in a humble effort to contribute Light and Love to the Greater Good. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.11.23

    From the Creator within, I exude Divine Peace. I help anchor Light, Love, and Peace for everyone. Today, I help hold sacred space for us all to know who we truly are – Divine beings. Thank you, God, for this path of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.10.23

    As I encounter unforeseen circumstances, I turn within seeking Divine Guidance. The Creator within me directs me and I am able to hear the voice of Divine Truth. I am grateful for the ability to pray. I am grateful for the ability to hear and listen. Thank you, God, for Thy Guidance. I am filled with gratitude as I stand fast in Truth.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.9.23

    From the Creator within me, I focus Divine Peace, Love, and Light in the US Congress. Visualizing, I see this governing body being divinely guided with Light and Love. Lovingly, I intensify the Light and Love so that all in both houses of Congress are able to hear the soft voice of the Creator within them. They open to Divine Guidance for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.8.23

    As we enter the new year, the Creator within me fills all families with Love and Light. All parents are filled with Love and Light. I visualize parenting filled with Divine Ease. Parents are Divinely Guided for the good of their children and people everywhere. Families are the building block of society. Through prayerful focus the Creator within me creates Love and Light within families for the Good of All. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.7.23

    One country, one destiny. One world, one destiny. One galaxy, one destiny. One cosmos, one destiny. We are one. We are One. One Heart, One Mind. One.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.6.23

    Today, Epiphany, I turn within and know, I am one with the “I Am” within me, I am the light of the world (Matthew 5:14). Opening my Self, I expand, intensifying my Light throughout my body. Expanding, I encompass the world, increasing the radiance of Light and Love to everyone and everything. I visualize all awaking to the Light Being that we all are. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.5.23

    Discomfort may be viewed as resistance. Areas of resistance creates discomfort; discomfort is an invitation to release to Divinity. As I breathe, I release my discomfort and resistance. I am grateful for my ability to let things go. I am grateful for my ability to change. I am grateful for my personal growth. I am grateful for angelic help. I am grateful!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.4.23

    Focusing within, I fill our world’s governments with Love and Light. Each country’s leader and governing body is filled with Love and Light. Each country’s leader is open to Guidance. Each nation’s leader puts the people first. Our world leaders work together for Good. We, the people, work together through meditation, prayer, and action creating harmony for the Good of All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.3.23

    As I prepare to return to work, I recall I am where I am for a reason. I know work is Good. “Work is Love made visible” (Khalil Gibran). In carrying out my duties from my high Self, I work with loving intention for the Good of All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.2.23

    Today, I continue to purify each cell of my body. Standing at my mind’s gateway monitoring thoughts, I release negative thoughts to Light, helping to cleanse our world’s thought pollution. As I face my fears, darkness disappears and a New Day dawns. Life is for Living in Divine Essence and Oneness. Let us live in a new way of Oneness! (a la Diana Goure).

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.1.23

    God is my providence. All that I am, all that I have is of God. Opening my heart, I know God as my providence. I give thanks for the blessings I have and for those I am about to receive. I give thanks for Divine Connection. God working through me creates Abundance. As the Doer in this realm of existence, I am in the right place, at the right time, saying and doing the right things for the Good of All.

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December 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.31.22

    On the last day of the year, I focus within connecting to my High Self. I release everything that is not of service to me. I release guilt and anger. I release self-blame. I release my ego. I am a Light Being. Breathing, I embrace my larger Self envisioning a future of Light and Love for all. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for this journey of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.30.22

    As I consider those who have made a transition from the physical to the nonphysical, I expand from the Creator within me, filling each of us in the transitioning process with Love and Light. Thinking of friends and family who may feel left, I expand Love and Light in each grieving soul. Our world is filled with Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.29.22

    Giving thanks for the closing of the year I relax, allowing my mind to range as the Creator within me guides me. As the Living Christ, the Doer, I am the hands of Divine Will. I am guided and given the needed tools. I am in the right place, at the right time, saying, and doing the right things for the good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.28.22

    In synchronizing myself with Oneness, I recall God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the Universe for the Good of All. Giving thanks I move into this flow visualizing Creative Energy maximizing health for everyone and everything. All are in a bubble of Love and Light. Divine Light is guiding all planetary changes. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 12.27.22

    In this season of Light, all families are filled with Love and Light. Parents are open to their sacred duty of raising responsible, loving Light Beings. Parents are Divinely Guided for the good of their children and people everywhere. Families are the building block of society. Through prayerful focus, the Creator within me me creates Love and Light within families for the Good of All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 12.26.22

    As we celebrate the first fruits of harvest, I go within and give thanks for Unity. I give thanks that everything is of God. Centered in the “I Am that I Am” I expand myself through all creation. I expand Love, Light, Peace, and Joy. I radiate God’s fruits to all, for All. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.25.22

    As I celebrate the birth of christ consciousness within, I allow myself the Joy of Oneness. Giving thanks for the birth of this Way-Shower, I celebrate our Oneness with Divine Essence. Opening my heart, I am grateful for the sacred gift of freedom to choose Oneness. Thank you, God, for this journey of Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.24.22

    On this Christmas Eve as the Christian world celebrates the anniversary of Jesus’s birth, I turn within giving thanks for my burgeoning christ consciousness, a consciousness of Love. I find myself filled with gratitude. Expanding, I radiate Love and Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for our gift of Oneness with You.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.23.22

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I release unhealthy use of any substances, food, drink, or behaviors to Light. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I am a Light Being; my every need is met. Expanding, I visualize everyone filled with Love and Light. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.22.22

    Today, amidst the flurry of activity, I rest in Divine Peace. I release any negatives to the Gentle Comforter within. Centering in Divinity I radiate Love and Light to all who may be isolated, ill, or troubled. I help create Loving Flow for the good of all, especially for those with any unmet need. I visualize the Loving Essence meeting every need. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.21.22

    As the veil thins between the astral and the physical with winter solstice, I center myself expanding my beingness to encompass the world. I fill everyone on all dimensions with Light and Love. All who may be transitioning from the physical to the astral are eased in and through Divine Peace. All is well. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 12.20.22

    Thank you, Creator, for our world’s caregivers, heroes all. Thank you for their selfless giving, for their commitment to all of us, to humanity. Today the Creator within me visualizes abundant Light and Love in all spouses, siblings, friends, parents, children, and professionals who give care to others. I am humbled at the love and light of all these loving beings. Thank you, Creator, for your Divine Essence in us.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 12.19.22

    In this season of Light, I am grateful. Thank you for unexpected gifts. Thank you, beloved Creator, for Love. Thank you for Life. Thank you for an abundant life for all of us. Thank you for this beautiful planet. Thank you for Light and Love. Thank you for Divine Energy. Thank you for Divine Rest in You. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.18.22

    As we celebrate the Season of Light, I know the Creator within me is radiating Divine Light and Love through me. Opening, I merge into Light and Love. Expanding, I radiate Light and Love to everyone and everything. I am a conduit of Light and Love through all dimensions. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.17.22

    Centering, I begin with gratitude for All That Is. I give thanks for all opportunities. Be they difficult or easy, I greet each opportunity with an open heart and mind. My centeredness and gratitude keeps me in the Universal Flow.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.16.22

    As national and international anniversaries of violence come and go, I center deep within expanding Love and Light into all of us who survive these tragedies. Love and Light fills each surviving family member and friend anchoring them as grief buffets their souls. All who suddenly transition during trauma are filled with Love and Light. All are cocooned in Love and Light. My efforts help magnify our shared dimensions in Love and Light. Thank you, Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.15.22

    As Congress readies for winter adjournment, I focus Divine Healing, Love, and Light on our representatives. The Creator within me visualizes our elected officials governing from the Creator within them to ensure the wellbeing of their constituents and our country. Anchoring Light, I aid them to realize their Divine Assignment to work together for the Good of All. And so, it is, Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.14.22

    The Energy that is All has room for us all. Expanding from deep with, I visualize everyone manifesting their divine missions. I lovingly visualize everyone having each and every need abundantly met. Today, I open my heart, mind, and soul to Universal Abundance. I visualize us all opening to Divine Abundance. There is room for us all at the Table of Life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 12.13.22

    I am free in Light and Love. I am a Light being. I am a Love being. I release any obstacles to my Oneness. I am free to feel God’s Joy. I am filled with wonderment as boundless joy overcomes me.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 12.12.22

    As the year moves forward, I focus Love, Light, Peace, and Divine Effectiveness on the Oval Office. From the Creator within, I visualize the Office of the Presidency resting on the Mantle of the Living Christ. Lovingly, I intensify the Light and Love so that all in the White House are divinely Guided for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.11.22

    The season of Light is a time to welcome the Living Christ within. Today, I welcome my High Self, the Living Christ within me. From my High Self, I am the hands of the Creator on this dimension. Today, I affirm I am in the right place, at the right time, saying, and doing the right thing for the Good of all. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.10.22

    As I entrain my mind in Source, I enter sacred space and focus on our Oneness. All of us have dreams, hopes, and wishes. Dreams, whether realized or not, are how we create. Today, I visualize each of us as the creators we are taking action to advance our dreams in Divine Oneness. For the Greater Good. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.9.22

    In this season of Light, “let your heart be light.” Today, I let my heart be light, I release any worries and fears to Light. “Let your heart be light.” I let my heart be Light. I am a Light Being. Thank you, dear Divinity, for this journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.8.22

    Light directs everything to Light and Love. As a knower, I affirm the Creator within everyone and everything guides each in Light and Love. We are all Guided on our paths to Oneness. Thank you, beloved Creator, for everyone, for everything, and especially for me. Thank you, beloved Creator, for You. Thank you for this journey of Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.7.22

    Moving into Oneness, I fill all who have suffered injury, both historically and present day with Light. Those of us who feel the emotional echo of past and present trauma are filled with Light and Love. Divine Peace, Light, and Love fills everyone on Earth. We embrace Peace. We are One. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 12.6.22

    Everything is energy. Everything has a frequency. Everything is of God. Today, I breathe and synchronize myself to the Divine frequency within me. Thank you, God, for the ability to tune into You.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 12.5.22

    In this season of Light, I focus within giving thanks for all that is. I visualize everyone filled with Light. Expanding further, the Creator within me fills all technological devices with Light. All social media is filled with Light and Love. Divine Light and Love direct all people everywhere. Thank you, dear Divinity for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.4.22

    Focusing Light on our exquisite planet and its evolving climate, I radiate Love and Light to all wildlife and people interacting with our wildernesses. Together we help anchor Light in our natural world. Light directs all species for the Good of All. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.3.22

    From the Creator within, I fill all families with Love and Light. All are safe in Divinity. As a Light worker, I help anchor Love, Light and Divine Abundance for the good of All. Today, I focus Love and Light on families, visualizing every need filled through Light and with Love. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.2.22

    As a knower, I affirm the Creator within everyone and everything guides each to Light and Love. Light guides us all. We are Guided on our paths to Oneness. All is well on all dimensions and so it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.1.22

    From the Creator within, I am grateful for my like-minded fellow Light beings. Today, I help anchor Light and Love in our world. Inhaling Light, I exhale Love and Gratitude helping to hold sacred space for Divine Calm. I visualize all of us realizing our Divine Essence as Light beings having a human Experience. Today, I hold space for Harmony. Amen.

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November 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.30.22

    Today, I give thanks focusing gratitude, Light and Love on our magnificent angelic kingdom. The Creator within me fills all angels and archangels with Light and Love. Beloved Angelic Kingdom, I am so grateful for your love, your help, and your constancy. Thank you, God, for our angels and their missions. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.29.22

    Centering in gratitude, I am deeply grateful for my many blessings. I am grateful for my ability to meditate and pray. Turning within, I know that everything is an opportunity for growth. I focus on Divine Flow in my life and I embrace change. Thank you, dear Divinity, for this path of Light.

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  • Please Include Us on Giving Tuesday

    On Giving Tuesday, the Light Center staff is grateful for all you give in Love, Light, and prayer.  Please take a moment to remember us financially. As a nonprofit, we are supported by donations. Thank you for your support!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.28.22

    Expanding from my High Self, I visualize us all filled with Love and Light on all dimensions. For those of us who are returning to work today, I envision crystalline Light infusing our workstations with Love and Light. Working together we create Love and Light throughout the remainder of this year and into the next. Thank you, Divine Source, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.27.22

    Centering in Source, I focus on those of us making a transition through physical death. I visualize radiant Light and Divine Love easing each soul through this “graduation”. I envision their families filled with Light, Love, and Peace. Despite circumstances we are One. One Heart. One Mind. One in Divinity. All is well. Life is progressing without end. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.26.22

    From the Creator within me I release any behaviors, foods, or substances that are not for my highest good to Light. I turn to the Creator within me to meet my dependency needs. Opening my heart, mind, and soul to Divinity, I am guided. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for this journey of awakening to who I truly am!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 11.25.22

    I am filled with gratitude for the Divine gift of our beautiful, natural world. Thank you, Mother-Father God, for Earth. Thank you for the plant, animal, mineral, and microbial kingdoms. Thank you for the trees that hold spiritual energy for us. Thank you for our natural world that nourishes us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Expanding, I fill our beloved planet with Love and Light for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.24.22

    On this Thanksgiving Day, I reach within and give thanks for all I have and all I am about to receive. Radiating Light, I focus to help us all open our hearts, minds, and souls to Divine Generosity. When the impulse to give comes, I give generously in thought, word, and deed. We are One. Thank you, Holy Spirit Within for You and for us All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.23.22

    Centering in Source, I focus on those of us coping with any illness, financial problem, or any other adversity. I visualize the Light and Love within each guiding us, easing each soul through this growth experience. I envision us all filled with Light, Love, and Peace. All is well. Life is progressing without end. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.22.22

    Today, I stand with my fellow world citizens. Regardless of race, creed, or gender, we are one. We are all Light Beings whether we know it or not. Today, I help anchor Divine Calm, Peace, Love, and Light. Today, I radiate Light to help change any negativity to Light. Our planet is a planet of Love and Light. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.21.22

    As I pray for our world, our economy comes to mind. The movement and flow of monies that support our endeavors on this plane. I focus intention and pray for the living flow of greenbacks, a plant-like system. Expanding into this flow of Green, I visualize needed monies moving to forward progress for all, for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.20.22

    Earth is a planet of Light. Earth is a planet of Love. Earth radiates Light and Love throughout the cosmos. And so it is, Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.19.22

    Centering within I pray for all those in need, filling my fellow world citizens with Light and Love. I visualize all our body’s chakras filled with empowering crystalline Light and Love. Schoolhouse Earth allows us all to learn and grow. Thank you, beloved Source, for this Journey to You. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 11.18.22

    As I go about my daily life, I find myself grateful for “little things”. Today I am grateful for my mind that can focus as I choose. Today, I choose to focus on the Creator within me. I gratefully focus mindful energy visualizing Light and Love for all. Thank you, beloved Creator, for me. Thank you for shared Light and Love for All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.17.22

    Today, I give thanks for the grace and generosity of our health care providers and first responders. From the Creator within me, I fill all these noble professionals with Love and Light. I visualize them safe and secure in a bubble of Light and Love on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.16.22

    Connecting within, I am grateful for Oneness. My daily meditation provides a safe haven as I negotiate the twists and turns of daily life. Connecting in Oneness, I slow- filling myself with Divine Peace, Love, and Light. Resting in Oneness, faith rises within. Breathing, I know all is well. All is well. All is well.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.15.22

    From deep within I affirm: Light guides the United States of America. Light guides the Executive branch of the U.S. Light guides the Legislative branch of the U.S. Light guides the Judicial branch of the U.S. Light guides all who live in the U.S. Light guides everyone and everything. We are One, One Heart, One Mind. One. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.14.22

    Praying for our beloved beautiful planet, I help anchor Light and Love to off-set any anxiety so many are experiencing. There is so much Light! Today, I help create more Light, more Love to fuel energies to help maintain and heal our beautiful spaceship Earth.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.13.22

    On world kindness day, I merge with my High Self expanding Divine Peace, Calm, Love, and Light to everyone and everything. Pure crystalline strands of Divine Understanding weave together everyone and everything. All beings extend themselves in Divine Kindness creating Heaven on Earth. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.12.22

    As I merge with the Creator within me I find myself overcome with emotion. My human frailties rise to be healed. Breathing deeply, I release my feelings to Light. Opening, I embrace Mother-Father Divinity within me. I am comforted in Presence. I am filled gratitude for God’s Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.10.22

    Today, opening within to Divinity I realize I am God’s hands in this dimension. I open my heart, mind, and soul to Spirit. I ask to be a clear instrument of Divine Will. From deep within, I release all impediments to Oneness. Thank you, beloved God, for Divine Connection.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.9.22

    As I think of my fellow Light beings, I am buoyed by the actions of the many heroes, sung and unsung, we have in our world. Working together, we can make progress – creating Heaven on Earth. Light and Love create Good on Earth. Thank you, God, for Light. Thank you, God, for Love. Thank you, God, for this life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.8.22

    Considering my fellow citizens, U.S., and world, I anchor myself in Love and Light visualizing our nation filled with Light. I visualize our world filled with Light. I am a Light Being. Centered within I declare: Light guides our nation. Light guides our world. Stepping out in Faith I help create Love and Light for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.7.22

    If I don’t know what to do, I center deep within. Staying centered in the Presence within me, I know with Divine Knowingness what to do. I know I am called to model the Divine Presence Within for all people. Doing my best, I model God’s truth, grace, presence, and spontaneity for all. Thank you, beloved God, for your Guidance.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.6.22

    Today, from the Creator within me, I am grateful for courage, my own and that of others. As I face forward to my and our beloved planet’s future, I expand from my center of Light, my solar plexus, taking our world within me to aid in transforming all emotional, social, and physical storms to Light and Love. I help anchor Light and Love on all dimensions. I declare: All is well.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.5.22

    As I center within, I am guided to pray for the U.S. From the Creator within me I fill the mid-term elections with Light and Love. Light guides the elections. Light guides the American electorate. Light and Love creates Good in the election. Light and Love creates Good in our country. Light and Love creates Good in our world. Thank you, dearest Source for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 11.4.22

    Centering from the Creator within, I visualize all of us working together to create Divine Unity. As I expand to encompass our world I magnify Light and Love to help increase Unity. We are One and so it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.3.22

    As I open myself, Spirit stirs within me. Today, I give thanks for the knowledge that we are ONE. All is well. No Matter What. The Divine has a plan and on the astral level the template is prepared, and it is Perfect. Expanding from Spirit I hold Peace for All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.2.22

    On the Day of the Dead, All Souls’ Day, I give thanks for the many generations who came before me. I am grateful for my ancestors’ work. From my High Self, I radiate Light filling my transitioned loved ones and past generations with Light and Love. I stand on the shoulders of those who came before me and I am grateful for their contributions to me, my life, and our world. I hold them in Light and Love. And so, it is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.1.22

    Celebrating All Saint’s Day in a new way, I consider the many Light Beings and Saints who exist on various dimensions. I give thanks for those Beings. I give thanks for the example they have set for me and the Love and Light they have created. Breathing deeply, I expand centering Love and Light for us all as we knowingly or unknowingly strive to complete our spiritual missions.

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October 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.31.22

    Samhain, the night the veil thins between heaven and earth, I expand from the Creator within me, filling everyone and everything with Love and Light. Immersed in Divine Flow I am helping create a New Heaven on Earth. Thank you, dear Divinity for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.30.22

    Sitting in silent communication with Source, I radiate Divine Peace, Love, and Light within our world and its people. I know we are all God’s chosen Ones. We choose. We choose God’s path of Love and Light. I focus, intensifying Love and Light in social media. Turning, I expand Love and Light in churches, synagogues, and mosques. I visualize Light in everyone so all may know we are all God’s chosen people. With Love, I help anchor this Truth.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.29.22

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I release unhealthy use of any substances, food, drink, or behaviors to Light. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. The Creator within meets my every need. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.28.22

    Expanding deep within I focus Light and Love on Ukraine and Russia. I visualize all people filled with Divine Love. I visualize Light guiding every mind, heart, and soul. I visualize all minds open to Light and Love. I visualize Divine Peace saturating the area on all dimensions. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.27.22

    The Creator with me creates Divine Light, Love, and Peace within all climate change. Stormy weather is Nature’s way of transforming negative energy. Light directs climate change for the Greater Good. Everyone and everything are safe in a Divine Bubble of Love and Light. There is only Light and Love. All is well.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.26.22

    Continuing the process of embracing the power of my high Self, the Living Christ within, I reflect on empowerment as a process, sometimes two steps forward, one step back. Today, I gently step out in faith, walking through and releasing my fears to Light and Love. Thank you, beloved God, for guiding me on this journey of enlightenment.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.25.22

    If I hesitate or don’t know my next step, I turn within opening to the Creator asking for Divine Guidance. I do not judge myself. Sitting in silence, I wait for clarification from my High Self. As I wait, I release my personal will affirming “Thy will, not my will”. Thank you, sweet Source for Your Guidance.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.24.22

    The United Nations is filled with Light and Love. Each UN member opens his or her heart to the Divine within. Each member willingly accepts the Mantle of the Living Christ and is divinely guided to serve for the Good of All. The United Nations, through the Power of the Creator within, LEADS the world’s nations to protect and serve the world’s peoples. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.23.22

    Moving into Oneness, I focus Love and Light in and on our country and in all countries. I visualize Light casting clarity on leadership in our country and in all countries around our world. Our world is filled with Light and Divine Love. Light and Love create Good in our world. Thank you, beloved Divinity for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.22.22

    Today I embrace my Power in the Divine. I am the Living Christ. I envision Light and Love empowering people to create Good on planet Earth and so it is. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for helping us all make it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.21.22

    Considering birthdays, such a courageous act – coming through into the physical, to learn more, do more, BE more. To work towards Oneness. Reflecting on this act of faith, I am humbled. Turning within, I fill all having birthdays with Joy, Love, and Light. Expanding, I focus Love and Light back through the last 364 days, filling all people who have had birthdays with Love and Light. Thank you, God, for my fellow Light beings.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.20.22

    Stepping back from the world’s chatter, from deep within I focus on Divine Intelligence. Merging with Divine Intelligence, I focus prayer energy on all people opening their hearts, minds, and souls to Divine Intelligence. I visualize crystalline strands of Divine Intelligence connecting to all, anchoring us in Divinity. I visualize all empowered from the Creator within, each of us making choices for the Greater Good.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.19.22

    Today I affirm: My life’s tasks are easily achieved, in an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way, in a timely fashion, for the Greater Good. Amen. (Marc Allen)

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.18.22

    There is only Energy. As I sit with this truth I am flooded with Light. From deep within, I radiate Divine Energy to all our world’s governments. All governments are filled with Light and Love. All non-governmental organizations are filled with Light and Love. I visualize increasing awareness for everyone. We are one in the All That Is. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.17.22

    Focusing on my physicality, I declare: My cells are Light. My skeletal system is Light. My muscular system is Light. My nervous system is Light. My sensory systems are Light. My endocrine system is Light. My circulatory system is Light. My respiratory system is Light. My digestive system is Light. My urinary system is Light. My reproductive system is Light. My body’s bacteria are Light. I am a Light Being. I radiate Light throughout my body. I radiate Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for me, and for All That Is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.16.22

    Pondering one of the twelve attributes of the Tree of Life, Divine Rest, I affirm I can rest in the Divine knowing all is well. All perceived problems have a Divine solution. Today, I rest in Spirit renewing myself in Quiet. Today, I attend minute by minute to my High Self. Giving thanks for the Connection within, I rest in the knowledge that all is well.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.15.22

    In prayer, the Creator within me focuses Love and Light in our world’s jails and prison systems. The Creator within me radiates Love and Light for all of us in any type of prison, physical or mental, imposed by others or by self. The Creator within provides Divine Freedom for all, that we may be free to fulfill our sacred missions for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.14.22

    Expanding from the Creator within me, I focus on the needs of everyone and everything. The Creator within all people, flora, and fauna fills them with Love, Light, and Prosperity. Every need is abundantly met. All are divinely guided to places, habitats, people, and services that provide for all needs. We are One, we are connected on all levels. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, there is abundance to meet every need for all species in this beautiful dimension. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.13.22

    From deep within I affirm “I Am one with Divine Calm.” I Am Divine Calm. I radiate Divine Calm. We are Divine Calm. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for the creation of Divine Calm for all. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.12.22

    Praying for our beloved world and its creatures, I fill our land, air, and waters with Light and Love. I visualize all climate change directed by Light. As a Light Being I help anchor Love and Light. Thank you, God, for your Divine Guidance.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.11.22

    “Be positive! You are the Light of the World.” Today, I immerse myself in revolutionary optimism knowing We are the light of the world. In Divine Connection I expand anchoring Love, Light, the optimism of faith, and Joy. I am grateful for my ability to stay in the Divine Flow. I am in the right place, at the right time, praying, saying, and doing the right things for the Greater Good. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.10.22

    On this sacred day of Light and Love, I embrace Indigenous People’s Day and Columbus Day, filling all people with Love and Light. I visualize all of us releasing our ancestral and personal injuries to Light and Love. Today, in meditation and prayer, I hold sacred space for Divine Harmony for all, as a rainbow family of people on the divine path to Oneness. Thank you, sweet Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.9.22

    Today, I extend myself to encompass Earth filling it with Light and Love. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for the nurturing beauty of our fantastic planet. Thank you, for our beloved wild spaces and wildlife from whom we have much to learn. Thank you for ever better stewardship of our planet as we safeguard all wildlife now and forevermore. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.8.22

    As I open myself, Spirit stirs within me. Today, I give thanks for the knowledge that we are ONE. All is well. No Matter What. The Divine has a plan and on the astral level the template is prepared, and it is Perfect. Expanding from Spirit I hold Peace for All. Amen.

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September 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.27.22

    Happiest are those who have sought and found a way to serve” (Albert Schweitzer). As I ponder this quote during these turbulent times, I am inspired to gratitude for all that I have, all that I am, and for my purpose as a Light Being. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for you, for me, for Life. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.26.22

    At dusk last night, the Jewish New Year was welcomed in. Looking back, it is considered the start of humanity, when Adam and Eve were created. Looking forward, I welcome a messianic age when all are Enlightened Beings. Today, I create Good, filling all people, especially those celebrating the High Holy Days with Love and Light. All are in a bubble of Love and Light and are safe and secure in that Divine Bubble. Thank you, dearest Creator, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.25.22

    Today, I am thankful for the daughters in our lives. The role of daughter is unique. It encompasses friend, companion, keeper-of-family traditions, often care giver. I give thanks for all young women on planet Earth, all daughters who add grace and joy enrichening us all. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.24.22

    Praying for our beautiful nature world, I am filled with awe for the power of nature. Our weather systems are filled with Light. They are filled with Love. Merging with the wind and water in meditation I breathe Light and Love into them. All peoples effected by weather are filled with Light. Expanding, I fill our first responders with Light, Love and Gratitude for their holy mission to protect aid all of us.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.23.22

    Pondering Native American Day, I bow to the Divine in all Native Americans. Joining in Oneness, I honor each for their service to our natural world. Native American spiritual traditions help guide us all. From deep within, I feel a depth of gratitude to Native American culture and the Light Beings who have cared for our beloved Earth for eons and continue to lead as environmental activists. All our Native American tribes are filled with Light and Love. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.22.22

    Treasuring autumn, I embrace cooler temperatures and shorter days. As a Light Being, I fill our world’s climate with Light and Love. The Creator within all guides all to create Good through thought, prayer, and action. Today and every day we enable action to protect our fragile fantastic planet. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.21.22

    Slipping into Oneness, I merge with Divinity. Riding the energy I feel the Peace that surpasses all understanding. I am so grateful for my peace. Expanding myself to encompass the world, I join with others filling our world with Peace. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.20.22

      Moving through my day, I meditate on joy in Flow. Divine Flow. I declare: I am a Light Being. I am filled with Light. I am a Love Being. I am filled with Love. Today as I connect in Flow and am Guided I focus on areas of weather events, filling all our world with Love and Light. We are one in Divinity. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.19.22

    Focusing Love and Light on the many souls who are unexpectedly transitioning to the afterlife, I feel a need to expand and anchor Light on their behalf. Deepening within, I visualize these souls releasing any negative emotions and being cleansed in Light. All are filled with Divine Peace and Love. Of those left behind, I declare: the Creator within each enables them to change their grief to Love and Light. All beings join in Love and Light finding Divine Peace. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.18.22

    Touching in today, I feel the gift of Presence and I am filled with gratitude. Expanding, I radiate Light and Love through our world. I visualize Divine Calm, Peace, Love, and Harmony filling each world citizen. Again visualizing, I see Divine Abundance flowing to and through all our world’s cities and countrysides filling everyone with Love and Light. Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.17.22

    Praying for unity within my fellow Light beings, I expand from deep within visualizing all people as One. We are One. One Heart, a shared Oneness with the Creator within each of us. We are One. Joining with others I help anchor Divine Harmony and Peace. A Oneness of all beings.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.16.22

    All families are filled with Light and Love. Families are the laboratory of creation through which souls come. From the Creator within me I release my family to Light and Love. My family is filled with Light and Love and I release them to Light. All families are filled with Light and Love. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.15.22

    “All forms of light come with some form of shadows.” (Amanda Gorman, 2021) Today, knowing Light attracts shadow, I keep myself in a Bubble of Light on all dimensions. Purifying myself with Light, I also visualize our beloved planet being purified. There need be no drama, just a Bubble of Light. It’s simple. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for meeting my need for your Protection. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.14.22

    Deep in meditation and prayer, I focus on Spirit flowing through me and declare Love and Light is channeled to those of us in need of healing; to those of us in need of help, especially those of us touched by homelessness, poverty, loneliness, or mental health issues. I co-create with Spirit flowing through me to aid in creation of Heaven on Earth for All. Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.13.22

    From deep within I visualize filling all world governments with Light and Love. Light clarifies, revealing everything on all dimensions. I visualize all world leaders harmoniously working together for the benefit of all and for the benefit of our sacred environment. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.12.22

    I am Light. I am Love. I am one with the Divine. I am Divine!  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.11.22

    Turning within, I release any sadness about man’s inhumanity to man. Expanding, I focus Love and Light within all who have lost loved ones due to acts of terror. Today, I help magnify Love and Light within all who are injured and-or who seek to injure others. Each of us praying and acting for Good helps focus Love and Light on all so we may truly become the family of Divine Man. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.10.22

    Focusing, I inhale Light exhaling Love. I purposely create healing Peace. And I am comforted. Expanding, I encompass Earth, visualizing Peace filling our world. Serenity, Love, and Light flows through all. Thank you, God, for this mission of Love.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.9.22

    Praying for everyone making a transition from the physical to the nonphysical life, I fill them with Divine Love and Light. Expanding from Source within, I visualize all left-behind-loved-ones filled with Love and Light. All grief, hurt, and anger are changed to Light. Today, I help enrich Harmony, Peace, Love, and Light within everyone and everything. Amen  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.8.22

    Today, from deep within I purify and cleanse each cell of my body with Light. Standing at the gate of my thoughts, I release negative thoughts to Light. As I monitor my thoughts, it aids in clearing our world’s thought pollution. Moving deeper, I release and change to Light any fears helping to lessen our world’s darkness. Little by little, slowly we turn to Light and Oneness. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.7.22

    Breathing from the Creator within me, I focus Love and Light on the divisiveness in America. I visualize all in America opening their hearts, minds, and souls to Divine Love. All are directed by Light and Love. Today, I help hold space for Love and Harmony.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.6.22

    As children start school in earnest, I reach out from deep within filling all schools and school systems with Light and Love. I visualize all students, teachers, and employees protected in a bubble of Light on all dimensions. Today, we, as Light workers help anchor Light and Love everywhere for everyone. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.5.22

    Today, as I rest from my labor, I consider the notion: we began to labor as we turned from Divine Love. Today, I rest in Spirit knowing that I can imbue my work with love. This day allows renewal in the Divine. Thank you, God, for this day and every day. Thank you for meaningful work. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.4.22

    I am open to the Living Light that is my essence. I am one with the All. I expand Light and Love. I rest in Oneness. And so, it is.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.3.22

    The Creator within me creates Love and Light in and through all unexpected weather events. All fires, floods, and earthquakes across our world are filled with Love and Light Our world’s people are filled with Love and Light. Light directs climate change for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.2.22

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I radiate Light and Love throughout my being. The Loving Light of the Creator nourishes me. I am empowered as the Light Being I am. As I do this for myself, I expand – radiating Light. We are truly Beings of Light and Love.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.1.22

    Connecting to Source I ride the spiritual wave of Divine energy. I gently press personal expansion of my human boundaries to consciously feel All That Is. Releasing my fear, I surrender to Divine Flow. Sweet, sweet Spirit, my cup truly does runneth over. Thank you, for this sacred, conscious, not-always-easy-to-surrender Path of Light. Thank you. Amen.  

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August 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.31.22

    “Spirit energy hovers in our midst, as we attune to Love and awaken to the Joy of Oneness.” Linda Joy Montgomery (1998)  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.30.22

    As energy on our planet continues to shift, I embrace change. I consciously breathe giving thanks for All That Is. The Creator within me, that consciousness, guides and directs me. I am in the right place at the right time, thinking, saying, and doing the right thing for the Greater Good. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.29.22

    Considering all who are suffering any illness, I expand from deep within and fill each soul with Love and Light. Moving into this energy, I expand the concept of boundaries and limitations. The Creator within me changes all limitations within each of us to Light. We are Light Beings without limits. We are limitless in the Divine. Thank you, Dearest Divinity for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.28.22

    From the Creator within me, I visualize our exquisite planet filled with Love and Light. Setting intention from the Creator within me, I expand Love and Light within our Divine home. I find myself overcome – with love and gratitude for the incredible gift of our beautiful natural world. Thank you, Mother-Father God, for our world. Thank you for all things working together for the Good of All.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.27.22

    As I think of all of us on Spaceship Earth, I expand from deep within and fill us with Light and Divine Love. Everyone is coping with some type of challenge. Spaceship Earth is a schoolhouse, and we are all learning our lessons at different speeds. Today I visualize all of us filled with Light and Love, able to put down our resistance to change, able to accept Grace and speed our learning process. Thank you, Divine Presence, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.26.22

    Today, I salute man’s best friend, the dog. Many Light beings are alone. While we pray and meditate, giving and receiving love and nourishment, a dog’s presence can be grounding and affirming. All entities are rising toward the Divine. Thank you, God, for the Divinity in man’s best friend. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.25.22

    “In seizing the moment, you find heaven.” – Rodney Padgett Today I seize the day, finding peace in Divine Flow. I am elevated, reaching out to expand this Peace to all. I realize, again, Heaven is a state of consciousness. Thank you, beloved God, for Heaven in life. Thank you, for the ability to experience Heaven now.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.24.22

    I am a prism that refracts beams of Divine Light. I am a Light being. I am a Love being. I help anchor Light and Love here on Earth. I am Divine.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.23.22

    The Energy that is All, has room for us all. Expanding from deep with, I visualize everyone manifesting their divine missions. With gentle intent, I visualize everyone having each and every need abundantly met. Today, I open my heart, mind, and soul to Universal Abundance. There is room for us all at the Table of Life.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.22.22

    As I reflect on children returning to school, I expand from my High Self to fill all schools and school systems with Love and Light. I envision all students and their families filled with Love and Light. I picture all teachers and school employees filled with Love and Light. I visualize all schools secure in their own bubbles of Light. Expanding into the universe, I see the crystalline bubbles of schools connected around the world; a shimmering web of Love and Light. And so, it is. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.21.22

    From the Creator within me, I reach out in Light to those of us who feel lonely, afraid, or ill. Today, I expand filling our family of man with Light and Love. Today, I visualize all of us and our beloved Earth filled with radiant Light. Today I help hold space – anchoring Peace, Divine Calm, Light and Love for all. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.20.22

    Joining with others in my meditation-prayer, I help create Peace, Love, and Light in all nations. I fill North America with Love and Light. I fill Central America with Love and Light. I fill South America with Love and Light. I fill Europe with Love and Light. I fill Asia with Love and Light. I fill Africa with Love and Light. I fill Antarctica with Love and Light. I fill Australia with Love and Light. Our wonderful world is filled with Love and Light on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.19.22

    Thank you, dearest Divinity, for you within me. Thank you for my divine Connection with You. I am ever so grateful for Connection. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.18.22

    As I think of my fellow Light beings, I am buoyed by the actions of the many heroes we have on our beloved Earth. We create change working toward Heaven on Earth. Thank you, God, for Light. Thank you, God, for Love. Thank you, God, for this life and our ability to create. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.17.22

    The creator within me changes any outdated concepts to Light. Any misinformation within me is deprogrammed. I embrace my Light. I embrace my Divine Inheritance. I am one with the Creator within me. I listen only to the Divine Voice within. Thank you for my ability to hear. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.16.22

    Praying for our world I release my sadness at our turmoil. I think of Rumi who said: “Out beyond right and wrong, there is a field. I will meet you there.” Maybe it’s a cliché, but today, it feels right – today, I step out into that metaphorical field of Love. I step out in Love asking Light to direct my actions. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for Your Love, Your Light, and Your Guidance. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.15.22

    As I turn within, finding respite from the world. I let the mundane fall away. I let the chatter and talking heads go. I center in Divinity and feel loved. Expanding, I visualize all people filled with Love and Light. I remember God is the Energy that underlies each and every living thing. I relax and know this Truth. And so, it is, Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.14.22

    The Creator within me fills our world with Love and Light. Holy Spirit expands Love within everyone. Holy Spirit expands Light within everyone. Everyone is Divine. Everything is Divine. I am Divine. Thank you, Spirit, for your Creation!  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.13.22

    Climate change is directed by Light for the Good of All. As I help create Good in climate change, I visualize any discomfort or suffering changing to Light. I visualize all creatures’ suffering changing to Light. I visualize all plants’ suffering changing to Light. Everything is filled with Light and Love. Everyone is filled with Light and Love. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.12.22

    As I go about my daily life, I find myself grateful for little things. Flowering plants, rest, sunshine, laughter… I am grateful for my mind that I can focus as I choose. Today, I choose to focus on the Creator within me. I am grateful for the ability to focus mindful energy in prayer to create Good for All. Thank you, beloved Creator, for me.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.11.22

    Today, I give thanks to parents for rearing the newest generation of Light beings. Parents teach character and morals by living their lives in front of their children. Our way of life, ethics, love, and sense of play comes from our parents. I am grateful to all sons and daughters who are choosing to be born now. I am grateful to parents for doing their best to rear wonderful citizens of the world. I visualize families filled with Love and Light.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.10.22

    Centering in Divinity, I help anchor Light, Love, and Divine Clarity in the U.S. government and in all governments around planet Earth. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.9.22

    Today, it is enough to center, meditate, and hold space for the highest Good for All. Centering I radiate Light and Love. Visualizing, I see crystalline Energy radiating from everyone’s solar plexus. I help hold space for an age of enlightenment for All. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.8.22

    Opening to the energy of the Divine within me, I declare: “I am a Creator-In-Action on our beloved planet”. I co-create with Divinity and I am Guided to be in the right place, at the right time, thinking, praying, saying, and doing the right things for the Good of All. Thank you, Beloved Divinity for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.7.22

    Centering in Source, I find Truth is revealed and expressed. I am shown how to navigate any plight. I am given strength through Divine Communion. I am encouraged and enabled to don my spiritual armor. I am empowered to face both personal dilemmas and worldly turmoil. Thank you, God, for this divine partnership in Your Love and Light. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.6.22

    As I think of all of us on Spaceship Earth, I expand from deep within and fill us with Light and Divine Love. Everyone is coping with some type of challenge. Spaceship Earth is a schoolhouse, and we are all learning our lessons at different speeds. Today I visualize all of us filled with Light and Love, able to put down our resistance to change, able to accept Grace and speed our learning process. Thank you, Divine Presence, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.5.22

    Today, I stay centered in breath. I breathe slowing, rhythmically. Any challenge is met from my centered Self. I am walking through the day with Divine Courage. Courage inspired and fed by my Connection. Thank you, sweet Source, for my connection in Light and Love. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.4.22

    As I pray for our bacterial and viral kingdoms, I fill these kingdoms with Love and Light. Each has its own intelligence that mutates to fulfill its mission. From deep within, I fill all mutations with Love and Light. We ourselves are mutating, changing, every day. Today, I visualize everything and everyone mutating to enhance Harmony, Peace, and Love within All. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.3.22

    As my Consciousness expands, I become aware of a wish to isolate; a wish to dumb down awareness. Centering, I change my increased sensitivity to Light. As my perception increases, I am learning all things will become transparent. I am learning that Spirit within me will increase my tolerance and understanding to match my growing awareness of All That Is. Thank you, God, for this journey of discovery.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.2.22

    The Creator within me creates Love and Light in our world’s fires, floods, and storms. Light directs all climate change and climate related weather. Any souls making their transition to another level of existence are filled with Love and Light. No matter where- all of us are safe within a Bubble of Love and Light. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.1.22

    Focusing deep within, I visualize Light filling and guiding our world’s governments. All governments are Light. Our world’s people are Light. Our world is filled with Divine Love. Love and Light guide our world from a Divine Template. All is well. And so, it is. Amen.  

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July 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.31.22

    Nighttime is moon time and gives us the gift of rest. Today, I am grateful for Divine Rest. I am filled with gratitude for our daily cycles. With infinite wisdom Divinity gave us time to rest, rejuvenate, and consolidate our learning. Touching into Source I am filled to overflowing. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for our daily turn.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.30.22

    Today is International Day of Friendship. I am filled with gratitude for my friends and my friendships. These friends are my chosen family. Friends help me stay connected to a shared reality. Friends help me center when I start to question myself. Friends help me have fun! Friends are a gift from Spirit. I am filled with deep gratitude and love for my friends and for the interactions and relationships I have with them. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.29.22

    We are One, whether we know it or not, what happens to one happens to all. From Spirit within, I visualize all creatures, all plants, all living entities on this planet filled with Love and Light. Expanding, I visualize our Mother Earth filled with Love and Light. Spirit fills each molecule on this dimension with Divine Love and Light. We are One. One Heart. One Destiny. And, so, it is. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.28.22

    God works on a need-to-know basis. I don’t know The Big Picture because I may not yet have the capacity to digest it. As I release, more is revealed. Opening my heart, I release fear and anxiety. I open my heart and I see miracles every day. I open my heart and joy comes in, easing ambiguity. I am reminded Source is my spiritual safety net. Thank you, Sweet Source for this exciting journey of discovery.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.27.22

    As I pray for our world and its people, I consider our global economy, the movement and flow of monies. Focusing intention, I pray for the living flow of greenbacks, a plant-like system. Expanding myself into this Green flow, I visualize needed monies moving to where it is most essential for everyone, for everything, for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.26.22

    The Creator within me creates Love and Light in and through fires across our world. All unexpected weather and resulting challenges are filled with Divine Love and Light. Worldwide, our first responders are filled with Love and Light. They are guided in their missions to save lives, lands, and homes. All beings, whether plant, insect, animal, or human, are filled with Love and Light. All are safe within a Bubble of Love and Light. Thank you, God for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.25.22

    Sometimes, I find myself at a crossroads needing a sign. Stepping out in faith, as a spiritual scientist, I collect data on a subject of one, myself. “Basic research is what I am doing when I don’t know what I am doing.” (Werner Von Braun). If this is a basic research day, I say “Thank you, God”. I choose to reach within in faith, becoming One with All in my process of growth. And so, it is. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.24.22

    Reflecting on parenting, a 24/7 role that is sometimes pure joy and often not, I visualize parenting filled with Divine Ease. All parents are filled with Love and Light. Parents are Divinely Guided for the good of their children and people everywhere. Families are the building block of society. The Creator within parents fills all families with Love and Light for the Good of All. And so, it is. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.23.22

    Thank you, unseen Light Beings, for being here. Thank you for helping anchor Light and Love on Earth. Thank you, dearest angels, fairies, and friends of Light for all you do for us on this dimension. It helps to know we are not alone in our most perfect work. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.22.22

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I am a Light Being. I am filled with Light. I radiate Light and Love throughout my being. The Loving Light of the Creator nourishes me. I am empowered as the Light Being I am. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light and Love.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.21.22

    Today, I declare from deep within, I am loved. I am Love. I am Light. I am wise. I am strong. I am healthy. I am grateful. I am powerful. I am one with Divinity I am Divine. I am Joyful! I am One!  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.20.22

    Again, I am reminded: the keys to the Kingdom come as I release any personal negatives to Light. One by one, it is a gradual process. Today, I release my worry, anger, and fear to Light. Today, I step out in faith – trusting the Creator within me to guide me on my path to Oneness. Today, I take my courage in hand and Trust. Thank you, beloved Creator, for this journey to Oneness.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.19.22

    Light directs climate change to Light. Light and Love direct all weather patterns to Light for the Good of All. Thank you, dear Divinity, for making it so.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.18.22

    Today, I visualize our beloved planet Earth filled with Love and Light on all dimensions. Today and every day, I am in the right place at the right time, listening, thinking, saying, and doing the right thing for the Good of All. I help likeminded Beings hold the frequencies of Love, Light, and Peace for all in this dimension. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.17.22

    Today, I rest enjoying the fruits of my labor. Regardless of what I see and hear, all that truly matters is Love and Light. Today, I rest my heart in Spirit. Divine Connection is truly the pinnacle of worldly success. All else is smoke and mirrors. I rest in Ease, Grace and Glory.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.16.22

    Today, I confirm that the Creator within me gives me all the insights and information I need. If I pay attention, I can trust I will receive all needed messages from my High Self. I affirm I trust the Creator within me. I trust myself. I trust God. Thank you, High Self, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.15.22

    I release my preconceived notions of marriage to Light. Holding the institution of marriage in Light, I understand that it is a vehicle for completing Divine missions, together and separately. Married to life partners or married to God, this union creates Love and Light for All. Thank you, God, for this yoke of Love and Light.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.14.22

    From deep within, I focus Light and Love on all of us who are in war torn areas, ill, impoverished or imprisoned in mind, body or spirit. I visualize the Creator within each suffering soul opening to release discomfort and find ease, comfort, and peace within Thy Mercy. Thank you, Beloved God, for your Tender Mercy.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.13.22

    We dedicate the energy of our prayers to benefit all Sentient beings throughout time, space, and mind. May the power of our prayers increase to help others know their perfection as one with Divinity. Amen. (Revision of the Tibetan dedication of Merit; offered by Jacquelyn Sendak- Zavaleta)  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.12.22

    Focusing on our planet, I think about litter and littering. Suspending judgment, I fill those who litter with Love and Light. We all litter, knowingly or not, trash out of a window, words out of a mouth. Today, I fill all with Love and Light. Today, I litter our world with Love and Light holding space for a new heaven on Earth.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.11.22

    I find myself grateful for my many blessings. Yes, there are challenges, and these help me grow. As I consciously breathe, I am filled with gratitude. Today, I pay it forward, acting locally and praying globally for the Good of All. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for my many gifts.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.10.22

    Pondering one of the twelve attributes of the Tree of Life, Divine Rest, I allow myself to rest in the Divine. I know all is well despite possible outward appearances. Life on Earth is a sacred learning experience. We are Light beings learning to become One. Thank you, God, for Oneness.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.9.22

    From the Creator within me, I fill any out-of-control fires on our beloved planet with Light and Love. I visualize and affirm Light directs these fires to Light. Light directs the fire-determined weather patterns to Light. Light and Divine Love fill all living beings. Light and Love fill our atmosphere. Light directs climate change for the Good of All. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.8.22

    Merging with Divinity I declare: I am in the right place, at the right time, thinking, saying, and doing the right things for the Good of All. I am grateful for my God-given ability to co-create. Thank you, God, for this journey of Life.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.7.22

    We are One, whether we know it or not, what happens to one happens to all. The Creator within me releases the pain of man’s inhumanity to man. Spirit fills each injured party with Divine Love and Light. The Creator within each person changes injury to Love and Light. Confusion is transformed to Light bringing Clarity and Love. We are One. And, so, it is. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.6.22

    From my High Self, I visualize our world filled with Light. Crystalline strands of Light weave a radiant tapestry. Immersing myself in this creative endeavor, I visualize Light and Love filling our physical dimension. Everyone and everything are bathed in Light and Love. Thank you, Divine Essence, for this template of Light and Love.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.5.22

    As we return to our work-a-day jobs, I remember: “Work is love made visible” (Khalil Gibran). In carrying out my work from my High Self, I know the Creator within me Guides me. I work and pray with loving intention for the Good of All. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.4.22

    Amidst the parades and John Philip Sousa, I turn within visualizing a nation whose leaders and citizens are truly free. A nation where each of us is free of worry, fear, anxiety, and self-doubt. Today, I visualize the U.S. filled with Love and Light, a nation that upholds dignity for all. Our beautiful country is filled with creative Light Beings who are working for Good. Together we hold space for Unity for us All.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.3.22

    Today I rest, comforted in Divine Presence. Anything that wells up to be released, I fill with Love and Light and I release it. Only through facing, loving, and releasing fear am I free to be who I truly am: a Light Being. Thank you, beloved Creator, for our ability to choose Love. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.2.22

    Turning within I fill all generations beneath me with Love and Light. As I find myself becoming an elder, I realize prayer is the most potent gift I have to offer. Visualizing from the Creator within me, I see our world’s young people as they truly are: co-creators with the Divine. Our world’s young citizens are filled with Love and Light. All are able to easily access Spirit within them. And, so it is. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.1.22

    Today, is international Joke Day, so… how many Light beings does it take to screw in a light bulb? Twelve – one to screw in the bulb and 11 to anchor the Light! Humor is leavening for our emotional bodies. Humor is our birthright; it helps us in “Lightening” up. It enhances resiliency to aid in achieving Oneness. Today, I use my God given humor to ease my life and the lives of others. “…Heaven is the birthplace of laughter.” ~Martin Luther  

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June 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.30.22

    Sometimes I receive a “Divine download,” information with a To-Do list attached. Taking a deep breath, I step out in Faith. “First you leap, then you grow wings” (Wm. Sloan Coffin). Today, I am grateful for the courage to leap in faith. Thank you, God, for my faith and my courage. Thank you for showing me the way, the truth and Your Light.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.29.22

    Today, I anchor myself in God’s constancy. I remember that God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the universe for the Good of All. I center in that Truth. And so, it is, Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.28.22

    Centering, I gently release all judgments of others. Regardless of appearances, all are Light Beings. Today, I focus prayerful energy on all our disenfranchised brothers and sisters. Those living on the margins of society, who may appear as “other” to us, play as important a role in cosmic creation as do those who appear mainstream. From the Creator within me, I fill all with Love and Light. I pray globally as I act locally embracing all in Love and Light. We are all part of the Oneness.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.27.22

    All perceived problems have a Divine solution. From deep within, I am reassured there is a template for any needed solutions. This template already exists in the meta-dimension. Breathing deeply, I stay connected to Source. I wait for the Divine Solution to be revealed. I breathe, trust, pray, and do my daily work as I wait for revelation. Thank you, Dearest Creator for my Journey of Light.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.26.22

    Today, I give thanks for Divine Rest. Today, I rest in Spirit, renewing myself in Quiet. Today, I minimize, focusing on the moment, attending minute by minute to my High Self. Giving thanks for the Connection within, I rest in the knowledge that despite any perceived inner or outer chaos, all is well. And so, it is. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.25.22

    Turning within, I find respite from the world. I let the mundane fall away. I let the chatter and talking heads go. Centering in Divinity, I focus Love and Light on the United States and on the world. I fill the U.S. with Love and Light. I fill our world with Love and Light. We are One on all dimensions. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.24.22

    Thank you, God, for my place in the universe. Thank you, God, for me being part of you. Thank you, God, for my “Light-ness”. Thank you, God, for me being part of All That Is. Thank you, God, for you. Thank you, God, for me.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.23.22

    As I ponder transitioning from the physical to the metaphysical plane, I visualize all souls leaving their earthly body filled with crystal clear Light and Love. Light aids them in their transition. I visualize them easily finding their way to their next learning experience. Expanding, I visualize those loved ones who are left behind as filled with Love and Light. Light and Love cushions their loss. I radiate Light and Love to all. For All.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.22.22

    As I consider the concept of “fluid intentionality”, I am smacked by the rigidity that often comes with my intentions, my goals. Today, I release rigid means to achieve goals. I embrace my goals knowing I am Divinely Guided. Spirit is fluid. Spirit is dynamic. Spirit is vibrant. Today, I embrace a lively curiosity about how I will be directed. Thank you, Spirit, for your Guidance.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.21.22

    Honoring ancient traditions, yet looking forward I merge into the “I Am That I Am” deep within me setting my intentions on this summer solstice. Expanding, I take both the Earth and Sun within me. I radiate Love and Light to everyone. I radiate Love and Light to everything. As an Earth steward, I act locally and pray globally. I visualize Love and Light working for the Good of our beautiful planet and all beings that inhabit it. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.20.22

    Today, I hold myself in Divine Love and Light. Expanding, I take planet Earth and its inhabitants within me holding everyone and everything in Love and Light. I help anchor Love and Light on our incredible planet. Thank you, sweet Spirit, for making it so.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.19.22

    Celebrating Juneteenth and Father’s Day today, I acknowledge deep within that we are all One. Regardless of race all are One in Divinity. Celebrating the end of slavery in the U.S. allows us to honor the equality of all Light beings. It is a way of honoring the Divine Father within each of us. Today, I honor my earthly father knowing this helps create a new world where we are One. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for our Oneness in You.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.18.22

    Light directs all climate change. Our planet is in a bubble of Light and Love on all dimensions. Thank you, Spirit, for Light and Love.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.17.22

    From the Creator within me, I release any behaviors, foods, or substances that are not for my highest good. I am a Light being having a human experience, I turn to the Creator within me to meet my dependency needs. Opening my heart, mind, and soul to Divinity, I am guided. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for this journey of awakening to who I truly am!  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.16.22

    As our world continues to spin in apparent turmoil, I hear deep within: “Love makes the world go round. Love makes the world go round… High in some silent sky Love sings a silver song making the earth whirl softly Love makes the world go round.” Today, I help anchor Love and Light for all. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.15.22

    Today, I recommit myself to prayer for Oneness. Centering in Source, I fill myself with gratitude. I feel so lucky to be aware of the Divine within me. Thank you, Beloved, for this journey of Light and Love.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.14.22

      Gazing at the US flag, I ponder the nobility of our founding national principles of freedom, justice, liberty, and equality. Centering as a Light worker, I weave strands of Love and Light through our United States. I declare: the Creator within each American fills them with Love and Light. Today, I envision all Americans woven together in Love, Light, and Oneness.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.13.22

      Centering from the Creator within me, I fill the Office of the Presidency with Light and Love. Turning to Congress I visualize our representatives filled with Light and Love. Coming from Source there is only Divine Clarity and Divine Effectiveness. Visualizing further, our Supreme Court is Guided in Light and Love. Divine Truth, Light, and Love guide all three branches of government for the Good of All. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.12.22

      Today, I give thanks for having purpose. I am gratitude-filled. I have a mission. I am working as a creator-in-action, cocreating with the Divine. I follow where I am led declaring: Divine will not my will. I know: “good done anywhere is good done everywhere” (Maya Angelou). Today, I rest in the Divine, grateful for my purpose.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.11.22

      I open my heart to Divinity and I am one with the Knower within me. And so, it is. Amen  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.10.22

      Expanding into my High Self, I visualize Earth within me. The Creator within me fills Earth and its inhabitants with Light and Love cleansing all negativity. The Creator within Earth anchors Light and Love on all dimensions. Light directs our beloved planet and its inhabitants for the Good of All. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.9.22

      Doing my inner work, I release any barriers to Light. As hindrances release, a wave of rarefied Energy presents itself. Opening to this Energy, my body starts to “sizzle” in the rarefying flow. Giving thanks, a wave of Joy surfaces. Surrendering, I ride the Divine Flow. Thank you, sweet Spirit. Thank you, for this sacred, conscious Path. My cup truly does runneth over. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.8.22

      From deep within I declare: Earth’s oceans are Light. Light guides the cleansing and purification of our world’s oceans and seas. Each molecule of water is filled with Divine healing Love and Light. Love and Light radiate through all fish, coral, and sea creatures. Thank you, God, for our Living Waters.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.7.22

      Today, I breathe Divine Peace and Calm into our worldly dimension. My thoughts, feelings, words, and actions are Light filled and loving. I envision everyone stepping out in Love and Light. Regardless of appearance, we are Light beings. Today, I hold space for Divine Peace. Thank you, God, for your Comfort and Love.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.6.22

      In prayer, I honor all who sacrificed for peace. I visualize Love and Light suffusing all war efforts and tools of war. I visualize Love and Light filling all who have lost their lives in any human conflict. All loved ones who have been left behind are filled with Love and Light. In Spirit there is no time, all traumas may be cleansed. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.5.22

      Today, I give thanks for our magical environment, Spaceship Earth. Expanding from deep within, I take our beloved planet within me filling it with radiant Love and Light. I visualize Light balancing and healing all elements- air, water, earth, and fire. I visualize Love permeating every person’s consciousness – that we may all awaken to our role in protecting our world. Thank you, Spirit, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.4.22

    As we celebrate Shavuot with our Jewish sisters and brothers, we consider the personal rules and ethics we honor as Light Beings. Expanding from deep within, we center in Oneness. We are One with All. We honor All. We intensify Love and Light in All. There is only the ALL. And so it is. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.3.22

    In my meditation-prayer time, I expand focusing Love and Light on our world leadership. All leaders and politicians are filled with Light. Anyone holding public office opens his or her heart to the Voice of Spirit. They hear and listen. All our world’s leaders are Divinely guided to lead our world with Divine Wisdom. I visualize them leading with compassion, joy, and peace. Thank you, God, for making it so. Additional Prayers for Today in the U.S. Today, we as Light workers, fill the U.S. with Love, Light, and Divine Calm. We breathe the Peace that passes all understanding into […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.2.22

    Today, I open my heart to the integrity and honesty of the Creator within me. I am honest with myself as i gently examine and release any fears preventing Oneness. The Creator within me leads me to Oneness and I am open to being led by the Creator. I am filled with gratitude for this process of change. Thank you, Creator, for the changes within me. I embrace them knowing they bring Oneness.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.1.22

    The Creator within me helps anchor Light and Love to aid our grieving world. Aware or not, we are all Light Beings progressing toward Oneness with All That Is. Today, I anchor in the Divine visualizing kindness, generosity, and brotherly love between all people regardless of race, creed or color. Today, I breathe Divine Calm into our world order from my anchor of Light and Love. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for our opportunity to create Good on our beautiful planet.  

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May 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 5.31.22

    Turning within I ponder knowingness. One of the Divine’s gifts is our ability to KNOW. Every one of us can turn within and be a Knower. Today, I open to the Creator within and check the authenticity of every important thing. I find the truth and I anchor myself in truth. I speak my truth with courage. I am one with the Knower within me. And so, it is. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 5.30.22

    Expanding from the Creator within me, I touch all souls who died protecting or answering a call for their country. I visualize Divine Love and Light enveloping these souls as I reach back through time. Expanding further to encompass all died in any conflicts, I visualize Love and Light releasing these traumas. Any earthbound souls are released in Light. I visualize all freed in Love and Light to pursuit Oneness. Thank you, Sweet Spirit, for making it so.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 5.29.22

    Today is a day of rest and I rest in the Creator. Even as I rest, the Creator within me is manifesting Light, Love, and Peace for me and for us all. As I rest, I find myself transfixed by the Infinite All. I marvel, filled with love and gratitude for All That Is.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 5.28.22

    Today, I am grateful for my daily devotionals that fortify my connection to Spirit. I am strengthened and sheltered in Spirit. I feel and release my anxieties and fears to Light. I walk through my fear and am transformed. I am filled with Divine Light and Love. Thank you, Sweet Beloved, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Light Center Dome Open on Memorial Day

    We’ll be open on Monday, May 30 from 1:30 to 6 p.m.  Please visit us to enjoy our light chamber and prayer dome.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 5.27.22

    Today, I visualize a world that is safe for us all. Expanding from within, I see all societies and systems that are dedicated to Love and Light. I radiate Love and Light throughout the physical, mental, and emotional dimensions. I join with likeminded Light beings to hold space for Love, Light, Peace, and Harmony. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 5.26.22

    Thank you, God for my mistakes. Thank you for a showing them to me in a way I can easily understand. Thank you, God, for the flexibility to see the need to change and the ability to change. I am in Your Accelerated Learner Class as I become more and more One with You.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 5.25.22

    Pondering the goal of becoming one with my high Self, the Christ consciousness within me, I take heart knowing that it means being aware of everything and loving everything, despite, any negatives. It is only through love that everyone and everything is healed. I am grateful for my growth as a spiritual being. I am patient and kind to myself and others as I strive for Oneness. I am blessed with this journey of Love.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 5.24.22

    I open my heart, mind, and soul to thee, my beloved Presence within. I seek and I see. I see and I understand what I need to change. I am open to making changes. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 5.23.22

    Opening my heart, I gently advance my understanding that I am a being of God. I release all self-judgments. I am a Light being. I am a Love being. I radiate Light and Love to everyone and everything. I am centered in gratitude and filled with wonder at this Oneness of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 5.23.22

    Opening my heart, I gently advance my understanding that I am a being of God. I release all self-judgments. I am a Light being. I am a Love being. I radiate Light and Love to everyone and everything. I am centered in gratitude and filled with wonder at this Oneness of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 5.22.22

    In my journey toward complete Connection I release my struggles, major and minor. I release the daily grind, visualizing Divine Flow in my daily turn. I embrace ease. I allow the Creator within me to guide me. I relax into the Loving Embrace. Thank you, Dearest Creator.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 5.21.22

    To serve and protect our nation, that is the mission of our Armed Forces. All military personnel are filled with Love and Light. All open their hearts to God and are Divinely Guided. All active duty personnel and their families are protected in a Bubble of Love and Light on all dimensions. Guided by the Creator within, all branches of the military work together for the Good of All. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 5.20.22

    Expanding in prayer I take our beloved world within me filling it with Love and Light on all dimensions. Visualizing, I fill our world’s species- both plant and animal on land, air, and water with Love and Light. All species find their right place within our changing environment. As a co-creator, I take daily action in thought, word, and deed to help protect our fragile fantastic planet and all its species. And so, it is. Amen.

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April 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 4.6.22

    As I learn of man’s inhumanity to man, I turn within actively releasing my judgments to Light. I release my grief and sorrow to Light. From deeper still, I create Good from my High Self. Joining with other prayer workers, I aid in cushioning grief and sorrow around our world. Visualizing Divine Love and Light expanding through all dimensions, I help my fellow beings in Love and Light. We are One in Love and Light. And so, it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 4.5.22

    Opening my heart to Divine Mind, I realize we are like Pando (Quaking Aspens), one organism. Centering in Oneness, I visualize Love, Light, and Divine Peace being anchored for the Good of all creation. Today, I echo Divine Peace, Love, and Light for All. We are One. One creation of Love and Light. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 4.4.22

    The legislative body of the United States, Congress is filled with Divine Light and Love. Our representatives are divinely guided. We, the Body of the Divine on Earth, work together in harmony for the Good of All. Every nation’s ruling body works together with their citizens for the benefit of all, and for the benefit of our sacred environment. And so, it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 4.3.22

    Reflecting on the importance of rituals, I give myself over to meditation and prayer. During this holy time of year ritual is important. Today, I rest in gratitude for everything working for the greater glory of God. From deep within, I focus Love and Light on Divine Solutions for our beloved world and all beings who reside upon it. Thank you, God, for your Solutions. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 4.2.22

    Dearest beloved Creator centered within, thank you for your many blessings. As Ramadan begins, I continue my inward focus to draw ever closer to my divine Self. Thank you for your Oneness and for what I am learning. Thank you for my personal growth. Thank you for each being on this planet and for Your divine plan. Thank you for the small part I play. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 4.1.22

    April Fools’ Day may not seem appropriate to celebrate now, but we need humor as leaven for our emotional bodies. Humor is our birthright – it brings resiliency by helping us tap into Oneness. So – the Creator within me, aids me in “Lightening” up. Today I use my God given humor to ease my life and the lives of others. “If the earth is fit for laughter then surely heaven is filled with it. Heaven is the birthplace of laughter.” ~Martin Luther    

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March 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.31.22

    As I center myself in Oneness, I remember God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the Universe and beyond for the Good of All. I give thanks for helping hands, seen and unseen. Together, we as the Living Christ, the Doer, on this dimension fulfill our missions to help further people and planetary spiritual evolution. Thank you, God, for my part in this evolution. Thank you!    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.30.22

    With Spring, a sense of renewal buds, immersing myself in Spring I feel a response within. From deep within, I expand filling our world’s people with Love and Light. Today, I act locally to help my peers and our beautiful world. Today, I pray globally for all. Thank you, God, for this journey of Life.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.22.22

    Centering in the dimension of the Christ Consciousness, I open to Oneness. As I center in my High Self, I relax into Connection. From this awareness I know all is well. All is moving forward in Light, Love, and Peace. The Divine template is in place. All is well. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.28.22

    As a Light being, I know God encompasses both genders. Giving thanks during women’s history month, I am grateful for the many Light beings who, as women, have aided humankind now and throughout history. Joan of Arc, Marie Curie, Catherine Johnson…. Half of the good minds on our planet belong to women. Today, I celebrate the female gender, giving thanks for the Light Beings we know as women. I am humbled and filled with gratitude for our world’s females and the gifts they share on our beautiful planet.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.27.22

    As I reach out to my fellow Light Beings, I consider the difficulties this year has brought. From deep within, my High Self rises in love, Divine Love, for this planet’s people. I hold everyone in Light and Love, visualizing us all bathed in Divinity. I visualize all needs met bringing Joy for all. Thank you, sweet Divinity for your Joy.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.26.22

    Daily, I am filled with gratitude for our planet. This fantastic being is our mother working in concert with the Divine. I visualize our beloved Earth filled with Love and Light. I am so grateful for our physical world. Joining with other Light workers we create Good for our Mother Earth. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.25.22

    From the Christ consciousness within me, I am grateful. I am grateful for large and small things. I am grateful for each inhalation and exhalation. I am grateful for our shared Journey of Light. And our shared Journey of Love. I am grateful with each cell of my being. Thank you. Thank you, beloved God. Thank you.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.24.22

    Today, I focus on my physicality. My cells are Light. My body’s bacteria are Light. My skeletal system is Light. My muscular system is Light. My nervous system is Light. My sensory systems are Light. My endocrine system is Light. My circulatory system is Light. My respiratory system is Light. My digestive system is Light. My urinary system is Light. My reproductive system is Light. I am a being of Light. I am a Light Being. I radiate my Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for me and for All That Is.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.23.22

    If something brings a surge of fear, I breathe releasing it to Light. Girding myself in Faith, I work in concert with Spirit co-creating life as I envision it on Earth. Responding to God’s call, I feel freer, stronger. I am clothed in Faith, Light, and Love. Thank you, God, for making it so for us all. We are One in Spirit. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.22.22

      Today I center within, focusing on Divine Peace and Love. I radiate a vibration of Peace, Love, and Light. Relaxing into this vibration of Peace and Love, I visualize it expanding within our world and within everyone and everything. There is only Peace, Love, and Light. And so, it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.21.22

    Joining with the global community of prayer and Light workers, I feel a sense of belonging to this mission of holding space for Divine Harmony. Working together we are doing our missions as Light beings anchoring Light. We release all fear to Light. We release all judgment to Light. We are Light beings anchoring Light. Thank you, dearest Creator, for our journey of Light.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.20.22

    Today, Spring’s Equinox when our sun’s rays are equally balanced between both hemispheres of our beloved planet, I embrace this planetary balance of light and dark. From my essence as a Light Being, I release any darkness or negativity to Light. I am filled with Light and Love. Expanding, I visualize all of us filled with Light and Love. I am grateful for Divine Balance in all aspects of Creation.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.19.22

    “For the dead and the living, we must bear witness.” (Elie Wiesel.) We are now called to witness our world’s events. As we witness, we love everyone. We fill everyone with Love and Light. We help soften events with kind action and prayer. We hold space for Divine Peace and Healing. Today, we grow through giving Love with awareness. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.18.22

    As some of us celebrate Holi, a Hindu festival celebrating love, it is traditional to pray that any internal negativity will be cleansed. Today, I center deep within focusing on releasing and changing any internal conflict and negativity to Love and Light. Expanding from a well of Love, I visualize all of us changing any internal conflict and negativity to Love and Light. I help hold space for Love and Light for all humanity. Our world is filled with Love and Light. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.17.22

    Today, I am grateful for all things Irish. An Irish friend says:” On St. Patty’s Day everyone is Irish!” I am grateful for that loving attitude. I am grateful for Irish fun and ribald humor. Today, I give thanks for a wee bit o’ fun and the “wearin” of the Green. I remind myself that “On St. Patty’s Day, everyone is Irish” and we are all one on the journey of Light, Love, and Joy.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.16.22

    From Holy Connection, I feel called to pray. Prayer creates – everything else distracts. My prayer for today: The Creator within me fills our world with the calm healing Energy of Divinity. Spaceship Earth and all its inhabitants are filled with Light, Love, and Peace. On all dimensions, all are filled with clarifying Light and Love. Thank you, God for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.15.22

      Moving toward spring, I turn inward and feed the revitalization of my personal spring spirit. I visualize my love and light greening up and blooming into ever deeper love for everyone and everything. My prayer is giving thanks for being in the right place, at the right time, thinking, saying, and doing the right thing for the Greater Good of All. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.14.22

    Life on Earth is variable. Change happens. Circumstances occur that precipitate fear. And fear cripples the soul. So, every day as fear surfaces, I face it, releasing it to Love and Light. Embracing my High Self I expand, envisioning all of us embracing our High Selves. I ask the Creator within everyone to aid in whatever must be faced today. Thank you, beloved Creator, for our ability to choose your Divine Love, Courage, Peace, and Light. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.13.22

    The angelic kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The human kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The plant kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The animal kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The insect kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The bacterial kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The viral kingdom is in a bubble of Light. There is only Light. There is only Love. Dearest Creator, I am so grateful for our beautiful, exquisite planet. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.12.22

    I turn within releasing any internal conflict to Light. I exhale any struggle and inhale Peace. Expanding to encompass the world, I radiate Peace. Today, I stay centered in compassion and forgiveness. I help anchor Love and Light in our world. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.11.22

    In my meditation, I breathe Peace, Love, and Light to all nations and continents. I fill North America with Love and Light. I fill Central America with Love and Light. I fill South America with Love and Light. I fill Europe with Love and Light. I fill Asia with Love and Light. I fill Africa with Love and Light. I fill Antarctica with Love and Light. I fill Australia with Love and Light. Our wonderful world is filled with Peace, Love, and Light on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.10.22

    God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the universe for the Good of All. As I consider this truism, I focus on the energy of peace. Opening deep within, I envision our world embracing peace. Abundant peace for everyone, all nations. Expanding, I visualize peace and abundance flowing in whatever form needed to where it will benefit all planet Earth and its peoples. Thank you, God, for making it so. “Everything is Energy” (Stephen Lewis).    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.9.22

    Joining Spirit within, I focus on filling the Kremlin with Love and Light. I visualize the building’s walls filled with Love and Light. I visualize each story and room filled with Love and Light. I visualize the earth beneath it filled with Love and Light. I visualize Vladimir Putin filled with Love and Light. I visualize Russian leadership filled with Love and Light. I visualize each Kremlin worker filled with Love and Light. There is only Love and Light in Russia. Thank you, dearest God, for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.8.22

      There are only Light Beings, children of Spirit, but for our earthly experience we select a gender. Today, I celebrate women. Women bring wisdom, fortitude, courage to earth. Women bring life into this world. I find joy and gratitude in celebrating half of the great minds and doers in this world. Thank you, God, for the women of this planet.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.7.22

    Putting down my burdens, I embrace Ease, Grace, and Divine Glory. I rest in this soothing Flow. Today, I visualize Light and Love in each troubled region of our planet. All ground is holy ground. All is well. All is well. All is well. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.6.22

    Centered in Source, I consider the spiritual revolution that is quietly happening. I am one of many who pray for all – setting a field of rarified, spiritualized energy that is immersing all of us. From the Creator within, I aid in the creation of Divine Peace, Love, Light, and Joy. Thank you, dearest God, for my small role in helping anchor Love and Light for all creation. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.5.22

    “I feel there is nothing truly more artistic than loving people.” ~ Vincent Van Gogh Today, starting with myself, I extend Love. Gently, I bathe myself in Love and Light. Then, I extend myself and simply love everyone and everything. I visualize every ONE of us in a bubble of Love and Light on all dimensions. Only Love and Light can come to us. Expanding further, I extend Love and Light to everything; blanketing our world in Love. Thank you, God, for your Loving Kindness. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.4.22

    Light fills our planet. Love fills our planet. Light and Love permeates our planet. I am grateful for everyone who is aiding Ukraine. I am grateful for all those who are sheltering Ukrainian refugees. Be it protesting Russian citizens, Ukrainians returning to their homeland, or prayful others – we all make a difference. I am grateful for Light and Love guiding us. We hold steadfast in Light and Love. Thank you, God, for your Guiding Light.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.3.22

    Touching into Spirit I find a tranquil Love. Comforted, I expand visualizing this Love filling eastern Europe with Divine Comfort. Thinking of all the souls making their transition, I expand Love and Light to help comfort everyone. I give thanks to everyone’s angels and all angelic beings for their help in softening and releasing fear, sadness, worry, and hunger. We aid our fellow Light beings through prayer. Thank you, Spirit, for your Hand in solving this conflict. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.2.22

    On this first day of Lent, I turn within sinking into Holy Connection. As I release all impediments to Oneness, I envision everyone releasing their blocks, too. As I am filled with Love and Light, I visualize everyone on Earth filled with Love and Light. The High Self, the Christ, acts as God’s “Doer” in this physical dimension. Today, I visualize Peace and Divine Justice for all of us on Planet Earth. I am One with my brothers and sisters in conflict. I am One with the All, I hold space for Peace. Thank you, God, for making it so. […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.1.22

      Gently, I examine my thoughts and actions releasing those which no longer serve my highest good. I forgive myself any pettiness that is less than that which is for the highest good. In prayer, I open in gratitude for my spirit-filled journey of discovery. I am open to Divine Guidance. As I celebrate my journey toward Oneness, I expand filling everyone with this beautiful sense of Oneness helping to affirm we are One. Amen.    

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February 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.28.22

      Thank you, beloved Source, for your Light. Thank you for your Peace. Sitting with your Peace, Light, and Love, I focus my attention on Ukraine visualizing Calm, Love, and Light for all people. Any who are experiencing echoes of past traumas are filled with God’s fortitude, Love, and Light. Anchoring myself in faith, I know that this too shall prove to be for the greater Good for all. Today, I help hold space for Peace.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.27.22

    Resting in the Divine, I cast my High Self to eastern Europe filling Ukraine, Russia, and surrounds with Light and Love. Visualizing, I sweep the cities and country with Light. I declare from deep within: Light is directing all activities in this conflict. My prayer is Love-in-action helping fill each soul with Light and Love. I help anchor Divine Peace, Love, and Light so we may all grow from this experience. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.26.22

    “We need to sit on the rim of the well of darkness and fish for the fallen light with patience” (Pablo Neruda). Today, I lovingly focus concentrated Light and Love in Ukraine, Russia, Crimea, and Moldova. I work with my fellow light beings to fill Vladimir Putin with Love and Light. I visualize him in a bubble of Light on all dimensions. Turning, I envision Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky filled with Light and in a bubble of Light on all dimensions. Expanding Light and Love to fill all soldiers and families, I breathe Peace and Love to everyone and everything. Thank […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.25.22

    In prayer, I help anchor Divine Calm, Light, Love, Courage, and Peace in all of Ukraine, Russia, Europe, and the world. Our Ukrainian brothers and sisters are filled with Light and Love. I visualize all the children filled with a divine sense of safety. I visualize each heavy heart filled with Light. Today, I help anchor Truth so each soul understands no matter what happens all will ultimately be well. In Divinity, there is only Light, Love, and Life.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.24.22

    “Be sure to put your feet in the right place, and then stand firm.” (Abraham Lincoln) As I think of Lincoln’s commitment to America, I give thanks for everyone who has persevered doing the right thing for the Good of All. Today, I “stand firm” holding Peace, Love, and Light for all on our beloved planet. I radiate Light from my center of Light, solar plexus, to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.23.22

    As I consider my brothers and sisters around the world, I sink into Oneness visualizing Light guiding each one of us. Focusing of those of us in Russia and the Ukraine, I hold Light and Love to help anchor peace, strength, and ease for everyone. I thank our angels and the Angelic kingdom for the help, Love, and Light they are giving us and our world. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for your Light and Love. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.22.22

      Today, I give thanks for my ability to pray, to co-create in concert with Divinity. My creativity and fertile imagination are gifts. I am grateful for the Connection that allows Flow. I am grateful for my ability to listen to God’s voice. Thank you, sweet Divinity for this flowing beautiful journey to Oneness with You.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.21.22

      On U.S. President’s Day, the Creator within me fills all presidents, past and present, with Light. Regardless of dimension, astral or physical, each president is filled with Light and Love. Each president understands the sacred nature of their oath of office. Each president continues to work for the greater Good of our nation. Thank you, God, for your Light guiding the office of the Presidency. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.20.22

    Aligning in Oneness, I rest in holy Connection. Today I replenish myself with Spirit, then focus my divine Self on Ukraine and Russia. Breathing deeply, the I Am Within connects to these souls filling each one with Light, Love, Peace, and Harmony. Joining in Spirit with my brothers and sisters in prayer we tether Peace, Light, and Love for us all. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for Peace along this border. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.19.22

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I release unhealthy use of any substances, food, drink, or behaviors to Light. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I am fulfilled. Every need is met through the Divine. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.18.22

    As I consider social justice and world conditions, I pray directing Light to aid my brothers and sisters. I release my judgement of self and others. We are One, One in our Creator. Today, I work locally and pray globally for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for my many opportunities to help my beloved world’s community.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.17.22

    Deep within I connect to the “I Am” then ponder “You are the light of the world” (Matthews 5:14). Opening, I expand, intensifying Light throughout my body. Expanding, I encompass the world, increasing the radiance of my Light and Love to everyone and everything. I visualize all awakening to their Light. Thank you, God, for everyone, for everything, for me, and especially for thee. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.16.22

    I am grateful for our angels and archangels. I give thanks for helping hands both seen and unseen. As the Living Christ, the doer on this dimension, I visualize Earth’s angels helping to ease and heal our beloved planet’s difficult situations. Working together, we fulfill our missions to further planetary and people’s spiritual evolution. Thank you, sweet Source, for the small part I play.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.15.22

      Thinking of our world’s turmoil, I release my human judgments to Light. I release worry for our world’s future to Light. I am a Light Being. From deep within, I create Good in our current global situations. Our geo-political world is filled with Love and Light. I hold steadfast in Faith filling everything and everyone with Love and Light. There is only Love and Light. Thank you, sweet Source, for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.14.22

      On Sweetheart’s Day, Valentine’s Day, I go within and drink from the nectar of God’s love for me. I am filled with Divine Love. I am Love and I am Light. I know I am Loved. I know expanding Love is my mission. I radiate my Love and Light to All. All people on Earth are filled with Love and Light. I see the Living, Loving High Self of each being. Thank you, beloved God, for me and for everyone. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.13.22

    I affirm I am a “tuning fork” tuned to the Divine. I visualize other people – “tuning forks” tuning to Divinity. Together we raise the frequency of Love and Light on our beloved planet. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.12.22

    Our devices are filled with Light. Artificially intelligent devices are filled with Light. As creators-in-action, we radiate Light to every Thing, we radiate Light to everyone. We work in concert with the Divine creating Good. Today, I visualize a world filled with and directed by Light. I help by anchoring Light and Divine Love for all. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.11.22

    Taking a deep breath, I center myself and tune to the frequency of Divinity. I breathe rhythmically releasing my fears and frustrations for myself and for our world. I am filled with Divine Peace. I am renewed. I radiate Peace, Love and Light to all for all. Thank you, Sweet Divinity for You and for this journey of Light.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.10.22

    From deep within I declare: There is Light. Light fills the heart, mind, and soul of Vladimir Putin. Light suffuses all Russian bureaucrats. Light fills all Russian soldiers and their families. Light saturates the people of Ukraine. Light encompasses the country of Ukraine. Light fills the heart, mind, and soul of Joseph Biden. Light permeates all American bureaucrats. Light fills all American citizens. Light encompasses all people of all nations. Thank you, sweet Divinity for your Light Guiding our precious world. Amen. (adapted with Tully Moss’s permission.)    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.9.22

    Centering deep within, I give thanks for all people. Regardless of race, creed, gender, and orientation, we are each a drop in the Ocean of Spirit. All One, All equal in our beingness in Spirit. From my High Self, I radiate Light and Love through All. We are one in Light and Love. We are One. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.8.22

      With our world’s tumultuous times, I center deep within anchoring into the Light of Divinity. Today, I live in two worlds, staying anchored in Light – consciously expanding Light and Love. Yet also going about my daily rounds, working and interacting with others. I expand Light out to everyone and everything aiding in the creation of Harmony and Peace for all of us. We are One.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.7.22

      If I don’t know my Divine Mission, handed down from On High, I accept the work in front of me. If I don’t know what to do, I start with doing one kind thing for myself and for others each day. Slowly, through asking for guidance, meditation and listening, I am Guided. I take small steps thinking of Maya Angelou: “Good done anywhere is Good done everywhere”. Today, I will contribute to Good.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.6.22

      We are resilient spiritual beings. We are made in Love and from Light. We are Light Beings. As one awakens, more will awake. We are One on all dimensions. We are Light Beings. Thank you, beloved Source, for this journey of Light and Love. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.5.22

    Thinking of those of us with unhealthy habits, I look at myself first. I release any unhealthy habit to Light. That which is All That Is nourishes me with Love and Light. I am in a bubble of Light on all dimensions. Expanding, I visualize all of us in our own bubble of Love and Light. Thank you, God, for Your Guidance. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.4.22

    Thinking of “influencers”, I turn to the Great Influencer within me. Opening my heart, mind, and soul to Divine Influence, I am comforted like a child. Visualizing our world encompassed by Divine Influence, I envision each of us comforted by the knowledge that All is Well.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.3.22

    Sinking into meditation and prayer, I expand from the Creator within me anchoring Light, Love, and Divine Justice for all. Any groups that promote social injustice and hate are filled with Light and Love. I declare and affirm there is Divine Abundance for the Good of All. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.2.22

    Today, I embrace my creativity. I am a creator in thought, word, and deed. I create in concert with the Divine. I am divinely directed as I focus Love and Light throughout our world and beyond. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for the role I play in helping create Good in Your Creation. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.1.22

      “In seizing the moment, you find heaven.” – R. Padgett Today I seize the day, finding Joy. I am elevated, reaching out to expand this Joy to all. I realize, again, Heaven is a state of consciousness. Thank you, beloved God, for Heaven in life; Thank you for the ability to experience Heaven now. Thank you for the ability to help create Heaven for all. Amen.    

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January 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.31.22

      I give thanks for the loving gift of art. Art and our artists are Divine Gifts. Art cushions us, heals us, and inspires us. All art, especially music, lifts us from our toils. Refreshed we return to our daily round. Visualizing all artists filled with Light and Love I see them filled with the Creativity that flows from the Wellspring of Life. I give thanks for artists and all art. I know we are all artists in our own way. Today, I express Love and Light in an artful way.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.30.22

      Today, I allow Divine Rest, one of the twelve attributes of the Creator. Taking care of self is respectful. Today I relax, resting in the Divine. I breathe, rest, reflect, and heal. From deep within comes the knowledge that all is well. All is well. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for Divine Rest.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.29.22

    Thinking of those of us with role-strain – too many roles to play, too many demands. I expand from the Creator within me filling everyone with Light and Divine Love. I visualize everyone being able to fulfill necessary obligations in a loving and Light-filled way. Light enables each of us to be who we are: Light Beings. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.28.22

    Focusing on my physicality, I declare: My cells are Light. My skeletal system is Light. My muscular system is Light. My nervous system is Light. My sensory systems are Light. My endocrine system is Light. My circulatory system is Light. My respiratory system is Light. My digestive system is Light. My urinary system is Light. My reproductive system is Light. My body’s bacteria are Light. I am a Light Being. I radiate Light throughout my body. I radiate Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for me, and for All That Is.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.27.22

    Focusing within I join the Profound, entering the sacred space of Oneness. We are One. I hold that knowingness as I breathe peace and ease to all who have suffered injury due to abuse or crimes. Expanding to encompass our world, I fill each of us who feels the emotional echo of past trauma. I fill all with Divine Peace, Light, and Love. We embrace Peace. We are One. Thank you, God, for making it so.    

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  • Inclement Weather and Hazardous Roads closing, Friday through Sunday, January 28 through 30
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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.26.22

    Taking a deep breath, I center myself and tune to the frequency of Divinity. I breathe rhythmically releasing my concerns, worries, and frustrations for myself and for our world. I am filled with Divine Peace, Love and Light. I am renewed. I radiate Peace, Love and Light to all for all. Thank you, Sweet Divinity for You and for this journey of Light.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.25.22

      Resting in Spirit, I focus Love and Light on my brothers and sisters in need. Whether it is loss of a loved one, income, or sense of society, all of us experiencing loss are filled with Divine Peace. Visualizing those who have lost stability in their daily turn, I focus Light to help expand each individual’s sense of stability in the Divine. Today, I help anchor, Light, Love and Peace.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.24.22

      In prayer and meditation, I give thanks for my free will. Unlike Adam and Eve, we are not unthinkingly unaware. The gift of self-determination enables us to freely choose our path. Thank you, beloved God, for my freedom to choose to be One with You. One with All That Is. I am grateful for spiritual freedom.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.23.22

      As I rest in the Divine, I focus my mind on Divine Calm. Breathing, I inhale Light, exhaling Calm. I focus to help our world achieve peace. Expanding, I fill our world leaders with Divine Peace, Calm, Light, and Love. Visualizing Light strands supporting our world leaders, I join with other prayer workers. Thank you, God, for world peace. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.22.22

    As I pray for our world, I ponder our economy, the movement and flow of monies that support our endeavors on this plane. Focusing intention, I pray for the living flow of greenbacks, a plant-like system. Expanding myself into this flow of Green, I visualize needed monies moving to forward progress for all, for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.21.22

      As I watch the news, I fill all who may be watching or reading it with Light and Love. I visualize everyone’s inner Self knowing the Truth. Turning to the U.S. President, I envision Divine Love and Light radiating to the White House. All in the White House are in bubbles of Light. I visualize the Oval Office radiating Light and Love to everyone across our globe. Light guides our President and country for the Good of All. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.20.22

      Centering deep within, I give thanks for my divine health. Spiritual, physical, mental, and financial health. I am healthy! I am grateful! Expanding, I visualize robust health for others and for our beautiful planet. Thank you, Source, for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.19.22

      Moving deep within I fill what seems to be “broken-ness” in our world with Light and Love. I help anchor Calm, Light, and Love in Russia, in the Ukraine, and throughout our planet. Visualizing Divine Peace, I join with like minds radiating Love and Light for all. Thank you, dearest Divinity for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.18.22

      Reflecting upon leadership, I am guided to understand the importance of modeling – setting an energy and an example. Each and every day, I will set an example of living in concert with the Divine. Giving others an energy to match, in a humble effort to contribute Light and Love to the Greater Good. Thank you, God, for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.17.22

      Dr. King strove for justice and equality for all. Meditating in his old church, I realize he is still anchoring Light and Love for us. From the Creator within me, I visualize all of us treating our fellow citizens with Love regardless of race, creed, or color. To be truly American means to be truly inclusive: exploring differences, helping, and loving one another as heirs of the Divine, one and all. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.16.22

      Sinking into Holy Connection, I expand filling all people with Love and Light. All members of fringe-conspiracy groups are filled with Love and Light. Expanding from the Creator within me, I visual everyone filled with Divine Love. An internal plume of Sacred Energy fills all with Divine Healing, Love and Light. Known or not, we are all Light Beings on a path to Oneness, a sacred family sharing time on Earth. We are One. And, so it is, Amen.    

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  • Light Center closed on Sunday, January 16, due to hazardous driving conditions!
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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.15.22

    Expanding in prayer I take our beloved world within me filling it with Love and Light on all dimensions. Visualizing, I fill our world’s species- human, animal, and plant with Love and Light. All species find their right place within our changing environment. As a co-creator with God, I take daily action in thought, word, and deed to help protect our fragile civilization and planet. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.14.22

      Today, I focus within on any addictions or unhealthy behaviors I may have. Releasing these negative habits to Light, I surrender to Divine Connection. As I open to healing and direction, I pray others may open their hearts to accept Divine Healing. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.13.22

      Opening my heart to Divinity, I focus on my oneness with all. Visualizing a world of Oneness, I center Light and Love on everyone in our world who is suffering. I visualize everyone’s Light center, solar plexus, filled with Love and Light that radiates through their body. The Creator within me, helps fill our world and its people with Love and Light. Thank you, beloved Divinity, for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.12.22

      Focusing, I relax and think of myself. My Self. I ask: what do I need? An answer wells up – patience – with myself. Filling myself with Love and Light I say “I love you” from deep within. I bathe myself in Love and Light. I promise to be more patient and loving with myself. I will treat myself as who I am: the Light of the world. I am the Light of the world. I am the Love of the world. Thank you, God, for me and for Thee. Amen.    

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  • Tuesday night Prayer for January 11 cancelled due to furnace problem!
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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.11.22

      One country, one destiny. One world, one destiny. One galaxy, one destiny. One cosmos, one destiny. We are one. We are One. One Heart, One Mind. One.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.10.22

      From the Creator within me, I envision Divine Love and Light radiating from the Oval Office. I visualize the Light of the White House joining with the Light of Congress. Expanding, I imagine the executive and legislative Light merging with the Light of the Supreme Court. I picture all three branches of the U.S. government immersed in Light and Love. Light guides our country for the Good of All. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.9.22

      As we enter the new year, the Creator within me fills all families with Love and Light. All parents are filled with Love and Light. I visualize parenting filled with Divine Ease. Parents are Divinely Guided for the good of their children and people everywhere. Families are the building block of society. Through prayerful focus the Creator within me creates Love and Light within families for the Good of All. And so, it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.8.22

      In synchronizing myself with Oneness, I give thanks as I visualize Creative Energy maximizing the health of our Amazonian rainforests, our deserts, our plains, our piedmonts, our mountains, our tundra, our savannahs, and our poles. Our planetary waters are filled with Love and Light. Our beloved Earth is in a bubble of Love and Light. Divine Light is guiding all climate changes. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.7.22

      I know the Creator within me is radiating Divine Light and Love through me. Opening, I merge into Light and Love. Expanding, I radiate Light and Love to everyone and everything. I am a conduit of Divine Light and Love through all dimensions. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.6.22

      Considering Epiphany, I meditate on the gifts of the Magi; gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Gifts symbolizing incorruptible wealth, spiritual knowledge, and the necessity of ego transcendence. Feeling humbled, I turn within accepting these gifts for my high Self, the Living Christ within. Thinking of today’s world, I expand visualizing these gifts being accepted by all our world’s citizens – Heaven on Earth. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.5.22

      Considering, God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the universe for the Good of All, I focus on the energy of abundance. Opening deep within I see my Self accepting abundant health, wealth, and joy. Expanding, I visualize abundance flowing in whatever form needed to where it will benefit all planet Earth and its peoples. Thank you, God, for making it so. “Everything is Energy” (Stephen Lewis). .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.4.22

      Focusing within, I fill our world’s governments with Love and Light. Each country’s leader and governing body is filled with Love and Light. Each country’s leader is open to Guidance. Each nation’s leader puts the people first. Our world leaders work together for Good. We, the people, work together through meditation, prayer, and action creating Good for all. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.3.22

      As I prepare to return to work in the new year, I recall I am where I am for a reason. I know work is Good. “Work is Love made visible” (Khalil Gibran). In carrying out my work from my high Self, the Living Christ, I work with loving intention for the Good of All. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.2.22

      Today, as we celebrate the Season of Light, I continue to purify myself in Love and Light. Standing at my mind’s gateway monitoring thoughts, I release negative thoughts to Light. I am helping cleanse our world’s thought pollution. Facing my fears, darkness disappears and a New Day dawns. Life is for Living in Divine Essence and Oneness. Let us live in a new way of Oneness! (a la Diana Goure). .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.1.2022

      God is my providence. All that I am, all that I have is of God. Opening my heart, I know God as my providence. I give thanks for the blessings I have and for those I am about to receive. God working through me creates Abundance. As the doer in this realm of existence, I am in the right place, at the right time, saying and doing the right things for the Good of All. .    

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December 2021

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.31.21

      Today, the last day of the year, I focus within and connect to my High Self releasing everything that is not of service to me. I release all self-recriminations. I am a Light Being. I Am a Light Being. Breathing, I embrace my larger Self envisioning a future of Light and Love for all. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for this journey of Light and Love. .    

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  • Light Center Closed on New Year’s Day

    The Light Center is closed to visitors on New Year’s Day. We are limiting the size of groups inside the building and are hosting two concerts that day. Only concert-goers and staff will be allowed inside the building. Thank you for your consideration. Happy New Year!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.30.21

      As I consider those who have made a transition from the physical to the nonphysical dimension, I expand from the Creator within me, filling each of us in the transitioning process with Love and Light. Thinking of friends and family who may feel left, I expand Love and Light in each grieving soul. Our world is filled with Love and Light. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.29.21

      Giving thanks for the closing of the year, I relax, allowing my mind to range as the Creator within me guides me. As the Living Christ, the Doer, I am the hands of Divine Will. I am guided and given the needed tools. I am in the right place, at the right time, saying, and doing the right things for the good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 12.28.21

      In synchronizing myself with Oneness, I remember God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the Universe and beyond for All. Giving thanks I move into the flow visualizing Creative Energy maximizing health for everyone and everything. All are in a bubble of Love and Light. Divine Light is guiding all planetary changes. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 12.27.21

      In this season of Light, all families are filled with Love and Light. Parents are open to their sacred duty of raising responsible, loving Light Beings. Parents are Divinely Guided for the good of their children and people everywhere. Families are the building block of society. Through prayerful focus the Creator within me creates Love and Light within families for the Good of All. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.26.21

      As we celebrate the first fruits of harvest, I go within and give thanks for Unity. I give thanks that everything is of God. Centered in the “I Am that I Am” I expand myself through all creation. I expand Love, Light, Peace, and Joy. I radiate God’s fruits to all, for All. And, so, it is. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.25.21

      As I celebrate the birth of christ consciousness within, I allow myself the Joy of Oneness. Giving thanks for the birth of this Way-Shower, I celebrate our Oneness with Divine Essence. Opening my heart, I am grateful for the sacred gift of freedom to choose Oneness. Thank you, God, for this journey of Love and Light. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.24.21

      On this Christmas Eve as the Christian world celebrates the anniversary of Jesus’s birth, I turn within giving thanks for this “Way-Shower”. Opening to Divinity, I celebrate the birth of the Living Christ, a consciousness of Love, within me. I find myself filled with gratitude. Expanding, I radiate Love and Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for our gift. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.23.21

      Today, amidst the flurry of activity, I rest in Divine Peace. I release any negatives to the Gentle Comforter within. Centering in gratitude and love I radiate Love and Light to all who may be isolated, ill, or troubled. I help create Loving Flow for the good of all, especially for those with any unmet need. I visualize the Loving Essence of the Living Christ, the Doer on this dimension meeting the needs of All. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for making it so. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.22.21

      Taking a deep breath, I center myself and tune to the frequency of Divinity. I breathe rhythmically releasing my concerns, worries, and frustrations for myself and for our world. I am filled with Divine Peace, Love and Light. I am renewed. I radiate Peace, Love and Light to all for all. Thank you, Sweet Divinity for You and for this journey of Light. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 12.21.21

      In the season of Light as the veil thins between the astral and the physical, I center myself and expand my beingness to encompass the world. I fill everyone on all dimensions with Radiant Light and Love. All who may be transitioning from the physical to the astral are eased in and through Divine Peace. All is well. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for making it so. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 12.20.21

      Thank you, Creator, for our healthcare heroes. Thank you for their selfless giving, for their commitment to all of us, to humanity. Today the Creator within me fills all healthcare workers with Light and Love. Today, I visualize us all using wise health care practices to safeguard our healthcare workers and one another. Thank you, Creator, for your Divine Love and Light. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.19.21

      In this season of Light, I am grateful. Thank you for unexpected gifts. Thank you, beloved Creator, for Love. Thank you for Life. Thank you for an abundant life for all of us. Thank you for this beautiful planet. Thank you for Light and Love. Thank you for Divine Rest in You. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.18.21

      Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I release unhealthy use of any substances, food, drink, or behaviors to Light. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I am a Light Being; my every need is met. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.17.21

      Centering, I begin with gratitude for All That Is. I give thanks for all opportunities. Be they difficult or easy, I greet each opportunity with an open heart and mind. My centeredness and gratitude keeps me in the Universal Flow. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.16.21

      As Congress readies for winter adjournment, I focus Divine Healing, Love, and Light on our representatives. The Creator within me visualizes our elected officials governing from the Creator within to ensure the wellbeing of their constituents and our country. Anchoring Light, I aid them to realize their Divine Assignment to work together for the Good of All. And so, it is, Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.15.21

      From the Creator with me, I radiate Love and Light to all storms and stormy aftermaths. I radiate Light and Love to everyone in any storm path. I radiate Light and Love to everything in any storm path. I visualize Light and Love blanketing all areas affected by natural disasters. Everyone is safe in a Bubble of Love and Light. There is only Light and Love. All is well. All is well. All is well. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 12.14.21

      In this season of Light, “let your heart be light”. Today, I let my heart be light, I release any worries and fears to Light. “Let your heart be light.” I let my heart be Light. I am a Light Being. Thank you, dear Divinity, for this journey of Light. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 12.13.21

      As the year moves forward, I focus Love, Light, Peace, and Divine Effectiveness on the Oval Office. From the Creator within, I visualize the Office of the Presidency resting on the Mantle of the Living Christ. Lovingly, I intensify the Light and Love so that all in the White House are divinely Guided for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.12.21

      In the season of Light, Advent, meaning preparation to welcome Christ, I welcome my High Self, the Living Christ within me. From my High Self, the Christ, I am the hands of the Creator on this dimension. I am in the right place, at the right time, saying, and doing the right thing for the Good of all. Thank you, beloved Creator for making it so. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.11.21

      The Energy that is All, has room for us all. Expanding from deep with, I visualize everyone manifesting their divine missions. With gentle intent, I visualize everyone having each and every need abundantly met. Today, I open my heart, mind, and soul to Universal Abundance. I visualize us all opening to Divine Abundance. There is room for us all at the Table of Life. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.10.21

      As I entrain my mind in meditation and prayer, I enter sacred space and focus on our Oneness. All of us have dreams, hopes, and wishes. Dreams whether realized or not are how we create. Today, I visualize each of us as the creators we are taking action to advance our dreams in Divine Oneness for the Good of us all and our beloved planet. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.9.21

      In this season of Light, I focus within giving thanks for all that is. I visualize everyone filled with Light. Expanding further, the Creator within me fills all technological devices with Light. All social media is filled with Light and Love. Divine Light and Love direct all people everywhere. Thank you, dear Divinity for making it so. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.8.21

      Thank you, beloved Creator, for everyone, for everything, and especially for me. Thank you, beloved Creator, for You. Thank you for this journey of Oneness .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 12.7.21

      Focusing on my oneness with All, I declare, “We are One”. Holding this knowingness, I breathe peace and ease to all our people. I thank them for their contributions to our beloved planet and our peoples. In Light, I fill all who have suffered injury, both historically and present day. I fill those of us who feel the emotional echo of past and present trauma with Light and Love. I fill all with Knowledge of Right Action. I fill all with Divine Peace, Light, and Love. We embrace Peace. We are One. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 12.6.21

      Everything is energy. Everything has a frequency. Everything is of God. Light directs everything to Light and Love. As a knower, I affirm the Creator within everyone and everything guides each to Light and Love. We are all Guided on our paths to Oneness. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.5.21

      Centering in Divine Presence, I fill the concept of marriage with Love and Light. I give thanks for the institution of marriage. Expanding from Deep within I change my preconceived notions of marriage to Light. Marriage is a union that creates Love and Light for All. Marriage is a vehicle for completing Divine missions, together and separately, for the good of All. Married to life partners or married to God, all prosper in Union. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.4.21

      Focusing Light on our exquisite planet and its evolving climate, I radiate Love with the Light helping to anchor Light within climate change. Light directs all climate change. All is well. And so, it is. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.3.21

      From the Creator within, I fill all families with Love and Light. Despite life’s obstacles, all are safe in Divinity. As a Light worker, I help anchor Love, Light and Divine Abundance for the good of All. Today, I pay special attention to focusing Love and Light on families, visualizing every need filled through Light and with Love. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.2.21

      As a knower, I affirm the Creator within everyone and everything guides each to Light and Love. Light guides us all. We are Guided on our paths to Oneness. All is well on all dimensions and so it is. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.1.21

      Turning inward to Source, I am grateful for our first responders who are caring for our world’s ill suffering people. The Creator within me, fills all first responders, care givers all, with Light and Love. Our first responders are safe and secure in a bubble of Light on all dimensions. Expanding, I take our world within me, filling all people suffering from illness, despair, and worry with Light and Love. I visualize healing, radiant, purifying energy for our world and all its inhabitants. We are One. .    

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November 2021

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.30.21

      Centering in gratitude, I focus on what is working properly in my life. I am deeply grateful for my many blessings. I am grateful for my ability to meditate and pray. Turning within, I know that anything that has gone awry is an opportunity for growth. My resistance creates discomfort, discomfort is an invitation to release to Divinity. I am grateful for my ability to let things go. I am grateful for my ability to change. I am grateful for my personal growth. Thank you, dear Divinity, for this path of Light. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.29.21

      In meditation, I rest in Source before expanding to fill our nation’s Capitol with Light and Love. In prayer, I visualize and declare the Creator guides our Executive branch. The President and staff are open to Light. The legislative branch is filled with Light and Love. All members of Congress are able to receive Guidance. Turning focus to our Supreme Court, the Creator within me fills our judges and staff with Light and Love that Justice maybe served. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.28.21

      As we celebrate the Season of Light, I know the Creator within me is radiating Divine Light and Love through me. Opening, I merge into Light and Love. Expanding, I radiate Light and Love to everyone and everything. I am a conduit of Light and Love through all dimensions. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.27.21

      From the Creator within me I release any behaviors, foods, or substances that are not for my highest good to Light. I turn to the Creator within me to meet my dependency needs. Opening my heart, mind, and soul to Divinity, I am guided. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for this journey of awakening to who I truly am! .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 11.26.21

      I am filled with gratitude for the Divine gift of our beautiful, natural world. Thank you, Mother-Father God, for Earth. Thank you for the plant, animal, mineral, and microbial kingdoms. Thank you for the trees that hold spiritual energy for us. Thank you for our natural world that nourishes us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Expanding, I fill our beloved planet with Love and Light for the Good of All. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.25.21

      On this Thanksgiving Day, I reach within and give thanks for all I have and all I am about to receive. Radiating Light, I focus to help us all open our hearts, minds, and souls to Divine Generosity. When the impulse to give comes, I give generously in thought, word, and deed. We are One. Thank you, Holy Spirit Within for You and for us All. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.24.21

      Centering in Source, I focus on those of us making a transition through physical death. I visualize radiant Light and Divine Love easing each soul through this “graduation”. I envision their families filled with Light, Love, and Peace. All is well. Life is progressing without end. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.23.21

      Today, I stand with my fellow world citizens. Regardless of race, creed, or color, we are one. We are all Light Beings whether we know it or not. Today, I help anchor Divine Calm, Peace, Love, and Light. Today, I radiate Light to help change any negativity to Light. Our planet is a planet of Love and Light. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.22.21

      As I pray for our world, I consider our economy, the movement and flow of monies that support our endeavors on this plane. I focus intention and pray for the living flow of greenbacks, a plant-like system. I expand myself into this flow of Green visualizing needed monies moving to forward progress for all, for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.21.21

      As the weather cools in the northern hemisphere, I focus my prayerful mind on the needs of others. Deep within I create Love, Light, Prosperity for all, that each may have every need met. All are divinely guided to places, people, and services that provide for any need. We are One. We are connected on all levels through the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.20.21

      Centering within I pray for all those in need, filling my fellow world citizens with Light and Love. I visualize all our body’s chakras filled with empowering beautiful Light and Love. Schoolhouse Earth allows us all to learn and grow. Thank you, beloved Source, for this Journey to You. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 11.19.21

      As I go about my daily life, I find myself grateful for “little things”. Today I am grateful for my mind that I can focus as I choose. Today, I choose to focus on the Creator within me. I am grateful for the ability to focus mindful energy in prayer to create Good for All. Thank you, beloved Creator, for me. Thank you for shared Light and Love for All. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.18.21

      Today, I give thanks for the grace and generosity of our health care providers. From the Creator within me, I fill all these noble professionals with Love and Light. I visualize them safe and secure in a bubble of Light and Love on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.17.21

      Turning within I am grateful for Oneness. My daily meditation provides a safe haven as I negotiate the twists and turns of daily life. Connecting in Oneness, I slow- filling myself with Divine Peace, Love, and Light. Resting in Oneness, faith rises within. All is well. All is well. All is well.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.16.21

      From deep within I affirm: Light guides the United States of America. Light guides the Executive branch of the U.S. Light guides the Legislative branch of the U.S. Light guides the Judicial branch of the U.S. Light guides all who live in the U.S. Light guides everyone and everything. We are One, One Heart, One Mind. One. And so, it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.15.21

      Praying for our beloved beautiful planet, I help anchor Light to off-set the climate anxiety so many are experiencing. There is so much Light! Today, I help create more Light, more Love to fuel energies to help maintain and heal our beautiful spaceship Earth.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.14.21

      Today, from the Creator within me, I am grateful for courage, my own and that of others. As I face forward to my and our beloved planet’s future, I expand from my center of Light, my solar plexus, taking our world within me to aid in transforming all emotional, social, and physical storms to Divine Light and Love. I help anchor Light and Love on all dimensions. All is well.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.13.21

      On world kindness day, I merge with my High Self expanding Divine Peace, Calm, Love, and Light to everyone and everything. Pure crystalline strands of Divine Understanding weave together everyone and everything. All beings extend themselves in Divine Kindness. And so, it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 11.12.21

      Today, I give thanks focusing gratitude, Light and Love on our magnificent angelic kingdom. The Creator within me fills all angels and archangels with Light and Love. Beloved Angelic Kingdom, I am so grateful for your love, your help, and your constancy. Thank you, God, for our angels and their missions. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.11.21

      On this sacred day, 11.11, I merge with the Creator expanding Divine Love and Light within all who serve or have served our country. Those who serve or have served in the military are filled with Love and Light. Those who serve or have served to protect our people are filled with Love and Light. Their families are filled with Love and Light. Those who serve or have served our people in any capacity are filled with Love and Light. I honor service to all by helping expand Love and Light within all. Thank you, God, for Divine Service. […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.10.21

      Centering deep within, I tap God’s loving wellspring. Resting in gratitude allows me to extend Light and Love. Focusing Light and Love on our world’s climate conference, I visualize all participating countries enacting and completing their promised changes. Expanding, I fill the countries who are not participating: Russia; India; and China with Love and Light. The Creator within every country’s leadership guides each country’s actions in Love and Light. Light guides all human action for the Greater Good. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.9.21

      Considering my fellow citizens – of the US and of the world, I anchor myself in Love and Light visualizing our nation filled with Light. I visualize our world filled with Light. I release any worries to Light. We are Light Beings. The US is filled with Love and Light. The world is filled with Love and Light. I trust the Divine’s plan of Love and Light. Stepping out in Faith I help create Love and Light for the Good of All. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.8.21

      As I think of my fellow Light beings, I am buoyed by the actions of the many heroes, sung and unsung, we have on our beloved Earth. Working together, we can make change happen – creating Heaven on Earth. Thank you, God, for Light. Thank you, God, for Love. Thank you, God, for this life.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.7.21

      Today, opening within to Divinity I realize I am God’s hands in this dimension. I open my heart, mind, and soul to Spirit. I ask to be a clear instrument of Your will. From deep within, I release all impediments to Oneness. Thank you, beloved God, for Divine Connection.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.6.21

      If I don’t know what to do, I center deep within. Staying centered in the Presence within me, I know with Divine Knowingness what I need to do. I know I am called to model the Divine Presence Within for all people. To the best of my ability, I model God’s grace, presence, and spontaneity for all. Thank you, beloved God, for your Guidance.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 11.5.21

      Our planetary zeitgeist has many of us with a knot in our stomach. Centering from the Creator within, I visualize all of us working together to create Divine Unity. Expanding to encompass our world, I magnify Light and Love to help increase humankind’s awareness of our loving planet. We are One and so it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.4.21

    From the Creator within, I anchor Light, Love and Peace for all our world’s inhabitants. Inhaling Light, I exhale Love helping to hold sacred space for Divine Calm. I visualize all of us realizing our Divine Essence as Light beings having a human experience on a rough and tumble planet. Today, I anchor Divine Calm for us all.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.3.21

    As I open myself, Spirit stirs within me. Today, I give thanks for the knowledge that we are ONE. All is well. No Matter What. The Divine has a plan and on the astral level the template is prepared, and it is Perfect. Expanding from Spirit I hold Peace for All. Amen    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.2.21

    On the Day of the Dead, All Souls’ Day, I give thanks for the many generations who came before me. I am grateful for my ancestors’ work. From my High Self, I radiate Light back through time and space filling my transitioned loved ones and past generations with Light and Love. I am standing on the shoulders of those who came before me and I am grateful for their contributions to me, my life, and our world. I hold them in Light and Love. And so, it is.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.1.21

    Celebrating All Saint’s Day in a new way, I consider the many Light Beings and Saints who exist on various dimensions. I give thanks for those Beings. I give thanks for the example they have set for me and the Love and Light they have created. Breathing deeply, I expand centering Love and Light for us all as we knowingly or unknowingly strive to complete our spiritual missions.    

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October 2021

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.31.21

    Samhain, the night the veil thins between heaven and earth, I expand from the Creator within me, filling everyone and everything with Love and Light. Immersed in Divine Flow I am helping create a New Heaven on Earth. Thank you, dear Divinity for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.30.21

    Sitting in silent communication with Source, I radiate Divine Peace, Love, and Light within our world and its people. I know we are all God’s chosen Ones. We choose. We choose God’s path of Love and Light. I focus, intensifying Love and Light in social media. Turning, I expand Love and Light in churches, synagogues, and mosques. I visualize Light in everyone so all may know we are all God’s chosen people. With Love, I help anchor this Truth.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.29.21

      Pondering our planetary zeitgeist, I turn within and find solace in the Divine. From the Creator within me, I fill our world with Love and Light. This transitional time is filled with Light. Light directs change for the Good of All. Today, I hold sacred space for Love, Light, Peace, Joy, and Harmony for All. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.28.21

    The Creator with me creates Divine Light, Love, and Peace within all storms. Stormy weather is Nature’s way of transforming negative energy. I visualize each of us releasing our fear of storms and natural disasters to Light and Love. We all release our fear of climate change to Light. Light directs climate change for the Greater Good. Everyone and everything are safe in a Divine Bubble of Love and Light. There is only Light and Love. All is well.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.27.21

    Stepping back from the world’s chatter, I focus deep within on Divine Intelligence. Merging, I focus prayer energy on all people opening their hearts, minds, and souls to the Divine. I visualize crystalline strands of Divine Intelligence connecting to all so we all anchor in Divinity. I visualize all empowered from Divinity, each of us making choices for the Greater Good.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.26.21

    If I hesitate or don’t know my next step, I turn within opening to the Creator asking for Divine Guidance. I do not judge myself. Sitting in silence, I wait for clarification from my High Self. As I wait, I release my personal will affirming “Thy will, not my will”. Thank you, sweet Source for Your Guidance.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.25.21

    The Office of the U.S. Presidency is filled with Love and Light. The President is divinely Guided. All senators and representatives open their hearts, minds, and souls to Light and are Guided. All is well. And so, it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.24.21

    The United Nations is filled with Light and Love. Each UN member opens his or her heart to the Divine within. Each member willingly accepts the Mantle of the Living Christ and is divinely guided to serve for the Good of All. The United Nations, through the Power of the Creator within, LEADS the world’s nations to protect and serve the world’s peoples. And so, it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.23.21

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I release unhealthy use of any substances, food, drink, or behaviors to Light. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. The Creator within meets my every need. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.22.21

    Considering birthdays, the anniversary of one’s birth, such a courageous act – coming through into the physical, to learn more, do more, BE more. To work towards Oneness. Reflecting on this act of faith, I am humbled. Turning within, I fill all having birthdays with Joy, Love, and Light. Expanding, I focus Love and Light back through the last 364 days, filling all people who have had birthdays with Love and Light. Thank you, God, for my fellow Light beings.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.21.21

      Stepping back from the world’s chatter, from deep within I focus on Divine Intelligence. Merging with Divine Intelligence, I focus prayer energy on all people opening their hearts, minds, and souls to Divine Intelligence. I visualize crystalline strands of Divine Intelligence connecting to all so we are all anchored in Divinity. I visualize all empowered from the Creator within, each of us making choices for the Greater Good.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.20.21

      Today I affirm: My life’s tasks are easily achieved, in an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way, in a timely fashion, for the Greater Good. Amen. (Marc Allen)    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.19.21

      Continuing the process of embracing the power of my high Self, the Living Christ within, I reflect on empowerment as a process, sometimes two steps forward, one step back. Today, I gently step out in faith, walking through and releasing my fear to Light and Love. Thank you, beloved God, for guiding me on this journey of enlightenment.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.18.21

      There is only Energy. As I sit with this truth I am flooded with Light. From deep within, I radiate Divine Energy to all our world’s governments. All governments are filled with Light and Love. All non-governmental organizations are filled with Light and Love. I visualize increasing awareness for everyone. We are one in the All That Is. And so, it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.17.21

      Focusing on my physicality, I declare: My cells are Light. My skeletal system is Light. My muscular system is Light. My nervous system is Light. My sensory systems are Light. My endocrine system is Light. My circulatory system is Light. My respiratory system is Light. My digestive system is Light. My urinary system is Light. My reproductive system is Light. My body’s bacteria are Light. I am a Light Being. I radiate Light throughout my body. I radiate Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for me, and for All That Is.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.16.21

      In prayer, the Creator within me focuses Love and Light in our jails and prison system. The Creator within me radiates Love and Light for all of us in any type of prison, physical or mental, imposed by others or by self. The Creator within provides Divine Freedom for all, that we may be free to fulfill our sacred missions for the Good of All. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.15.21

      Expanding from the Creator within me, I focus on the needs of everyone and everything. The Creator within all people, flora, and fauna fills them with Love, Light and Prosperity. Every need is abundantly met. All are divinely guided to places, habitats, people, and services that provide for all needs. We are One, we are connected on all levels. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, there is abundance to meet every need for all species in this beautiful dimension. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.14.21

      Considering people “on edge,” from deep within I affirm “I Am one with Divine Calm.” I Am Divine Calm. I radiate Divine Calm. We are Divine Calm. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for the creation of Divine Calm for all. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.13.21

      Praying for our beloved world and its creatures, I fill our land, air, and waters with Light and Love. I visualize a dampening of the Caldor’s fire intensity. I visualize a dampening of hurricanes’ speed. I visualize all climate changes directed by Light. As a Light Being I help anchor calm and coolness to help lower temperatures and intensity. Thank you, God, for your Divine Calm.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.12.21

      “Be positive! You are the Light of the World.” Today, I immerse myself in revolutionary optimism knowing We are the light of the world. In Divine Connection I expand anchoring Love, Light, the Optimism of faith, and Joy. I am grateful for my ability to stay in the Divine Flow. I am in the right place, at the right time, praying, saying, and doing the right things for the Greater Good. Amen    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.11.21

      Indigenous People’s Day and Columbus Day, today, I fill all people with Love and Light. I visualize everyone releasing their ancestral and personal injuries to Light and Love. Today, in meditation and prayer, I hold sacred space for Divine Harmony for all, as a rainbow family of people on the divine path to Oneness. Thank you, sweet Spirit for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.10.21

      Pondering one of the twelve attributes of the Tree of Life, Divine Rest, I affirm I can rest in the Divine knowing all is well. All perceived problems have a Divine solution. Today, I rest in Spirit, renewing myself in Quiet. Today, I minimize, focusing on the moment, attending minute by minute to my High Self. Giving thanks for the Connection within, I simply rest in the knowledge that despite any perceived inner or outer chaos, all is well. And so, it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.9.21

      Today, I am reminded: I can only control my own thoughts and behavior. I cannot control the choices of others. I can view them as the Light Beings they are. I can set a good example. I can pray for them and visualize them in the beauty of their Light-ness. Thank you, God, for this reminder. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.8.21

      We are Light Beings having an earthly existence – fallible in some ways. As I think about pitfalls on the earthly plane, I consider addiction in its many forms. Today, I expand to fill everyone on Earth with Light and Love. Visualizing cravings of any type as strings attached to people, I take my heavenly scissors and snip the impediments freeing us all. Thank you, beloved God, for helping us realize our True Identity.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.7.21

      As we move into autumn in the northern hemisphere, I turn within and review my habitual thoughts. Thinking about what I am reaping this season, I curate my thoughts – I release any that are not serving me well. I affirm: I am a Light Being. Truth is revealed and expressed to me by Spirit. I am one with All That Is. Thank you, sweet Spirit for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.6.21

      Moving into Oneness, I focus Love and Light on our judicial system. I visualize Light casting clarity on justice in our country and in all countries around our world. All courts systems and those working in the system are filled with Light and Divine Love. All reasoning is Divinely Guided. Thank you, beloved Divinity for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.5.21

      As I relax and open to my High Self, I become more one with the Divine. Today, I relax and release my human desire to be perfect. I release all negative self-judgments. I am a Light Being and I am open to Divinity. I am a flexible fluid Light Being surrendering to Oneness. Thank you, Spirit, for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.4.21

      As I pray for our national leaders, I open to the Divine in me filling Congress with Light and Love. I visualize Light flowing through all budgetary hearings and activities. Light leads the way for all senators and representatives to carry out their duties to our nation in a wise and timely way. Light and Love enable flexibility and wisdom for the Good of All. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.3.21

      Today, I sit as an Observer. I sit in silence and observe my mind, my thoughts. I do not resist, that which I resist, persists (Carl Jung). I observe and I release, I let go, and focus on God. I am a clear vessel through which Spirit flows for the Good of All. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.2.21

      From deep within, I let the mundane fall away. Someone said: “You can’t build security in a world of fear.” I Know this is true. So today, I trust the Creator, That which is All That Is. Today, I trust and have faith. Today, I pray for my Self. Today, I pray for our beloved Earth and all inhabitants. Today, I declare: “I am Divinely Guided”. All is well. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.1.21

      I AM a Light Being. I AM resilient. I AM strong. I AM able to see clearly. I AM able to hear clearly. I AM one with the I AM That I AM. Thank you, beloved Source, for making it so. Amen.    

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September 2021

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.30.21

      Choosing to tune into Spirit I release my defenses allowing myself to depend on the Energy of All. Every need can be met through the Divine. I release grappling to have my needs met. I release my human relationships to Light. I create Love and Light in these relationships, letting them go in Love and Light. Taking action as Guided; visualizing my goals, God meets my every need. Thank you, God, for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.29.21

      As I consider Oneness, I think of bullies. How is one One with a bully? From deep within comes an answer: you see the high Self of the other and lovingly set limits. You push Light and Love out into less-light filled, less-loved filled people and areas. You expand your Light and Love to engage all as One. So, today, I expand my Light and Love to everyone and everything as a Light Being. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.28.21

      Today is National Sons’ Day and I feel a depth of gratitude to all parents who are raising sons to be the Light Beings they are meant to be. From the Creator within me, I expand in gratitude for the souls who choose to come through as sons bringing their gifts to this dimension. Thank you, beloved Source, for the next generation. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.27.21

      Praying for our giant sequoias I am filled with awe for our beautiful world’s trees. The Ancient Ones, as the Native Americans call them, are filled with Light. They are filled with Love. Merging with the sequoias in meditation I breathe Light and Love into them. I fill our firefighters with Light, Love and Gratitude for their holy mission to protect these trees and all trees, woods, and our environment.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.26.21

      Happiest are those who have sought and found a way to serve” (Albert Schweitzer). As I ponder this quote during these turbulent times, I am inspired to gratitude for all that I have, all that I am, and for my purpose as a Light Being. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for you, for me, for Life. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.25.21

      Focusing on our media, I direct the Creator within me to fill each person watching any news or social media with Love and Light. Increasing Light within each viewer, I envision all opening their hearts to Source, filling the internet dimension with Love and Light. I visualize all of us filling cyberspace with Love and Light. Thank you, Sweet Source, for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.24.21

    Pondering Native American Day, I bow to the Divine in all Native Americans joining in Oneness as I honor each for their service to our natural world. Native American spiritual traditions help guide us all. From deep within, I feel a depth of gratitude to Native American culture and the Light Beings who have cared for our beloved Earth for eons and continue to be leaders and environmental activists. All our Native American tribes are filled with Light and Love. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.23.21

    Expanding myself in prayer to become my Self, I visualize what we are meant to be: the living body of Divine Mind. Sitting in Divine Silence and Love I soak up Love, Light, and Serenity. Thank you for this communion of Spirit.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.22.21

    Treasuring autumn, I embrace cooler temperatures and shorter days. As a Light Being, I fill our world’s climate with Light and Love. The Creator within all guides all to create Good through thought, prayer, and action. Today and every day we enable action to protect our fragile fantastic planet. Thank you, God, for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.21.21

    Expanding to encompass our rough-n-tumble world, the Creator within me fills each of us with Light and Love. All who have endured any type of violence are filled with Light and Love. All who have carried out any type of violence are filled with Light and Love. All of us are Light Beings. All of us open our hearts, minds, and souls to the Creator within us. All of us learn from any drama in our lives, changing it to Light. All of us move forward creating Good as One. And so, it is, Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.20.21

      Focusing on the many souls who made an unexpected transition through death to the afterlife I fill them with Love and Light. Focusing deeply from the Creator within, I visualize all these souls releasing any negative emotions to Light. If they are earth-bound, I envision them freed to move forward with their essential purpose: Oneness with God. Turning to those left behind, the Creator within each enables them to change their grief to Love and Light. Thank you, God, for allowing me to aid All.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.19.21

      Moving through my day, I meditate on joy in the Flow. Divine Flow. I declare: I am a Light Being. I am filled with Light. I am a Love Being. I am filled with Love. I resolve to Love as I labor; to find Joy in daily work. I declare: I am worthy of fulfillment of my aspirations. I am Connected in Flow and am Divinely Guided. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.18.21

      Touching in today, I feel the gift of Presence. Expanding, I radiate Light and Love to all our American capital cities, especially the US Capitol. I visualize Divine Calm, Peace, Love, and Harmony filling each capital city within the US. Again visualizing, I see these Divine Gifts flowing to and through all our world’s cities and countrysides filling everyone with Love and Light. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.17.21

      Praying for unity within my fellow Light beings, I expand from deep within and visualize all of Us as One. We are One. One Heart – a shared Oneness with the Creator within each of us. We are One. Today, I hold space for our shared harmony. The Oneness of all beings.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.16.21

      Deep in meditation and prayer, I focus on Spirit flowing through me and declare Love and Light is channeled to those of us in need of healing; to those of us in need of help, especially those of us touched by homelessness, poverty, loneliness, or mental health issues. I co-create with Spirit flowing through me to aid in creation of Heaven on Earth for All. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.15.21

      “All forms of light come with some form of shadows, and that doesn’t mean you don’t want to walk into the sun.” (Amanda Gorman, 2021) Today, knowing Light attracts shadow, I keep myself in a Bubble of Light on all dimensions. There need be no drama, just a Bubble of Light. It’ simple. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for meeting my need for your Protection. Amen      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.14.21

      From deep within I visualize filling all world governments with Light and Love. Light clarifies revealing everything on all dimensions. I visualize all world leaders harmoniously working together for the benefit of all and for the benefit of our sacred environment. And, so, it is. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.13.21

      I am Light. I am Love. I am one with the Divine. I am Divine!      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.12.21

      Focusing, I inhale Light exhaling Love. I purposely create healing Peace. Expanding myself to encompass Earth, I expand Divine Peace filling our world. Serenity flows through all. Visualizing, I increase the radiance of Light and Love enveloping our world. Peace is expanded for All. Thank you, God, for this mission of Love.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.11.21

      On the 20th anniversary of 9-11, I turn within and release my sadness over man’s inhumanity to man. Expanding, I focus Love and Light within all who have lost loved ones due to acts of terror. Today, I help magnify Love and Light within all who are injured and-or who seek to injure others. Each of us praying helps focus Love and Light on our brothers and sisters so we may Truly become the family of Divine Man. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.10.21

      Praying for everyone making a transition from the physical to the nonphysical life, I fill them with Divine Love and Light. Expanding from Source within, I visualize all left-behind-loved-ones filled with Love and Light. All grief, hurt, and anger are changed to Light. Today, I help enrich Harmony, Peace, Love, and Light within everyone and everything. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.9.21

      Today, from deep within I purify and cleanse each cell of my body with Light. Standing at the gate of my thoughts, I release negative thoughts to Light. As I monitor my thoughts, it aids in clearing our world’s thought pollution. Moving deeper, I release and pass through my fears helping to lessen our world’s darkness. Little by little, slowly we turn to Light and Oneness. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.8.21

      Breathing from the Creator within me, I focus on the divisiveness in America filling it with Love and Light. I visualize all in America opening their hearts, minds, and souls to Divine Love. Masks or no masks, vaccinated or not, all are directed by Light and Love. Today, I help hold space for Love and Harmony. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.7.21

      As I return to work, my day job, I recall I am where I am for a reason. I know work is Good. “Work is Love made visible” (Khalil Gibran). In carrying out my work from my High Self, the Creator within me Guides me. I am co-creating with All That Is. I work and pray with loving intention for the Good of All. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.6.21

      Today, as I rest from my labor, I consider the notion: we began to labor as we turned from Divine Love. Today, I rest in Spirit knowing that I can imbue my work with love. This day is for renewal; for resting in the Divine Creative Essence of Life. Thank you, God, for this day and every day. Thank you for meaningful work. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.5.21

        The Creator within me creates Love and Light within all people everywhere. Expanding to encompass our world, I visualize all of us becoming aware of the Living Light that is our essence. All open to Oneness and are Guided. All are in the right place, at the right time, saying and doing the right thing for the Good of All. And, so, it is. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.4.21

        The Creator within me creates Love and Light in and through all unexpected weather events. All fires, floods, and earthquakes across our world are filled with Love and Light Our world’s people are filled with Love and Light. Light directs climate change for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.3.21

        Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I release unhealthy use of any substances or behaviors to Light. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I radiate Light and Love throughout my being. The Loving Light of the Creator nourishes me. I am empowered as the Light Being I am. As I do this for myself, I expand – radiating Light. We are truly Beings of Light and Love. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light and Love.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.2.21

      Riding the spiritual wave of our Creator’s energy, I continue to push personal expansion of my human boundaries to consciously feel All That Is. I release my fear as I surrender to Divine Flow. Sweet, sweet Spirit, my cup truly does runneth over. Thank you, for this sacred, conscious, not-always-easy-to-surrender Path of Light. Thank you. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.1.21

      Thank you, dearest Creator, for my creativity. I am deeply grateful that I am able to pray, to create from deep within. Thank you for the wellspring of creativity that is YOU within me. Thank you, for You. Thank you for me. Amen.      

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August 2021

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.31.21

      Centering from the Creator within me, I fill the Office of the Presidency with Light and Love. I visualize the White House filled with radiant Light. Divine Light guides our US President and staff. Divine Love informs the President on global need. Divine Truth, Light, and Love fill the Oval Office for the Good of All. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.30.21

      Today, the Creator within me fills all Afghans with Love and Light. Thank you, dearest Angels and Beings of Light, for helping all Afghans find the Creator within them and rise to their Divine Mission. We are One in Divinity. Amen. .      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.29.21

      Life isn’t about me; it’s about Us. Spirit has chosen each one of us. We are the Chosen, each of us. Today, I choose to listen to the quiet voice of the Divine within me. I choose to let go of temptations to be less than I am capable of being. I choose to let go of fear. I choose to let go of anger. I choose to let go of hurt. .I am a creator-in-action. I create love to replace fear in all of us. I create love to replace anger in all of us. I create love […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.28.21

      Sometimes, I don’t know what I am doing; I am at a crossroads needing a sign. When this happens, I step out in Faith, as a spiritual scientist, collecting data on a subject of one, myself. “Basic research is what I am doing when I don’t know what I am doing.” (Werner Von Braun). If this is a basic research day, I pray globally, realizing, I am United with all; I am re-searching my connection to Spirit. I am One with All in my process.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.27.21

      Thank you, sweet Spirit, for the plant, animal, mineral, microbial, and molecular kingdoms. Thank you for the water, rocks and trees that anchor our earth holding spiritual energy for us. Thank you for the minerals, microbes, and insects that work together feeding and nourishing us. My gratitude helps expand the radiant beauty of Earth helping to increase Love and Light in this dimension. Thank you, thank you, thank you.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.26.21

      “In seizing the moment, you find heaven.” – Rodney Padgett Today I seize the day, finding peace in Divine Flow. I am elevated, reaching out to expand this Peace to all. I realize, again, Heaven is a state of consciousness. Thank you, beloved God, for Heaven in life. Thank you, for the ability to experience Heaven now.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.25.21

      Expanding from the Creator within me, I fill everyone who is searching for their right place in life, everyone who is terrorized by their future with Divine Love and Light. If the old North Carolinian saying is true: “Rough weather makes good timber” many of us on Earth are prime grade A. Today, I sit in silence and fill everyone with Divine Resilience. All will be well. All is well. Thank you, sweet Spirit for helping us create Beauty and Peace on Earth. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.24.21

      Turning inward to Source, I am grateful for our first responders who are caring for our world’s ill suffering people. The Creator within me, fills all health care workers with Light and Love. These first responders are safe and secure in a bubble of Light on all dimensions. Expanding, I take our world within me, filling all people suffering from illness, despair, and worry with Light and Love. I visualize healing, radiant, purifying energy for our world and all its inhabitants. We are One.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.23.21

      There is a solution to every problem. Intellectually, I know problems are gifts; so today, I take my problems and release them to Light. Expanding, I release our world’s problems to Light. I put my and the world’s problems in God’s hands. In meditation, I release them and rest in the Divine. Grounding myself in Trust, I thank God for my and our learning experiences here on Schoolhouse Earth.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.22.21

      From the Creator within me, I reach out to those of us who feel isolated, lonely, afraid or ill. While I find solace in isolation, I know others may not. Today, I fill our family of man with Light and Love. Today, I visualize all of us and our beloved Earth filled with radiant Light. Today I help hold space – anchoring Peace, Divine Calm, Light and Love for all. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.21.21

      From the Creator within me, I visualize our exquisite planet filled with Love and Light. Setting intention from the Creator within me, I expand Love and Light within our Divine home. I find myself overcome – with love and gratitude for the incredible gift of our beautiful natural world. Thank you, Mother-Father God, for our world. Thank you for all things working together for the Good of All.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.20.21

      Life is short, I refuse to be fearful. Fear cripples the soul. So, every day, if I feel fear surface, I face it and I embrace it. I fill it with Love and I release it. Only through facing, loving, and releasing fear am I free to be who I truly am: a Light Being. Thank you, beloved Creator, for our ability to choose Love. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.19.21

      This moment in time, there have been many, is filled with massive change and apparent tragedy. From deep within, I expand Love and Light through everyone and everything helping to anchor Light, Love and the Peace that passes all understanding. Thank you, God, for this journey of Love and Light.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.18.21

      Reaching deep within I work to deprogram any disinformation and misinformation within me. Parents teach what they know. Today, I lovingly release each parent to Light. I embrace my Light. I embrace my Divine Inheritance. I am one with the Creator within me. I listen only to the Divine Voice within. Thank you for my ability to hear. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.17.21

      As I pray for our world, I focus on everyone trying to find their right place in life on earth. From the Creator within me, I declare Light directs everyone displaced from their home. Everyone finds their right path in the world. All are open to Guidance from the Creator within them. All is well. All are well in Light and Divine Love. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.16.21

      As I ride the spiritual wave of Christed Energy I continue to push personal expansion of my human boundaries to consciously feel All That Is. I embrace Divine Flow finding Joy. Sweet, sweet Spirit. My cup truly does runneth over. Thank you, for this sacred, conscious Path. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.15.21

      Considering all who are suffering any illness, I expand from deep within and fill each soul with Love and Light. Moving into the energy, I add the idea of limitation. The Creator within me directs Light changing all limitations in each of us to Light. We are Light Beings without limits. We are limitless in the Divine. Thank you, Dearest Divinity for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.14.21

      In my meditation and prayer time, I breathe Peace, Love and Light to all nations. I fill North America with Love and Light. I fill Central America with Love and Light. I fill South America with Love and Light. I fill Europe with Love and Light. I fill Asia with Love and Light. I fill Africa with Love and Light. I fill Antarctica with Love and Light. I fill Australia with Love and Light. Our wonderful world is filled with Love and Light on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.13.21

        Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. The Creator within me changes any unhealthy habits to Light. I am a Light Being. We are all Light Beings. We are all healing to become our true selves. We are truly beings of Light and Love. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light and Love.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.12.21

      Each morning I focus-opening to ask Divine Will for my instructions, I remind myself: I am teachable. Centering in Spirit, I expand myself to become my Self – always in touch with the Holy Spirit within. As I go through my daily tasks, I expand Light and Love to everyone and everything. I take action as directed by Divine Will. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.11.21

      As I consider our national disconnect from one another, I find myself saddened by the polarization. Today, I think of Rumi who said: “Out beyond right and wrong, there is a field. I will meet you there.” Maybe this is a cliché, but today, it feels right – today, I step out to that metaphorical field of Love. I step out in Love asking Light to direct my actions. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for Your Love, Your Light, and Your Guidance. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.10.21

      The Creator within me creates Love and Light in our world’s fires, floods, and storms. Light directs all climate change and climate related weather. Today, I visualize Divine Calm on Earth. I visualize all of us safe within a Bubble of Love and Light. Thank you, God for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.9.21

      Relaxing in Connection, I am able to hear the still small voice of the Creator within me. As I let go, I am able to relax and hear. I am hearing and understanding. I am listening and I am Directed. I am becoming more discerning. I am becoming that I Am That I Am. I relax into Divine Gratitude.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.8.21

      Today, I open to the energy of the Divine in our universe. I declare from the Creator within me: “I am the Creator-In-Action on our beloved planet”. I am Divinely Guided to be in the right place, at the right time, thinking, praying, saying, and doing the right things for the Good of All. Thank you, Beloved Divinity for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.7.21

      Moving calmly in Light, I breathe and visualize Light expanding within everyone and everything. Everyone and everything are made from Divinity. In my mind’s eye I see crystalline Light patterns permeating this dimension. Divine Light and Love are woven throughout the Whole. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for this Reality.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.6.21

      Considering the “dog days” of August, I turn within and breathe tolerance, Love, and Light into today and this month. Expanding, I visualize people in both hemispheres of our world filled with radiant Understanding, Peace, Love, and Light. Seizing the moment, I fill the month with the Power of the Living Christ.  Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.5.21

      Today, I focus prayer on electronic devices. Spirit within me fills all of us using any electronic media or phones with Love and Light. As I use devices, I consciously fill everyone viewing screens with Love and Light. All content on social media is filled with Light. Viewers’ emotional responses are filtered by the Divine and are filled with Love and Light. The Creator within me creates Good in, thorough, and around all devices and so, it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.4.21

      Centering in Divine Connection I find Truth is revealed and expressed. I am shown how to navigate any plight. I am given strength through Communion. I am encouraged and enabled to don my Divine spiritual armor to face personal dilemmas and our world’s turmoil. Thank you, God, for this divine partnership in Your Love and Light. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.3.21

      Focusing deep within, I visualize Light filling and guiding our world’s governments. All governments are Light. Our world’s people are Light. Everyone and everything are filled with Divine Love. Love and Light guide our world using a Divine Template. All is well. And so, it is. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.2.21

      As I pray for covid-19, delta mutation, I fill all mutations with Light and Love. We ourselves are mutating, changing every day. Today, I visualize the delta virus variation mutating to enhance Harmony, Peace, and Love within everyone and everything. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.1.21

      The Creator within me fills our world with Love and Light. Holy Spirit expands Love within everyone. Holy Spirit expands Light within everyone. Everyone and everything are made of Divinity. Made of Divine Love and Light. Thank you, Spirit, for your Creation!  

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July 2021

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.31.21

      As I think of all of us on Spaceship Earth, I expand from deep within and fill us with Light and Divine Love. Everyone is coping with some type of challenge. Spaceship Earth is a schoolhouse and we are all learning our lessons at different speeds. Today I visualize all of us filled with Light and Love, able to put down our resistance to change, able to accept Grace and speed our learning process. Thank you, Divine Presence, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.30.21

      As my Consciousness expands, I become aware of a wish to isolate; a wish to dumb down awareness. I release my increased sensitivity to Light. As my perception increases, I am learning all things will become transparent. I am made aware that Spirit within me will increase my tolerance and understanding to match my growing awareness of All That Is. Thank you, God, for this journey of discovery.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.29.21

      As I go about my daily life, I find myself grateful for little things. Flowering plants, rest, sunshine, laughter… I am grateful for my mind that I can focus as I choose. Today, I choose to focus on the Creator within me. I am grateful for the ability to focus mindful energy in prayer to create Good for All. Thank you, beloved Creator, for me.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.28.21

      Again, I am reminded: the keys to the Kingdom come as I release my negatives to Light. One by one, it is a gradual process. Today, I release my worry, anger, and fear to Light. Today, I step out in faith – trusting the Creator within me to guide me on my path to Oneness. Today, I take my courage in hand and Trust. Thank you, beloved Creator, for this journey to Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.27.21

      We dedicate the energy of our prayers to benefit all Sentient beings throughout time, space, and mind. May the power of our prayers increase to help others know their perfection as one with Divinity. Amen. (Revision of the Tibetan dedication of Merit; offered by Jacquelyn Sendak- Zavaleta)

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.26.21

      Thank you, unseen Light Beings, for being here. Thank you for helping anchor Light and Love on Earth. Thank you, dearest angels, fairies, and friends of Light for all you do for us on this dimension. It helps to know we are not alone in our most perfect work. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.25.21

      Parenting may be the hardest job in the world; it’s 24/7, little mirrors showing us our worst traits… Today, I expand from the Creator within me, filling all parents with Divine Love and Light. Lifting them in Light to acknowledge the loving sacrifices made by most parents. Thank you, God, for the courageous choice parents make. Thank you, God, for the growing experience of parenting. Thank you, God, for children and families on Schoolhouse Earth. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.24.21

      Considering birthdays, the anniversary of one’s birth, such a courageous act, coming through into the physical, to learn more, do more, BE more. Reflecting on this act of faith fills me with awe. Focusing from deep within, I expand Love and Light through all who have had birthdays in the past year. The Creator within me fills everyone with Joy, Love, and Light in gratitude for all that has been contributed to this physical dimension, our world.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.23.21

      From the Creator within me, I fill the fires in the western US with Light and Love. I fill the Bootleg fire with Light and Divine Love. I visualize and affirm Light directs these fires to Light. Light directs the fire-determined weather patterns to Light. Light and Divine Love fill all living beings. Light and Love fill our atmosphere. Light directs climate change for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.22.21

      As I focus on the Creator within me, I expand visualizing everyone with covid-19 filled with Light and Love. All who may be suffering are filled with Peace, Light, and Love. Light directs everyone’s bodies and souls to Light. The Creator within me fills the covid-19 virus and all viruses with Light and Love. Light directs everything to Light and Love. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.21.21

      As I turn within, finding respite from the world in my meditation. I let the mundane fall away. I let the chatter and talking heads go. I center myself in Divinity and focus Love and Light on our beloved world. I fill all people with Love and Light. I remember God is the Energy that underlies all living things. I center in this unifying comforting Truth. And so, it is, Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.20.21

      Nighttime is moon time and gives us the gift of rest. Today, I am grateful for Divine Rest. From deep within I am filled with gratitude for our daily cycles. With infinite wisdom Divinity gave us time to rest, rejuvenate, and consolidate our learning. Touching into Source I am filled to overflowing. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for our daily turns.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.19.21

      God works on a need-to-know basis. I don’t know The Big Picture because I may not yet have the capacity to digest it. I learn as I release, more is revealed. So, today, I step out in Faith, I release fear and anxiety. I open my heart to the miracles I see every day. I open my heart to Divinity and feel Joy. Joy eases ambiguity. I know Source is my spiritual safety net. Thank you, Sweet Source for this exciting journey of release.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.18.21

      Sometimes, I find myself at a crossroads needing a sign. Stepping out in faith, as a spiritual scientist, I collect data on a subject of one, myself. “Basic research is what I am doing when I don’t know what I am doing.” (Werner Von Braun). If this is a basic research day, I declare: “Thank you, God”. I choose to reach within in faith, becoming One with All in my process of growth. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.17.21

      The Creator within me creates Love and Light in and through fires, floods, and earthquakes across our world. All unexpected weather and resulting challenges are filled with Divine Love and Light. Light directs climate change for the Good of All. Worldwide, our first responders are filled with Love and Light. They are guided in their missions to save lives, lands, and homes. All living beings, be they plant, insect, animal, or human, who are touched by climate change are filled with Love and Light. All are safe within a Bubble of Love and Light. Thank you, God for making […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.16.21

      Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I release unhealthy use of any substances or behaviors to Light. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I am a Light Being. I am filled with Light. I radiate Light and Love throughout my being. The Loving Light of the Creator nourishes me. I am empowered as the Light Being I am. As I do this for myself, I expand – radiating Light. We are truly Beings of Light and Love. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.15.21

      The Creator within me releases and changes my preconceived notions of marriage to Light. As I hold the institution of marriage in Light, I understand that marriage is a vehicle for completing Divine missions, together and separately, for the good of All. Married to life partners or married to God, this union creates Love and Light for All. Thank you, God, for this yoke of Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.14.21

      In meditation and prayer, I focus Light and Love on all of us who are ill, impoverished or imprisoned in mind, body or spirit. Expanding, I visualize the Creator within each suffering soul opening to release discomfort and find ease, comfort, joy, and peace within Thy Mercy. Thank you, Beloved God, for your Tender Mercy, Love, and Peace that passes all understanding. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.13.21

      Focusing on our planet, I think about litter and littering. Suspending judgment, I fill those who litter with Love and Light. We all litter, knowingly or not, trash out of a window, words out of a mouth. Today, I fill all with Love and Light. Today, I litter our world with Love and Light holding space for a new heaven on Earth.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.12.21

      Today, I confirm that the Creator within me gives me all the insights and information I need to know. If I pay attention, I can trust I will receive all needed messages from my High Self. I affirm I trust the Creator within me. I trust myself. I trust God. I am in the right place at the right time, listening, doing, and saying the right thing for the Good of All. Thank you, High Self, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.11.21

      Today, I rest enjoying the fruits of my labor. Regardless of what we see and hear, all that truly matters is Love and Light. Today, I rest my heart in Spirit, knowing one’s Heart focused on Divine Connection is truly the pinnacle of worldly success. All else is smoke and mirrors. I rest in Ease, Grace and Glory.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.10.21

      I find myself grateful for my many blessings. Yes, there are challenges, and these help me grow. As I consciously breathe, I am filled with gratitude. Today, I pay it forward, acting locally and praying globally for the Good of All. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for my many gifts.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.9.21

      Reflecting on parenting, a 24/7 role that is often sheer joy and sometime not, I visualize parenting filled with Divine Ease. All parents are filled with Love and Light. Parents are Divinely Guided for the good of their children and people everywhere. Families are the building block of society. The Creator within parents fills all families With Love and Light for the Good of All. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.8.21

    From my High Self, I visualize our world filled with Light. Crystalline strands of Light weave a radiant tapestry. Immersing myself in this creative endeavor, I visualize Light and Love filling this physical dimension. Everyone and everything are bathed in Light and Love. Thank you, Divine Essence, for this template of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.7.21

    As we move into hurricane season, I know stormy weather is Nature’s way of transforming negative energy. From deep within, I declare the Creator within me creates Light, Love, and Peace within all storms. We all release our fear of storms to Light. We create Love and Light blanketing our world. All are safe in a Divine Bubble of Love and Light. All is well. And so it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.6.21

    As we return back to our work-a-day jobs, I remember: “Work is love made visible” (Khalil Gibran). In carrying out my work from my High Self, I know the Creator within me Guides me. I work and pray with loving intention for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.5.21

      Today, I am grateful for our founding mothers as well as our founding fathers. Feminine hands that contributed to the founding of this nation. Feminine hands that sewed our beautiful American flag. Feminine hands that offered a tea set to fund the first treasury. Feminine hands that defended homes and families. I am grateful for the many women and men who came before us in creating Good. I am humbled as I stand on the shoulders of the founding mothers and fathers. I am humble as I carry the Greater works forward, striving for a new Heaven on Earth, […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.4.21

    Today, amidst the parades and John Philip Sousa, I turn within visualizing a nation whose leaders and citizens are Divinely Guided. A nation filled with Love and Light that upholds dignity for all. Our beautiful country is filled with creative Light Beings who are working for Good. Life on Earth is a sacred learning experience. I help hold space for Unity for us All.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.3.21

    We are One, whether we know it or not, what happens to one happens to all. From Spirit within, I release everyone’s suffering to Light. From within, I release all creatures’ suffering to Light. From within, I release all plants’ suffering to Light Expanding within, I release our Earth’s suffering to Light. Spirit fills each molecule on this dimension with Divine Love and Light. We are One. One Heart. One Destiny. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.2.21

    Turning within I fill all generations under me with Love and Light. As I find myself becoming an elder, I realize prayer is the most potent gift I have to offer. Visualizing from the Creator within me, I see our world’s young people as they truly are: co-creators with the Divine. Our world’s young citizens are filled with Love and Light. All are able to easily access Spirit within them. And, so it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.1.21

    God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the Universe for the Good of All. I rest assured knowing all is in Divine Order. As I go about my daily tasks, I know the energy that is All That Is helps those who help themselves. In doing my part, the Creator within me maximizes all possibilities for the Good of All. It is a beautiful dance of Spirit. I am a dancer in a Cosmic ballet of Light and Love.

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June 2021

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.30.21

    Today, I direct the Creator within me to fill all of us who are suffering with Light and Love. All who may be enduring illness, loss, and-or fear are filled with Light and Love. Light directs each individual to Light. The Creator within me fills our world and its many life-forms with Light and Love. Light directs everything to Light and Love. Everything is of God and for the greater Glory of Divinity. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.29.21

    I am grateful to sit for this time in silence. I am grateful for my many gifts from the Divine. Expanding from the Creator within me, I fill our world with Love and Light. I am grateful for Divine Grace, Ease, and Peace. Thank you, sweet Spirit, for your Gifts.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.28.21

    From the Creator within me, I focus prayerful energy on our disenfranchised brothers and sisters. Those living on society’s margins may appear as “other” to us and they play as important a role in cosmic creation as do more mainstream appearing folks. Expanding, I fill all with Love and Light, praying globally, I act locally embracing all in Love and Light. We are all part of the Oneness of Divinity.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.27.21

    Pondering one of the twelve attributes of the Tree of Life, Divine Rest, I can rest in the Divine knowing all is well. All perceived problems have a Divine solution. Today, I rest in Spirit, renewing myself in Quiet. Today, I minimize, focusing on the moment, attending minute by minute to my High Self. Giving thanks for the Connection within, I simply rest in the knowledge that despite any perceived inner or outer chaos, all is well. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.26.21

    Exploring “For all have sinned and are short of the glory of God;” (Romans 3:23, G. Lamsa’s translation), it is revealed that it’s not about being perfect. It’s about opening to one’s High Self. Today, I release the human desire to be perfect. I release all negative self-judgments. I am a Light Being and I am open to Divinity. I am a flexible fluid Light Being surrendering to Oneness. Thank you, Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.25.21

    In synchronizing myself with Oneness, I give thanks as I visualize Creative Energy maximizing the health of our rainforests, our deserts, our plains, our piedmonts, our mountains, our tundra, our savannahs, and our poles. Our planetary waters are filled with Love and Light. Our beloved Earth is in a bubble of Love and Light. Divine Light is guiding all climate change. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.24.21

    Turning within I filter out our rough-n-tumble world, choosing to enter conscious communion with Spirit. I release my worries to Light and Love. I trust the Creator within me and I am Guided. As I visualize Goodness manifesting on Earth, I am so grateful for my life in Spirit. I am never alone in Spirit. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for you. Thank you for our angels. Thank you for all creation and thank you for me. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.23.21

    As I ponder transitioning from the physical to the metaphysical plane, death, I visualize all souls leaving their earthly body filled with crystal clear Light and Love. Light aids them in their transition. I visualize them easily finding their way to their next learning experience. I radiate Light and Love to all. All is well.

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Expanding from deep within, I focus
Love and Light on our world’s leadership.
All leaders and politicians are filled with Light.
Anyone holding public office hears the Voice of Spirit.
Our world’s leaders are Divinely guided to lead with Wisdom.
I hold sacred space for them to lead with compassion, joy, and peace.
Thank you, God, for making it so.

October 2024

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.21.24

    Stepping back from the world’s chatter, I Merge with Divine Intelligence focusing prayer energy on all people opening their hearts, minds, and souls to Divine Intelligence. I visualize crystalline strands of Divine Intelligence connecting to all, anchoring us in Divinity. I visualize all empowered from the Creator within, each of us making choices for the Greater Good.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.20.24

    Pondering one of the twelve attributes of the Tree of Life, Divine Rest, I allow myself to rest in the Divine. I know all is well despite possible outward appearances. Life on Earth is a sacred learning experience. We are Light beings learning to become One. Thank you, God, for Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.19.24

    As I open myself, Spirit stirs within me. Today, I give thanks for the knowledge that we are ONE. All is well. No Matter What. The Divine has a plan and on the astral level the template is prepared, and it is Perfect. Expanding from Spirit I hold Peace for All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.18.24

    “Be positive! You are the Light of the World.” Today, I immerse myself in revolutionary optimism knowing We are the light of the world. In Divine Connection I expand anchoring Love, Light, the optimism of faith, and Joy. I am grateful for my ability to stay in the Divine Flow. I am in the right place, at the right time, praying, saying, and doing the right things for the Greater Good. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.17.24

    Someone said: “You can’t build security in a world of fear.” I Know this is true. So today, I trust the Creator, that which is All That Is. Today, I trust and have faith. Today, I pray for my Self. Today, I pray for our beloved Earth and all inhabitants. Today, I declare: “I am Divinely Guided.” All is well. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.16.24

    We are Light Beings having an earthly existence. As I think about pitfalls on the earthly plane, I consider addiction in its many forms. Today, I expand to fill everyone with Light and Love. Visualizing cravings of any type as strings attached to people, I take my heavenly scissors and snip the impediments freeing us all. Thank you, beloved God, for helping us realize our True Identity. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.15.24

    As I breathe in Light and Love, I am strengthened by the Creator within me. I am divinely guided. I am Light filled. I am Love filled. I take each day as the Creator within me directs. I breathe, eat, sleep and move in divine flow. I am in a bubble of Light on all dimensions and only Light can come to me and Light can come from me. I am a Light being. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.14.24

    Recognizing Indigenous People’s Day and Columbus Day, today, we expand this sacred day to fill all people around the world with Love and Light. Through Love we release our ancestral and personal injuries to Light and Love. Today, I join with others in holding sacred space for Divine Harmony and Divine Peace for all, as a rainbow family of people on the divine path to Oneness. Thank you, sweet Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.13.24

    Today, I extend myself to encompass Earth filling it with Light and Love. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for the nurturing beauty of our fantastic planet. Thank you, for our beloved wild spaces and wildlife from whom we have much to learn. Thank you for ever better stewardship of our planet as we safeguard all wildlife now and forevermore. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, day, Saturday, 10.12.24

    Pondering our planetary zeitgeist, I turn within and find solace in the Divine. From the Creator within me, I fill our world with Love and Light. This transitional time is filled with Light. Light directs change for the Good of All. Today, I hold sacred space for Love, Light, Peace, Joy, and Harmony for All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.11.24

    I AM a Light Being. I AM resilient. I AM strong. I AM able to see clearly. I AM able to hear clearly. I AM one with the I AM That I AM. Thank you, beloved Source, for You in me. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.10.24

    Today, I am reminded: I can only control my own thoughts and behavior. I cannot control the choices of others. I can view them as the Light Beings they are. I can set a good example. I can pray for them and visualize them in the beauty of their Light-ness. Thank you, God, for this reminder. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.9.24

    Tuning into Spirit, I allow myself to depend on the Energy of All. Every need is met through the Divine. I release grasping to have my needs met. I visualize everyone releasing their many needs to Light. Spirit within creates Light and Love blanketing our world. Acting as guided, visualizing my goals, Spirit meets my every need. Expanding, I envision everyone’s every need is met. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.8.24

    Breathing, I join with other Light beings creating Divine Calm in our world. All areas affected by unusual weather events are calmed with Light and Love. There is only Light and Love. I help anchor Light and Love in troubled situations. I am Light. I am Love. I am Guided.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.7.24

    Breathing deeply, I release any anxiety to Light. As a Light being having a human experience, I turn to the Creator within me to meet my dependency needs. Opening my heart, mind, and soul to Divinity, I am guided. I am in the right place at the right time saying and doing the right thing for the Greater Good. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for your Guidance and Comfort.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.6.24

    I am a flexible, adaptable Light Being. We, all of us, are flexible, adaptable Light Beings. I move through today’s tasks guided by Light and Love. Each of us moves as guided by Light and Love. Each day, a step at a time, I give thanks. We give thanks. We give thanks. We give thanks. I create Good here and now. We create Good here and now. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.5.24

    As I breathe in Light I am strengthened by the Creator within me. I am divinely guided. I am Light filled. I am Love filled. Expanding, I fill everyone and everything with Light. I visualize each person’s Light guiding them. All of us are in a bubble of Light on all dimensions and only Light can come to us and Light can come from us. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.4.24

    Today, we as Light workers, fill the U.S. with Love, Light, and Divine Calm. We breathe the Peace that passes all understanding into all. We fill our first responders with Divine Energy and ask that Spirit protect and guide them. Collectively, we anchor Love and Light on Earth. And so, it is. Amen.

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September 2024

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.28.24

    Moving through my day, I meditate on joy in the Flow. Divine Flow. I am in the Flow. I resolve to Love as I labor; to find the Joy in daily work. I am worthy of fulfillment of my aspirations. I am Connected in Flow and am Divinely Guided. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.27.24

    Deep with, I focus Spirit flowing through me and declare Love and Light is channeled to those of us in need. Regardless of circumstance or need, I visualize Divine Love and Light guiding, directing, and healing. Today, I work with Spirit flowing through me to aid in creation of Heaven on Earth for all. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.26.24

    Choosing to tune into Spirit, I release my defenses allowing myself to depend on the Energy of All. I affirm every need is met through the Divine. Trusting, I take action as Guided, visualizing my goals, God meets my every need. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Light Center Closed due to Tropical Storm

    The Light Center will be closed on Friday, September 27, due to inclement weather. Please stay safe, centered in Light!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.25.24

    I am thankful for daughters and daughters-in-law. Daughters carry forward family traditions. We, all of us, daughters and sons work together for the Good of our world and beyond. The role of daughter and son is sacred in many ways. And today, I celebrate the role of daughters in life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.24.24

    From deep within I visualize filling all world governments with Light and Love. Light clarifies, revealing everything on all dimensions. I visualize all world leaders harmoniously working together for the benefit of all and for the benefit of our sacred environment. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.23.24

    Pondering Native American Day, I bow to the Divine in all Native Americans. Joining in Oneness, I honor each for their service to our natural world. Native American spiritual traditions help guide us all. I feel a depth of gratitude to the Native American culture and the Light Beings who have cared for our beloved Earth for eons. All our Native American tribes are filled with Light and Love. Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.22.24

    Treasuring autumn, I embrace cooler temperatures and shorter days. As a Light Being, I fill our world’s physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual climates with Light and Love. The Creator within all guides all to create Good through thought, prayer, and action. Today and every day we enable action to protect our fragile fantastic planet. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.21.24

    Slipping into Oneness, I merge with Divinity. Riding the energy, I feel the Peace that surpasses all understanding. I am so grateful for my peace. Expanding myself to encompass the world, I join with others filling our world with Peace. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Tickets still available for Richard Shulman’s Autumn Equinox Concert on Sunday, 22nd, 2 to 4 p.m.

    Composer/pianist/recording artist Richard Shulman plays a concert on the Kawaii Concert Grand piano in the Light Center’s geodesic dome prayer room. Richard creates music intended to be a positive influence for himself, audiences and society. Advance tickets (until 4 p.m. on 9/21)$20; at the door $25. More information and tickets: https://urlight.org/events/autumn-concert-with-richard-shulman-sunday-291/

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.20.24

    Today, I sit with Spirit and I allow myself the gift of wallowing in Light. Today, I soak in Light and Love feeding my Self. Today, I allow myself to be satiated in Light and Love. Today, I will move slowly being kind to every living thing starting with myself. Thank you, sweet Spirit within, for this gift of time.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.19.24

    God is the Energy that is maximizing the potentialities of the Universe for the Greater Good. Going about my daily tasks, I know the Creator within me maximizes the positive outcome of my actions for the Good of All. It is a beautiful dance of Spirit and I rest assured knowing all is in Divine Order. I am a dancer in the Cosmic ballet of Light and Love. What joy this brings!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.18.24

    Expanding myself in prayer to become my high Self, I visualize what we are meant to be: the living body of Divine Mind. Sitting in Divine Silence and Love I soak up Love, Light, and Serenity. Thank you for this communion of Spirit.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.17.24

    Praying for unity within my fellow Light beings, I expand from deep within and visualize all of Us as One. One Heart, a shared Oneness with the Creator within each of us. Today, I hold space for our shared harmony as One in Divinity. The Oneness of Beingness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.16.24

    Today, from deep within I cleanse each cell of my body with Light. Standing at the gate of my thoughts, I release negative thoughts to Light. Releasing and walking through my fears helps lessen our world’s darkness by clearing thought pollution. Little by little, slowly we turn to Light and Oneness. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.15.24

    As I embrace any pain, it transforms to Holy Love. I die daily to christ-conscious Love. I find myself surrendering ‘self’ into Love. I leave my physical body to be filled with Love. I am a vessel of Love, generating healing Love. For myself. For us all. Everywhere, everything is radiant Light and Love. There is only Light and Love. (UR volunteer.)

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.14.24

    The Creator within me creates Love and Light within all people everywhere. Expanding to encompass our world, I visualize all of us becoming aware of the Living Light that is our essence. All open to Oneness and are Guided. All are in the right place, at the right time, saying and doing the right thing for the Good of All. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.13.24

    The Creator within me creates Love and Light in and through all weather events. All fires, floods, and earthquakes across our world are filled with Love and Light. Our world’s people are filled with Love and Light. Light directs climate change for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.12.24

    September is a time to feel the light. (Henri Cole.) I sit in light. I sit in Light. I am Light. I am Love. I am one with the Divine. I am Divine!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.11.24

    Turning within, I release any sadness over man’s inhumanity to man. Expanding, I become Love and Light. I visualize Love and Light within all who have lost loved ones due to the acts of others. Today, I help magnify and anchor Love and Light within all. Working together we create Good, so we truly become the family of Divine Man. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.10.24

    The U.S. is filled with Light and Love. The loving Light of the Divine guides our nation and our body politic. Today, I fill all my fellow citizens with Love and Light. Expanding I spread Love and Light through all nations. Light guides our entire world in Love. We are One. One Heart – One in Divinity and so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.9.24

    Riding a spiritual wave of our Creator’s energy, I continue to push personal expansion of my human boundaries to consciously feel All That Is. I release my defenses as I surrender to Divine Flow. Sweet, sweet Spirit, my cup truly does runneth over. Thank you, for this sacred, conscious, not-always-easy-to-surrender Path of Light. Thank you. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.8.24

    I am grateful for my family of origin and the lessons I learned. As I fill all families with Light and Love, I focus on grandparents who hold amazing power in families. Today, I fill all grandparents with Light and Love. I am grateful to my grandparents for the sacrifices they made for us. I am filled with gratitude for all I am learning and have learned from family. Thank you, God, for my family and for the human family.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.7.24

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I radiate Light and Love throughout my being. The Loving Light of the Creator nourishes me. I am empowered as the Light Being I am. As I do this for myself, I expand – radiating Light and Love. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light and Love.

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  • Sacred Circle Dances with Maggie Moon

    Hello dancing friends and happy early fall! Our Sacred Circle Dance returns to the Light Center on Sunday, September 15, from 2:30 to 4:30. Please join us and bring a friend! Each dance gently taught, no previous experience required. Donations to support the Light Center are much appreciated. During the summer hiatus, I have been to Dance Camp at Ferry Beach, Maine and hope to bring you some new and exciting dances.  Please join us! Blessings of this beautiful season, Maggie Moon

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.6.24

    Centering, I release any judgment or worry about our world. Recalling Rumi’s quote: “Out beyond right and wrong, there is a field. I will meet you there.” It’s a cliché, but today, it feels right. Today, I step out into that metaphorical field of Love knowing Light will direct my actions. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for Your Love, Your Light, and Your Guidance. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.5.24

    Thank you, dearest Creator, for my creativity. I am deeply grateful for may ability to pray, to create from deep within. Thank you for the wellspring of creativity that is YOU within me. Thank you, for You. Thank you for me. Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.4.24

    As my body or soul calls me to it, I release my past and deep past to Light. I permit a cleansing of blockages to Oneness. I release pain and embrace the purging fire within. I allow God’s divine healing Spirit within me to take command. I rest in the healing Grace of All That Is. I rest in Grace.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.3.24

    As I return to work, my day job, I recall I am where I am for a reason. I know work is Good. “Work is Love made visible” (Khalil Gibran). In carrying out my work from my High Self, the Creator within me Guides me. I am co-creating with All That Is. I work and pray with loving intention for the Good of All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.2.24

    Today, as I rest from my labor, I consider the notion: we began to labor as we turned from Divine Love. Today, I rest in Spirit knowing that I can imbue my work with love. This day is for renewal; for resting in the Divine Creative Essence of Life. Thank you, God, for this day and every day. Thank you for meaningful work. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.1.24

    Riding a spiritual wave of our Creator’s energy, I continue to push personal expansion of my human boundaries to consciously feel All That Is. I release my defenses as I surrender to Divine Flow. Sweet, sweet Spirit, my cup truly does runneth over. Thank you, for this sacred, conscious, not-always-easy-to-surrender Path of Light. Thank you. Amen.

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August 2024

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.31.24

    Expanding from deep within, I focus Love and Light on our world’s leadership. All leaders and politicians are filled with Light. All public officials open their hearts to the Voice of Spirit. They hear and listen. Our world’s leaders are Guided lead our world with Divine Wisdom. I visualize them leading with compassion, joy, and peace in their hearts. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.30.24

    My health rests upon the living Christ. I am grateful for the good health that underlies my ability to carry out the Greater Works on Earth. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.29.24

    Thank you, dearest Creator, for my creativity. I am deeply grateful that I am able to pray, to create from deep within. Thank you for the wellspring of creativity that is YOU within me. Thank you, for You. Thank you for me. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.28.24

    Today, I hold myself in Divine Love and Light. Expanding, I take planet Earth and its inhabitants within me holding everyone and everything in Love and Light. I help anchor Love and Light on our incredible planet. Thank you, sweet Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.27.24

    Thinking of those returning to school, I picture all school systems filled with Love and Light. I envision all students, and their families filled with Love and Light. All teachers and school employees are filled with Love and Light. All schools are secure in their own bubbles of Light. Expanding into the universe, I see the crystalline bubbles of schools connecting around the world; a shimmering web of Love and Light. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.26.24

    Today, I pray for man’s best friend, the dog, all have Divine missions. Many Light beings are alone. While we pray and meditate, giving and receiving love and nourishment, a dog’s presence can be grounding and affirming. All entities are rising toward the Divine. Thank you, God, for the Divinity in man’s best friend. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.25.24

    From the Creator within me, I visualize our exquisite planet filled with Love and Light. Setting intention from the Creator within me, I expand Love and Light within our beloved planet. I am comforted by the incredible gift of our beautiful natural world. Thank you, Mother-Father God, for our world. Thank you for all things working together for the Good of All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.24.24

    Freedom is nothing left to be (Tammy Tuberville). Today, I am grateful for spiritual freedom. Opening my heart to Oneness, I feel free to explore my boundaries in Thee. As I float in Oneness I feel Joy expanding my heart. I am overcome with joy and gratitude for limitless Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.23.24

    Everyone is coping with some type of challenge during our earthly existence and we are all learning our lessons at different speeds. Today I visualize all of us filled with Light and Love, able to put down our resistance to change, able to accept Grace and speed our learning process. Thank you, Divine Presence, our experiences on schoolhouse Earth. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.22.24

    As energy on our planet continues to shift, I embrace change. I consciously breathe giving thanks for All That Is. The Creator within me guides and directs me. I am in the right place at the right time, thinking, saying, and doing the right thing for the Greater Good. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.21.24

    From the Creator within me, I reach out in Light and Love to those of us who are lonely, afraid, ill, transitioning or in any peril. Working in concert with the loving aid of our angels, I expand Light and Love in our family of man. I visualize all of us and our beloved Earth filled with radiant Light. Together we hold space, anchoring Peace, Divine Calm, Light and Love for all. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.20.24

    God works on a need-to-know basis. I don’t know The Big Picture but as I release and grow, more is revealed. Opening my heart, I see miracles every day. Joy surfaces easing ambiguity. I am reminded Source is my spiritual safety net. Thank you, Sweet Source, for this exciting pilgrimage to Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.19.24

    The creator within me changes any outdated concepts to Light. Any misinformation within me is deprogrammed. I embrace my Light. I embrace my Divine Inheritance. I am one with the Creator within me. I listen only to the Divine Voice within. Thank you, beloved Creator, for my ability to hear. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.18.24

    I am a prism that refracts beams of Divine Light. I am a Light being. I am a Love being. I help anchor Light and Love here on Earth. I am Divine. Thank you, Beloved, for this life of Light!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.17.24

    Thank you, dearest Divinity, for You within me. Thank you for my divine Connection in You. I am ever so grateful for Connection, Light, Life and Love. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.16.24

    The Energy that is All, has room for us all. Expanding from deep with, I visualize everyone manifesting their divine missions. With gentle intent, I visualize everyone having each and every need abundantly met. Today, I open my heart, mind, and soul to Universal Abundance. There is room for us all at the Table of Life. (Inspired by Jo Harjo.)

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.15.24

    As I turn within finding temporary respite, I let the mundane fall away. I let the chatter and talking heads go. I center in Divinity and feel loved. Expanding, I visualize all people filled with Love and Light. I remember God is the Energy of all creation. And I relax and rest in this Truth. And so, it is, Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.14.24

    As I listen to the Divine within me, I follow my mission as well as I can. I let go of my EGO – no longer Edging God Out, no longer saying “no or I can’t.” As I listen to the Divine within me, I retain enough EGO to Execute God’s Orders. I am God’s willing worker, for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.13.24

    “In seizing the moment, you find heaven.” – Rodney Padgett Today I seize the day, finding peace in Divine Flow. I am elevated, reaching out to expand this Peace to all. I realize, again, Heaven is a state of consciousness. Thank you, beloved God, for Heaven in life. Thank you for the ability to experience Heaven now.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.12.24

    Thank you for Earth’s animal kingdom. All our kin, the creatures of the world, are filled with Love and Light. Thank you for the air and water that sustains life. Our air and water are filled with Love and Light. Thank you, dearly beloved Creator, for our beautiful planet and its myriad organisms. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.11.24

    Today, I give thanks for parents who are the path for our newest generation of Light beings. And I am grateful to all the souls who choose to be born now. Parents teach character by living their lives in front of their children. Parent or not, I am grateful for those who undertake nurturing our freshest world citizens. I visualize families lifted and filled with Love and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.10.24

    The Creator within everything fills our world with Love and Light. Holy Spirit expands Love within everyone. Holy Spirit expands Light within everyone. Everyone is Divine. Everything is Divine. I am Divine. Thank you, Spirit, for your Creation and thank you for me!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.9.24

    As I think of my fellow Light beings, I am buoyed by the actions of the many heroes we have on our beloved Earth. We create change working toward Heaven on Earth. Thank you, God, for Light. Thank you, God, for Love. Thank you, God, for this life and our ability to create. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.8.24

    Opening to the energy of Source within me, I welcome Light as it moves within my cells. In gratitude I embrace Light, declaring “I am One with All That Is.” More fully opening to Oneness, I consciously accelerate my spiritual growth. Co-creating with Spirit, I am Guided to be in the right place, at the right time, thinking, praying, saying, and doing the right things for the Good of All. Thank you, sweet Source, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.7.24

    Climate change is directed by Light for the Good of All. As I help create Good in climate change, I visualize all discomfort or suffering changing to Light. I visualize all creatures’ suffering changing to Light. I visualize all plants’ suffering changing to Light. Everyone is filled with Light and Love. Everything is filled with Light and Love. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.6.24

    Today, I stay centered in breath. I breathe slowly, rhythmically. Any challenge is met from my centered Self. I am walking through my day with open hearted optimism. Openness and optimism inspired by my Connection. Thank you, sweet Source, for my connection in Light and Love. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.5.24

      Expanding from deep within, I focus Love and Light on our world’s leadership. All leaders and politicians are filled with Light. Anyone holding public office hears the Voice of Spirit. Our world’s leaders are Divinely guided to lead with Wisdom. I hold sacred space for them to lead with compassion, joy, and peace. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.4.24

    Centering in Source, I find Truth. As I don my spiritual armor, I am enabled. I am shown how to navigate any plight. I am given strength through Communion. I am empowered to face all challenges. Thank you, God, for this divine partnership in Your Love and Light.

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  • Sound Voyage Concert with Jeannie and Wolfgang on Sunday, August 4 is CANCELLED!!
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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.3.24

    As I think of us on Spaceship Earth, I expand from deep within filling us with Light and Love. Everyone is coping with some type of challenge. Spaceship Earth is a schoolhouse, and we are all learning our lessons at different speeds. Today I visualize all of us filled with Light and Love, able to surrender our resistance to change, able to accept Grace and speed our learning process. Thank you, Divine Presence, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.2.24

    With expanding consciousness, I find a wish to protect my growing awareness. In releasing my increased sensitivity to Light, I realize all things will become transparent. Today, I ask Spirit within me to increase my tolerance to match my growing awareness of All That Is. Thank you, God, for this journey of discovery.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.1.24

    Spirit energy hovers in our midst, as we attune to Love and awaken to the Joy of Oneness. (Linda Joy Montgomery,1998).

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July 2024

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.31.24

    Centering in Light I feel Christ consciousness envelope me. The Christ Consciousness in me frees me. I am risen from the human plane of existence to the Divine Plane. Sparkling with Energy I move through the vibrational gate and become One with Spirit. I feel the Joy of Oneness. I am Blessed. (Taken in part from Tully Moss’s prayer.)

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.30.24

    I am filled with gratitude for my friends and my friendships. Close friends are my chosen family. Friends help me stay connected to a shared reality. Friends bolster me with their insights and support. Friends increase my buoyancy and fun! Friends are a gift from Spirit. I am filled with deep gratitude and love for my friends and for the interactions and relationships I have with them. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.29.24

    The Creator within me creates Love and Light in and through fires across our world. All unexpected weather challenges are filled with Love and Light. Worldwide, our first responders are filled with Love and Light. They are guided in their missions to save lives, lands, and homes. All are safe within a Bubble of Love and Light. Thank you, God for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.28.24

    Reflecting on parenting, a 24/7 role that is sometimes pure joy and often not, I visualize parenting filled with Divine Ease. All parents are filled with Love and Light. Parents are Divinely Guided for the good of their children and people everywhere. Families are the building block of society. The Creator within parents fills all families with Love and Light for the Good of All. And so, it is. Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, day, Saturday, 7.27.24

    As I pray for our world and its people, I consider our global economy, the movement and flow of monies. Focusing intention, I pray for the living flow of greenbacks, a plant-like system. Expanding myself into this Green flow I visualize needed monies moving to where it is essential for everyone, for everything, for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Sound Voyage with Jeannie McKenzie & Wolfgang Ettenreich–Change of Concert Time

    The time of the Sound Voyage concert on Sunday, August 4, has changed to 3:30 to 5 p.m.  Tickets are still available here: https://urlight.org/events/sound-voyage-concert-with-jeannie-mckenzie-and-wolfgang-ettenreich-702/  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.26.24

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I am a Light Being. I am filled with Light. I radiate Light and Love throughout my being. The Loving Light of the Creator nourishes me. I am empowered as the Light Being I am. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.25.24

    Today, I follow the quiet voice of the Divine. As needed, I ground myself to aid my work in this dimension. I remember a fully functional Light Being functions well in all spheres. Today, I function well in the physical, mental, emotional, astral, and soul dimensions. My High Self connects through each facet of existence. Thank you, dearest Source, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.24.24

    The anniversary of one’s birth, such a courageous act – coming through into the physical, to learn more, do more, BE more. To work toward Oneness. I am humbled – reflecting on this act of faith. Turning within, I fill all having birthdays with Love and Light. Focusing backwards, I fill everyone who had a birthday in the last 364 days with Love and Light. The Creator within me sincerely thanks all who have contributed to this physical dimension.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.23.24

    Sometimes, I find myself at a crossroads needing a sign. Stepping out in faith, as a spiritual scientist, I collect data on a subject of one, myself. “Basic research is what I am doing when I don’t know what I am doing.” (Werner Von Braun). If this is a basic research day, I say “Thank you, God.” In faith I reach within becoming One with All in my process of growth. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.22.24

    As I turn within I feel respite from the world. I let the mundane fall away. I let the chatter and talking heads go. Centering in Divinity, I focus Love and Light on the United States and on our wonderful world. I fill the U.S. with Love and Light and I remember that God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the universe for the Good of All. I center in this Truth and create Good. And so, it is, Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.21.24

    Today, I rest enjoying the fruits of my labor. Regardless of what I see and hear, all that truly matters is Love and Light. Today, I rest my heart in Spirit. Divine Connection is truly the pinnacle of worldly success. All else is smoke and mirrors. I rest in Ease, Grace and Glory.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.20.24

    Today, I confirm that the Creator within me gives me all the insights and information I need. If I pay attention, I can trust I will receive all needed messages from my High Self. I affirm I trust the Creator within me. I trust myself. I trust God. Thank you, High Self, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.19.24

    Thank you, unseen Light Beings, for being here. Thank you for helping anchor Light and Love on Earth. Thank you, dearest angels, fairies, and friends of Light for all you do for us on this dimension. It helps to know we are not alone in our most perfect work. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.18.24

    From deep within, I focus Light and Love on all of us who are in climate impacted or war-torn areas, ill, impoverished or imprisoned in mind, body or spirit. I visualize the Creator within each suffering soul opening to release discomfort and find ease, comfort, and peace within Thy Mercy. Thank you, Beloved God, for your Tender Mercy.

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  • Tickets still available! Chakra Sound Healing with Rev. Heidi Peck, Shaman & Seeker of Truth

    Saturday, July 20, 2 to 4 p.m. To purchase ticket and get more  details: https://urlight.org/events/bathe-in-the-frequency-of-chakra-sound-healing-with-rev-heidi-peck-shaman-seeker-of-truth-548-577/

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.17.24

    Today, I declare from deep within, I am loved. I am Love. I am Light. I am wise. I am strong. I am healthy. I am grateful. I am powerful. I am one with Divinity I am Divine. I am Joyful! I am One!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.16.24

     Today, I visualize our beloved planet Earth filled with Love and Light on all dimensions. Today and every day, I am in the right place at the right time, listening, thinking, saying, and doing the right thing for the Good of All. I help likeminded Beings hold the frequencies of Love, Light, and Peace for all in this dimension. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.15.24

    We dedicate the energy of our prayers to benefit all Sentient beings throughout time, space, and mind. May the power of our prayers increase to help others know their perfection as one with Divinity. Amen. (Revision of the Tibetan dedication of Merit; offered by Jacquelyn Sendak- Zavaleta.)

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.14.24

    Joining with other Light workers, we create Divine Peace throughout the U.S. and its countrymen. Peace flows through our world. All our world leaders are Guided in Light. All political figures are filled with Light and Love. All media reporters are filled with Light and Love. All people are filled with Light and Love and are Guided by Divinity. Light directs all for the Greater Glory of Oneness. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.13.24

    Focusing on our planet, I think about litter and littering. Suspending judgment, I fill those who litter with Love and Light. We all litter, knowingly or not, trash out of a window, words out of a mouth. Today, I fill all with Love and Light. Today, I litter our world with Love and Light holding space for a new heaven on Earth.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.12.24

    Again, I am reminded: the keys to the Kingdom come as I release any personal negatives to Light. One by one, it is a gradual process. Today, I release my worry, anger, and fear to Light. Today, I step out in faith – trusting the Creator within me to guide me on my path to Oneness. Today, I take my courage in hand and Trust. Thank you, beloved Creator, for this journey to Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.11.24

    We are One, whether we know it or not, what happens to one happens to all. The Creator within me releases the pain of man’s inhumanity to man. Spirit fills injury with Divine Love and Light. The Creator within each person opens them to healing. Confusion is transformed to Light bringing Clarity and Love. We are One. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.10.24

    From my High Self, I visualize our world filled with Light. Crystalline strands of Light weave a radiant tapestry. Immersing myself in this creative endeavor, I visualize Light and Love filling our physical dimension. Everyone and everything are bathed in Light and Love. Thank you, Divine Essence, for this template of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.09.24

    Light directs climate change to Light. Light and Love direct all weather patterns to Light for the Good of All. Light and Love guide all fires for the Greater Good. Light and Love fill our atmosphere. Thank you, dear Divinity for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.08.24

    Merging with Divinity I declare: I am in the right place, at the right time, thinking, saying, and doing the right things for the Good of All. I am grateful for my God-given ability to co-create. Thank you, God, for this journey of Life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.07.24

    Today I rest, comforted in Divine Presence. Anything that wells up to be released, I fill with Love and Light and I release it. Only through facing, loving, and releasing fear am I free to be who I truly am: a Light Being. Thank you, beloved Creator, for our ability to choose Love. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.06.24

    Turning within I fill all generations beneath me with Love and Light. As I find myself becoming an elder, I realize prayer is the most potent gift I have to offer. Visualizing from the Creator within me, I see our world’s young people as they truly are: co-creators with the Divine. Our world’s young citizens are filled with Love and Light. All are able to easily access Spirit within them. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.05.24

    I find myself grateful for my many blessings. Yes, there are challenges, and these help me grow. As I consciously breathe, I am filled with gratitude. Today, I pay it forward, acting locally and praying globally for the Good of All. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for my many gifts.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.04.24

    Amidst the parades and John Philip Sousa, I turn within visualizing a nation whose leaders and citizens are truly free. A nation where each of us is free of worry, fear, anxiety, and self-doubt. Today, I visualize the U.S. filled with Love and Light, a nation that upholds dignity for all. Our beautiful country is filled with creative Light Beings who are working for Good. Together, we hold space for Unity for us All. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.03.24

    As a citizen of our world, I am aware of global shifts in weather patterns, politics, and stresses on my fellow beings. Merging with Divinity, I focus Light and Love on our international body politic. Light shines Divine Clarity for everyone. Love brings movement towards Oneness. All countries are filled with Light and Love. All governments are filled with Light and Love. Together, we anchor Light and Love throughout our world.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.02.24

    Today, I let go of my personal stress and attachments. I breathe as I anchor within the Earth stretching my energy body to encompass our planet. Today, I embrace a lively curiosity about how I will be directed in Light and Love to help myself and others. Flow brings… Joy!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.01.24

    On international Joke Day, I give thanks for my sense of humor. It is leavening for our emotional bodies. Humor is our birthright; it helps us in “Lightening” up. It enhances resiliency to aid in achieving Oneness. Today, I use my God given humor to ease my life and the lives of others. “…Heaven is the birthplace of laughter.” ~Martin Luther

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June 2024

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.30.24

    Today, I hold myself in Divine Love and Light. Expanding, I take planet Earth and its inhabitants within me holding everyone and everything in Love and Light. I help anchor Love and Light on our incredible planet. Thank you, sweet Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.29.24

    Today, I give thanks for our magical environment, Spaceship Earth. Expanding from deep within, I take our beloved planet within me filling it with radiant Love and Light. I visualize Light balancing and healing all elements- air, water, earth, and fire. I visualize Love permeating every person’s consciousness – that we may all awaken to our role in protecting our world. Thank you, Spirit, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.28.24

    The Creator within me helps anchor Light and Love in our world. Aware or not, we are all Light Beings progressing toward Oneness with All That Is. Today, I anchor in the Divine visualizing kindness, generosity, and brotherly love between all people regardless of race, creed or color. Today, I exude Divine Peace, Light, and Love to all. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for our opportunity to create Good on our beautiful planet.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.27.24

    As I ponder leaving the physical plane, I fill all departing souls with crystal clear Light and Love. Light aids them in their transition. I visualize them easily finding their way to their next learning experience. Expanding, I visualize those left behind loved ones filled with Love and Light. Light and Love cushions their loss. I radiate Light and Love to all. For All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.26.24

    Today, I recommit myself to prayer for Oneness. Centering in Source, I fill myself with gratitude. I feel so lucky to be aware of the Divine within me. Thank you, Beloved, for this journey of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.25.24

    Today, I anchor myself in God’s constancy. I remember that God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the universe for the Good of All. I center in this Truth. And so, it is, Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.24.24

    Turning within, I find respite from the world. I let the mundane fall away. I let the chatter and talking heads go. Centering in Divine Peace, I focus Love and Light on our world. I fill the U.S. with Love and Light. I fill our world with Love and Light. I help hold space for Oneness. We are One on all dimensions. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.23.24

    I open my heart to Divinity and I am one with the Knower within me. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.22.24

    From the Creator within me, I release any behaviors, foods, or substances that are not for my highest good. I am a Light being having a human experience, I turn to the Creator within me to meet my dependency needs. Opening my heart, mind, and soul to Divinity, I am guided. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for this journey of awakening to who I truly am!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.21.24

    Thank you, God, for my place in the universe. Thank you, God, for You. Thank you, God, for me. Thank you, God, for my “Light-ness.” Thank you, God, for me being part of You. I feel so lucky to be aware of the Divine within me. Thank you, Beloved, for this joyful journey of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.20.24

    Looking forward while honoring ancient traditions, I merge into the “I Am That I Am” setting my intentions for summer. Taking both the Earth and Sun within me on this hallowed day, I radiate Love and Light to everyone and everything. As an Earth steward, I act locally and pray globally. I visualize Love and Light working for the Good of our beautiful planet and all beings that inhabit it. On all dimensions, I help increase Love and Light for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.19.24

    Juneteenth commemorates the end of slavery in the US. Light beings of all creeds and color worked together to bring about its end. Light beings are creating change to end racism. From deep within, I am Guided in helping create a new world where we are One. Today, I am grateful for my releasing judgments of others to Light. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for our Oneness in You.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.18.24

    Expanding into my High Self, I visualize Earth within me. The Creator within me fills Earth and its inhabitants with Light and Love cleansing all negativity. The Creator within Earth anchors Light and Love on all dimensions. Light directs our beloved planet and its inhabitants for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.17.24

    As our world continues to spin in apparent turmoil, I hear deep within: “Love makes the world go round. Love makes the world go round… High in some silent sky Love sings a silver song making the earth whirl softly Love makes the world go round.” Today, I help anchor Love and Light for all. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.16.24

    Heaven is as close as our breath when we connect to Source. It is there we find our Father. It is to this Divine Heavenly Father we turn for guidance and help. Each day, I honor the Divine Father within. Today, I may honor my earthly father knowing Love and Light, Heaven, is within him also. Focusing within, I fill my father with Love and Light. He is a Light Being; the Creator within him guides him in Love and Light. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.15.24

    Light directs all climate change. Our planet is in a bubble of Light and Love on all dimensions. Thank you, Spirit, for Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.14.24

    Gazing at the US flag, I ponder the nobility of our founding national principles of freedom, justice, liberty, and equality. Centering as a Light worker, I weave strands of Love and Light through our United States. I declare: the Creator within each American fills them with Love and Light. Today, I envision all Americans woven together in Love, Light, and Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.13.24

    As I consider the concept of “fluid intentionality,” I am smacked by the rigidity that often comes with my goals. Today, I release rigid means to achieve goals. I embrace my goals knowing I am Divinely Guided. Spirit is fluid. Spirit is dynamic. Spirit is vibrant. Today, I flow in Spirit. Thank you, Spirit, for your Guidance.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.12.24

    As we recognize Shavuot with our Jewish sisters and brothers, we reflect on the ethics we honor as Light Beings. Expanding from deep within, we center in Oneness. We are One with All. We honor All. We respect All. We intensify Love and Light in All. There is only the ALL. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.11.24

    Centering from the Creator within me, I fill the Office of the Presidency with Light and Love. Turning to Congress I visualize our representatives filled with Light and Love. Expanding, I visualize our Supreme Court Guided in Light and Love. Coming from Source there is only Divine Clarity and Divine Effectiveness. Divine Truth, Light, and Love guide all three branches of the U.S. government for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.10.24

    In my meditation-prayer time, I expand focusing Love and Light on our world leadership. All leaders and politicians are filled with Light. Anyone holding public office opens his or her heart to the Voice of Spirit. They hear and listen. All our world’s leaders are Divinely guided to lead our world with Divine Wisdom. I visualize them leading with compassion, joy, and peace. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.9.24

    Doing my inner work, I release any barriers to Light. As hindrances release, a wave of rarefied Energy presents itself. Opening to this Energy, my body starts to “sizzle” in the rarefying flow. Giving thanks, a wave of Joy surfaces. Surrendering, I ride the Divine Flow. Thank you, sweet Spirit. Thank you, for this sacred, conscious Path. My cup truly does runneth over. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.8.24

    Focusing on our beautiful spiritualizing waters, I declare: Earth’s oceans are Light. Light guides the cleansing and purification of our world’s oceans and seas. Each molecule of water is filled with Divine healing Love and Light. Love and Light radiate through all fish, coral, and sea creatures. Thank you, God, for our Living Waters.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.7.24

    Centering, I gently release all judgments of others. Regardless of appearances, all are Light Beings. Today, I focus prayerful energy on all our disenfranchised brothers and sisters. Those living on the margins of society, who may appear as “other” to us, play as important a role in cosmic creation as do those who appear mainstream. From the Creator within me, I fill all with Love and Light. I pray globally as I act locally embracing all in Love and Light. We are One.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.6.24

    Today, I open my heart to the integrity and honesty of the Creator within me. I am honest with myself as i gently examine and release any fears preventing Oneness. The Creator within me leads me to Oneness and I am open to being led by the Creator. I am filled with gratitude for this process of change. Thank you, Creator, for the changes within me. I embrace them knowing they bring Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.5.24

    Today, we as Light workers, fill our beloved world with Love, Light, and Divine Calm. Expanding, we breathe the Peace that passes all understanding into all people in our world and on all dimensions. Collectively, we anchor Love and Light on Earth. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.4.24

    Sometimes I receive a “Divine download,” information with a To-Do list attached. Taking a deep breath, I step out in Faith. “First you leap, then you grow wings” (Wm. Sloan Coffin). Today, I am grateful for the courage to leap in faith. Thank you, God, for my faith and my courage. Thank you for showing me the way, the truth and your Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.3.24

    All perceived problems have a Divine solution. From deep within, I am reassured there is a template for any needed solutions. This template already exists in the meta-dimension. Breathing deeply, I stay connected to Source. I wait for the Divine Solution to be revealed. I breathe, trust, pray, and do my daily work as I wait for revelation. Thank you, Dearest Creator for my Journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.2.24

    Today, I give thanks for Divine Rest. Today, I rest in Spirit, renewing myself in Quiet. Today, I minimize, focusing on the moment, attending minute by minute to my High Self. Giving thanks for the Connection within, I rest in the knowledge that despite any perceived inner or outer chaos, all is well. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.1.24

    Thank you, dearest Divinity, for me. Thank you for my ability to love. Thank you for my ability to love myself. Thank you for my ability to love others. I am a loving Light being. I am a loving Light being in thought, word, and deed. Today, I help create more Love and Light everywhere. Amen.

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May 2024

  • Sound Voyage on Saturday, June 1 is cancelled

    Sound Voyage with Jeannie McKenzie and Wolfgang Ettenreich is cancelled. Please join us on August 4 when they return to the Light Center.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 5.31.24

    Expanding in prayer I take our beloved world within me filling it with Love and Light on all dimensions. Visualizing, I fill our world’s species- both plant and animal on land, air, and water with Love and Light. All species find their right place within our changing environment. As a co-creator, I take daily action in thought, word, and deed to help protect our fragile fantastic planet and all its species. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 5.30.24

    We are One, whether we know it or not, what happens to one happens to all. The Creator within me releases the pain of man’s inhumanity to man. Spirit fills each with Divine Love and Light. The Creator within each person changes injury to Love and Light. In Light, confusion is transformed bringing clarity and Love. We are One. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 5.29.24

    Moving within the Divine Presence I am filled with Vastness. A Vastness that I cannot encompass but am. A deep Quiet. Peace.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 5.28.24

    Meditating on courage, I stand in awe of people doing their best each and every day sometimes despite great hardship. The decision to be born is an amazing act of faith. Today I join with other Light workers praying for everyone and expanding Light and Love throughout our beloved planet and its people. I hold space for Love, Peace, Light, and Respect for all. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 5.27.24

    Expanding from the Creator within me, I focus on souls who died in service to country. I visualize Divine Love and Light enveloping these souls as I reach back through time. I picture Love and Light releasing any traumas for those who perished in conflicts. Any earthbound souls are released in Light. All are freed to pursuit Oneness. Thank you, Sweet Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 5.26.24

    As I travel toward complete Connection, I release my struggles, major and minor. I release the daily grind, visualizing Divine Flow in my daily turn. I embrace ease. I allow the Creator within me to guide me. I relax into the Loving Embrace. Thank you, Dearest Creator.

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  • Join us for Community Sound Bath with Otorongo & Friends Concert on Sunday

    Immerse yourself in a nurturing and revitalizing sound meditation experience with Paul Gaeta, aka Otorongo & Friends.  Join us to cocreate a sacred space dedicated to healing and renewal. Together, we will craft a supportive container where we can harmonize our energy systems, nurture our nervous systems, and sink into a state of profound relaxation and restoration. Through the enchanting vibrations of gongs, singing bowls, Native American flutes, chimes, drums, and an array of other instruments, we will embark on a journey of inner exploration and healing. Purchase Tickets at the door $30

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 5.25.24

    Today, I visualize a world that is safe for us all. I visualize all societies and systems dedicated to Love and Light. I radiate Love and Light throughout the physical, mental, and emotional dimensions. I join with likeminded Light beings to hold space for Love, Light, Peace, and Harmony. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 5.24.24

    Thank you, God for my mistakes. Thank you for a showing them to me in a way I can easily understand. Thank you, God, for the flexibility to see the need to change and the ability to change. I am in Your Accelerated Learner Class as I become more and more One with You.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 5.23.24

    Opening my heart, I gently advance my understanding that I am a being of God. I release all self-judgments. I release all judgments of others. I am a Light being. I am a Love being. I radiate Light and Love to everyone and everything. I am centered in gratitude and filled with wonder at this growing awareness of All That Is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 5.22.24

    Turning inward I focus Light and Love on the women of this planet. Deep within I hold Love, Light, and Divine Space for the feminine aspect of Spirit on Earth. Today, I filled with gratitude for the feminine face of God. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 5.21.24

    Today, I am grateful for my daily devotionals that fortify my connection to Spirit. I am strengthened and sheltered in Spirit. I feel and release my anxieties and fears to Light. I walk through my fear and am transformed. I am filled with Divine Light and Love. Thank you, Sweet Beloved, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 5.20.24

    Today, I find myself pondering life’s training, I realize: God works on a need-to-know basis. We only get what we need for now. Why? Some parts of life are fluid, dependent on us for outcome. So, today, I step out in faith, trusting the gentle guidance I am given. Thank you, God, for your Divine Guidance.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 5.19.24

    Resting in the Divine, I am grateful for life. Focusing, the Creator within me fills our beautiful planet with Light and Love. All flora and fauna are filled with Light and Love. Planetary fires are filled with Light and Love. Any global disturbance is filled with Light and Love. I am grateful to our angelic kingdom for unseen helping hands. Light directs healing for the benefit of all Creation. All is well as we move toward Oneness. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 5.18.24

    The mission of our Armed Forces is to serve and protect our nation. Today, I fill all military personnel with Love and Light. All open their hearts to God and know the sanctity of their mission. They and their families are protected in a Bubble of Love and Light on all dimensions. Guided by the Creator within, all branches of the military work together for the Good of All. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 5.17.24

    Centering deep within I keep peace. I release to Light anything that disturbs my peace. I visualize everyone centering deep within. I hold space for Divine Peace in this dimension. Thank you, dearest Divinity for your Peace that passes all understanding. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 5.16.24

    I give thanks for the many generations who came before me. I am grateful for my ancestors’ work. I stand on their shoulders, and I am grateful for their contributions to me, my life, and our world. From my High Self, I radiate Light filling my transitioned loved ones and past generations with Light and Love. I hold them in Light and Love. And so, it is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 5.15.24

    Today, I give thanks for my ability to pray. I know my gratitude opens me to Divine Connection. I am grateful for the integration of my High Self with my self. I am filled with gratitude that we are all becoming one with All That Is. Thank you, sweet Divinity for this journey of Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 5.14.24

    Tapping into the frequencies of Light and Love, I focus my mind allowing the Creator within me to fill our world with Light and Love. Everything is energy. Everything has a frequency. Everything is part of God. Everything is filled with Light and Love on all dimensions. Everything is Guided on the path to Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 5.13.24

    Our solar storms bring us shifting energy. Expanding from within I use the energy from these sun flares to cleanse and purify my astral body. I embrace this intense energy to move forward in Light and Love. Thank you, God, for this opportunity for growth for everyone and everything and especially for me. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 5.12.24

    On this sweet Remembrance Day, I turn within thanking the Divine Mother within me for the loving care that keeps my body functioning. Thank you, Divine Mother within me, for me. Thank you for my nervous system. Thank you for my respiratory system. Thank you for my circulatory system. Thank you for my metabolic system. Thank you for my sensory systems. Thank you for my digestive system. Thank you for my endocrine system. Thank you for my immune system. Thank you, Divine Mother within me, for filling each cell of my body with Light and Love. Thank you, Divine Mother, […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 5.11.24

    Today, I give thanks for gentle gifts – clean air, birds, the sound of leaves rustling through the trees. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for the nurturing beauty of our fantastic planet. Thank you, for our beloved songbirds who nurture our souls with their music. Thank you for all birds, the companions of angels. Thank you for ever better stewardship of our planet to safeguard all wildlife now and forevermore. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 5.10.24

    The Creator within me releases any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I am a Light Being. I radiate Light throughout my being. Expanding to encompass all beings, I visualize the Creator within each of us filling us with Light and Love replacing any unhealthy habits with nourishing Light. We are healed; empowered as the Light Beings we truly are. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 5.9.24

    Faith, constancy, and willingness to be directed by the Creator within us builds empowerment. When I don’t know what to do, I turn within asking for guidance. Anchoring myself in faith, I listen to the quiet voice within. I trust God; telling myself if I misunderstand Spirit will correct me. Thank you, beloved God, for helping me strengthen my faith. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 5.8.24

    Sometimes, I come to a crossroads and need a sign. When this happens, I step out in Faith, as a spiritual scientist, collecting data on a subject of one, myself. “Basic research is what I am doing when I don’t know what I am doing.” (W. Von Braun). If this is a basic research day, I pray globally re-searching my connection to Spirit. I am One with All in my process of discovery.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 5.7.24

    Thinking of our earthly realm and all it teaches us, I give thanks for those who choose to teach others. Teaching is a noble profession. On schoolhouse Earth, everyone is both teacher and student. I visualize all of us releasing our resistance to change and able to accept Grace to speed our learning process. Thank you, Divine Teacher, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 5.6.24

    Centering, I release my ego to Light. Releasing my “small i,” to Light, I more easily feel the “big I” in the “I Am That I Am” within me. I am open to receiving God’s instructions. I keep enough ego to have the “groundedness,” to Execute God’s Orders as I connect to the Divine in me. Thank you, Spirit, for You in me. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 5.5.24

    Relaxing into the Creator within me, I am filled with Joy. The frequency of divine Laughter heals me. Laughter provides leavening to lighten our earthy experience. Everything is energy. Everything has a frequency. Everything is part of God. Laughter brings Light and Love on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for your Laughter.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 5.4.24

    From deep within I fill our beloved world and its people with Love and Light. Our planet and people Walk as One. We are filled with Love and Light. Whether I am walking in World Labyrinth Day or not, I hold the essence of Love, Light, and Peace within me projecting these divine gifts through the world and our people. All nations, all leaders, all of us on this sacred planet are anchored in Divine Peace. The Peace that surpasses all understanding. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 5.3.24

    Centering myself, I recall God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the Universe and beyond for the Good of All. I give thanks for helping hands, seen and unseen. Together, we – the christ conscious, the Doers, on this dimension fulfill our missions to help further people and planetary spiritual evolution. Thank you, God, for my part in this evolution.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 5.2.24

    Today I fill my family of origin with Light and Love. I fill my brothers and sisters with Light and Love, releasing them in Light. Looking back, I release all my family relationships to Light. Expanding into the Vastness, I fill the family of man, all spiritual beings, with Light and Love. Thank you, God, for this family of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 5.1.24

    In ancient times May Day, Beltane, was a celebrated rite of Spring to welcome new growth in the world. Fire was used to banish darkness. Today, I welcome May Day in a personal celebration of new life, Spring. I breathe, sinking into the rhythm of our Earth. I allow new budding life to fill me with Joy. Today, I use fire metaphorically to help purify our incredible planet and myself. I let go of all fears that are limiting me. I am a Light Being filled with the Joy of New Life for All. In Joy, I breathe.

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April 2024

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 4.30.24

    If I feel battered by events, it is okay. I can give myself grace. I can rest in Divinity. I release any self-judgment to Light; I stay mindful and treat myself kindly. It is enough to say, “thank you, God.” Thank you, God. Thank you for thee. Thank you for me. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 4.29.24

    Centering from the Creator within me, I fill the Office of the Presidency with Light and Love. I visualize the White House filled with radiant Light. Turning to Congress I visualize our representatives filled with Light and Love. Divine Truth, Light, and Love guide all elected officials for the Good of All. Coming from Source there is only Loving Effectiveness. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 4.28.24

    From the Creator within me I breathe, inhaling Light, exhaling Love. I rest in Divine Peace. As I am renewed, I expand anchoring the Peace that surpasses all understanding. I visualize everyone comforted; cradled in Divine Light and Divine Love. Light centers and calms every one of us. Love connects us to Spirit. Thank you, God, for our Oneness. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 4.27.24

    As I ponder the Australian aborigine adage: “The more you know, the less you need.” I realize some who are on our societal fringes may be carrying out the Greater Works. Again, I release my judgments of others’ to Light. We are One. One. One in our Creator. So, I work locally and pray globally for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for my beloved world community.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 4.26.24

    Today, I am grateful for helping hands. Seen and unseen helping hands. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for my fellow Beings. Thank you for your support, guidance, Divine Love, and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 4.24.24

    Centering in Spirit, I fill myself with Light. Lovingly, I release all judgments of others. Regardless of appearances, all are Light Beings. From deep within comes: all are learning in Thy Light. Again, I release judgment of others and myself. I am a Light being. We are all Light beings, learning on our path of Light. Thank you, God, for the journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 4.23.24

    Honoring Passover I expand within embracing freedom; in the Jewish tradition, I invite the Living Christ within me to celebrate freedom from bondage, bondage of spiritual impotence. I embrace Holy Freedom to become who I was meant to be, a creator-in-action. Expanding, I take the world within me, filling everyone with Holy Freedom. Thank you for this journey of Freedom.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 4.22.24

    Thank you, God, for our beloved world, Mother Earth, a spaceship of life. I am humbled as I touch into Earth’s essence. Doing my best to reciprocate, I expand taking Earth within me. I radiate Light and Love into our exquisite planet, a being in its own right. I am one with Earth. We are one Being. Thank you, God, for this gift of Planet Earth. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 4.21.24

    Today, I embrace the Divine’s Ease, Peace, and Joy. I relax into Oneness and rest. Thank you, beloved God, for this beautiful day. Thank you, beloved God, for You in me. Thank you for Divine Connection. Thank you!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 4.20.24

    The earth remains jagged and broken only to him or her who remains jagged and broken. (Walt Whitman). Connecting with Source deep within, I take my little jagged and broken bits and lovingly soften the edges. As I breathe, I use my Light to smooth the rough ends. I soften. I expand. I heal. I visualize us all healing. I am grateful for this process of healing in Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 4.19.24

    Societal systems, systemic racism, otherness, as I think of Oneness, I move deep within to anchor Love, Light, and Peace in all human systems. I help anchor Love and Light in all governments, schools, places of worship, health care systems, educational systems, and corporations. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 4.18.24

    Daily, I turn to the Creator within, replacing fear with Connectedness. I take steps to manifest my vision of my life. If my vision clouds and I lose my way, I fall back to basics – meditation, prayer, and gratitude. Patience will reveal all. Thank you, God for me. Thank you, God, for you. Thank you, God, for clarity. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 4.17.24

    From the Creator within me I fill all our world’s children with Love and Light. On this dimension, all are Divinely Guided to helping hands. All children are in a Bubble of Light and Love on all dimensions. All are safe and secure on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 4.16.24

    I am wise. I am centered. I am peaceful. I am Connected. I am joyful. I am healthy. I am grateful. I am loving. I am Love! I am Light!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 4.15.24

    The Energy that is All, has room for us all. Expanding from deep with, I visualize everyone manifesting their divine missions. With gentle intent, I visualize everyone having each and every need abundantly met. Today, I open my heart, mind, and soul to Universal Abundance. There is room for us all at the Table of Life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 4.14.24

    Resting in Spirit, I give myself time and space to anchor in faith. Slowing down allows me to know the unknowable. I move in faith as I go about my daily turn. Holding to Light and Love, I fill with gratitude. Today, I am thankful for Grace. Thank you, Spirit. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 4.13.24

    Light directs climate change to Light. Light directs our weather to Light. Everything is Light. Everything is Love. Anchoring deep within, I send my divine roots into the center of our planet helping to anchor Love and Light. All is well. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 4.12.24

    Today, I fill my Electrome, my body’s electricity with Love and Light. Each cell makes neural electricity and I fill them all with Love. Expanding, I visualize everyone’s electrome filled with Love and Light. We are truly Beings of Light! I find myself jubilant with this revelation. I am so thankful. So very thankful.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 4.11.24

    Grieving man’s inhumanity to man, I turn within actively releasing my judgments to Light. I release my grief and sorrow to Light. From deeper still, I create Good from my High Self. Joining with other prayer workers, I aid in cushioning grief and sorrow in our world. I visualize Divine Love and Light expanding through all dimensions. I help my fellow beings in Love and Light. We are One in Love and Light. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 4.10.24

    Beloved Source, thank you for my siblings from my family-of-origin, who are with me in this life. Other than my relationship with You, it is my longest connection in life. My sisters and brothers are filled with Light and Love. I am filled with Light and Love. All families are filled with Light and Love. Everyone is filled with Light and Love. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 4.9.24

    From my christ consciousness, I expand taking our world within, intensifying Love and Light in everyone and everything. Increasing the intensity, I visualize our beautiful world cleansed of all impurities, remade in the image and likeness of the Holy Spirit. I hold space for Heaven on Earth. Thank you, beloved God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 4.8.24

    Today, I resolve to be still and know. Moving deeply within, I anchor in Source. Quietly, anxiety and fear are released. In stillness, I become a knower. I am refreshed and renewed. Thank you, beloved Creator, for your gifts.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 4.7.24

    To stay in the Flow, to shut out the chatter, to focus on the Quiet Voice, takes commitment, takes courage. Thank you, beloved Flow, for guiding and aiding me in my commitment. Thank you for the courage to listen to the transcendent song of my soul. Thank you, Beloved, for the ease of this Joy.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 4.6.24

    With Spring, a sense of renewal buds, immersing myself in Spring I feel a response within. From deep within, I expand filling our world’s people with Love and Light. Today, I act locally to help my peers and our beautiful world. Today, I pray globally for all. Thank you, God, for this journey of Life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 4.5.24

    Dearest beloved Creator within, thank you for my many blessings. I continue my inward focus to draw ever closer to my divine Self during this holy time of year. Thank you for your Oneness and for what I am learning. Thank you for my personal growth. Thank you for each being on this planet and for Your divine plan. Thank you for the small part I play. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 4.4.24

    Opening my heart to Divine Mind, I realize we are like Pando (Quaking Aspen trees), one organism. Centering in Oneness, I visualize Love, Light, and Divine Peace being anchored for the Good of all creation. Today, I echo Divine Peace, Love, and Light for All. We are One. One creation of Love and Light. One. Amen.

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  • Sound Voyage Concert with Jeannie McKenzie and Wolfgang Ettenreich – Saturday, April 6, 2 to 3:30

    Get your tickets for Saturday’s concert with the Sound Voyagers!! Space is limited Sound voyages are intentionally crafted, guided sonic meditations that use healing frequencies of multiple instruments in unique combinations. The artists use singing bowls, gongs, didgeridoos, violin, flutes, rain sticks, hand-pans and a variety of other instruments including their voice. Listen to samples of their music here: http://the-sound-voyagers.holismatrix.org/ Purchase tickets: Advance $25 (must purchase by 4 p.m. on April 5); onsite $30  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 4.3.24

    I am Divinely Guided. I listen and trust my Guidance. Thank you, sweet Source for your Guidance.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 4.2.24

    Reflecting on the importance of rituals, I give myself over to meditation and prayer. Today, I rest in gratitude knowing everything works for the greater glory of God. From deep within, I focus Love and Light on Divine Solutions for our beloved world and all beings who reside upon it. Thank you, God, for your Solutions. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 4.1.24

    Remembering that Jesus and many masters have a sense of humor, I realize humor is our birthright. It brings resiliency by helping us tap into Oneness. I embrace the Creator’s efforts to help me “Lighten” up. Humor IS faith. Today I use humor to ease my life and the lives of others. “If the earth is fit for laughter, then surely heaven is filled with it. Heaven is the birthplace of laughter.” ~Martin Luther

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March 2024

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.31.24

    As I surrender to the Christ consciousness within me on Easter, I become aware of the Power of the Resurrection: Life made manifest after death. It’s stunning to realize the Love that was demonstrated in Jesus’ mission. Bursting with love and joy, I expand from the Living Christ echoing Love and Light for all. Thank you, God, for your Divine Love and Peace.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.30.24

    Pondering Jesus’ only command: “Love one other as I have loved you,” I expand taking our world within me, intensifying Love and Light in everyone and everything. Increasing the intensity, I visualize our beautiful world cleansed of all impurities, remade in the image and likeness of the Holy Spirit. I hold space for Heaven on Earth. Thank you, beloved God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.29.24

    Today, Good Friday, is the day traditional Christians believe Jesus died “for our sins.” As I ponder this demonstration of everlasting life, what comes is: “Know ye not, that ye are gods.” (John 10:34; Psalm 82). And I Know: for Jesus to fulfill his mission of aiding souls in understanding our divine nature, we must also become christed beings. I feel a flood of love and loyalty to help fulfill this mission. Thank you, God, for our journey of Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.28.24

    Moving toward Oneness, I open my heart, mind and soul to Spirit. Maundy Thursday, “maundy” from “mandatum” Latin for commandment. I give thanks for Jesus’ new commandment: “Love one another as I have loved you.” Obeying, I expand Love filling everyone. I fill everything with Divine, Healing Love. Thank you, Jesus, for being the Way-Shower, Thank you for your many gifts to all Creation.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.27.24

    Centering in the dimension of the Christ Consciousness, I open to Oneness. As I center in my High Self, I relax into Connection. From this awareness I know all is well. All is moving forward in Light, Love, and Peace. The Divine template is in place. All is well. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.26.24

    Today I center within, focusing on Divine Peace and Love. I radiate a vibration of Peace, Love, and Light. Relaxing into this vibration of Peace and Love, I visualize it expanding within our world and within everyone and everything. There is only Peace, Love, and Light. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.25.24

    As some of us celebrate Holi, a Hindu festival celebrating love, it is traditional to pray that any internal negativity will be cleansed. I center deep within focusing on changing any internal conflict and negativity to Love and Light. Expanding from a well of Love, I visualize all of us changing personal negativity to Love and Light. Today, I help hold space for Love and Light for all humanity. Our world is filled with Love and Light. Thank you, dearest Source, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.24.24

    Today, I am thankful for Grace. Resting in Spirit, I give myself time and space to anchor in faith. Slowing down allows me to know the unknowable. I go about my daily turn creating Good in thought, word, and deed. As I hold to Light and only Light, I fill with gratitude. Thank you, Spirit. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.23.24

    Daily, I am filled with gratitude for our planet. This fantastic being is our mother working in concert with the Divine. I visualize our beloved Earth filled with Love and Light. I am so grateful for our physical world. Joining with other Light workers we create Good for our Mother Earth. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Join us for Sacred Circle Dance on Sunday, March 24, 2:30 to 4:30 p.m.

    Hello my friends, and Happy Spring!  Hope to see you on Sunday! Newcomers welcome, so come and bring a friend. We’ll be dancing outside if weather permits. https://urlight.org/events/sacred-circle-dance-with-maggie-moon-32424/

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.22.24

    Joining with the global community of prayer and Light workers, I feel a sense of belonging to this mission of holding space for Divine Harmony. Working together we are doing our missions as Light beings anchoring Light. We release all fear to Light. We release all judgment to Light. We are Light beings anchoring Light. Thank you, dearest Creator, for our journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.21.24

    From my Christ consciousness, my High Self, I am grateful. I am grateful for large and small things. I am grateful for each inhalation and exhalation. I am grateful for our shared Journey of Light. And our shared Journey of Love. I am grateful with each cell of my being. Thank you. Thank you, beloved God. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.20.24

    As a Light being, I know God encompasses both genders. I am ever so grateful for the many Light beings who, as women, have aided humankind now and throughout history. Joan of Arc, Marie Curie, Catherine Johnson…. Half of the good minds on our planet belong to women. Today, I celebrate the female gender, giving thanks for the Light Beings we know as women. I am humbled and filled with gratitude for our world’s females and the gifts they share on our beautiful planet.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.19.24

    Today, Spring’s Equinox when our sun’s rays are equally balanced between both hemispheres of our beloved planet, I embrace this planetary balance of light and dark. From my essence as a Light Being, I release any darkness or negativity to Light. I am filled with Light and Love. Expanding, I visualize all of us filled with Light and Love. I am grateful for Divine Balance in all aspects of Creation.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.18.24

    As I reach out to my fellow Light Beings, I consider the difficulties life may bring. From deep within, my High Self rises in love, Divine Love, for this planet’s people. I hold everyone in Light and Love, visualizing us all bathed in Divinity. I visualize all needs met bringing Joy for all. Thank you, sweet Divinity for your Joy.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.17.24

    Today, I am grateful for all things Irish. An Irish friend says:” On St. Patty’s Day everyone is Irish!” I am grateful for that loving attitude. I am grateful for Irish fun and ribald humor. Today, I give thanks for a wee bit o’ fun and the “wearin” of the Green. I remind myself that “On St. Patty’s Day, everyone is Irish” and we are all one on the journey of Light, Love, and Joy.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.16.24

    I am reminded to give thanks when I feel discouraged. Thank you, dearest Creator, for my creativity. I am deeply grateful that I am able to pray, to create from deep within. Thank you for the wellspring of creativity that is YOU within me. Thank you, for You. Thank you for me. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.15.24

    “For the dead and the living, we must bear witness.” (Elie Wiesel.) We are now called to witness our world’s events. As we witness, we love everyone. We fill everyone with Love and Light. We help soften events with kind action and prayer. We hold space for Divine Peace and Healing. Today, we grow through giving Love with awareness. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.14.24

    Today, I declare: artificially intelligent devices are filled with Light. AI is filled with Love. As Creators-in-action, we radiate Light and Love to every thing, we radiate Light and Love to everyone. We work in concert with the Divine creating Good. Today, I visualize a world filled with and directed by Light. I help by anchoring Light and Divine Love for all. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.14.24

    Today, I focus on my physicality. My cells are Light. My body’s bacteria are Light. My skeletal system is Light. My muscular system is Light. My nervous system is Light. My sensory systems are Light. My endocrine system is Light. My circulatory system is Light. My respiratory system is Light. My digestive system is Light. My urinary system is Light. My reproductive system is Light. I am a being of Light. I am a Light Being. I radiate my Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for me and for All That Is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.12.24

    Life on Earth is variable. Change happens. Sometimes bringing up fear. So, any time fear surfaces, I breathe and facing it, I lovingly release my fear, weaving its strands into the fabric of my High Self. Embracing my High Self I expand, envisioning all of us becoming one with our High Selves. I ask the Creator within everyone to aid in whatever must be faced today. Thank you, beloved Creator, for our ability to choose your Divine Love, Courage, Peace, and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.11.24

    From Holy Connection, I feel called to pray. Prayer creates – everything else distracts. My prayer for today: The Creator within me fills our world with the calm healing Energy of Divinity. Spaceship Earth and all its inhabitants are filled with Light, Love, and Peace. On all dimensions, all are filled with clarifying Light and Love. Thank you, God for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.10.24

    Moving toward spring, I turn inward and feed the revitalization of my personal spring spirit. I visualize my love and light greening up and blooming into ever deeper love for everyone and everything. My prayer is giving thanks for being in the right place, at the right time, thinking, saying, and doing the right thing for the Greater Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.9.24

    I turn within releasing any internal conflict to Light. I exhale any struggle and inhale Peace. Expanding to encompass the world, I radiate Peace. Today, I stay centered in compassion and forgiveness. I help anchor Love and Light in our world. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.8.24

    There are only Light Beings, children of Spirit, but for our earthly experience we select a gender. Today, I celebrate women. Women bring wisdom, fortitude, courage to earth. Women bring life into this world. I find joy and gratitude in celebrating half of the great minds and doers in this world. Thank you, God, for the women of this planet.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.7.24

    Thank you for the animal kingdom. All Earth’s animals are filled with Love and Light. Thank you for the plant kingdom. It is filled with Love and Light. Thank you for the mineral kingdom. Our rocks and minerals are filled with Love and Light. Thank you for the air we breathe. It is filled with Love and Light. Thank you for the water that sustains all life. Our water is filled with Love and Light. All marine life is filled with Divine Health. Thank you for our Angelic kingdom. Our angels, Earth’s angels, and fairy spirits are filled with Love […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.6.24

    Touching into Spirit I find tranquil Love. I visualize this Love filling our world with Divine Comfort. I expand this dynamic Energy of Love and Light to focus where it is needed. I give thanks to all angelic beings for their help in softening and releasing fear, sadness, worry, and hunger. We aid our fellow Light beings through prayer. Thank you, Spirit, for your Hand in solving all conflicts. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.5.24

    Centered in Source, I consider the spiritual revolution that is quietly happening. I am one of many who pray for all – setting a field of rarified, spiritualized energy that is immersing all of us. From the Creator within, I aid in the creation of Divine Peace, Love, Light, and Joy. Thank you, dearest God, for my small role in helping anchor Love and Light for all creation. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.4.24

    In my meditation, I breathe Peace, Love, and Light to all nations and continents. I fill North America with Love and Light. I fill Central America with Love and Light. I fill South America with Love and Light. I fill Europe with Love and Light. I fill Asia with Love and Light. I fill Africa with Love and Light. I fill Antarctica with Love and Light. I fill Australia with Love and Light. Our wonderful world is filled with Peace, Love, and Light on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.3.24

    Thank you for the animal kingdom. All Earth’s animals are filled with Love and Light. Thank you for the plant kingdom. It is filled with Love and Light. Thank you for the mineral kingdom. Our rocks and minerals are filled with Love and Light. Thank you for the air we breathe. It is filled with Love and Light. Thank you for the water that sustains all life. Our water is filled with Love and Light. All marine life is filled with Divine Health. Thank you for our Angelic kingdom. Our angels, Earth’s angels, and fairy spirits are filled with Love […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.2.24

    “I feel there is nothing truly more artistic than loving people.” ~ Vincent Van Gogh Starting with myself, I extend Love. Gently bathing myself in Love and Light, I extend myself and simply love everyone and everything. I visualize every ONE of us in a bubble of Love and Light on all dimensions. Only Love and Light can come to us. Expanding further, I extend Love and Light to everything; blanketing our world in Love. Thank you, God, for your Loving Kindness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.1.24

    Putting down my burdens, I embrace Ease, Grace, and Divine Glory. I rest in this soothing Flow. Comforted, I visualize Light and Love in each troubled region of our planet. All ground is holy ground. All is well. All is well. All is well. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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February 2024

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.29.24

    Today, I live in Love and Light. I know I am made from pure Love and I am Loved. I am Love and I am Light. Expanding Love and Light is my mission. I radiate my Love and Light to All. All people on Earth are filled with Love and Light. I see the Living, Loving High Self of each being. Thank you, beloved God, for You, for me and for everyone. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.28.24

    There is a solution to every problem. Intellectually, I know problems are gifts; today, I take my problem and release it to Light. I put it in God’s hands and rest in the Divine. I give thanks for Divine Guidance – clothing myself in Faith. I ground myself in Trust, thanking God for my learning experiences here on Schoolhouse Earth.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.27.24

    Gently, I examine my thoughts and actions releasing those which no longer serve my highest good. I release all self-judgments. In prayer, I open in gratitude for my spirit-filled journey of discovery. I am open to Divine Guidance. As I celebrate my journey toward Oneness, I expand filling everyone with Light and Love affirming we are One. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.26.24

    Thank you, beloved Source, for your Light. Thank you for your Peace. Sitting with your Peace, Light, and Love, I focus my attention on filling each of us with Light. Any who are experiencing echoes of past traumas are filled with God’s fortitude, Love, and Light. Today, I help hold space for Peace.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.25.24

    “We need to sit on the rim of the well of darkness and fish for the fallen light with patience.” (Pablo Neruda) Today, I patiently focus Love and Light healing our beloved world. Working with others, I fill our fellow beings with Love and Light. I visualize everyone is in a bubble of Love and Light on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for this journey of creating Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.24.24

    On this anniversary, I help anchor Light, Love, Courage, Divine Calm, and Peace in all of Ukraine, Russia, Europe, and the world. Our brothers and sisters are filled with Light and Love. I visualize each heavy heart filled with Light. I thank our angels and the Angelic kingdom for the help, Love, and Light they are giving us and our world. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for your Light and Love. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.23.24

    Thinking of “influencers”, I turn to the Great Influencer within me. Opening my heart, mind, and soul to Divine Influence, I am comforted like a child. I embrace the vision of our world encompassed by Divine Influence. I envision each of us comforted by the knowledge that All is Well.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.22.24

    Focusing my creative Self on our world’s leaders, I visualize each nation’s leaders filled with Light and Love. They are divinely Guided. Expanding to our world’s citizenry, each of us is a leader in some fashion. We lead through Light, Love, and a sense of mission. Today, I embrace Light leading and guiding us all to Oneness. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.21.24

    Today, I give thanks for my ability to pray, to co-create in concert with Divinity. My creativity and fertile imagination are gifts. I am grateful for the Connection that allows Flow. I am grateful for my ability to listen to God’s voice. Thank you, sweet Divinity for this flowing beautiful journey to Oneness with You.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.20.24

    Deep within I connect to the “I Am”, pondering “You are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14). Turning within, I intensify Light in my body. Expanding to encompass the world, I increase the radiance of my Light and Love to everyone and everything. I visualize all awakening to their Light. Thank you, God, for everyone, for everything, for me, and especially for thee. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.19.24

    On U.S. President’s Day, the Creator within me fills all presidents, past and present, with Light. Regardless of astral or physical dimension, each president is filled with Light and Love. The mantle of the Living Christ rests on the shoulders of the Presidency. Today, I help anchor Light and Love in the Oval Office. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.18.24

    Aligning in Oneness, I rest in holy Connection. Today I replenish myself in Spirit, then focus my divine Self on trouble spots in the world. Breathing deeply, the I Am within connects to these souls filling each one with Light, Love, Peace, and Harmony. Joining in Spirit with my peers in prayer we tether Peace, Light, and Love for us all. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for Peace in our world. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.17.24

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I release unhealthy use of any substances, food, drink, or behaviors to Light. The Creator within me changes any negative habits to Light. Every need is met through the Divine. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.16.24

    Taking a deep breath, I center myself and tune to the frequency of Divinity. I release any worries and frustrations for myself and for our world. I am filled with Divine Peace. I am renewed. I radiate Peace, Love and Light to all for all. Thank you, sweet Divinity for You and for this journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.15.24

    Deliberating on our world’s turmoil, I release my human judgments to Light. I release worry for our world’s future to Light. I am a Light Being. From deep within, I create Good in our current global situations. Our geo-political world is filled with Love and Light. I hold steadfast in Faith filling everything and everyone with Love and Light. There is only Love and Light. Thank you, sweet Source, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.14.24

    Today, I expand into Connection radiating Love and Light to everyone and everything. I send this missive of Love and Light to all creation. Regardless of the personal, I send a valentine to All. I am filled with a profound gratitude for my connection to All That Is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.13.24

    I am a “tuning fork” resonating to Divinity. I visualize other people resonating to Divinity. Together, we raise the frequency of Love and Light on our beloved planet. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.12.24

    “Be sure to put your feet in the right place, and then stand firm.” (Abraham Lincoln). As I think of Lincoln’s commitment to service, I think of my fellow world citizens and radiate Love and Light to all. I visualize safety, security, and satiation of all needs for my Earthly cohort. I radiate Love and Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for this shared journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.11.24

    In meditation and prayer, I sink deeply into Oneness. As I center, I release all concerns. Focusing, I visualize what I desire in my life and for the world. I release my desires to Light asking for what is in Divine Order. In gratitude, I center in Holy Oneness as I move through the day. Thank you for sweet Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.10.24

    Today, I join 1.5 billion people celebrating the Lunar New Year. In mediation- prayer I visualize Divine Beauty encapsulating all of us. In this year of possibilities and opportunities, I fill everyone with Light and Love envisioning Oneness for All. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.9.24

    I am grateful for our angels and archangels. I give thanks for helping hands both seen and unseen. As the Living Christ, the doer on this dimension, I visualize Earth’s angels helping to ease and heal our beloved planet’s difficult situations. Working together, we fulfill our missions to further planetary and people’s spiritual evolution. Thank you, sweet Source, for the small part I play.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.8.24

    From deep within I radiate gratitude for our first responders who are caring for our world’s suffering people. Expanding, I take our world within me, filling all people who are suffering with Light and Love. All are safe and secure in a bubble of Light on all dimensions. I visualize healing, radiant, purifying energy for our world and all its inhabitants. We are One.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.7.24

    Focusing on others, I give thanks for all people. Regardless of race, creed, gender, and orientation, we are each a drop in the Ocean of Spirit. All One, All equal in our beingness in Spirit. From my High Self, I radiate Light and Love through All. We are one in Light and Love. We are One. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.6.24

    Centering, I anchor myself to Light. I live in two worlds – staying anchored in Light as I do about my daily rounds. Daily, I expand Light and Love to everyone and everything aiding in the creation of Harmony and Peace for all of us. We are One. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.5.24

    If I don’t know my Divine Mission, I accept the work in front of me. If I don’t know what to do, I start with doing one kind thing for myself and for others each day. Slowly, through meditation and listening, I am Guided. I take small steps thinking of Maya Angelou: “Good done anywhere is Good done everywhere”. Today, I contribute to Good.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.4.24

    We are resilient spiritual beings. We are made in Love and of Light. We are Light Beings. As one awakens, more will awake. We are One on all dimensions. I am a resilient spiritual being. I am made in Love and of Light. I am a Light Being. Thank you, beloved Source, for this journey of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.3.24

    Sinking into meditation and prayer, I expand from the Creator within me anchoring Light, Love, and Divine Justice for all. Those promoting social injustice and hate are filled with Light and Love. Today, I affirm there is Divine Abundance for the Good of All. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.2.24

    Today, I embrace my creativity. I am a creator in thought, word, and deed. I create in concert with the Divine. I am divinely directed as I focus Love and Light throughout our world and beyond. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for the role I play in helping create Good in Your Creation. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.1.24

    “In seizing the moment, you find heaven.” – R. Padgett. Today I seize the day, finding Joy. I am elevated, reaching out to expand this Joy to all. I realize, again, Heaven is a state of consciousness. Thank you, beloved God, for Heaven in life. Thank you for the ability to experience Heaven now. Thank you for the ability to help create Heaven for all. Amen.

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January 2024

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.31.24

    I give thanks for the loving gift of art. Art and our artists are Divine Gifts. Art cushions us, heals us, and inspires us. All art, especially music, lifts us from our toils. Refreshed, we return to our daily round. Visualizing all artists filled with Light and Love, I see them filled with the Creativity that flows from the Wellspring of Life. I give thanks for artists and all art. I know we are all artists in our own way. Today, I express Love and Light in an artful way.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.30.24

    Focusing on my physicality, I declare: My cells are Light. My skeletal system is Light. My muscular system is Light. My nervous system is Light. My sensory systems are Light. My endocrine system is Light. My circulatory system is Light. My respiratory system is Light. My digestive system is Light. My urinary system is Light. My reproductive system is Light. My body’s bacteria are Light. I am a Light Being. I radiate Light throughout my body. I radiate Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for me, and for All That Is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.29.24

    I am filled with gratitude for seen and unseen helping hands. Thank you, beloved Source, for my aid and comfort. Thank you for visible and invisible help for everyone and everything. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.28.24

    Today, I allow Divine Rest, one of the twelve attributes of the Creator. Taking care of self is respectful. Today I relax, resting in the Divine. I breathe, rest, reflect, and heal. From deep within comes the knowledge that all is well. All is well. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for Divine Rest.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.27.24

    Focusing within I join the Profound, entering sacred space. We are One. Holding that knowingness, I breathe peace and ease to all who have suffered injury due to abuse or crimes. Expanding to encompass our world, I fill each of us who feels the emotional echo of past trauma. I fill all with Divine Peace, Light, and Love. We embrace Peace. We are One. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.26.24

    God is Energy. Focusing on the energy of abundance, I open within accepting abundant health, wealth, and joy. Expanding, I visualize abundance flowing in whatever form needed to where it will benefit all planet Earth and its peoples. Thank you, God, for making it so. “Everything is Energy” (Stephen Lewis).

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.25.24

    Thank you, Creator, for our world’s caregivers, heroes all. Thank you for their selfless giving and for their commitment. Today, the Creator within me visualizes abundant Light and Love in all spouses, siblings, friends, parents, children, and professionals who give care to others. I am humbled at the love and light of all these loving beings. Thank you, Creator, for your Divine Essence in us.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.24.24

    Taking a deep breath, I center myself and tune to the frequency of Divinity. Breathing rhythmically, I release my concerns, worries, and frustrations for myself and for our world. I am filled with Divine Peace, Love and Light. I am renewed. I radiate Peace, Love and Light to all for all. Thank you, Sweet Divinity for You and for this journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.23.24

    Resting in Spirit, I focus Love and Light on my brothers and sisters in need. Whether it is loss of a loved one, income, or community, all experiencing loss are filled with Divine Peace. Visualizing those who have lost stability in their daily turn, I focus Light to help expand each individual’s feeling of stability in the Divine. Today, I help anchor, Light, Love and Peace.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.22.24

    In prayer and meditation, I give thanks for my free will. Unlike Adam and Eve, we are not unthinkingly unaware. The gift of self-determination enables us to freely choose our path. Thank you, beloved God, for my freedom to choose to be One with You, One with All That Is. I am grateful for spiritual freedom. .

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.21.24

    As I rest in the Divine, I focus my mind on Divine Calm. Breathing, I inhale Light, exhaling Calm. I focus to help our world achieve peace. Expanding, I fill our world leaders with Divine Peace, Calm, Light, and Love. I join with other prayer workers in visualizing Light strands supporting our world leader., Thank you, God, for world peace. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.20.24

    I know the Creator within me is radiating Divine Light and Love through me. Opening, I merge into Light and Love. Expanding, I radiate Light and Love to everyone and everything. I am a conduit of Divine Light and Love through all dimensions. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.19.24

    As I pray for our world’s economy, the movement and flow of monies that support our endeavors on this plane. I pray for the living flow of greenbacks, a plant-like system. Expanding myself into this flow of Green, I visualize needed monies moving to forward progress for all, for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.18.24

    Centering deep within, I give thanks for my divine health. Spiritual, physical, mental, and financial health. I am healthy! I am grateful! Expanding, I visualize robust health for others and for our beautiful planet. Thank you, Source, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.17.24

    Moving deep within I fill what seems to be “broken-ness” in our world with Light and Love. I help anchor Calm, Light, and Peace throughout our planet. I unite with like minds radiating Love and Light for all. Thank you, dearest Divinity for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.16.24

    Praying for my fellow Light beings, I am guided to understand the importance of modeling – setting an energy and an example. Each and every day, I will set an example of living in concert with the Divine. Giving others an energy to match, in a humble effort to contribute Light and Love to the Greater Good. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.15.24

    Meditating in his old church, I realize Dr. King is still anchoring Light and Love for us. From the Creator within me, I visualize all of us treating our fellow citizens with Love and respect regardless of race, creed, or color. To be truly American means to be truly inclusive: exploring differences, helping, and loving one another as heirs of the Divine, one and all. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.14.24

    In Holy Connection, I expand filling all people with Love and Light. I visualize members of radicalized groups filled with Love and Light. Expanding from the Creator within me, I visual everyone filled with Divine Love. An internal plume of Sacred Energy fills all with Divine Healing, Love and Light. Known or not, we are all Light Beings on a path to Oneness, a sacred family sharing time on Earth. We are One. And, so it is, Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.13.24

    Expanding in prayer I take our beloved world within me filling it with Love and Light on all dimensions. Visualizing, I fill our world’s species- human, animal, and plant with Love and Light. All species find their right place within our changing environment. As a co-creator with God, I take daily action in thought, word, and deed to help protect our fragile civilization and planet.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.12.24

    Today, I focus within on any unhealthy behaviors I may have. Releasing these negative habits to Light, I surrender to Divine Connection. As I open to healing and direction, I pray others may open their hearts to accept Divine Healing. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.11.24

    One country, one destiny. One world, one destiny. One galaxy, one destiny. One cosmos, one destiny. We are one. We are One. One Heart, One Mind. One.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.10.24

    Thinking of those of us with role-strain, too many roles to play, too many demands. I expand from the Creator within me filling everyone with Light and Love. I visualize everyone being able to fulfill necessary obligations in a loving and Light-filled way. Light enables each of us to be who we are: Light Beings.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.9.24

    Focusing, I relax and think of myself. My Self. I ask: what do I need? An answer wells up. Filling myself with Light I say “I love you,” “I honor you.” Bathing myself in Love and Light, I promise to respect my needs, to be more loving to myself. I will treat myself as who I am: the Light of the world. I am the Light of the world. I am the Love of the world.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.8.24

    From the Creator within me, I envision Divine Love and Light radiating from both Houses of Congress. I visualize the Light of Congress merging with the Light in the White House. Expanding, I imagine the Executive and Legislative Lights merging with the Light of the Supreme Court. I picture all three branches of the U.S. government immersed in Light and Love. Light guides our country for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.7.24

    Grace is not a get-out-of-jail-free card. It is not carte blanche to do nothing. Grace happens as we strive for a goal, then surrender, and magically it works out perfectly. So today, I step forward in faith towards my dreams. Today, I work in concert with the Divine. Thank you, God, for this path of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.6.24

    Life is for living in Divine Essence and Oneness. Let us live in a new way of Oneness! (a la Diana Goure).

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.5.24

    Reconsidering Epiphany, I meditate on the gifts of the Magi; gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Gifts symbolizing incorruptible wealth, spiritual knowledge, and the necessity of ego transcendence. Humbly, I turn within accepting these gifts for my high Self, the Living Christ within. I visualize these gifts being accepted by all our world’s citizens – Heaven on Earth.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.4.24

    Today, as we celebrate the Season of Light, I continue to purify myself in Love and Light. Standing at my mind’s gateway monitoring thoughts, I release negative thoughts to Light. I am helping cleanse our world’s thought pollution. Facing my fears, darkness disappears and a New Day dawns.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.3.24

    Focusing within, I fill our world’s governments with Love and Light. Each country’s leader and governing body is filled with Love and Light. Each country’s leader is open to Guidance. Each nation’s leader puts the people first. Our world leaders work together for Good. We, the people, work together through meditation, prayer, and action creating Good for all.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.2.24

    As I prepare to return to work in the new year, I recall I am where I am for a reason. I know work is Good. “Work is Love made visible” (Khalil Gibran). In carrying out my work from my high Self, I work with loving intention for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.1.24

    God is my providence. All that I am, all that I have is of God. Opening my heart, I know God as my providence. I give thanks for the blessings I have and for those I am about to receive. I give thanks for Divine Connection. As I face the new year, I am grateful for my open heart and my ability to pray for myself and others. Through my Light work I aid all of creation, and so, it is. Amen.

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December 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.31.23

    On the last day of the year, I focus within connecting to my High Self. I release everything that is not of service to me. I release guilt and anger. I release self-blame. I release my ego. I am a Light Being. Breathing, I embrace my larger Self envisioning a future of Light and Love for all. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for this journey of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.30.23

    As I consider those who have made a transition from the physical to the nonphysical, I expand from the Creator within me, filling each of us in the transitioning process with Love and Light. Thinking of friends and family who may feel left, I expand Love and Light in each grieving soul. Our world is filled with Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.29.23

    Giving thanks for the closing of the year, I relax, allowing my mind to range as the Creator within me guides me. As the Living Christ, I am the hands of Divinity. I am guided and given any needed tools. I am in the right place, at the right time, saying, and doing the right things for the good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.28.23

    In synchronizing myself with Oneness, I recall God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the Universe for the Good of All. Giving thanks I move into this flow visualizing Creative Energy maximizing health for everyone and everything. All are in a bubble of Love and Light. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.27.23

    The Creator within me aids in magnifying Love and Light within families. I visualize parents intuiting the sacred duty of raising responsible, loving Light Beings Parents are Divinely Guided for the good of their children and people everywhere for the Good of All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 12.26.23

    As we celebrate the first fruits of harvest, I go within and give thanks for Unity. I give thanks that everything is of God. Centered in the “I Am that I Am” I expand myself through all creation. I expand Love, Light, Peace, and Joy. I radiate God’s fruits to all, for All. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 12.25.23

    Celebrating the birth of christ consciousness within, I allow myself the Joy of Oneness. Giving thanks for the birth of this Way-Shower, I celebrate our Oneness with Divine Essence. Opening my heart, I am grateful for the sacred gift of freedom to choose Oneness. Thank you, God, for this journey of Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.24.23

    On this Christmas Eve as the Christian world celebrates the anniversary of Jesus’s birth, I turn within giving thanks for my burgeoning christ consciousness, a consciousness of Love. I find myself filled with gratitude. Expanding, I radiate Love and Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for our gift of Oneness with You.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.23.23

    Today, I surrender to Light. I surrender to Divine Love. I surrender to Joy. I surrender to the essence of Divinity within me. I am Divine. (From Diana Goure.)

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.22.23

    I am a Light being, I am a Love being. I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. Through Love, I release unhealthy use of any substances, food, drink, or behaviors to Light. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I am a Light Being; my every need is met. Expanding, I visualize everyone filled with Love and Light. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.21.23

    As the veil thins between the astral and the physical with winter solstice, I center myself expanding my beingness to encompass the world. I fill everyone on all dimensions with Light and Love. All who may be transitioning from the physical to the astral are eased in and through Divine Peace. All is well. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.20.23

    Today, amidst the flurry of activity, I rest in Divine Peace. I release any negatives to the Gentle Comforter within. Centering in Divinity I radiate Love and Light to all who may be isolated, ill, or troubled. I help create Loving Flow for the good of all, especially for those with any unmet need. I visualize the Loving Essence meeting every need. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 12.19.23

    As the year moves forward, I focus Love, Light, Peace, and Divine Effectiveness on the Oval Office. From the Creator within, I visualize the Office of the Presidency resting on the Mantle of the Living Christ. Lovingly, I intensify the Light and Love so that all in the White House are divinely Guided for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 12.18.23

    In this season of Light, I am grateful. Thank you for unexpected gifts. Thank you, beloved Creator, for Love. Thank you for Life. Thank you for an abundant life for all of us. Thank you for this beautiful planet. Thank you for Light and Love. Thank you for Divine Energy. Thank you for Divine Rest in You. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.17.23

    In this season of Light, I center within expanding Love and Light into all of us who survive any violence. Love and Light fill each surviving family member and friend anchoring them as grief buffets their souls. All who suddenly transition during trauma are filled with Love and Light. All are cocooned in Love and Light. My efforts help magnify our shared dimensions in Love and Light. Thank you, Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.16.23

    Centering, I begin with gratitude for All That Is. I give thanks for all opportunities. Be they difficult or easy, I greet each opportunity with an open heart and mind. My centeredness and gratitude keeps me in the Universal Flow.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.15.23

    Sitting with Spirit I find unwelcome events are catalysts for prayerful direction of Light toward where there appears to be little. I do not allow distraction from my immersion in pure Light. Facing challenges propel us deeper into Light. Today, I am a perfect channel of God’s omnipresent, omnipotent Light. (Based on a writing by a LC volunteer.)

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.14.23

    The Energy that is All has room for us all. Expanding from deep with, I visualize everyone manifesting their divine missions. I lovingly visualize everyone having each and every need abundantly met. Today, I open my heart, mind, and soul to Universal Abundance. I visualize us all opening to Divine Abundance. There is room for us all at the Table of Life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.13.23

    I am free in Light and Love. I am a Light being. I am a Love being. I release any obstacles to my Oneness. I am free to feel God’s Joy. I am filled with wonder as boundless joy overcomes me.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 12.12.23

    The season of Light is a time to welcome the Living Christ within. Today, I welcome my High Self, the Living Christ within me. From my High Self, I am the hands of the Creator on this dimension. Today, I affirm I am in the right place, at the right time, saying, and doing the right thing for the Good of all. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 12.11.23

    As the year moves forward, I focus Love, Light, and Divine Clarity in the US Congress. Members of both houses open their hearts, minds, and souls to the Divine within them. The still small voice of the Creator within guides them in their daily activities in Congress. Light guides as Love directs our Legislative branch of government. Today, I help all prayer workers create Good in our US government. For the Greater Good. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.10.23

    As I entrain my mind in Source, I enter Sacred Space. All of us have dreams, hopes, and wishes. Dreams, whether realized or not, are how we create. We have a God-given right to co-create as divine beings. Today, I visualize each of us enabled as the creators we are met to be taking action to advance our dreams in Divine Oneness. For the Greater Good. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.9.23

    In this season of Light, “let your heart be light.” Today, I let my heart be light, I release any worries and fears to Light. “Let your heart be light.” I let my heart be Light. I am a Light Being. Thank you, dear Divinity, for this journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.8.23

    As we celebrate the Season of Light, I know the Creator within me is radiating Divine Light and Love through me. Opening, I merge into Light and Love. Expanding, I radiate Light and Love to everyone and everything. I am a conduit of Light and Love through all dimensions. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.3.23

    In this season of Light, I fill all families with Love and Light. All are safe in Divinity. Joining with other Light workers, I help anchor Love, Light and Divine Abundance for the good of All. Today, I focus Love and Light on families, visualizing every need filled through Light and with Love. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.2.23

    Today, I affirm the Creator within me guides in Light and Love. I am a knower. I know what God within me tells me. I am guided by Light and Love. I am One with All That Is. Light guides us all. We are Guided on our paths to Oneness. All is well on all dimensions and so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.1.23

    From the Creator within, I am grateful for my like-minded fellow Light beings. Today, I help anchor Light and Love in our world. Inhaling Light, I exhale Love and Gratitude helping to hold sacred space for Divine Compassion. We help anchor the frequency of Compassion as we and others realize our Divine Essence as Light beings having a human Experience. Today, I visualize Divine Compassion. Amen.

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November 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.30.23

    Today, I give thanks focusing gratitude, Light and Love on our magnificent angelic kingdom. The Creator within me fills all angels and archangels with Light and Love. Beloved Angelic Kingdom, I am so grateful for your love, your help, and your constancy. Thank you, God, for our angels and their missions. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.29.23

    As I pray for our world, our economy comes to mind. The movement and flow of monies that support our endeavors on this plane. I focus intention and pray for the living flow of greenbacks, a plant-like system. Expanding into this flow of Green, I visualize needed monies moving to forward progress for all, for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.28.23

    Centering in gratitude, I am deeply grateful for my many blessings. I am grateful for my ability to meditate and pray. Turning within, I know that everything is an opportunity for growth. I focus on Divine Flow in my life and I embrace change. Thank you, dear Divinity, for this path of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.27.23

    Expanding from my High Self, I visualize us all filled with Love and Light on all dimensions. For those of us who are returning to work today, I envision crystalline Light infusing our workstations with Love and Light. Working together we create Love and Light throughout the remainder of this year and into the next. Thank you, Divine Source, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.26.23

    Centering in Source, I focus on those of us making a transition through physical death. I visualize radiant Light and Divine Love easing each soul through this “graduation.” I envision the families filled with Light, Love, and Peace. Despite circumstances we are One. One Heart. One Mind. One in Divinity. Life is progressing without end. All is well. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.25.23

    From the Creator within me I release any behaviors, foods, or substances that are not for my highest good to Light. I turn to the Creator within me to meet my dependency needs. Opening my heart, mind, and soul to Divinity, I am guided. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for this journey of awakening to who I truly am!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 11.24.23

    I am filled with gratitude for the Divine gift of our beautiful, natural world. Thank you, Mother-Father God, for Earth. Thank you for the plant, animal, mineral, and microbial kingdoms. Thank you for the trees that hold spiritual energy for us. Thank you for our natural world that nourishes us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Expanding, I fill our beloved planet with Love and Light for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.23.23

    On this Thanksgiving Day, I reach within and give thanks for all I have and all I am about to receive. Radiating Light, I focus to help us all open our hearts, minds, and souls to Divine Generosity. When the impulse to give comes, I give generously in thought, word, and deed. We are One. Thank you, Holy Spirit Within for You and for us All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.22.23

    Centering in Source, I focus on those of us coping with any illness, financial problem, or any other adversity. I visualize the Light and Love within each guiding us, easing each soul through this growth experience. I envision us all filled with Light, Love, and Peace. All is well. Life is progressing without end. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.21.23

    As the weather cools in the northern hemisphere, I focus my prayerful mind on the needs of others. Deep within I create Love, Light, Prosperity for all, that each may have every need met. All are divinely guided to places, people, and services that provide for any need. We are One. We are connected on all levels through the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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  • The Light Center Dome will be closed for Thanksgiving on Thursday, 23rd

    The Light Center will open at Noon on Friday, 24th. Happy Thanksgiving! The trails and labyrinth will be open during daylight hours.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.20.23

    Earth is a planet of Light. Earth is a planet of Love. Each being on Earth is filled with Light and Love. On every dimension, everyone is filled with Light and Love. Earth radiates Light and Love throughout the cosmos. And so it is, Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.19.23

    Today I embrace my Power in the Divine. My consciousness is Christ consciousness. I envision Light and Love empowering everyone to create Good on planet Earth and so, it is. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for helping us all make it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.18.23

    Centering within I pray for all those in need, filling my fellow planetary citizens with Light and Love. I visualize all our body’s chakras filled with empowering radiant Light and Love. Schoolhouse Earth allows us all to learn and grow. Thank you, beloved Source, for this Journey to You. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 11.17.23

    As I go about my daily life, I find myself grateful for “little things.” Today I am grateful for my mind that can focus as I choose. Today, I choose to focus on the Creator within me. I gratefully focus mindful energy visualizing Light and Love for all. Thank you, beloved Creator, for me. Thank you for shared Light and Love for All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.16.23

    Today, I give thanks for the grace and generosity of our world’s caregivers and first responders. From the Creator within me, I fill all these noble individuals with Love and Light. I visualize them safe and secure in a bubble of Light and Love on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.15.23

    Connecting within, I am grateful for Oneness. My daily meditation provides a safe haven as I negotiate the twists and turns of daily life. Connecting in Oneness, I slow – filling myself with Divine Peace, Love, and Light. Faith rises within as I rest in Oneness. I know all is well. All is well. All is well.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.14.23

    Today, I stand with my fellow world citizens. Regardless of race, creed, or gender, we are one. We are all Light Beings whether we know it or not. Today, I help anchor Divine Calm, Peace, Love, and Light. Today, I radiate Light to help change any negativity to Light. As a creator I declare: Our planet is a planet of Love and Light. And, so it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.13.23

    On world kindness day, I merge with my High Self expanding Divine Peace, Calm, Love, and Light to everyone and everything. Pure crystalline strands of Divine Understanding weave together everyone and everything. All beings extend themselves in Divine Kindness creating Heaven on Earth. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.12.23

    Merging with the Creator within me, I find myself overcome with emotion. My human frailties rise to be healed. Opening, I embrace Mother-Father Divinity within me and I am comforted in Presence. As I allow myself to be encompassed in Love, I find joy rise within. I am filled with joy and gratitude for God’s Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.11.23

    On this sacred day, 11-11, I merge with the Creator expanding Divine Love and Light within all who serve or have served our country. Those who have served in the military are filled with Love and Light. Those who have served to protect our people are filled with Love and Light. Their families are filled with Love and Light. Those who have served people in any capacity are filled with Love and Light. I honor service to all by helping expand Love and Light within all. Thank you, God, for Divine Service. Amen.

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  • Tickets still available for Sound Healing with Kennedy OneSelf on Saturday, 11/11

    For more information and tickets: https://urlight.org/events/sound-healing-with-kennedy-oneself90323-862/

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 11.10.23

    Praying for our beloved beautiful planet, I help anchor Light and Love to off-set any anxiety so many are experiencing. There is so much Light! Today, I help create more Light, more Love to fuel energies to help maintain and heal our beautiful spaceship Earth.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.9.23

    Today, opening within to Divinity I realize I am God’s hands in this dimension. I open my heart, mind, and soul to Spirit. I ask to be a clear instrument of Divine Will. From deep within, I release all impediments to Oneness. Thank you, beloved God, for Divine Connection.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.8.23

    As I think of my fellow Light beings, I am buoyed by the actions of the many heroes, sung and unsung, we have in our world. Working together, we can make progress – creating Heaven on Earth. Light and Love creates Good on Earth. Thank you, God, for Light. Thank you, God, for Love. Thank you, God, for this life of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.7.23

    Considering my global fellow citizens, I anchor in Love and Light visualizing our nation filled with Light. I visualize our world filled with crystalline stands of Light. As a Light Being, I declare: Light guides our nation. Light guides our world. Stepping out in Faith I help expand Love and Light for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.6.23

    If I am at a crossroads, I center deep within. Divine Knowingness comes to Guide me. I know I am called to model Divine Presence Within for all people. Doing my best, I model God’s love, truth, grace, presence, and spontaneity for all. Thank you, beloved God, for your Guidance.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.5.23

    Centering from the Creator within, I visualize all of us working together to create Divine Unity. As I expand to encompass our world I magnify Light and Love to help increase Unity. We are One and so it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.4.23

    As I open myself, Spirit stirs within me. Today, I give thanks for the knowledge that we are ONE. All is well. No Matter What. The Divine has a plan and on the astral level the template is prepared, and it is Perfect. Expanding from Spirit I hold Peace for All. Amen.

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  • Tickets still available for Sound Voyage with Jeannie McKenzie and Wolfgang Ettenreich on Nov. 4

    Saturday, November 4, 3 to 4:30 p.m. Tickets: Advance $20 (purchase by 4 p.m. on 11/3); at door $25 https://urlight.org/events/sound-voyage-concert-with-jeannie-mckenzie-and-wolfgang-ettenreich-702/  

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  • Tickets still available for Discover the Power of Tai Chi Gung with Nancy Foster

        Advance tickets: $20 (purchase before 4 pm on 11/3); at door $25 For information and tickets: https://urlight.org/events/discover-the-ancient-power-of-tai-chi-gung-with-nancy-foster/    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 11.3.23

    Yellow, gold, russet, our autumn is beautiful. No matter where we are, our slice of Earth has beauty. Today, I know I am standing on holy ground (R. Crow). Expanding from deep within, I fill my world with Love and Light. I help re-create our world as a planet of Love and Light setting an example for all creation imitate. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.2.23

    On the Day of the Dead, All Souls’ Day, I give thanks for the many generations who came before me. I am grateful for my ancestors’ work. From my High Self, I radiate Light filling my transitioned loved ones and past generations with Light and Love. I stand on the shoulders of those who came before me and I am grateful for their contributions to me, my life, and our world. I hold them in Light and Love. And so, it is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.1.23

    Celebrating All Saint’s Day in a new way, I consider the many Light Beings who exist on various dimensions. I give thanks for those Beings. I give thanks for the example they have set for me and the Love and Light they have created. Breathing deeply, I expand centering Love and Light for us all as we knowingly or unknowingly strive to complete our spiritual missions.

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October 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.31.23

    Samhain, the night the veil thins between heaven and earth, I expand from the Creator within me, filling everyone and everything with Love and Light. Immersed in Divine Flow, I am helping create a New Heaven on Earth. Thank you, dear Divinity for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.30.23

    The Office of the U.S. Presidency is filled with Love and Light. The President is divinely Guided. The U.S. Congress is filled with Love and Light. All representatives and senators open their hearts, minds, and souls to Love and Light. All are open to Divine Guidance. All is well. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.29.23

    Sitting in silent communication with Source, I radiate Divine Peace, Love, and Light within our world and its people. I know we are all God’s chosen Ones. We choose. We choose God’s path of Love and Light. I visualize Light and Love expanding in everyone so all may know we are all God’s chosen people. With Love, I help anchor knowledge of Oneness for all.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.28.23

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I release unhealthy use of any substances, food, drink, or behaviors to Light. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. The Creator within meets my every need. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.27.23

    Expanding deep within I focus Light and Love in all warring areas of our world. I visualize all people filled with Divine Love. I visualize Light guiding every mind, heart, and soul. I visualize all minds open to Light and Love. I visualize Divine Peace saturating the area on all dimensions. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.26.23

    There is only Energy. As I sit with this notion, I am flooded with Light. From deep within, I radiate Divine Energy to all our world’s governments. All governments are filled with Light and Love. All non-governmental organizations are filled with Light and Love. I visualize increasing awareness for everyone. We are One in the All That Is. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.25.23

    If I hesitate or don’t know my next step, I turn within, asking for Divine Guidance. I do not judge myself. Sitting in silence, I wait for clarification from my High Self. As I wait, I release my personal will affirming “Thy will, not my will.” Thank you, sweet Source for Your Guidance.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.24.23

    The United Nations is filled with Light and Love. Each UN member opens his or her heart to the Divine within. Each member willingly accepts the Mantle of the Living Christ and is divinely guided to serve for the Good of All. The United Nations, through the Power of the Creator within, LEADS the world’s nations to protect and serve the world’s peoples. And so, it is. Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.23.23

    Today I affirm: My life’s tasks are easily achieved, in an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way, in a timely fashion, for the Greater Good. Amen. (Marc Allen).

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.22.23

    Focusing on my physicality, I declare: My cells are Light. My skeletal system is Light. My muscular system is Light. My nervous system is Light. My sensory systems are Light. My endocrine system is Light. My circulatory system is Light. My respiratory system is Light. My digestive system is Light. My urinary system is Light. My reproductive system is Light. My body’s bacteria are Light. I am a Light Being. I radiate Light throughout my body. I radiate Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for me, and for All That Is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.21.23

    In prayer, the Creator within me focuses Love and Light in our world’s jails and prison systems. The Creator within me radiates Love and Light for all of us in any type of prison, physical or mental, imposed by others or by self. The Creator within provides Divine Freedom for all, that we may be free to fulfill our sacred missions for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Tickets still available! Getting Beyond the Physical: Guided Soundbowl Meditation with Naeemah Anai

    Discover a transformative meditation experience that speaks directly to your senses. Explore the soothing resonance of physical sound bowls, guiding you into a state of deep relaxation and heightened awareness. We go beyond traditional methods, incorporating principles of quantum physics to help you tap into the essence of being without form. No prior experience required – just an open mind and a willingness to explore. Come as you are and embark on a journey of inner discovery. Are you ready to tune in? Purchase Tickets at the door $30 https://urlight.org/events/getting-beyond-the-physical-guided-soundbowl-mediation-with-naeemah-anai/

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.20.23

    Expanding from the Creator within me, I focus on the needs of everyone and everything. The Creator within all people, flora, and fauna fills them with Love, Light, and Prosperity. Every need is abundantly met. All are divinely guided to places, habitats, people, and services that provide for all needs. We are One, we are connected on all levels. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, there is abundance to meet every need for all species in this beautiful dimension. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.19.23

    From deep within I affirm “I Am one with Divine Calm.” I Am Divine Calm. I radiate Divine Calm. We are Divine Calm. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for the creation of Divine Calm for all. Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.18.23

    Praying for our beloved world and its creatures, I fill our land, air, and waters with Light and Love. I visualize all climate change directed by Light. As a Light Being I help anchor Love and Light. Thank you, God, for your Divine Guidance.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.17.23

    “Be positive! You are the Light of the World.” Today, I immerse myself in revolutionary optimism knowing We are the light of the world. In Divine Connection I expand anchoring Love, Light, the optimism of faith, and Joy. I am grateful for my ability to stay in the Divine Flow. I am in the right place, at the right time, praying, saying, and doing the right things for the Greater Good. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.16.23

    Moving into Oneness, I focus Love and Light in and on our country and in all countries. I visualize Light casting clarity on leadership in our country and in all countries around our world. Our world is filled with Light and Divine Love. Light and Love create Good in our world. Thank you, beloved Divinity for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.15.23

    Stepping back from the world’s chatter, from deep within I focus on Divine Intelligence. Merging with Divine Intelligence, I focus prayer energy on all people opening their hearts, minds, and souls to Divine Intelligence. I visualize crystalline strands of Divine Intelligence connecting to all, anchoring us in Divinity. I visualize all empowered from the Creator within, each of us making choices for the Greater Good.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.14.23

    As I open myself, Spirit stirs within me. Today, I give thanks for the knowledge that we are ONE. All is well. No Matter What. The Divine has a plan and on the astral level the template is prepared, and it is Perfect. Expanding from Spirit I hold Peace for All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for World Peace is Cancelled on Sunday, October 15; Join Peace Prayer with Fr. James Twyman

    Please join in a worldwide prayer for peace on Saturday, October 14 at Noon. The Light Center Dome will open for silent prayer for one hour, joining Fr. James Twyman, the Peace Troubadour, in a prayer for Israel and Palestine: “At noon NY time on Saturday, Oct. 14, stop whatever you’re doing and spend 30-60 minutes FEELING the energy of peace prevailing in the Holy Land. We’re not “asking” for peace to prevail, but feeling that it already has. This type of energy-based affirmative prayer has been proven to powerfully impact world situations. Continue to send your love and energy to […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.13.23

    Today, on Friday the thirteenth, I know I am lucky. I am filled with Divine Grace, Love and Light. Today, I expand filling our war-torn brothers and sisters with Light and Love. Joining with prayer-workers around the world, we fill our brethren with Love and Light, Peace and Joy. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.12.23

    Today, I extend myself to encompass Earth filling it with Light and Love. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for the nurturing beauty of our fantastic planet. Thank you, for our beloved wild spaces and wildlife from whom we have much to learn. Thank you for ever better stewardship of our planet as we safeguard all wildlife now and forevermore. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.11.23

    Pondering our planetary zeitgeist, I turn within and find solace in the Divine. From the Creator within me, I fill our world with Love and Light. This transitional time is filled with Light. Light directs change for the Good of All. Today, I hold sacred space for Love, Light, Peace, Joy, and Harmony for All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.10.23

    I AM a Light Being. I AM resilient. I AM strong. I AM able to see clearly. I AM able to hear clearly. I AM one with the I AM That I AM. Thank you, beloved Source, for You in me. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.9.23

    Recognizing Indigenous People’s Day and Columbus Day, today, we expand this sacred day to fill all people around the world with Love and Light. Through Love we release our ancestral and personal injuries to Light and Love. Today, I join with others in holding sacred space for Divine Harmony and Divine Peace for all, as a rainbow family of people on the divine path to Oneness. Thank you, sweet Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.8.23

    Today, I sit as an Observer. I sit in silence and observe my mind, my thoughts. I do not resist, that which I resist, persists (Carl Jung). I observe and I release, I let go, and focus on God. I am a clear vessel through which Spirit flows for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.7.23

    From deep within, I let the mundane fall away. Someone said: “You can’t build security in a world of fear.” I Know this is true. So today, I trust the Creator, That which is All That Is. Today, I trust and have faith. Today, I pray for my Self. Today, I pray for our beloved Earth and all inhabitants. Today, I declare: “I am Divinely Guided”. All is well. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.6.23

    We are Light Beings having an earthly existence. As I think about pitfalls on the earthly plane, I consider addiction in its many forms. Today, I expand to fill everyone on Earth with Light and Love. Visualizing cravings of any type as strings attached to people, I take my heavenly scissors and snip the impediments freeing us all. Thank you, beloved God, for helping us realize our True Identity.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.5.23

    Today, I am reminded: I can only control my own thoughts and behavior. I cannot control the choices of others. I can view them as the Light Beings they are. I can set a good example. I can pray for them and visualize them in the beauty of their Light-ness. Thank you, God, for this reminder. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.4.23

    Tuning into Spirit, I release my defenses and allow myself to depend on the Energy of All. Every need is met through the Divine. I release grappling to have my needs met. I release my human relationships to Light and Love. Spirit within creates Light and Love in my relationships. Taking action as guided, visualizing my goals, Spirit meets my every need. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.3.23

    As I relax and open to my High Self, I become more one with the Divine. Today, I relax and release my human desire to be perfect. I release all negative self-judgments. I am a Light Being and I am open to Divinity. I am a flexible fluid Light Being surrendering to Oneness. Thank you, Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.2.23

    As I pray for our U.S. Supreme Court and Congress, I visualize Light and Love flowing through all activities. Light and Love lead the way for all the judges and representatives. Light and Love enable flexibility and wisdom in their daily functioning and the execution of their duties for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.1.23

    Pondering one of the twelve attributes of the Tree of Life, Divine Rest, I allow myself to rest in the Divine. I know all is well despite possible outward appearances. Life on Earth is a sacred learning experience. We are Light beings learning to become One. Thank you, God, for Oneness.

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September 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.30.23

    Joining with others in my meditation-prayer, I help create Peace, Love, and Light in all nations. I fill North America with Love and Light. I fill Central America with Love and Light. I fill South America with Love and Light. I fill Europe with Love and Light. I fill Asia with Love and Light. I fill Africa with Love and Light. I fill Antarctica with Love and Light. I fill Australia with Love and Light. Our wonderful world is filled with Love and Light on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.29.23

    Happiest are those who have sought and found a way to serve” (Albert Schweitzer). As I ponder this quote during these turbulent times, I am inspired to gratitude for all that I have, all that I am, and for my purpose as a Light Being. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for you, for me, for Life. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.28.23

    Focusing on our media, I direct the Creator within me to fill each person watching any news or social media with Love and Light. Increasing Light within each viewer, I envision all opening their hearts to Source, filling the internet dimension with Love and Light. I visualize all of us filling cyberspace with Love and Light. Thank you, Sweet Source, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.27.23

    Expanding myself in prayer to become my high Self, I visualize what we are meant to be: the living body of Divine Mind. Sitting in Divine Silence and Love I soak up Love, Light, and Serenity. Thank you for this communion of Spirit.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.26.23

    Expanding to encompass our rough-n-tumble world, the Creator within me fills each of us with Light and Love. Visualizing Light filling our institutions with Love, we open our hearts, minds, and souls to the Creator within us. We learn from any drama in our lives, changing it to Light. We are Light Beings. We move forward creating Good as One. And so, it is, Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.25.23

    Today I am thankful for daughters and daughters-in-law. Daughters carry forward family traditions. We all of us – daughters and sons work together for the Good of our world and beyond. The role of daughter and son is sacred in many ways. Today, I celebrate the role of daughters in life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.24.23

    Moving through my day, I meditate on joy in the Flow. Divine Flow. I am in the Flow. I resolve to Love as I labor; to find the Joy in daily work. I am worthy of fulfillment of my aspirations. I am Connected in Flow and am Divinely Guided. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.23.23

    Treasuring autumn, I embrace cooler temperatures and shorter days. As a Light Being, I fill our world’s climate with Light and Love. The Creator within all guides all to create Good through thought, prayer, and action. Today and every day we enable action to protect our fragile fantastic planet. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.22.23

    Pondering Native American Day, I bow to the Divine in all Native Americans. Joining in Oneness, I honor each for their service to our natural world. Native American spiritual traditions help guide us all. From deep within, I feel a depth of gratitude to Native American culture and the Light Beings who have cared for our beloved Earth for eons and who continue to lead as environmental activists. All our Native American tribes are filled with Light and Love. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.21.23

    Slipping into Oneness, I merge with Divinity. Riding the energy, I feel the Peace that surpasses all understanding. I am so grateful for my peace. Expanding myself to encompass the world, I join with others filling our world with Peace. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.20.23

    Praying for unity within my fellow Light beings, I expand from deep within and visualize all of Us as One. We are One. One Heart – a shared Oneness with the Creator within each of us. We are One. Today, I hold space for our shared harmony. The Oneness of all beings.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.19.23

    From deep within I visualize filling all world governments with Light and Love. Light clarifies revealing everything on all dimensions. I visualize all world leaders harmoniously working together for the benefit of all and for the benefit of our sacred environment. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.18.23

    Freedom, not just another word for nothing left to lose, but free to BE. I am free to Be. I am free within myself to be my Self. Breathing, I sit with my Self feeling this truth. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for this journey to Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.17.23

    Deep with, I focus Spirit flowing through me and declare Love and Light is channeled to those of us in need. Regardless of circumstance or need I visualize Divine Love and Light guiding, directing, and healing. Today, I work with Spirit flowing through me to aid in creation of Heaven on Earth for All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.16.23

    Choosing to tune into Spirit, I release my defenses allowing myself to depend on the Energy of All. I affirm every need is met through the Divine. Trusting, I take action as Guided; visualizing my goals, God meets my every need. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.15.23

    Praying for everyone making a transition from the physical to the nonphysical life, I fill them with Divine Love and Light. Expanding from Source within, I visualize all left-behind-loved-ones filled with Love and Light. All grief, hurt, and anger are changed to Light. Today, I help enrich Harmony, Peace, Love, and Light within everyone and everything. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.14.23

    Today, I hold myself in Divine Love and Light. Expanding, I take planet Earth and its inhabitants within me holding everyone and everything in Love and Light. I help anchor Love and Light on our incredible planet.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.13.23

    Today, from deep within I purify and cleanse each cell of my body with Light. Standing at the gate of my thoughts, I release negative thoughts to Light. Monitoring my thoughts aids in clearing our world’s thought pollution. Moving deeper, I release and pass through my fears helping lessen our world’s darkness. Little by little, slowly we turn to Light and Oneness. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.12.23

    As I embrace any pain it flows into Divine Holy Love. It transforms to Holy Love. I die daily to christ-conscious Love. I find myself surrendering ‘self’ into Love. I leave my physical body to be filled with Love. I am a vessel of Love, generating healing Love. For myself. For us all. Everywhere, everything is radiant Light and Love. There is only Light and Love. (UR volunteer)

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.11.23

    On the anniversary of 9-11, I turn within releasing any sadness over man’s inhumanity to man. Expanding, I become Love and Light. I visualize Love and Light within all who have lost loved ones due to the acts of others. Today, I help magnify and anchor Love and Light within all. Working together we create Good so we truly become the family of Divine Man. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.10.23

    September is a time to feel the light. (Henri Cole) I sit in light. I sit in Light. I am Light. I am Love. I am one with the Divine. I am Divine!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.9.23

    The Creator within me creates Love and Light within all people everywhere. Expanding to encompass our world, I visualize all of us becoming aware of the Living Light that is our essence. All open to Oneness and are Guided. All are in the right place, at the right time, saying and doing the right thing for the Good of All. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.8.23

    The Creator within me creates Love and Light in and through all weather events. All fires, floods, and earthquakes across our world are filled with Love and Light Our world’s people are filled with Love and Light. Light directs climate change for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.7.23

    As my body or soul calls me to it, I release my past and deep past to Light. I permit a cleansing of blockages to Oneness. I release pain and embrace the purging fire within. I allow God’s divine healing Spirit within me to take command. I rest in the healing Grace of All That Is. I rest in Grace.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.6.23

    Breathing from the Creator within me, I fill any divisiveness within our U.S. Congress with Love and Light. I visualize all in Congress opening their hearts, minds, and souls to Divine Love. All are directed by Light and Love to work together for the Greater Good. Today, I help hold space for Love and Harmony in Congress and throughout all nations’ governments. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.5.23

    As I return to work, my day job, I recall I am where I am for a reason. I know work is Good. “Work is Love made visible” (Khalil Gibran). In carrying out my work from my High Self, the Creator within me Guides me. I am co-creating with All That Is. I work and pray with loving intention for the Good of All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.4.23

    Today, as I rest from my labor, I consider the notion: we began to labor as we turned from Divine Love. Today, I rest in Spirit knowing that I can imbue my work with love. This day is for renewal; for resting in the Divine Creative Essence of Life. Thank you, God, for this day and every day. Thank you for meaningful work. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.3.23

    Riding a spiritual wave of our Creator’s energy, I continue to push personal expansion of my human boundaries to consciously feel All That Is. I release my defenses as I surrender to Divine Flow. Sweet, sweet Spirit, my cup truly does runneth over. Thank you, for this sacred, conscious, not-always-easy-to-surrender Path of Light. Thank you. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.2.23

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I radiate Light and Love throughout my being. The Loving Light of the Creator nourishes me. I am empowered as the Light Being I am. As I do this for myself, I expand – radiating Light. We are truly Beings of Light and Love. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.1.23

    Centering, I release any judgment or worry about our world. I recall Rumi who said: “Out beyond right and wrong, there is a field. I will meet you there.” Maybe it’s a cliché, but today, it feels right – today, I step out into that metaphorical field of Love. I step out in Love asking Light to direct my actions. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for Your Love, Your Light, and Your Guidance. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.1.23

    Pondering one of the twelve attributes of the Tree of Life, Divine Rest, I allow myself to rest in the Divine. I know all is well despite possible outward appearances. Life on Earth is a sacred learning experience. We are Light beings learning to become One. Thank you, God, for Oneness.

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August 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.31.23

    Thank you, dearest Creator, for my creativity. I am deeply grateful that I am able to pray, to create from deep within. Thank you for the wellspring of creativity that is YOU within me. Thank you, for You. Thank you for me. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.30.23

    Today, I hold myself in Divine Love and Light. Expanding, I take planet Earth and its inhabitants within me holding everyone and everything in Love and Light. I help anchor Love and Light on our incredible planet. Thank you, sweet Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.29.23

    As energy on our planet continues to shift, I embrace change. I consciously breathe giving thanks for All That Is. The Creator within me guides and directs me. I am in the right place at the right time, thinking, saying, and doing the right thing for the Greater Good. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.28.23

    As I reflect on children returning to school, I expand from my High Self to fill all schools and school systems with Love and Light. I envision all students and their families filled with Love and Light. All teachers and school employees are filled with Love and Light. All schools are secure in their own bubbles of Light. Expanding into the universe, I see the crystalline bubbles of schools connected around the world; a shimmering web of Love and Light. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.27.23

    From the Creator within me, I visualize our exquisite planet filled with Love and Light. Setting intention from the Creator within me, I expand Love and Light within our Divine home. I find myself filled with love and gratitude for the incredible gift of our beautiful natural world. Thank you, Mother-Father God, for our world. Thank you for all things working together for the Good of All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.26.23

    Today, I pray for man’s best friend, the dog, all have Divine missions. Many Light beings are alone. While we pray and meditate, giving and receiving love and nourishment, a dog’s presence can be grounding and affirming. All entities are rising toward the Divine. Thank you, God, for the Divinity in man’s best friend. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.25.23

    As I think of all of us on Spaceship Earth, I expand from deep within and fill us with Light and Divine Love. Everyone is coping with some type of challenge. Spaceship Earth is a schoolhouse, and we are all learning our lessons at different speeds. Today I visualize all of us filled with Light and Love, able to put down our resistance to change, able to accept Grace and speed our learning process. Thank you, Divine Presence, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.24.23

    Turning within I fill all generations beneath me with Love and Light. As I find myself becoming an elder, I realize prayer is the most potent gift I have to offer. Visualizing from the Creator within me, I see our world’s young people as they truly are: co-creators with the Divine. Our world’s young citizens are filled with Love and Light. All are able to easily access Spirit within them. And, so it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.23.23

    I am a prism that refracts beams of Divine Light. I am a Light being. I am a Love being. I help anchor Light and Love here on Earth. I am Divine.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.22.23

    The Energy that is All, has room for us all. Expanding from deep with, I visualize everyone manifesting their divine missions. With gentle intent, I visualize everyone having each and every need abundantly met. Today, I open my heart, mind, and soul to Universal Abundance. There is room for us all at the Table of Life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.21.23

    The creator within me changes any outdated concepts to Light. Any misinformation within me is deprogrammed. I embrace my Light. I embrace my Divine Inheritance. I am one with the Creator within me. I listen only to the Divine Voice within. Thank you, beloved Creator, for my ability to hear. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.20.23

    The creator within me changes any outdated concepts to Light. Any misinformation within me is deprogrammed. I embrace my Light. I embrace my Divine Inheritance. I am one with the Creator within me. I listen only to the Divine Voice within. Thank you, beloved Creator, for my ability to hear. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.19.23

    Thank you, dearest Divinity, for You within me. Thank you for my divine Connection in You. I am ever so grateful for Connection, Light, Life and Love. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.18.23

    As I think of my fellow Light beings, I am buoyed by the actions of the many heroes we have on our beloved Earth. We create change working toward Heaven on Earth. Thank you, God, for Light. Thank you, God, for Love. Thank you, God, for this life and our ability to create. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.17.23

    “In seizing the moment, you find heaven.” – Rodney Padgett Today I seize the day, finding peace in Divine Flow. I am elevated, reaching out to expand this Peace to all. I realize, again, Heaven is a state of consciousness. Thank you, beloved God, for Heaven in life. Thank you for the ability to experience Heaven now.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.16.23

    As I release sadness, a response to recent effects of climate change, what comes is: “In seizing the moment, you find heaven.” – Rodney Padgett Today I seize the day, finding peace in Divine Flow. I am elevated, reaching out to expand this Peace to all. I realize, again, Heaven is a state of consciousness. Thank you, beloved God, for Heaven in life. Thank you for the ability to experience Heaven now.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.15.23

    As I turn within finding temporary respite, I let the mundane fall away. I let the chatter and talking heads go. I center in Divinity and feel loved. Expanding, I visualize all people filled with Love and Light. I remember God is the Energy of all creation. And I relax and rest in this Truth. And so, it is, Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.14.23

    As we pray for those affected by our Maui fires, we know we are one in Spirit. What happens to one happens to all. Today, I help anchor Love and Light in Hawaii. I visualize Love and Light permeating all of Maui and our brothers and sisters there. Love and Light guide all activities throughout our world’s changing environment. We are One. We are One. We are One.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.13.23

    The Creator within everything fills our world with Love and Light. Holy Spirit expands Love within everyone. Holy Spirit expands Light within everyone. Everyone is Divine. Everything is Divine. I am Divine. Thank you, Spirit, for your Creation!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.12.23

    Climate change is directed by Light for the Good of All. As I help create Good in climate change, I visualize any discomfort or suffering changing to Light. I visualize all creatures’ suffering changing to Light. I visualize all plants’ suffering changing to Light. Everything is filled with Light and Love. Everyone is filled with Light and Love. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.11.23

    Today, I give thanks for parents who are the path for our newest generation of Light beings. And I am grateful to all the souls who choose to be born now. Parents teach character by living their lives in front of their children. Parents or not, I am grateful for those who undertake nurturing our new world citizens. I visualize families filled with Love and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.10.23

    As I go about my daily life, I find myself grateful for little things. Flowering plants, rest, sunshine, laughter… I am grateful for my mind that I can focus as I choose. Today, I choose to focus on the Creator within me. I am grateful for the ability to focus mindful energy in prayer to create Good for All. Thank you, beloved Creator, for me.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.9.23

    Today, it is enough to center, meditate, and hold space for the highest Good for All. Centering I radiate Light and Love. Visualizing, I see crystalline Energy radiating from everyone’s solar plexus, power chakra. I help hold space for an age of enlightenment for All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.8.23

    Opening to the energy of Source within me, I declare: “I am a Creator-In-Action on our beloved planet.” Co-creating with God, I am Guided to be in the right place, at the right time, thinking, praying, saying, and doing the right things for the Good of All. Thank you, sweet Source, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.7.23

    Centering in Divinity, I help anchor Light, Love, and Divine Clarity in the U.S. government and in all governments around planet Earth. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.6.23

    Centering in Source, I find Truth. As I don my spiritual armor, I am enabled. I am shown how to navigate any plight. I am given strength through Divine Communion. I am empowered to face both personal and worldly dilemmas. Thank you, God, for this divine partnership in Your Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.5.23

    As I think of us on Spaceship Earth, I expand from deep within filling us with Light and Divine Love. Everyone is coping with some type of challenge. Spaceship Earth is a schoolhouse, and we are all learning our lessons at different speeds. Today I visualize all of us filled with Light and Love, able to surrender our resistance to change, able to accept Grace and speed our learning process. Thank you, Divine Presence, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.4.23

    Today, I stay centered in breath. I breathe slowly, rhythmically. Any challenge is met from my centered Self. I am walking through my day with open hearted optimism. Openness and optimism inspired by my Connection. Thank you, sweet Source, for my connection in Light and Love. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.3.23

    Praying for our bacterial and viral kingdoms, I fill these kingdoms with Love and Light. Each has its own intelligence that mutates to fulfill its mission. I visualize all mutations filled with Love and Light. We ourselves are mutating, changing, every day. Today, I visualize everything and everyone mutating to enhance Harmony, Peace, and Love within All That Is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.2.23

    As my Consciousness expands, I become aware of a wish to isolate, to protect my awareness. Centering, I change my increased sensitivity to Light. As my perception increases, I am learning all things will become transparent. I am learning that Spirit within me will increase my tolerance and understanding to match my growing awareness of All That Is. Thank you, God, for this journey of discovery.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.1.23

    Expanding from deep within, I focus Love and Light on our world’s leadership. All leaders and politicians are filled with Light. Anyone holding public office opens his or her heart to the Voice of Spirit. They hear and listen. All our world’s leaders are Divinely guided to lead our world with Divine Wisdom. I visualize them leading with compassion, joy, and peace. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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July 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.31.23

    Expanding from deep within, I focus Love and Light on our world’s leadership. All leaders and politicians are filled with Light. Anyone holding public office opens his or her heart to the Voice of Spirit. They hear and listen. All our world’s leaders are Divinely guided to lead our world with Divine Wisdom. I visualize them leading with compassion, joy, and peace. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.30.23

    Today is International Day of Friendship. I am filled with gratitude for my friends and my friendships. These friends are my chosen family. Friends help me stay connected to a shared reality. Friends help me center when I start to question myself. Friends help me have fun! Friends are a gift from Spirit. I am filled with deep gratitude and love for my friends and for the interactions and relationships I have with them. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.29.23

    Through the lens of Infinite Intelligence there are no problems; there is only Creation. As I rest in Divinity, I anchor Light and Love; clarity comes with the knowledge that solutions will present for any challenge facing humankind. All is well.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.28.23

    We are One, what happens to one happens to all. From Spirit within, I visualize all creatures, all plants, all living entities on this planet filled with Love and Light. Expanding, I visualize our Mother Earth filled with Love and Light. Spirit fills each molecule on this dimension with Divine Love and Light. We are One. One Heart. One Destiny. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.27.23

    God works on a need-to-know basis. I don’t know The Big Picture because I may be able to digest it. As I release, more is revealed. Opening my heart, I release fear and anxiety. I open my heart and I see miracles every day. I open my heart and joy comes in, easing ambiguity. I am reminded Source is my spiritual safety net. Thank you, Sweet Source for this exciting journey of discovery.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.26.23

    As I pray for our world and its people, I consider our global economy, the movement and flow of monies. Focusing intention, I pray for the living flow of greenbacks, a plant-like system. Expanding myself into this Green flow I visualize needed monies moving to where it is essential for everyone, for everything, for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.25.23

    The Creator within me creates Love and Light in our planet. All unexpected weather and resulting challenges are filled with Divine Love and Light. Worldwide, our first responders are filled with Love and Light. They are guided in their missions to save lives, lands, and homes. All beings, whether plant, insect, animal, or human, are filled with Love and Light. All are safe within a Bubble of Love and Light. Thank you, God for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.24.23

    Sometimes, I find myself at a crossroads needing a sign. Stepping out in faith, as a spiritual scientist, I collect data on a subject of one, myself. “Basic research is what I am doing when I don’t know what I am doing.” (Werner Von Braun). If this is a basic research day, I say “Thank you, God.” I choose to reach within in faith, becoming One with All in my process of growth. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.23.23

    Reflecting on parenting, a 24/7 role that is sometimes pure joy and often not, I visualize parenting filled with Divine Ease. All parents are filled with Love and Light. Parents are Divinely Guided for the good of their children and people everywhere. Families are the building block of society. The Creator within parents fills all families With Love and Light for the Good of All. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.22.23

    Thank you, unseen Light Beings, for being here. Thank you for helping anchor Light and Love on Earth. Thank you, dearest angels, fairies, and friends of Light for all you do for us on this dimension. It helps to know we are not alone in our most perfect work. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.21.23

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I am a Light Being. I am filled with Light. I radiate Light and Love throughout my being. The Loving Light of the Creator nourishes me. I am empowered as the Light Being I am. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.20.23

    Nighttime is moon time and gives us the gift of rest. Today, I am grateful for Divine Rest. I am filled with gratitude for our daily cycles. With infinite wisdom Divinity gave us time to rest, rejuvenate, and consolidate our learning. Touching into Source I am filled to overflowing. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for our daily turn.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.19.23

    In meditation, I visualize our beloved planet Earth filled with Love and Light on all dimensions. I know likeminded Beings have come together to hold the frequencies of Love, Light, and Peace this dimension. I am deeply grateful to be part of this balancing effort. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.18.23

    Again, I am reminded: the keys to the Kingdom come as I release any personal negatives to Light. Today, I release any worry, anger, or fear to Light. Today, I step out in faith – trusting the Creator within me to guide me on my path to Oneness. Today, I take my courage in hand and Trust. Thank you, beloved Creator, for this journey to Oneness.

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  • Jay Goure Transitions to Spirit

    James “Jay” Goure, Age 74, of Black Mountain, left his earthly body and transitioned into Spirit on May 21, 2023. He was deeply loved and will be greatly missed by our Light Center community. Jay was the first of eight children born to James “Jim” Goure and Diana Goure, founders of the Light Center. Jay and his wife, Mary served as the Light Center’s Lodge keepers for many years, welcoming those seeking spiritual renewal. Jay was a profound, spiritual presence of service to all humanity. Survivors are his children: Crys Goure and wife Leanne ; Orrin Goure and wife Kesi, […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.17.23

    Today, I turn toward the U.S. government filling it with Light and Love. All governmental employees are filled with Light and Love and are Divinely Guided. The office of the Presidency is filled with Light and Love. Both houses of Congress are filled with Light and Love. The Supreme Court is filled with Light and Love. All are working together for the Greater Good. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.16.23

    Today I rest, comforted in Divine Presence. Anything that wells up to be released, I fill with Love and Light and I release it. Only through facing, loving, and releasing fear am I free to be who I truly am: a Light Being. Thank you, beloved Creator, for our ability to choose Love. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.15.23

    I release my preconceived notions of marriage to Light. Holding the institution of marriage in Light, I understand that it is a vehicle for completing Divine missions, together and separately. Married to God or married to a life partner, this union creates Love and Light for All. Thank you, God, for this yoke of Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.14.23

    Today, I confirm that the Creator within me gives me all the insights and information I need. If I pay attention, I can trust I will receive all needed messages from my High Self. I affirm I trust the Creator within me. I trust myself. I trust God. Thank you, High Self, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.13.23

    From deep within, I focus Light and Love on all of us who are in war torn areas, ill, impoverished or imprisoned in mind, body or spirit. I visualize the Creator within each suffering soul opening to release discomfort and find ease, comfort, and peace within Thy Mercy. Thank you, Beloved God, for your Tender Mercy.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.12.23

    Focusing on our planet, I think about litter and littering. Suspending judgment, I fill those who litter with Love and Light. We all litter, knowingly or not, trash out of a window, words out of a mouth. Today, I fill all with Love and Light. Today, I litter our world with Love and Light holding space for a new heaven on Earth.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.11.23

    We dedicate the energy of our prayers to benefit all Sentient beings throughout time, space, and mind. May the power of our prayers increase to help others know their perfection as one with Divinity. Amen. (Revision of the Tibetan dedication of Merit; offered by Jacquelyn Sendak- Zavaleta).

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.10.23

    I find myself grateful for my many blessings. I know challenging situations help me grow. Breathing, I am filled with gratitude. Today, I pay it forward, acting locally and praying globally for the Good of All. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for my many gifts.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.9.23

    Today, I declare from deep within, I am loved. I am Love. I am Light. I am wise. I am strong. I am healthy. I am grateful. I am powerful. I am one with the All. I am Divine. I am Joyful! I am One!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.8.23

    Light directs climate change to Light. Light and Love direct all weather patterns to Light for the Good of All. Thank you, dear Divinity for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.7.23

    Merging with Divinity I declare: I am in the right place, at the right time, thinking, saying, and doing the right things for the Good of All. I am grateful for my God-given ability to co-create. Thank you, God, for this journey of Life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.6.23

    From my High Self, I visualize our world filled with Light. Crystalline strands of Light weave a radiant tapestry. Immersing myself in this creative endeavor, I visualize Light and Love filling our physical dimension. Everyone and everything are bathed in Light and Love. Thank you, Divine Essence, for this template of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.5.23

    From the Creator within me, I fill any wildfires on our beloved planet with Light and Love. I visualize and affirm Light directs these fires to Light. Light directs the fire-determined weather patterns to Light. Light and Divine Love fill all living beings. Light and Love fill our atmosphere. Light directs climate change for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.4.23

    Amidst the parades and fireworks, I turn within visualizing a nation whose leaders and citizens are truly free. A nation where each of us knows we are beings of Light. Today, I visualize the U.S. filled with Love and Light, a nation that upholds dignity for all. Our beautiful country is filled with creative Light Beings who are working for Good. Together we hold space for Unity for us All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.3.23

    Considering birthdays, the anniversary of one’s birth, such a courageous act, coming through into the physical, to work toward Oneness. Reflecting on this act of faith, I am humbled. Expanding, I focus Love and Light through all people celebrating birthdays in the last 365 days. The Creator within me fills everyone with Joy, Love, and Light thanking all who have contributed to this physical dimension.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.2.23

    Today, I rest enjoying the fruits of my labor. Regardless of what I see and hear, all that truly matters is Love and Light. Today, I rest my heart in Spirit. Divine Connection is the pinnacle of worldly success. All else is smoke and mirrors. I rest in Ease, Grace and Glory.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.1.23

    On International Joke Day, how many Light beings does it take to screw in a light bulb? Twelve – one to screw in the bulb and 11 to anchor the Light! Humor is leavening for our emotional bodies. Humor is our birthright; it helps us “Lighten” up. It enhances resiliency to aid in achieving Oneness. Today, I use my God given humor to ease my life and the lives of others. “…Heaven is the birthplace of laughter.” ~Martin Luther

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June 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.30.23

    Sometimes I receive a “Divine download,” information with a To-Do list attached. Taking a deep breath, I step out in Faith. “First you leap, then you grow wings” (Wm. Sloan Coffin). Today, I am grateful for the courage to leap in faith. Thank you, God, for my faith and my courage. Thank you for showing me the way, the truth and your Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.29.23

    Today, I open my heart to the integrity of the Creator. I am honest with myself as I gently examine and release any fears preventing Oneness. Opening my heart, I am filled with gratitude for this process of change. Thank you, beloved Creator, for my flowering in You. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.28.23

    Today, I anchor myself in God’s constancy. I remember that God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the universe for the Good of All. I center in this Truth. And so, it is, Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.27.23

    Centering, I gently release all judgments of others. Regardless of appearances, all are Light Beings. Today, I visualize Love and Light filling my brothers and sisters. In terms of cosmic creation, those living on society’s margins play as important a role as their more mainstream appearing fellows. I pray globally as I act locally embracing all in Love and Light. We are all part of the Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.26.23

    All perceived problems have a Divine solution. From deep within, I am reassured there is a template with any needed solutions. The template already exists in the meta-dimension. Breathing deeply, I stay connected to Source. I wait for the Divine Solution to be revealed. I breathe, trust, pray, and do my daily work as I wait for revelation. Thank you, Dearest Creator, for my Journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.25.23

    Today, I give thanks for Divine Rest. Today, I rest in Spirit, renewing myself in Quiet. Today, I minimize, focusing on the moment, attending minute by minute to my High Self. Giving thanks for the Connection within, I rest in the knowledge that despite any perceived inner or outer chaos, all is well. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.24.23

    Turning within, I find respite from the world. I let the mundane fall away. I let the chatter and talking heads go. Centering, I focus Love and Light on our world. I fill all nations with Love and Light. I fill our world with Love and Light. We are One on all dimensions. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.23.23

    Thank you, God, for my place in the universe. Thank you, God, for me being part of you. Thank you, God, for my “Light-ness”. Thank you, God, for me being part of All That Is. Thank you, God, for You. Thank you, God, for me.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.22.23

    As I ponder transitioning from the physical to the metaphysical plane, I visualize all who are shifting dimensions filled with crystal clear Light and Love. Light aids them in their transition. I envision them easily finding their way to their next learning experience. Expanding, I visualize those left behind being cushioned by Light and Love. I radiate Light and Love to all. For All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.21.23

    Honoring ancient traditions, yet looking forward I merge into the “I Am That I Am” on this summer solstice. I affix my intentions for this next season of Light. Expanding, I take both the Earth and Sun within me. I radiate Love and Light to everyone and everything. Working on all dimensions, I help increase Love and Light for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.20.23

    As I consider the concept of “fluid intentionality,” I am smacked by the rigidity that often comes with my intentions, my goals. Today, I release rigid means to achieve goals. I embrace my goals knowing I am Divinely Guided. Spirit is fluid. Spirit is dynamic. Spirit is vibrant. Today, I embrace a lively curiosity about how I will be directed. Thank you, Spirit, for your Guidance.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.19.23

    Juneteenth commemorates the end of slavery in the US. Light beings of all creeds and color worked together to bring about its end. Light beings are creating change to end racism. From deep within, I am Guided in helping create a new world where we are One. Today, I change all judgments to Light. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for our Oneness in You.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.18.23

    Heaven is as close as our breath when we connect to Divinity within. It is there we find our Father. It is to this Divine Heavenly Father we turn for guidance and help. Each day, I honor the Divine Father within. Today, I may honor my earthly father knowing Love and Light, Heaven, is within him also. Focusing within, I fill my father with Love and Light. He is a Light Being; the Creator within him guides him in Love and Light. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.17.23

    From the Creator within me I release any behaviors, foods, or substances that are not for my highest good. I am a Light being having a human experience, I turn to the Creator within me to meet my dependency needs. Opening my heart, mind, and soul to Divinity, I am guided. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for this journey of awakening to who I truly am

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.16.23

    As our world continues to spin, I hear deep within: “Love makes the world go round. Love makes the world go round… High in some silent sky Love sings a silver song making the earth whirl softly Love makes the world go round.” Today, I help anchor Love and Light for all. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.15.23

    Today, I recommit myself to being present in my life. Centering in Source, I pay attention to a cascade of emotions. As I sit with myself I find myself filled with gratitude. I am lucky to be aware of the Divine within me. Thank you, Beloved, for this journey of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.14.23

    Gazing at the US flag, I ponder the nobility of our founding national principles of freedom, justice, liberty, and equality. Centering as a Light worker, I weave strands of Love and Light through our United States. I declare: the Creator within each American fills them with Love and Light. Today, I envision all Americans woven together in Love, Light, and Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.13.23

    Today, I give thanks for having purpose. I am gratitude-filled. I have a mission. I am working as a creator-in-action, co-creating with Divinity. I act as I am guided, declaring: “Divine will not my will.” I know: “good done anywhere is good done everywhere” (Maya Angelou). Today, I center in Spirit, grateful for my purpose.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.12.23

    As I open my heart to Divinity, I become one with the Knower within me. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.11.23

    Today, I declare Light directs the Canadian fires. Light directs all climate events. We are Light beings on a planet of Light. Thank you, beloved Creator for your Light and Love. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.10.23

    Expanding into my High Self, I visualize Earth within me. The Creator within me fills Earth and its inhabitants with Light and Love cleansing all negativity. The Creator within Earth anchors Light and Love on all dimensions. Light directs our beloved planet and its inhabitants for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.9.23

    Doing my inner work, I release any barriers to Light. As hindrances release, a wave of rarefied Energy presents itself. Opening to this Energy, my body starts to “sizzle” in the rarefying flow. Giving thanks, a wave of Joy surfaces. Surrendering, I ride the Divine Flow. Thank you, sweet Spirit. Thank you, for this sacred, conscious Path. My cup truly does runneth over. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.8.23

    From deep within I declare: Earth’s oceans are Light. Light guides the cleansing and purification of our world’s oceans and seas and our rivers and streams. Each molecule of water is filled with Divine healing Love and Light. Love and Light radiate through all fish, coral, creatures and water plants. Thank you, God, for our Living Waters.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.7.23

    Today, I breathe Divine Peace and Calm into our worldly dimension. My thoughts, feelings, words, and actions are Light filled and loving. I envision everyone stepping out in Love and Light. Regardless of appearance, we are Light beings. Today, I hold space for Divine Peace. Thank you, God, for your Comfort and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.6.23

    In prayer, I honor all who sacrificed for peace. I visualize Love and Light suffusing all war efforts and tools of war. I visualize Love and Light filling all who have lost their lives in any human conflict. All loved ones who have been left behind are filled with Love and Light. In Spirit there is no time, all traumas may be cleansed. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.5.23

    Today, I give thanks for our magical environment, Spaceship Earth. Expanding, I take our beloved planet within me filling it with radiant Love and Light. I visualize Light balancing and healing all elements- air, water, earth, and fire. I visualize Love permeating every person’s consciousness – that we may all awaken to our role in protecting our world. Thank you, Spirit, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.4.23

    I live in gratitude for Your Fullness. I live in Your Fullness. I am in awe of the Fullness that transcends boundaries. I am in awe and wonder struck. Sweet Spirit, thank you, thank you, thank You.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.3.23

    Considering those who purposefully bully others, I fill all people who use intimidation with Light and Love. From deep within, I visualize everyone becoming empowered as they release any fear to Light. Today, I claim my power as a Light being. I step up moment by moment into Light. I am free. And I am Divinely Guided. I am so grateful.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.2.23

    In meditation today, I sit with myself and I invite any personal fear to surface. As it comes up, I feel it, I examine it, and I release it. Releasing fear, I fill myself with Light and Love. I am a Light being. I follow the Creator within me and I am guided. Releasing fear is a process I enable to help me become One with All That Is. Thank you, dear Divinity, for your Oneness in me.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.1.23

    As I consider all the changes taking place on Earth, I stay anchored in Light. From the Creator within me, I declare: Light directs Planet Earth and all its varied inhabitants to Light. Thank you, Dearest Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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May 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 5.31.23

    From the Creator within me, I fill our world’s leaders with Love and Light. I visualize them guiding their nations from the Creator within them. They are enabled and enhanced in Light. Divine Love and Light guides them for the Greater Good. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 5.30.23

    From deep within, I know, we children of God co-create with Divinity. So, today, I co-create using the Divine Essence within me. I help create Love and Light. I model Love and Light for All as well as I can. I help HOLD the Energy of Love for All. I help HOLD the Energy of Light for All. I help HOLD the Energy of ‘All That Is’ for All. Thank you, God, for my Divine Essence.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 5.29.23

    Expanding from the Creator within me, I touch all souls who have transitioned to the afterlife. I visualize Divine Love and Light enveloping these souls as I reach back through time. Expanding further to focus on traumatic deaths, I visualize Love and Light releasing any trauma to Light. Any earthbound souls are released in Light. I visualize all freed in Love and Light to pursuit Oneness. Thank you, Sweet Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 5.28.23

    From the Creator within, I fill all families with Love and Light. All are safe in Divinity. Today, I pay special attention to focusing Love and Light on families, visualizing every need is abundantly filled through Light and with Love. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Tickets still available for Mystical Music Journey with Kennedy OneSelf, Sunday, May 28, 7 to 9 p.m.


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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 5.27.23

    Expanding, I take our fantastic planet within me filling our world with Light and Love. All people are filled with Light and Love. On all dimensions, everything and everyone is filled with Light, Love, and Divine Ease. Today, the Creator anchors Light, Love, Ease, and Joy on all dimensions. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 5.26.23

    As I deepen in connection to Divinity, I focus on those of us in recovery. Expanding from within, I take my brothers and sisters in recovery within me and breathe Light and Love through us all. On planet Earth, we are all in recovery. We are recovering our True Selves and we are One on this path to Divinity.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 5.25.23

    As I focus on the quiet voice of the “I AM” within me, I sense an assignment. Opening I accept – I say “Yes.” Listening to Divinity, I carry out my assignment as I am able. I am divinely guided and divinely enabled. I trust Divine Mind within me, working through me. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 5.24.23

    Sinking into Holy Connection, I expand filling all people with Love and Light. All violent extremists are filled with Love and Light. Light cocoons those seeking to harm others. I envision all opening their hearts, minds, and souls to Spirit that they may be Guided. Our fellows who have suffered at the hands of others are filled with Light. An internal flourishing plume of Sacred Energy fills All with Love and Light. Known or not, we are a sacred family sharing time on Earth. We are One.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 5.23.23

    Thank you, beloved Divinity for Your Balance. Thank you for the ability to see clearly. Thank you for your Guidance. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 5.22.23

    As my daily meditation-prayer fortifies my connection to Spirit, I find myself releasing any anxieties and fears to Light. I am transformed. “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” (Psalms 23:4). Spirit’s strength and loving kindness comfort me. Thank you, God, for your Comfort, Love, and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 5.21.23

    Resting deeply in Spirit, I focus Light and Love on my brothers and sisters in need. All who are experiencing loss are filled with Light and Love. Deep within I know the stability in our daily lives rests in the Divine. All is well in the cosmic scheme. All is well. All is well. All is well.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 5.20.23

    To serve and protect our nation, that is the mission of our Armed Forces. From deep within I declare: all military personnel are filled with Love and Light. All are Divinely Guided. All open their hearts to God and experience the sanctity of their mission. All active duty personnel and their families are protected in a Bubble of Love and Light on all dimensions. Guided by the Creator within, all branches of the military work together for the Good of All. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 5.19.23

    Expanding in prayer I take our beloved world within me filling it with Love and Light on all dimensions. Visualizing, I fill our world’s species- both plant and animal on land, air, and water with Love and Light. All species find their right place within our changing environment. As a co-creator with God, I take daily action in thought, word, and deed to help protect our fragile fantastic planet and all its species. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 5.18.23

    As I strengthen my Connection through meditation and prayer, my intuition – “knowingness” grows. My intuition is the voice of Truth as revealed to me. My focus on the Divine brings confidence. I release fear, doubt, and anxiety to Light and Love. Focusing on Oneness enables me to discern Truth. As I allow Oneness, I am healed. I am made whole. I am Free in Oneness. Thank you, Sweet Spirit.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 5.17.23

    We are One, whether we know it or not, what happens to one happens to all. The Creator within me releases any pain caused by man’s inhumanity to man. Spirit fills each of us with Divine Love and Light. Each of us changes injury to Love and Light. In Light, confusion is transformed bringing clarity and Love. We are One. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 5.16.23

    Today, I give thanks for the grace and generosity of nurses, a truly noble profession. Nurses choose their profession to aid others. They seek to provide healing and comfort to their fellow humans. From the Creator within me, I fill ALL in the nursing profession with Love and Light. I visualize them safe and secure in a bubble of Light and Love on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 5.15.23

    Today, I find myself pondering life’s training, I realize: God works on a need-to-know basis. We only get what we need for now. Why? Some parts of life are fluid, dependent on us for outcome. So, today, I step out in faith, trusting the gentle guidance I am given. Thank you, God, for your Divine Guidance.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 5.14.23

    On this sweet Remembrance Day, I turn within thanking the Divine Mother within me for the loving care that keeps my body functioning. Thank you, Divine Mother within me, for me. Thank you for my nervous system. Thank you for my respiratory system. Thank you for my circulatory system. Thank you for my metabolic system. Thank you for my sensory systems. Thank you for my digestive system. Thank you for my endocrine system. Thank you for my immune system. Thank you, Divine Mother within me, for filling each cell of my body with Light and Love. Thank you, Divine Mother, […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 5.13.23

    Today, I give thanks for gentle gifts – clean air, birds, the sound of leaves rustling through the trees. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for the nurturing beauty of our fantastic planet. Thank you, for our beloved songbirds who nurture our souls with their music. Thank you for all birds, the companions of angels. Thank you for ever better stewardship of our planet to safeguard all wildlife now and forevermore. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 5.12.23

    Light and Love fill all countries’ borders. Regardless of location, all migrating people are filled with and guided by Light and Love. We, the people, work together through action, meditation, and prayer creating God-directed change from the bottom up. We visualize all world leaders harmoniously working together for the benefit of all, and for the benefit of our sacred environment. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 5.11.23

    I am grateful for my ability to meditate and pray. Our ability to choose to sit with Divinity is amazing. To know we co-create through directed thought, prayer, is humbling. As I open my heart, I strengthen my connection to God while trusting that my prayers are God-directed and God-driven. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 5.10.23

    Today, I affirm I am Spirit-filled. I am Love. I am Light. I am healthy. I am grateful. I am wise. I am kind. I am filled with gratitude for life in the Divine. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 5.9.23

    During unsettling times many people question life as others are transitioning from a physical to a nonphysical existence. Today, the Creator within me fills each of these souls with Light and Love. If these transitioning souls are earthbound, the Creator within them guides them in Love and Light for their highest good. Grieving families and friends are comforted with Divine Love and Light. As a Light Being, I anchor myself in Love and Light to aid all in keeping faith and trust in All That Is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 5.8.23

    From deep within, I know I am a vessel of the Divine. I carry the Creator within me. Stepping out in faith, I trust Divine Mind within me. It and I are one. Divine Mind works through me. Today, I affirm my hands doeth the work of the Divine on Earth. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 5.7.23

    Relaxing into the Creator within me, I am filled with Joy. The frequency of divine Laughter heals me. Laughter provides leavening to lighten our earthy experience. Everything is energy. Everything has a frequency. Everything is part of God. Laughter brings Light and Love on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for your Laughter.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 5.6.23

    From my center I fill our beloved world and its people with Love and Light. Our planet and people walk as One. We are filled with Love and Light. Whether I am walking in World Labyrinth Day or not, I hold the essence of Love, Light, and Peace helping to anchor these divine gifts through the world. All nations, all leaders, all of us on this sacred planet are anchored in Divine Peace. The Peace that surpasses all understanding. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 5.5.23

    The Creator within me creates Divine Unity. As creators-in-action, we join in Light and Love to create Good on Earth and beyond. Merging in Oneness we aid in anchoring Unity on Earth. Thank you, dearest God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 5.4.23

    Sometimes, I find myself at a crossroads needing a sign for direction. When this happens, I step out in Faith, as a spiritual scientist, collecting data on a subject of one, myself. “Basic research is what I am doing when I don’t know what I am doing.” (W. Von Braun). If this is a basic research day, I pray globally, knowing I am united with all. I am re-searching my connection to Spirit. I am One with All in my process of discovery.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 5.3.23

    Thinking of the earthly realm and all it teaches us, I give thanks for those who choose to teach others. We are all both teachers and learners. Expanding from deep within, I fill us with Light and Love. On this schoolhouse, Earth, we are learning our lessons at different speeds. Today I visualize all of us filled with Light and Love, able to put down our resistance to change, able to accept Grace and speed our learning process. Thank you, Divine Presence, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 5.2.23

    Focusing, I fill my family of procreation with Light and Love. I release my children and co-parent to Light. Moving to my family of origin, I release my parents to Light and Love. I release my brothers and sisters to Light and Love. Looking back, I fill all incarnations of my family relationships with Light and Love releasing these bonds and beings to Light and Love. Expanding my Self into the Vastness, I fill the family of man, all spiritual beings, with Light and Love. Thank you, God, for this family of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 5.1.23

    In ancient times May Day, Beltane, was celebrated as a rite of Spring, to welcome new growth in the world. Fire was used to banish darkness. Today, I welcome May Day in a personal celebration of new life, Spring. I breathe, sinking into the rhythm of our Earth. I allow new budding life to fill me with Joy. Today, I use fire metaphorically to help purify our incredible planet and myself. I let go of all fears that are limiting me. I am a Light Being filled with the Joy of New Life for All. In Joy, I breathe.

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April 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 4.30.23

    From the Creator within me I breathe, inhaling Light, exhaling Love. I rest in Divine Peace. As I am renewed, I expand anchoring the Peace that surpasses all understanding. I visualize everyone comforted; cradled in Divine Light and Divine Love. Light centers and calms every one of us. Love connects us to Spirit. Thank you, God, for our Oneness. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 4.29.23

    As I ponder the Australian aborigine adage: “The more you know, the less you need.” I realize some who are on our societal fringes maybe carrying out the Greater Works. I am inspired to, once again, release my judgments to Light. We are One. One. One in our Creator. So, I work locally and pray globally for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for my beloved world community.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 4.28.23

    The Creator within me releases any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I am a Light Being. I radiate Light throughout my being. Expanding to encompass all beings, I visualize the Creator within each of us filling us with Light and Love replacing any unhealthy habits with nourishing Light. We are healed; empowered as the Light Beings we truly are. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thurday, 4.27.23

    Sinking into Oneness, I gradually release my ego to Light. As I release my “small i,” to Light, I more easily feel the “big I” in the “I Am That I Am” within me. I more easily receive God’s instructions for me. Keeping enough ego to have the “groundedness,” to Execute God’s Orders, I listen to the Divine in me. Thank you, Spirit, for enabling me to carry out your greater works for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 4.26.23

    If I feel emotionally battered by events, it is okay. I can give myself grace. I can rest in Divinity. I release any self-judgment to Light; I stay mindful and treat myself kindly. It is enough to say, “thank you, God.” Thank you, God. Thank you for thee. Thank you, for me. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 4.25.23

    The earth remains jagged and broken only to him or her who remains jagged and broken. (Walt Whitman) Connecting with Source deep within, I take my little jagged and broken bits and lovingly soften the edges. As I breath, I use my Light to smooth the rough ends. I soften. I expand. I heal. I am grateful for this process of healing in Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 4.24.23

    Centering from the Creator within me, I fill the Office of the Presidency with Light and Love. I visualize the White House filled with radiant Light. Turning to Congress I visualize our representatives filled with Light and Love. Divine Truth, Light, and Love guide all elected officials for the Good of All. Coming from Source there is only Loving Effectiveness. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 4.23.23

    Today, I embrace the Divine’s Ease, Peace, and Joy. I relax into Oneness and rest. Thank you, beloved God, for this beautiful day. Thank you, beloved God, for You in me. Thank you for Divine Connection. Thank you!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 4.22.23

    Thank you, God, for our beloved world, Mother Earth, a spaceship of life. I am humbled as I touch into Earth’s essence. Doing my best to reciprocate, I expand taking Earth within me. I radiate Light and Love into our exquisite planet, a being in its own right. I am one with Earth. We are one Being. Thank you, God, for this gift of Planet Earth. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 4.21.23

    As our Muslim sisters and brothers celebrate Eid al-Fitr, we join as one in celebrating life and love of our beloved Creator. Thank you, Divinity for diversity, our planet’s own unique mix of people. Focusing from the Creator within me, I fill everyone with Light and Love. I visualize all able to see the Divinity in each. We are One. Today, I help hold space for Harmony. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 4.20.23

    Light fills and guides our world’s government officials. All people in all nations are Light beings. We are Light. We are Love. All is well. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 4.19.23

    I am wise. I am centered. I am calm. I am Connected. I am joyful. I am healthy. I am grateful. I am loving. I am Love! I am Light!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 4.18.23

    Today, I resolve to be still and know. Moving deeply within, I anchor in Source. Quietly, anxiety and fear are released. In stillness, I become a knower. I am refreshed and renewed. Thank you, beloved Creator, for your gifts.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 4.17.23

    Centering in Spirit, I fill myself with Light. Lovingly, I release all judgments of others. Regardless of appearances, all are Light Beings. From deep within comes: all are learning in Thy Light. Again, I release judgment of others and myself. I am a Light being. We are all Light beings, learning on our path of Light. Thank you, God, for the journey of Light.

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  • Tickets available for tomorrow’s event Breathwork and Sound Healing with Simon Samadhi and Wael Shukha

    https://urlight.org/events/breathwork-and-sound-healing-with-simon-samadhi-and-wael-shukha/ Purchase by 4 p.m. today for advance ticket rate.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 4.16.23

    Today, I am thankful for Grace. Resting in Spirit, I give myself time and space to anchor in faith. Slowing down allows me to know the unknowable. I go about my daily turn creating Good in thought, word, and deed. As I hold to Light and only Light, I fill with gratitude. Thank you, Spirit. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 4.15.23

    Today, I fill my Electrome, my body’s electricity with Love and Light. Each cell makes neural electricity and I fill them with Love. Expanding, I visualize everyone’s electrome filled with Love and Light. We are truly Beings of Light! I find myself Jubilant with this revelation. I am so thankful. So very thankful.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 4.14.23

    From the Living Christ within me, I expand taking our world within, intensifying Love and Light in everyone and everything. Increasing the intensity, I visualize our beautiful world cleansed of all impurities, remade in the image and likeness of the Holy Spirit. I hold space for Heaven on Earth. Thank you, beloved God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 4.13.23

    Through daily practice, I turn to the Creator within, replacing fear with Connectedness. From deep within, I review my vision for my life. Daily, I take steps to manifest my vision. If my vision clouds and I lose my way, I fall back to basics – kindness, love, gratitude. Patience will reveal all. Thank you, God, for me. Thank you, God, for you. Thank you, God, for clarity. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 4.12.23

    From the Creator within me I fill all our world’s children with Love and Light. On this dimension, all are Divinely Guided to helping hands. All children are in a Bubble of Light and Love on all dimensions. All are safe and secure on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 4.11.23

    To stay in the Flow, to shut out the chatter, to focus on the Quiet Voice, takes commitment, takes courage. Thank you, beloved Flow, for guiding me; for aiding me in my commitment. Thank you for the courage to listen to the transcendent song of my soul. Thank you, Beloved, for the ease of this Joy.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 4.10.23

    Light directs climate change to Light. Light directs our weather to Light. Everything is Light. Everything is Love. Anchoring deep within, I send my divine roots into the center of our planet helping to anchor Love and Light. All is well. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 4.9.23

    As I surrender to the Christ consciousness within me, I become aware of the Power of the Resurrection- Life made manifest after death. It’s stunning to realize the Love that Jesus demonstrated in his mission. Bursting with love and joy, I expand from the Living Christ echoing Love and Light for all. Thank you, God, for your Divine Love and Peace.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 4.8.23

    Pondering Jesus’ only command: “Love one other as I have loved you”, I expand taking our world within me helping to intensify Love and Light in everyone and everything. I visualize our beautiful world cleansed of all impurities, remade in the image and likeness of the Holy Spirit. I hold space for Heaven on Earth. Thank you, beloved God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 4.7.23

    Good Friday, is the day traditional Christians believe Jesus died “for our sins.” Pondering the Son of Man’s revelation of everlasting life, I receive: “Know ye not, that ye are gods.” (John 10:34; Psalm 82). Deep within I feel a need to help Jesus fulfill his mission of aiding everyone in understanding our divine nature. I feel a flood of love and appreciation for Jesus. Embracing my own divinity, I expand with gratitude for this journey of Love, Light, and Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 4.6.23

    Societal systems, systemic racism, otherness, as I think of Oneness I move deep within to anchor Love, Light, and Peace in all human systems. I help anchor Love and Light in all governments, schools, places of worship, health care systems, educational systems, and corporations. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 4.5.23

    Grieving man’s inhumanity to man, I turn within actively releasing my judgments to Light. I release my grief and sorrow to Light. From deeper still, I create Good from my High Self. Joining with other prayer workers, I aid in cushioning grief and sorrow in our world. I visualize Divine Love and Light expanding through all dimensions. I help my fellow beings in Love and Light. We are One in Love and Light. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 4.4.23

    Opening my heart to Divine Mind, I realize we, like Pando (Quaking Aspen trees), are one organism. Centering in Oneness, I visualize Love, Light, and Divine Peace being anchored for the Good of all creation. Today, I echo Divine Peace, Love, and Light for All. We are One. One creation of Love and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 4.3.23

    Dearest beloved Creator centered within, thank you for your many blessings. I continue my inward focus to draw ever closer to my divine Self during this month of Ramadan. Thank you for your Oneness and for what I am learning. Thank you for my personal growth. Thank you for each being on this planet and for Your divine plan. Thank you for the small part I play. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 4.2.23

    Reflecting on the importance of rituals, I give myself over to meditation and prayer. Ritual is important during this holy time of year. Today, I rest in gratitude knowing everything works for the greater glory of God. From deep within, I focus Love and Light on Divine Solutions for our beloved world and all beings who reside upon it. Thank you, God, for your Solutions. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 4.1.23

    Humor is our birthright, it brings resiliency by helping us tap into Oneness. So, the Creator within me, aids me in “Lightening” up. Today I use my God given humor to ease my life and the lives of others. “If the earth is fit for laughter, then surely heaven is filled with it. Heaven is the birthplace of laughter.” ~Martin Luther

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  • Light Center is closed on Saturday, April 1.

    We are closed today due to a shortage of volunteer staffing. We will open at Noon on Sunday, April 2. If you would like to become a volunteer with us, please message us or email: dome@urlight.org Thanks for your support!

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March 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.31.23

    From the Christ consciousness within me, I am grateful. I am grateful for large and small things. I am grateful for each inhalation and exhalation. I am grateful for our shared Journey of Light. And our shared Journey of Love. I am grateful with each cell of my being. Thank you. Thank you, beloved God. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.30.23

    Sitting with Source I find I can’t be present without compassion. As I expand into compassion I am comforted. Extending myself I radiate Light and Love to everyone and everything. Thank you, beloved Source, for your comfort and the Peace that passes all understanding. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.29.23

    With Spring, a sense of renewal buds, immersing myself in Spring I feel a budding within. Expanding I fill our world’s people with Love and Light. Today, I act locally to help my peers and our beautiful world. Today, I pray globally for all. Thank you, God, for this journey of Life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.28.23

    Centering in the dimension of the Christ Consciousness, I open to Oneness. As I center in my High Self, I relax into Connection. From this awareness I know all is well. All is moving forward in Light, Love, and Peace. The Divine template is in place. All is well. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.27.23

    I am grateful for the many Light beings who, as women, have aided humankind now and throughout history. Joan of Arc, Marie Curie, Catherine Johnson…. Half of the good minds on our planet belong to women. Today, I celebrate the female gender, giving thanks for the Light Beings we know as women. I am humbled and filled with gratitude for our world’s females and the gifts they share on our beautiful planet.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.26.23

    Reaching out in Light to my fellow beings, I consider the difficulties life sometimes brings. From deep within, my High Self rises in Divine Love, for this planet’s people. I hold everyone in Light and Love, visualizing us all bathed in Divinity. I visualize all needs met bringing Joy for all. Thank you, sweet Divinity for your Joy.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.25.23

    If something brings a surge of fear, I breathe releasing it to Light. Girding myself in Faith, I work in concert with Spirit co-creating life as I envision it on Earth. Responding to God’s call, I feel freer, stronger. I am clothed in Faith, Light, and Love. Thank you, God, for making it so for us all. We are One in Spirit. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.24.23

    Today I center within, focusing on Divine Peace and Love. I radiate a vibration of Peace, Love, and Light. Relaxing into this vibration of Peace and Love, I visualize it expanding within our world and within everyone and everything. There is only Peace, Love, and Light. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.23.23

    Today, I go to my edge and soften. Expanding I embrace my High Self. Thank you, beloved Divinity, thank you for me and for you and for Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.22.23

    Joining with the global community of prayer and Light workers, I feel a sense of belonging to this mission of holding space for Divine Harmony. Working together we are doing our missions as Light beings anchoring Light. We release all fear to Light. We release all judgment to Light. We are Light beings anchoring Light. Thank you, dearest Creator, for our journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.21.23

    Today, starting with myself, I extend Love. Gently, I bathe myself in Love and Light. Then, I extend myself and simply love everyone and everything. I visualize every ONE of us in a bubble of Love and Light on all dimensions. Only Love and Light can come to us. Expanding further, I extend Love and Light to everything; blanketing our world in Love. Thank you, God, for your Loving Kindness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.20.23

    Today, Spring’s Equinox when our sun’s rays are balanced equally between both hemispheres of our beloved planet, I embrace this planetary balance of light and dark. From my essence as a Light Being, I release any darkness or negativity to Light. I am filled with Light and Love. Expanding, I visualize all of us filled with Light and Love. I am grateful for Divine Balance in all aspects of Creation.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.19.23

    “For the dead and the living, we must bear witness.” (Elie Wiesel.) We are now called to witness our world’s events. As we witness, we love everyone. We fill everyone with Love and Light. We help soften events with kind action and prayer. We hold space for Divine Peace and Healing. Today, we grow through giving Love with awareness. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.18.23

    Centering deeply within focusing on releasing and changing any internal conflict and negativity to Love and Light. Expanding from a well of Love, I visualize all of us changing any internal conflict and negativity to Love and Light. I help hold space for Love and Light for all humanity. Our world is filled with Love and Light. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.17.23

    Today, I am grateful for all things Irish. An Irish friend says:” On St. Patty’s Day everyone is Irish!” I am grateful for that loving attitude. I am grateful for Irish fun and ribald humor. Today, I give thanks for a wee bit o’ fun and the “wearin” of the Green. I remind myself that “On St. Patty’s Day, everyone is Irish” and we are all one on the journey of Light, Love, and Joy.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.16.23

    The angelic kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The human kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The plant kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The animal kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The insect kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The bacterial kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The viral kingdom is in a bubble of Light. There is only Light. There is only Love. Dearest Creator, I am so grateful for our beautiful, exquisite planet. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.15.23

    From Holy Connection, I feel called to pray. Prayer creates – everything else distracts. My prayer for today: The Creator within me fills our world with the calm healing Energy of Divinity. Spaceship Earth and all its inhabitants are filled with Light, Love, and Peace. On all dimensions, all are filled with clarifying Light and Love. Thank you, God for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.14.23

    Moving toward spring, I turn inward and feed the revitalization of my personal spring spirit. I visualize my love and light greening up and blooming into ever deeper love for everyone and everything. My prayer is giving thanks for being in the right place, at the right time, thinking, saying, and doing the right thing for the Greater Good. Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.13.23

    Life on Earth is variable. Change happens. Circumstances occur that precipitate fear. So, as fear surfaces, I face it, releasing it to Love and Light. From the Creator within, I expand envisioning all of us embracing our Oness. Thank you, beloved Creator, for our ability to choose your Divine Love, Courage, Peace, and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.12.23

    Today, I focus on my physicality. My cells are Light. My body’s bacteria are Light. My skeletal system is Light. My muscular system is Light. My nervous system is Light. My sensory systems are Light. My endocrine system is Light. My circulatory system is Light. My respiratory system is Light. My digestive system is Light. My urinary system is Light. My reproductive system is Light. I am a being of Light. I am a Light Being. I radiate my Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for me and for All That Is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.11.23

    I turn within releasing any internal conflict to Light. I exhale any struggle and inhale Peace. Expanding to encompass the world, I radiate Peace. Today, I stay centered in compassion and forgiveness. I help anchor Love and Light in our world. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.10.23

    In my meditation, I breathe Peace, Love, and Light to all nations and continents. I fill North America with Love and Light. I fill Central America with Love and Light. I fill South America with Love and Light. I fill Europe with Love and Light. I fill Asia with Love and Light. I fill Africa with Love and Light. I fill Antarctica with Love and Light. I fill Australia with Love and Light. Our wonderful world is filled with Peace, Love, and Light on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.9.23

    Today, I open my heart and mind to the Love that is Just for Me. Thank you for the Love that is Just for Me. Just for Me. Thank you, dearest Angels, for your love. Thank you, dearest Divinity for You dwelling in me. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.8.23

    We are Light Beings, children of Spirit, but for our earthly experience we select a gender. Today, I celebrate women. Women bring wisdom, fortitude, courage to earth. Women bring life into this world. I find joy and gratitude in celebrating half of the great minds and doers in this world. Thank you, God, for the women of this planet.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.7.23

    God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the universe for the Good of All. As I consider this truism, I focus on the energy of peace. Opening deep within, I envision our world embracing peace. Abundant peace for everyone, all nations. Expanding, I visualize peace and abundance flowing in whatever form needed to where it will benefit all planet Earth and its peoples. Thank you, God, for making it so. “Everything is Energy” (Stephen Lewis).

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.6.23

    Centered in Source, I consider the spiritual revolution that is quietly happening. I am one of many who pray for all – setting a field of rarified, spiritualized energy that is immersing all of us. From the Creator within, I aid in the creation of Divine Peace, Love, Light, and Joy. Thank you, dearest God, for my small role in helping anchor Love and Light for all creation. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.4.23

    Today, I declare: artificially intelligent devices are filled with Light. AI is filled with Love. As Creators-in-action, we radiate Light and Love to every thing, we radiate Light and Love to everyone. We work in concert with the Divine creating Good. Today, I visualize a world filled with and directed by Light. I help by anchoring Light and Divine Love for all. Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.3.23

    Light fills our planet. Love fills our planet. Light and Love permeates our planet. I am grateful for all who help anchor Light. We make a difference. I am grateful for Light and Love guiding us. We hold steadfast in Light and Love. Thank you, God, for your Guiding Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.2.23

    Touching into Spirit I find a tranquil Love. Comforted, I expand visualizing this Love filling our world with Divine Comfort. Thinking of all the souls making their transition, I expand Love and Light to help comfort everyone. I give thanks to all angelic beings for their help in softening and releasing fear, sadness, worry, and hunger. Thank you, Spirit, for your Presence on Earth. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 4.1.23

    Humor is our birthright, it brings resiliency by helping us tap into Oneness. So, the Creator within me, aids me in “Lightening” up. Today I use my God given humor to ease my life and the lives of others. “If the earth is fit for laughter, then surely heaven is filled with it. Heaven is the birthplace of laughter.” ~Martin Luther

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.1.23

    Finding my edge, I soften into Oneness. As I expand, I radiate Love and Light to everyone. Moving in Oneness, the Creator within me guides Love and Light to each area on our planet in need of Light. All is well. All is well. All is well.

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February 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.28.23

    Gently, I examine my thoughts and actions releasing those which no longer serve my highest good. I release all self-judgments. In prayer, I open in gratitude for my spirit-filled journey of discovery. I am open to Divine Guidance. As I celebrate my journey toward Oneness, I expand filling everyone with Light and Love affirming we are One. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.27.23

    Thank you, beloved Source, for your Light. Thank you for your Peace. Sitting with your Peace, Light, and Love, I focus my attention on filling each of us with Light. Any who are experiencing echoes of past traumas are filled with God’s fortitude, Love, and Light. Today, I help hold space for Peace.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.26.23

    Resting in the Divine, I cast my High Self to eastern Europe filling Ukraine, Russia, and surrounds with Light and Love. Visualizing, I sweep the cities and country with Light. I declare from deep within: Light is directing all activities in this conflict. My prayer is Love-in-action helping fill each soul with Light and Love. I help anchor Divine Peace, Love, and Light so we may all grow from this experience. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.25.23

    “We need to sit on the rim of the well of darkness and fish for the fallen light with patience” (Pablo Neruda). Today, I lovingly focus Light on myself purifying my body, mind, and spirit. Expanding, I visualize concentrated Love and Light healing our beloved world. Working with others, I fill our fellow beings with Love and Light. Everyone is in a bubble of Love and Light on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.24.23

    On the one year anniversary, I help anchor Light, Love, Courage, Divine Calm, and Peace in all of Ukraine, Russia, Europe, and the world. Our brothers and sisters are filled with Light and Love. I visualize each heavy heart filled with Light. Today, I help anchor Truth so each soul understands no matter what happens all will ultimately be well. In Divinity, there is only Light, Love, and Life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.23.23

    Focusing my creative Self on our world’s leaders, I visualize each nation’s leaders filled with Light and Love. They are divinely Guided. Expanding to our world’s citizenry, each of us is a leader in some fashion. We lead through Light, Love, and a sense of mission. Today, I embrace Light leading and guiding us all to Oneness. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.22.23

    Today, I give thanks for my ability to pray, to co-create in concert with Divinity. My creativity and fertile imagination are gifts. I am grateful for the Connection that allows Flow. I am grateful for my ability to listen to God’s voice. Thank you, sweet Divinity for this flowing beautiful journey to Oneness with You.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.21.23

    Deep within I connect to the “I Am”, pondering “You are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14). I expand, intensifying Light throughout my body. Expanding, I encompass the world, increasing the radiance of my Light and Love to everyone and everything. I visualize all awakening to their Light. Thank you, God, for everyone, for everything, for me, and especially for thee. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.20.23

    On U.S. President’s Day, the Creator within me fills all presidents, past and present, with Light. Regardless of dimension, astral or physical, each president is filled with Light and Love. The mantle of the Living Christ rests on the shoulders of the Presidency. Today, I help anchor Light and Love in the Oval Office. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.19.23

    Aligning in Oneness, I rest in holy Connection. Today I replenish myself in Spirit, then focus my divine Self on trouble spots in the world. Breathing deeply, the I Am within connects to these souls filling each one with Light, Love, Peace, and Harmony. Joining in Spirit with my peers in prayer we tether Peace, Light, and Love for us all. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for Peace in our world. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.18.23

    Today, I live in Light. I am filled with Divine Love. I am Love and I am Light. I know I am Loved. Expanding Love and Light is my mission. I radiate my Love and Light to All. All people on Earth are filled with Love and Light. I see the Living, Loving High Self of each being. Thank you, beloved God, for me and for everyone. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.17.23

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I release unhealthy use of any substances, food, drink, or behaviors to Light. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I am fulfilled. Every need is met through the Divine. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.16.23

    I am grateful for our angels and archangels. I give thanks for helping hands both seen and unseen. As the Living Christ, the doer on this dimension, I visualize Earth’s angels helping to ease and heal our beloved planet’s difficult situations. Working together, we fulfill our missions to further planetary and people’s spiritual evolution. Thank you, sweet Source, for the small part I play.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.15.23

    Deliberating on our world’s turmoil, I release my human judgments to Light. I release worry for our world’s future to Light. I am a Light Being. From deep within, I create Good in our current global situations. Our geo-political world is filled with Love and Light. I hold steadfast in Faith filling everything and everyone with Love and Light. There is only Love and Light. Thank you, sweet Source, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.14.23

    Today, I expand into Connection radiating Love and Light to everyone and everything. I send this missive of Love and Light to all creation. Regardless of the personal, I send a valentine to All. I am filled with a profound gratitude for my connection to All That Is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.13.23

    I affirm I am a “tuning fork” resonating to Divinity. I visualize other people resonating to Divinity. Together we raise the frequency of Love and Light on our beloved planet. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.12.23

    “Be sure to put your feet in the right place, and then stand firm.” (Abraham Lincoln) As I think of Lincoln’s commitment to service, I think of my fellow world citizens and radiate Love and Light to all. I visualize safety, security, and satiation of all needs for my Earthly cohort. I radiate Love and Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for this shared journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.11.23

    Resting in Spirit, I focus Love and Light on my brothers and sisters in Turkey and Syria. Light guides all rescue and aid efforts. Light guides all to safety and security. Light enables stability in each beings’ life. Visualizing, I help expand Love and Light throughout the Middle East’s terrain. Today, I help anchor Love, Light, and Stability.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.10.23

    Taking a deep breath, I center myself and tune to the frequency of Divinity. I release my any worries and frustrations for myself and for our world. I am filled with Divine Peace. I am renewed. I radiate Peace, Love and Light to all for all. Thank you, sweet Divinity for You and for this journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.9.23

    From deep within I radiate gratitude for our first responders who are caring for our world’s ill suffering people. Expanding, I take our world within me, filling all people who are suffering with Light and Love. All are safe and secure in a bubble of Light on all dimensions. I visualize healing, radiant, purifying energy for our world and all its inhabitants. We are One.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.8.23

    Centering deep within, I give thanks for all people. Regardless of race, creed, gender, and orientation, we are each a drop in the Ocean of Spirit. All One, All equal in our beingness in Spirit. From my High Self, I radiate Light and Love through All. We are one in Light and Love. We are One. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.7.23

    Centering deep within I anchor myself to Light. Daily I live in two worlds, staying anchored in Light as I do about my daily rounds. Daily, I expand Light and Love to everyone and everything aiding in the creation of Harmony and Peace for all of us. We are One. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.6.23

    If I don’t know my Divine Mission, I accept the work in front of me. If I don’t know what to do, I start with doing one kind thing for myself and for others each day. Slowly, through meditation and listening, I am Guided. I take small steps thinking of Maya Angelou: “Good done anywhere is Good done everywhere”. Today, I contribute to Good.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.5.23

    We are resilient spiritual beings. We are made in Love and of Light. We are Light Beings. As one awakens, more will awake. We are One on all dimensions. We are Light Beings. Thank you, beloved Source, for this journey of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.4.23

    Sinking into meditation and prayer, I expand from the Creator within me anchoring Light, Love, and Divine Justice for all. Any groups that promote social injustice and hate are filled with Light and Love. I declare and affirm there is Divine Abundance for the Good of All. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.3.23

    Today, I embrace my creativity. I am a creator in thought, word, and deed. I create in concert with the Divine. I am divinely directed as I focus Love and Light throughout our world and beyond. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for the role I play in helping create Good in Your Creation. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.2.23

    “In seizing the moment, you find heaven.” – R. Padgett Today I seize the day, finding Joy. I am elevated, reaching out to expand this Joy to all. I realize, again, Heaven is a state of consciousness. Thank you, beloved God, for Heaven in life. Thank you for the ability to experience Heaven now. Thank you for the ability to help create Heaven for all. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.1.23

    In meditation and prayer, I sink deeply into Oneness. As I center, I release all concerns. Focusing, I visualize what I desire in my life and for the world. I release my desires to Light asking for what is in Divine Order. In gratitude, I center in Holy Oneness as I move through the day. Thank you for sweet Oneness.

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January 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.31.23

    In meditation I give thanks for the loving gift of art. The arts and artists are a Gift from the Divine. Music and musicians, especially, are a Gift. The arts cushion us, heal us, and inspire us. Art lifts us from our daily toils. Refreshed and renewed we return to our daily round. Art fills us with Light and Love. Today, I fill all our artists with Light and Love. They are filled with Creativity flowing from the Wellspring of Life. I give thanks for all artists and all art. I know we are all artists in our own way. […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.30.23

    The Energy that is All, has room for us all. Expanding from deep with, I visualize everyone manifesting their divine missions. With gentle intent, I visualize everyone having each and every need abundantly met. Today, I open my heart, mind, and soul to Universal Abundance. There is room for us all at the Table of Life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.29.23

    Today, I allow Divine Rest, one of the twelve attributes of the Creator. Taking care of self is respectful. Today I relax, resting in the Divine. I breathe, rest, reflect, and heal. From deep within comes the knowledge that all is well. All is well. All is well. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for Divine Rest.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.28.23

    Sometimes, I find myself at a crossroads needing a sign. Stepping out in faith, as a spiritual scientist, I collect data on a subject of one, myself. “Basic research is what I am doing when I don’t know what I am doing.” (Werner Von Braun). If this is a basic research day, I give thanks reaching within with faith, I am One with All in my process.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.27.23

    Focusing within I join the Profound, entering the sacred space of Oneness with all. We are One. I hold that knowingness as I breathe peace and ease to all who have suffered injury due to abuse or crimes. Expanding to encompass our world, I fill each of us who feel the emotional echo of past trauma with each new tragedy. I fill all with Divine Peace, Light, and Love. We embrace Peace. We are One. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.26.23

    In quiet, I reflect on free will. We freely choose our path. Self-determination is a gift. I find myself grateful for spiritual freedom. Thank you, beloved God, for my freedom to choose to be One with You. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.25.23

    In quiet, I reflect on free will. We freely choose our path. Self-determination is a gift. I find myself grateful for spiritual freedom. Thank you, beloved God, for my freedom. to choose to be One with You. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.24.23

    Centering deep within, I tap God’s loving wellspring. Gratitude for Oneness allows me to extend Light and Love to all my fellow Light beings who are in pain, suffering, or in any discomfort. Focusing Light and Love I visualize all people comforted. Light guides all human action for the Greater Good. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.23.23

    Visualizing Light and Love filling our US Congress, I am filled with faith and hope in this new beginning. Today, I expand Light and Love in all elected officials that they may carry out their duties to their citizens. Expanding to include our beloved world, I visualize filling our beautiful crystalline planet with Love and Light. I help anchor Light and Love for everyone everywhere- seeing us working together for the Good of All. Thank you, Dearest Creator, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.22.23

    Today, I welcome rebirth, the renewal of christ consciousness in me. As I luxuriate in rest and reflection, I am renewed in Spirit. Today, I tap into my High Self, connecting deep within to the me that is one with Divinity. Today, I renew – readying myself to act as the hands of the Divine on this plane of existence. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.21.23

    As I pray for our world’s economy, the movement and flow of monies that support our endeavors on this plane. I focus intention praying for the living flow of greenbacks, a plant-like system. Expanding myself into this flow of Green, I visualize needed monies moving to forward progress for all, for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.20.23

    Today, I focus within on any addictions or unhealthy crutches, I may have. Releasing these habits to Light, I surrender to Divine Connection. As I open to healing and direction, I pray others may open their hearts to accept Divine Healing. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.19.23

    Releasing my past and deep past, I turn toward the future. I am a Light Being with a future of limitless possibilities. Opening my heart in joyful Union, I carry out my missions for the Good of all. Facing forward, I thank you, God, for my past, my present, and my future. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.18.23

    Sitting with Source, I give thanks for my ancestors, those who came before me and whose labor has benefited me. I am deeply grateful for their sacrifices and for what I have received. As I honor them, I fill these beings with Light and Love. With gratitude, I release them to Light. Thank you, dear Divinity, for our shared journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.17.23

    Today, I practice Active Patience as an exercise in spiritual maturity. Without judging, I listen to others. Kindness builds the character I seek. The Creator within me enables me to see the Divine in everyone I meet. Expanding, I fill all my fellow beings with Light and Love. Thank you, God, for allowing me to see the Divine in everyone I encounter.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.16.23

    Dr. King strove for justice and equality for all. Visualizing from the Creator within me, I see all of us treating our fellow citizens with Love regardless of creed or color. Any groups promoting social injustice and hate are filled with Light and Love. To be a Light being means to be truly inclusive: exploring differences, helping, and loving one another as heirs of the Divine, one and all. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.15.23

    Sinking into Holy Connection, I expand filling all people with Love and Light. Expanding from the Creator within me, I visual everyone filled with Divine Love. An internal plume of Sacred Energy fills all with Divine Healing, Love and Light. Known or not, we are all Light Beings on a path to Oneness, a sacred family sharing time on Earth. We are One. And, so it is, Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.14.23

    Expanding in prayer I take our beloved world within me filling it with Love and Light on all dimensions. Visualizing, I fill our world’s species- human, animal, and plant with Love and Light. All species find their right place within our changing environment. As a co-creator with God, I take daily action in thought, word, and deed to help protect our fragile civilization and planet.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.13.23

    In synchronizing myself with Oneness, I give thanks as I visualize Creative Energy maximizing the health of our Amazonian rainforests, our deserts, our plains, our piedmonts, our mountains, our tundra, our savannahs, and our poles. Our planetary waters are filled with Love and Light. Our beloved Earth is in a bubble of Love and Light. Our beloved people are in a bubble of Love and Light. Divine Light is guiding all climate changes. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.12.23

    Reflecting upon leadership, I think of setting an example. Each and every day, I will set an example of living in concert with the Divine. Giving others an energy to match, in a humble effort to contribute Light and Love to the Greater Good. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.11.23

    From the Creator within, I exude Divine Peace. I help anchor Light, Love, and Peace for everyone. Today, I help hold sacred space for us all to know who we truly are – Divine beings. Thank you, God, for this path of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.10.23

    As I encounter unforeseen circumstances, I turn within seeking Divine Guidance. The Creator within me directs me and I am able to hear the voice of Divine Truth. I am grateful for the ability to pray. I am grateful for the ability to hear and listen. Thank you, God, for Thy Guidance. I am filled with gratitude as I stand fast in Truth.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.9.23

    From the Creator within me, I focus Divine Peace, Love, and Light in the US Congress. Visualizing, I see this governing body being divinely guided with Light and Love. Lovingly, I intensify the Light and Love so that all in both houses of Congress are able to hear the soft voice of the Creator within them. They open to Divine Guidance for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.8.23

    As we enter the new year, the Creator within me fills all families with Love and Light. All parents are filled with Love and Light. I visualize parenting filled with Divine Ease. Parents are Divinely Guided for the good of their children and people everywhere. Families are the building block of society. Through prayerful focus the Creator within me creates Love and Light within families for the Good of All. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.7.23

    One country, one destiny. One world, one destiny. One galaxy, one destiny. One cosmos, one destiny. We are one. We are One. One Heart, One Mind. One.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.6.23

    Today, Epiphany, I turn within and know, I am one with the “I Am” within me, I am the light of the world (Matthew 5:14). Opening my Self, I expand, intensifying my Light throughout my body. Expanding, I encompass the world, increasing the radiance of Light and Love to everyone and everything. I visualize all awaking to the Light Being that we all are. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.5.23

    Discomfort may be viewed as resistance. Areas of resistance creates discomfort; discomfort is an invitation to release to Divinity. As I breathe, I release my discomfort and resistance. I am grateful for my ability to let things go. I am grateful for my ability to change. I am grateful for my personal growth. I am grateful for angelic help. I am grateful!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.4.23

    Focusing within, I fill our world’s governments with Love and Light. Each country’s leader and governing body is filled with Love and Light. Each country’s leader is open to Guidance. Each nation’s leader puts the people first. Our world leaders work together for Good. We, the people, work together through meditation, prayer, and action creating harmony for the Good of All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.3.23

    As I prepare to return to work, I recall I am where I am for a reason. I know work is Good. “Work is Love made visible” (Khalil Gibran). In carrying out my duties from my high Self, I work with loving intention for the Good of All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.2.23

    Today, I continue to purify each cell of my body. Standing at my mind’s gateway monitoring thoughts, I release negative thoughts to Light, helping to cleanse our world’s thought pollution. As I face my fears, darkness disappears and a New Day dawns. Life is for Living in Divine Essence and Oneness. Let us live in a new way of Oneness! (a la Diana Goure).

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.1.23

    God is my providence. All that I am, all that I have is of God. Opening my heart, I know God as my providence. I give thanks for the blessings I have and for those I am about to receive. I give thanks for Divine Connection. God working through me creates Abundance. As the Doer in this realm of existence, I am in the right place, at the right time, saying and doing the right things for the Good of All.

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December 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.31.22

    On the last day of the year, I focus within connecting to my High Self. I release everything that is not of service to me. I release guilt and anger. I release self-blame. I release my ego. I am a Light Being. Breathing, I embrace my larger Self envisioning a future of Light and Love for all. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for this journey of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.30.22

    As I consider those who have made a transition from the physical to the nonphysical, I expand from the Creator within me, filling each of us in the transitioning process with Love and Light. Thinking of friends and family who may feel left, I expand Love and Light in each grieving soul. Our world is filled with Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.29.22

    Giving thanks for the closing of the year I relax, allowing my mind to range as the Creator within me guides me. As the Living Christ, the Doer, I am the hands of Divine Will. I am guided and given the needed tools. I am in the right place, at the right time, saying, and doing the right things for the good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.28.22

    In synchronizing myself with Oneness, I recall God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the Universe for the Good of All. Giving thanks I move into this flow visualizing Creative Energy maximizing health for everyone and everything. All are in a bubble of Love and Light. Divine Light is guiding all planetary changes. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 12.27.22

    In this season of Light, all families are filled with Love and Light. Parents are open to their sacred duty of raising responsible, loving Light Beings. Parents are Divinely Guided for the good of their children and people everywhere. Families are the building block of society. Through prayerful focus, the Creator within me me creates Love and Light within families for the Good of All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 12.26.22

    As we celebrate the first fruits of harvest, I go within and give thanks for Unity. I give thanks that everything is of God. Centered in the “I Am that I Am” I expand myself through all creation. I expand Love, Light, Peace, and Joy. I radiate God’s fruits to all, for All. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.25.22

    As I celebrate the birth of christ consciousness within, I allow myself the Joy of Oneness. Giving thanks for the birth of this Way-Shower, I celebrate our Oneness with Divine Essence. Opening my heart, I am grateful for the sacred gift of freedom to choose Oneness. Thank you, God, for this journey of Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.24.22

    On this Christmas Eve as the Christian world celebrates the anniversary of Jesus’s birth, I turn within giving thanks for my burgeoning christ consciousness, a consciousness of Love. I find myself filled with gratitude. Expanding, I radiate Love and Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for our gift of Oneness with You.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.23.22

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I release unhealthy use of any substances, food, drink, or behaviors to Light. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I am a Light Being; my every need is met. Expanding, I visualize everyone filled with Love and Light. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.22.22

    Today, amidst the flurry of activity, I rest in Divine Peace. I release any negatives to the Gentle Comforter within. Centering in Divinity I radiate Love and Light to all who may be isolated, ill, or troubled. I help create Loving Flow for the good of all, especially for those with any unmet need. I visualize the Loving Essence meeting every need. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.21.22

    As the veil thins between the astral and the physical with winter solstice, I center myself expanding my beingness to encompass the world. I fill everyone on all dimensions with Light and Love. All who may be transitioning from the physical to the astral are eased in and through Divine Peace. All is well. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 12.20.22

    Thank you, Creator, for our world’s caregivers, heroes all. Thank you for their selfless giving, for their commitment to all of us, to humanity. Today the Creator within me visualizes abundant Light and Love in all spouses, siblings, friends, parents, children, and professionals who give care to others. I am humbled at the love and light of all these loving beings. Thank you, Creator, for your Divine Essence in us.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 12.19.22

    In this season of Light, I am grateful. Thank you for unexpected gifts. Thank you, beloved Creator, for Love. Thank you for Life. Thank you for an abundant life for all of us. Thank you for this beautiful planet. Thank you for Light and Love. Thank you for Divine Energy. Thank you for Divine Rest in You. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.18.22

    As we celebrate the Season of Light, I know the Creator within me is radiating Divine Light and Love through me. Opening, I merge into Light and Love. Expanding, I radiate Light and Love to everyone and everything. I am a conduit of Light and Love through all dimensions. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.17.22

    Centering, I begin with gratitude for All That Is. I give thanks for all opportunities. Be they difficult or easy, I greet each opportunity with an open heart and mind. My centeredness and gratitude keeps me in the Universal Flow.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.16.22

    As national and international anniversaries of violence come and go, I center deep within expanding Love and Light into all of us who survive these tragedies. Love and Light fills each surviving family member and friend anchoring them as grief buffets their souls. All who suddenly transition during trauma are filled with Love and Light. All are cocooned in Love and Light. My efforts help magnify our shared dimensions in Love and Light. Thank you, Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.15.22

    As Congress readies for winter adjournment, I focus Divine Healing, Love, and Light on our representatives. The Creator within me visualizes our elected officials governing from the Creator within them to ensure the wellbeing of their constituents and our country. Anchoring Light, I aid them to realize their Divine Assignment to work together for the Good of All. And so, it is, Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.14.22

    The Energy that is All has room for us all. Expanding from deep with, I visualize everyone manifesting their divine missions. I lovingly visualize everyone having each and every need abundantly met. Today, I open my heart, mind, and soul to Universal Abundance. I visualize us all opening to Divine Abundance. There is room for us all at the Table of Life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 12.13.22

    I am free in Light and Love. I am a Light being. I am a Love being. I release any obstacles to my Oneness. I am free to feel God’s Joy. I am filled with wonderment as boundless joy overcomes me.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 12.12.22

    As the year moves forward, I focus Love, Light, Peace, and Divine Effectiveness on the Oval Office. From the Creator within, I visualize the Office of the Presidency resting on the Mantle of the Living Christ. Lovingly, I intensify the Light and Love so that all in the White House are divinely Guided for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.11.22

    The season of Light is a time to welcome the Living Christ within. Today, I welcome my High Self, the Living Christ within me. From my High Self, I am the hands of the Creator on this dimension. Today, I affirm I am in the right place, at the right time, saying, and doing the right thing for the Good of all. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.10.22

    As I entrain my mind in Source, I enter sacred space and focus on our Oneness. All of us have dreams, hopes, and wishes. Dreams, whether realized or not, are how we create. Today, I visualize each of us as the creators we are taking action to advance our dreams in Divine Oneness. For the Greater Good. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.9.22

    In this season of Light, “let your heart be light.” Today, I let my heart be light, I release any worries and fears to Light. “Let your heart be light.” I let my heart be Light. I am a Light Being. Thank you, dear Divinity, for this journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.8.22

    Light directs everything to Light and Love. As a knower, I affirm the Creator within everyone and everything guides each in Light and Love. We are all Guided on our paths to Oneness. Thank you, beloved Creator, for everyone, for everything, and especially for me. Thank you, beloved Creator, for You. Thank you for this journey of Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.7.22

    Moving into Oneness, I fill all who have suffered injury, both historically and present day with Light. Those of us who feel the emotional echo of past and present trauma are filled with Light and Love. Divine Peace, Light, and Love fills everyone on Earth. We embrace Peace. We are One. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 12.6.22

    Everything is energy. Everything has a frequency. Everything is of God. Today, I breathe and synchronize myself to the Divine frequency within me. Thank you, God, for the ability to tune into You.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 12.5.22

    In this season of Light, I focus within giving thanks for all that is. I visualize everyone filled with Light. Expanding further, the Creator within me fills all technological devices with Light. All social media is filled with Light and Love. Divine Light and Love direct all people everywhere. Thank you, dear Divinity for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.4.22

    Focusing Light on our exquisite planet and its evolving climate, I radiate Love and Light to all wildlife and people interacting with our wildernesses. Together we help anchor Light in our natural world. Light directs all species for the Good of All. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.3.22

    From the Creator within, I fill all families with Love and Light. All are safe in Divinity. As a Light worker, I help anchor Love, Light and Divine Abundance for the good of All. Today, I focus Love and Light on families, visualizing every need filled through Light and with Love. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.2.22

    As a knower, I affirm the Creator within everyone and everything guides each to Light and Love. Light guides us all. We are Guided on our paths to Oneness. All is well on all dimensions and so it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.1.22

    From the Creator within, I am grateful for my like-minded fellow Light beings. Today, I help anchor Light and Love in our world. Inhaling Light, I exhale Love and Gratitude helping to hold sacred space for Divine Calm. I visualize all of us realizing our Divine Essence as Light beings having a human Experience. Today, I hold space for Harmony. Amen.

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November 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.30.22

    Today, I give thanks focusing gratitude, Light and Love on our magnificent angelic kingdom. The Creator within me fills all angels and archangels with Light and Love. Beloved Angelic Kingdom, I am so grateful for your love, your help, and your constancy. Thank you, God, for our angels and their missions. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.29.22

    Centering in gratitude, I am deeply grateful for my many blessings. I am grateful for my ability to meditate and pray. Turning within, I know that everything is an opportunity for growth. I focus on Divine Flow in my life and I embrace change. Thank you, dear Divinity, for this path of Light.

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  • Please Include Us on Giving Tuesday

    On Giving Tuesday, the Light Center staff is grateful for all you give in Love, Light, and prayer.  Please take a moment to remember us financially. As a nonprofit, we are supported by donations. Thank you for your support!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.28.22

    Expanding from my High Self, I visualize us all filled with Love and Light on all dimensions. For those of us who are returning to work today, I envision crystalline Light infusing our workstations with Love and Light. Working together we create Love and Light throughout the remainder of this year and into the next. Thank you, Divine Source, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.27.22

    Centering in Source, I focus on those of us making a transition through physical death. I visualize radiant Light and Divine Love easing each soul through this “graduation”. I envision their families filled with Light, Love, and Peace. Despite circumstances we are One. One Heart. One Mind. One in Divinity. All is well. Life is progressing without end. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.26.22

    From the Creator within me I release any behaviors, foods, or substances that are not for my highest good to Light. I turn to the Creator within me to meet my dependency needs. Opening my heart, mind, and soul to Divinity, I am guided. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for this journey of awakening to who I truly am!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 11.25.22

    I am filled with gratitude for the Divine gift of our beautiful, natural world. Thank you, Mother-Father God, for Earth. Thank you for the plant, animal, mineral, and microbial kingdoms. Thank you for the trees that hold spiritual energy for us. Thank you for our natural world that nourishes us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Expanding, I fill our beloved planet with Love and Light for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.24.22

    On this Thanksgiving Day, I reach within and give thanks for all I have and all I am about to receive. Radiating Light, I focus to help us all open our hearts, minds, and souls to Divine Generosity. When the impulse to give comes, I give generously in thought, word, and deed. We are One. Thank you, Holy Spirit Within for You and for us All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.23.22

    Centering in Source, I focus on those of us coping with any illness, financial problem, or any other adversity. I visualize the Light and Love within each guiding us, easing each soul through this growth experience. I envision us all filled with Light, Love, and Peace. All is well. Life is progressing without end. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.22.22

    Today, I stand with my fellow world citizens. Regardless of race, creed, or gender, we are one. We are all Light Beings whether we know it or not. Today, I help anchor Divine Calm, Peace, Love, and Light. Today, I radiate Light to help change any negativity to Light. Our planet is a planet of Love and Light. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.21.22

    As I pray for our world, our economy comes to mind. The movement and flow of monies that support our endeavors on this plane. I focus intention and pray for the living flow of greenbacks, a plant-like system. Expanding into this flow of Green, I visualize needed monies moving to forward progress for all, for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.20.22

    Earth is a planet of Light. Earth is a planet of Love. Earth radiates Light and Love throughout the cosmos. And so it is, Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.19.22

    Centering within I pray for all those in need, filling my fellow world citizens with Light and Love. I visualize all our body’s chakras filled with empowering crystalline Light and Love. Schoolhouse Earth allows us all to learn and grow. Thank you, beloved Source, for this Journey to You. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 11.18.22

    As I go about my daily life, I find myself grateful for “little things”. Today I am grateful for my mind that can focus as I choose. Today, I choose to focus on the Creator within me. I gratefully focus mindful energy visualizing Light and Love for all. Thank you, beloved Creator, for me. Thank you for shared Light and Love for All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.17.22

    Today, I give thanks for the grace and generosity of our health care providers and first responders. From the Creator within me, I fill all these noble professionals with Love and Light. I visualize them safe and secure in a bubble of Light and Love on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.16.22

    Connecting within, I am grateful for Oneness. My daily meditation provides a safe haven as I negotiate the twists and turns of daily life. Connecting in Oneness, I slow- filling myself with Divine Peace, Love, and Light. Resting in Oneness, faith rises within. Breathing, I know all is well. All is well. All is well.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.15.22

    From deep within I affirm: Light guides the United States of America. Light guides the Executive branch of the U.S. Light guides the Legislative branch of the U.S. Light guides the Judicial branch of the U.S. Light guides all who live in the U.S. Light guides everyone and everything. We are One, One Heart, One Mind. One. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.14.22

    Praying for our beloved beautiful planet, I help anchor Light and Love to off-set any anxiety so many are experiencing. There is so much Light! Today, I help create more Light, more Love to fuel energies to help maintain and heal our beautiful spaceship Earth.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.13.22

    On world kindness day, I merge with my High Self expanding Divine Peace, Calm, Love, and Light to everyone and everything. Pure crystalline strands of Divine Understanding weave together everyone and everything. All beings extend themselves in Divine Kindness creating Heaven on Earth. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.12.22

    As I merge with the Creator within me I find myself overcome with emotion. My human frailties rise to be healed. Breathing deeply, I release my feelings to Light. Opening, I embrace Mother-Father Divinity within me. I am comforted in Presence. I am filled gratitude for God’s Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.10.22

    Today, opening within to Divinity I realize I am God’s hands in this dimension. I open my heart, mind, and soul to Spirit. I ask to be a clear instrument of Divine Will. From deep within, I release all impediments to Oneness. Thank you, beloved God, for Divine Connection.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.9.22

    As I think of my fellow Light beings, I am buoyed by the actions of the many heroes, sung and unsung, we have in our world. Working together, we can make progress – creating Heaven on Earth. Light and Love create Good on Earth. Thank you, God, for Light. Thank you, God, for Love. Thank you, God, for this life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.8.22

    Considering my fellow citizens, U.S., and world, I anchor myself in Love and Light visualizing our nation filled with Light. I visualize our world filled with Light. I am a Light Being. Centered within I declare: Light guides our nation. Light guides our world. Stepping out in Faith I help create Love and Light for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.7.22

    If I don’t know what to do, I center deep within. Staying centered in the Presence within me, I know with Divine Knowingness what to do. I know I am called to model the Divine Presence Within for all people. Doing my best, I model God’s truth, grace, presence, and spontaneity for all. Thank you, beloved God, for your Guidance.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.6.22

    Today, from the Creator within me, I am grateful for courage, my own and that of others. As I face forward to my and our beloved planet’s future, I expand from my center of Light, my solar plexus, taking our world within me to aid in transforming all emotional, social, and physical storms to Light and Love. I help anchor Light and Love on all dimensions. I declare: All is well.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.5.22

    As I center within, I am guided to pray for the U.S. From the Creator within me I fill the mid-term elections with Light and Love. Light guides the elections. Light guides the American electorate. Light and Love creates Good in the election. Light and Love creates Good in our country. Light and Love creates Good in our world. Thank you, dearest Source for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 11.4.22

    Centering from the Creator within, I visualize all of us working together to create Divine Unity. As I expand to encompass our world I magnify Light and Love to help increase Unity. We are One and so it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.3.22

    As I open myself, Spirit stirs within me. Today, I give thanks for the knowledge that we are ONE. All is well. No Matter What. The Divine has a plan and on the astral level the template is prepared, and it is Perfect. Expanding from Spirit I hold Peace for All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.2.22

    On the Day of the Dead, All Souls’ Day, I give thanks for the many generations who came before me. I am grateful for my ancestors’ work. From my High Self, I radiate Light filling my transitioned loved ones and past generations with Light and Love. I stand on the shoulders of those who came before me and I am grateful for their contributions to me, my life, and our world. I hold them in Light and Love. And so, it is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.1.22

    Celebrating All Saint’s Day in a new way, I consider the many Light Beings and Saints who exist on various dimensions. I give thanks for those Beings. I give thanks for the example they have set for me and the Love and Light they have created. Breathing deeply, I expand centering Love and Light for us all as we knowingly or unknowingly strive to complete our spiritual missions.

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October 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.31.22

    Samhain, the night the veil thins between heaven and earth, I expand from the Creator within me, filling everyone and everything with Love and Light. Immersed in Divine Flow I am helping create a New Heaven on Earth. Thank you, dear Divinity for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.30.22

    Sitting in silent communication with Source, I radiate Divine Peace, Love, and Light within our world and its people. I know we are all God’s chosen Ones. We choose. We choose God’s path of Love and Light. I focus, intensifying Love and Light in social media. Turning, I expand Love and Light in churches, synagogues, and mosques. I visualize Light in everyone so all may know we are all God’s chosen people. With Love, I help anchor this Truth.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.29.22

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I release unhealthy use of any substances, food, drink, or behaviors to Light. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. The Creator within meets my every need. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.28.22

    Expanding deep within I focus Light and Love on Ukraine and Russia. I visualize all people filled with Divine Love. I visualize Light guiding every mind, heart, and soul. I visualize all minds open to Light and Love. I visualize Divine Peace saturating the area on all dimensions. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.27.22

    The Creator with me creates Divine Light, Love, and Peace within all climate change. Stormy weather is Nature’s way of transforming negative energy. Light directs climate change for the Greater Good. Everyone and everything are safe in a Divine Bubble of Love and Light. There is only Light and Love. All is well.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.26.22

    Continuing the process of embracing the power of my high Self, the Living Christ within, I reflect on empowerment as a process, sometimes two steps forward, one step back. Today, I gently step out in faith, walking through and releasing my fears to Light and Love. Thank you, beloved God, for guiding me on this journey of enlightenment.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.25.22

    If I hesitate or don’t know my next step, I turn within opening to the Creator asking for Divine Guidance. I do not judge myself. Sitting in silence, I wait for clarification from my High Self. As I wait, I release my personal will affirming “Thy will, not my will”. Thank you, sweet Source for Your Guidance.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.24.22

    The United Nations is filled with Light and Love. Each UN member opens his or her heart to the Divine within. Each member willingly accepts the Mantle of the Living Christ and is divinely guided to serve for the Good of All. The United Nations, through the Power of the Creator within, LEADS the world’s nations to protect and serve the world’s peoples. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.23.22

    Moving into Oneness, I focus Love and Light in and on our country and in all countries. I visualize Light casting clarity on leadership in our country and in all countries around our world. Our world is filled with Light and Divine Love. Light and Love create Good in our world. Thank you, beloved Divinity for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.22.22

    Today I embrace my Power in the Divine. I am the Living Christ. I envision Light and Love empowering people to create Good on planet Earth and so it is. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for helping us all make it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.21.22

    Considering birthdays, such a courageous act – coming through into the physical, to learn more, do more, BE more. To work towards Oneness. Reflecting on this act of faith, I am humbled. Turning within, I fill all having birthdays with Joy, Love, and Light. Expanding, I focus Love and Light back through the last 364 days, filling all people who have had birthdays with Love and Light. Thank you, God, for my fellow Light beings.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.20.22

    Stepping back from the world’s chatter, from deep within I focus on Divine Intelligence. Merging with Divine Intelligence, I focus prayer energy on all people opening their hearts, minds, and souls to Divine Intelligence. I visualize crystalline strands of Divine Intelligence connecting to all, anchoring us in Divinity. I visualize all empowered from the Creator within, each of us making choices for the Greater Good.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.19.22

    Today I affirm: My life’s tasks are easily achieved, in an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way, in a timely fashion, for the Greater Good. Amen. (Marc Allen)

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.18.22

    There is only Energy. As I sit with this truth I am flooded with Light. From deep within, I radiate Divine Energy to all our world’s governments. All governments are filled with Light and Love. All non-governmental organizations are filled with Light and Love. I visualize increasing awareness for everyone. We are one in the All That Is. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.17.22

    Focusing on my physicality, I declare: My cells are Light. My skeletal system is Light. My muscular system is Light. My nervous system is Light. My sensory systems are Light. My endocrine system is Light. My circulatory system is Light. My respiratory system is Light. My digestive system is Light. My urinary system is Light. My reproductive system is Light. My body’s bacteria are Light. I am a Light Being. I radiate Light throughout my body. I radiate Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for me, and for All That Is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.16.22

    Pondering one of the twelve attributes of the Tree of Life, Divine Rest, I affirm I can rest in the Divine knowing all is well. All perceived problems have a Divine solution. Today, I rest in Spirit renewing myself in Quiet. Today, I attend minute by minute to my High Self. Giving thanks for the Connection within, I rest in the knowledge that all is well.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.15.22

    In prayer, the Creator within me focuses Love and Light in our world’s jails and prison systems. The Creator within me radiates Love and Light for all of us in any type of prison, physical or mental, imposed by others or by self. The Creator within provides Divine Freedom for all, that we may be free to fulfill our sacred missions for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.14.22

    Expanding from the Creator within me, I focus on the needs of everyone and everything. The Creator within all people, flora, and fauna fills them with Love, Light, and Prosperity. Every need is abundantly met. All are divinely guided to places, habitats, people, and services that provide for all needs. We are One, we are connected on all levels. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, there is abundance to meet every need for all species in this beautiful dimension. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.13.22

    From deep within I affirm “I Am one with Divine Calm.” I Am Divine Calm. I radiate Divine Calm. We are Divine Calm. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for the creation of Divine Calm for all. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.12.22

    Praying for our beloved world and its creatures, I fill our land, air, and waters with Light and Love. I visualize all climate change directed by Light. As a Light Being I help anchor Love and Light. Thank you, God, for your Divine Guidance.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.11.22

    “Be positive! You are the Light of the World.” Today, I immerse myself in revolutionary optimism knowing We are the light of the world. In Divine Connection I expand anchoring Love, Light, the optimism of faith, and Joy. I am grateful for my ability to stay in the Divine Flow. I am in the right place, at the right time, praying, saying, and doing the right things for the Greater Good. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.10.22

    On this sacred day of Light and Love, I embrace Indigenous People’s Day and Columbus Day, filling all people with Love and Light. I visualize all of us releasing our ancestral and personal injuries to Light and Love. Today, in meditation and prayer, I hold sacred space for Divine Harmony for all, as a rainbow family of people on the divine path to Oneness. Thank you, sweet Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.9.22

    Today, I extend myself to encompass Earth filling it with Light and Love. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for the nurturing beauty of our fantastic planet. Thank you, for our beloved wild spaces and wildlife from whom we have much to learn. Thank you for ever better stewardship of our planet as we safeguard all wildlife now and forevermore. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.8.22

    As I open myself, Spirit stirs within me. Today, I give thanks for the knowledge that we are ONE. All is well. No Matter What. The Divine has a plan and on the astral level the template is prepared, and it is Perfect. Expanding from Spirit I hold Peace for All. Amen.

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September 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.27.22

    Happiest are those who have sought and found a way to serve” (Albert Schweitzer). As I ponder this quote during these turbulent times, I am inspired to gratitude for all that I have, all that I am, and for my purpose as a Light Being. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for you, for me, for Life. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.26.22

    At dusk last night, the Jewish New Year was welcomed in. Looking back, it is considered the start of humanity, when Adam and Eve were created. Looking forward, I welcome a messianic age when all are Enlightened Beings. Today, I create Good, filling all people, especially those celebrating the High Holy Days with Love and Light. All are in a bubble of Love and Light and are safe and secure in that Divine Bubble. Thank you, dearest Creator, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.25.22

    Today, I am thankful for the daughters in our lives. The role of daughter is unique. It encompasses friend, companion, keeper-of-family traditions, often care giver. I give thanks for all young women on planet Earth, all daughters who add grace and joy enrichening us all. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.24.22

    Praying for our beautiful nature world, I am filled with awe for the power of nature. Our weather systems are filled with Light. They are filled with Love. Merging with the wind and water in meditation I breathe Light and Love into them. All peoples effected by weather are filled with Light. Expanding, I fill our first responders with Light, Love and Gratitude for their holy mission to protect aid all of us.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.23.22

    Pondering Native American Day, I bow to the Divine in all Native Americans. Joining in Oneness, I honor each for their service to our natural world. Native American spiritual traditions help guide us all. From deep within, I feel a depth of gratitude to Native American culture and the Light Beings who have cared for our beloved Earth for eons and continue to lead as environmental activists. All our Native American tribes are filled with Light and Love. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.22.22

    Treasuring autumn, I embrace cooler temperatures and shorter days. As a Light Being, I fill our world’s climate with Light and Love. The Creator within all guides all to create Good through thought, prayer, and action. Today and every day we enable action to protect our fragile fantastic planet. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.21.22

    Slipping into Oneness, I merge with Divinity. Riding the energy I feel the Peace that surpasses all understanding. I am so grateful for my peace. Expanding myself to encompass the world, I join with others filling our world with Peace. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.20.22

      Moving through my day, I meditate on joy in Flow. Divine Flow. I declare: I am a Light Being. I am filled with Light. I am a Love Being. I am filled with Love. Today as I connect in Flow and am Guided I focus on areas of weather events, filling all our world with Love and Light. We are one in Divinity. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.19.22

    Focusing Love and Light on the many souls who are unexpectedly transitioning to the afterlife, I feel a need to expand and anchor Light on their behalf. Deepening within, I visualize these souls releasing any negative emotions and being cleansed in Light. All are filled with Divine Peace and Love. Of those left behind, I declare: the Creator within each enables them to change their grief to Love and Light. All beings join in Love and Light finding Divine Peace. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.18.22

    Touching in today, I feel the gift of Presence and I am filled with gratitude. Expanding, I radiate Light and Love through our world. I visualize Divine Calm, Peace, Love, and Harmony filling each world citizen. Again visualizing, I see Divine Abundance flowing to and through all our world’s cities and countrysides filling everyone with Love and Light. Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.17.22

    Praying for unity within my fellow Light beings, I expand from deep within visualizing all people as One. We are One. One Heart, a shared Oneness with the Creator within each of us. We are One. Joining with others I help anchor Divine Harmony and Peace. A Oneness of all beings.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.16.22

    All families are filled with Light and Love. Families are the laboratory of creation through which souls come. From the Creator within me I release my family to Light and Love. My family is filled with Light and Love and I release them to Light. All families are filled with Light and Love. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.15.22

    “All forms of light come with some form of shadows.” (Amanda Gorman, 2021) Today, knowing Light attracts shadow, I keep myself in a Bubble of Light on all dimensions. Purifying myself with Light, I also visualize our beloved planet being purified. There need be no drama, just a Bubble of Light. It’s simple. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for meeting my need for your Protection. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.14.22

    Deep in meditation and prayer, I focus on Spirit flowing through me and declare Love and Light is channeled to those of us in need of healing; to those of us in need of help, especially those of us touched by homelessness, poverty, loneliness, or mental health issues. I co-create with Spirit flowing through me to aid in creation of Heaven on Earth for All. Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.13.22

    From deep within I visualize filling all world governments with Light and Love. Light clarifies, revealing everything on all dimensions. I visualize all world leaders harmoniously working together for the benefit of all and for the benefit of our sacred environment. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.12.22

    I am Light. I am Love. I am one with the Divine. I am Divine!  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.11.22

    Turning within, I release any sadness about man’s inhumanity to man. Expanding, I focus Love and Light within all who have lost loved ones due to acts of terror. Today, I help magnify Love and Light within all who are injured and-or who seek to injure others. Each of us praying and acting for Good helps focus Love and Light on all so we may truly become the family of Divine Man. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.10.22

    Focusing, I inhale Light exhaling Love. I purposely create healing Peace. And I am comforted. Expanding, I encompass Earth, visualizing Peace filling our world. Serenity, Love, and Light flows through all. Thank you, God, for this mission of Love.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.9.22

    Praying for everyone making a transition from the physical to the nonphysical life, I fill them with Divine Love and Light. Expanding from Source within, I visualize all left-behind-loved-ones filled with Love and Light. All grief, hurt, and anger are changed to Light. Today, I help enrich Harmony, Peace, Love, and Light within everyone and everything. Amen  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.8.22

    Today, from deep within I purify and cleanse each cell of my body with Light. Standing at the gate of my thoughts, I release negative thoughts to Light. As I monitor my thoughts, it aids in clearing our world’s thought pollution. Moving deeper, I release and change to Light any fears helping to lessen our world’s darkness. Little by little, slowly we turn to Light and Oneness. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.7.22

    Breathing from the Creator within me, I focus Love and Light on the divisiveness in America. I visualize all in America opening their hearts, minds, and souls to Divine Love. All are directed by Light and Love. Today, I help hold space for Love and Harmony.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.6.22

    As children start school in earnest, I reach out from deep within filling all schools and school systems with Light and Love. I visualize all students, teachers, and employees protected in a bubble of Light on all dimensions. Today, we, as Light workers help anchor Light and Love everywhere for everyone. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.5.22

    Today, as I rest from my labor, I consider the notion: we began to labor as we turned from Divine Love. Today, I rest in Spirit knowing that I can imbue my work with love. This day allows renewal in the Divine. Thank you, God, for this day and every day. Thank you for meaningful work. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.4.22

    I am open to the Living Light that is my essence. I am one with the All. I expand Light and Love. I rest in Oneness. And so, it is.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.3.22

    The Creator within me creates Love and Light in and through all unexpected weather events. All fires, floods, and earthquakes across our world are filled with Love and Light Our world’s people are filled with Love and Light. Light directs climate change for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.2.22

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I radiate Light and Love throughout my being. The Loving Light of the Creator nourishes me. I am empowered as the Light Being I am. As I do this for myself, I expand – radiating Light. We are truly Beings of Light and Love.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.1.22

    Connecting to Source I ride the spiritual wave of Divine energy. I gently press personal expansion of my human boundaries to consciously feel All That Is. Releasing my fear, I surrender to Divine Flow. Sweet, sweet Spirit, my cup truly does runneth over. Thank you, for this sacred, conscious, not-always-easy-to-surrender Path of Light. Thank you. Amen.  

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August 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.31.22

    “Spirit energy hovers in our midst, as we attune to Love and awaken to the Joy of Oneness.” Linda Joy Montgomery (1998)  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.30.22

    As energy on our planet continues to shift, I embrace change. I consciously breathe giving thanks for All That Is. The Creator within me, that consciousness, guides and directs me. I am in the right place at the right time, thinking, saying, and doing the right thing for the Greater Good. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.29.22

    Considering all who are suffering any illness, I expand from deep within and fill each soul with Love and Light. Moving into this energy, I expand the concept of boundaries and limitations. The Creator within me changes all limitations within each of us to Light. We are Light Beings without limits. We are limitless in the Divine. Thank you, Dearest Divinity for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.28.22

    From the Creator within me, I visualize our exquisite planet filled with Love and Light. Setting intention from the Creator within me, I expand Love and Light within our Divine home. I find myself overcome – with love and gratitude for the incredible gift of our beautiful natural world. Thank you, Mother-Father God, for our world. Thank you for all things working together for the Good of All.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.27.22

    As I think of all of us on Spaceship Earth, I expand from deep within and fill us with Light and Divine Love. Everyone is coping with some type of challenge. Spaceship Earth is a schoolhouse, and we are all learning our lessons at different speeds. Today I visualize all of us filled with Light and Love, able to put down our resistance to change, able to accept Grace and speed our learning process. Thank you, Divine Presence, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.26.22

    Today, I salute man’s best friend, the dog. Many Light beings are alone. While we pray and meditate, giving and receiving love and nourishment, a dog’s presence can be grounding and affirming. All entities are rising toward the Divine. Thank you, God, for the Divinity in man’s best friend. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.25.22

    “In seizing the moment, you find heaven.” – Rodney Padgett Today I seize the day, finding peace in Divine Flow. I am elevated, reaching out to expand this Peace to all. I realize, again, Heaven is a state of consciousness. Thank you, beloved God, for Heaven in life. Thank you, for the ability to experience Heaven now.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.24.22

    I am a prism that refracts beams of Divine Light. I am a Light being. I am a Love being. I help anchor Light and Love here on Earth. I am Divine.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.23.22

    The Energy that is All, has room for us all. Expanding from deep with, I visualize everyone manifesting their divine missions. With gentle intent, I visualize everyone having each and every need abundantly met. Today, I open my heart, mind, and soul to Universal Abundance. There is room for us all at the Table of Life.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.22.22

    As I reflect on children returning to school, I expand from my High Self to fill all schools and school systems with Love and Light. I envision all students and their families filled with Love and Light. I picture all teachers and school employees filled with Love and Light. I visualize all schools secure in their own bubbles of Light. Expanding into the universe, I see the crystalline bubbles of schools connected around the world; a shimmering web of Love and Light. And so, it is. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.21.22

    From the Creator within me, I reach out in Light to those of us who feel lonely, afraid, or ill. Today, I expand filling our family of man with Light and Love. Today, I visualize all of us and our beloved Earth filled with radiant Light. Today I help hold space – anchoring Peace, Divine Calm, Light and Love for all. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.20.22

    Joining with others in my meditation-prayer, I help create Peace, Love, and Light in all nations. I fill North America with Love and Light. I fill Central America with Love and Light. I fill South America with Love and Light. I fill Europe with Love and Light. I fill Asia with Love and Light. I fill Africa with Love and Light. I fill Antarctica with Love and Light. I fill Australia with Love and Light. Our wonderful world is filled with Love and Light on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.19.22

    Thank you, dearest Divinity, for you within me. Thank you for my divine Connection with You. I am ever so grateful for Connection. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.18.22

    As I think of my fellow Light beings, I am buoyed by the actions of the many heroes we have on our beloved Earth. We create change working toward Heaven on Earth. Thank you, God, for Light. Thank you, God, for Love. Thank you, God, for this life and our ability to create. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.17.22

    The creator within me changes any outdated concepts to Light. Any misinformation within me is deprogrammed. I embrace my Light. I embrace my Divine Inheritance. I am one with the Creator within me. I listen only to the Divine Voice within. Thank you for my ability to hear. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.16.22

    Praying for our world I release my sadness at our turmoil. I think of Rumi who said: “Out beyond right and wrong, there is a field. I will meet you there.” Maybe it’s a cliché, but today, it feels right – today, I step out into that metaphorical field of Love. I step out in Love asking Light to direct my actions. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for Your Love, Your Light, and Your Guidance. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.15.22

    As I turn within, finding respite from the world. I let the mundane fall away. I let the chatter and talking heads go. I center in Divinity and feel loved. Expanding, I visualize all people filled with Love and Light. I remember God is the Energy that underlies each and every living thing. I relax and know this Truth. And so, it is, Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.14.22

    The Creator within me fills our world with Love and Light. Holy Spirit expands Love within everyone. Holy Spirit expands Light within everyone. Everyone is Divine. Everything is Divine. I am Divine. Thank you, Spirit, for your Creation!  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.13.22

    Climate change is directed by Light for the Good of All. As I help create Good in climate change, I visualize any discomfort or suffering changing to Light. I visualize all creatures’ suffering changing to Light. I visualize all plants’ suffering changing to Light. Everything is filled with Light and Love. Everyone is filled with Light and Love. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.12.22

    As I go about my daily life, I find myself grateful for little things. Flowering plants, rest, sunshine, laughter… I am grateful for my mind that I can focus as I choose. Today, I choose to focus on the Creator within me. I am grateful for the ability to focus mindful energy in prayer to create Good for All. Thank you, beloved Creator, for me.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.11.22

    Today, I give thanks to parents for rearing the newest generation of Light beings. Parents teach character and morals by living their lives in front of their children. Our way of life, ethics, love, and sense of play comes from our parents. I am grateful to all sons and daughters who are choosing to be born now. I am grateful to parents for doing their best to rear wonderful citizens of the world. I visualize families filled with Love and Light.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.10.22

    Centering in Divinity, I help anchor Light, Love, and Divine Clarity in the U.S. government and in all governments around planet Earth. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.9.22

    Today, it is enough to center, meditate, and hold space for the highest Good for All. Centering I radiate Light and Love. Visualizing, I see crystalline Energy radiating from everyone’s solar plexus. I help hold space for an age of enlightenment for All. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.8.22

    Opening to the energy of the Divine within me, I declare: “I am a Creator-In-Action on our beloved planet”. I co-create with Divinity and I am Guided to be in the right place, at the right time, thinking, praying, saying, and doing the right things for the Good of All. Thank you, Beloved Divinity for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.7.22

    Centering in Source, I find Truth is revealed and expressed. I am shown how to navigate any plight. I am given strength through Divine Communion. I am encouraged and enabled to don my spiritual armor. I am empowered to face both personal dilemmas and worldly turmoil. Thank you, God, for this divine partnership in Your Love and Light. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.6.22

    As I think of all of us on Spaceship Earth, I expand from deep within and fill us with Light and Divine Love. Everyone is coping with some type of challenge. Spaceship Earth is a schoolhouse, and we are all learning our lessons at different speeds. Today I visualize all of us filled with Light and Love, able to put down our resistance to change, able to accept Grace and speed our learning process. Thank you, Divine Presence, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.5.22

    Today, I stay centered in breath. I breathe slowing, rhythmically. Any challenge is met from my centered Self. I am walking through the day with Divine Courage. Courage inspired and fed by my Connection. Thank you, sweet Source, for my connection in Light and Love. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.4.22

    As I pray for our bacterial and viral kingdoms, I fill these kingdoms with Love and Light. Each has its own intelligence that mutates to fulfill its mission. From deep within, I fill all mutations with Love and Light. We ourselves are mutating, changing, every day. Today, I visualize everything and everyone mutating to enhance Harmony, Peace, and Love within All. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.3.22

    As my Consciousness expands, I become aware of a wish to isolate; a wish to dumb down awareness. Centering, I change my increased sensitivity to Light. As my perception increases, I am learning all things will become transparent. I am learning that Spirit within me will increase my tolerance and understanding to match my growing awareness of All That Is. Thank you, God, for this journey of discovery.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.2.22

    The Creator within me creates Love and Light in our world’s fires, floods, and storms. Light directs all climate change and climate related weather. Any souls making their transition to another level of existence are filled with Love and Light. No matter where- all of us are safe within a Bubble of Love and Light. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.1.22

    Focusing deep within, I visualize Light filling and guiding our world’s governments. All governments are Light. Our world’s people are Light. Our world is filled with Divine Love. Love and Light guide our world from a Divine Template. All is well. And so, it is. Amen.  

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July 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.31.22

    Nighttime is moon time and gives us the gift of rest. Today, I am grateful for Divine Rest. I am filled with gratitude for our daily cycles. With infinite wisdom Divinity gave us time to rest, rejuvenate, and consolidate our learning. Touching into Source I am filled to overflowing. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for our daily turn.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.30.22

    Today is International Day of Friendship. I am filled with gratitude for my friends and my friendships. These friends are my chosen family. Friends help me stay connected to a shared reality. Friends help me center when I start to question myself. Friends help me have fun! Friends are a gift from Spirit. I am filled with deep gratitude and love for my friends and for the interactions and relationships I have with them. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.29.22

    We are One, whether we know it or not, what happens to one happens to all. From Spirit within, I visualize all creatures, all plants, all living entities on this planet filled with Love and Light. Expanding, I visualize our Mother Earth filled with Love and Light. Spirit fills each molecule on this dimension with Divine Love and Light. We are One. One Heart. One Destiny. And, so, it is. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.28.22

    God works on a need-to-know basis. I don’t know The Big Picture because I may not yet have the capacity to digest it. As I release, more is revealed. Opening my heart, I release fear and anxiety. I open my heart and I see miracles every day. I open my heart and joy comes in, easing ambiguity. I am reminded Source is my spiritual safety net. Thank you, Sweet Source for this exciting journey of discovery.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.27.22

    As I pray for our world and its people, I consider our global economy, the movement and flow of monies. Focusing intention, I pray for the living flow of greenbacks, a plant-like system. Expanding myself into this Green flow, I visualize needed monies moving to where it is most essential for everyone, for everything, for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.26.22

    The Creator within me creates Love and Light in and through fires across our world. All unexpected weather and resulting challenges are filled with Divine Love and Light. Worldwide, our first responders are filled with Love and Light. They are guided in their missions to save lives, lands, and homes. All beings, whether plant, insect, animal, or human, are filled with Love and Light. All are safe within a Bubble of Love and Light. Thank you, God for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.25.22

    Sometimes, I find myself at a crossroads needing a sign. Stepping out in faith, as a spiritual scientist, I collect data on a subject of one, myself. “Basic research is what I am doing when I don’t know what I am doing.” (Werner Von Braun). If this is a basic research day, I say “Thank you, God”. I choose to reach within in faith, becoming One with All in my process of growth. And so, it is. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.24.22

    Reflecting on parenting, a 24/7 role that is sometimes pure joy and often not, I visualize parenting filled with Divine Ease. All parents are filled with Love and Light. Parents are Divinely Guided for the good of their children and people everywhere. Families are the building block of society. The Creator within parents fills all families with Love and Light for the Good of All. And so, it is. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.23.22

    Thank you, unseen Light Beings, for being here. Thank you for helping anchor Light and Love on Earth. Thank you, dearest angels, fairies, and friends of Light for all you do for us on this dimension. It helps to know we are not alone in our most perfect work. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.22.22

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I am a Light Being. I am filled with Light. I radiate Light and Love throughout my being. The Loving Light of the Creator nourishes me. I am empowered as the Light Being I am. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light and Love.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.21.22

    Today, I declare from deep within, I am loved. I am Love. I am Light. I am wise. I am strong. I am healthy. I am grateful. I am powerful. I am one with Divinity I am Divine. I am Joyful! I am One!  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.20.22

    Again, I am reminded: the keys to the Kingdom come as I release any personal negatives to Light. One by one, it is a gradual process. Today, I release my worry, anger, and fear to Light. Today, I step out in faith – trusting the Creator within me to guide me on my path to Oneness. Today, I take my courage in hand and Trust. Thank you, beloved Creator, for this journey to Oneness.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.19.22

    Light directs climate change to Light. Light and Love direct all weather patterns to Light for the Good of All. Thank you, dear Divinity, for making it so.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.18.22

    Today, I visualize our beloved planet Earth filled with Love and Light on all dimensions. Today and every day, I am in the right place at the right time, listening, thinking, saying, and doing the right thing for the Good of All. I help likeminded Beings hold the frequencies of Love, Light, and Peace for all in this dimension. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.17.22

    Today, I rest enjoying the fruits of my labor. Regardless of what I see and hear, all that truly matters is Love and Light. Today, I rest my heart in Spirit. Divine Connection is truly the pinnacle of worldly success. All else is smoke and mirrors. I rest in Ease, Grace and Glory.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.16.22

    Today, I confirm that the Creator within me gives me all the insights and information I need. If I pay attention, I can trust I will receive all needed messages from my High Self. I affirm I trust the Creator within me. I trust myself. I trust God. Thank you, High Self, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.15.22

    I release my preconceived notions of marriage to Light. Holding the institution of marriage in Light, I understand that it is a vehicle for completing Divine missions, together and separately. Married to life partners or married to God, this union creates Love and Light for All. Thank you, God, for this yoke of Love and Light.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.14.22

    From deep within, I focus Light and Love on all of us who are in war torn areas, ill, impoverished or imprisoned in mind, body or spirit. I visualize the Creator within each suffering soul opening to release discomfort and find ease, comfort, and peace within Thy Mercy. Thank you, Beloved God, for your Tender Mercy.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.13.22

    We dedicate the energy of our prayers to benefit all Sentient beings throughout time, space, and mind. May the power of our prayers increase to help others know their perfection as one with Divinity. Amen. (Revision of the Tibetan dedication of Merit; offered by Jacquelyn Sendak- Zavaleta)  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.12.22

    Focusing on our planet, I think about litter and littering. Suspending judgment, I fill those who litter with Love and Light. We all litter, knowingly or not, trash out of a window, words out of a mouth. Today, I fill all with Love and Light. Today, I litter our world with Love and Light holding space for a new heaven on Earth.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.11.22

    I find myself grateful for my many blessings. Yes, there are challenges, and these help me grow. As I consciously breathe, I am filled with gratitude. Today, I pay it forward, acting locally and praying globally for the Good of All. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for my many gifts.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.10.22

    Pondering one of the twelve attributes of the Tree of Life, Divine Rest, I allow myself to rest in the Divine. I know all is well despite possible outward appearances. Life on Earth is a sacred learning experience. We are Light beings learning to become One. Thank you, God, for Oneness.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.9.22

    From the Creator within me, I fill any out-of-control fires on our beloved planet with Light and Love. I visualize and affirm Light directs these fires to Light. Light directs the fire-determined weather patterns to Light. Light and Divine Love fill all living beings. Light and Love fill our atmosphere. Light directs climate change for the Good of All. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.8.22

    Merging with Divinity I declare: I am in the right place, at the right time, thinking, saying, and doing the right things for the Good of All. I am grateful for my God-given ability to co-create. Thank you, God, for this journey of Life.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.7.22

    We are One, whether we know it or not, what happens to one happens to all. The Creator within me releases the pain of man’s inhumanity to man. Spirit fills each injured party with Divine Love and Light. The Creator within each person changes injury to Love and Light. Confusion is transformed to Light bringing Clarity and Love. We are One. And, so, it is. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.6.22

    From my High Self, I visualize our world filled with Light. Crystalline strands of Light weave a radiant tapestry. Immersing myself in this creative endeavor, I visualize Light and Love filling our physical dimension. Everyone and everything are bathed in Light and Love. Thank you, Divine Essence, for this template of Light and Love.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.5.22

    As we return to our work-a-day jobs, I remember: “Work is love made visible” (Khalil Gibran). In carrying out my work from my High Self, I know the Creator within me Guides me. I work and pray with loving intention for the Good of All. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.4.22

    Amidst the parades and John Philip Sousa, I turn within visualizing a nation whose leaders and citizens are truly free. A nation where each of us is free of worry, fear, anxiety, and self-doubt. Today, I visualize the U.S. filled with Love and Light, a nation that upholds dignity for all. Our beautiful country is filled with creative Light Beings who are working for Good. Together we hold space for Unity for us All.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.3.22

    Today I rest, comforted in Divine Presence. Anything that wells up to be released, I fill with Love and Light and I release it. Only through facing, loving, and releasing fear am I free to be who I truly am: a Light Being. Thank you, beloved Creator, for our ability to choose Love. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.2.22

    Turning within I fill all generations beneath me with Love and Light. As I find myself becoming an elder, I realize prayer is the most potent gift I have to offer. Visualizing from the Creator within me, I see our world’s young people as they truly are: co-creators with the Divine. Our world’s young citizens are filled with Love and Light. All are able to easily access Spirit within them. And, so it is. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.1.22

    Today, is international Joke Day, so… how many Light beings does it take to screw in a light bulb? Twelve – one to screw in the bulb and 11 to anchor the Light! Humor is leavening for our emotional bodies. Humor is our birthright; it helps us in “Lightening” up. It enhances resiliency to aid in achieving Oneness. Today, I use my God given humor to ease my life and the lives of others. “…Heaven is the birthplace of laughter.” ~Martin Luther  

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June 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.30.22

    Sometimes I receive a “Divine download,” information with a To-Do list attached. Taking a deep breath, I step out in Faith. “First you leap, then you grow wings” (Wm. Sloan Coffin). Today, I am grateful for the courage to leap in faith. Thank you, God, for my faith and my courage. Thank you for showing me the way, the truth and Your Light.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.29.22

    Today, I anchor myself in God’s constancy. I remember that God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the universe for the Good of All. I center in that Truth. And so, it is, Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.28.22

    Centering, I gently release all judgments of others. Regardless of appearances, all are Light Beings. Today, I focus prayerful energy on all our disenfranchised brothers and sisters. Those living on the margins of society, who may appear as “other” to us, play as important a role in cosmic creation as do those who appear mainstream. From the Creator within me, I fill all with Love and Light. I pray globally as I act locally embracing all in Love and Light. We are all part of the Oneness.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.27.22

    All perceived problems have a Divine solution. From deep within, I am reassured there is a template for any needed solutions. This template already exists in the meta-dimension. Breathing deeply, I stay connected to Source. I wait for the Divine Solution to be revealed. I breathe, trust, pray, and do my daily work as I wait for revelation. Thank you, Dearest Creator for my Journey of Light.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.26.22

    Today, I give thanks for Divine Rest. Today, I rest in Spirit, renewing myself in Quiet. Today, I minimize, focusing on the moment, attending minute by minute to my High Self. Giving thanks for the Connection within, I rest in the knowledge that despite any perceived inner or outer chaos, all is well. And so, it is. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.25.22

    Turning within, I find respite from the world. I let the mundane fall away. I let the chatter and talking heads go. Centering in Divinity, I focus Love and Light on the United States and on the world. I fill the U.S. with Love and Light. I fill our world with Love and Light. We are One on all dimensions. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.24.22

    Thank you, God, for my place in the universe. Thank you, God, for me being part of you. Thank you, God, for my “Light-ness”. Thank you, God, for me being part of All That Is. Thank you, God, for you. Thank you, God, for me.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.23.22

    As I ponder transitioning from the physical to the metaphysical plane, I visualize all souls leaving their earthly body filled with crystal clear Light and Love. Light aids them in their transition. I visualize them easily finding their way to their next learning experience. Expanding, I visualize those loved ones who are left behind as filled with Love and Light. Light and Love cushions their loss. I radiate Light and Love to all. For All.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.22.22

    As I consider the concept of “fluid intentionality”, I am smacked by the rigidity that often comes with my intentions, my goals. Today, I release rigid means to achieve goals. I embrace my goals knowing I am Divinely Guided. Spirit is fluid. Spirit is dynamic. Spirit is vibrant. Today, I embrace a lively curiosity about how I will be directed. Thank you, Spirit, for your Guidance.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.21.22

    Honoring ancient traditions, yet looking forward I merge into the “I Am That I Am” deep within me setting my intentions on this summer solstice. Expanding, I take both the Earth and Sun within me. I radiate Love and Light to everyone. I radiate Love and Light to everything. As an Earth steward, I act locally and pray globally. I visualize Love and Light working for the Good of our beautiful planet and all beings that inhabit it. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.20.22

    Today, I hold myself in Divine Love and Light. Expanding, I take planet Earth and its inhabitants within me holding everyone and everything in Love and Light. I help anchor Love and Light on our incredible planet. Thank you, sweet Spirit, for making it so.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.19.22

    Celebrating Juneteenth and Father’s Day today, I acknowledge deep within that we are all One. Regardless of race all are One in Divinity. Celebrating the end of slavery in the U.S. allows us to honor the equality of all Light beings. It is a way of honoring the Divine Father within each of us. Today, I honor my earthly father knowing this helps create a new world where we are One. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for our Oneness in You.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.18.22

    Light directs all climate change. Our planet is in a bubble of Light and Love on all dimensions. Thank you, Spirit, for Light and Love.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.17.22

    From the Creator within me, I release any behaviors, foods, or substances that are not for my highest good. I am a Light being having a human experience, I turn to the Creator within me to meet my dependency needs. Opening my heart, mind, and soul to Divinity, I am guided. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for this journey of awakening to who I truly am!  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.16.22

    As our world continues to spin in apparent turmoil, I hear deep within: “Love makes the world go round. Love makes the world go round… High in some silent sky Love sings a silver song making the earth whirl softly Love makes the world go round.” Today, I help anchor Love and Light for all. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.15.22

    Today, I recommit myself to prayer for Oneness. Centering in Source, I fill myself with gratitude. I feel so lucky to be aware of the Divine within me. Thank you, Beloved, for this journey of Light and Love.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.14.22

      Gazing at the US flag, I ponder the nobility of our founding national principles of freedom, justice, liberty, and equality. Centering as a Light worker, I weave strands of Love and Light through our United States. I declare: the Creator within each American fills them with Love and Light. Today, I envision all Americans woven together in Love, Light, and Oneness.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.13.22

      Centering from the Creator within me, I fill the Office of the Presidency with Light and Love. Turning to Congress I visualize our representatives filled with Light and Love. Coming from Source there is only Divine Clarity and Divine Effectiveness. Visualizing further, our Supreme Court is Guided in Light and Love. Divine Truth, Light, and Love guide all three branches of government for the Good of All. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.12.22

      Today, I give thanks for having purpose. I am gratitude-filled. I have a mission. I am working as a creator-in-action, cocreating with the Divine. I follow where I am led declaring: Divine will not my will. I know: “good done anywhere is good done everywhere” (Maya Angelou). Today, I rest in the Divine, grateful for my purpose.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.11.22

      I open my heart to Divinity and I am one with the Knower within me. And so, it is. Amen  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.10.22

      Expanding into my High Self, I visualize Earth within me. The Creator within me fills Earth and its inhabitants with Light and Love cleansing all negativity. The Creator within Earth anchors Light and Love on all dimensions. Light directs our beloved planet and its inhabitants for the Good of All. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.9.22

      Doing my inner work, I release any barriers to Light. As hindrances release, a wave of rarefied Energy presents itself. Opening to this Energy, my body starts to “sizzle” in the rarefying flow. Giving thanks, a wave of Joy surfaces. Surrendering, I ride the Divine Flow. Thank you, sweet Spirit. Thank you, for this sacred, conscious Path. My cup truly does runneth over. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.8.22

      From deep within I declare: Earth’s oceans are Light. Light guides the cleansing and purification of our world’s oceans and seas. Each molecule of water is filled with Divine healing Love and Light. Love and Light radiate through all fish, coral, and sea creatures. Thank you, God, for our Living Waters.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.7.22

      Today, I breathe Divine Peace and Calm into our worldly dimension. My thoughts, feelings, words, and actions are Light filled and loving. I envision everyone stepping out in Love and Light. Regardless of appearance, we are Light beings. Today, I hold space for Divine Peace. Thank you, God, for your Comfort and Love.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.6.22

      In prayer, I honor all who sacrificed for peace. I visualize Love and Light suffusing all war efforts and tools of war. I visualize Love and Light filling all who have lost their lives in any human conflict. All loved ones who have been left behind are filled with Love and Light. In Spirit there is no time, all traumas may be cleansed. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.5.22

      Today, I give thanks for our magical environment, Spaceship Earth. Expanding from deep within, I take our beloved planet within me filling it with radiant Love and Light. I visualize Light balancing and healing all elements- air, water, earth, and fire. I visualize Love permeating every person’s consciousness – that we may all awaken to our role in protecting our world. Thank you, Spirit, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.4.22

    As we celebrate Shavuot with our Jewish sisters and brothers, we consider the personal rules and ethics we honor as Light Beings. Expanding from deep within, we center in Oneness. We are One with All. We honor All. We intensify Love and Light in All. There is only the ALL. And so it is. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.3.22

    In my meditation-prayer time, I expand focusing Love and Light on our world leadership. All leaders and politicians are filled with Light. Anyone holding public office opens his or her heart to the Voice of Spirit. They hear and listen. All our world’s leaders are Divinely guided to lead our world with Divine Wisdom. I visualize them leading with compassion, joy, and peace. Thank you, God, for making it so. Additional Prayers for Today in the U.S. Today, we as Light workers, fill the U.S. with Love, Light, and Divine Calm. We breathe the Peace that passes all understanding into […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.2.22

    Today, I open my heart to the integrity and honesty of the Creator within me. I am honest with myself as i gently examine and release any fears preventing Oneness. The Creator within me leads me to Oneness and I am open to being led by the Creator. I am filled with gratitude for this process of change. Thank you, Creator, for the changes within me. I embrace them knowing they bring Oneness.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.1.22

    The Creator within me helps anchor Light and Love to aid our grieving world. Aware or not, we are all Light Beings progressing toward Oneness with All That Is. Today, I anchor in the Divine visualizing kindness, generosity, and brotherly love between all people regardless of race, creed or color. Today, I breathe Divine Calm into our world order from my anchor of Light and Love. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for our opportunity to create Good on our beautiful planet.  

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May 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 5.31.22

    Turning within I ponder knowingness. One of the Divine’s gifts is our ability to KNOW. Every one of us can turn within and be a Knower. Today, I open to the Creator within and check the authenticity of every important thing. I find the truth and I anchor myself in truth. I speak my truth with courage. I am one with the Knower within me. And so, it is. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 5.30.22

    Expanding from the Creator within me, I touch all souls who died protecting or answering a call for their country. I visualize Divine Love and Light enveloping these souls as I reach back through time. Expanding further to encompass all died in any conflicts, I visualize Love and Light releasing these traumas. Any earthbound souls are released in Light. I visualize all freed in Love and Light to pursuit Oneness. Thank you, Sweet Spirit, for making it so.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 5.29.22

    Today is a day of rest and I rest in the Creator. Even as I rest, the Creator within me is manifesting Light, Love, and Peace for me and for us all. As I rest, I find myself transfixed by the Infinite All. I marvel, filled with love and gratitude for All That Is.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 5.28.22

    Today, I am grateful for my daily devotionals that fortify my connection to Spirit. I am strengthened and sheltered in Spirit. I feel and release my anxieties and fears to Light. I walk through my fear and am transformed. I am filled with Divine Light and Love. Thank you, Sweet Beloved, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Light Center Dome Open on Memorial Day

    We’ll be open on Monday, May 30 from 1:30 to 6 p.m.  Please visit us to enjoy our light chamber and prayer dome.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 5.27.22

    Today, I visualize a world that is safe for us all. Expanding from within, I see all societies and systems that are dedicated to Love and Light. I radiate Love and Light throughout the physical, mental, and emotional dimensions. I join with likeminded Light beings to hold space for Love, Light, Peace, and Harmony. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 5.26.22

    Thank you, God for my mistakes. Thank you for a showing them to me in a way I can easily understand. Thank you, God, for the flexibility to see the need to change and the ability to change. I am in Your Accelerated Learner Class as I become more and more One with You.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 5.25.22

    Pondering the goal of becoming one with my high Self, the Christ consciousness within me, I take heart knowing that it means being aware of everything and loving everything, despite, any negatives. It is only through love that everyone and everything is healed. I am grateful for my growth as a spiritual being. I am patient and kind to myself and others as I strive for Oneness. I am blessed with this journey of Love.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 5.24.22

    I open my heart, mind, and soul to thee, my beloved Presence within. I seek and I see. I see and I understand what I need to change. I am open to making changes. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 5.23.22

    Opening my heart, I gently advance my understanding that I am a being of God. I release all self-judgments. I am a Light being. I am a Love being. I radiate Light and Love to everyone and everything. I am centered in gratitude and filled with wonder at this Oneness of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 5.23.22

    Opening my heart, I gently advance my understanding that I am a being of God. I release all self-judgments. I am a Light being. I am a Love being. I radiate Light and Love to everyone and everything. I am centered in gratitude and filled with wonder at this Oneness of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 5.22.22

    In my journey toward complete Connection I release my struggles, major and minor. I release the daily grind, visualizing Divine Flow in my daily turn. I embrace ease. I allow the Creator within me to guide me. I relax into the Loving Embrace. Thank you, Dearest Creator.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 5.21.22

    To serve and protect our nation, that is the mission of our Armed Forces. All military personnel are filled with Love and Light. All open their hearts to God and are Divinely Guided. All active duty personnel and their families are protected in a Bubble of Love and Light on all dimensions. Guided by the Creator within, all branches of the military work together for the Good of All. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 5.20.22

    Expanding in prayer I take our beloved world within me filling it with Love and Light on all dimensions. Visualizing, I fill our world’s species- both plant and animal on land, air, and water with Love and Light. All species find their right place within our changing environment. As a co-creator, I take daily action in thought, word, and deed to help protect our fragile fantastic planet and all its species. And so, it is. Amen.

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April 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 4.6.22

    As I learn of man’s inhumanity to man, I turn within actively releasing my judgments to Light. I release my grief and sorrow to Light. From deeper still, I create Good from my High Self. Joining with other prayer workers, I aid in cushioning grief and sorrow around our world. Visualizing Divine Love and Light expanding through all dimensions, I help my fellow beings in Love and Light. We are One in Love and Light. And so, it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 4.5.22

    Opening my heart to Divine Mind, I realize we are like Pando (Quaking Aspens), one organism. Centering in Oneness, I visualize Love, Light, and Divine Peace being anchored for the Good of all creation. Today, I echo Divine Peace, Love, and Light for All. We are One. One creation of Love and Light. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 4.4.22

    The legislative body of the United States, Congress is filled with Divine Light and Love. Our representatives are divinely guided. We, the Body of the Divine on Earth, work together in harmony for the Good of All. Every nation’s ruling body works together with their citizens for the benefit of all, and for the benefit of our sacred environment. And so, it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 4.3.22

    Reflecting on the importance of rituals, I give myself over to meditation and prayer. During this holy time of year ritual is important. Today, I rest in gratitude for everything working for the greater glory of God. From deep within, I focus Love and Light on Divine Solutions for our beloved world and all beings who reside upon it. Thank you, God, for your Solutions. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 4.2.22

    Dearest beloved Creator centered within, thank you for your many blessings. As Ramadan begins, I continue my inward focus to draw ever closer to my divine Self. Thank you for your Oneness and for what I am learning. Thank you for my personal growth. Thank you for each being on this planet and for Your divine plan. Thank you for the small part I play. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 4.1.22

    April Fools’ Day may not seem appropriate to celebrate now, but we need humor as leaven for our emotional bodies. Humor is our birthright – it brings resiliency by helping us tap into Oneness. So – the Creator within me, aids me in “Lightening” up. Today I use my God given humor to ease my life and the lives of others. “If the earth is fit for laughter then surely heaven is filled with it. Heaven is the birthplace of laughter.” ~Martin Luther    

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March 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.31.22

    As I center myself in Oneness, I remember God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the Universe and beyond for the Good of All. I give thanks for helping hands, seen and unseen. Together, we as the Living Christ, the Doer, on this dimension fulfill our missions to help further people and planetary spiritual evolution. Thank you, God, for my part in this evolution. Thank you!    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.30.22

    With Spring, a sense of renewal buds, immersing myself in Spring I feel a response within. From deep within, I expand filling our world’s people with Love and Light. Today, I act locally to help my peers and our beautiful world. Today, I pray globally for all. Thank you, God, for this journey of Life.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.22.22

    Centering in the dimension of the Christ Consciousness, I open to Oneness. As I center in my High Self, I relax into Connection. From this awareness I know all is well. All is moving forward in Light, Love, and Peace. The Divine template is in place. All is well. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.28.22

    As a Light being, I know God encompasses both genders. Giving thanks during women’s history month, I am grateful for the many Light beings who, as women, have aided humankind now and throughout history. Joan of Arc, Marie Curie, Catherine Johnson…. Half of the good minds on our planet belong to women. Today, I celebrate the female gender, giving thanks for the Light Beings we know as women. I am humbled and filled with gratitude for our world’s females and the gifts they share on our beautiful planet.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.27.22

    As I reach out to my fellow Light Beings, I consider the difficulties this year has brought. From deep within, my High Self rises in love, Divine Love, for this planet’s people. I hold everyone in Light and Love, visualizing us all bathed in Divinity. I visualize all needs met bringing Joy for all. Thank you, sweet Divinity for your Joy.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.26.22

    Daily, I am filled with gratitude for our planet. This fantastic being is our mother working in concert with the Divine. I visualize our beloved Earth filled with Love and Light. I am so grateful for our physical world. Joining with other Light workers we create Good for our Mother Earth. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.25.22

    From the Christ consciousness within me, I am grateful. I am grateful for large and small things. I am grateful for each inhalation and exhalation. I am grateful for our shared Journey of Light. And our shared Journey of Love. I am grateful with each cell of my being. Thank you. Thank you, beloved God. Thank you.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.24.22

    Today, I focus on my physicality. My cells are Light. My body’s bacteria are Light. My skeletal system is Light. My muscular system is Light. My nervous system is Light. My sensory systems are Light. My endocrine system is Light. My circulatory system is Light. My respiratory system is Light. My digestive system is Light. My urinary system is Light. My reproductive system is Light. I am a being of Light. I am a Light Being. I radiate my Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for me and for All That Is.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.23.22

    If something brings a surge of fear, I breathe releasing it to Light. Girding myself in Faith, I work in concert with Spirit co-creating life as I envision it on Earth. Responding to God’s call, I feel freer, stronger. I am clothed in Faith, Light, and Love. Thank you, God, for making it so for us all. We are One in Spirit. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.22.22

      Today I center within, focusing on Divine Peace and Love. I radiate a vibration of Peace, Love, and Light. Relaxing into this vibration of Peace and Love, I visualize it expanding within our world and within everyone and everything. There is only Peace, Love, and Light. And so, it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.21.22

    Joining with the global community of prayer and Light workers, I feel a sense of belonging to this mission of holding space for Divine Harmony. Working together we are doing our missions as Light beings anchoring Light. We release all fear to Light. We release all judgment to Light. We are Light beings anchoring Light. Thank you, dearest Creator, for our journey of Light.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.20.22

    Today, Spring’s Equinox when our sun’s rays are equally balanced between both hemispheres of our beloved planet, I embrace this planetary balance of light and dark. From my essence as a Light Being, I release any darkness or negativity to Light. I am filled with Light and Love. Expanding, I visualize all of us filled with Light and Love. I am grateful for Divine Balance in all aspects of Creation.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.19.22

    “For the dead and the living, we must bear witness.” (Elie Wiesel.) We are now called to witness our world’s events. As we witness, we love everyone. We fill everyone with Love and Light. We help soften events with kind action and prayer. We hold space for Divine Peace and Healing. Today, we grow through giving Love with awareness. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.18.22

    As some of us celebrate Holi, a Hindu festival celebrating love, it is traditional to pray that any internal negativity will be cleansed. Today, I center deep within focusing on releasing and changing any internal conflict and negativity to Love and Light. Expanding from a well of Love, I visualize all of us changing any internal conflict and negativity to Love and Light. I help hold space for Love and Light for all humanity. Our world is filled with Love and Light. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.17.22

    Today, I am grateful for all things Irish. An Irish friend says:” On St. Patty’s Day everyone is Irish!” I am grateful for that loving attitude. I am grateful for Irish fun and ribald humor. Today, I give thanks for a wee bit o’ fun and the “wearin” of the Green. I remind myself that “On St. Patty’s Day, everyone is Irish” and we are all one on the journey of Light, Love, and Joy.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.16.22

    From Holy Connection, I feel called to pray. Prayer creates – everything else distracts. My prayer for today: The Creator within me fills our world with the calm healing Energy of Divinity. Spaceship Earth and all its inhabitants are filled with Light, Love, and Peace. On all dimensions, all are filled with clarifying Light and Love. Thank you, God for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.15.22

      Moving toward spring, I turn inward and feed the revitalization of my personal spring spirit. I visualize my love and light greening up and blooming into ever deeper love for everyone and everything. My prayer is giving thanks for being in the right place, at the right time, thinking, saying, and doing the right thing for the Greater Good of All. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.14.22

    Life on Earth is variable. Change happens. Circumstances occur that precipitate fear. And fear cripples the soul. So, every day as fear surfaces, I face it, releasing it to Love and Light. Embracing my High Self I expand, envisioning all of us embracing our High Selves. I ask the Creator within everyone to aid in whatever must be faced today. Thank you, beloved Creator, for our ability to choose your Divine Love, Courage, Peace, and Light. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.13.22

    The angelic kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The human kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The plant kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The animal kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The insect kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The bacterial kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The viral kingdom is in a bubble of Light. There is only Light. There is only Love. Dearest Creator, I am so grateful for our beautiful, exquisite planet. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.12.22

    I turn within releasing any internal conflict to Light. I exhale any struggle and inhale Peace. Expanding to encompass the world, I radiate Peace. Today, I stay centered in compassion and forgiveness. I help anchor Love and Light in our world. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.11.22

    In my meditation, I breathe Peace, Love, and Light to all nations and continents. I fill North America with Love and Light. I fill Central America with Love and Light. I fill South America with Love and Light. I fill Europe with Love and Light. I fill Asia with Love and Light. I fill Africa with Love and Light. I fill Antarctica with Love and Light. I fill Australia with Love and Light. Our wonderful world is filled with Peace, Love, and Light on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.10.22

    God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the universe for the Good of All. As I consider this truism, I focus on the energy of peace. Opening deep within, I envision our world embracing peace. Abundant peace for everyone, all nations. Expanding, I visualize peace and abundance flowing in whatever form needed to where it will benefit all planet Earth and its peoples. Thank you, God, for making it so. “Everything is Energy” (Stephen Lewis).    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.9.22

    Joining Spirit within, I focus on filling the Kremlin with Love and Light. I visualize the building’s walls filled with Love and Light. I visualize each story and room filled with Love and Light. I visualize the earth beneath it filled with Love and Light. I visualize Vladimir Putin filled with Love and Light. I visualize Russian leadership filled with Love and Light. I visualize each Kremlin worker filled with Love and Light. There is only Love and Light in Russia. Thank you, dearest God, for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.8.22

      There are only Light Beings, children of Spirit, but for our earthly experience we select a gender. Today, I celebrate women. Women bring wisdom, fortitude, courage to earth. Women bring life into this world. I find joy and gratitude in celebrating half of the great minds and doers in this world. Thank you, God, for the women of this planet.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.7.22

    Putting down my burdens, I embrace Ease, Grace, and Divine Glory. I rest in this soothing Flow. Today, I visualize Light and Love in each troubled region of our planet. All ground is holy ground. All is well. All is well. All is well. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.6.22

    Centered in Source, I consider the spiritual revolution that is quietly happening. I am one of many who pray for all – setting a field of rarified, spiritualized energy that is immersing all of us. From the Creator within, I aid in the creation of Divine Peace, Love, Light, and Joy. Thank you, dearest God, for my small role in helping anchor Love and Light for all creation. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.5.22

    “I feel there is nothing truly more artistic than loving people.” ~ Vincent Van Gogh Today, starting with myself, I extend Love. Gently, I bathe myself in Love and Light. Then, I extend myself and simply love everyone and everything. I visualize every ONE of us in a bubble of Love and Light on all dimensions. Only Love and Light can come to us. Expanding further, I extend Love and Light to everything; blanketing our world in Love. Thank you, God, for your Loving Kindness. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.4.22

    Light fills our planet. Love fills our planet. Light and Love permeates our planet. I am grateful for everyone who is aiding Ukraine. I am grateful for all those who are sheltering Ukrainian refugees. Be it protesting Russian citizens, Ukrainians returning to their homeland, or prayful others – we all make a difference. I am grateful for Light and Love guiding us. We hold steadfast in Light and Love. Thank you, God, for your Guiding Light.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.3.22

    Touching into Spirit I find a tranquil Love. Comforted, I expand visualizing this Love filling eastern Europe with Divine Comfort. Thinking of all the souls making their transition, I expand Love and Light to help comfort everyone. I give thanks to everyone’s angels and all angelic beings for their help in softening and releasing fear, sadness, worry, and hunger. We aid our fellow Light beings through prayer. Thank you, Spirit, for your Hand in solving this conflict. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.2.22

    On this first day of Lent, I turn within sinking into Holy Connection. As I release all impediments to Oneness, I envision everyone releasing their blocks, too. As I am filled with Love and Light, I visualize everyone on Earth filled with Love and Light. The High Self, the Christ, acts as God’s “Doer” in this physical dimension. Today, I visualize Peace and Divine Justice for all of us on Planet Earth. I am One with my brothers and sisters in conflict. I am One with the All, I hold space for Peace. Thank you, God, for making it so. […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.1.22

      Gently, I examine my thoughts and actions releasing those which no longer serve my highest good. I forgive myself any pettiness that is less than that which is for the highest good. In prayer, I open in gratitude for my spirit-filled journey of discovery. I am open to Divine Guidance. As I celebrate my journey toward Oneness, I expand filling everyone with this beautiful sense of Oneness helping to affirm we are One. Amen.    

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February 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.28.22

      Thank you, beloved Source, for your Light. Thank you for your Peace. Sitting with your Peace, Light, and Love, I focus my attention on Ukraine visualizing Calm, Love, and Light for all people. Any who are experiencing echoes of past traumas are filled with God’s fortitude, Love, and Light. Anchoring myself in faith, I know that this too shall prove to be for the greater Good for all. Today, I help hold space for Peace.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.27.22

    Resting in the Divine, I cast my High Self to eastern Europe filling Ukraine, Russia, and surrounds with Light and Love. Visualizing, I sweep the cities and country with Light. I declare from deep within: Light is directing all activities in this conflict. My prayer is Love-in-action helping fill each soul with Light and Love. I help anchor Divine Peace, Love, and Light so we may all grow from this experience. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.26.22

    “We need to sit on the rim of the well of darkness and fish for the fallen light with patience” (Pablo Neruda). Today, I lovingly focus concentrated Light and Love in Ukraine, Russia, Crimea, and Moldova. I work with my fellow light beings to fill Vladimir Putin with Love and Light. I visualize him in a bubble of Light on all dimensions. Turning, I envision Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky filled with Light and in a bubble of Light on all dimensions. Expanding Light and Love to fill all soldiers and families, I breathe Peace and Love to everyone and everything. Thank […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.25.22

    In prayer, I help anchor Divine Calm, Light, Love, Courage, and Peace in all of Ukraine, Russia, Europe, and the world. Our Ukrainian brothers and sisters are filled with Light and Love. I visualize all the children filled with a divine sense of safety. I visualize each heavy heart filled with Light. Today, I help anchor Truth so each soul understands no matter what happens all will ultimately be well. In Divinity, there is only Light, Love, and Life.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.24.22

    “Be sure to put your feet in the right place, and then stand firm.” (Abraham Lincoln) As I think of Lincoln’s commitment to America, I give thanks for everyone who has persevered doing the right thing for the Good of All. Today, I “stand firm” holding Peace, Love, and Light for all on our beloved planet. I radiate Light from my center of Light, solar plexus, to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.23.22

    As I consider my brothers and sisters around the world, I sink into Oneness visualizing Light guiding each one of us. Focusing of those of us in Russia and the Ukraine, I hold Light and Love to help anchor peace, strength, and ease for everyone. I thank our angels and the Angelic kingdom for the help, Love, and Light they are giving us and our world. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for your Light and Love. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.22.22

      Today, I give thanks for my ability to pray, to co-create in concert with Divinity. My creativity and fertile imagination are gifts. I am grateful for the Connection that allows Flow. I am grateful for my ability to listen to God’s voice. Thank you, sweet Divinity for this flowing beautiful journey to Oneness with You.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.21.22

      On U.S. President’s Day, the Creator within me fills all presidents, past and present, with Light. Regardless of dimension, astral or physical, each president is filled with Light and Love. Each president understands the sacred nature of their oath of office. Each president continues to work for the greater Good of our nation. Thank you, God, for your Light guiding the office of the Presidency. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.20.22

    Aligning in Oneness, I rest in holy Connection. Today I replenish myself with Spirit, then focus my divine Self on Ukraine and Russia. Breathing deeply, the I Am Within connects to these souls filling each one with Light, Love, Peace, and Harmony. Joining in Spirit with my brothers and sisters in prayer we tether Peace, Light, and Love for us all. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for Peace along this border. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.19.22

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I release unhealthy use of any substances, food, drink, or behaviors to Light. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I am fulfilled. Every need is met through the Divine. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.18.22

    As I consider social justice and world conditions, I pray directing Light to aid my brothers and sisters. I release my judgement of self and others. We are One, One in our Creator. Today, I work locally and pray globally for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for my many opportunities to help my beloved world’s community.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.17.22

    Deep within I connect to the “I Am” then ponder “You are the light of the world” (Matthews 5:14). Opening, I expand, intensifying Light throughout my body. Expanding, I encompass the world, increasing the radiance of my Light and Love to everyone and everything. I visualize all awakening to their Light. Thank you, God, for everyone, for everything, for me, and especially for thee. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.16.22

    I am grateful for our angels and archangels. I give thanks for helping hands both seen and unseen. As the Living Christ, the doer on this dimension, I visualize Earth’s angels helping to ease and heal our beloved planet’s difficult situations. Working together, we fulfill our missions to further planetary and people’s spiritual evolution. Thank you, sweet Source, for the small part I play.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.15.22

      Thinking of our world’s turmoil, I release my human judgments to Light. I release worry for our world’s future to Light. I am a Light Being. From deep within, I create Good in our current global situations. Our geo-political world is filled with Love and Light. I hold steadfast in Faith filling everything and everyone with Love and Light. There is only Love and Light. Thank you, sweet Source, for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.14.22

      On Sweetheart’s Day, Valentine’s Day, I go within and drink from the nectar of God’s love for me. I am filled with Divine Love. I am Love and I am Light. I know I am Loved. I know expanding Love is my mission. I radiate my Love and Light to All. All people on Earth are filled with Love and Light. I see the Living, Loving High Self of each being. Thank you, beloved God, for me and for everyone. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.13.22

    I affirm I am a “tuning fork” tuned to the Divine. I visualize other people – “tuning forks” tuning to Divinity. Together we raise the frequency of Love and Light on our beloved planet. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.12.22

    Our devices are filled with Light. Artificially intelligent devices are filled with Light. As creators-in-action, we radiate Light to every Thing, we radiate Light to everyone. We work in concert with the Divine creating Good. Today, I visualize a world filled with and directed by Light. I help by anchoring Light and Divine Love for all. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.11.22

    Taking a deep breath, I center myself and tune to the frequency of Divinity. I breathe rhythmically releasing my fears and frustrations for myself and for our world. I am filled with Divine Peace. I am renewed. I radiate Peace, Love and Light to all for all. Thank you, Sweet Divinity for You and for this journey of Light.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.10.22

    From deep within I declare: There is Light. Light fills the heart, mind, and soul of Vladimir Putin. Light suffuses all Russian bureaucrats. Light fills all Russian soldiers and their families. Light saturates the people of Ukraine. Light encompasses the country of Ukraine. Light fills the heart, mind, and soul of Joseph Biden. Light permeates all American bureaucrats. Light fills all American citizens. Light encompasses all people of all nations. Thank you, sweet Divinity for your Light Guiding our precious world. Amen. (adapted with Tully Moss’s permission.)    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.9.22

    Centering deep within, I give thanks for all people. Regardless of race, creed, gender, and orientation, we are each a drop in the Ocean of Spirit. All One, All equal in our beingness in Spirit. From my High Self, I radiate Light and Love through All. We are one in Light and Love. We are One. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.8.22

      With our world’s tumultuous times, I center deep within anchoring into the Light of Divinity. Today, I live in two worlds, staying anchored in Light – consciously expanding Light and Love. Yet also going about my daily rounds, working and interacting with others. I expand Light out to everyone and everything aiding in the creation of Harmony and Peace for all of us. We are One.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.7.22

      If I don’t know my Divine Mission, handed down from On High, I accept the work in front of me. If I don’t know what to do, I start with doing one kind thing for myself and for others each day. Slowly, through asking for guidance, meditation and listening, I am Guided. I take small steps thinking of Maya Angelou: “Good done anywhere is Good done everywhere”. Today, I will contribute to Good.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.6.22

      We are resilient spiritual beings. We are made in Love and from Light. We are Light Beings. As one awakens, more will awake. We are One on all dimensions. We are Light Beings. Thank you, beloved Source, for this journey of Light and Love. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.5.22

    Thinking of those of us with unhealthy habits, I look at myself first. I release any unhealthy habit to Light. That which is All That Is nourishes me with Love and Light. I am in a bubble of Light on all dimensions. Expanding, I visualize all of us in our own bubble of Love and Light. Thank you, God, for Your Guidance. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.4.22

    Thinking of “influencers”, I turn to the Great Influencer within me. Opening my heart, mind, and soul to Divine Influence, I am comforted like a child. Visualizing our world encompassed by Divine Influence, I envision each of us comforted by the knowledge that All is Well.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.3.22

    Sinking into meditation and prayer, I expand from the Creator within me anchoring Light, Love, and Divine Justice for all. Any groups that promote social injustice and hate are filled with Light and Love. I declare and affirm there is Divine Abundance for the Good of All. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.2.22

    Today, I embrace my creativity. I am a creator in thought, word, and deed. I create in concert with the Divine. I am divinely directed as I focus Love and Light throughout our world and beyond. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for the role I play in helping create Good in Your Creation. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.1.22

      “In seizing the moment, you find heaven.” – R. Padgett Today I seize the day, finding Joy. I am elevated, reaching out to expand this Joy to all. I realize, again, Heaven is a state of consciousness. Thank you, beloved God, for Heaven in life; Thank you for the ability to experience Heaven now. Thank you for the ability to help create Heaven for all. Amen.    

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January 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.31.22

      I give thanks for the loving gift of art. Art and our artists are Divine Gifts. Art cushions us, heals us, and inspires us. All art, especially music, lifts us from our toils. Refreshed we return to our daily round. Visualizing all artists filled with Light and Love I see them filled with the Creativity that flows from the Wellspring of Life. I give thanks for artists and all art. I know we are all artists in our own way. Today, I express Love and Light in an artful way.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.30.22

      Today, I allow Divine Rest, one of the twelve attributes of the Creator. Taking care of self is respectful. Today I relax, resting in the Divine. I breathe, rest, reflect, and heal. From deep within comes the knowledge that all is well. All is well. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for Divine Rest.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.29.22

    Thinking of those of us with role-strain – too many roles to play, too many demands. I expand from the Creator within me filling everyone with Light and Divine Love. I visualize everyone being able to fulfill necessary obligations in a loving and Light-filled way. Light enables each of us to be who we are: Light Beings. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.28.22

    Focusing on my physicality, I declare: My cells are Light. My skeletal system is Light. My muscular system is Light. My nervous system is Light. My sensory systems are Light. My endocrine system is Light. My circulatory system is Light. My respiratory system is Light. My digestive system is Light. My urinary system is Light. My reproductive system is Light. My body’s bacteria are Light. I am a Light Being. I radiate Light throughout my body. I radiate Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for me, and for All That Is.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.27.22

    Focusing within I join the Profound, entering the sacred space of Oneness. We are One. I hold that knowingness as I breathe peace and ease to all who have suffered injury due to abuse or crimes. Expanding to encompass our world, I fill each of us who feels the emotional echo of past trauma. I fill all with Divine Peace, Light, and Love. We embrace Peace. We are One. Thank you, God, for making it so.    

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  • Inclement Weather and Hazardous Roads closing, Friday through Sunday, January 28 through 30
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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.26.22

    Taking a deep breath, I center myself and tune to the frequency of Divinity. I breathe rhythmically releasing my concerns, worries, and frustrations for myself and for our world. I am filled with Divine Peace, Love and Light. I am renewed. I radiate Peace, Love and Light to all for all. Thank you, Sweet Divinity for You and for this journey of Light.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.25.22

      Resting in Spirit, I focus Love and Light on my brothers and sisters in need. Whether it is loss of a loved one, income, or sense of society, all of us experiencing loss are filled with Divine Peace. Visualizing those who have lost stability in their daily turn, I focus Light to help expand each individual’s sense of stability in the Divine. Today, I help anchor, Light, Love and Peace.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.24.22

      In prayer and meditation, I give thanks for my free will. Unlike Adam and Eve, we are not unthinkingly unaware. The gift of self-determination enables us to freely choose our path. Thank you, beloved God, for my freedom to choose to be One with You. One with All That Is. I am grateful for spiritual freedom.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.23.22

      As I rest in the Divine, I focus my mind on Divine Calm. Breathing, I inhale Light, exhaling Calm. I focus to help our world achieve peace. Expanding, I fill our world leaders with Divine Peace, Calm, Light, and Love. Visualizing Light strands supporting our world leaders, I join with other prayer workers. Thank you, God, for world peace. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.22.22

    As I pray for our world, I ponder our economy, the movement and flow of monies that support our endeavors on this plane. Focusing intention, I pray for the living flow of greenbacks, a plant-like system. Expanding myself into this flow of Green, I visualize needed monies moving to forward progress for all, for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.21.22

      As I watch the news, I fill all who may be watching or reading it with Light and Love. I visualize everyone’s inner Self knowing the Truth. Turning to the U.S. President, I envision Divine Love and Light radiating to the White House. All in the White House are in bubbles of Light. I visualize the Oval Office radiating Light and Love to everyone across our globe. Light guides our President and country for the Good of All. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.20.22

      Centering deep within, I give thanks for my divine health. Spiritual, physical, mental, and financial health. I am healthy! I am grateful! Expanding, I visualize robust health for others and for our beautiful planet. Thank you, Source, for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.19.22

      Moving deep within I fill what seems to be “broken-ness” in our world with Light and Love. I help anchor Calm, Light, and Love in Russia, in the Ukraine, and throughout our planet. Visualizing Divine Peace, I join with like minds radiating Love and Light for all. Thank you, dearest Divinity for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.18.22

      Reflecting upon leadership, I am guided to understand the importance of modeling – setting an energy and an example. Each and every day, I will set an example of living in concert with the Divine. Giving others an energy to match, in a humble effort to contribute Light and Love to the Greater Good. Thank you, God, for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.17.22

      Dr. King strove for justice and equality for all. Meditating in his old church, I realize he is still anchoring Light and Love for us. From the Creator within me, I visualize all of us treating our fellow citizens with Love regardless of race, creed, or color. To be truly American means to be truly inclusive: exploring differences, helping, and loving one another as heirs of the Divine, one and all. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.16.22

      Sinking into Holy Connection, I expand filling all people with Love and Light. All members of fringe-conspiracy groups are filled with Love and Light. Expanding from the Creator within me, I visual everyone filled with Divine Love. An internal plume of Sacred Energy fills all with Divine Healing, Love and Light. Known or not, we are all Light Beings on a path to Oneness, a sacred family sharing time on Earth. We are One. And, so it is, Amen.    

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  • Light Center closed on Sunday, January 16, due to hazardous driving conditions!
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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.15.22

    Expanding in prayer I take our beloved world within me filling it with Love and Light on all dimensions. Visualizing, I fill our world’s species- human, animal, and plant with Love and Light. All species find their right place within our changing environment. As a co-creator with God, I take daily action in thought, word, and deed to help protect our fragile civilization and planet. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.14.22

      Today, I focus within on any addictions or unhealthy behaviors I may have. Releasing these negative habits to Light, I surrender to Divine Connection. As I open to healing and direction, I pray others may open their hearts to accept Divine Healing. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.13.22

      Opening my heart to Divinity, I focus on my oneness with all. Visualizing a world of Oneness, I center Light and Love on everyone in our world who is suffering. I visualize everyone’s Light center, solar plexus, filled with Love and Light that radiates through their body. The Creator within me, helps fill our world and its people with Love and Light. Thank you, beloved Divinity, for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.12.22

      Focusing, I relax and think of myself. My Self. I ask: what do I need? An answer wells up – patience – with myself. Filling myself with Love and Light I say “I love you” from deep within. I bathe myself in Love and Light. I promise to be more patient and loving with myself. I will treat myself as who I am: the Light of the world. I am the Light of the world. I am the Love of the world. Thank you, God, for me and for Thee. Amen.    

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  • Tuesday night Prayer for January 11 cancelled due to furnace problem!
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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.11.22

      One country, one destiny. One world, one destiny. One galaxy, one destiny. One cosmos, one destiny. We are one. We are One. One Heart, One Mind. One.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.10.22

      From the Creator within me, I envision Divine Love and Light radiating from the Oval Office. I visualize the Light of the White House joining with the Light of Congress. Expanding, I imagine the executive and legislative Light merging with the Light of the Supreme Court. I picture all three branches of the U.S. government immersed in Light and Love. Light guides our country for the Good of All. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.9.22

      As we enter the new year, the Creator within me fills all families with Love and Light. All parents are filled with Love and Light. I visualize parenting filled with Divine Ease. Parents are Divinely Guided for the good of their children and people everywhere. Families are the building block of society. Through prayerful focus the Creator within me creates Love and Light within families for the Good of All. And so, it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.8.22

      In synchronizing myself with Oneness, I give thanks as I visualize Creative Energy maximizing the health of our Amazonian rainforests, our deserts, our plains, our piedmonts, our mountains, our tundra, our savannahs, and our poles. Our planetary waters are filled with Love and Light. Our beloved Earth is in a bubble of Love and Light. Divine Light is guiding all climate changes. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.7.22

      I know the Creator within me is radiating Divine Light and Love through me. Opening, I merge into Light and Love. Expanding, I radiate Light and Love to everyone and everything. I am a conduit of Divine Light and Love through all dimensions. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.6.22

      Considering Epiphany, I meditate on the gifts of the Magi; gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Gifts symbolizing incorruptible wealth, spiritual knowledge, and the necessity of ego transcendence. Feeling humbled, I turn within accepting these gifts for my high Self, the Living Christ within. Thinking of today’s world, I expand visualizing these gifts being accepted by all our world’s citizens – Heaven on Earth. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.5.22

      Considering, God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the universe for the Good of All, I focus on the energy of abundance. Opening deep within I see my Self accepting abundant health, wealth, and joy. Expanding, I visualize abundance flowing in whatever form needed to where it will benefit all planet Earth and its peoples. Thank you, God, for making it so. “Everything is Energy” (Stephen Lewis). .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.4.22

      Focusing within, I fill our world’s governments with Love and Light. Each country’s leader and governing body is filled with Love and Light. Each country’s leader is open to Guidance. Each nation’s leader puts the people first. Our world leaders work together for Good. We, the people, work together through meditation, prayer, and action creating Good for all. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.3.22

      As I prepare to return to work in the new year, I recall I am where I am for a reason. I know work is Good. “Work is Love made visible” (Khalil Gibran). In carrying out my work from my high Self, the Living Christ, I work with loving intention for the Good of All. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.2.22

      Today, as we celebrate the Season of Light, I continue to purify myself in Love and Light. Standing at my mind’s gateway monitoring thoughts, I release negative thoughts to Light. I am helping cleanse our world’s thought pollution. Facing my fears, darkness disappears and a New Day dawns. Life is for Living in Divine Essence and Oneness. Let us live in a new way of Oneness! (a la Diana Goure). .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.1.2022

      God is my providence. All that I am, all that I have is of God. Opening my heart, I know God as my providence. I give thanks for the blessings I have and for those I am about to receive. God working through me creates Abundance. As the doer in this realm of existence, I am in the right place, at the right time, saying and doing the right things for the Good of All. .    

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December 2021

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.31.21

      Today, the last day of the year, I focus within and connect to my High Self releasing everything that is not of service to me. I release all self-recriminations. I am a Light Being. I Am a Light Being. Breathing, I embrace my larger Self envisioning a future of Light and Love for all. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for this journey of Light and Love. .    

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  • Light Center Closed on New Year’s Day

    The Light Center is closed to visitors on New Year’s Day. We are limiting the size of groups inside the building and are hosting two concerts that day. Only concert-goers and staff will be allowed inside the building. Thank you for your consideration. Happy New Year!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.30.21

      As I consider those who have made a transition from the physical to the nonphysical dimension, I expand from the Creator within me, filling each of us in the transitioning process with Love and Light. Thinking of friends and family who may feel left, I expand Love and Light in each grieving soul. Our world is filled with Love and Light. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.29.21

      Giving thanks for the closing of the year, I relax, allowing my mind to range as the Creator within me guides me. As the Living Christ, the Doer, I am the hands of Divine Will. I am guided and given the needed tools. I am in the right place, at the right time, saying, and doing the right things for the good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 12.28.21

      In synchronizing myself with Oneness, I remember God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the Universe and beyond for All. Giving thanks I move into the flow visualizing Creative Energy maximizing health for everyone and everything. All are in a bubble of Love and Light. Divine Light is guiding all planetary changes. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 12.27.21

      In this season of Light, all families are filled with Love and Light. Parents are open to their sacred duty of raising responsible, loving Light Beings. Parents are Divinely Guided for the good of their children and people everywhere. Families are the building block of society. Through prayerful focus the Creator within me creates Love and Light within families for the Good of All. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.26.21

      As we celebrate the first fruits of harvest, I go within and give thanks for Unity. I give thanks that everything is of God. Centered in the “I Am that I Am” I expand myself through all creation. I expand Love, Light, Peace, and Joy. I radiate God’s fruits to all, for All. And, so, it is. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.25.21

      As I celebrate the birth of christ consciousness within, I allow myself the Joy of Oneness. Giving thanks for the birth of this Way-Shower, I celebrate our Oneness with Divine Essence. Opening my heart, I am grateful for the sacred gift of freedom to choose Oneness. Thank you, God, for this journey of Love and Light. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.24.21

      On this Christmas Eve as the Christian world celebrates the anniversary of Jesus’s birth, I turn within giving thanks for this “Way-Shower”. Opening to Divinity, I celebrate the birth of the Living Christ, a consciousness of Love, within me. I find myself filled with gratitude. Expanding, I radiate Love and Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for our gift. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.23.21

      Today, amidst the flurry of activity, I rest in Divine Peace. I release any negatives to the Gentle Comforter within. Centering in gratitude and love I radiate Love and Light to all who may be isolated, ill, or troubled. I help create Loving Flow for the good of all, especially for those with any unmet need. I visualize the Loving Essence of the Living Christ, the Doer on this dimension meeting the needs of All. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for making it so. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.22.21

      Taking a deep breath, I center myself and tune to the frequency of Divinity. I breathe rhythmically releasing my concerns, worries, and frustrations for myself and for our world. I am filled with Divine Peace, Love and Light. I am renewed. I radiate Peace, Love and Light to all for all. Thank you, Sweet Divinity for You and for this journey of Light. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 12.21.21

      In the season of Light as the veil thins between the astral and the physical, I center myself and expand my beingness to encompass the world. I fill everyone on all dimensions with Radiant Light and Love. All who may be transitioning from the physical to the astral are eased in and through Divine Peace. All is well. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for making it so. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 12.20.21

      Thank you, Creator, for our healthcare heroes. Thank you for their selfless giving, for their commitment to all of us, to humanity. Today the Creator within me fills all healthcare workers with Light and Love. Today, I visualize us all using wise health care practices to safeguard our healthcare workers and one another. Thank you, Creator, for your Divine Love and Light. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.19.21

      In this season of Light, I am grateful. Thank you for unexpected gifts. Thank you, beloved Creator, for Love. Thank you for Life. Thank you for an abundant life for all of us. Thank you for this beautiful planet. Thank you for Light and Love. Thank you for Divine Rest in You. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.18.21

      Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I release unhealthy use of any substances, food, drink, or behaviors to Light. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I am a Light Being; my every need is met. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.17.21

      Centering, I begin with gratitude for All That Is. I give thanks for all opportunities. Be they difficult or easy, I greet each opportunity with an open heart and mind. My centeredness and gratitude keeps me in the Universal Flow. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.16.21

      As Congress readies for winter adjournment, I focus Divine Healing, Love, and Light on our representatives. The Creator within me visualizes our elected officials governing from the Creator within to ensure the wellbeing of their constituents and our country. Anchoring Light, I aid them to realize their Divine Assignment to work together for the Good of All. And so, it is, Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.15.21

      From the Creator with me, I radiate Love and Light to all storms and stormy aftermaths. I radiate Light and Love to everyone in any storm path. I radiate Light and Love to everything in any storm path. I visualize Light and Love blanketing all areas affected by natural disasters. Everyone is safe in a Bubble of Love and Light. There is only Light and Love. All is well. All is well. All is well. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 12.14.21

      In this season of Light, “let your heart be light”. Today, I let my heart be light, I release any worries and fears to Light. “Let your heart be light.” I let my heart be Light. I am a Light Being. Thank you, dear Divinity, for this journey of Light. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 12.13.21

      As the year moves forward, I focus Love, Light, Peace, and Divine Effectiveness on the Oval Office. From the Creator within, I visualize the Office of the Presidency resting on the Mantle of the Living Christ. Lovingly, I intensify the Light and Love so that all in the White House are divinely Guided for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.12.21

      In the season of Light, Advent, meaning preparation to welcome Christ, I welcome my High Self, the Living Christ within me. From my High Self, the Christ, I am the hands of the Creator on this dimension. I am in the right place, at the right time, saying, and doing the right thing for the Good of all. Thank you, beloved Creator for making it so. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.11.21

      The Energy that is All, has room for us all. Expanding from deep with, I visualize everyone manifesting their divine missions. With gentle intent, I visualize everyone having each and every need abundantly met. Today, I open my heart, mind, and soul to Universal Abundance. I visualize us all opening to Divine Abundance. There is room for us all at the Table of Life. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.10.21

      As I entrain my mind in meditation and prayer, I enter sacred space and focus on our Oneness. All of us have dreams, hopes, and wishes. Dreams whether realized or not are how we create. Today, I visualize each of us as the creators we are taking action to advance our dreams in Divine Oneness for the Good of us all and our beloved planet. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.9.21

      In this season of Light, I focus within giving thanks for all that is. I visualize everyone filled with Light. Expanding further, the Creator within me fills all technological devices with Light. All social media is filled with Light and Love. Divine Light and Love direct all people everywhere. Thank you, dear Divinity for making it so. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.8.21

      Thank you, beloved Creator, for everyone, for everything, and especially for me. Thank you, beloved Creator, for You. Thank you for this journey of Oneness .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 12.7.21

      Focusing on my oneness with All, I declare, “We are One”. Holding this knowingness, I breathe peace and ease to all our people. I thank them for their contributions to our beloved planet and our peoples. In Light, I fill all who have suffered injury, both historically and present day. I fill those of us who feel the emotional echo of past and present trauma with Light and Love. I fill all with Knowledge of Right Action. I fill all with Divine Peace, Light, and Love. We embrace Peace. We are One. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 12.6.21

      Everything is energy. Everything has a frequency. Everything is of God. Light directs everything to Light and Love. As a knower, I affirm the Creator within everyone and everything guides each to Light and Love. We are all Guided on our paths to Oneness. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.5.21

      Centering in Divine Presence, I fill the concept of marriage with Love and Light. I give thanks for the institution of marriage. Expanding from Deep within I change my preconceived notions of marriage to Light. Marriage is a union that creates Love and Light for All. Marriage is a vehicle for completing Divine missions, together and separately, for the good of All. Married to life partners or married to God, all prosper in Union. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.4.21

      Focusing Light on our exquisite planet and its evolving climate, I radiate Love with the Light helping to anchor Light within climate change. Light directs all climate change. All is well. And so, it is. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.3.21

      From the Creator within, I fill all families with Love and Light. Despite life’s obstacles, all are safe in Divinity. As a Light worker, I help anchor Love, Light and Divine Abundance for the good of All. Today, I pay special attention to focusing Love and Light on families, visualizing every need filled through Light and with Love. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.2.21

      As a knower, I affirm the Creator within everyone and everything guides each to Light and Love. Light guides us all. We are Guided on our paths to Oneness. All is well on all dimensions and so it is. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.1.21

      Turning inward to Source, I am grateful for our first responders who are caring for our world’s ill suffering people. The Creator within me, fills all first responders, care givers all, with Light and Love. Our first responders are safe and secure in a bubble of Light on all dimensions. Expanding, I take our world within me, filling all people suffering from illness, despair, and worry with Light and Love. I visualize healing, radiant, purifying energy for our world and all its inhabitants. We are One. .    

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November 2021

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.30.21

      Centering in gratitude, I focus on what is working properly in my life. I am deeply grateful for my many blessings. I am grateful for my ability to meditate and pray. Turning within, I know that anything that has gone awry is an opportunity for growth. My resistance creates discomfort, discomfort is an invitation to release to Divinity. I am grateful for my ability to let things go. I am grateful for my ability to change. I am grateful for my personal growth. Thank you, dear Divinity, for this path of Light. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.29.21

      In meditation, I rest in Source before expanding to fill our nation’s Capitol with Light and Love. In prayer, I visualize and declare the Creator guides our Executive branch. The President and staff are open to Light. The legislative branch is filled with Light and Love. All members of Congress are able to receive Guidance. Turning focus to our Supreme Court, the Creator within me fills our judges and staff with Light and Love that Justice maybe served. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.28.21

      As we celebrate the Season of Light, I know the Creator within me is radiating Divine Light and Love through me. Opening, I merge into Light and Love. Expanding, I radiate Light and Love to everyone and everything. I am a conduit of Light and Love through all dimensions. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.27.21

      From the Creator within me I release any behaviors, foods, or substances that are not for my highest good to Light. I turn to the Creator within me to meet my dependency needs. Opening my heart, mind, and soul to Divinity, I am guided. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for this journey of awakening to who I truly am! .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 11.26.21

      I am filled with gratitude for the Divine gift of our beautiful, natural world. Thank you, Mother-Father God, for Earth. Thank you for the plant, animal, mineral, and microbial kingdoms. Thank you for the trees that hold spiritual energy for us. Thank you for our natural world that nourishes us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Expanding, I fill our beloved planet with Love and Light for the Good of All. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.25.21

      On this Thanksgiving Day, I reach within and give thanks for all I have and all I am about to receive. Radiating Light, I focus to help us all open our hearts, minds, and souls to Divine Generosity. When the impulse to give comes, I give generously in thought, word, and deed. We are One. Thank you, Holy Spirit Within for You and for us All. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.24.21

      Centering in Source, I focus on those of us making a transition through physical death. I visualize radiant Light and Divine Love easing each soul through this “graduation”. I envision their families filled with Light, Love, and Peace. All is well. Life is progressing without end. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.23.21

      Today, I stand with my fellow world citizens. Regardless of race, creed, or color, we are one. We are all Light Beings whether we know it or not. Today, I help anchor Divine Calm, Peace, Love, and Light. Today, I radiate Light to help change any negativity to Light. Our planet is a planet of Love and Light. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.22.21

      As I pray for our world, I consider our economy, the movement and flow of monies that support our endeavors on this plane. I focus intention and pray for the living flow of greenbacks, a plant-like system. I expand myself into this flow of Green visualizing needed monies moving to forward progress for all, for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.21.21

      As the weather cools in the northern hemisphere, I focus my prayerful mind on the needs of others. Deep within I create Love, Light, Prosperity for all, that each may have every need met. All are divinely guided to places, people, and services that provide for any need. We are One. We are connected on all levels through the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.20.21

      Centering within I pray for all those in need, filling my fellow world citizens with Light and Love. I visualize all our body’s chakras filled with empowering beautiful Light and Love. Schoolhouse Earth allows us all to learn and grow. Thank you, beloved Source, for this Journey to You. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 11.19.21

      As I go about my daily life, I find myself grateful for “little things”. Today I am grateful for my mind that I can focus as I choose. Today, I choose to focus on the Creator within me. I am grateful for the ability to focus mindful energy in prayer to create Good for All. Thank you, beloved Creator, for me. Thank you for shared Light and Love for All. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.18.21

      Today, I give thanks for the grace and generosity of our health care providers. From the Creator within me, I fill all these noble professionals with Love and Light. I visualize them safe and secure in a bubble of Light and Love on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.17.21

      Turning within I am grateful for Oneness. My daily meditation provides a safe haven as I negotiate the twists and turns of daily life. Connecting in Oneness, I slow- filling myself with Divine Peace, Love, and Light. Resting in Oneness, faith rises within. All is well. All is well. All is well.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.16.21

      From deep within I affirm: Light guides the United States of America. Light guides the Executive branch of the U.S. Light guides the Legislative branch of the U.S. Light guides the Judicial branch of the U.S. Light guides all who live in the U.S. Light guides everyone and everything. We are One, One Heart, One Mind. One. And so, it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.15.21

      Praying for our beloved beautiful planet, I help anchor Light to off-set the climate anxiety so many are experiencing. There is so much Light! Today, I help create more Light, more Love to fuel energies to help maintain and heal our beautiful spaceship Earth.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.14.21

      Today, from the Creator within me, I am grateful for courage, my own and that of others. As I face forward to my and our beloved planet’s future, I expand from my center of Light, my solar plexus, taking our world within me to aid in transforming all emotional, social, and physical storms to Divine Light and Love. I help anchor Light and Love on all dimensions. All is well.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.13.21

      On world kindness day, I merge with my High Self expanding Divine Peace, Calm, Love, and Light to everyone and everything. Pure crystalline strands of Divine Understanding weave together everyone and everything. All beings extend themselves in Divine Kindness. And so, it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 11.12.21

      Today, I give thanks focusing gratitude, Light and Love on our magnificent angelic kingdom. The Creator within me fills all angels and archangels with Light and Love. Beloved Angelic Kingdom, I am so grateful for your love, your help, and your constancy. Thank you, God, for our angels and their missions. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.11.21

      On this sacred day, 11.11, I merge with the Creator expanding Divine Love and Light within all who serve or have served our country. Those who serve or have served in the military are filled with Love and Light. Those who serve or have served to protect our people are filled with Love and Light. Their families are filled with Love and Light. Those who serve or have served our people in any capacity are filled with Love and Light. I honor service to all by helping expand Love and Light within all. Thank you, God, for Divine Service. […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.10.21

      Centering deep within, I tap God’s loving wellspring. Resting in gratitude allows me to extend Light and Love. Focusing Light and Love on our world’s climate conference, I visualize all participating countries enacting and completing their promised changes. Expanding, I fill the countries who are not participating: Russia; India; and China with Love and Light. The Creator within every country’s leadership guides each country’s actions in Love and Light. Light guides all human action for the Greater Good. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.9.21

      Considering my fellow citizens – of the US and of the world, I anchor myself in Love and Light visualizing our nation filled with Light. I visualize our world filled with Light. I release any worries to Light. We are Light Beings. The US is filled with Love and Light. The world is filled with Love and Light. I trust the Divine’s plan of Love and Light. Stepping out in Faith I help create Love and Light for the Good of All. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.8.21

      As I think of my fellow Light beings, I am buoyed by the actions of the many heroes, sung and unsung, we have on our beloved Earth. Working together, we can make change happen – creating Heaven on Earth. Thank you, God, for Light. Thank you, God, for Love. Thank you, God, for this life.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.7.21

      Today, opening within to Divinity I realize I am God’s hands in this dimension. I open my heart, mind, and soul to Spirit. I ask to be a clear instrument of Your will. From deep within, I release all impediments to Oneness. Thank you, beloved God, for Divine Connection.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.6.21

      If I don’t know what to do, I center deep within. Staying centered in the Presence within me, I know with Divine Knowingness what I need to do. I know I am called to model the Divine Presence Within for all people. To the best of my ability, I model God’s grace, presence, and spontaneity for all. Thank you, beloved God, for your Guidance.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 11.5.21

      Our planetary zeitgeist has many of us with a knot in our stomach. Centering from the Creator within, I visualize all of us working together to create Divine Unity. Expanding to encompass our world, I magnify Light and Love to help increase humankind’s awareness of our loving planet. We are One and so it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.4.21

    From the Creator within, I anchor Light, Love and Peace for all our world’s inhabitants. Inhaling Light, I exhale Love helping to hold sacred space for Divine Calm. I visualize all of us realizing our Divine Essence as Light beings having a human experience on a rough and tumble planet. Today, I anchor Divine Calm for us all.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.3.21

    As I open myself, Spirit stirs within me. Today, I give thanks for the knowledge that we are ONE. All is well. No Matter What. The Divine has a plan and on the astral level the template is prepared, and it is Perfect. Expanding from Spirit I hold Peace for All. Amen    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.2.21

    On the Day of the Dead, All Souls’ Day, I give thanks for the many generations who came before me. I am grateful for my ancestors’ work. From my High Self, I radiate Light back through time and space filling my transitioned loved ones and past generations with Light and Love. I am standing on the shoulders of those who came before me and I am grateful for their contributions to me, my life, and our world. I hold them in Light and Love. And so, it is.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.1.21

    Celebrating All Saint’s Day in a new way, I consider the many Light Beings and Saints who exist on various dimensions. I give thanks for those Beings. I give thanks for the example they have set for me and the Love and Light they have created. Breathing deeply, I expand centering Love and Light for us all as we knowingly or unknowingly strive to complete our spiritual missions.    

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October 2021

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.31.21

    Samhain, the night the veil thins between heaven and earth, I expand from the Creator within me, filling everyone and everything with Love and Light. Immersed in Divine Flow I am helping create a New Heaven on Earth. Thank you, dear Divinity for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.30.21

    Sitting in silent communication with Source, I radiate Divine Peace, Love, and Light within our world and its people. I know we are all God’s chosen Ones. We choose. We choose God’s path of Love and Light. I focus, intensifying Love and Light in social media. Turning, I expand Love and Light in churches, synagogues, and mosques. I visualize Light in everyone so all may know we are all God’s chosen people. With Love, I help anchor this Truth.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.29.21

      Pondering our planetary zeitgeist, I turn within and find solace in the Divine. From the Creator within me, I fill our world with Love and Light. This transitional time is filled with Light. Light directs change for the Good of All. Today, I hold sacred space for Love, Light, Peace, Joy, and Harmony for All. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.28.21

    The Creator with me creates Divine Light, Love, and Peace within all storms. Stormy weather is Nature’s way of transforming negative energy. I visualize each of us releasing our fear of storms and natural disasters to Light and Love. We all release our fear of climate change to Light. Light directs climate change for the Greater Good. Everyone and everything are safe in a Divine Bubble of Love and Light. There is only Light and Love. All is well.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.27.21

    Stepping back from the world’s chatter, I focus deep within on Divine Intelligence. Merging, I focus prayer energy on all people opening their hearts, minds, and souls to the Divine. I visualize crystalline strands of Divine Intelligence connecting to all so we all anchor in Divinity. I visualize all empowered from Divinity, each of us making choices for the Greater Good.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.26.21

    If I hesitate or don’t know my next step, I turn within opening to the Creator asking for Divine Guidance. I do not judge myself. Sitting in silence, I wait for clarification from my High Self. As I wait, I release my personal will affirming “Thy will, not my will”. Thank you, sweet Source for Your Guidance.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.25.21

    The Office of the U.S. Presidency is filled with Love and Light. The President is divinely Guided. All senators and representatives open their hearts, minds, and souls to Light and are Guided. All is well. And so, it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.24.21

    The United Nations is filled with Light and Love. Each UN member opens his or her heart to the Divine within. Each member willingly accepts the Mantle of the Living Christ and is divinely guided to serve for the Good of All. The United Nations, through the Power of the Creator within, LEADS the world’s nations to protect and serve the world’s peoples. And so, it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.23.21

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I release unhealthy use of any substances, food, drink, or behaviors to Light. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. The Creator within meets my every need. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.22.21

    Considering birthdays, the anniversary of one’s birth, such a courageous act – coming through into the physical, to learn more, do more, BE more. To work towards Oneness. Reflecting on this act of faith, I am humbled. Turning within, I fill all having birthdays with Joy, Love, and Light. Expanding, I focus Love and Light back through the last 364 days, filling all people who have had birthdays with Love and Light. Thank you, God, for my fellow Light beings.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.21.21

      Stepping back from the world’s chatter, from deep within I focus on Divine Intelligence. Merging with Divine Intelligence, I focus prayer energy on all people opening their hearts, minds, and souls to Divine Intelligence. I visualize crystalline strands of Divine Intelligence connecting to all so we are all anchored in Divinity. I visualize all empowered from the Creator within, each of us making choices for the Greater Good.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.20.21

      Today I affirm: My life’s tasks are easily achieved, in an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way, in a timely fashion, for the Greater Good. Amen. (Marc Allen)    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.19.21

      Continuing the process of embracing the power of my high Self, the Living Christ within, I reflect on empowerment as a process, sometimes two steps forward, one step back. Today, I gently step out in faith, walking through and releasing my fear to Light and Love. Thank you, beloved God, for guiding me on this journey of enlightenment.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.18.21

      There is only Energy. As I sit with this truth I am flooded with Light. From deep within, I radiate Divine Energy to all our world’s governments. All governments are filled with Light and Love. All non-governmental organizations are filled with Light and Love. I visualize increasing awareness for everyone. We are one in the All That Is. And so, it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.17.21

      Focusing on my physicality, I declare: My cells are Light. My skeletal system is Light. My muscular system is Light. My nervous system is Light. My sensory systems are Light. My endocrine system is Light. My circulatory system is Light. My respiratory system is Light. My digestive system is Light. My urinary system is Light. My reproductive system is Light. My body’s bacteria are Light. I am a Light Being. I radiate Light throughout my body. I radiate Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for me, and for All That Is.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.16.21

      In prayer, the Creator within me focuses Love and Light in our jails and prison system. The Creator within me radiates Love and Light for all of us in any type of prison, physical or mental, imposed by others or by self. The Creator within provides Divine Freedom for all, that we may be free to fulfill our sacred missions for the Good of All. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.15.21

      Expanding from the Creator within me, I focus on the needs of everyone and everything. The Creator within all people, flora, and fauna fills them with Love, Light and Prosperity. Every need is abundantly met. All are divinely guided to places, habitats, people, and services that provide for all needs. We are One, we are connected on all levels. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, there is abundance to meet every need for all species in this beautiful dimension. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.14.21

      Considering people “on edge,” from deep within I affirm “I Am one with Divine Calm.” I Am Divine Calm. I radiate Divine Calm. We are Divine Calm. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for the creation of Divine Calm for all. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.13.21

      Praying for our beloved world and its creatures, I fill our land, air, and waters with Light and Love. I visualize a dampening of the Caldor’s fire intensity. I visualize a dampening of hurricanes’ speed. I visualize all climate changes directed by Light. As a Light Being I help anchor calm and coolness to help lower temperatures and intensity. Thank you, God, for your Divine Calm.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.12.21

      “Be positive! You are the Light of the World.” Today, I immerse myself in revolutionary optimism knowing We are the light of the world. In Divine Connection I expand anchoring Love, Light, the Optimism of faith, and Joy. I am grateful for my ability to stay in the Divine Flow. I am in the right place, at the right time, praying, saying, and doing the right things for the Greater Good. Amen    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.11.21

      Indigenous People’s Day and Columbus Day, today, I fill all people with Love and Light. I visualize everyone releasing their ancestral and personal injuries to Light and Love. Today, in meditation and prayer, I hold sacred space for Divine Harmony for all, as a rainbow family of people on the divine path to Oneness. Thank you, sweet Spirit for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.10.21

      Pondering one of the twelve attributes of the Tree of Life, Divine Rest, I affirm I can rest in the Divine knowing all is well. All perceived problems have a Divine solution. Today, I rest in Spirit, renewing myself in Quiet. Today, I minimize, focusing on the moment, attending minute by minute to my High Self. Giving thanks for the Connection within, I simply rest in the knowledge that despite any perceived inner or outer chaos, all is well. And so, it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.9.21

      Today, I am reminded: I can only control my own thoughts and behavior. I cannot control the choices of others. I can view them as the Light Beings they are. I can set a good example. I can pray for them and visualize them in the beauty of their Light-ness. Thank you, God, for this reminder. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.8.21

      We are Light Beings having an earthly existence – fallible in some ways. As I think about pitfalls on the earthly plane, I consider addiction in its many forms. Today, I expand to fill everyone on Earth with Light and Love. Visualizing cravings of any type as strings attached to people, I take my heavenly scissors and snip the impediments freeing us all. Thank you, beloved God, for helping us realize our True Identity.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.7.21

      As we move into autumn in the northern hemisphere, I turn within and review my habitual thoughts. Thinking about what I am reaping this season, I curate my thoughts – I release any that are not serving me well. I affirm: I am a Light Being. Truth is revealed and expressed to me by Spirit. I am one with All That Is. Thank you, sweet Spirit for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.6.21

      Moving into Oneness, I focus Love and Light on our judicial system. I visualize Light casting clarity on justice in our country and in all countries around our world. All courts systems and those working in the system are filled with Light and Divine Love. All reasoning is Divinely Guided. Thank you, beloved Divinity for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.5.21

      As I relax and open to my High Self, I become more one with the Divine. Today, I relax and release my human desire to be perfect. I release all negative self-judgments. I am a Light Being and I am open to Divinity. I am a flexible fluid Light Being surrendering to Oneness. Thank you, Spirit, for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.4.21

      As I pray for our national leaders, I open to the Divine in me filling Congress with Light and Love. I visualize Light flowing through all budgetary hearings and activities. Light leads the way for all senators and representatives to carry out their duties to our nation in a wise and timely way. Light and Love enable flexibility and wisdom for the Good of All. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.3.21

      Today, I sit as an Observer. I sit in silence and observe my mind, my thoughts. I do not resist, that which I resist, persists (Carl Jung). I observe and I release, I let go, and focus on God. I am a clear vessel through which Spirit flows for the Good of All. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.2.21

      From deep within, I let the mundane fall away. Someone said: “You can’t build security in a world of fear.” I Know this is true. So today, I trust the Creator, That which is All That Is. Today, I trust and have faith. Today, I pray for my Self. Today, I pray for our beloved Earth and all inhabitants. Today, I declare: “I am Divinely Guided”. All is well. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.1.21

      I AM a Light Being. I AM resilient. I AM strong. I AM able to see clearly. I AM able to hear clearly. I AM one with the I AM That I AM. Thank you, beloved Source, for making it so. Amen.    

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September 2021

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.30.21

      Choosing to tune into Spirit I release my defenses allowing myself to depend on the Energy of All. Every need can be met through the Divine. I release grappling to have my needs met. I release my human relationships to Light. I create Love and Light in these relationships, letting them go in Love and Light. Taking action as Guided; visualizing my goals, God meets my every need. Thank you, God, for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.29.21

      As I consider Oneness, I think of bullies. How is one One with a bully? From deep within comes an answer: you see the high Self of the other and lovingly set limits. You push Light and Love out into less-light filled, less-loved filled people and areas. You expand your Light and Love to engage all as One. So, today, I expand my Light and Love to everyone and everything as a Light Being. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.28.21

      Today is National Sons’ Day and I feel a depth of gratitude to all parents who are raising sons to be the Light Beings they are meant to be. From the Creator within me, I expand in gratitude for the souls who choose to come through as sons bringing their gifts to this dimension. Thank you, beloved Source, for the next generation. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.27.21

      Praying for our giant sequoias I am filled with awe for our beautiful world’s trees. The Ancient Ones, as the Native Americans call them, are filled with Light. They are filled with Love. Merging with the sequoias in meditation I breathe Light and Love into them. I fill our firefighters with Light, Love and Gratitude for their holy mission to protect these trees and all trees, woods, and our environment.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.26.21

      Happiest are those who have sought and found a way to serve” (Albert Schweitzer). As I ponder this quote during these turbulent times, I am inspired to gratitude for all that I have, all that I am, and for my purpose as a Light Being. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for you, for me, for Life. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.25.21

      Focusing on our media, I direct the Creator within me to fill each person watching any news or social media with Love and Light. Increasing Light within each viewer, I envision all opening their hearts to Source, filling the internet dimension with Love and Light. I visualize all of us filling cyberspace with Love and Light. Thank you, Sweet Source, for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.24.21

    Pondering Native American Day, I bow to the Divine in all Native Americans joining in Oneness as I honor each for their service to our natural world. Native American spiritual traditions help guide us all. From deep within, I feel a depth of gratitude to Native American culture and the Light Beings who have cared for our beloved Earth for eons and continue to be leaders and environmental activists. All our Native American tribes are filled with Light and Love. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.23.21

    Expanding myself in prayer to become my Self, I visualize what we are meant to be: the living body of Divine Mind. Sitting in Divine Silence and Love I soak up Love, Light, and Serenity. Thank you for this communion of Spirit.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.22.21

    Treasuring autumn, I embrace cooler temperatures and shorter days. As a Light Being, I fill our world’s climate with Light and Love. The Creator within all guides all to create Good through thought, prayer, and action. Today and every day we enable action to protect our fragile fantastic planet. Thank you, God, for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.21.21

    Expanding to encompass our rough-n-tumble world, the Creator within me fills each of us with Light and Love. All who have endured any type of violence are filled with Light and Love. All who have carried out any type of violence are filled with Light and Love. All of us are Light Beings. All of us open our hearts, minds, and souls to the Creator within us. All of us learn from any drama in our lives, changing it to Light. All of us move forward creating Good as One. And so, it is, Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.20.21

      Focusing on the many souls who made an unexpected transition through death to the afterlife I fill them with Love and Light. Focusing deeply from the Creator within, I visualize all these souls releasing any negative emotions to Light. If they are earth-bound, I envision them freed to move forward with their essential purpose: Oneness with God. Turning to those left behind, the Creator within each enables them to change their grief to Love and Light. Thank you, God, for allowing me to aid All.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.19.21

      Moving through my day, I meditate on joy in the Flow. Divine Flow. I declare: I am a Light Being. I am filled with Light. I am a Love Being. I am filled with Love. I resolve to Love as I labor; to find Joy in daily work. I declare: I am worthy of fulfillment of my aspirations. I am Connected in Flow and am Divinely Guided. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.18.21

      Touching in today, I feel the gift of Presence. Expanding, I radiate Light and Love to all our American capital cities, especially the US Capitol. I visualize Divine Calm, Peace, Love, and Harmony filling each capital city within the US. Again visualizing, I see these Divine Gifts flowing to and through all our world’s cities and countrysides filling everyone with Love and Light. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.17.21

      Praying for unity within my fellow Light beings, I expand from deep within and visualize all of Us as One. We are One. One Heart – a shared Oneness with the Creator within each of us. We are One. Today, I hold space for our shared harmony. The Oneness of all beings.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.16.21

      Deep in meditation and prayer, I focus on Spirit flowing through me and declare Love and Light is channeled to those of us in need of healing; to those of us in need of help, especially those of us touched by homelessness, poverty, loneliness, or mental health issues. I co-create with Spirit flowing through me to aid in creation of Heaven on Earth for All. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.15.21

      “All forms of light come with some form of shadows, and that doesn’t mean you don’t want to walk into the sun.” (Amanda Gorman, 2021) Today, knowing Light attracts shadow, I keep myself in a Bubble of Light on all dimensions. There need be no drama, just a Bubble of Light. It’ simple. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for meeting my need for your Protection. Amen      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.14.21

      From deep within I visualize filling all world governments with Light and Love. Light clarifies revealing everything on all dimensions. I visualize all world leaders harmoniously working together for the benefit of all and for the benefit of our sacred environment. And, so, it is. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.13.21

      I am Light. I am Love. I am one with the Divine. I am Divine!      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.12.21

      Focusing, I inhale Light exhaling Love. I purposely create healing Peace. Expanding myself to encompass Earth, I expand Divine Peace filling our world. Serenity flows through all. Visualizing, I increase the radiance of Light and Love enveloping our world. Peace is expanded for All. Thank you, God, for this mission of Love.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.11.21

      On the 20th anniversary of 9-11, I turn within and release my sadness over man’s inhumanity to man. Expanding, I focus Love and Light within all who have lost loved ones due to acts of terror. Today, I help magnify Love and Light within all who are injured and-or who seek to injure others. Each of us praying helps focus Love and Light on our brothers and sisters so we may Truly become the family of Divine Man. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.10.21

      Praying for everyone making a transition from the physical to the nonphysical life, I fill them with Divine Love and Light. Expanding from Source within, I visualize all left-behind-loved-ones filled with Love and Light. All grief, hurt, and anger are changed to Light. Today, I help enrich Harmony, Peace, Love, and Light within everyone and everything. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.9.21

      Today, from deep within I purify and cleanse each cell of my body with Light. Standing at the gate of my thoughts, I release negative thoughts to Light. As I monitor my thoughts, it aids in clearing our world’s thought pollution. Moving deeper, I release and pass through my fears helping to lessen our world’s darkness. Little by little, slowly we turn to Light and Oneness. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.8.21

      Breathing from the Creator within me, I focus on the divisiveness in America filling it with Love and Light. I visualize all in America opening their hearts, minds, and souls to Divine Love. Masks or no masks, vaccinated or not, all are directed by Light and Love. Today, I help hold space for Love and Harmony. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.7.21

      As I return to work, my day job, I recall I am where I am for a reason. I know work is Good. “Work is Love made visible” (Khalil Gibran). In carrying out my work from my High Self, the Creator within me Guides me. I am co-creating with All That Is. I work and pray with loving intention for the Good of All. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.6.21

      Today, as I rest from my labor, I consider the notion: we began to labor as we turned from Divine Love. Today, I rest in Spirit knowing that I can imbue my work with love. This day is for renewal; for resting in the Divine Creative Essence of Life. Thank you, God, for this day and every day. Thank you for meaningful work. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.5.21

        The Creator within me creates Love and Light within all people everywhere. Expanding to encompass our world, I visualize all of us becoming aware of the Living Light that is our essence. All open to Oneness and are Guided. All are in the right place, at the right time, saying and doing the right thing for the Good of All. And, so, it is. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.4.21

        The Creator within me creates Love and Light in and through all unexpected weather events. All fires, floods, and earthquakes across our world are filled with Love and Light Our world’s people are filled with Love and Light. Light directs climate change for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.3.21

        Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I release unhealthy use of any substances or behaviors to Light. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I radiate Light and Love throughout my being. The Loving Light of the Creator nourishes me. I am empowered as the Light Being I am. As I do this for myself, I expand – radiating Light. We are truly Beings of Light and Love. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light and Love.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.2.21

      Riding the spiritual wave of our Creator’s energy, I continue to push personal expansion of my human boundaries to consciously feel All That Is. I release my fear as I surrender to Divine Flow. Sweet, sweet Spirit, my cup truly does runneth over. Thank you, for this sacred, conscious, not-always-easy-to-surrender Path of Light. Thank you. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.1.21

      Thank you, dearest Creator, for my creativity. I am deeply grateful that I am able to pray, to create from deep within. Thank you for the wellspring of creativity that is YOU within me. Thank you, for You. Thank you for me. Amen.      

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August 2021

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.31.21

      Centering from the Creator within me, I fill the Office of the Presidency with Light and Love. I visualize the White House filled with radiant Light. Divine Light guides our US President and staff. Divine Love informs the President on global need. Divine Truth, Light, and Love fill the Oval Office for the Good of All. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.30.21

      Today, the Creator within me fills all Afghans with Love and Light. Thank you, dearest Angels and Beings of Light, for helping all Afghans find the Creator within them and rise to their Divine Mission. We are One in Divinity. Amen. .      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.29.21

      Life isn’t about me; it’s about Us. Spirit has chosen each one of us. We are the Chosen, each of us. Today, I choose to listen to the quiet voice of the Divine within me. I choose to let go of temptations to be less than I am capable of being. I choose to let go of fear. I choose to let go of anger. I choose to let go of hurt. .I am a creator-in-action. I create love to replace fear in all of us. I create love to replace anger in all of us. I create love […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.28.21

      Sometimes, I don’t know what I am doing; I am at a crossroads needing a sign. When this happens, I step out in Faith, as a spiritual scientist, collecting data on a subject of one, myself. “Basic research is what I am doing when I don’t know what I am doing.” (Werner Von Braun). If this is a basic research day, I pray globally, realizing, I am United with all; I am re-searching my connection to Spirit. I am One with All in my process.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.27.21

      Thank you, sweet Spirit, for the plant, animal, mineral, microbial, and molecular kingdoms. Thank you for the water, rocks and trees that anchor our earth holding spiritual energy for us. Thank you for the minerals, microbes, and insects that work together feeding and nourishing us. My gratitude helps expand the radiant beauty of Earth helping to increase Love and Light in this dimension. Thank you, thank you, thank you.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.26.21

      “In seizing the moment, you find heaven.” – Rodney Padgett Today I seize the day, finding peace in Divine Flow. I am elevated, reaching out to expand this Peace to all. I realize, again, Heaven is a state of consciousness. Thank you, beloved God, for Heaven in life. Thank you, for the ability to experience Heaven now.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.25.21

      Expanding from the Creator within me, I fill everyone who is searching for their right place in life, everyone who is terrorized by their future with Divine Love and Light. If the old North Carolinian saying is true: “Rough weather makes good timber” many of us on Earth are prime grade A. Today, I sit in silence and fill everyone with Divine Resilience. All will be well. All is well. Thank you, sweet Spirit for helping us create Beauty and Peace on Earth. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.24.21

      Turning inward to Source, I am grateful for our first responders who are caring for our world’s ill suffering people. The Creator within me, fills all health care workers with Light and Love. These first responders are safe and secure in a bubble of Light on all dimensions. Expanding, I take our world within me, filling all people suffering from illness, despair, and worry with Light and Love. I visualize healing, radiant, purifying energy for our world and all its inhabitants. We are One.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.23.21

      There is a solution to every problem. Intellectually, I know problems are gifts; so today, I take my problems and release them to Light. Expanding, I release our world’s problems to Light. I put my and the world’s problems in God’s hands. In meditation, I release them and rest in the Divine. Grounding myself in Trust, I thank God for my and our learning experiences here on Schoolhouse Earth.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.22.21

      From the Creator within me, I reach out to those of us who feel isolated, lonely, afraid or ill. While I find solace in isolation, I know others may not. Today, I fill our family of man with Light and Love. Today, I visualize all of us and our beloved Earth filled with radiant Light. Today I help hold space – anchoring Peace, Divine Calm, Light and Love for all. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.21.21

      From the Creator within me, I visualize our exquisite planet filled with Love and Light. Setting intention from the Creator within me, I expand Love and Light within our Divine home. I find myself overcome – with love and gratitude for the incredible gift of our beautiful natural world. Thank you, Mother-Father God, for our world. Thank you for all things working together for the Good of All.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.20.21

      Life is short, I refuse to be fearful. Fear cripples the soul. So, every day, if I feel fear surface, I face it and I embrace it. I fill it with Love and I release it. Only through facing, loving, and releasing fear am I free to be who I truly am: a Light Being. Thank you, beloved Creator, for our ability to choose Love. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.19.21

      This moment in time, there have been many, is filled with massive change and apparent tragedy. From deep within, I expand Love and Light through everyone and everything helping to anchor Light, Love and the Peace that passes all understanding. Thank you, God, for this journey of Love and Light.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.18.21

      Reaching deep within I work to deprogram any disinformation and misinformation within me. Parents teach what they know. Today, I lovingly release each parent to Light. I embrace my Light. I embrace my Divine Inheritance. I am one with the Creator within me. I listen only to the Divine Voice within. Thank you for my ability to hear. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.17.21

      As I pray for our world, I focus on everyone trying to find their right place in life on earth. From the Creator within me, I declare Light directs everyone displaced from their home. Everyone finds their right path in the world. All are open to Guidance from the Creator within them. All is well. All are well in Light and Divine Love. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.16.21

      As I ride the spiritual wave of Christed Energy I continue to push personal expansion of my human boundaries to consciously feel All That Is. I embrace Divine Flow finding Joy. Sweet, sweet Spirit. My cup truly does runneth over. Thank you, for this sacred, conscious Path. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.15.21

      Considering all who are suffering any illness, I expand from deep within and fill each soul with Love and Light. Moving into the energy, I add the idea of limitation. The Creator within me directs Light changing all limitations in each of us to Light. We are Light Beings without limits. We are limitless in the Divine. Thank you, Dearest Divinity for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.14.21

      In my meditation and prayer time, I breathe Peace, Love and Light to all nations. I fill North America with Love and Light. I fill Central America with Love and Light. I fill South America with Love and Light. I fill Europe with Love and Light. I fill Asia with Love and Light. I fill Africa with Love and Light. I fill Antarctica with Love and Light. I fill Australia with Love and Light. Our wonderful world is filled with Love and Light on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.13.21

        Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. The Creator within me changes any unhealthy habits to Light. I am a Light Being. We are all Light Beings. We are all healing to become our true selves. We are truly beings of Light and Love. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light and Love.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.12.21

      Each morning I focus-opening to ask Divine Will for my instructions, I remind myself: I am teachable. Centering in Spirit, I expand myself to become my Self – always in touch with the Holy Spirit within. As I go through my daily tasks, I expand Light and Love to everyone and everything. I take action as directed by Divine Will. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.11.21

      As I consider our national disconnect from one another, I find myself saddened by the polarization. Today, I think of Rumi who said: “Out beyond right and wrong, there is a field. I will meet you there.” Maybe this is a cliché, but today, it feels right – today, I step out to that metaphorical field of Love. I step out in Love asking Light to direct my actions. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for Your Love, Your Light, and Your Guidance. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.10.21

      The Creator within me creates Love and Light in our world’s fires, floods, and storms. Light directs all climate change and climate related weather. Today, I visualize Divine Calm on Earth. I visualize all of us safe within a Bubble of Love and Light. Thank you, God for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.9.21

      Relaxing in Connection, I am able to hear the still small voice of the Creator within me. As I let go, I am able to relax and hear. I am hearing and understanding. I am listening and I am Directed. I am becoming more discerning. I am becoming that I Am That I Am. I relax into Divine Gratitude.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.8.21

      Today, I open to the energy of the Divine in our universe. I declare from the Creator within me: “I am the Creator-In-Action on our beloved planet”. I am Divinely Guided to be in the right place, at the right time, thinking, praying, saying, and doing the right things for the Good of All. Thank you, Beloved Divinity for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.7.21

      Moving calmly in Light, I breathe and visualize Light expanding within everyone and everything. Everyone and everything are made from Divinity. In my mind’s eye I see crystalline Light patterns permeating this dimension. Divine Light and Love are woven throughout the Whole. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for this Reality.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.6.21

      Considering the “dog days” of August, I turn within and breathe tolerance, Love, and Light into today and this month. Expanding, I visualize people in both hemispheres of our world filled with radiant Understanding, Peace, Love, and Light. Seizing the moment, I fill the month with the Power of the Living Christ.  Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.5.21

      Today, I focus prayer on electronic devices. Spirit within me fills all of us using any electronic media or phones with Love and Light. As I use devices, I consciously fill everyone viewing screens with Love and Light. All content on social media is filled with Light. Viewers’ emotional responses are filtered by the Divine and are filled with Love and Light. The Creator within me creates Good in, thorough, and around all devices and so, it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.4.21

      Centering in Divine Connection I find Truth is revealed and expressed. I am shown how to navigate any plight. I am given strength through Communion. I am encouraged and enabled to don my Divine spiritual armor to face personal dilemmas and our world’s turmoil. Thank you, God, for this divine partnership in Your Love and Light. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.3.21

      Focusing deep within, I visualize Light filling and guiding our world’s governments. All governments are Light. Our world’s people are Light. Everyone and everything are filled with Divine Love. Love and Light guide our world using a Divine Template. All is well. And so, it is. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.2.21

      As I pray for covid-19, delta mutation, I fill all mutations with Light and Love. We ourselves are mutating, changing every day. Today, I visualize the delta virus variation mutating to enhance Harmony, Peace, and Love within everyone and everything. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.1.21

      The Creator within me fills our world with Love and Light. Holy Spirit expands Love within everyone. Holy Spirit expands Light within everyone. Everyone and everything are made of Divinity. Made of Divine Love and Light. Thank you, Spirit, for your Creation!  

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July 2021

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.31.21

      As I think of all of us on Spaceship Earth, I expand from deep within and fill us with Light and Divine Love. Everyone is coping with some type of challenge. Spaceship Earth is a schoolhouse and we are all learning our lessons at different speeds. Today I visualize all of us filled with Light and Love, able to put down our resistance to change, able to accept Grace and speed our learning process. Thank you, Divine Presence, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.30.21

      As my Consciousness expands, I become aware of a wish to isolate; a wish to dumb down awareness. I release my increased sensitivity to Light. As my perception increases, I am learning all things will become transparent. I am made aware that Spirit within me will increase my tolerance and understanding to match my growing awareness of All That Is. Thank you, God, for this journey of discovery.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.29.21

      As I go about my daily life, I find myself grateful for little things. Flowering plants, rest, sunshine, laughter… I am grateful for my mind that I can focus as I choose. Today, I choose to focus on the Creator within me. I am grateful for the ability to focus mindful energy in prayer to create Good for All. Thank you, beloved Creator, for me.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.28.21

      Again, I am reminded: the keys to the Kingdom come as I release my negatives to Light. One by one, it is a gradual process. Today, I release my worry, anger, and fear to Light. Today, I step out in faith – trusting the Creator within me to guide me on my path to Oneness. Today, I take my courage in hand and Trust. Thank you, beloved Creator, for this journey to Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.27.21

      We dedicate the energy of our prayers to benefit all Sentient beings throughout time, space, and mind. May the power of our prayers increase to help others know their perfection as one with Divinity. Amen. (Revision of the Tibetan dedication of Merit; offered by Jacquelyn Sendak- Zavaleta)

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.26.21

      Thank you, unseen Light Beings, for being here. Thank you for helping anchor Light and Love on Earth. Thank you, dearest angels, fairies, and friends of Light for all you do for us on this dimension. It helps to know we are not alone in our most perfect work. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.25.21

      Parenting may be the hardest job in the world; it’s 24/7, little mirrors showing us our worst traits… Today, I expand from the Creator within me, filling all parents with Divine Love and Light. Lifting them in Light to acknowledge the loving sacrifices made by most parents. Thank you, God, for the courageous choice parents make. Thank you, God, for the growing experience of parenting. Thank you, God, for children and families on Schoolhouse Earth. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.24.21

      Considering birthdays, the anniversary of one’s birth, such a courageous act, coming through into the physical, to learn more, do more, BE more. Reflecting on this act of faith fills me with awe. Focusing from deep within, I expand Love and Light through all who have had birthdays in the past year. The Creator within me fills everyone with Joy, Love, and Light in gratitude for all that has been contributed to this physical dimension, our world.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.23.21

      From the Creator within me, I fill the fires in the western US with Light and Love. I fill the Bootleg fire with Light and Divine Love. I visualize and affirm Light directs these fires to Light. Light directs the fire-determined weather patterns to Light. Light and Divine Love fill all living beings. Light and Love fill our atmosphere. Light directs climate change for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.22.21

      As I focus on the Creator within me, I expand visualizing everyone with covid-19 filled with Light and Love. All who may be suffering are filled with Peace, Light, and Love. Light directs everyone’s bodies and souls to Light. The Creator within me fills the covid-19 virus and all viruses with Light and Love. Light directs everything to Light and Love. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.21.21

      As I turn within, finding respite from the world in my meditation. I let the mundane fall away. I let the chatter and talking heads go. I center myself in Divinity and focus Love and Light on our beloved world. I fill all people with Love and Light. I remember God is the Energy that underlies all living things. I center in this unifying comforting Truth. And so, it is, Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.20.21

      Nighttime is moon time and gives us the gift of rest. Today, I am grateful for Divine Rest. From deep within I am filled with gratitude for our daily cycles. With infinite wisdom Divinity gave us time to rest, rejuvenate, and consolidate our learning. Touching into Source I am filled to overflowing. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for our daily turns.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.19.21

      God works on a need-to-know basis. I don’t know The Big Picture because I may not yet have the capacity to digest it. I learn as I release, more is revealed. So, today, I step out in Faith, I release fear and anxiety. I open my heart to the miracles I see every day. I open my heart to Divinity and feel Joy. Joy eases ambiguity. I know Source is my spiritual safety net. Thank you, Sweet Source for this exciting journey of release.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.18.21

      Sometimes, I find myself at a crossroads needing a sign. Stepping out in faith, as a spiritual scientist, I collect data on a subject of one, myself. “Basic research is what I am doing when I don’t know what I am doing.” (Werner Von Braun). If this is a basic research day, I declare: “Thank you, God”. I choose to reach within in faith, becoming One with All in my process of growth. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.17.21

      The Creator within me creates Love and Light in and through fires, floods, and earthquakes across our world. All unexpected weather and resulting challenges are filled with Divine Love and Light. Light directs climate change for the Good of All. Worldwide, our first responders are filled with Love and Light. They are guided in their missions to save lives, lands, and homes. All living beings, be they plant, insect, animal, or human, who are touched by climate change are filled with Love and Light. All are safe within a Bubble of Love and Light. Thank you, God for making […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.16.21

      Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I release unhealthy use of any substances or behaviors to Light. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I am a Light Being. I am filled with Light. I radiate Light and Love throughout my being. The Loving Light of the Creator nourishes me. I am empowered as the Light Being I am. As I do this for myself, I expand – radiating Light. We are truly Beings of Light and Love. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.15.21

      The Creator within me releases and changes my preconceived notions of marriage to Light. As I hold the institution of marriage in Light, I understand that marriage is a vehicle for completing Divine missions, together and separately, for the good of All. Married to life partners or married to God, this union creates Love and Light for All. Thank you, God, for this yoke of Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.14.21

      In meditation and prayer, I focus Light and Love on all of us who are ill, impoverished or imprisoned in mind, body or spirit. Expanding, I visualize the Creator within each suffering soul opening to release discomfort and find ease, comfort, joy, and peace within Thy Mercy. Thank you, Beloved God, for your Tender Mercy, Love, and Peace that passes all understanding. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.13.21

      Focusing on our planet, I think about litter and littering. Suspending judgment, I fill those who litter with Love and Light. We all litter, knowingly or not, trash out of a window, words out of a mouth. Today, I fill all with Love and Light. Today, I litter our world with Love and Light holding space for a new heaven on Earth.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.12.21

      Today, I confirm that the Creator within me gives me all the insights and information I need to know. If I pay attention, I can trust I will receive all needed messages from my High Self. I affirm I trust the Creator within me. I trust myself. I trust God. I am in the right place at the right time, listening, doing, and saying the right thing for the Good of All. Thank you, High Self, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.11.21

      Today, I rest enjoying the fruits of my labor. Regardless of what we see and hear, all that truly matters is Love and Light. Today, I rest my heart in Spirit, knowing one’s Heart focused on Divine Connection is truly the pinnacle of worldly success. All else is smoke and mirrors. I rest in Ease, Grace and Glory.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.10.21

      I find myself grateful for my many blessings. Yes, there are challenges, and these help me grow. As I consciously breathe, I am filled with gratitude. Today, I pay it forward, acting locally and praying globally for the Good of All. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for my many gifts.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.9.21

      Reflecting on parenting, a 24/7 role that is often sheer joy and sometime not, I visualize parenting filled with Divine Ease. All parents are filled with Love and Light. Parents are Divinely Guided for the good of their children and people everywhere. Families are the building block of society. The Creator within parents fills all families With Love and Light for the Good of All. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.8.21

    From my High Self, I visualize our world filled with Light. Crystalline strands of Light weave a radiant tapestry. Immersing myself in this creative endeavor, I visualize Light and Love filling this physical dimension. Everyone and everything are bathed in Light and Love. Thank you, Divine Essence, for this template of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.7.21

    As we move into hurricane season, I know stormy weather is Nature’s way of transforming negative energy. From deep within, I declare the Creator within me creates Light, Love, and Peace within all storms. We all release our fear of storms to Light. We create Love and Light blanketing our world. All are safe in a Divine Bubble of Love and Light. All is well. And so it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.6.21

    As we return back to our work-a-day jobs, I remember: “Work is love made visible” (Khalil Gibran). In carrying out my work from my High Self, I know the Creator within me Guides me. I work and pray with loving intention for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.5.21

      Today, I am grateful for our founding mothers as well as our founding fathers. Feminine hands that contributed to the founding of this nation. Feminine hands that sewed our beautiful American flag. Feminine hands that offered a tea set to fund the first treasury. Feminine hands that defended homes and families. I am grateful for the many women and men who came before us in creating Good. I am humbled as I stand on the shoulders of the founding mothers and fathers. I am humble as I carry the Greater works forward, striving for a new Heaven on Earth, […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.4.21

    Today, amidst the parades and John Philip Sousa, I turn within visualizing a nation whose leaders and citizens are Divinely Guided. A nation filled with Love and Light that upholds dignity for all. Our beautiful country is filled with creative Light Beings who are working for Good. Life on Earth is a sacred learning experience. I help hold space for Unity for us All.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.3.21

    We are One, whether we know it or not, what happens to one happens to all. From Spirit within, I release everyone’s suffering to Light. From within, I release all creatures’ suffering to Light. From within, I release all plants’ suffering to Light Expanding within, I release our Earth’s suffering to Light. Spirit fills each molecule on this dimension with Divine Love and Light. We are One. One Heart. One Destiny. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.2.21

    Turning within I fill all generations under me with Love and Light. As I find myself becoming an elder, I realize prayer is the most potent gift I have to offer. Visualizing from the Creator within me, I see our world’s young people as they truly are: co-creators with the Divine. Our world’s young citizens are filled with Love and Light. All are able to easily access Spirit within them. And, so it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.1.21

    God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the Universe for the Good of All. I rest assured knowing all is in Divine Order. As I go about my daily tasks, I know the energy that is All That Is helps those who help themselves. In doing my part, the Creator within me maximizes all possibilities for the Good of All. It is a beautiful dance of Spirit. I am a dancer in a Cosmic ballet of Light and Love.

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June 2021

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.30.21

    Today, I direct the Creator within me to fill all of us who are suffering with Light and Love. All who may be enduring illness, loss, and-or fear are filled with Light and Love. Light directs each individual to Light. The Creator within me fills our world and its many life-forms with Light and Love. Light directs everything to Light and Love. Everything is of God and for the greater Glory of Divinity. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.29.21

    I am grateful to sit for this time in silence. I am grateful for my many gifts from the Divine. Expanding from the Creator within me, I fill our world with Love and Light. I am grateful for Divine Grace, Ease, and Peace. Thank you, sweet Spirit, for your Gifts.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.28.21

    From the Creator within me, I focus prayerful energy on our disenfranchised brothers and sisters. Those living on society’s margins may appear as “other” to us and they play as important a role in cosmic creation as do more mainstream appearing folks. Expanding, I fill all with Love and Light, praying globally, I act locally embracing all in Love and Light. We are all part of the Oneness of Divinity.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.27.21

    Pondering one of the twelve attributes of the Tree of Life, Divine Rest, I can rest in the Divine knowing all is well. All perceived problems have a Divine solution. Today, I rest in Spirit, renewing myself in Quiet. Today, I minimize, focusing on the moment, attending minute by minute to my High Self. Giving thanks for the Connection within, I simply rest in the knowledge that despite any perceived inner or outer chaos, all is well. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.26.21

    Exploring “For all have sinned and are short of the glory of God;” (Romans 3:23, G. Lamsa’s translation), it is revealed that it’s not about being perfect. It’s about opening to one’s High Self. Today, I release the human desire to be perfect. I release all negative self-judgments. I am a Light Being and I am open to Divinity. I am a flexible fluid Light Being surrendering to Oneness. Thank you, Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.25.21

    In synchronizing myself with Oneness, I give thanks as I visualize Creative Energy maximizing the health of our rainforests, our deserts, our plains, our piedmonts, our mountains, our tundra, our savannahs, and our poles. Our planetary waters are filled with Love and Light. Our beloved Earth is in a bubble of Love and Light. Divine Light is guiding all climate change. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.24.21

    Turning within I filter out our rough-n-tumble world, choosing to enter conscious communion with Spirit. I release my worries to Light and Love. I trust the Creator within me and I am Guided. As I visualize Goodness manifesting on Earth, I am so grateful for my life in Spirit. I am never alone in Spirit. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for you. Thank you for our angels. Thank you for all creation and thank you for me. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.23.21

    As I ponder transitioning from the physical to the metaphysical plane, death, I visualize all souls leaving their earthly body filled with crystal clear Light and Love. Light aids them in their transition. I visualize them easily finding their way to their next learning experience. I radiate Light and Love to all. All is well.

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Centering in Source, I find Truth.
As I don my spiritual armor, I am enabled.
I am shown how to navigate any plight.
I am given strength through Communion.
I am empowered to face all challenges.
Thank you, God, for this divine partnership in Your Love and Light.

October 2024

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.21.24

    Stepping back from the world’s chatter, I Merge with Divine Intelligence focusing prayer energy on all people opening their hearts, minds, and souls to Divine Intelligence. I visualize crystalline strands of Divine Intelligence connecting to all, anchoring us in Divinity. I visualize all empowered from the Creator within, each of us making choices for the Greater Good.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.20.24

    Pondering one of the twelve attributes of the Tree of Life, Divine Rest, I allow myself to rest in the Divine. I know all is well despite possible outward appearances. Life on Earth is a sacred learning experience. We are Light beings learning to become One. Thank you, God, for Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.19.24

    As I open myself, Spirit stirs within me. Today, I give thanks for the knowledge that we are ONE. All is well. No Matter What. The Divine has a plan and on the astral level the template is prepared, and it is Perfect. Expanding from Spirit I hold Peace for All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.18.24

    “Be positive! You are the Light of the World.” Today, I immerse myself in revolutionary optimism knowing We are the light of the world. In Divine Connection I expand anchoring Love, Light, the optimism of faith, and Joy. I am grateful for my ability to stay in the Divine Flow. I am in the right place, at the right time, praying, saying, and doing the right things for the Greater Good. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.17.24

    Someone said: “You can’t build security in a world of fear.” I Know this is true. So today, I trust the Creator, that which is All That Is. Today, I trust and have faith. Today, I pray for my Self. Today, I pray for our beloved Earth and all inhabitants. Today, I declare: “I am Divinely Guided.” All is well. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.16.24

    We are Light Beings having an earthly existence. As I think about pitfalls on the earthly plane, I consider addiction in its many forms. Today, I expand to fill everyone with Light and Love. Visualizing cravings of any type as strings attached to people, I take my heavenly scissors and snip the impediments freeing us all. Thank you, beloved God, for helping us realize our True Identity. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.15.24

    As I breathe in Light and Love, I am strengthened by the Creator within me. I am divinely guided. I am Light filled. I am Love filled. I take each day as the Creator within me directs. I breathe, eat, sleep and move in divine flow. I am in a bubble of Light on all dimensions and only Light can come to me and Light can come from me. I am a Light being. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.14.24

    Recognizing Indigenous People’s Day and Columbus Day, today, we expand this sacred day to fill all people around the world with Love and Light. Through Love we release our ancestral and personal injuries to Light and Love. Today, I join with others in holding sacred space for Divine Harmony and Divine Peace for all, as a rainbow family of people on the divine path to Oneness. Thank you, sweet Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.13.24

    Today, I extend myself to encompass Earth filling it with Light and Love. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for the nurturing beauty of our fantastic planet. Thank you, for our beloved wild spaces and wildlife from whom we have much to learn. Thank you for ever better stewardship of our planet as we safeguard all wildlife now and forevermore. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, day, Saturday, 10.12.24

    Pondering our planetary zeitgeist, I turn within and find solace in the Divine. From the Creator within me, I fill our world with Love and Light. This transitional time is filled with Light. Light directs change for the Good of All. Today, I hold sacred space for Love, Light, Peace, Joy, and Harmony for All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.11.24

    I AM a Light Being. I AM resilient. I AM strong. I AM able to see clearly. I AM able to hear clearly. I AM one with the I AM That I AM. Thank you, beloved Source, for You in me. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.10.24

    Today, I am reminded: I can only control my own thoughts and behavior. I cannot control the choices of others. I can view them as the Light Beings they are. I can set a good example. I can pray for them and visualize them in the beauty of their Light-ness. Thank you, God, for this reminder. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.9.24

    Tuning into Spirit, I allow myself to depend on the Energy of All. Every need is met through the Divine. I release grasping to have my needs met. I visualize everyone releasing their many needs to Light. Spirit within creates Light and Love blanketing our world. Acting as guided, visualizing my goals, Spirit meets my every need. Expanding, I envision everyone’s every need is met. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.8.24

    Breathing, I join with other Light beings creating Divine Calm in our world. All areas affected by unusual weather events are calmed with Light and Love. There is only Light and Love. I help anchor Light and Love in troubled situations. I am Light. I am Love. I am Guided.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.7.24

    Breathing deeply, I release any anxiety to Light. As a Light being having a human experience, I turn to the Creator within me to meet my dependency needs. Opening my heart, mind, and soul to Divinity, I am guided. I am in the right place at the right time saying and doing the right thing for the Greater Good. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for your Guidance and Comfort.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.6.24

    I am a flexible, adaptable Light Being. We, all of us, are flexible, adaptable Light Beings. I move through today’s tasks guided by Light and Love. Each of us moves as guided by Light and Love. Each day, a step at a time, I give thanks. We give thanks. We give thanks. We give thanks. I create Good here and now. We create Good here and now. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.5.24

    As I breathe in Light I am strengthened by the Creator within me. I am divinely guided. I am Light filled. I am Love filled. Expanding, I fill everyone and everything with Light. I visualize each person’s Light guiding them. All of us are in a bubble of Light on all dimensions and only Light can come to us and Light can come from us. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.4.24

    Today, we as Light workers, fill the U.S. with Love, Light, and Divine Calm. We breathe the Peace that passes all understanding into all. We fill our first responders with Divine Energy and ask that Spirit protect and guide them. Collectively, we anchor Love and Light on Earth. And so, it is. Amen.

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September 2024

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.28.24

    Moving through my day, I meditate on joy in the Flow. Divine Flow. I am in the Flow. I resolve to Love as I labor; to find the Joy in daily work. I am worthy of fulfillment of my aspirations. I am Connected in Flow and am Divinely Guided. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.27.24

    Deep with, I focus Spirit flowing through me and declare Love and Light is channeled to those of us in need. Regardless of circumstance or need, I visualize Divine Love and Light guiding, directing, and healing. Today, I work with Spirit flowing through me to aid in creation of Heaven on Earth for all. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.26.24

    Choosing to tune into Spirit, I release my defenses allowing myself to depend on the Energy of All. I affirm every need is met through the Divine. Trusting, I take action as Guided, visualizing my goals, God meets my every need. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Light Center Closed due to Tropical Storm

    The Light Center will be closed on Friday, September 27, due to inclement weather. Please stay safe, centered in Light!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.25.24

    I am thankful for daughters and daughters-in-law. Daughters carry forward family traditions. We, all of us, daughters and sons work together for the Good of our world and beyond. The role of daughter and son is sacred in many ways. And today, I celebrate the role of daughters in life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.24.24

    From deep within I visualize filling all world governments with Light and Love. Light clarifies, revealing everything on all dimensions. I visualize all world leaders harmoniously working together for the benefit of all and for the benefit of our sacred environment. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.23.24

    Pondering Native American Day, I bow to the Divine in all Native Americans. Joining in Oneness, I honor each for their service to our natural world. Native American spiritual traditions help guide us all. I feel a depth of gratitude to the Native American culture and the Light Beings who have cared for our beloved Earth for eons. All our Native American tribes are filled with Light and Love. Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.22.24

    Treasuring autumn, I embrace cooler temperatures and shorter days. As a Light Being, I fill our world’s physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual climates with Light and Love. The Creator within all guides all to create Good through thought, prayer, and action. Today and every day we enable action to protect our fragile fantastic planet. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.21.24

    Slipping into Oneness, I merge with Divinity. Riding the energy, I feel the Peace that surpasses all understanding. I am so grateful for my peace. Expanding myself to encompass the world, I join with others filling our world with Peace. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Tickets still available for Richard Shulman’s Autumn Equinox Concert on Sunday, 22nd, 2 to 4 p.m.

    Composer/pianist/recording artist Richard Shulman plays a concert on the Kawaii Concert Grand piano in the Light Center’s geodesic dome prayer room. Richard creates music intended to be a positive influence for himself, audiences and society. Advance tickets (until 4 p.m. on 9/21)$20; at the door $25. More information and tickets: https://urlight.org/events/autumn-concert-with-richard-shulman-sunday-291/

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.20.24

    Today, I sit with Spirit and I allow myself the gift of wallowing in Light. Today, I soak in Light and Love feeding my Self. Today, I allow myself to be satiated in Light and Love. Today, I will move slowly being kind to every living thing starting with myself. Thank you, sweet Spirit within, for this gift of time.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.19.24

    God is the Energy that is maximizing the potentialities of the Universe for the Greater Good. Going about my daily tasks, I know the Creator within me maximizes the positive outcome of my actions for the Good of All. It is a beautiful dance of Spirit and I rest assured knowing all is in Divine Order. I am a dancer in the Cosmic ballet of Light and Love. What joy this brings!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.18.24

    Expanding myself in prayer to become my high Self, I visualize what we are meant to be: the living body of Divine Mind. Sitting in Divine Silence and Love I soak up Love, Light, and Serenity. Thank you for this communion of Spirit.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.17.24

    Praying for unity within my fellow Light beings, I expand from deep within and visualize all of Us as One. One Heart, a shared Oneness with the Creator within each of us. Today, I hold space for our shared harmony as One in Divinity. The Oneness of Beingness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.16.24

    Today, from deep within I cleanse each cell of my body with Light. Standing at the gate of my thoughts, I release negative thoughts to Light. Releasing and walking through my fears helps lessen our world’s darkness by clearing thought pollution. Little by little, slowly we turn to Light and Oneness. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.15.24

    As I embrace any pain, it transforms to Holy Love. I die daily to christ-conscious Love. I find myself surrendering ‘self’ into Love. I leave my physical body to be filled with Love. I am a vessel of Love, generating healing Love. For myself. For us all. Everywhere, everything is radiant Light and Love. There is only Light and Love. (UR volunteer.)

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.14.24

    The Creator within me creates Love and Light within all people everywhere. Expanding to encompass our world, I visualize all of us becoming aware of the Living Light that is our essence. All open to Oneness and are Guided. All are in the right place, at the right time, saying and doing the right thing for the Good of All. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.13.24

    The Creator within me creates Love and Light in and through all weather events. All fires, floods, and earthquakes across our world are filled with Love and Light. Our world’s people are filled with Love and Light. Light directs climate change for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.12.24

    September is a time to feel the light. (Henri Cole.) I sit in light. I sit in Light. I am Light. I am Love. I am one with the Divine. I am Divine!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.11.24

    Turning within, I release any sadness over man’s inhumanity to man. Expanding, I become Love and Light. I visualize Love and Light within all who have lost loved ones due to the acts of others. Today, I help magnify and anchor Love and Light within all. Working together we create Good, so we truly become the family of Divine Man. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.10.24

    The U.S. is filled with Light and Love. The loving Light of the Divine guides our nation and our body politic. Today, I fill all my fellow citizens with Love and Light. Expanding I spread Love and Light through all nations. Light guides our entire world in Love. We are One. One Heart – One in Divinity and so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.9.24

    Riding a spiritual wave of our Creator’s energy, I continue to push personal expansion of my human boundaries to consciously feel All That Is. I release my defenses as I surrender to Divine Flow. Sweet, sweet Spirit, my cup truly does runneth over. Thank you, for this sacred, conscious, not-always-easy-to-surrender Path of Light. Thank you. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.8.24

    I am grateful for my family of origin and the lessons I learned. As I fill all families with Light and Love, I focus on grandparents who hold amazing power in families. Today, I fill all grandparents with Light and Love. I am grateful to my grandparents for the sacrifices they made for us. I am filled with gratitude for all I am learning and have learned from family. Thank you, God, for my family and for the human family.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.7.24

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I radiate Light and Love throughout my being. The Loving Light of the Creator nourishes me. I am empowered as the Light Being I am. As I do this for myself, I expand – radiating Light and Love. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light and Love.

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  • Sacred Circle Dances with Maggie Moon

    Hello dancing friends and happy early fall! Our Sacred Circle Dance returns to the Light Center on Sunday, September 15, from 2:30 to 4:30. Please join us and bring a friend! Each dance gently taught, no previous experience required. Donations to support the Light Center are much appreciated. During the summer hiatus, I have been to Dance Camp at Ferry Beach, Maine and hope to bring you some new and exciting dances.  Please join us! Blessings of this beautiful season, Maggie Moon

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.6.24

    Centering, I release any judgment or worry about our world. Recalling Rumi’s quote: “Out beyond right and wrong, there is a field. I will meet you there.” It’s a cliché, but today, it feels right. Today, I step out into that metaphorical field of Love knowing Light will direct my actions. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for Your Love, Your Light, and Your Guidance. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.5.24

    Thank you, dearest Creator, for my creativity. I am deeply grateful for may ability to pray, to create from deep within. Thank you for the wellspring of creativity that is YOU within me. Thank you, for You. Thank you for me. Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.4.24

    As my body or soul calls me to it, I release my past and deep past to Light. I permit a cleansing of blockages to Oneness. I release pain and embrace the purging fire within. I allow God’s divine healing Spirit within me to take command. I rest in the healing Grace of All That Is. I rest in Grace.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.3.24

    As I return to work, my day job, I recall I am where I am for a reason. I know work is Good. “Work is Love made visible” (Khalil Gibran). In carrying out my work from my High Self, the Creator within me Guides me. I am co-creating with All That Is. I work and pray with loving intention for the Good of All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.2.24

    Today, as I rest from my labor, I consider the notion: we began to labor as we turned from Divine Love. Today, I rest in Spirit knowing that I can imbue my work with love. This day is for renewal; for resting in the Divine Creative Essence of Life. Thank you, God, for this day and every day. Thank you for meaningful work. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.1.24

    Riding a spiritual wave of our Creator’s energy, I continue to push personal expansion of my human boundaries to consciously feel All That Is. I release my defenses as I surrender to Divine Flow. Sweet, sweet Spirit, my cup truly does runneth over. Thank you, for this sacred, conscious, not-always-easy-to-surrender Path of Light. Thank you. Amen.

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August 2024

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.31.24

    Expanding from deep within, I focus Love and Light on our world’s leadership. All leaders and politicians are filled with Light. All public officials open their hearts to the Voice of Spirit. They hear and listen. Our world’s leaders are Guided lead our world with Divine Wisdom. I visualize them leading with compassion, joy, and peace in their hearts. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.30.24

    My health rests upon the living Christ. I am grateful for the good health that underlies my ability to carry out the Greater Works on Earth. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.29.24

    Thank you, dearest Creator, for my creativity. I am deeply grateful that I am able to pray, to create from deep within. Thank you for the wellspring of creativity that is YOU within me. Thank you, for You. Thank you for me. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.28.24

    Today, I hold myself in Divine Love and Light. Expanding, I take planet Earth and its inhabitants within me holding everyone and everything in Love and Light. I help anchor Love and Light on our incredible planet. Thank you, sweet Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.27.24

    Thinking of those returning to school, I picture all school systems filled with Love and Light. I envision all students, and their families filled with Love and Light. All teachers and school employees are filled with Love and Light. All schools are secure in their own bubbles of Light. Expanding into the universe, I see the crystalline bubbles of schools connecting around the world; a shimmering web of Love and Light. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.26.24

    Today, I pray for man’s best friend, the dog, all have Divine missions. Many Light beings are alone. While we pray and meditate, giving and receiving love and nourishment, a dog’s presence can be grounding and affirming. All entities are rising toward the Divine. Thank you, God, for the Divinity in man’s best friend. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.25.24

    From the Creator within me, I visualize our exquisite planet filled with Love and Light. Setting intention from the Creator within me, I expand Love and Light within our beloved planet. I am comforted by the incredible gift of our beautiful natural world. Thank you, Mother-Father God, for our world. Thank you for all things working together for the Good of All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.24.24

    Freedom is nothing left to be (Tammy Tuberville). Today, I am grateful for spiritual freedom. Opening my heart to Oneness, I feel free to explore my boundaries in Thee. As I float in Oneness I feel Joy expanding my heart. I am overcome with joy and gratitude for limitless Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.23.24

    Everyone is coping with some type of challenge during our earthly existence and we are all learning our lessons at different speeds. Today I visualize all of us filled with Light and Love, able to put down our resistance to change, able to accept Grace and speed our learning process. Thank you, Divine Presence, our experiences on schoolhouse Earth. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.22.24

    As energy on our planet continues to shift, I embrace change. I consciously breathe giving thanks for All That Is. The Creator within me guides and directs me. I am in the right place at the right time, thinking, saying, and doing the right thing for the Greater Good. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.21.24

    From the Creator within me, I reach out in Light and Love to those of us who are lonely, afraid, ill, transitioning or in any peril. Working in concert with the loving aid of our angels, I expand Light and Love in our family of man. I visualize all of us and our beloved Earth filled with radiant Light. Together we hold space, anchoring Peace, Divine Calm, Light and Love for all. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.20.24

    God works on a need-to-know basis. I don’t know The Big Picture but as I release and grow, more is revealed. Opening my heart, I see miracles every day. Joy surfaces easing ambiguity. I am reminded Source is my spiritual safety net. Thank you, Sweet Source, for this exciting pilgrimage to Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.19.24

    The creator within me changes any outdated concepts to Light. Any misinformation within me is deprogrammed. I embrace my Light. I embrace my Divine Inheritance. I am one with the Creator within me. I listen only to the Divine Voice within. Thank you, beloved Creator, for my ability to hear. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.18.24

    I am a prism that refracts beams of Divine Light. I am a Light being. I am a Love being. I help anchor Light and Love here on Earth. I am Divine. Thank you, Beloved, for this life of Light!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.17.24

    Thank you, dearest Divinity, for You within me. Thank you for my divine Connection in You. I am ever so grateful for Connection, Light, Life and Love. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.16.24

    The Energy that is All, has room for us all. Expanding from deep with, I visualize everyone manifesting their divine missions. With gentle intent, I visualize everyone having each and every need abundantly met. Today, I open my heart, mind, and soul to Universal Abundance. There is room for us all at the Table of Life. (Inspired by Jo Harjo.)

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.15.24

    As I turn within finding temporary respite, I let the mundane fall away. I let the chatter and talking heads go. I center in Divinity and feel loved. Expanding, I visualize all people filled with Love and Light. I remember God is the Energy of all creation. And I relax and rest in this Truth. And so, it is, Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.14.24

    As I listen to the Divine within me, I follow my mission as well as I can. I let go of my EGO – no longer Edging God Out, no longer saying “no or I can’t.” As I listen to the Divine within me, I retain enough EGO to Execute God’s Orders. I am God’s willing worker, for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.13.24

    “In seizing the moment, you find heaven.” – Rodney Padgett Today I seize the day, finding peace in Divine Flow. I am elevated, reaching out to expand this Peace to all. I realize, again, Heaven is a state of consciousness. Thank you, beloved God, for Heaven in life. Thank you for the ability to experience Heaven now.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.12.24

    Thank you for Earth’s animal kingdom. All our kin, the creatures of the world, are filled with Love and Light. Thank you for the air and water that sustains life. Our air and water are filled with Love and Light. Thank you, dearly beloved Creator, for our beautiful planet and its myriad organisms. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.11.24

    Today, I give thanks for parents who are the path for our newest generation of Light beings. And I am grateful to all the souls who choose to be born now. Parents teach character by living their lives in front of their children. Parent or not, I am grateful for those who undertake nurturing our freshest world citizens. I visualize families lifted and filled with Love and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.10.24

    The Creator within everything fills our world with Love and Light. Holy Spirit expands Love within everyone. Holy Spirit expands Light within everyone. Everyone is Divine. Everything is Divine. I am Divine. Thank you, Spirit, for your Creation and thank you for me!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.9.24

    As I think of my fellow Light beings, I am buoyed by the actions of the many heroes we have on our beloved Earth. We create change working toward Heaven on Earth. Thank you, God, for Light. Thank you, God, for Love. Thank you, God, for this life and our ability to create. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.8.24

    Opening to the energy of Source within me, I welcome Light as it moves within my cells. In gratitude I embrace Light, declaring “I am One with All That Is.” More fully opening to Oneness, I consciously accelerate my spiritual growth. Co-creating with Spirit, I am Guided to be in the right place, at the right time, thinking, praying, saying, and doing the right things for the Good of All. Thank you, sweet Source, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.7.24

    Climate change is directed by Light for the Good of All. As I help create Good in climate change, I visualize all discomfort or suffering changing to Light. I visualize all creatures’ suffering changing to Light. I visualize all plants’ suffering changing to Light. Everyone is filled with Light and Love. Everything is filled with Light and Love. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.6.24

    Today, I stay centered in breath. I breathe slowly, rhythmically. Any challenge is met from my centered Self. I am walking through my day with open hearted optimism. Openness and optimism inspired by my Connection. Thank you, sweet Source, for my connection in Light and Love. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.5.24

      Expanding from deep within, I focus Love and Light on our world’s leadership. All leaders and politicians are filled with Light. Anyone holding public office hears the Voice of Spirit. Our world’s leaders are Divinely guided to lead with Wisdom. I hold sacred space for them to lead with compassion, joy, and peace. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.4.24

    Centering in Source, I find Truth. As I don my spiritual armor, I am enabled. I am shown how to navigate any plight. I am given strength through Communion. I am empowered to face all challenges. Thank you, God, for this divine partnership in Your Love and Light.

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  • Sound Voyage Concert with Jeannie and Wolfgang on Sunday, August 4 is CANCELLED!!
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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.3.24

    As I think of us on Spaceship Earth, I expand from deep within filling us with Light and Love. Everyone is coping with some type of challenge. Spaceship Earth is a schoolhouse, and we are all learning our lessons at different speeds. Today I visualize all of us filled with Light and Love, able to surrender our resistance to change, able to accept Grace and speed our learning process. Thank you, Divine Presence, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.2.24

    With expanding consciousness, I find a wish to protect my growing awareness. In releasing my increased sensitivity to Light, I realize all things will become transparent. Today, I ask Spirit within me to increase my tolerance to match my growing awareness of All That Is. Thank you, God, for this journey of discovery.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.1.24

    Spirit energy hovers in our midst, as we attune to Love and awaken to the Joy of Oneness. (Linda Joy Montgomery,1998).

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July 2024

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.31.24

    Centering in Light I feel Christ consciousness envelope me. The Christ Consciousness in me frees me. I am risen from the human plane of existence to the Divine Plane. Sparkling with Energy I move through the vibrational gate and become One with Spirit. I feel the Joy of Oneness. I am Blessed. (Taken in part from Tully Moss’s prayer.)

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.30.24

    I am filled with gratitude for my friends and my friendships. Close friends are my chosen family. Friends help me stay connected to a shared reality. Friends bolster me with their insights and support. Friends increase my buoyancy and fun! Friends are a gift from Spirit. I am filled with deep gratitude and love for my friends and for the interactions and relationships I have with them. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.29.24

    The Creator within me creates Love and Light in and through fires across our world. All unexpected weather challenges are filled with Love and Light. Worldwide, our first responders are filled with Love and Light. They are guided in their missions to save lives, lands, and homes. All are safe within a Bubble of Love and Light. Thank you, God for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.28.24

    Reflecting on parenting, a 24/7 role that is sometimes pure joy and often not, I visualize parenting filled with Divine Ease. All parents are filled with Love and Light. Parents are Divinely Guided for the good of their children and people everywhere. Families are the building block of society. The Creator within parents fills all families with Love and Light for the Good of All. And so, it is. Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, day, Saturday, 7.27.24

    As I pray for our world and its people, I consider our global economy, the movement and flow of monies. Focusing intention, I pray for the living flow of greenbacks, a plant-like system. Expanding myself into this Green flow I visualize needed monies moving to where it is essential for everyone, for everything, for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Sound Voyage with Jeannie McKenzie & Wolfgang Ettenreich–Change of Concert Time

    The time of the Sound Voyage concert on Sunday, August 4, has changed to 3:30 to 5 p.m.  Tickets are still available here: https://urlight.org/events/sound-voyage-concert-with-jeannie-mckenzie-and-wolfgang-ettenreich-702/  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.26.24

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I am a Light Being. I am filled with Light. I radiate Light and Love throughout my being. The Loving Light of the Creator nourishes me. I am empowered as the Light Being I am. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.25.24

    Today, I follow the quiet voice of the Divine. As needed, I ground myself to aid my work in this dimension. I remember a fully functional Light Being functions well in all spheres. Today, I function well in the physical, mental, emotional, astral, and soul dimensions. My High Self connects through each facet of existence. Thank you, dearest Source, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.24.24

    The anniversary of one’s birth, such a courageous act – coming through into the physical, to learn more, do more, BE more. To work toward Oneness. I am humbled – reflecting on this act of faith. Turning within, I fill all having birthdays with Love and Light. Focusing backwards, I fill everyone who had a birthday in the last 364 days with Love and Light. The Creator within me sincerely thanks all who have contributed to this physical dimension.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.23.24

    Sometimes, I find myself at a crossroads needing a sign. Stepping out in faith, as a spiritual scientist, I collect data on a subject of one, myself. “Basic research is what I am doing when I don’t know what I am doing.” (Werner Von Braun). If this is a basic research day, I say “Thank you, God.” In faith I reach within becoming One with All in my process of growth. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.22.24

    As I turn within I feel respite from the world. I let the mundane fall away. I let the chatter and talking heads go. Centering in Divinity, I focus Love and Light on the United States and on our wonderful world. I fill the U.S. with Love and Light and I remember that God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the universe for the Good of All. I center in this Truth and create Good. And so, it is, Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.21.24

    Today, I rest enjoying the fruits of my labor. Regardless of what I see and hear, all that truly matters is Love and Light. Today, I rest my heart in Spirit. Divine Connection is truly the pinnacle of worldly success. All else is smoke and mirrors. I rest in Ease, Grace and Glory.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.20.24

    Today, I confirm that the Creator within me gives me all the insights and information I need. If I pay attention, I can trust I will receive all needed messages from my High Self. I affirm I trust the Creator within me. I trust myself. I trust God. Thank you, High Self, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.19.24

    Thank you, unseen Light Beings, for being here. Thank you for helping anchor Light and Love on Earth. Thank you, dearest angels, fairies, and friends of Light for all you do for us on this dimension. It helps to know we are not alone in our most perfect work. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.18.24

    From deep within, I focus Light and Love on all of us who are in climate impacted or war-torn areas, ill, impoverished or imprisoned in mind, body or spirit. I visualize the Creator within each suffering soul opening to release discomfort and find ease, comfort, and peace within Thy Mercy. Thank you, Beloved God, for your Tender Mercy.

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  • Tickets still available! Chakra Sound Healing with Rev. Heidi Peck, Shaman & Seeker of Truth

    Saturday, July 20, 2 to 4 p.m. To purchase ticket and get more  details: https://urlight.org/events/bathe-in-the-frequency-of-chakra-sound-healing-with-rev-heidi-peck-shaman-seeker-of-truth-548-577/

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.17.24

    Today, I declare from deep within, I am loved. I am Love. I am Light. I am wise. I am strong. I am healthy. I am grateful. I am powerful. I am one with Divinity I am Divine. I am Joyful! I am One!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.16.24

     Today, I visualize our beloved planet Earth filled with Love and Light on all dimensions. Today and every day, I am in the right place at the right time, listening, thinking, saying, and doing the right thing for the Good of All. I help likeminded Beings hold the frequencies of Love, Light, and Peace for all in this dimension. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.15.24

    We dedicate the energy of our prayers to benefit all Sentient beings throughout time, space, and mind. May the power of our prayers increase to help others know their perfection as one with Divinity. Amen. (Revision of the Tibetan dedication of Merit; offered by Jacquelyn Sendak- Zavaleta.)

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.14.24

    Joining with other Light workers, we create Divine Peace throughout the U.S. and its countrymen. Peace flows through our world. All our world leaders are Guided in Light. All political figures are filled with Light and Love. All media reporters are filled with Light and Love. All people are filled with Light and Love and are Guided by Divinity. Light directs all for the Greater Glory of Oneness. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.13.24

    Focusing on our planet, I think about litter and littering. Suspending judgment, I fill those who litter with Love and Light. We all litter, knowingly or not, trash out of a window, words out of a mouth. Today, I fill all with Love and Light. Today, I litter our world with Love and Light holding space for a new heaven on Earth.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.12.24

    Again, I am reminded: the keys to the Kingdom come as I release any personal negatives to Light. One by one, it is a gradual process. Today, I release my worry, anger, and fear to Light. Today, I step out in faith – trusting the Creator within me to guide me on my path to Oneness. Today, I take my courage in hand and Trust. Thank you, beloved Creator, for this journey to Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.11.24

    We are One, whether we know it or not, what happens to one happens to all. The Creator within me releases the pain of man’s inhumanity to man. Spirit fills injury with Divine Love and Light. The Creator within each person opens them to healing. Confusion is transformed to Light bringing Clarity and Love. We are One. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.10.24

    From my High Self, I visualize our world filled with Light. Crystalline strands of Light weave a radiant tapestry. Immersing myself in this creative endeavor, I visualize Light and Love filling our physical dimension. Everyone and everything are bathed in Light and Love. Thank you, Divine Essence, for this template of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.09.24

    Light directs climate change to Light. Light and Love direct all weather patterns to Light for the Good of All. Light and Love guide all fires for the Greater Good. Light and Love fill our atmosphere. Thank you, dear Divinity for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.08.24

    Merging with Divinity I declare: I am in the right place, at the right time, thinking, saying, and doing the right things for the Good of All. I am grateful for my God-given ability to co-create. Thank you, God, for this journey of Life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.07.24

    Today I rest, comforted in Divine Presence. Anything that wells up to be released, I fill with Love and Light and I release it. Only through facing, loving, and releasing fear am I free to be who I truly am: a Light Being. Thank you, beloved Creator, for our ability to choose Love. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.06.24

    Turning within I fill all generations beneath me with Love and Light. As I find myself becoming an elder, I realize prayer is the most potent gift I have to offer. Visualizing from the Creator within me, I see our world’s young people as they truly are: co-creators with the Divine. Our world’s young citizens are filled with Love and Light. All are able to easily access Spirit within them. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.05.24

    I find myself grateful for my many blessings. Yes, there are challenges, and these help me grow. As I consciously breathe, I am filled with gratitude. Today, I pay it forward, acting locally and praying globally for the Good of All. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for my many gifts.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.04.24

    Amidst the parades and John Philip Sousa, I turn within visualizing a nation whose leaders and citizens are truly free. A nation where each of us is free of worry, fear, anxiety, and self-doubt. Today, I visualize the U.S. filled with Love and Light, a nation that upholds dignity for all. Our beautiful country is filled with creative Light Beings who are working for Good. Together, we hold space for Unity for us All. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.03.24

    As a citizen of our world, I am aware of global shifts in weather patterns, politics, and stresses on my fellow beings. Merging with Divinity, I focus Light and Love on our international body politic. Light shines Divine Clarity for everyone. Love brings movement towards Oneness. All countries are filled with Light and Love. All governments are filled with Light and Love. Together, we anchor Light and Love throughout our world.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.02.24

    Today, I let go of my personal stress and attachments. I breathe as I anchor within the Earth stretching my energy body to encompass our planet. Today, I embrace a lively curiosity about how I will be directed in Light and Love to help myself and others. Flow brings… Joy!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.01.24

    On international Joke Day, I give thanks for my sense of humor. It is leavening for our emotional bodies. Humor is our birthright; it helps us in “Lightening” up. It enhances resiliency to aid in achieving Oneness. Today, I use my God given humor to ease my life and the lives of others. “…Heaven is the birthplace of laughter.” ~Martin Luther

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June 2024

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.30.24

    Today, I hold myself in Divine Love and Light. Expanding, I take planet Earth and its inhabitants within me holding everyone and everything in Love and Light. I help anchor Love and Light on our incredible planet. Thank you, sweet Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.29.24

    Today, I give thanks for our magical environment, Spaceship Earth. Expanding from deep within, I take our beloved planet within me filling it with radiant Love and Light. I visualize Light balancing and healing all elements- air, water, earth, and fire. I visualize Love permeating every person’s consciousness – that we may all awaken to our role in protecting our world. Thank you, Spirit, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.28.24

    The Creator within me helps anchor Light and Love in our world. Aware or not, we are all Light Beings progressing toward Oneness with All That Is. Today, I anchor in the Divine visualizing kindness, generosity, and brotherly love between all people regardless of race, creed or color. Today, I exude Divine Peace, Light, and Love to all. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for our opportunity to create Good on our beautiful planet.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.27.24

    As I ponder leaving the physical plane, I fill all departing souls with crystal clear Light and Love. Light aids them in their transition. I visualize them easily finding their way to their next learning experience. Expanding, I visualize those left behind loved ones filled with Love and Light. Light and Love cushions their loss. I radiate Light and Love to all. For All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.26.24

    Today, I recommit myself to prayer for Oneness. Centering in Source, I fill myself with gratitude. I feel so lucky to be aware of the Divine within me. Thank you, Beloved, for this journey of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.25.24

    Today, I anchor myself in God’s constancy. I remember that God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the universe for the Good of All. I center in this Truth. And so, it is, Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.24.24

    Turning within, I find respite from the world. I let the mundane fall away. I let the chatter and talking heads go. Centering in Divine Peace, I focus Love and Light on our world. I fill the U.S. with Love and Light. I fill our world with Love and Light. I help hold space for Oneness. We are One on all dimensions. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.23.24

    I open my heart to Divinity and I am one with the Knower within me. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.22.24

    From the Creator within me, I release any behaviors, foods, or substances that are not for my highest good. I am a Light being having a human experience, I turn to the Creator within me to meet my dependency needs. Opening my heart, mind, and soul to Divinity, I am guided. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for this journey of awakening to who I truly am!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.21.24

    Thank you, God, for my place in the universe. Thank you, God, for You. Thank you, God, for me. Thank you, God, for my “Light-ness.” Thank you, God, for me being part of You. I feel so lucky to be aware of the Divine within me. Thank you, Beloved, for this joyful journey of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.20.24

    Looking forward while honoring ancient traditions, I merge into the “I Am That I Am” setting my intentions for summer. Taking both the Earth and Sun within me on this hallowed day, I radiate Love and Light to everyone and everything. As an Earth steward, I act locally and pray globally. I visualize Love and Light working for the Good of our beautiful planet and all beings that inhabit it. On all dimensions, I help increase Love and Light for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.19.24

    Juneteenth commemorates the end of slavery in the US. Light beings of all creeds and color worked together to bring about its end. Light beings are creating change to end racism. From deep within, I am Guided in helping create a new world where we are One. Today, I am grateful for my releasing judgments of others to Light. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for our Oneness in You.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.18.24

    Expanding into my High Self, I visualize Earth within me. The Creator within me fills Earth and its inhabitants with Light and Love cleansing all negativity. The Creator within Earth anchors Light and Love on all dimensions. Light directs our beloved planet and its inhabitants for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.17.24

    As our world continues to spin in apparent turmoil, I hear deep within: “Love makes the world go round. Love makes the world go round… High in some silent sky Love sings a silver song making the earth whirl softly Love makes the world go round.” Today, I help anchor Love and Light for all. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.16.24

    Heaven is as close as our breath when we connect to Source. It is there we find our Father. It is to this Divine Heavenly Father we turn for guidance and help. Each day, I honor the Divine Father within. Today, I may honor my earthly father knowing Love and Light, Heaven, is within him also. Focusing within, I fill my father with Love and Light. He is a Light Being; the Creator within him guides him in Love and Light. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.15.24

    Light directs all climate change. Our planet is in a bubble of Light and Love on all dimensions. Thank you, Spirit, for Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.14.24

    Gazing at the US flag, I ponder the nobility of our founding national principles of freedom, justice, liberty, and equality. Centering as a Light worker, I weave strands of Love and Light through our United States. I declare: the Creator within each American fills them with Love and Light. Today, I envision all Americans woven together in Love, Light, and Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.13.24

    As I consider the concept of “fluid intentionality,” I am smacked by the rigidity that often comes with my goals. Today, I release rigid means to achieve goals. I embrace my goals knowing I am Divinely Guided. Spirit is fluid. Spirit is dynamic. Spirit is vibrant. Today, I flow in Spirit. Thank you, Spirit, for your Guidance.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.12.24

    As we recognize Shavuot with our Jewish sisters and brothers, we reflect on the ethics we honor as Light Beings. Expanding from deep within, we center in Oneness. We are One with All. We honor All. We respect All. We intensify Love and Light in All. There is only the ALL. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.11.24

    Centering from the Creator within me, I fill the Office of the Presidency with Light and Love. Turning to Congress I visualize our representatives filled with Light and Love. Expanding, I visualize our Supreme Court Guided in Light and Love. Coming from Source there is only Divine Clarity and Divine Effectiveness. Divine Truth, Light, and Love guide all three branches of the U.S. government for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.10.24

    In my meditation-prayer time, I expand focusing Love and Light on our world leadership. All leaders and politicians are filled with Light. Anyone holding public office opens his or her heart to the Voice of Spirit. They hear and listen. All our world’s leaders are Divinely guided to lead our world with Divine Wisdom. I visualize them leading with compassion, joy, and peace. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.9.24

    Doing my inner work, I release any barriers to Light. As hindrances release, a wave of rarefied Energy presents itself. Opening to this Energy, my body starts to “sizzle” in the rarefying flow. Giving thanks, a wave of Joy surfaces. Surrendering, I ride the Divine Flow. Thank you, sweet Spirit. Thank you, for this sacred, conscious Path. My cup truly does runneth over. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.8.24

    Focusing on our beautiful spiritualizing waters, I declare: Earth’s oceans are Light. Light guides the cleansing and purification of our world’s oceans and seas. Each molecule of water is filled with Divine healing Love and Light. Love and Light radiate through all fish, coral, and sea creatures. Thank you, God, for our Living Waters.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.7.24

    Centering, I gently release all judgments of others. Regardless of appearances, all are Light Beings. Today, I focus prayerful energy on all our disenfranchised brothers and sisters. Those living on the margins of society, who may appear as “other” to us, play as important a role in cosmic creation as do those who appear mainstream. From the Creator within me, I fill all with Love and Light. I pray globally as I act locally embracing all in Love and Light. We are One.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.6.24

    Today, I open my heart to the integrity and honesty of the Creator within me. I am honest with myself as i gently examine and release any fears preventing Oneness. The Creator within me leads me to Oneness and I am open to being led by the Creator. I am filled with gratitude for this process of change. Thank you, Creator, for the changes within me. I embrace them knowing they bring Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.5.24

    Today, we as Light workers, fill our beloved world with Love, Light, and Divine Calm. Expanding, we breathe the Peace that passes all understanding into all people in our world and on all dimensions. Collectively, we anchor Love and Light on Earth. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.4.24

    Sometimes I receive a “Divine download,” information with a To-Do list attached. Taking a deep breath, I step out in Faith. “First you leap, then you grow wings” (Wm. Sloan Coffin). Today, I am grateful for the courage to leap in faith. Thank you, God, for my faith and my courage. Thank you for showing me the way, the truth and your Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.3.24

    All perceived problems have a Divine solution. From deep within, I am reassured there is a template for any needed solutions. This template already exists in the meta-dimension. Breathing deeply, I stay connected to Source. I wait for the Divine Solution to be revealed. I breathe, trust, pray, and do my daily work as I wait for revelation. Thank you, Dearest Creator for my Journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.2.24

    Today, I give thanks for Divine Rest. Today, I rest in Spirit, renewing myself in Quiet. Today, I minimize, focusing on the moment, attending minute by minute to my High Self. Giving thanks for the Connection within, I rest in the knowledge that despite any perceived inner or outer chaos, all is well. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.1.24

    Thank you, dearest Divinity, for me. Thank you for my ability to love. Thank you for my ability to love myself. Thank you for my ability to love others. I am a loving Light being. I am a loving Light being in thought, word, and deed. Today, I help create more Love and Light everywhere. Amen.

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May 2024

  • Sound Voyage on Saturday, June 1 is cancelled

    Sound Voyage with Jeannie McKenzie and Wolfgang Ettenreich is cancelled. Please join us on August 4 when they return to the Light Center.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 5.31.24

    Expanding in prayer I take our beloved world within me filling it with Love and Light on all dimensions. Visualizing, I fill our world’s species- both plant and animal on land, air, and water with Love and Light. All species find their right place within our changing environment. As a co-creator, I take daily action in thought, word, and deed to help protect our fragile fantastic planet and all its species. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 5.30.24

    We are One, whether we know it or not, what happens to one happens to all. The Creator within me releases the pain of man’s inhumanity to man. Spirit fills each with Divine Love and Light. The Creator within each person changes injury to Love and Light. In Light, confusion is transformed bringing clarity and Love. We are One. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 5.29.24

    Moving within the Divine Presence I am filled with Vastness. A Vastness that I cannot encompass but am. A deep Quiet. Peace.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 5.28.24

    Meditating on courage, I stand in awe of people doing their best each and every day sometimes despite great hardship. The decision to be born is an amazing act of faith. Today I join with other Light workers praying for everyone and expanding Light and Love throughout our beloved planet and its people. I hold space for Love, Peace, Light, and Respect for all. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 5.27.24

    Expanding from the Creator within me, I focus on souls who died in service to country. I visualize Divine Love and Light enveloping these souls as I reach back through time. I picture Love and Light releasing any traumas for those who perished in conflicts. Any earthbound souls are released in Light. All are freed to pursuit Oneness. Thank you, Sweet Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 5.26.24

    As I travel toward complete Connection, I release my struggles, major and minor. I release the daily grind, visualizing Divine Flow in my daily turn. I embrace ease. I allow the Creator within me to guide me. I relax into the Loving Embrace. Thank you, Dearest Creator.

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  • Join us for Community Sound Bath with Otorongo & Friends Concert on Sunday

    Immerse yourself in a nurturing and revitalizing sound meditation experience with Paul Gaeta, aka Otorongo & Friends.  Join us to cocreate a sacred space dedicated to healing and renewal. Together, we will craft a supportive container where we can harmonize our energy systems, nurture our nervous systems, and sink into a state of profound relaxation and restoration. Through the enchanting vibrations of gongs, singing bowls, Native American flutes, chimes, drums, and an array of other instruments, we will embark on a journey of inner exploration and healing. Purchase Tickets at the door $30

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 5.25.24

    Today, I visualize a world that is safe for us all. I visualize all societies and systems dedicated to Love and Light. I radiate Love and Light throughout the physical, mental, and emotional dimensions. I join with likeminded Light beings to hold space for Love, Light, Peace, and Harmony. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 5.24.24

    Thank you, God for my mistakes. Thank you for a showing them to me in a way I can easily understand. Thank you, God, for the flexibility to see the need to change and the ability to change. I am in Your Accelerated Learner Class as I become more and more One with You.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 5.23.24

    Opening my heart, I gently advance my understanding that I am a being of God. I release all self-judgments. I release all judgments of others. I am a Light being. I am a Love being. I radiate Light and Love to everyone and everything. I am centered in gratitude and filled with wonder at this growing awareness of All That Is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 5.22.24

    Turning inward I focus Light and Love on the women of this planet. Deep within I hold Love, Light, and Divine Space for the feminine aspect of Spirit on Earth. Today, I filled with gratitude for the feminine face of God. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 5.21.24

    Today, I am grateful for my daily devotionals that fortify my connection to Spirit. I am strengthened and sheltered in Spirit. I feel and release my anxieties and fears to Light. I walk through my fear and am transformed. I am filled with Divine Light and Love. Thank you, Sweet Beloved, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 5.20.24

    Today, I find myself pondering life’s training, I realize: God works on a need-to-know basis. We only get what we need for now. Why? Some parts of life are fluid, dependent on us for outcome. So, today, I step out in faith, trusting the gentle guidance I am given. Thank you, God, for your Divine Guidance.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 5.19.24

    Resting in the Divine, I am grateful for life. Focusing, the Creator within me fills our beautiful planet with Light and Love. All flora and fauna are filled with Light and Love. Planetary fires are filled with Light and Love. Any global disturbance is filled with Light and Love. I am grateful to our angelic kingdom for unseen helping hands. Light directs healing for the benefit of all Creation. All is well as we move toward Oneness. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 5.18.24

    The mission of our Armed Forces is to serve and protect our nation. Today, I fill all military personnel with Love and Light. All open their hearts to God and know the sanctity of their mission. They and their families are protected in a Bubble of Love and Light on all dimensions. Guided by the Creator within, all branches of the military work together for the Good of All. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 5.17.24

    Centering deep within I keep peace. I release to Light anything that disturbs my peace. I visualize everyone centering deep within. I hold space for Divine Peace in this dimension. Thank you, dearest Divinity for your Peace that passes all understanding. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 5.16.24

    I give thanks for the many generations who came before me. I am grateful for my ancestors’ work. I stand on their shoulders, and I am grateful for their contributions to me, my life, and our world. From my High Self, I radiate Light filling my transitioned loved ones and past generations with Light and Love. I hold them in Light and Love. And so, it is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 5.15.24

    Today, I give thanks for my ability to pray. I know my gratitude opens me to Divine Connection. I am grateful for the integration of my High Self with my self. I am filled with gratitude that we are all becoming one with All That Is. Thank you, sweet Divinity for this journey of Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 5.14.24

    Tapping into the frequencies of Light and Love, I focus my mind allowing the Creator within me to fill our world with Light and Love. Everything is energy. Everything has a frequency. Everything is part of God. Everything is filled with Light and Love on all dimensions. Everything is Guided on the path to Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 5.13.24

    Our solar storms bring us shifting energy. Expanding from within I use the energy from these sun flares to cleanse and purify my astral body. I embrace this intense energy to move forward in Light and Love. Thank you, God, for this opportunity for growth for everyone and everything and especially for me. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 5.12.24

    On this sweet Remembrance Day, I turn within thanking the Divine Mother within me for the loving care that keeps my body functioning. Thank you, Divine Mother within me, for me. Thank you for my nervous system. Thank you for my respiratory system. Thank you for my circulatory system. Thank you for my metabolic system. Thank you for my sensory systems. Thank you for my digestive system. Thank you for my endocrine system. Thank you for my immune system. Thank you, Divine Mother within me, for filling each cell of my body with Light and Love. Thank you, Divine Mother, […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 5.11.24

    Today, I give thanks for gentle gifts – clean air, birds, the sound of leaves rustling through the trees. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for the nurturing beauty of our fantastic planet. Thank you, for our beloved songbirds who nurture our souls with their music. Thank you for all birds, the companions of angels. Thank you for ever better stewardship of our planet to safeguard all wildlife now and forevermore. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 5.10.24

    The Creator within me releases any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I am a Light Being. I radiate Light throughout my being. Expanding to encompass all beings, I visualize the Creator within each of us filling us with Light and Love replacing any unhealthy habits with nourishing Light. We are healed; empowered as the Light Beings we truly are. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 5.9.24

    Faith, constancy, and willingness to be directed by the Creator within us builds empowerment. When I don’t know what to do, I turn within asking for guidance. Anchoring myself in faith, I listen to the quiet voice within. I trust God; telling myself if I misunderstand Spirit will correct me. Thank you, beloved God, for helping me strengthen my faith. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 5.8.24

    Sometimes, I come to a crossroads and need a sign. When this happens, I step out in Faith, as a spiritual scientist, collecting data on a subject of one, myself. “Basic research is what I am doing when I don’t know what I am doing.” (W. Von Braun). If this is a basic research day, I pray globally re-searching my connection to Spirit. I am One with All in my process of discovery.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 5.7.24

    Thinking of our earthly realm and all it teaches us, I give thanks for those who choose to teach others. Teaching is a noble profession. On schoolhouse Earth, everyone is both teacher and student. I visualize all of us releasing our resistance to change and able to accept Grace to speed our learning process. Thank you, Divine Teacher, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 5.6.24

    Centering, I release my ego to Light. Releasing my “small i,” to Light, I more easily feel the “big I” in the “I Am That I Am” within me. I am open to receiving God’s instructions. I keep enough ego to have the “groundedness,” to Execute God’s Orders as I connect to the Divine in me. Thank you, Spirit, for You in me. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 5.5.24

    Relaxing into the Creator within me, I am filled with Joy. The frequency of divine Laughter heals me. Laughter provides leavening to lighten our earthy experience. Everything is energy. Everything has a frequency. Everything is part of God. Laughter brings Light and Love on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for your Laughter.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 5.4.24

    From deep within I fill our beloved world and its people with Love and Light. Our planet and people Walk as One. We are filled with Love and Light. Whether I am walking in World Labyrinth Day or not, I hold the essence of Love, Light, and Peace within me projecting these divine gifts through the world and our people. All nations, all leaders, all of us on this sacred planet are anchored in Divine Peace. The Peace that surpasses all understanding. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 5.3.24

    Centering myself, I recall God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the Universe and beyond for the Good of All. I give thanks for helping hands, seen and unseen. Together, we – the christ conscious, the Doers, on this dimension fulfill our missions to help further people and planetary spiritual evolution. Thank you, God, for my part in this evolution.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 5.2.24

    Today I fill my family of origin with Light and Love. I fill my brothers and sisters with Light and Love, releasing them in Light. Looking back, I release all my family relationships to Light. Expanding into the Vastness, I fill the family of man, all spiritual beings, with Light and Love. Thank you, God, for this family of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 5.1.24

    In ancient times May Day, Beltane, was a celebrated rite of Spring to welcome new growth in the world. Fire was used to banish darkness. Today, I welcome May Day in a personal celebration of new life, Spring. I breathe, sinking into the rhythm of our Earth. I allow new budding life to fill me with Joy. Today, I use fire metaphorically to help purify our incredible planet and myself. I let go of all fears that are limiting me. I am a Light Being filled with the Joy of New Life for All. In Joy, I breathe.

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April 2024

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 4.30.24

    If I feel battered by events, it is okay. I can give myself grace. I can rest in Divinity. I release any self-judgment to Light; I stay mindful and treat myself kindly. It is enough to say, “thank you, God.” Thank you, God. Thank you for thee. Thank you for me. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 4.29.24

    Centering from the Creator within me, I fill the Office of the Presidency with Light and Love. I visualize the White House filled with radiant Light. Turning to Congress I visualize our representatives filled with Light and Love. Divine Truth, Light, and Love guide all elected officials for the Good of All. Coming from Source there is only Loving Effectiveness. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 4.28.24

    From the Creator within me I breathe, inhaling Light, exhaling Love. I rest in Divine Peace. As I am renewed, I expand anchoring the Peace that surpasses all understanding. I visualize everyone comforted; cradled in Divine Light and Divine Love. Light centers and calms every one of us. Love connects us to Spirit. Thank you, God, for our Oneness. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 4.27.24

    As I ponder the Australian aborigine adage: “The more you know, the less you need.” I realize some who are on our societal fringes may be carrying out the Greater Works. Again, I release my judgments of others’ to Light. We are One. One. One in our Creator. So, I work locally and pray globally for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for my beloved world community.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 4.26.24

    Today, I am grateful for helping hands. Seen and unseen helping hands. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for my fellow Beings. Thank you for your support, guidance, Divine Love, and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 4.24.24

    Centering in Spirit, I fill myself with Light. Lovingly, I release all judgments of others. Regardless of appearances, all are Light Beings. From deep within comes: all are learning in Thy Light. Again, I release judgment of others and myself. I am a Light being. We are all Light beings, learning on our path of Light. Thank you, God, for the journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 4.23.24

    Honoring Passover I expand within embracing freedom; in the Jewish tradition, I invite the Living Christ within me to celebrate freedom from bondage, bondage of spiritual impotence. I embrace Holy Freedom to become who I was meant to be, a creator-in-action. Expanding, I take the world within me, filling everyone with Holy Freedom. Thank you for this journey of Freedom.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 4.22.24

    Thank you, God, for our beloved world, Mother Earth, a spaceship of life. I am humbled as I touch into Earth’s essence. Doing my best to reciprocate, I expand taking Earth within me. I radiate Light and Love into our exquisite planet, a being in its own right. I am one with Earth. We are one Being. Thank you, God, for this gift of Planet Earth. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 4.21.24

    Today, I embrace the Divine’s Ease, Peace, and Joy. I relax into Oneness and rest. Thank you, beloved God, for this beautiful day. Thank you, beloved God, for You in me. Thank you for Divine Connection. Thank you!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 4.20.24

    The earth remains jagged and broken only to him or her who remains jagged and broken. (Walt Whitman). Connecting with Source deep within, I take my little jagged and broken bits and lovingly soften the edges. As I breathe, I use my Light to smooth the rough ends. I soften. I expand. I heal. I visualize us all healing. I am grateful for this process of healing in Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 4.19.24

    Societal systems, systemic racism, otherness, as I think of Oneness, I move deep within to anchor Love, Light, and Peace in all human systems. I help anchor Love and Light in all governments, schools, places of worship, health care systems, educational systems, and corporations. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 4.18.24

    Daily, I turn to the Creator within, replacing fear with Connectedness. I take steps to manifest my vision of my life. If my vision clouds and I lose my way, I fall back to basics – meditation, prayer, and gratitude. Patience will reveal all. Thank you, God for me. Thank you, God, for you. Thank you, God, for clarity. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 4.17.24

    From the Creator within me I fill all our world’s children with Love and Light. On this dimension, all are Divinely Guided to helping hands. All children are in a Bubble of Light and Love on all dimensions. All are safe and secure on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 4.16.24

    I am wise. I am centered. I am peaceful. I am Connected. I am joyful. I am healthy. I am grateful. I am loving. I am Love! I am Light!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 4.15.24

    The Energy that is All, has room for us all. Expanding from deep with, I visualize everyone manifesting their divine missions. With gentle intent, I visualize everyone having each and every need abundantly met. Today, I open my heart, mind, and soul to Universal Abundance. There is room for us all at the Table of Life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 4.14.24

    Resting in Spirit, I give myself time and space to anchor in faith. Slowing down allows me to know the unknowable. I move in faith as I go about my daily turn. Holding to Light and Love, I fill with gratitude. Today, I am thankful for Grace. Thank you, Spirit. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 4.13.24

    Light directs climate change to Light. Light directs our weather to Light. Everything is Light. Everything is Love. Anchoring deep within, I send my divine roots into the center of our planet helping to anchor Love and Light. All is well. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 4.12.24

    Today, I fill my Electrome, my body’s electricity with Love and Light. Each cell makes neural electricity and I fill them all with Love. Expanding, I visualize everyone’s electrome filled with Love and Light. We are truly Beings of Light! I find myself jubilant with this revelation. I am so thankful. So very thankful.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 4.11.24

    Grieving man’s inhumanity to man, I turn within actively releasing my judgments to Light. I release my grief and sorrow to Light. From deeper still, I create Good from my High Self. Joining with other prayer workers, I aid in cushioning grief and sorrow in our world. I visualize Divine Love and Light expanding through all dimensions. I help my fellow beings in Love and Light. We are One in Love and Light. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 4.10.24

    Beloved Source, thank you for my siblings from my family-of-origin, who are with me in this life. Other than my relationship with You, it is my longest connection in life. My sisters and brothers are filled with Light and Love. I am filled with Light and Love. All families are filled with Light and Love. Everyone is filled with Light and Love. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 4.9.24

    From my christ consciousness, I expand taking our world within, intensifying Love and Light in everyone and everything. Increasing the intensity, I visualize our beautiful world cleansed of all impurities, remade in the image and likeness of the Holy Spirit. I hold space for Heaven on Earth. Thank you, beloved God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 4.8.24

    Today, I resolve to be still and know. Moving deeply within, I anchor in Source. Quietly, anxiety and fear are released. In stillness, I become a knower. I am refreshed and renewed. Thank you, beloved Creator, for your gifts.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 4.7.24

    To stay in the Flow, to shut out the chatter, to focus on the Quiet Voice, takes commitment, takes courage. Thank you, beloved Flow, for guiding and aiding me in my commitment. Thank you for the courage to listen to the transcendent song of my soul. Thank you, Beloved, for the ease of this Joy.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 4.6.24

    With Spring, a sense of renewal buds, immersing myself in Spring I feel a response within. From deep within, I expand filling our world’s people with Love and Light. Today, I act locally to help my peers and our beautiful world. Today, I pray globally for all. Thank you, God, for this journey of Life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 4.5.24

    Dearest beloved Creator within, thank you for my many blessings. I continue my inward focus to draw ever closer to my divine Self during this holy time of year. Thank you for your Oneness and for what I am learning. Thank you for my personal growth. Thank you for each being on this planet and for Your divine plan. Thank you for the small part I play. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 4.4.24

    Opening my heart to Divine Mind, I realize we are like Pando (Quaking Aspen trees), one organism. Centering in Oneness, I visualize Love, Light, and Divine Peace being anchored for the Good of all creation. Today, I echo Divine Peace, Love, and Light for All. We are One. One creation of Love and Light. One. Amen.

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  • Sound Voyage Concert with Jeannie McKenzie and Wolfgang Ettenreich – Saturday, April 6, 2 to 3:30

    Get your tickets for Saturday’s concert with the Sound Voyagers!! Space is limited Sound voyages are intentionally crafted, guided sonic meditations that use healing frequencies of multiple instruments in unique combinations. The artists use singing bowls, gongs, didgeridoos, violin, flutes, rain sticks, hand-pans and a variety of other instruments including their voice. Listen to samples of their music here: http://the-sound-voyagers.holismatrix.org/ Purchase tickets: Advance $25 (must purchase by 4 p.m. on April 5); onsite $30  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 4.3.24

    I am Divinely Guided. I listen and trust my Guidance. Thank you, sweet Source for your Guidance.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 4.2.24

    Reflecting on the importance of rituals, I give myself over to meditation and prayer. Today, I rest in gratitude knowing everything works for the greater glory of God. From deep within, I focus Love and Light on Divine Solutions for our beloved world and all beings who reside upon it. Thank you, God, for your Solutions. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 4.1.24

    Remembering that Jesus and many masters have a sense of humor, I realize humor is our birthright. It brings resiliency by helping us tap into Oneness. I embrace the Creator’s efforts to help me “Lighten” up. Humor IS faith. Today I use humor to ease my life and the lives of others. “If the earth is fit for laughter, then surely heaven is filled with it. Heaven is the birthplace of laughter.” ~Martin Luther

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March 2024

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.31.24

    As I surrender to the Christ consciousness within me on Easter, I become aware of the Power of the Resurrection: Life made manifest after death. It’s stunning to realize the Love that was demonstrated in Jesus’ mission. Bursting with love and joy, I expand from the Living Christ echoing Love and Light for all. Thank you, God, for your Divine Love and Peace.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.30.24

    Pondering Jesus’ only command: “Love one other as I have loved you,” I expand taking our world within me, intensifying Love and Light in everyone and everything. Increasing the intensity, I visualize our beautiful world cleansed of all impurities, remade in the image and likeness of the Holy Spirit. I hold space for Heaven on Earth. Thank you, beloved God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.29.24

    Today, Good Friday, is the day traditional Christians believe Jesus died “for our sins.” As I ponder this demonstration of everlasting life, what comes is: “Know ye not, that ye are gods.” (John 10:34; Psalm 82). And I Know: for Jesus to fulfill his mission of aiding souls in understanding our divine nature, we must also become christed beings. I feel a flood of love and loyalty to help fulfill this mission. Thank you, God, for our journey of Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.28.24

    Moving toward Oneness, I open my heart, mind and soul to Spirit. Maundy Thursday, “maundy” from “mandatum” Latin for commandment. I give thanks for Jesus’ new commandment: “Love one another as I have loved you.” Obeying, I expand Love filling everyone. I fill everything with Divine, Healing Love. Thank you, Jesus, for being the Way-Shower, Thank you for your many gifts to all Creation.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.27.24

    Centering in the dimension of the Christ Consciousness, I open to Oneness. As I center in my High Self, I relax into Connection. From this awareness I know all is well. All is moving forward in Light, Love, and Peace. The Divine template is in place. All is well. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.26.24

    Today I center within, focusing on Divine Peace and Love. I radiate a vibration of Peace, Love, and Light. Relaxing into this vibration of Peace and Love, I visualize it expanding within our world and within everyone and everything. There is only Peace, Love, and Light. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.25.24

    As some of us celebrate Holi, a Hindu festival celebrating love, it is traditional to pray that any internal negativity will be cleansed. I center deep within focusing on changing any internal conflict and negativity to Love and Light. Expanding from a well of Love, I visualize all of us changing personal negativity to Love and Light. Today, I help hold space for Love and Light for all humanity. Our world is filled with Love and Light. Thank you, dearest Source, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.24.24

    Today, I am thankful for Grace. Resting in Spirit, I give myself time and space to anchor in faith. Slowing down allows me to know the unknowable. I go about my daily turn creating Good in thought, word, and deed. As I hold to Light and only Light, I fill with gratitude. Thank you, Spirit. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.23.24

    Daily, I am filled with gratitude for our planet. This fantastic being is our mother working in concert with the Divine. I visualize our beloved Earth filled with Love and Light. I am so grateful for our physical world. Joining with other Light workers we create Good for our Mother Earth. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Join us for Sacred Circle Dance on Sunday, March 24, 2:30 to 4:30 p.m.

    Hello my friends, and Happy Spring!  Hope to see you on Sunday! Newcomers welcome, so come and bring a friend. We’ll be dancing outside if weather permits. https://urlight.org/events/sacred-circle-dance-with-maggie-moon-32424/

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.22.24

    Joining with the global community of prayer and Light workers, I feel a sense of belonging to this mission of holding space for Divine Harmony. Working together we are doing our missions as Light beings anchoring Light. We release all fear to Light. We release all judgment to Light. We are Light beings anchoring Light. Thank you, dearest Creator, for our journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.21.24

    From my Christ consciousness, my High Self, I am grateful. I am grateful for large and small things. I am grateful for each inhalation and exhalation. I am grateful for our shared Journey of Light. And our shared Journey of Love. I am grateful with each cell of my being. Thank you. Thank you, beloved God. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.20.24

    As a Light being, I know God encompasses both genders. I am ever so grateful for the many Light beings who, as women, have aided humankind now and throughout history. Joan of Arc, Marie Curie, Catherine Johnson…. Half of the good minds on our planet belong to women. Today, I celebrate the female gender, giving thanks for the Light Beings we know as women. I am humbled and filled with gratitude for our world’s females and the gifts they share on our beautiful planet.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.19.24

    Today, Spring’s Equinox when our sun’s rays are equally balanced between both hemispheres of our beloved planet, I embrace this planetary balance of light and dark. From my essence as a Light Being, I release any darkness or negativity to Light. I am filled with Light and Love. Expanding, I visualize all of us filled with Light and Love. I am grateful for Divine Balance in all aspects of Creation.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.18.24

    As I reach out to my fellow Light Beings, I consider the difficulties life may bring. From deep within, my High Self rises in love, Divine Love, for this planet’s people. I hold everyone in Light and Love, visualizing us all bathed in Divinity. I visualize all needs met bringing Joy for all. Thank you, sweet Divinity for your Joy.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.17.24

    Today, I am grateful for all things Irish. An Irish friend says:” On St. Patty’s Day everyone is Irish!” I am grateful for that loving attitude. I am grateful for Irish fun and ribald humor. Today, I give thanks for a wee bit o’ fun and the “wearin” of the Green. I remind myself that “On St. Patty’s Day, everyone is Irish” and we are all one on the journey of Light, Love, and Joy.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.16.24

    I am reminded to give thanks when I feel discouraged. Thank you, dearest Creator, for my creativity. I am deeply grateful that I am able to pray, to create from deep within. Thank you for the wellspring of creativity that is YOU within me. Thank you, for You. Thank you for me. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.15.24

    “For the dead and the living, we must bear witness.” (Elie Wiesel.) We are now called to witness our world’s events. As we witness, we love everyone. We fill everyone with Love and Light. We help soften events with kind action and prayer. We hold space for Divine Peace and Healing. Today, we grow through giving Love with awareness. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.14.24

    Today, I declare: artificially intelligent devices are filled with Light. AI is filled with Love. As Creators-in-action, we radiate Light and Love to every thing, we radiate Light and Love to everyone. We work in concert with the Divine creating Good. Today, I visualize a world filled with and directed by Light. I help by anchoring Light and Divine Love for all. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.14.24

    Today, I focus on my physicality. My cells are Light. My body’s bacteria are Light. My skeletal system is Light. My muscular system is Light. My nervous system is Light. My sensory systems are Light. My endocrine system is Light. My circulatory system is Light. My respiratory system is Light. My digestive system is Light. My urinary system is Light. My reproductive system is Light. I am a being of Light. I am a Light Being. I radiate my Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for me and for All That Is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.12.24

    Life on Earth is variable. Change happens. Sometimes bringing up fear. So, any time fear surfaces, I breathe and facing it, I lovingly release my fear, weaving its strands into the fabric of my High Self. Embracing my High Self I expand, envisioning all of us becoming one with our High Selves. I ask the Creator within everyone to aid in whatever must be faced today. Thank you, beloved Creator, for our ability to choose your Divine Love, Courage, Peace, and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.11.24

    From Holy Connection, I feel called to pray. Prayer creates – everything else distracts. My prayer for today: The Creator within me fills our world with the calm healing Energy of Divinity. Spaceship Earth and all its inhabitants are filled with Light, Love, and Peace. On all dimensions, all are filled with clarifying Light and Love. Thank you, God for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.10.24

    Moving toward spring, I turn inward and feed the revitalization of my personal spring spirit. I visualize my love and light greening up and blooming into ever deeper love for everyone and everything. My prayer is giving thanks for being in the right place, at the right time, thinking, saying, and doing the right thing for the Greater Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.9.24

    I turn within releasing any internal conflict to Light. I exhale any struggle and inhale Peace. Expanding to encompass the world, I radiate Peace. Today, I stay centered in compassion and forgiveness. I help anchor Love and Light in our world. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.8.24

    There are only Light Beings, children of Spirit, but for our earthly experience we select a gender. Today, I celebrate women. Women bring wisdom, fortitude, courage to earth. Women bring life into this world. I find joy and gratitude in celebrating half of the great minds and doers in this world. Thank you, God, for the women of this planet.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.7.24

    Thank you for the animal kingdom. All Earth’s animals are filled with Love and Light. Thank you for the plant kingdom. It is filled with Love and Light. Thank you for the mineral kingdom. Our rocks and minerals are filled with Love and Light. Thank you for the air we breathe. It is filled with Love and Light. Thank you for the water that sustains all life. Our water is filled with Love and Light. All marine life is filled with Divine Health. Thank you for our Angelic kingdom. Our angels, Earth’s angels, and fairy spirits are filled with Love […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.6.24

    Touching into Spirit I find tranquil Love. I visualize this Love filling our world with Divine Comfort. I expand this dynamic Energy of Love and Light to focus where it is needed. I give thanks to all angelic beings for their help in softening and releasing fear, sadness, worry, and hunger. We aid our fellow Light beings through prayer. Thank you, Spirit, for your Hand in solving all conflicts. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.5.24

    Centered in Source, I consider the spiritual revolution that is quietly happening. I am one of many who pray for all – setting a field of rarified, spiritualized energy that is immersing all of us. From the Creator within, I aid in the creation of Divine Peace, Love, Light, and Joy. Thank you, dearest God, for my small role in helping anchor Love and Light for all creation. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.4.24

    In my meditation, I breathe Peace, Love, and Light to all nations and continents. I fill North America with Love and Light. I fill Central America with Love and Light. I fill South America with Love and Light. I fill Europe with Love and Light. I fill Asia with Love and Light. I fill Africa with Love and Light. I fill Antarctica with Love and Light. I fill Australia with Love and Light. Our wonderful world is filled with Peace, Love, and Light on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.3.24

    Thank you for the animal kingdom. All Earth’s animals are filled with Love and Light. Thank you for the plant kingdom. It is filled with Love and Light. Thank you for the mineral kingdom. Our rocks and minerals are filled with Love and Light. Thank you for the air we breathe. It is filled with Love and Light. Thank you for the water that sustains all life. Our water is filled with Love and Light. All marine life is filled with Divine Health. Thank you for our Angelic kingdom. Our angels, Earth’s angels, and fairy spirits are filled with Love […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.2.24

    “I feel there is nothing truly more artistic than loving people.” ~ Vincent Van Gogh Starting with myself, I extend Love. Gently bathing myself in Love and Light, I extend myself and simply love everyone and everything. I visualize every ONE of us in a bubble of Love and Light on all dimensions. Only Love and Light can come to us. Expanding further, I extend Love and Light to everything; blanketing our world in Love. Thank you, God, for your Loving Kindness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.1.24

    Putting down my burdens, I embrace Ease, Grace, and Divine Glory. I rest in this soothing Flow. Comforted, I visualize Light and Love in each troubled region of our planet. All ground is holy ground. All is well. All is well. All is well. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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February 2024

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.29.24

    Today, I live in Love and Light. I know I am made from pure Love and I am Loved. I am Love and I am Light. Expanding Love and Light is my mission. I radiate my Love and Light to All. All people on Earth are filled with Love and Light. I see the Living, Loving High Self of each being. Thank you, beloved God, for You, for me and for everyone. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.28.24

    There is a solution to every problem. Intellectually, I know problems are gifts; today, I take my problem and release it to Light. I put it in God’s hands and rest in the Divine. I give thanks for Divine Guidance – clothing myself in Faith. I ground myself in Trust, thanking God for my learning experiences here on Schoolhouse Earth.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.27.24

    Gently, I examine my thoughts and actions releasing those which no longer serve my highest good. I release all self-judgments. In prayer, I open in gratitude for my spirit-filled journey of discovery. I am open to Divine Guidance. As I celebrate my journey toward Oneness, I expand filling everyone with Light and Love affirming we are One. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.26.24

    Thank you, beloved Source, for your Light. Thank you for your Peace. Sitting with your Peace, Light, and Love, I focus my attention on filling each of us with Light. Any who are experiencing echoes of past traumas are filled with God’s fortitude, Love, and Light. Today, I help hold space for Peace.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.25.24

    “We need to sit on the rim of the well of darkness and fish for the fallen light with patience.” (Pablo Neruda) Today, I patiently focus Love and Light healing our beloved world. Working with others, I fill our fellow beings with Love and Light. I visualize everyone is in a bubble of Love and Light on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for this journey of creating Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.24.24

    On this anniversary, I help anchor Light, Love, Courage, Divine Calm, and Peace in all of Ukraine, Russia, Europe, and the world. Our brothers and sisters are filled with Light and Love. I visualize each heavy heart filled with Light. I thank our angels and the Angelic kingdom for the help, Love, and Light they are giving us and our world. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for your Light and Love. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.23.24

    Thinking of “influencers”, I turn to the Great Influencer within me. Opening my heart, mind, and soul to Divine Influence, I am comforted like a child. I embrace the vision of our world encompassed by Divine Influence. I envision each of us comforted by the knowledge that All is Well.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.22.24

    Focusing my creative Self on our world’s leaders, I visualize each nation’s leaders filled with Light and Love. They are divinely Guided. Expanding to our world’s citizenry, each of us is a leader in some fashion. We lead through Light, Love, and a sense of mission. Today, I embrace Light leading and guiding us all to Oneness. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.21.24

    Today, I give thanks for my ability to pray, to co-create in concert with Divinity. My creativity and fertile imagination are gifts. I am grateful for the Connection that allows Flow. I am grateful for my ability to listen to God’s voice. Thank you, sweet Divinity for this flowing beautiful journey to Oneness with You.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.20.24

    Deep within I connect to the “I Am”, pondering “You are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14). Turning within, I intensify Light in my body. Expanding to encompass the world, I increase the radiance of my Light and Love to everyone and everything. I visualize all awakening to their Light. Thank you, God, for everyone, for everything, for me, and especially for thee. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.19.24

    On U.S. President’s Day, the Creator within me fills all presidents, past and present, with Light. Regardless of astral or physical dimension, each president is filled with Light and Love. The mantle of the Living Christ rests on the shoulders of the Presidency. Today, I help anchor Light and Love in the Oval Office. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.18.24

    Aligning in Oneness, I rest in holy Connection. Today I replenish myself in Spirit, then focus my divine Self on trouble spots in the world. Breathing deeply, the I Am within connects to these souls filling each one with Light, Love, Peace, and Harmony. Joining in Spirit with my peers in prayer we tether Peace, Light, and Love for us all. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for Peace in our world. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.17.24

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I release unhealthy use of any substances, food, drink, or behaviors to Light. The Creator within me changes any negative habits to Light. Every need is met through the Divine. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.16.24

    Taking a deep breath, I center myself and tune to the frequency of Divinity. I release any worries and frustrations for myself and for our world. I am filled with Divine Peace. I am renewed. I radiate Peace, Love and Light to all for all. Thank you, sweet Divinity for You and for this journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.15.24

    Deliberating on our world’s turmoil, I release my human judgments to Light. I release worry for our world’s future to Light. I am a Light Being. From deep within, I create Good in our current global situations. Our geo-political world is filled with Love and Light. I hold steadfast in Faith filling everything and everyone with Love and Light. There is only Love and Light. Thank you, sweet Source, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.14.24

    Today, I expand into Connection radiating Love and Light to everyone and everything. I send this missive of Love and Light to all creation. Regardless of the personal, I send a valentine to All. I am filled with a profound gratitude for my connection to All That Is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.13.24

    I am a “tuning fork” resonating to Divinity. I visualize other people resonating to Divinity. Together, we raise the frequency of Love and Light on our beloved planet. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.12.24

    “Be sure to put your feet in the right place, and then stand firm.” (Abraham Lincoln). As I think of Lincoln’s commitment to service, I think of my fellow world citizens and radiate Love and Light to all. I visualize safety, security, and satiation of all needs for my Earthly cohort. I radiate Love and Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for this shared journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.11.24

    In meditation and prayer, I sink deeply into Oneness. As I center, I release all concerns. Focusing, I visualize what I desire in my life and for the world. I release my desires to Light asking for what is in Divine Order. In gratitude, I center in Holy Oneness as I move through the day. Thank you for sweet Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.10.24

    Today, I join 1.5 billion people celebrating the Lunar New Year. In mediation- prayer I visualize Divine Beauty encapsulating all of us. In this year of possibilities and opportunities, I fill everyone with Light and Love envisioning Oneness for All. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.9.24

    I am grateful for our angels and archangels. I give thanks for helping hands both seen and unseen. As the Living Christ, the doer on this dimension, I visualize Earth’s angels helping to ease and heal our beloved planet’s difficult situations. Working together, we fulfill our missions to further planetary and people’s spiritual evolution. Thank you, sweet Source, for the small part I play.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.8.24

    From deep within I radiate gratitude for our first responders who are caring for our world’s suffering people. Expanding, I take our world within me, filling all people who are suffering with Light and Love. All are safe and secure in a bubble of Light on all dimensions. I visualize healing, radiant, purifying energy for our world and all its inhabitants. We are One.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.7.24

    Focusing on others, I give thanks for all people. Regardless of race, creed, gender, and orientation, we are each a drop in the Ocean of Spirit. All One, All equal in our beingness in Spirit. From my High Self, I radiate Light and Love through All. We are one in Light and Love. We are One. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.6.24

    Centering, I anchor myself to Light. I live in two worlds – staying anchored in Light as I do about my daily rounds. Daily, I expand Light and Love to everyone and everything aiding in the creation of Harmony and Peace for all of us. We are One. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.5.24

    If I don’t know my Divine Mission, I accept the work in front of me. If I don’t know what to do, I start with doing one kind thing for myself and for others each day. Slowly, through meditation and listening, I am Guided. I take small steps thinking of Maya Angelou: “Good done anywhere is Good done everywhere”. Today, I contribute to Good.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.4.24

    We are resilient spiritual beings. We are made in Love and of Light. We are Light Beings. As one awakens, more will awake. We are One on all dimensions. I am a resilient spiritual being. I am made in Love and of Light. I am a Light Being. Thank you, beloved Source, for this journey of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.3.24

    Sinking into meditation and prayer, I expand from the Creator within me anchoring Light, Love, and Divine Justice for all. Those promoting social injustice and hate are filled with Light and Love. Today, I affirm there is Divine Abundance for the Good of All. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.2.24

    Today, I embrace my creativity. I am a creator in thought, word, and deed. I create in concert with the Divine. I am divinely directed as I focus Love and Light throughout our world and beyond. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for the role I play in helping create Good in Your Creation. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.1.24

    “In seizing the moment, you find heaven.” – R. Padgett. Today I seize the day, finding Joy. I am elevated, reaching out to expand this Joy to all. I realize, again, Heaven is a state of consciousness. Thank you, beloved God, for Heaven in life. Thank you for the ability to experience Heaven now. Thank you for the ability to help create Heaven for all. Amen.

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January 2024

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.31.24

    I give thanks for the loving gift of art. Art and our artists are Divine Gifts. Art cushions us, heals us, and inspires us. All art, especially music, lifts us from our toils. Refreshed, we return to our daily round. Visualizing all artists filled with Light and Love, I see them filled with the Creativity that flows from the Wellspring of Life. I give thanks for artists and all art. I know we are all artists in our own way. Today, I express Love and Light in an artful way.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.30.24

    Focusing on my physicality, I declare: My cells are Light. My skeletal system is Light. My muscular system is Light. My nervous system is Light. My sensory systems are Light. My endocrine system is Light. My circulatory system is Light. My respiratory system is Light. My digestive system is Light. My urinary system is Light. My reproductive system is Light. My body’s bacteria are Light. I am a Light Being. I radiate Light throughout my body. I radiate Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for me, and for All That Is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.29.24

    I am filled with gratitude for seen and unseen helping hands. Thank you, beloved Source, for my aid and comfort. Thank you for visible and invisible help for everyone and everything. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.28.24

    Today, I allow Divine Rest, one of the twelve attributes of the Creator. Taking care of self is respectful. Today I relax, resting in the Divine. I breathe, rest, reflect, and heal. From deep within comes the knowledge that all is well. All is well. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for Divine Rest.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.27.24

    Focusing within I join the Profound, entering sacred space. We are One. Holding that knowingness, I breathe peace and ease to all who have suffered injury due to abuse or crimes. Expanding to encompass our world, I fill each of us who feels the emotional echo of past trauma. I fill all with Divine Peace, Light, and Love. We embrace Peace. We are One. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.26.24

    God is Energy. Focusing on the energy of abundance, I open within accepting abundant health, wealth, and joy. Expanding, I visualize abundance flowing in whatever form needed to where it will benefit all planet Earth and its peoples. Thank you, God, for making it so. “Everything is Energy” (Stephen Lewis).

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.25.24

    Thank you, Creator, for our world’s caregivers, heroes all. Thank you for their selfless giving and for their commitment. Today, the Creator within me visualizes abundant Light and Love in all spouses, siblings, friends, parents, children, and professionals who give care to others. I am humbled at the love and light of all these loving beings. Thank you, Creator, for your Divine Essence in us.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.24.24

    Taking a deep breath, I center myself and tune to the frequency of Divinity. Breathing rhythmically, I release my concerns, worries, and frustrations for myself and for our world. I am filled with Divine Peace, Love and Light. I am renewed. I radiate Peace, Love and Light to all for all. Thank you, Sweet Divinity for You and for this journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.23.24

    Resting in Spirit, I focus Love and Light on my brothers and sisters in need. Whether it is loss of a loved one, income, or community, all experiencing loss are filled with Divine Peace. Visualizing those who have lost stability in their daily turn, I focus Light to help expand each individual’s feeling of stability in the Divine. Today, I help anchor, Light, Love and Peace.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.22.24

    In prayer and meditation, I give thanks for my free will. Unlike Adam and Eve, we are not unthinkingly unaware. The gift of self-determination enables us to freely choose our path. Thank you, beloved God, for my freedom to choose to be One with You, One with All That Is. I am grateful for spiritual freedom. .

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.21.24

    As I rest in the Divine, I focus my mind on Divine Calm. Breathing, I inhale Light, exhaling Calm. I focus to help our world achieve peace. Expanding, I fill our world leaders with Divine Peace, Calm, Light, and Love. I join with other prayer workers in visualizing Light strands supporting our world leader., Thank you, God, for world peace. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.20.24

    I know the Creator within me is radiating Divine Light and Love through me. Opening, I merge into Light and Love. Expanding, I radiate Light and Love to everyone and everything. I am a conduit of Divine Light and Love through all dimensions. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.19.24

    As I pray for our world’s economy, the movement and flow of monies that support our endeavors on this plane. I pray for the living flow of greenbacks, a plant-like system. Expanding myself into this flow of Green, I visualize needed monies moving to forward progress for all, for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.18.24

    Centering deep within, I give thanks for my divine health. Spiritual, physical, mental, and financial health. I am healthy! I am grateful! Expanding, I visualize robust health for others and for our beautiful planet. Thank you, Source, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.17.24

    Moving deep within I fill what seems to be “broken-ness” in our world with Light and Love. I help anchor Calm, Light, and Peace throughout our planet. I unite with like minds radiating Love and Light for all. Thank you, dearest Divinity for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.16.24

    Praying for my fellow Light beings, I am guided to understand the importance of modeling – setting an energy and an example. Each and every day, I will set an example of living in concert with the Divine. Giving others an energy to match, in a humble effort to contribute Light and Love to the Greater Good. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.15.24

    Meditating in his old church, I realize Dr. King is still anchoring Light and Love for us. From the Creator within me, I visualize all of us treating our fellow citizens with Love and respect regardless of race, creed, or color. To be truly American means to be truly inclusive: exploring differences, helping, and loving one another as heirs of the Divine, one and all. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.14.24

    In Holy Connection, I expand filling all people with Love and Light. I visualize members of radicalized groups filled with Love and Light. Expanding from the Creator within me, I visual everyone filled with Divine Love. An internal plume of Sacred Energy fills all with Divine Healing, Love and Light. Known or not, we are all Light Beings on a path to Oneness, a sacred family sharing time on Earth. We are One. And, so it is, Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.13.24

    Expanding in prayer I take our beloved world within me filling it with Love and Light on all dimensions. Visualizing, I fill our world’s species- human, animal, and plant with Love and Light. All species find their right place within our changing environment. As a co-creator with God, I take daily action in thought, word, and deed to help protect our fragile civilization and planet.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.12.24

    Today, I focus within on any unhealthy behaviors I may have. Releasing these negative habits to Light, I surrender to Divine Connection. As I open to healing and direction, I pray others may open their hearts to accept Divine Healing. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.11.24

    One country, one destiny. One world, one destiny. One galaxy, one destiny. One cosmos, one destiny. We are one. We are One. One Heart, One Mind. One.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.10.24

    Thinking of those of us with role-strain, too many roles to play, too many demands. I expand from the Creator within me filling everyone with Light and Love. I visualize everyone being able to fulfill necessary obligations in a loving and Light-filled way. Light enables each of us to be who we are: Light Beings.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.9.24

    Focusing, I relax and think of myself. My Self. I ask: what do I need? An answer wells up. Filling myself with Light I say “I love you,” “I honor you.” Bathing myself in Love and Light, I promise to respect my needs, to be more loving to myself. I will treat myself as who I am: the Light of the world. I am the Light of the world. I am the Love of the world.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.8.24

    From the Creator within me, I envision Divine Love and Light radiating from both Houses of Congress. I visualize the Light of Congress merging with the Light in the White House. Expanding, I imagine the Executive and Legislative Lights merging with the Light of the Supreme Court. I picture all three branches of the U.S. government immersed in Light and Love. Light guides our country for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.7.24

    Grace is not a get-out-of-jail-free card. It is not carte blanche to do nothing. Grace happens as we strive for a goal, then surrender, and magically it works out perfectly. So today, I step forward in faith towards my dreams. Today, I work in concert with the Divine. Thank you, God, for this path of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.6.24

    Life is for living in Divine Essence and Oneness. Let us live in a new way of Oneness! (a la Diana Goure).

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.5.24

    Reconsidering Epiphany, I meditate on the gifts of the Magi; gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Gifts symbolizing incorruptible wealth, spiritual knowledge, and the necessity of ego transcendence. Humbly, I turn within accepting these gifts for my high Self, the Living Christ within. I visualize these gifts being accepted by all our world’s citizens – Heaven on Earth.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.4.24

    Today, as we celebrate the Season of Light, I continue to purify myself in Love and Light. Standing at my mind’s gateway monitoring thoughts, I release negative thoughts to Light. I am helping cleanse our world’s thought pollution. Facing my fears, darkness disappears and a New Day dawns.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.3.24

    Focusing within, I fill our world’s governments with Love and Light. Each country’s leader and governing body is filled with Love and Light. Each country’s leader is open to Guidance. Each nation’s leader puts the people first. Our world leaders work together for Good. We, the people, work together through meditation, prayer, and action creating Good for all.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.2.24

    As I prepare to return to work in the new year, I recall I am where I am for a reason. I know work is Good. “Work is Love made visible” (Khalil Gibran). In carrying out my work from my high Self, I work with loving intention for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.1.24

    God is my providence. All that I am, all that I have is of God. Opening my heart, I know God as my providence. I give thanks for the blessings I have and for those I am about to receive. I give thanks for Divine Connection. As I face the new year, I am grateful for my open heart and my ability to pray for myself and others. Through my Light work I aid all of creation, and so, it is. Amen.

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December 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.31.23

    On the last day of the year, I focus within connecting to my High Self. I release everything that is not of service to me. I release guilt and anger. I release self-blame. I release my ego. I am a Light Being. Breathing, I embrace my larger Self envisioning a future of Light and Love for all. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for this journey of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.30.23

    As I consider those who have made a transition from the physical to the nonphysical, I expand from the Creator within me, filling each of us in the transitioning process with Love and Light. Thinking of friends and family who may feel left, I expand Love and Light in each grieving soul. Our world is filled with Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.29.23

    Giving thanks for the closing of the year, I relax, allowing my mind to range as the Creator within me guides me. As the Living Christ, I am the hands of Divinity. I am guided and given any needed tools. I am in the right place, at the right time, saying, and doing the right things for the good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.28.23

    In synchronizing myself with Oneness, I recall God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the Universe for the Good of All. Giving thanks I move into this flow visualizing Creative Energy maximizing health for everyone and everything. All are in a bubble of Love and Light. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.27.23

    The Creator within me aids in magnifying Love and Light within families. I visualize parents intuiting the sacred duty of raising responsible, loving Light Beings Parents are Divinely Guided for the good of their children and people everywhere for the Good of All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 12.26.23

    As we celebrate the first fruits of harvest, I go within and give thanks for Unity. I give thanks that everything is of God. Centered in the “I Am that I Am” I expand myself through all creation. I expand Love, Light, Peace, and Joy. I radiate God’s fruits to all, for All. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 12.25.23

    Celebrating the birth of christ consciousness within, I allow myself the Joy of Oneness. Giving thanks for the birth of this Way-Shower, I celebrate our Oneness with Divine Essence. Opening my heart, I am grateful for the sacred gift of freedom to choose Oneness. Thank you, God, for this journey of Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.24.23

    On this Christmas Eve as the Christian world celebrates the anniversary of Jesus’s birth, I turn within giving thanks for my burgeoning christ consciousness, a consciousness of Love. I find myself filled with gratitude. Expanding, I radiate Love and Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for our gift of Oneness with You.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.23.23

    Today, I surrender to Light. I surrender to Divine Love. I surrender to Joy. I surrender to the essence of Divinity within me. I am Divine. (From Diana Goure.)

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.22.23

    I am a Light being, I am a Love being. I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. Through Love, I release unhealthy use of any substances, food, drink, or behaviors to Light. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I am a Light Being; my every need is met. Expanding, I visualize everyone filled with Love and Light. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.21.23

    As the veil thins between the astral and the physical with winter solstice, I center myself expanding my beingness to encompass the world. I fill everyone on all dimensions with Light and Love. All who may be transitioning from the physical to the astral are eased in and through Divine Peace. All is well. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.20.23

    Today, amidst the flurry of activity, I rest in Divine Peace. I release any negatives to the Gentle Comforter within. Centering in Divinity I radiate Love and Light to all who may be isolated, ill, or troubled. I help create Loving Flow for the good of all, especially for those with any unmet need. I visualize the Loving Essence meeting every need. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 12.19.23

    As the year moves forward, I focus Love, Light, Peace, and Divine Effectiveness on the Oval Office. From the Creator within, I visualize the Office of the Presidency resting on the Mantle of the Living Christ. Lovingly, I intensify the Light and Love so that all in the White House are divinely Guided for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 12.18.23

    In this season of Light, I am grateful. Thank you for unexpected gifts. Thank you, beloved Creator, for Love. Thank you for Life. Thank you for an abundant life for all of us. Thank you for this beautiful planet. Thank you for Light and Love. Thank you for Divine Energy. Thank you for Divine Rest in You. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.17.23

    In this season of Light, I center within expanding Love and Light into all of us who survive any violence. Love and Light fill each surviving family member and friend anchoring them as grief buffets their souls. All who suddenly transition during trauma are filled with Love and Light. All are cocooned in Love and Light. My efforts help magnify our shared dimensions in Love and Light. Thank you, Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.16.23

    Centering, I begin with gratitude for All That Is. I give thanks for all opportunities. Be they difficult or easy, I greet each opportunity with an open heart and mind. My centeredness and gratitude keeps me in the Universal Flow.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.15.23

    Sitting with Spirit I find unwelcome events are catalysts for prayerful direction of Light toward where there appears to be little. I do not allow distraction from my immersion in pure Light. Facing challenges propel us deeper into Light. Today, I am a perfect channel of God’s omnipresent, omnipotent Light. (Based on a writing by a LC volunteer.)

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.14.23

    The Energy that is All has room for us all. Expanding from deep with, I visualize everyone manifesting their divine missions. I lovingly visualize everyone having each and every need abundantly met. Today, I open my heart, mind, and soul to Universal Abundance. I visualize us all opening to Divine Abundance. There is room for us all at the Table of Life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.13.23

    I am free in Light and Love. I am a Light being. I am a Love being. I release any obstacles to my Oneness. I am free to feel God’s Joy. I am filled with wonder as boundless joy overcomes me.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 12.12.23

    The season of Light is a time to welcome the Living Christ within. Today, I welcome my High Self, the Living Christ within me. From my High Self, I am the hands of the Creator on this dimension. Today, I affirm I am in the right place, at the right time, saying, and doing the right thing for the Good of all. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 12.11.23

    As the year moves forward, I focus Love, Light, and Divine Clarity in the US Congress. Members of both houses open their hearts, minds, and souls to the Divine within them. The still small voice of the Creator within guides them in their daily activities in Congress. Light guides as Love directs our Legislative branch of government. Today, I help all prayer workers create Good in our US government. For the Greater Good. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.10.23

    As I entrain my mind in Source, I enter Sacred Space. All of us have dreams, hopes, and wishes. Dreams, whether realized or not, are how we create. We have a God-given right to co-create as divine beings. Today, I visualize each of us enabled as the creators we are met to be taking action to advance our dreams in Divine Oneness. For the Greater Good. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.9.23

    In this season of Light, “let your heart be light.” Today, I let my heart be light, I release any worries and fears to Light. “Let your heart be light.” I let my heart be Light. I am a Light Being. Thank you, dear Divinity, for this journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.8.23

    As we celebrate the Season of Light, I know the Creator within me is radiating Divine Light and Love through me. Opening, I merge into Light and Love. Expanding, I radiate Light and Love to everyone and everything. I am a conduit of Light and Love through all dimensions. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.3.23

    In this season of Light, I fill all families with Love and Light. All are safe in Divinity. Joining with other Light workers, I help anchor Love, Light and Divine Abundance for the good of All. Today, I focus Love and Light on families, visualizing every need filled through Light and with Love. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.2.23

    Today, I affirm the Creator within me guides in Light and Love. I am a knower. I know what God within me tells me. I am guided by Light and Love. I am One with All That Is. Light guides us all. We are Guided on our paths to Oneness. All is well on all dimensions and so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.1.23

    From the Creator within, I am grateful for my like-minded fellow Light beings. Today, I help anchor Light and Love in our world. Inhaling Light, I exhale Love and Gratitude helping to hold sacred space for Divine Compassion. We help anchor the frequency of Compassion as we and others realize our Divine Essence as Light beings having a human Experience. Today, I visualize Divine Compassion. Amen.

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November 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.30.23

    Today, I give thanks focusing gratitude, Light and Love on our magnificent angelic kingdom. The Creator within me fills all angels and archangels with Light and Love. Beloved Angelic Kingdom, I am so grateful for your love, your help, and your constancy. Thank you, God, for our angels and their missions. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.29.23

    As I pray for our world, our economy comes to mind. The movement and flow of monies that support our endeavors on this plane. I focus intention and pray for the living flow of greenbacks, a plant-like system. Expanding into this flow of Green, I visualize needed monies moving to forward progress for all, for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.28.23

    Centering in gratitude, I am deeply grateful for my many blessings. I am grateful for my ability to meditate and pray. Turning within, I know that everything is an opportunity for growth. I focus on Divine Flow in my life and I embrace change. Thank you, dear Divinity, for this path of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.27.23

    Expanding from my High Self, I visualize us all filled with Love and Light on all dimensions. For those of us who are returning to work today, I envision crystalline Light infusing our workstations with Love and Light. Working together we create Love and Light throughout the remainder of this year and into the next. Thank you, Divine Source, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.26.23

    Centering in Source, I focus on those of us making a transition through physical death. I visualize radiant Light and Divine Love easing each soul through this “graduation.” I envision the families filled with Light, Love, and Peace. Despite circumstances we are One. One Heart. One Mind. One in Divinity. Life is progressing without end. All is well. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.25.23

    From the Creator within me I release any behaviors, foods, or substances that are not for my highest good to Light. I turn to the Creator within me to meet my dependency needs. Opening my heart, mind, and soul to Divinity, I am guided. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for this journey of awakening to who I truly am!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 11.24.23

    I am filled with gratitude for the Divine gift of our beautiful, natural world. Thank you, Mother-Father God, for Earth. Thank you for the plant, animal, mineral, and microbial kingdoms. Thank you for the trees that hold spiritual energy for us. Thank you for our natural world that nourishes us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Expanding, I fill our beloved planet with Love and Light for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.23.23

    On this Thanksgiving Day, I reach within and give thanks for all I have and all I am about to receive. Radiating Light, I focus to help us all open our hearts, minds, and souls to Divine Generosity. When the impulse to give comes, I give generously in thought, word, and deed. We are One. Thank you, Holy Spirit Within for You and for us All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.22.23

    Centering in Source, I focus on those of us coping with any illness, financial problem, or any other adversity. I visualize the Light and Love within each guiding us, easing each soul through this growth experience. I envision us all filled with Light, Love, and Peace. All is well. Life is progressing without end. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.21.23

    As the weather cools in the northern hemisphere, I focus my prayerful mind on the needs of others. Deep within I create Love, Light, Prosperity for all, that each may have every need met. All are divinely guided to places, people, and services that provide for any need. We are One. We are connected on all levels through the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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  • The Light Center Dome will be closed for Thanksgiving on Thursday, 23rd

    The Light Center will open at Noon on Friday, 24th. Happy Thanksgiving! The trails and labyrinth will be open during daylight hours.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.20.23

    Earth is a planet of Light. Earth is a planet of Love. Each being on Earth is filled with Light and Love. On every dimension, everyone is filled with Light and Love. Earth radiates Light and Love throughout the cosmos. And so it is, Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.19.23

    Today I embrace my Power in the Divine. My consciousness is Christ consciousness. I envision Light and Love empowering everyone to create Good on planet Earth and so, it is. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for helping us all make it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.18.23

    Centering within I pray for all those in need, filling my fellow planetary citizens with Light and Love. I visualize all our body’s chakras filled with empowering radiant Light and Love. Schoolhouse Earth allows us all to learn and grow. Thank you, beloved Source, for this Journey to You. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 11.17.23

    As I go about my daily life, I find myself grateful for “little things.” Today I am grateful for my mind that can focus as I choose. Today, I choose to focus on the Creator within me. I gratefully focus mindful energy visualizing Light and Love for all. Thank you, beloved Creator, for me. Thank you for shared Light and Love for All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.16.23

    Today, I give thanks for the grace and generosity of our world’s caregivers and first responders. From the Creator within me, I fill all these noble individuals with Love and Light. I visualize them safe and secure in a bubble of Light and Love on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.15.23

    Connecting within, I am grateful for Oneness. My daily meditation provides a safe haven as I negotiate the twists and turns of daily life. Connecting in Oneness, I slow – filling myself with Divine Peace, Love, and Light. Faith rises within as I rest in Oneness. I know all is well. All is well. All is well.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.14.23

    Today, I stand with my fellow world citizens. Regardless of race, creed, or gender, we are one. We are all Light Beings whether we know it or not. Today, I help anchor Divine Calm, Peace, Love, and Light. Today, I radiate Light to help change any negativity to Light. As a creator I declare: Our planet is a planet of Love and Light. And, so it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.13.23

    On world kindness day, I merge with my High Self expanding Divine Peace, Calm, Love, and Light to everyone and everything. Pure crystalline strands of Divine Understanding weave together everyone and everything. All beings extend themselves in Divine Kindness creating Heaven on Earth. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.12.23

    Merging with the Creator within me, I find myself overcome with emotion. My human frailties rise to be healed. Opening, I embrace Mother-Father Divinity within me and I am comforted in Presence. As I allow myself to be encompassed in Love, I find joy rise within. I am filled with joy and gratitude for God’s Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.11.23

    On this sacred day, 11-11, I merge with the Creator expanding Divine Love and Light within all who serve or have served our country. Those who have served in the military are filled with Love and Light. Those who have served to protect our people are filled with Love and Light. Their families are filled with Love and Light. Those who have served people in any capacity are filled with Love and Light. I honor service to all by helping expand Love and Light within all. Thank you, God, for Divine Service. Amen.

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  • Tickets still available for Sound Healing with Kennedy OneSelf on Saturday, 11/11

    For more information and tickets: https://urlight.org/events/sound-healing-with-kennedy-oneself90323-862/

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 11.10.23

    Praying for our beloved beautiful planet, I help anchor Light and Love to off-set any anxiety so many are experiencing. There is so much Light! Today, I help create more Light, more Love to fuel energies to help maintain and heal our beautiful spaceship Earth.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.9.23

    Today, opening within to Divinity I realize I am God’s hands in this dimension. I open my heart, mind, and soul to Spirit. I ask to be a clear instrument of Divine Will. From deep within, I release all impediments to Oneness. Thank you, beloved God, for Divine Connection.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.8.23

    As I think of my fellow Light beings, I am buoyed by the actions of the many heroes, sung and unsung, we have in our world. Working together, we can make progress – creating Heaven on Earth. Light and Love creates Good on Earth. Thank you, God, for Light. Thank you, God, for Love. Thank you, God, for this life of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.7.23

    Considering my global fellow citizens, I anchor in Love and Light visualizing our nation filled with Light. I visualize our world filled with crystalline stands of Light. As a Light Being, I declare: Light guides our nation. Light guides our world. Stepping out in Faith I help expand Love and Light for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.6.23

    If I am at a crossroads, I center deep within. Divine Knowingness comes to Guide me. I know I am called to model Divine Presence Within for all people. Doing my best, I model God’s love, truth, grace, presence, and spontaneity for all. Thank you, beloved God, for your Guidance.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.5.23

    Centering from the Creator within, I visualize all of us working together to create Divine Unity. As I expand to encompass our world I magnify Light and Love to help increase Unity. We are One and so it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.4.23

    As I open myself, Spirit stirs within me. Today, I give thanks for the knowledge that we are ONE. All is well. No Matter What. The Divine has a plan and on the astral level the template is prepared, and it is Perfect. Expanding from Spirit I hold Peace for All. Amen.

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  • Tickets still available for Sound Voyage with Jeannie McKenzie and Wolfgang Ettenreich on Nov. 4

    Saturday, November 4, 3 to 4:30 p.m. Tickets: Advance $20 (purchase by 4 p.m. on 11/3); at door $25 https://urlight.org/events/sound-voyage-concert-with-jeannie-mckenzie-and-wolfgang-ettenreich-702/  

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  • Tickets still available for Discover the Power of Tai Chi Gung with Nancy Foster

        Advance tickets: $20 (purchase before 4 pm on 11/3); at door $25 For information and tickets: https://urlight.org/events/discover-the-ancient-power-of-tai-chi-gung-with-nancy-foster/    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 11.3.23

    Yellow, gold, russet, our autumn is beautiful. No matter where we are, our slice of Earth has beauty. Today, I know I am standing on holy ground (R. Crow). Expanding from deep within, I fill my world with Love and Light. I help re-create our world as a planet of Love and Light setting an example for all creation imitate. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.2.23

    On the Day of the Dead, All Souls’ Day, I give thanks for the many generations who came before me. I am grateful for my ancestors’ work. From my High Self, I radiate Light filling my transitioned loved ones and past generations with Light and Love. I stand on the shoulders of those who came before me and I am grateful for their contributions to me, my life, and our world. I hold them in Light and Love. And so, it is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.1.23

    Celebrating All Saint’s Day in a new way, I consider the many Light Beings who exist on various dimensions. I give thanks for those Beings. I give thanks for the example they have set for me and the Love and Light they have created. Breathing deeply, I expand centering Love and Light for us all as we knowingly or unknowingly strive to complete our spiritual missions.

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October 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.31.23

    Samhain, the night the veil thins between heaven and earth, I expand from the Creator within me, filling everyone and everything with Love and Light. Immersed in Divine Flow, I am helping create a New Heaven on Earth. Thank you, dear Divinity for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.30.23

    The Office of the U.S. Presidency is filled with Love and Light. The President is divinely Guided. The U.S. Congress is filled with Love and Light. All representatives and senators open their hearts, minds, and souls to Love and Light. All are open to Divine Guidance. All is well. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.29.23

    Sitting in silent communication with Source, I radiate Divine Peace, Love, and Light within our world and its people. I know we are all God’s chosen Ones. We choose. We choose God’s path of Love and Light. I visualize Light and Love expanding in everyone so all may know we are all God’s chosen people. With Love, I help anchor knowledge of Oneness for all.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.28.23

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I release unhealthy use of any substances, food, drink, or behaviors to Light. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. The Creator within meets my every need. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.27.23

    Expanding deep within I focus Light and Love in all warring areas of our world. I visualize all people filled with Divine Love. I visualize Light guiding every mind, heart, and soul. I visualize all minds open to Light and Love. I visualize Divine Peace saturating the area on all dimensions. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.26.23

    There is only Energy. As I sit with this notion, I am flooded with Light. From deep within, I radiate Divine Energy to all our world’s governments. All governments are filled with Light and Love. All non-governmental organizations are filled with Light and Love. I visualize increasing awareness for everyone. We are One in the All That Is. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.25.23

    If I hesitate or don’t know my next step, I turn within, asking for Divine Guidance. I do not judge myself. Sitting in silence, I wait for clarification from my High Self. As I wait, I release my personal will affirming “Thy will, not my will.” Thank you, sweet Source for Your Guidance.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.24.23

    The United Nations is filled with Light and Love. Each UN member opens his or her heart to the Divine within. Each member willingly accepts the Mantle of the Living Christ and is divinely guided to serve for the Good of All. The United Nations, through the Power of the Creator within, LEADS the world’s nations to protect and serve the world’s peoples. And so, it is. Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.23.23

    Today I affirm: My life’s tasks are easily achieved, in an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way, in a timely fashion, for the Greater Good. Amen. (Marc Allen).

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.22.23

    Focusing on my physicality, I declare: My cells are Light. My skeletal system is Light. My muscular system is Light. My nervous system is Light. My sensory systems are Light. My endocrine system is Light. My circulatory system is Light. My respiratory system is Light. My digestive system is Light. My urinary system is Light. My reproductive system is Light. My body’s bacteria are Light. I am a Light Being. I radiate Light throughout my body. I radiate Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for me, and for All That Is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.21.23

    In prayer, the Creator within me focuses Love and Light in our world’s jails and prison systems. The Creator within me radiates Love and Light for all of us in any type of prison, physical or mental, imposed by others or by self. The Creator within provides Divine Freedom for all, that we may be free to fulfill our sacred missions for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Tickets still available! Getting Beyond the Physical: Guided Soundbowl Meditation with Naeemah Anai

    Discover a transformative meditation experience that speaks directly to your senses. Explore the soothing resonance of physical sound bowls, guiding you into a state of deep relaxation and heightened awareness. We go beyond traditional methods, incorporating principles of quantum physics to help you tap into the essence of being without form. No prior experience required – just an open mind and a willingness to explore. Come as you are and embark on a journey of inner discovery. Are you ready to tune in? Purchase Tickets at the door $30 https://urlight.org/events/getting-beyond-the-physical-guided-soundbowl-mediation-with-naeemah-anai/

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.20.23

    Expanding from the Creator within me, I focus on the needs of everyone and everything. The Creator within all people, flora, and fauna fills them with Love, Light, and Prosperity. Every need is abundantly met. All are divinely guided to places, habitats, people, and services that provide for all needs. We are One, we are connected on all levels. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, there is abundance to meet every need for all species in this beautiful dimension. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.19.23

    From deep within I affirm “I Am one with Divine Calm.” I Am Divine Calm. I radiate Divine Calm. We are Divine Calm. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for the creation of Divine Calm for all. Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.18.23

    Praying for our beloved world and its creatures, I fill our land, air, and waters with Light and Love. I visualize all climate change directed by Light. As a Light Being I help anchor Love and Light. Thank you, God, for your Divine Guidance.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.17.23

    “Be positive! You are the Light of the World.” Today, I immerse myself in revolutionary optimism knowing We are the light of the world. In Divine Connection I expand anchoring Love, Light, the optimism of faith, and Joy. I am grateful for my ability to stay in the Divine Flow. I am in the right place, at the right time, praying, saying, and doing the right things for the Greater Good. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.16.23

    Moving into Oneness, I focus Love and Light in and on our country and in all countries. I visualize Light casting clarity on leadership in our country and in all countries around our world. Our world is filled with Light and Divine Love. Light and Love create Good in our world. Thank you, beloved Divinity for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.15.23

    Stepping back from the world’s chatter, from deep within I focus on Divine Intelligence. Merging with Divine Intelligence, I focus prayer energy on all people opening their hearts, minds, and souls to Divine Intelligence. I visualize crystalline strands of Divine Intelligence connecting to all, anchoring us in Divinity. I visualize all empowered from the Creator within, each of us making choices for the Greater Good.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.14.23

    As I open myself, Spirit stirs within me. Today, I give thanks for the knowledge that we are ONE. All is well. No Matter What. The Divine has a plan and on the astral level the template is prepared, and it is Perfect. Expanding from Spirit I hold Peace for All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for World Peace is Cancelled on Sunday, October 15; Join Peace Prayer with Fr. James Twyman

    Please join in a worldwide prayer for peace on Saturday, October 14 at Noon. The Light Center Dome will open for silent prayer for one hour, joining Fr. James Twyman, the Peace Troubadour, in a prayer for Israel and Palestine: “At noon NY time on Saturday, Oct. 14, stop whatever you’re doing and spend 30-60 minutes FEELING the energy of peace prevailing in the Holy Land. We’re not “asking” for peace to prevail, but feeling that it already has. This type of energy-based affirmative prayer has been proven to powerfully impact world situations. Continue to send your love and energy to […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.13.23

    Today, on Friday the thirteenth, I know I am lucky. I am filled with Divine Grace, Love and Light. Today, I expand filling our war-torn brothers and sisters with Light and Love. Joining with prayer-workers around the world, we fill our brethren with Love and Light, Peace and Joy. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.12.23

    Today, I extend myself to encompass Earth filling it with Light and Love. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for the nurturing beauty of our fantastic planet. Thank you, for our beloved wild spaces and wildlife from whom we have much to learn. Thank you for ever better stewardship of our planet as we safeguard all wildlife now and forevermore. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.11.23

    Pondering our planetary zeitgeist, I turn within and find solace in the Divine. From the Creator within me, I fill our world with Love and Light. This transitional time is filled with Light. Light directs change for the Good of All. Today, I hold sacred space for Love, Light, Peace, Joy, and Harmony for All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.10.23

    I AM a Light Being. I AM resilient. I AM strong. I AM able to see clearly. I AM able to hear clearly. I AM one with the I AM That I AM. Thank you, beloved Source, for You in me. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.9.23

    Recognizing Indigenous People’s Day and Columbus Day, today, we expand this sacred day to fill all people around the world with Love and Light. Through Love we release our ancestral and personal injuries to Light and Love. Today, I join with others in holding sacred space for Divine Harmony and Divine Peace for all, as a rainbow family of people on the divine path to Oneness. Thank you, sweet Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.8.23

    Today, I sit as an Observer. I sit in silence and observe my mind, my thoughts. I do not resist, that which I resist, persists (Carl Jung). I observe and I release, I let go, and focus on God. I am a clear vessel through which Spirit flows for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.7.23

    From deep within, I let the mundane fall away. Someone said: “You can’t build security in a world of fear.” I Know this is true. So today, I trust the Creator, That which is All That Is. Today, I trust and have faith. Today, I pray for my Self. Today, I pray for our beloved Earth and all inhabitants. Today, I declare: “I am Divinely Guided”. All is well. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.6.23

    We are Light Beings having an earthly existence. As I think about pitfalls on the earthly plane, I consider addiction in its many forms. Today, I expand to fill everyone on Earth with Light and Love. Visualizing cravings of any type as strings attached to people, I take my heavenly scissors and snip the impediments freeing us all. Thank you, beloved God, for helping us realize our True Identity.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.5.23

    Today, I am reminded: I can only control my own thoughts and behavior. I cannot control the choices of others. I can view them as the Light Beings they are. I can set a good example. I can pray for them and visualize them in the beauty of their Light-ness. Thank you, God, for this reminder. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.4.23

    Tuning into Spirit, I release my defenses and allow myself to depend on the Energy of All. Every need is met through the Divine. I release grappling to have my needs met. I release my human relationships to Light and Love. Spirit within creates Light and Love in my relationships. Taking action as guided, visualizing my goals, Spirit meets my every need. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.3.23

    As I relax and open to my High Self, I become more one with the Divine. Today, I relax and release my human desire to be perfect. I release all negative self-judgments. I am a Light Being and I am open to Divinity. I am a flexible fluid Light Being surrendering to Oneness. Thank you, Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.2.23

    As I pray for our U.S. Supreme Court and Congress, I visualize Light and Love flowing through all activities. Light and Love lead the way for all the judges and representatives. Light and Love enable flexibility and wisdom in their daily functioning and the execution of their duties for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.1.23

    Pondering one of the twelve attributes of the Tree of Life, Divine Rest, I allow myself to rest in the Divine. I know all is well despite possible outward appearances. Life on Earth is a sacred learning experience. We are Light beings learning to become One. Thank you, God, for Oneness.

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September 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.30.23

    Joining with others in my meditation-prayer, I help create Peace, Love, and Light in all nations. I fill North America with Love and Light. I fill Central America with Love and Light. I fill South America with Love and Light. I fill Europe with Love and Light. I fill Asia with Love and Light. I fill Africa with Love and Light. I fill Antarctica with Love and Light. I fill Australia with Love and Light. Our wonderful world is filled with Love and Light on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.29.23

    Happiest are those who have sought and found a way to serve” (Albert Schweitzer). As I ponder this quote during these turbulent times, I am inspired to gratitude for all that I have, all that I am, and for my purpose as a Light Being. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for you, for me, for Life. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.28.23

    Focusing on our media, I direct the Creator within me to fill each person watching any news or social media with Love and Light. Increasing Light within each viewer, I envision all opening their hearts to Source, filling the internet dimension with Love and Light. I visualize all of us filling cyberspace with Love and Light. Thank you, Sweet Source, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.27.23

    Expanding myself in prayer to become my high Self, I visualize what we are meant to be: the living body of Divine Mind. Sitting in Divine Silence and Love I soak up Love, Light, and Serenity. Thank you for this communion of Spirit.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.26.23

    Expanding to encompass our rough-n-tumble world, the Creator within me fills each of us with Light and Love. Visualizing Light filling our institutions with Love, we open our hearts, minds, and souls to the Creator within us. We learn from any drama in our lives, changing it to Light. We are Light Beings. We move forward creating Good as One. And so, it is, Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.25.23

    Today I am thankful for daughters and daughters-in-law. Daughters carry forward family traditions. We all of us – daughters and sons work together for the Good of our world and beyond. The role of daughter and son is sacred in many ways. Today, I celebrate the role of daughters in life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.24.23

    Moving through my day, I meditate on joy in the Flow. Divine Flow. I am in the Flow. I resolve to Love as I labor; to find the Joy in daily work. I am worthy of fulfillment of my aspirations. I am Connected in Flow and am Divinely Guided. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.23.23

    Treasuring autumn, I embrace cooler temperatures and shorter days. As a Light Being, I fill our world’s climate with Light and Love. The Creator within all guides all to create Good through thought, prayer, and action. Today and every day we enable action to protect our fragile fantastic planet. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.22.23

    Pondering Native American Day, I bow to the Divine in all Native Americans. Joining in Oneness, I honor each for their service to our natural world. Native American spiritual traditions help guide us all. From deep within, I feel a depth of gratitude to Native American culture and the Light Beings who have cared for our beloved Earth for eons and who continue to lead as environmental activists. All our Native American tribes are filled with Light and Love. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.21.23

    Slipping into Oneness, I merge with Divinity. Riding the energy, I feel the Peace that surpasses all understanding. I am so grateful for my peace. Expanding myself to encompass the world, I join with others filling our world with Peace. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.20.23

    Praying for unity within my fellow Light beings, I expand from deep within and visualize all of Us as One. We are One. One Heart – a shared Oneness with the Creator within each of us. We are One. Today, I hold space for our shared harmony. The Oneness of all beings.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.19.23

    From deep within I visualize filling all world governments with Light and Love. Light clarifies revealing everything on all dimensions. I visualize all world leaders harmoniously working together for the benefit of all and for the benefit of our sacred environment. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.18.23

    Freedom, not just another word for nothing left to lose, but free to BE. I am free to Be. I am free within myself to be my Self. Breathing, I sit with my Self feeling this truth. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for this journey to Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.17.23

    Deep with, I focus Spirit flowing through me and declare Love and Light is channeled to those of us in need. Regardless of circumstance or need I visualize Divine Love and Light guiding, directing, and healing. Today, I work with Spirit flowing through me to aid in creation of Heaven on Earth for All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.16.23

    Choosing to tune into Spirit, I release my defenses allowing myself to depend on the Energy of All. I affirm every need is met through the Divine. Trusting, I take action as Guided; visualizing my goals, God meets my every need. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.15.23

    Praying for everyone making a transition from the physical to the nonphysical life, I fill them with Divine Love and Light. Expanding from Source within, I visualize all left-behind-loved-ones filled with Love and Light. All grief, hurt, and anger are changed to Light. Today, I help enrich Harmony, Peace, Love, and Light within everyone and everything. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.14.23

    Today, I hold myself in Divine Love and Light. Expanding, I take planet Earth and its inhabitants within me holding everyone and everything in Love and Light. I help anchor Love and Light on our incredible planet.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.13.23

    Today, from deep within I purify and cleanse each cell of my body with Light. Standing at the gate of my thoughts, I release negative thoughts to Light. Monitoring my thoughts aids in clearing our world’s thought pollution. Moving deeper, I release and pass through my fears helping lessen our world’s darkness. Little by little, slowly we turn to Light and Oneness. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.12.23

    As I embrace any pain it flows into Divine Holy Love. It transforms to Holy Love. I die daily to christ-conscious Love. I find myself surrendering ‘self’ into Love. I leave my physical body to be filled with Love. I am a vessel of Love, generating healing Love. For myself. For us all. Everywhere, everything is radiant Light and Love. There is only Light and Love. (UR volunteer)

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.11.23

    On the anniversary of 9-11, I turn within releasing any sadness over man’s inhumanity to man. Expanding, I become Love and Light. I visualize Love and Light within all who have lost loved ones due to the acts of others. Today, I help magnify and anchor Love and Light within all. Working together we create Good so we truly become the family of Divine Man. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.10.23

    September is a time to feel the light. (Henri Cole) I sit in light. I sit in Light. I am Light. I am Love. I am one with the Divine. I am Divine!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.9.23

    The Creator within me creates Love and Light within all people everywhere. Expanding to encompass our world, I visualize all of us becoming aware of the Living Light that is our essence. All open to Oneness and are Guided. All are in the right place, at the right time, saying and doing the right thing for the Good of All. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.8.23

    The Creator within me creates Love and Light in and through all weather events. All fires, floods, and earthquakes across our world are filled with Love and Light Our world’s people are filled with Love and Light. Light directs climate change for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.7.23

    As my body or soul calls me to it, I release my past and deep past to Light. I permit a cleansing of blockages to Oneness. I release pain and embrace the purging fire within. I allow God’s divine healing Spirit within me to take command. I rest in the healing Grace of All That Is. I rest in Grace.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.6.23

    Breathing from the Creator within me, I fill any divisiveness within our U.S. Congress with Love and Light. I visualize all in Congress opening their hearts, minds, and souls to Divine Love. All are directed by Light and Love to work together for the Greater Good. Today, I help hold space for Love and Harmony in Congress and throughout all nations’ governments. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.5.23

    As I return to work, my day job, I recall I am where I am for a reason. I know work is Good. “Work is Love made visible” (Khalil Gibran). In carrying out my work from my High Self, the Creator within me Guides me. I am co-creating with All That Is. I work and pray with loving intention for the Good of All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.4.23

    Today, as I rest from my labor, I consider the notion: we began to labor as we turned from Divine Love. Today, I rest in Spirit knowing that I can imbue my work with love. This day is for renewal; for resting in the Divine Creative Essence of Life. Thank you, God, for this day and every day. Thank you for meaningful work. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.3.23

    Riding a spiritual wave of our Creator’s energy, I continue to push personal expansion of my human boundaries to consciously feel All That Is. I release my defenses as I surrender to Divine Flow. Sweet, sweet Spirit, my cup truly does runneth over. Thank you, for this sacred, conscious, not-always-easy-to-surrender Path of Light. Thank you. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.2.23

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I radiate Light and Love throughout my being. The Loving Light of the Creator nourishes me. I am empowered as the Light Being I am. As I do this for myself, I expand – radiating Light. We are truly Beings of Light and Love. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.1.23

    Centering, I release any judgment or worry about our world. I recall Rumi who said: “Out beyond right and wrong, there is a field. I will meet you there.” Maybe it’s a cliché, but today, it feels right – today, I step out into that metaphorical field of Love. I step out in Love asking Light to direct my actions. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for Your Love, Your Light, and Your Guidance. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.1.23

    Pondering one of the twelve attributes of the Tree of Life, Divine Rest, I allow myself to rest in the Divine. I know all is well despite possible outward appearances. Life on Earth is a sacred learning experience. We are Light beings learning to become One. Thank you, God, for Oneness.

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August 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.31.23

    Thank you, dearest Creator, for my creativity. I am deeply grateful that I am able to pray, to create from deep within. Thank you for the wellspring of creativity that is YOU within me. Thank you, for You. Thank you for me. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.30.23

    Today, I hold myself in Divine Love and Light. Expanding, I take planet Earth and its inhabitants within me holding everyone and everything in Love and Light. I help anchor Love and Light on our incredible planet. Thank you, sweet Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.29.23

    As energy on our planet continues to shift, I embrace change. I consciously breathe giving thanks for All That Is. The Creator within me guides and directs me. I am in the right place at the right time, thinking, saying, and doing the right thing for the Greater Good. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.28.23

    As I reflect on children returning to school, I expand from my High Self to fill all schools and school systems with Love and Light. I envision all students and their families filled with Love and Light. All teachers and school employees are filled with Love and Light. All schools are secure in their own bubbles of Light. Expanding into the universe, I see the crystalline bubbles of schools connected around the world; a shimmering web of Love and Light. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.27.23

    From the Creator within me, I visualize our exquisite planet filled with Love and Light. Setting intention from the Creator within me, I expand Love and Light within our Divine home. I find myself filled with love and gratitude for the incredible gift of our beautiful natural world. Thank you, Mother-Father God, for our world. Thank you for all things working together for the Good of All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.26.23

    Today, I pray for man’s best friend, the dog, all have Divine missions. Many Light beings are alone. While we pray and meditate, giving and receiving love and nourishment, a dog’s presence can be grounding and affirming. All entities are rising toward the Divine. Thank you, God, for the Divinity in man’s best friend. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.25.23

    As I think of all of us on Spaceship Earth, I expand from deep within and fill us with Light and Divine Love. Everyone is coping with some type of challenge. Spaceship Earth is a schoolhouse, and we are all learning our lessons at different speeds. Today I visualize all of us filled with Light and Love, able to put down our resistance to change, able to accept Grace and speed our learning process. Thank you, Divine Presence, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.24.23

    Turning within I fill all generations beneath me with Love and Light. As I find myself becoming an elder, I realize prayer is the most potent gift I have to offer. Visualizing from the Creator within me, I see our world’s young people as they truly are: co-creators with the Divine. Our world’s young citizens are filled with Love and Light. All are able to easily access Spirit within them. And, so it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.23.23

    I am a prism that refracts beams of Divine Light. I am a Light being. I am a Love being. I help anchor Light and Love here on Earth. I am Divine.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.22.23

    The Energy that is All, has room for us all. Expanding from deep with, I visualize everyone manifesting their divine missions. With gentle intent, I visualize everyone having each and every need abundantly met. Today, I open my heart, mind, and soul to Universal Abundance. There is room for us all at the Table of Life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.21.23

    The creator within me changes any outdated concepts to Light. Any misinformation within me is deprogrammed. I embrace my Light. I embrace my Divine Inheritance. I am one with the Creator within me. I listen only to the Divine Voice within. Thank you, beloved Creator, for my ability to hear. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.20.23

    The creator within me changes any outdated concepts to Light. Any misinformation within me is deprogrammed. I embrace my Light. I embrace my Divine Inheritance. I am one with the Creator within me. I listen only to the Divine Voice within. Thank you, beloved Creator, for my ability to hear. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.19.23

    Thank you, dearest Divinity, for You within me. Thank you for my divine Connection in You. I am ever so grateful for Connection, Light, Life and Love. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.18.23

    As I think of my fellow Light beings, I am buoyed by the actions of the many heroes we have on our beloved Earth. We create change working toward Heaven on Earth. Thank you, God, for Light. Thank you, God, for Love. Thank you, God, for this life and our ability to create. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.17.23

    “In seizing the moment, you find heaven.” – Rodney Padgett Today I seize the day, finding peace in Divine Flow. I am elevated, reaching out to expand this Peace to all. I realize, again, Heaven is a state of consciousness. Thank you, beloved God, for Heaven in life. Thank you for the ability to experience Heaven now.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.16.23

    As I release sadness, a response to recent effects of climate change, what comes is: “In seizing the moment, you find heaven.” – Rodney Padgett Today I seize the day, finding peace in Divine Flow. I am elevated, reaching out to expand this Peace to all. I realize, again, Heaven is a state of consciousness. Thank you, beloved God, for Heaven in life. Thank you for the ability to experience Heaven now.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.15.23

    As I turn within finding temporary respite, I let the mundane fall away. I let the chatter and talking heads go. I center in Divinity and feel loved. Expanding, I visualize all people filled with Love and Light. I remember God is the Energy of all creation. And I relax and rest in this Truth. And so, it is, Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.14.23

    As we pray for those affected by our Maui fires, we know we are one in Spirit. What happens to one happens to all. Today, I help anchor Love and Light in Hawaii. I visualize Love and Light permeating all of Maui and our brothers and sisters there. Love and Light guide all activities throughout our world’s changing environment. We are One. We are One. We are One.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.13.23

    The Creator within everything fills our world with Love and Light. Holy Spirit expands Love within everyone. Holy Spirit expands Light within everyone. Everyone is Divine. Everything is Divine. I am Divine. Thank you, Spirit, for your Creation!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.12.23

    Climate change is directed by Light for the Good of All. As I help create Good in climate change, I visualize any discomfort or suffering changing to Light. I visualize all creatures’ suffering changing to Light. I visualize all plants’ suffering changing to Light. Everything is filled with Light and Love. Everyone is filled with Light and Love. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.11.23

    Today, I give thanks for parents who are the path for our newest generation of Light beings. And I am grateful to all the souls who choose to be born now. Parents teach character by living their lives in front of their children. Parents or not, I am grateful for those who undertake nurturing our new world citizens. I visualize families filled with Love and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.10.23

    As I go about my daily life, I find myself grateful for little things. Flowering plants, rest, sunshine, laughter… I am grateful for my mind that I can focus as I choose. Today, I choose to focus on the Creator within me. I am grateful for the ability to focus mindful energy in prayer to create Good for All. Thank you, beloved Creator, for me.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.9.23

    Today, it is enough to center, meditate, and hold space for the highest Good for All. Centering I radiate Light and Love. Visualizing, I see crystalline Energy radiating from everyone’s solar plexus, power chakra. I help hold space for an age of enlightenment for All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.8.23

    Opening to the energy of Source within me, I declare: “I am a Creator-In-Action on our beloved planet.” Co-creating with God, I am Guided to be in the right place, at the right time, thinking, praying, saying, and doing the right things for the Good of All. Thank you, sweet Source, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.7.23

    Centering in Divinity, I help anchor Light, Love, and Divine Clarity in the U.S. government and in all governments around planet Earth. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.6.23

    Centering in Source, I find Truth. As I don my spiritual armor, I am enabled. I am shown how to navigate any plight. I am given strength through Divine Communion. I am empowered to face both personal and worldly dilemmas. Thank you, God, for this divine partnership in Your Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.5.23

    As I think of us on Spaceship Earth, I expand from deep within filling us with Light and Divine Love. Everyone is coping with some type of challenge. Spaceship Earth is a schoolhouse, and we are all learning our lessons at different speeds. Today I visualize all of us filled with Light and Love, able to surrender our resistance to change, able to accept Grace and speed our learning process. Thank you, Divine Presence, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.4.23

    Today, I stay centered in breath. I breathe slowly, rhythmically. Any challenge is met from my centered Self. I am walking through my day with open hearted optimism. Openness and optimism inspired by my Connection. Thank you, sweet Source, for my connection in Light and Love. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.3.23

    Praying for our bacterial and viral kingdoms, I fill these kingdoms with Love and Light. Each has its own intelligence that mutates to fulfill its mission. I visualize all mutations filled with Love and Light. We ourselves are mutating, changing, every day. Today, I visualize everything and everyone mutating to enhance Harmony, Peace, and Love within All That Is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.2.23

    As my Consciousness expands, I become aware of a wish to isolate, to protect my awareness. Centering, I change my increased sensitivity to Light. As my perception increases, I am learning all things will become transparent. I am learning that Spirit within me will increase my tolerance and understanding to match my growing awareness of All That Is. Thank you, God, for this journey of discovery.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.1.23

    Expanding from deep within, I focus Love and Light on our world’s leadership. All leaders and politicians are filled with Light. Anyone holding public office opens his or her heart to the Voice of Spirit. They hear and listen. All our world’s leaders are Divinely guided to lead our world with Divine Wisdom. I visualize them leading with compassion, joy, and peace. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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July 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.31.23

    Expanding from deep within, I focus Love and Light on our world’s leadership. All leaders and politicians are filled with Light. Anyone holding public office opens his or her heart to the Voice of Spirit. They hear and listen. All our world’s leaders are Divinely guided to lead our world with Divine Wisdom. I visualize them leading with compassion, joy, and peace. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.30.23

    Today is International Day of Friendship. I am filled with gratitude for my friends and my friendships. These friends are my chosen family. Friends help me stay connected to a shared reality. Friends help me center when I start to question myself. Friends help me have fun! Friends are a gift from Spirit. I am filled with deep gratitude and love for my friends and for the interactions and relationships I have with them. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.29.23

    Through the lens of Infinite Intelligence there are no problems; there is only Creation. As I rest in Divinity, I anchor Light and Love; clarity comes with the knowledge that solutions will present for any challenge facing humankind. All is well.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.28.23

    We are One, what happens to one happens to all. From Spirit within, I visualize all creatures, all plants, all living entities on this planet filled with Love and Light. Expanding, I visualize our Mother Earth filled with Love and Light. Spirit fills each molecule on this dimension with Divine Love and Light. We are One. One Heart. One Destiny. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.27.23

    God works on a need-to-know basis. I don’t know The Big Picture because I may be able to digest it. As I release, more is revealed. Opening my heart, I release fear and anxiety. I open my heart and I see miracles every day. I open my heart and joy comes in, easing ambiguity. I am reminded Source is my spiritual safety net. Thank you, Sweet Source for this exciting journey of discovery.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.26.23

    As I pray for our world and its people, I consider our global economy, the movement and flow of monies. Focusing intention, I pray for the living flow of greenbacks, a plant-like system. Expanding myself into this Green flow I visualize needed monies moving to where it is essential for everyone, for everything, for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.25.23

    The Creator within me creates Love and Light in our planet. All unexpected weather and resulting challenges are filled with Divine Love and Light. Worldwide, our first responders are filled with Love and Light. They are guided in their missions to save lives, lands, and homes. All beings, whether plant, insect, animal, or human, are filled with Love and Light. All are safe within a Bubble of Love and Light. Thank you, God for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.24.23

    Sometimes, I find myself at a crossroads needing a sign. Stepping out in faith, as a spiritual scientist, I collect data on a subject of one, myself. “Basic research is what I am doing when I don’t know what I am doing.” (Werner Von Braun). If this is a basic research day, I say “Thank you, God.” I choose to reach within in faith, becoming One with All in my process of growth. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.23.23

    Reflecting on parenting, a 24/7 role that is sometimes pure joy and often not, I visualize parenting filled with Divine Ease. All parents are filled with Love and Light. Parents are Divinely Guided for the good of their children and people everywhere. Families are the building block of society. The Creator within parents fills all families With Love and Light for the Good of All. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.22.23

    Thank you, unseen Light Beings, for being here. Thank you for helping anchor Light and Love on Earth. Thank you, dearest angels, fairies, and friends of Light for all you do for us on this dimension. It helps to know we are not alone in our most perfect work. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.21.23

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I am a Light Being. I am filled with Light. I radiate Light and Love throughout my being. The Loving Light of the Creator nourishes me. I am empowered as the Light Being I am. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.20.23

    Nighttime is moon time and gives us the gift of rest. Today, I am grateful for Divine Rest. I am filled with gratitude for our daily cycles. With infinite wisdom Divinity gave us time to rest, rejuvenate, and consolidate our learning. Touching into Source I am filled to overflowing. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for our daily turn.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.19.23

    In meditation, I visualize our beloved planet Earth filled with Love and Light on all dimensions. I know likeminded Beings have come together to hold the frequencies of Love, Light, and Peace this dimension. I am deeply grateful to be part of this balancing effort. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.18.23

    Again, I am reminded: the keys to the Kingdom come as I release any personal negatives to Light. Today, I release any worry, anger, or fear to Light. Today, I step out in faith – trusting the Creator within me to guide me on my path to Oneness. Today, I take my courage in hand and Trust. Thank you, beloved Creator, for this journey to Oneness.

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  • Jay Goure Transitions to Spirit

    James “Jay” Goure, Age 74, of Black Mountain, left his earthly body and transitioned into Spirit on May 21, 2023. He was deeply loved and will be greatly missed by our Light Center community. Jay was the first of eight children born to James “Jim” Goure and Diana Goure, founders of the Light Center. Jay and his wife, Mary served as the Light Center’s Lodge keepers for many years, welcoming those seeking spiritual renewal. Jay was a profound, spiritual presence of service to all humanity. Survivors are his children: Crys Goure and wife Leanne ; Orrin Goure and wife Kesi, […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.17.23

    Today, I turn toward the U.S. government filling it with Light and Love. All governmental employees are filled with Light and Love and are Divinely Guided. The office of the Presidency is filled with Light and Love. Both houses of Congress are filled with Light and Love. The Supreme Court is filled with Light and Love. All are working together for the Greater Good. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.16.23

    Today I rest, comforted in Divine Presence. Anything that wells up to be released, I fill with Love and Light and I release it. Only through facing, loving, and releasing fear am I free to be who I truly am: a Light Being. Thank you, beloved Creator, for our ability to choose Love. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.15.23

    I release my preconceived notions of marriage to Light. Holding the institution of marriage in Light, I understand that it is a vehicle for completing Divine missions, together and separately. Married to God or married to a life partner, this union creates Love and Light for All. Thank you, God, for this yoke of Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.14.23

    Today, I confirm that the Creator within me gives me all the insights and information I need. If I pay attention, I can trust I will receive all needed messages from my High Self. I affirm I trust the Creator within me. I trust myself. I trust God. Thank you, High Self, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.13.23

    From deep within, I focus Light and Love on all of us who are in war torn areas, ill, impoverished or imprisoned in mind, body or spirit. I visualize the Creator within each suffering soul opening to release discomfort and find ease, comfort, and peace within Thy Mercy. Thank you, Beloved God, for your Tender Mercy.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.12.23

    Focusing on our planet, I think about litter and littering. Suspending judgment, I fill those who litter with Love and Light. We all litter, knowingly or not, trash out of a window, words out of a mouth. Today, I fill all with Love and Light. Today, I litter our world with Love and Light holding space for a new heaven on Earth.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.11.23

    We dedicate the energy of our prayers to benefit all Sentient beings throughout time, space, and mind. May the power of our prayers increase to help others know their perfection as one with Divinity. Amen. (Revision of the Tibetan dedication of Merit; offered by Jacquelyn Sendak- Zavaleta).

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.10.23

    I find myself grateful for my many blessings. I know challenging situations help me grow. Breathing, I am filled with gratitude. Today, I pay it forward, acting locally and praying globally for the Good of All. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for my many gifts.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.9.23

    Today, I declare from deep within, I am loved. I am Love. I am Light. I am wise. I am strong. I am healthy. I am grateful. I am powerful. I am one with the All. I am Divine. I am Joyful! I am One!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.8.23

    Light directs climate change to Light. Light and Love direct all weather patterns to Light for the Good of All. Thank you, dear Divinity for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.7.23

    Merging with Divinity I declare: I am in the right place, at the right time, thinking, saying, and doing the right things for the Good of All. I am grateful for my God-given ability to co-create. Thank you, God, for this journey of Life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.6.23

    From my High Self, I visualize our world filled with Light. Crystalline strands of Light weave a radiant tapestry. Immersing myself in this creative endeavor, I visualize Light and Love filling our physical dimension. Everyone and everything are bathed in Light and Love. Thank you, Divine Essence, for this template of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.5.23

    From the Creator within me, I fill any wildfires on our beloved planet with Light and Love. I visualize and affirm Light directs these fires to Light. Light directs the fire-determined weather patterns to Light. Light and Divine Love fill all living beings. Light and Love fill our atmosphere. Light directs climate change for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.4.23

    Amidst the parades and fireworks, I turn within visualizing a nation whose leaders and citizens are truly free. A nation where each of us knows we are beings of Light. Today, I visualize the U.S. filled with Love and Light, a nation that upholds dignity for all. Our beautiful country is filled with creative Light Beings who are working for Good. Together we hold space for Unity for us All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.3.23

    Considering birthdays, the anniversary of one’s birth, such a courageous act, coming through into the physical, to work toward Oneness. Reflecting on this act of faith, I am humbled. Expanding, I focus Love and Light through all people celebrating birthdays in the last 365 days. The Creator within me fills everyone with Joy, Love, and Light thanking all who have contributed to this physical dimension.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.2.23

    Today, I rest enjoying the fruits of my labor. Regardless of what I see and hear, all that truly matters is Love and Light. Today, I rest my heart in Spirit. Divine Connection is the pinnacle of worldly success. All else is smoke and mirrors. I rest in Ease, Grace and Glory.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.1.23

    On International Joke Day, how many Light beings does it take to screw in a light bulb? Twelve – one to screw in the bulb and 11 to anchor the Light! Humor is leavening for our emotional bodies. Humor is our birthright; it helps us “Lighten” up. It enhances resiliency to aid in achieving Oneness. Today, I use my God given humor to ease my life and the lives of others. “…Heaven is the birthplace of laughter.” ~Martin Luther

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June 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.30.23

    Sometimes I receive a “Divine download,” information with a To-Do list attached. Taking a deep breath, I step out in Faith. “First you leap, then you grow wings” (Wm. Sloan Coffin). Today, I am grateful for the courage to leap in faith. Thank you, God, for my faith and my courage. Thank you for showing me the way, the truth and your Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.29.23

    Today, I open my heart to the integrity of the Creator. I am honest with myself as I gently examine and release any fears preventing Oneness. Opening my heart, I am filled with gratitude for this process of change. Thank you, beloved Creator, for my flowering in You. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.28.23

    Today, I anchor myself in God’s constancy. I remember that God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the universe for the Good of All. I center in this Truth. And so, it is, Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.27.23

    Centering, I gently release all judgments of others. Regardless of appearances, all are Light Beings. Today, I visualize Love and Light filling my brothers and sisters. In terms of cosmic creation, those living on society’s margins play as important a role as their more mainstream appearing fellows. I pray globally as I act locally embracing all in Love and Light. We are all part of the Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.26.23

    All perceived problems have a Divine solution. From deep within, I am reassured there is a template with any needed solutions. The template already exists in the meta-dimension. Breathing deeply, I stay connected to Source. I wait for the Divine Solution to be revealed. I breathe, trust, pray, and do my daily work as I wait for revelation. Thank you, Dearest Creator, for my Journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.25.23

    Today, I give thanks for Divine Rest. Today, I rest in Spirit, renewing myself in Quiet. Today, I minimize, focusing on the moment, attending minute by minute to my High Self. Giving thanks for the Connection within, I rest in the knowledge that despite any perceived inner or outer chaos, all is well. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.24.23

    Turning within, I find respite from the world. I let the mundane fall away. I let the chatter and talking heads go. Centering, I focus Love and Light on our world. I fill all nations with Love and Light. I fill our world with Love and Light. We are One on all dimensions. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.23.23

    Thank you, God, for my place in the universe. Thank you, God, for me being part of you. Thank you, God, for my “Light-ness”. Thank you, God, for me being part of All That Is. Thank you, God, for You. Thank you, God, for me.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.22.23

    As I ponder transitioning from the physical to the metaphysical plane, I visualize all who are shifting dimensions filled with crystal clear Light and Love. Light aids them in their transition. I envision them easily finding their way to their next learning experience. Expanding, I visualize those left behind being cushioned by Light and Love. I radiate Light and Love to all. For All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.21.23

    Honoring ancient traditions, yet looking forward I merge into the “I Am That I Am” on this summer solstice. I affix my intentions for this next season of Light. Expanding, I take both the Earth and Sun within me. I radiate Love and Light to everyone and everything. Working on all dimensions, I help increase Love and Light for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.20.23

    As I consider the concept of “fluid intentionality,” I am smacked by the rigidity that often comes with my intentions, my goals. Today, I release rigid means to achieve goals. I embrace my goals knowing I am Divinely Guided. Spirit is fluid. Spirit is dynamic. Spirit is vibrant. Today, I embrace a lively curiosity about how I will be directed. Thank you, Spirit, for your Guidance.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.19.23

    Juneteenth commemorates the end of slavery in the US. Light beings of all creeds and color worked together to bring about its end. Light beings are creating change to end racism. From deep within, I am Guided in helping create a new world where we are One. Today, I change all judgments to Light. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for our Oneness in You.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.18.23

    Heaven is as close as our breath when we connect to Divinity within. It is there we find our Father. It is to this Divine Heavenly Father we turn for guidance and help. Each day, I honor the Divine Father within. Today, I may honor my earthly father knowing Love and Light, Heaven, is within him also. Focusing within, I fill my father with Love and Light. He is a Light Being; the Creator within him guides him in Love and Light. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.17.23

    From the Creator within me I release any behaviors, foods, or substances that are not for my highest good. I am a Light being having a human experience, I turn to the Creator within me to meet my dependency needs. Opening my heart, mind, and soul to Divinity, I am guided. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for this journey of awakening to who I truly am

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.16.23

    As our world continues to spin, I hear deep within: “Love makes the world go round. Love makes the world go round… High in some silent sky Love sings a silver song making the earth whirl softly Love makes the world go round.” Today, I help anchor Love and Light for all. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.15.23

    Today, I recommit myself to being present in my life. Centering in Source, I pay attention to a cascade of emotions. As I sit with myself I find myself filled with gratitude. I am lucky to be aware of the Divine within me. Thank you, Beloved, for this journey of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.14.23

    Gazing at the US flag, I ponder the nobility of our founding national principles of freedom, justice, liberty, and equality. Centering as a Light worker, I weave strands of Love and Light through our United States. I declare: the Creator within each American fills them with Love and Light. Today, I envision all Americans woven together in Love, Light, and Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.13.23

    Today, I give thanks for having purpose. I am gratitude-filled. I have a mission. I am working as a creator-in-action, co-creating with Divinity. I act as I am guided, declaring: “Divine will not my will.” I know: “good done anywhere is good done everywhere” (Maya Angelou). Today, I center in Spirit, grateful for my purpose.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.12.23

    As I open my heart to Divinity, I become one with the Knower within me. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.11.23

    Today, I declare Light directs the Canadian fires. Light directs all climate events. We are Light beings on a planet of Light. Thank you, beloved Creator for your Light and Love. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.10.23

    Expanding into my High Self, I visualize Earth within me. The Creator within me fills Earth and its inhabitants with Light and Love cleansing all negativity. The Creator within Earth anchors Light and Love on all dimensions. Light directs our beloved planet and its inhabitants for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.9.23

    Doing my inner work, I release any barriers to Light. As hindrances release, a wave of rarefied Energy presents itself. Opening to this Energy, my body starts to “sizzle” in the rarefying flow. Giving thanks, a wave of Joy surfaces. Surrendering, I ride the Divine Flow. Thank you, sweet Spirit. Thank you, for this sacred, conscious Path. My cup truly does runneth over. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.8.23

    From deep within I declare: Earth’s oceans are Light. Light guides the cleansing and purification of our world’s oceans and seas and our rivers and streams. Each molecule of water is filled with Divine healing Love and Light. Love and Light radiate through all fish, coral, creatures and water plants. Thank you, God, for our Living Waters.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.7.23

    Today, I breathe Divine Peace and Calm into our worldly dimension. My thoughts, feelings, words, and actions are Light filled and loving. I envision everyone stepping out in Love and Light. Regardless of appearance, we are Light beings. Today, I hold space for Divine Peace. Thank you, God, for your Comfort and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.6.23

    In prayer, I honor all who sacrificed for peace. I visualize Love and Light suffusing all war efforts and tools of war. I visualize Love and Light filling all who have lost their lives in any human conflict. All loved ones who have been left behind are filled with Love and Light. In Spirit there is no time, all traumas may be cleansed. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.5.23

    Today, I give thanks for our magical environment, Spaceship Earth. Expanding, I take our beloved planet within me filling it with radiant Love and Light. I visualize Light balancing and healing all elements- air, water, earth, and fire. I visualize Love permeating every person’s consciousness – that we may all awaken to our role in protecting our world. Thank you, Spirit, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.4.23

    I live in gratitude for Your Fullness. I live in Your Fullness. I am in awe of the Fullness that transcends boundaries. I am in awe and wonder struck. Sweet Spirit, thank you, thank you, thank You.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.3.23

    Considering those who purposefully bully others, I fill all people who use intimidation with Light and Love. From deep within, I visualize everyone becoming empowered as they release any fear to Light. Today, I claim my power as a Light being. I step up moment by moment into Light. I am free. And I am Divinely Guided. I am so grateful.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.2.23

    In meditation today, I sit with myself and I invite any personal fear to surface. As it comes up, I feel it, I examine it, and I release it. Releasing fear, I fill myself with Light and Love. I am a Light being. I follow the Creator within me and I am guided. Releasing fear is a process I enable to help me become One with All That Is. Thank you, dear Divinity, for your Oneness in me.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.1.23

    As I consider all the changes taking place on Earth, I stay anchored in Light. From the Creator within me, I declare: Light directs Planet Earth and all its varied inhabitants to Light. Thank you, Dearest Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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May 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 5.31.23

    From the Creator within me, I fill our world’s leaders with Love and Light. I visualize them guiding their nations from the Creator within them. They are enabled and enhanced in Light. Divine Love and Light guides them for the Greater Good. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 5.30.23

    From deep within, I know, we children of God co-create with Divinity. So, today, I co-create using the Divine Essence within me. I help create Love and Light. I model Love and Light for All as well as I can. I help HOLD the Energy of Love for All. I help HOLD the Energy of Light for All. I help HOLD the Energy of ‘All That Is’ for All. Thank you, God, for my Divine Essence.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 5.29.23

    Expanding from the Creator within me, I touch all souls who have transitioned to the afterlife. I visualize Divine Love and Light enveloping these souls as I reach back through time. Expanding further to focus on traumatic deaths, I visualize Love and Light releasing any trauma to Light. Any earthbound souls are released in Light. I visualize all freed in Love and Light to pursuit Oneness. Thank you, Sweet Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 5.28.23

    From the Creator within, I fill all families with Love and Light. All are safe in Divinity. Today, I pay special attention to focusing Love and Light on families, visualizing every need is abundantly filled through Light and with Love. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Tickets still available for Mystical Music Journey with Kennedy OneSelf, Sunday, May 28, 7 to 9 p.m.


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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 5.27.23

    Expanding, I take our fantastic planet within me filling our world with Light and Love. All people are filled with Light and Love. On all dimensions, everything and everyone is filled with Light, Love, and Divine Ease. Today, the Creator anchors Light, Love, Ease, and Joy on all dimensions. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 5.26.23

    As I deepen in connection to Divinity, I focus on those of us in recovery. Expanding from within, I take my brothers and sisters in recovery within me and breathe Light and Love through us all. On planet Earth, we are all in recovery. We are recovering our True Selves and we are One on this path to Divinity.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 5.25.23

    As I focus on the quiet voice of the “I AM” within me, I sense an assignment. Opening I accept – I say “Yes.” Listening to Divinity, I carry out my assignment as I am able. I am divinely guided and divinely enabled. I trust Divine Mind within me, working through me. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 5.24.23

    Sinking into Holy Connection, I expand filling all people with Love and Light. All violent extremists are filled with Love and Light. Light cocoons those seeking to harm others. I envision all opening their hearts, minds, and souls to Spirit that they may be Guided. Our fellows who have suffered at the hands of others are filled with Light. An internal flourishing plume of Sacred Energy fills All with Love and Light. Known or not, we are a sacred family sharing time on Earth. We are One.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 5.23.23

    Thank you, beloved Divinity for Your Balance. Thank you for the ability to see clearly. Thank you for your Guidance. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 5.22.23

    As my daily meditation-prayer fortifies my connection to Spirit, I find myself releasing any anxieties and fears to Light. I am transformed. “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” (Psalms 23:4). Spirit’s strength and loving kindness comfort me. Thank you, God, for your Comfort, Love, and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 5.21.23

    Resting deeply in Spirit, I focus Light and Love on my brothers and sisters in need. All who are experiencing loss are filled with Light and Love. Deep within I know the stability in our daily lives rests in the Divine. All is well in the cosmic scheme. All is well. All is well. All is well.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 5.20.23

    To serve and protect our nation, that is the mission of our Armed Forces. From deep within I declare: all military personnel are filled with Love and Light. All are Divinely Guided. All open their hearts to God and experience the sanctity of their mission. All active duty personnel and their families are protected in a Bubble of Love and Light on all dimensions. Guided by the Creator within, all branches of the military work together for the Good of All. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 5.19.23

    Expanding in prayer I take our beloved world within me filling it with Love and Light on all dimensions. Visualizing, I fill our world’s species- both plant and animal on land, air, and water with Love and Light. All species find their right place within our changing environment. As a co-creator with God, I take daily action in thought, word, and deed to help protect our fragile fantastic planet and all its species. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 5.18.23

    As I strengthen my Connection through meditation and prayer, my intuition – “knowingness” grows. My intuition is the voice of Truth as revealed to me. My focus on the Divine brings confidence. I release fear, doubt, and anxiety to Light and Love. Focusing on Oneness enables me to discern Truth. As I allow Oneness, I am healed. I am made whole. I am Free in Oneness. Thank you, Sweet Spirit.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 5.17.23

    We are One, whether we know it or not, what happens to one happens to all. The Creator within me releases any pain caused by man’s inhumanity to man. Spirit fills each of us with Divine Love and Light. Each of us changes injury to Love and Light. In Light, confusion is transformed bringing clarity and Love. We are One. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 5.16.23

    Today, I give thanks for the grace and generosity of nurses, a truly noble profession. Nurses choose their profession to aid others. They seek to provide healing and comfort to their fellow humans. From the Creator within me, I fill ALL in the nursing profession with Love and Light. I visualize them safe and secure in a bubble of Light and Love on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 5.15.23

    Today, I find myself pondering life’s training, I realize: God works on a need-to-know basis. We only get what we need for now. Why? Some parts of life are fluid, dependent on us for outcome. So, today, I step out in faith, trusting the gentle guidance I am given. Thank you, God, for your Divine Guidance.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 5.14.23

    On this sweet Remembrance Day, I turn within thanking the Divine Mother within me for the loving care that keeps my body functioning. Thank you, Divine Mother within me, for me. Thank you for my nervous system. Thank you for my respiratory system. Thank you for my circulatory system. Thank you for my metabolic system. Thank you for my sensory systems. Thank you for my digestive system. Thank you for my endocrine system. Thank you for my immune system. Thank you, Divine Mother within me, for filling each cell of my body with Light and Love. Thank you, Divine Mother, […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 5.13.23

    Today, I give thanks for gentle gifts – clean air, birds, the sound of leaves rustling through the trees. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for the nurturing beauty of our fantastic planet. Thank you, for our beloved songbirds who nurture our souls with their music. Thank you for all birds, the companions of angels. Thank you for ever better stewardship of our planet to safeguard all wildlife now and forevermore. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 5.12.23

    Light and Love fill all countries’ borders. Regardless of location, all migrating people are filled with and guided by Light and Love. We, the people, work together through action, meditation, and prayer creating God-directed change from the bottom up. We visualize all world leaders harmoniously working together for the benefit of all, and for the benefit of our sacred environment. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 5.11.23

    I am grateful for my ability to meditate and pray. Our ability to choose to sit with Divinity is amazing. To know we co-create through directed thought, prayer, is humbling. As I open my heart, I strengthen my connection to God while trusting that my prayers are God-directed and God-driven. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 5.10.23

    Today, I affirm I am Spirit-filled. I am Love. I am Light. I am healthy. I am grateful. I am wise. I am kind. I am filled with gratitude for life in the Divine. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 5.9.23

    During unsettling times many people question life as others are transitioning from a physical to a nonphysical existence. Today, the Creator within me fills each of these souls with Light and Love. If these transitioning souls are earthbound, the Creator within them guides them in Love and Light for their highest good. Grieving families and friends are comforted with Divine Love and Light. As a Light Being, I anchor myself in Love and Light to aid all in keeping faith and trust in All That Is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 5.8.23

    From deep within, I know I am a vessel of the Divine. I carry the Creator within me. Stepping out in faith, I trust Divine Mind within me. It and I are one. Divine Mind works through me. Today, I affirm my hands doeth the work of the Divine on Earth. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 5.7.23

    Relaxing into the Creator within me, I am filled with Joy. The frequency of divine Laughter heals me. Laughter provides leavening to lighten our earthy experience. Everything is energy. Everything has a frequency. Everything is part of God. Laughter brings Light and Love on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for your Laughter.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 5.6.23

    From my center I fill our beloved world and its people with Love and Light. Our planet and people walk as One. We are filled with Love and Light. Whether I am walking in World Labyrinth Day or not, I hold the essence of Love, Light, and Peace helping to anchor these divine gifts through the world. All nations, all leaders, all of us on this sacred planet are anchored in Divine Peace. The Peace that surpasses all understanding. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 5.5.23

    The Creator within me creates Divine Unity. As creators-in-action, we join in Light and Love to create Good on Earth and beyond. Merging in Oneness we aid in anchoring Unity on Earth. Thank you, dearest God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 5.4.23

    Sometimes, I find myself at a crossroads needing a sign for direction. When this happens, I step out in Faith, as a spiritual scientist, collecting data on a subject of one, myself. “Basic research is what I am doing when I don’t know what I am doing.” (W. Von Braun). If this is a basic research day, I pray globally, knowing I am united with all. I am re-searching my connection to Spirit. I am One with All in my process of discovery.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 5.3.23

    Thinking of the earthly realm and all it teaches us, I give thanks for those who choose to teach others. We are all both teachers and learners. Expanding from deep within, I fill us with Light and Love. On this schoolhouse, Earth, we are learning our lessons at different speeds. Today I visualize all of us filled with Light and Love, able to put down our resistance to change, able to accept Grace and speed our learning process. Thank you, Divine Presence, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 5.2.23

    Focusing, I fill my family of procreation with Light and Love. I release my children and co-parent to Light. Moving to my family of origin, I release my parents to Light and Love. I release my brothers and sisters to Light and Love. Looking back, I fill all incarnations of my family relationships with Light and Love releasing these bonds and beings to Light and Love. Expanding my Self into the Vastness, I fill the family of man, all spiritual beings, with Light and Love. Thank you, God, for this family of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 5.1.23

    In ancient times May Day, Beltane, was celebrated as a rite of Spring, to welcome new growth in the world. Fire was used to banish darkness. Today, I welcome May Day in a personal celebration of new life, Spring. I breathe, sinking into the rhythm of our Earth. I allow new budding life to fill me with Joy. Today, I use fire metaphorically to help purify our incredible planet and myself. I let go of all fears that are limiting me. I am a Light Being filled with the Joy of New Life for All. In Joy, I breathe.

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April 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 4.30.23

    From the Creator within me I breathe, inhaling Light, exhaling Love. I rest in Divine Peace. As I am renewed, I expand anchoring the Peace that surpasses all understanding. I visualize everyone comforted; cradled in Divine Light and Divine Love. Light centers and calms every one of us. Love connects us to Spirit. Thank you, God, for our Oneness. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 4.29.23

    As I ponder the Australian aborigine adage: “The more you know, the less you need.” I realize some who are on our societal fringes maybe carrying out the Greater Works. I am inspired to, once again, release my judgments to Light. We are One. One. One in our Creator. So, I work locally and pray globally for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for my beloved world community.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 4.28.23

    The Creator within me releases any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I am a Light Being. I radiate Light throughout my being. Expanding to encompass all beings, I visualize the Creator within each of us filling us with Light and Love replacing any unhealthy habits with nourishing Light. We are healed; empowered as the Light Beings we truly are. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thurday, 4.27.23

    Sinking into Oneness, I gradually release my ego to Light. As I release my “small i,” to Light, I more easily feel the “big I” in the “I Am That I Am” within me. I more easily receive God’s instructions for me. Keeping enough ego to have the “groundedness,” to Execute God’s Orders, I listen to the Divine in me. Thank you, Spirit, for enabling me to carry out your greater works for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 4.26.23

    If I feel emotionally battered by events, it is okay. I can give myself grace. I can rest in Divinity. I release any self-judgment to Light; I stay mindful and treat myself kindly. It is enough to say, “thank you, God.” Thank you, God. Thank you for thee. Thank you, for me. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 4.25.23

    The earth remains jagged and broken only to him or her who remains jagged and broken. (Walt Whitman) Connecting with Source deep within, I take my little jagged and broken bits and lovingly soften the edges. As I breath, I use my Light to smooth the rough ends. I soften. I expand. I heal. I am grateful for this process of healing in Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 4.24.23

    Centering from the Creator within me, I fill the Office of the Presidency with Light and Love. I visualize the White House filled with radiant Light. Turning to Congress I visualize our representatives filled with Light and Love. Divine Truth, Light, and Love guide all elected officials for the Good of All. Coming from Source there is only Loving Effectiveness. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 4.23.23

    Today, I embrace the Divine’s Ease, Peace, and Joy. I relax into Oneness and rest. Thank you, beloved God, for this beautiful day. Thank you, beloved God, for You in me. Thank you for Divine Connection. Thank you!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 4.22.23

    Thank you, God, for our beloved world, Mother Earth, a spaceship of life. I am humbled as I touch into Earth’s essence. Doing my best to reciprocate, I expand taking Earth within me. I radiate Light and Love into our exquisite planet, a being in its own right. I am one with Earth. We are one Being. Thank you, God, for this gift of Planet Earth. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 4.21.23

    As our Muslim sisters and brothers celebrate Eid al-Fitr, we join as one in celebrating life and love of our beloved Creator. Thank you, Divinity for diversity, our planet’s own unique mix of people. Focusing from the Creator within me, I fill everyone with Light and Love. I visualize all able to see the Divinity in each. We are One. Today, I help hold space for Harmony. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 4.20.23

    Light fills and guides our world’s government officials. All people in all nations are Light beings. We are Light. We are Love. All is well. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 4.19.23

    I am wise. I am centered. I am calm. I am Connected. I am joyful. I am healthy. I am grateful. I am loving. I am Love! I am Light!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 4.18.23

    Today, I resolve to be still and know. Moving deeply within, I anchor in Source. Quietly, anxiety and fear are released. In stillness, I become a knower. I am refreshed and renewed. Thank you, beloved Creator, for your gifts.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 4.17.23

    Centering in Spirit, I fill myself with Light. Lovingly, I release all judgments of others. Regardless of appearances, all are Light Beings. From deep within comes: all are learning in Thy Light. Again, I release judgment of others and myself. I am a Light being. We are all Light beings, learning on our path of Light. Thank you, God, for the journey of Light.

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  • Tickets available for tomorrow’s event Breathwork and Sound Healing with Simon Samadhi and Wael Shukha

    https://urlight.org/events/breathwork-and-sound-healing-with-simon-samadhi-and-wael-shukha/ Purchase by 4 p.m. today for advance ticket rate.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 4.16.23

    Today, I am thankful for Grace. Resting in Spirit, I give myself time and space to anchor in faith. Slowing down allows me to know the unknowable. I go about my daily turn creating Good in thought, word, and deed. As I hold to Light and only Light, I fill with gratitude. Thank you, Spirit. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 4.15.23

    Today, I fill my Electrome, my body’s electricity with Love and Light. Each cell makes neural electricity and I fill them with Love. Expanding, I visualize everyone’s electrome filled with Love and Light. We are truly Beings of Light! I find myself Jubilant with this revelation. I am so thankful. So very thankful.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 4.14.23

    From the Living Christ within me, I expand taking our world within, intensifying Love and Light in everyone and everything. Increasing the intensity, I visualize our beautiful world cleansed of all impurities, remade in the image and likeness of the Holy Spirit. I hold space for Heaven on Earth. Thank you, beloved God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 4.13.23

    Through daily practice, I turn to the Creator within, replacing fear with Connectedness. From deep within, I review my vision for my life. Daily, I take steps to manifest my vision. If my vision clouds and I lose my way, I fall back to basics – kindness, love, gratitude. Patience will reveal all. Thank you, God, for me. Thank you, God, for you. Thank you, God, for clarity. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 4.12.23

    From the Creator within me I fill all our world’s children with Love and Light. On this dimension, all are Divinely Guided to helping hands. All children are in a Bubble of Light and Love on all dimensions. All are safe and secure on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 4.11.23

    To stay in the Flow, to shut out the chatter, to focus on the Quiet Voice, takes commitment, takes courage. Thank you, beloved Flow, for guiding me; for aiding me in my commitment. Thank you for the courage to listen to the transcendent song of my soul. Thank you, Beloved, for the ease of this Joy.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 4.10.23

    Light directs climate change to Light. Light directs our weather to Light. Everything is Light. Everything is Love. Anchoring deep within, I send my divine roots into the center of our planet helping to anchor Love and Light. All is well. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 4.9.23

    As I surrender to the Christ consciousness within me, I become aware of the Power of the Resurrection- Life made manifest after death. It’s stunning to realize the Love that Jesus demonstrated in his mission. Bursting with love and joy, I expand from the Living Christ echoing Love and Light for all. Thank you, God, for your Divine Love and Peace.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 4.8.23

    Pondering Jesus’ only command: “Love one other as I have loved you”, I expand taking our world within me helping to intensify Love and Light in everyone and everything. I visualize our beautiful world cleansed of all impurities, remade in the image and likeness of the Holy Spirit. I hold space for Heaven on Earth. Thank you, beloved God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 4.7.23

    Good Friday, is the day traditional Christians believe Jesus died “for our sins.” Pondering the Son of Man’s revelation of everlasting life, I receive: “Know ye not, that ye are gods.” (John 10:34; Psalm 82). Deep within I feel a need to help Jesus fulfill his mission of aiding everyone in understanding our divine nature. I feel a flood of love and appreciation for Jesus. Embracing my own divinity, I expand with gratitude for this journey of Love, Light, and Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 4.6.23

    Societal systems, systemic racism, otherness, as I think of Oneness I move deep within to anchor Love, Light, and Peace in all human systems. I help anchor Love and Light in all governments, schools, places of worship, health care systems, educational systems, and corporations. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 4.5.23

    Grieving man’s inhumanity to man, I turn within actively releasing my judgments to Light. I release my grief and sorrow to Light. From deeper still, I create Good from my High Self. Joining with other prayer workers, I aid in cushioning grief and sorrow in our world. I visualize Divine Love and Light expanding through all dimensions. I help my fellow beings in Love and Light. We are One in Love and Light. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 4.4.23

    Opening my heart to Divine Mind, I realize we, like Pando (Quaking Aspen trees), are one organism. Centering in Oneness, I visualize Love, Light, and Divine Peace being anchored for the Good of all creation. Today, I echo Divine Peace, Love, and Light for All. We are One. One creation of Love and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 4.3.23

    Dearest beloved Creator centered within, thank you for your many blessings. I continue my inward focus to draw ever closer to my divine Self during this month of Ramadan. Thank you for your Oneness and for what I am learning. Thank you for my personal growth. Thank you for each being on this planet and for Your divine plan. Thank you for the small part I play. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 4.2.23

    Reflecting on the importance of rituals, I give myself over to meditation and prayer. Ritual is important during this holy time of year. Today, I rest in gratitude knowing everything works for the greater glory of God. From deep within, I focus Love and Light on Divine Solutions for our beloved world and all beings who reside upon it. Thank you, God, for your Solutions. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 4.1.23

    Humor is our birthright, it brings resiliency by helping us tap into Oneness. So, the Creator within me, aids me in “Lightening” up. Today I use my God given humor to ease my life and the lives of others. “If the earth is fit for laughter, then surely heaven is filled with it. Heaven is the birthplace of laughter.” ~Martin Luther

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  • Light Center is closed on Saturday, April 1.

    We are closed today due to a shortage of volunteer staffing. We will open at Noon on Sunday, April 2. If you would like to become a volunteer with us, please message us or email: dome@urlight.org Thanks for your support!

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March 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.31.23

    From the Christ consciousness within me, I am grateful. I am grateful for large and small things. I am grateful for each inhalation and exhalation. I am grateful for our shared Journey of Light. And our shared Journey of Love. I am grateful with each cell of my being. Thank you. Thank you, beloved God. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.30.23

    Sitting with Source I find I can’t be present without compassion. As I expand into compassion I am comforted. Extending myself I radiate Light and Love to everyone and everything. Thank you, beloved Source, for your comfort and the Peace that passes all understanding. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.29.23

    With Spring, a sense of renewal buds, immersing myself in Spring I feel a budding within. Expanding I fill our world’s people with Love and Light. Today, I act locally to help my peers and our beautiful world. Today, I pray globally for all. Thank you, God, for this journey of Life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.28.23

    Centering in the dimension of the Christ Consciousness, I open to Oneness. As I center in my High Self, I relax into Connection. From this awareness I know all is well. All is moving forward in Light, Love, and Peace. The Divine template is in place. All is well. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.27.23

    I am grateful for the many Light beings who, as women, have aided humankind now and throughout history. Joan of Arc, Marie Curie, Catherine Johnson…. Half of the good minds on our planet belong to women. Today, I celebrate the female gender, giving thanks for the Light Beings we know as women. I am humbled and filled with gratitude for our world’s females and the gifts they share on our beautiful planet.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.26.23

    Reaching out in Light to my fellow beings, I consider the difficulties life sometimes brings. From deep within, my High Self rises in Divine Love, for this planet’s people. I hold everyone in Light and Love, visualizing us all bathed in Divinity. I visualize all needs met bringing Joy for all. Thank you, sweet Divinity for your Joy.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.25.23

    If something brings a surge of fear, I breathe releasing it to Light. Girding myself in Faith, I work in concert with Spirit co-creating life as I envision it on Earth. Responding to God’s call, I feel freer, stronger. I am clothed in Faith, Light, and Love. Thank you, God, for making it so for us all. We are One in Spirit. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.24.23

    Today I center within, focusing on Divine Peace and Love. I radiate a vibration of Peace, Love, and Light. Relaxing into this vibration of Peace and Love, I visualize it expanding within our world and within everyone and everything. There is only Peace, Love, and Light. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.23.23

    Today, I go to my edge and soften. Expanding I embrace my High Self. Thank you, beloved Divinity, thank you for me and for you and for Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.22.23

    Joining with the global community of prayer and Light workers, I feel a sense of belonging to this mission of holding space for Divine Harmony. Working together we are doing our missions as Light beings anchoring Light. We release all fear to Light. We release all judgment to Light. We are Light beings anchoring Light. Thank you, dearest Creator, for our journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.21.23

    Today, starting with myself, I extend Love. Gently, I bathe myself in Love and Light. Then, I extend myself and simply love everyone and everything. I visualize every ONE of us in a bubble of Love and Light on all dimensions. Only Love and Light can come to us. Expanding further, I extend Love and Light to everything; blanketing our world in Love. Thank you, God, for your Loving Kindness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.20.23

    Today, Spring’s Equinox when our sun’s rays are balanced equally between both hemispheres of our beloved planet, I embrace this planetary balance of light and dark. From my essence as a Light Being, I release any darkness or negativity to Light. I am filled with Light and Love. Expanding, I visualize all of us filled with Light and Love. I am grateful for Divine Balance in all aspects of Creation.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.19.23

    “For the dead and the living, we must bear witness.” (Elie Wiesel.) We are now called to witness our world’s events. As we witness, we love everyone. We fill everyone with Love and Light. We help soften events with kind action and prayer. We hold space for Divine Peace and Healing. Today, we grow through giving Love with awareness. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.18.23

    Centering deeply within focusing on releasing and changing any internal conflict and negativity to Love and Light. Expanding from a well of Love, I visualize all of us changing any internal conflict and negativity to Love and Light. I help hold space for Love and Light for all humanity. Our world is filled with Love and Light. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.17.23

    Today, I am grateful for all things Irish. An Irish friend says:” On St. Patty’s Day everyone is Irish!” I am grateful for that loving attitude. I am grateful for Irish fun and ribald humor. Today, I give thanks for a wee bit o’ fun and the “wearin” of the Green. I remind myself that “On St. Patty’s Day, everyone is Irish” and we are all one on the journey of Light, Love, and Joy.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.16.23

    The angelic kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The human kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The plant kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The animal kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The insect kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The bacterial kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The viral kingdom is in a bubble of Light. There is only Light. There is only Love. Dearest Creator, I am so grateful for our beautiful, exquisite planet. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.15.23

    From Holy Connection, I feel called to pray. Prayer creates – everything else distracts. My prayer for today: The Creator within me fills our world with the calm healing Energy of Divinity. Spaceship Earth and all its inhabitants are filled with Light, Love, and Peace. On all dimensions, all are filled with clarifying Light and Love. Thank you, God for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.14.23

    Moving toward spring, I turn inward and feed the revitalization of my personal spring spirit. I visualize my love and light greening up and blooming into ever deeper love for everyone and everything. My prayer is giving thanks for being in the right place, at the right time, thinking, saying, and doing the right thing for the Greater Good. Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.13.23

    Life on Earth is variable. Change happens. Circumstances occur that precipitate fear. So, as fear surfaces, I face it, releasing it to Love and Light. From the Creator within, I expand envisioning all of us embracing our Oness. Thank you, beloved Creator, for our ability to choose your Divine Love, Courage, Peace, and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.12.23

    Today, I focus on my physicality. My cells are Light. My body’s bacteria are Light. My skeletal system is Light. My muscular system is Light. My nervous system is Light. My sensory systems are Light. My endocrine system is Light. My circulatory system is Light. My respiratory system is Light. My digestive system is Light. My urinary system is Light. My reproductive system is Light. I am a being of Light. I am a Light Being. I radiate my Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for me and for All That Is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.11.23

    I turn within releasing any internal conflict to Light. I exhale any struggle and inhale Peace. Expanding to encompass the world, I radiate Peace. Today, I stay centered in compassion and forgiveness. I help anchor Love and Light in our world. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.10.23

    In my meditation, I breathe Peace, Love, and Light to all nations and continents. I fill North America with Love and Light. I fill Central America with Love and Light. I fill South America with Love and Light. I fill Europe with Love and Light. I fill Asia with Love and Light. I fill Africa with Love and Light. I fill Antarctica with Love and Light. I fill Australia with Love and Light. Our wonderful world is filled with Peace, Love, and Light on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.9.23

    Today, I open my heart and mind to the Love that is Just for Me. Thank you for the Love that is Just for Me. Just for Me. Thank you, dearest Angels, for your love. Thank you, dearest Divinity for You dwelling in me. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.8.23

    We are Light Beings, children of Spirit, but for our earthly experience we select a gender. Today, I celebrate women. Women bring wisdom, fortitude, courage to earth. Women bring life into this world. I find joy and gratitude in celebrating half of the great minds and doers in this world. Thank you, God, for the women of this planet.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.7.23

    God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the universe for the Good of All. As I consider this truism, I focus on the energy of peace. Opening deep within, I envision our world embracing peace. Abundant peace for everyone, all nations. Expanding, I visualize peace and abundance flowing in whatever form needed to where it will benefit all planet Earth and its peoples. Thank you, God, for making it so. “Everything is Energy” (Stephen Lewis).

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.6.23

    Centered in Source, I consider the spiritual revolution that is quietly happening. I am one of many who pray for all – setting a field of rarified, spiritualized energy that is immersing all of us. From the Creator within, I aid in the creation of Divine Peace, Love, Light, and Joy. Thank you, dearest God, for my small role in helping anchor Love and Light for all creation. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.4.23

    Today, I declare: artificially intelligent devices are filled with Light. AI is filled with Love. As Creators-in-action, we radiate Light and Love to every thing, we radiate Light and Love to everyone. We work in concert with the Divine creating Good. Today, I visualize a world filled with and directed by Light. I help by anchoring Light and Divine Love for all. Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.3.23

    Light fills our planet. Love fills our planet. Light and Love permeates our planet. I am grateful for all who help anchor Light. We make a difference. I am grateful for Light and Love guiding us. We hold steadfast in Light and Love. Thank you, God, for your Guiding Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.2.23

    Touching into Spirit I find a tranquil Love. Comforted, I expand visualizing this Love filling our world with Divine Comfort. Thinking of all the souls making their transition, I expand Love and Light to help comfort everyone. I give thanks to all angelic beings for their help in softening and releasing fear, sadness, worry, and hunger. Thank you, Spirit, for your Presence on Earth. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 4.1.23

    Humor is our birthright, it brings resiliency by helping us tap into Oneness. So, the Creator within me, aids me in “Lightening” up. Today I use my God given humor to ease my life and the lives of others. “If the earth is fit for laughter, then surely heaven is filled with it. Heaven is the birthplace of laughter.” ~Martin Luther

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.1.23

    Finding my edge, I soften into Oneness. As I expand, I radiate Love and Light to everyone. Moving in Oneness, the Creator within me guides Love and Light to each area on our planet in need of Light. All is well. All is well. All is well.

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February 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.28.23

    Gently, I examine my thoughts and actions releasing those which no longer serve my highest good. I release all self-judgments. In prayer, I open in gratitude for my spirit-filled journey of discovery. I am open to Divine Guidance. As I celebrate my journey toward Oneness, I expand filling everyone with Light and Love affirming we are One. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.27.23

    Thank you, beloved Source, for your Light. Thank you for your Peace. Sitting with your Peace, Light, and Love, I focus my attention on filling each of us with Light. Any who are experiencing echoes of past traumas are filled with God’s fortitude, Love, and Light. Today, I help hold space for Peace.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.26.23

    Resting in the Divine, I cast my High Self to eastern Europe filling Ukraine, Russia, and surrounds with Light and Love. Visualizing, I sweep the cities and country with Light. I declare from deep within: Light is directing all activities in this conflict. My prayer is Love-in-action helping fill each soul with Light and Love. I help anchor Divine Peace, Love, and Light so we may all grow from this experience. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.25.23

    “We need to sit on the rim of the well of darkness and fish for the fallen light with patience” (Pablo Neruda). Today, I lovingly focus Light on myself purifying my body, mind, and spirit. Expanding, I visualize concentrated Love and Light healing our beloved world. Working with others, I fill our fellow beings with Love and Light. Everyone is in a bubble of Love and Light on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.24.23

    On the one year anniversary, I help anchor Light, Love, Courage, Divine Calm, and Peace in all of Ukraine, Russia, Europe, and the world. Our brothers and sisters are filled with Light and Love. I visualize each heavy heart filled with Light. Today, I help anchor Truth so each soul understands no matter what happens all will ultimately be well. In Divinity, there is only Light, Love, and Life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.23.23

    Focusing my creative Self on our world’s leaders, I visualize each nation’s leaders filled with Light and Love. They are divinely Guided. Expanding to our world’s citizenry, each of us is a leader in some fashion. We lead through Light, Love, and a sense of mission. Today, I embrace Light leading and guiding us all to Oneness. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.22.23

    Today, I give thanks for my ability to pray, to co-create in concert with Divinity. My creativity and fertile imagination are gifts. I am grateful for the Connection that allows Flow. I am grateful for my ability to listen to God’s voice. Thank you, sweet Divinity for this flowing beautiful journey to Oneness with You.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.21.23

    Deep within I connect to the “I Am”, pondering “You are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14). I expand, intensifying Light throughout my body. Expanding, I encompass the world, increasing the radiance of my Light and Love to everyone and everything. I visualize all awakening to their Light. Thank you, God, for everyone, for everything, for me, and especially for thee. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.20.23

    On U.S. President’s Day, the Creator within me fills all presidents, past and present, with Light. Regardless of dimension, astral or physical, each president is filled with Light and Love. The mantle of the Living Christ rests on the shoulders of the Presidency. Today, I help anchor Light and Love in the Oval Office. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.19.23

    Aligning in Oneness, I rest in holy Connection. Today I replenish myself in Spirit, then focus my divine Self on trouble spots in the world. Breathing deeply, the I Am within connects to these souls filling each one with Light, Love, Peace, and Harmony. Joining in Spirit with my peers in prayer we tether Peace, Light, and Love for us all. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for Peace in our world. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.18.23

    Today, I live in Light. I am filled with Divine Love. I am Love and I am Light. I know I am Loved. Expanding Love and Light is my mission. I radiate my Love and Light to All. All people on Earth are filled with Love and Light. I see the Living, Loving High Self of each being. Thank you, beloved God, for me and for everyone. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.17.23

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I release unhealthy use of any substances, food, drink, or behaviors to Light. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I am fulfilled. Every need is met through the Divine. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.16.23

    I am grateful for our angels and archangels. I give thanks for helping hands both seen and unseen. As the Living Christ, the doer on this dimension, I visualize Earth’s angels helping to ease and heal our beloved planet’s difficult situations. Working together, we fulfill our missions to further planetary and people’s spiritual evolution. Thank you, sweet Source, for the small part I play.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.15.23

    Deliberating on our world’s turmoil, I release my human judgments to Light. I release worry for our world’s future to Light. I am a Light Being. From deep within, I create Good in our current global situations. Our geo-political world is filled with Love and Light. I hold steadfast in Faith filling everything and everyone with Love and Light. There is only Love and Light. Thank you, sweet Source, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.14.23

    Today, I expand into Connection radiating Love and Light to everyone and everything. I send this missive of Love and Light to all creation. Regardless of the personal, I send a valentine to All. I am filled with a profound gratitude for my connection to All That Is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.13.23

    I affirm I am a “tuning fork” resonating to Divinity. I visualize other people resonating to Divinity. Together we raise the frequency of Love and Light on our beloved planet. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.12.23

    “Be sure to put your feet in the right place, and then stand firm.” (Abraham Lincoln) As I think of Lincoln’s commitment to service, I think of my fellow world citizens and radiate Love and Light to all. I visualize safety, security, and satiation of all needs for my Earthly cohort. I radiate Love and Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for this shared journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.11.23

    Resting in Spirit, I focus Love and Light on my brothers and sisters in Turkey and Syria. Light guides all rescue and aid efforts. Light guides all to safety and security. Light enables stability in each beings’ life. Visualizing, I help expand Love and Light throughout the Middle East’s terrain. Today, I help anchor Love, Light, and Stability.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.10.23

    Taking a deep breath, I center myself and tune to the frequency of Divinity. I release my any worries and frustrations for myself and for our world. I am filled with Divine Peace. I am renewed. I radiate Peace, Love and Light to all for all. Thank you, sweet Divinity for You and for this journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.9.23

    From deep within I radiate gratitude for our first responders who are caring for our world’s ill suffering people. Expanding, I take our world within me, filling all people who are suffering with Light and Love. All are safe and secure in a bubble of Light on all dimensions. I visualize healing, radiant, purifying energy for our world and all its inhabitants. We are One.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.8.23

    Centering deep within, I give thanks for all people. Regardless of race, creed, gender, and orientation, we are each a drop in the Ocean of Spirit. All One, All equal in our beingness in Spirit. From my High Self, I radiate Light and Love through All. We are one in Light and Love. We are One. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.7.23

    Centering deep within I anchor myself to Light. Daily I live in two worlds, staying anchored in Light as I do about my daily rounds. Daily, I expand Light and Love to everyone and everything aiding in the creation of Harmony and Peace for all of us. We are One. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.6.23

    If I don’t know my Divine Mission, I accept the work in front of me. If I don’t know what to do, I start with doing one kind thing for myself and for others each day. Slowly, through meditation and listening, I am Guided. I take small steps thinking of Maya Angelou: “Good done anywhere is Good done everywhere”. Today, I contribute to Good.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.5.23

    We are resilient spiritual beings. We are made in Love and of Light. We are Light Beings. As one awakens, more will awake. We are One on all dimensions. We are Light Beings. Thank you, beloved Source, for this journey of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.4.23

    Sinking into meditation and prayer, I expand from the Creator within me anchoring Light, Love, and Divine Justice for all. Any groups that promote social injustice and hate are filled with Light and Love. I declare and affirm there is Divine Abundance for the Good of All. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.3.23

    Today, I embrace my creativity. I am a creator in thought, word, and deed. I create in concert with the Divine. I am divinely directed as I focus Love and Light throughout our world and beyond. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for the role I play in helping create Good in Your Creation. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.2.23

    “In seizing the moment, you find heaven.” – R. Padgett Today I seize the day, finding Joy. I am elevated, reaching out to expand this Joy to all. I realize, again, Heaven is a state of consciousness. Thank you, beloved God, for Heaven in life. Thank you for the ability to experience Heaven now. Thank you for the ability to help create Heaven for all. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.1.23

    In meditation and prayer, I sink deeply into Oneness. As I center, I release all concerns. Focusing, I visualize what I desire in my life and for the world. I release my desires to Light asking for what is in Divine Order. In gratitude, I center in Holy Oneness as I move through the day. Thank you for sweet Oneness.

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January 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.31.23

    In meditation I give thanks for the loving gift of art. The arts and artists are a Gift from the Divine. Music and musicians, especially, are a Gift. The arts cushion us, heal us, and inspire us. Art lifts us from our daily toils. Refreshed and renewed we return to our daily round. Art fills us with Light and Love. Today, I fill all our artists with Light and Love. They are filled with Creativity flowing from the Wellspring of Life. I give thanks for all artists and all art. I know we are all artists in our own way. […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.30.23

    The Energy that is All, has room for us all. Expanding from deep with, I visualize everyone manifesting their divine missions. With gentle intent, I visualize everyone having each and every need abundantly met. Today, I open my heart, mind, and soul to Universal Abundance. There is room for us all at the Table of Life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.29.23

    Today, I allow Divine Rest, one of the twelve attributes of the Creator. Taking care of self is respectful. Today I relax, resting in the Divine. I breathe, rest, reflect, and heal. From deep within comes the knowledge that all is well. All is well. All is well. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for Divine Rest.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.28.23

    Sometimes, I find myself at a crossroads needing a sign. Stepping out in faith, as a spiritual scientist, I collect data on a subject of one, myself. “Basic research is what I am doing when I don’t know what I am doing.” (Werner Von Braun). If this is a basic research day, I give thanks reaching within with faith, I am One with All in my process.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.27.23

    Focusing within I join the Profound, entering the sacred space of Oneness with all. We are One. I hold that knowingness as I breathe peace and ease to all who have suffered injury due to abuse or crimes. Expanding to encompass our world, I fill each of us who feel the emotional echo of past trauma with each new tragedy. I fill all with Divine Peace, Light, and Love. We embrace Peace. We are One. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.26.23

    In quiet, I reflect on free will. We freely choose our path. Self-determination is a gift. I find myself grateful for spiritual freedom. Thank you, beloved God, for my freedom to choose to be One with You. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.25.23

    In quiet, I reflect on free will. We freely choose our path. Self-determination is a gift. I find myself grateful for spiritual freedom. Thank you, beloved God, for my freedom. to choose to be One with You. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.24.23

    Centering deep within, I tap God’s loving wellspring. Gratitude for Oneness allows me to extend Light and Love to all my fellow Light beings who are in pain, suffering, or in any discomfort. Focusing Light and Love I visualize all people comforted. Light guides all human action for the Greater Good. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.23.23

    Visualizing Light and Love filling our US Congress, I am filled with faith and hope in this new beginning. Today, I expand Light and Love in all elected officials that they may carry out their duties to their citizens. Expanding to include our beloved world, I visualize filling our beautiful crystalline planet with Love and Light. I help anchor Light and Love for everyone everywhere- seeing us working together for the Good of All. Thank you, Dearest Creator, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.22.23

    Today, I welcome rebirth, the renewal of christ consciousness in me. As I luxuriate in rest and reflection, I am renewed in Spirit. Today, I tap into my High Self, connecting deep within to the me that is one with Divinity. Today, I renew – readying myself to act as the hands of the Divine on this plane of existence. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.21.23

    As I pray for our world’s economy, the movement and flow of monies that support our endeavors on this plane. I focus intention praying for the living flow of greenbacks, a plant-like system. Expanding myself into this flow of Green, I visualize needed monies moving to forward progress for all, for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.20.23

    Today, I focus within on any addictions or unhealthy crutches, I may have. Releasing these habits to Light, I surrender to Divine Connection. As I open to healing and direction, I pray others may open their hearts to accept Divine Healing. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.19.23

    Releasing my past and deep past, I turn toward the future. I am a Light Being with a future of limitless possibilities. Opening my heart in joyful Union, I carry out my missions for the Good of all. Facing forward, I thank you, God, for my past, my present, and my future. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.18.23

    Sitting with Source, I give thanks for my ancestors, those who came before me and whose labor has benefited me. I am deeply grateful for their sacrifices and for what I have received. As I honor them, I fill these beings with Light and Love. With gratitude, I release them to Light. Thank you, dear Divinity, for our shared journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.17.23

    Today, I practice Active Patience as an exercise in spiritual maturity. Without judging, I listen to others. Kindness builds the character I seek. The Creator within me enables me to see the Divine in everyone I meet. Expanding, I fill all my fellow beings with Light and Love. Thank you, God, for allowing me to see the Divine in everyone I encounter.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.16.23

    Dr. King strove for justice and equality for all. Visualizing from the Creator within me, I see all of us treating our fellow citizens with Love regardless of creed or color. Any groups promoting social injustice and hate are filled with Light and Love. To be a Light being means to be truly inclusive: exploring differences, helping, and loving one another as heirs of the Divine, one and all. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.15.23

    Sinking into Holy Connection, I expand filling all people with Love and Light. Expanding from the Creator within me, I visual everyone filled with Divine Love. An internal plume of Sacred Energy fills all with Divine Healing, Love and Light. Known or not, we are all Light Beings on a path to Oneness, a sacred family sharing time on Earth. We are One. And, so it is, Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.14.23

    Expanding in prayer I take our beloved world within me filling it with Love and Light on all dimensions. Visualizing, I fill our world’s species- human, animal, and plant with Love and Light. All species find their right place within our changing environment. As a co-creator with God, I take daily action in thought, word, and deed to help protect our fragile civilization and planet.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.13.23

    In synchronizing myself with Oneness, I give thanks as I visualize Creative Energy maximizing the health of our Amazonian rainforests, our deserts, our plains, our piedmonts, our mountains, our tundra, our savannahs, and our poles. Our planetary waters are filled with Love and Light. Our beloved Earth is in a bubble of Love and Light. Our beloved people are in a bubble of Love and Light. Divine Light is guiding all climate changes. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.12.23

    Reflecting upon leadership, I think of setting an example. Each and every day, I will set an example of living in concert with the Divine. Giving others an energy to match, in a humble effort to contribute Light and Love to the Greater Good. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.11.23

    From the Creator within, I exude Divine Peace. I help anchor Light, Love, and Peace for everyone. Today, I help hold sacred space for us all to know who we truly are – Divine beings. Thank you, God, for this path of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.10.23

    As I encounter unforeseen circumstances, I turn within seeking Divine Guidance. The Creator within me directs me and I am able to hear the voice of Divine Truth. I am grateful for the ability to pray. I am grateful for the ability to hear and listen. Thank you, God, for Thy Guidance. I am filled with gratitude as I stand fast in Truth.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.9.23

    From the Creator within me, I focus Divine Peace, Love, and Light in the US Congress. Visualizing, I see this governing body being divinely guided with Light and Love. Lovingly, I intensify the Light and Love so that all in both houses of Congress are able to hear the soft voice of the Creator within them. They open to Divine Guidance for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.8.23

    As we enter the new year, the Creator within me fills all families with Love and Light. All parents are filled with Love and Light. I visualize parenting filled with Divine Ease. Parents are Divinely Guided for the good of their children and people everywhere. Families are the building block of society. Through prayerful focus the Creator within me creates Love and Light within families for the Good of All. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.7.23

    One country, one destiny. One world, one destiny. One galaxy, one destiny. One cosmos, one destiny. We are one. We are One. One Heart, One Mind. One.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.6.23

    Today, Epiphany, I turn within and know, I am one with the “I Am” within me, I am the light of the world (Matthew 5:14). Opening my Self, I expand, intensifying my Light throughout my body. Expanding, I encompass the world, increasing the radiance of Light and Love to everyone and everything. I visualize all awaking to the Light Being that we all are. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.5.23

    Discomfort may be viewed as resistance. Areas of resistance creates discomfort; discomfort is an invitation to release to Divinity. As I breathe, I release my discomfort and resistance. I am grateful for my ability to let things go. I am grateful for my ability to change. I am grateful for my personal growth. I am grateful for angelic help. I am grateful!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.4.23

    Focusing within, I fill our world’s governments with Love and Light. Each country’s leader and governing body is filled with Love and Light. Each country’s leader is open to Guidance. Each nation’s leader puts the people first. Our world leaders work together for Good. We, the people, work together through meditation, prayer, and action creating harmony for the Good of All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.3.23

    As I prepare to return to work, I recall I am where I am for a reason. I know work is Good. “Work is Love made visible” (Khalil Gibran). In carrying out my duties from my high Self, I work with loving intention for the Good of All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.2.23

    Today, I continue to purify each cell of my body. Standing at my mind’s gateway monitoring thoughts, I release negative thoughts to Light, helping to cleanse our world’s thought pollution. As I face my fears, darkness disappears and a New Day dawns. Life is for Living in Divine Essence and Oneness. Let us live in a new way of Oneness! (a la Diana Goure).

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.1.23

    God is my providence. All that I am, all that I have is of God. Opening my heart, I know God as my providence. I give thanks for the blessings I have and for those I am about to receive. I give thanks for Divine Connection. God working through me creates Abundance. As the Doer in this realm of existence, I am in the right place, at the right time, saying and doing the right things for the Good of All.

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December 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.31.22

    On the last day of the year, I focus within connecting to my High Self. I release everything that is not of service to me. I release guilt and anger. I release self-blame. I release my ego. I am a Light Being. Breathing, I embrace my larger Self envisioning a future of Light and Love for all. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for this journey of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.30.22

    As I consider those who have made a transition from the physical to the nonphysical, I expand from the Creator within me, filling each of us in the transitioning process with Love and Light. Thinking of friends and family who may feel left, I expand Love and Light in each grieving soul. Our world is filled with Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.29.22

    Giving thanks for the closing of the year I relax, allowing my mind to range as the Creator within me guides me. As the Living Christ, the Doer, I am the hands of Divine Will. I am guided and given the needed tools. I am in the right place, at the right time, saying, and doing the right things for the good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.28.22

    In synchronizing myself with Oneness, I recall God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the Universe for the Good of All. Giving thanks I move into this flow visualizing Creative Energy maximizing health for everyone and everything. All are in a bubble of Love and Light. Divine Light is guiding all planetary changes. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 12.27.22

    In this season of Light, all families are filled with Love and Light. Parents are open to their sacred duty of raising responsible, loving Light Beings. Parents are Divinely Guided for the good of their children and people everywhere. Families are the building block of society. Through prayerful focus, the Creator within me me creates Love and Light within families for the Good of All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 12.26.22

    As we celebrate the first fruits of harvest, I go within and give thanks for Unity. I give thanks that everything is of God. Centered in the “I Am that I Am” I expand myself through all creation. I expand Love, Light, Peace, and Joy. I radiate God’s fruits to all, for All. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.25.22

    As I celebrate the birth of christ consciousness within, I allow myself the Joy of Oneness. Giving thanks for the birth of this Way-Shower, I celebrate our Oneness with Divine Essence. Opening my heart, I am grateful for the sacred gift of freedom to choose Oneness. Thank you, God, for this journey of Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.24.22

    On this Christmas Eve as the Christian world celebrates the anniversary of Jesus’s birth, I turn within giving thanks for my burgeoning christ consciousness, a consciousness of Love. I find myself filled with gratitude. Expanding, I radiate Love and Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for our gift of Oneness with You.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.23.22

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I release unhealthy use of any substances, food, drink, or behaviors to Light. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I am a Light Being; my every need is met. Expanding, I visualize everyone filled with Love and Light. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.22.22

    Today, amidst the flurry of activity, I rest in Divine Peace. I release any negatives to the Gentle Comforter within. Centering in Divinity I radiate Love and Light to all who may be isolated, ill, or troubled. I help create Loving Flow for the good of all, especially for those with any unmet need. I visualize the Loving Essence meeting every need. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.21.22

    As the veil thins between the astral and the physical with winter solstice, I center myself expanding my beingness to encompass the world. I fill everyone on all dimensions with Light and Love. All who may be transitioning from the physical to the astral are eased in and through Divine Peace. All is well. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 12.20.22

    Thank you, Creator, for our world’s caregivers, heroes all. Thank you for their selfless giving, for their commitment to all of us, to humanity. Today the Creator within me visualizes abundant Light and Love in all spouses, siblings, friends, parents, children, and professionals who give care to others. I am humbled at the love and light of all these loving beings. Thank you, Creator, for your Divine Essence in us.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 12.19.22

    In this season of Light, I am grateful. Thank you for unexpected gifts. Thank you, beloved Creator, for Love. Thank you for Life. Thank you for an abundant life for all of us. Thank you for this beautiful planet. Thank you for Light and Love. Thank you for Divine Energy. Thank you for Divine Rest in You. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.18.22

    As we celebrate the Season of Light, I know the Creator within me is radiating Divine Light and Love through me. Opening, I merge into Light and Love. Expanding, I radiate Light and Love to everyone and everything. I am a conduit of Light and Love through all dimensions. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.17.22

    Centering, I begin with gratitude for All That Is. I give thanks for all opportunities. Be they difficult or easy, I greet each opportunity with an open heart and mind. My centeredness and gratitude keeps me in the Universal Flow.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.16.22

    As national and international anniversaries of violence come and go, I center deep within expanding Love and Light into all of us who survive these tragedies. Love and Light fills each surviving family member and friend anchoring them as grief buffets their souls. All who suddenly transition during trauma are filled with Love and Light. All are cocooned in Love and Light. My efforts help magnify our shared dimensions in Love and Light. Thank you, Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.15.22

    As Congress readies for winter adjournment, I focus Divine Healing, Love, and Light on our representatives. The Creator within me visualizes our elected officials governing from the Creator within them to ensure the wellbeing of their constituents and our country. Anchoring Light, I aid them to realize their Divine Assignment to work together for the Good of All. And so, it is, Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.14.22

    The Energy that is All has room for us all. Expanding from deep with, I visualize everyone manifesting their divine missions. I lovingly visualize everyone having each and every need abundantly met. Today, I open my heart, mind, and soul to Universal Abundance. I visualize us all opening to Divine Abundance. There is room for us all at the Table of Life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 12.13.22

    I am free in Light and Love. I am a Light being. I am a Love being. I release any obstacles to my Oneness. I am free to feel God’s Joy. I am filled with wonderment as boundless joy overcomes me.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 12.12.22

    As the year moves forward, I focus Love, Light, Peace, and Divine Effectiveness on the Oval Office. From the Creator within, I visualize the Office of the Presidency resting on the Mantle of the Living Christ. Lovingly, I intensify the Light and Love so that all in the White House are divinely Guided for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.11.22

    The season of Light is a time to welcome the Living Christ within. Today, I welcome my High Self, the Living Christ within me. From my High Self, I am the hands of the Creator on this dimension. Today, I affirm I am in the right place, at the right time, saying, and doing the right thing for the Good of all. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.10.22

    As I entrain my mind in Source, I enter sacred space and focus on our Oneness. All of us have dreams, hopes, and wishes. Dreams, whether realized or not, are how we create. Today, I visualize each of us as the creators we are taking action to advance our dreams in Divine Oneness. For the Greater Good. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.9.22

    In this season of Light, “let your heart be light.” Today, I let my heart be light, I release any worries and fears to Light. “Let your heart be light.” I let my heart be Light. I am a Light Being. Thank you, dear Divinity, for this journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.8.22

    Light directs everything to Light and Love. As a knower, I affirm the Creator within everyone and everything guides each in Light and Love. We are all Guided on our paths to Oneness. Thank you, beloved Creator, for everyone, for everything, and especially for me. Thank you, beloved Creator, for You. Thank you for this journey of Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.7.22

    Moving into Oneness, I fill all who have suffered injury, both historically and present day with Light. Those of us who feel the emotional echo of past and present trauma are filled with Light and Love. Divine Peace, Light, and Love fills everyone on Earth. We embrace Peace. We are One. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 12.6.22

    Everything is energy. Everything has a frequency. Everything is of God. Today, I breathe and synchronize myself to the Divine frequency within me. Thank you, God, for the ability to tune into You.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 12.5.22

    In this season of Light, I focus within giving thanks for all that is. I visualize everyone filled with Light. Expanding further, the Creator within me fills all technological devices with Light. All social media is filled with Light and Love. Divine Light and Love direct all people everywhere. Thank you, dear Divinity for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.4.22

    Focusing Light on our exquisite planet and its evolving climate, I radiate Love and Light to all wildlife and people interacting with our wildernesses. Together we help anchor Light in our natural world. Light directs all species for the Good of All. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.3.22

    From the Creator within, I fill all families with Love and Light. All are safe in Divinity. As a Light worker, I help anchor Love, Light and Divine Abundance for the good of All. Today, I focus Love and Light on families, visualizing every need filled through Light and with Love. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.2.22

    As a knower, I affirm the Creator within everyone and everything guides each to Light and Love. Light guides us all. We are Guided on our paths to Oneness. All is well on all dimensions and so it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.1.22

    From the Creator within, I am grateful for my like-minded fellow Light beings. Today, I help anchor Light and Love in our world. Inhaling Light, I exhale Love and Gratitude helping to hold sacred space for Divine Calm. I visualize all of us realizing our Divine Essence as Light beings having a human Experience. Today, I hold space for Harmony. Amen.

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November 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.30.22

    Today, I give thanks focusing gratitude, Light and Love on our magnificent angelic kingdom. The Creator within me fills all angels and archangels with Light and Love. Beloved Angelic Kingdom, I am so grateful for your love, your help, and your constancy. Thank you, God, for our angels and their missions. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.29.22

    Centering in gratitude, I am deeply grateful for my many blessings. I am grateful for my ability to meditate and pray. Turning within, I know that everything is an opportunity for growth. I focus on Divine Flow in my life and I embrace change. Thank you, dear Divinity, for this path of Light.

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  • Please Include Us on Giving Tuesday

    On Giving Tuesday, the Light Center staff is grateful for all you give in Love, Light, and prayer.  Please take a moment to remember us financially. As a nonprofit, we are supported by donations. Thank you for your support!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.28.22

    Expanding from my High Self, I visualize us all filled with Love and Light on all dimensions. For those of us who are returning to work today, I envision crystalline Light infusing our workstations with Love and Light. Working together we create Love and Light throughout the remainder of this year and into the next. Thank you, Divine Source, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.27.22

    Centering in Source, I focus on those of us making a transition through physical death. I visualize radiant Light and Divine Love easing each soul through this “graduation”. I envision their families filled with Light, Love, and Peace. Despite circumstances we are One. One Heart. One Mind. One in Divinity. All is well. Life is progressing without end. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.26.22

    From the Creator within me I release any behaviors, foods, or substances that are not for my highest good to Light. I turn to the Creator within me to meet my dependency needs. Opening my heart, mind, and soul to Divinity, I am guided. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for this journey of awakening to who I truly am!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 11.25.22

    I am filled with gratitude for the Divine gift of our beautiful, natural world. Thank you, Mother-Father God, for Earth. Thank you for the plant, animal, mineral, and microbial kingdoms. Thank you for the trees that hold spiritual energy for us. Thank you for our natural world that nourishes us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Expanding, I fill our beloved planet with Love and Light for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.24.22

    On this Thanksgiving Day, I reach within and give thanks for all I have and all I am about to receive. Radiating Light, I focus to help us all open our hearts, minds, and souls to Divine Generosity. When the impulse to give comes, I give generously in thought, word, and deed. We are One. Thank you, Holy Spirit Within for You and for us All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.23.22

    Centering in Source, I focus on those of us coping with any illness, financial problem, or any other adversity. I visualize the Light and Love within each guiding us, easing each soul through this growth experience. I envision us all filled with Light, Love, and Peace. All is well. Life is progressing without end. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.22.22

    Today, I stand with my fellow world citizens. Regardless of race, creed, or gender, we are one. We are all Light Beings whether we know it or not. Today, I help anchor Divine Calm, Peace, Love, and Light. Today, I radiate Light to help change any negativity to Light. Our planet is a planet of Love and Light. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.21.22

    As I pray for our world, our economy comes to mind. The movement and flow of monies that support our endeavors on this plane. I focus intention and pray for the living flow of greenbacks, a plant-like system. Expanding into this flow of Green, I visualize needed monies moving to forward progress for all, for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.20.22

    Earth is a planet of Light. Earth is a planet of Love. Earth radiates Light and Love throughout the cosmos. And so it is, Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.19.22

    Centering within I pray for all those in need, filling my fellow world citizens with Light and Love. I visualize all our body’s chakras filled with empowering crystalline Light and Love. Schoolhouse Earth allows us all to learn and grow. Thank you, beloved Source, for this Journey to You. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 11.18.22

    As I go about my daily life, I find myself grateful for “little things”. Today I am grateful for my mind that can focus as I choose. Today, I choose to focus on the Creator within me. I gratefully focus mindful energy visualizing Light and Love for all. Thank you, beloved Creator, for me. Thank you for shared Light and Love for All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.17.22

    Today, I give thanks for the grace and generosity of our health care providers and first responders. From the Creator within me, I fill all these noble professionals with Love and Light. I visualize them safe and secure in a bubble of Light and Love on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.16.22

    Connecting within, I am grateful for Oneness. My daily meditation provides a safe haven as I negotiate the twists and turns of daily life. Connecting in Oneness, I slow- filling myself with Divine Peace, Love, and Light. Resting in Oneness, faith rises within. Breathing, I know all is well. All is well. All is well.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.15.22

    From deep within I affirm: Light guides the United States of America. Light guides the Executive branch of the U.S. Light guides the Legislative branch of the U.S. Light guides the Judicial branch of the U.S. Light guides all who live in the U.S. Light guides everyone and everything. We are One, One Heart, One Mind. One. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.14.22

    Praying for our beloved beautiful planet, I help anchor Light and Love to off-set any anxiety so many are experiencing. There is so much Light! Today, I help create more Light, more Love to fuel energies to help maintain and heal our beautiful spaceship Earth.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.13.22

    On world kindness day, I merge with my High Self expanding Divine Peace, Calm, Love, and Light to everyone and everything. Pure crystalline strands of Divine Understanding weave together everyone and everything. All beings extend themselves in Divine Kindness creating Heaven on Earth. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.12.22

    As I merge with the Creator within me I find myself overcome with emotion. My human frailties rise to be healed. Breathing deeply, I release my feelings to Light. Opening, I embrace Mother-Father Divinity within me. I am comforted in Presence. I am filled gratitude for God’s Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.10.22

    Today, opening within to Divinity I realize I am God’s hands in this dimension. I open my heart, mind, and soul to Spirit. I ask to be a clear instrument of Divine Will. From deep within, I release all impediments to Oneness. Thank you, beloved God, for Divine Connection.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.9.22

    As I think of my fellow Light beings, I am buoyed by the actions of the many heroes, sung and unsung, we have in our world. Working together, we can make progress – creating Heaven on Earth. Light and Love create Good on Earth. Thank you, God, for Light. Thank you, God, for Love. Thank you, God, for this life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.8.22

    Considering my fellow citizens, U.S., and world, I anchor myself in Love and Light visualizing our nation filled with Light. I visualize our world filled with Light. I am a Light Being. Centered within I declare: Light guides our nation. Light guides our world. Stepping out in Faith I help create Love and Light for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.7.22

    If I don’t know what to do, I center deep within. Staying centered in the Presence within me, I know with Divine Knowingness what to do. I know I am called to model the Divine Presence Within for all people. Doing my best, I model God’s truth, grace, presence, and spontaneity for all. Thank you, beloved God, for your Guidance.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.6.22

    Today, from the Creator within me, I am grateful for courage, my own and that of others. As I face forward to my and our beloved planet’s future, I expand from my center of Light, my solar plexus, taking our world within me to aid in transforming all emotional, social, and physical storms to Light and Love. I help anchor Light and Love on all dimensions. I declare: All is well.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.5.22

    As I center within, I am guided to pray for the U.S. From the Creator within me I fill the mid-term elections with Light and Love. Light guides the elections. Light guides the American electorate. Light and Love creates Good in the election. Light and Love creates Good in our country. Light and Love creates Good in our world. Thank you, dearest Source for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 11.4.22

    Centering from the Creator within, I visualize all of us working together to create Divine Unity. As I expand to encompass our world I magnify Light and Love to help increase Unity. We are One and so it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.3.22

    As I open myself, Spirit stirs within me. Today, I give thanks for the knowledge that we are ONE. All is well. No Matter What. The Divine has a plan and on the astral level the template is prepared, and it is Perfect. Expanding from Spirit I hold Peace for All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.2.22

    On the Day of the Dead, All Souls’ Day, I give thanks for the many generations who came before me. I am grateful for my ancestors’ work. From my High Self, I radiate Light filling my transitioned loved ones and past generations with Light and Love. I stand on the shoulders of those who came before me and I am grateful for their contributions to me, my life, and our world. I hold them in Light and Love. And so, it is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.1.22

    Celebrating All Saint’s Day in a new way, I consider the many Light Beings and Saints who exist on various dimensions. I give thanks for those Beings. I give thanks for the example they have set for me and the Love and Light they have created. Breathing deeply, I expand centering Love and Light for us all as we knowingly or unknowingly strive to complete our spiritual missions.

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October 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.31.22

    Samhain, the night the veil thins between heaven and earth, I expand from the Creator within me, filling everyone and everything with Love and Light. Immersed in Divine Flow I am helping create a New Heaven on Earth. Thank you, dear Divinity for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.30.22

    Sitting in silent communication with Source, I radiate Divine Peace, Love, and Light within our world and its people. I know we are all God’s chosen Ones. We choose. We choose God’s path of Love and Light. I focus, intensifying Love and Light in social media. Turning, I expand Love and Light in churches, synagogues, and mosques. I visualize Light in everyone so all may know we are all God’s chosen people. With Love, I help anchor this Truth.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.29.22

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I release unhealthy use of any substances, food, drink, or behaviors to Light. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. The Creator within meets my every need. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.28.22

    Expanding deep within I focus Light and Love on Ukraine and Russia. I visualize all people filled with Divine Love. I visualize Light guiding every mind, heart, and soul. I visualize all minds open to Light and Love. I visualize Divine Peace saturating the area on all dimensions. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.27.22

    The Creator with me creates Divine Light, Love, and Peace within all climate change. Stormy weather is Nature’s way of transforming negative energy. Light directs climate change for the Greater Good. Everyone and everything are safe in a Divine Bubble of Love and Light. There is only Light and Love. All is well.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.26.22

    Continuing the process of embracing the power of my high Self, the Living Christ within, I reflect on empowerment as a process, sometimes two steps forward, one step back. Today, I gently step out in faith, walking through and releasing my fears to Light and Love. Thank you, beloved God, for guiding me on this journey of enlightenment.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.25.22

    If I hesitate or don’t know my next step, I turn within opening to the Creator asking for Divine Guidance. I do not judge myself. Sitting in silence, I wait for clarification from my High Self. As I wait, I release my personal will affirming “Thy will, not my will”. Thank you, sweet Source for Your Guidance.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.24.22

    The United Nations is filled with Light and Love. Each UN member opens his or her heart to the Divine within. Each member willingly accepts the Mantle of the Living Christ and is divinely guided to serve for the Good of All. The United Nations, through the Power of the Creator within, LEADS the world’s nations to protect and serve the world’s peoples. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.23.22

    Moving into Oneness, I focus Love and Light in and on our country and in all countries. I visualize Light casting clarity on leadership in our country and in all countries around our world. Our world is filled with Light and Divine Love. Light and Love create Good in our world. Thank you, beloved Divinity for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.22.22

    Today I embrace my Power in the Divine. I am the Living Christ. I envision Light and Love empowering people to create Good on planet Earth and so it is. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for helping us all make it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.21.22

    Considering birthdays, such a courageous act – coming through into the physical, to learn more, do more, BE more. To work towards Oneness. Reflecting on this act of faith, I am humbled. Turning within, I fill all having birthdays with Joy, Love, and Light. Expanding, I focus Love and Light back through the last 364 days, filling all people who have had birthdays with Love and Light. Thank you, God, for my fellow Light beings.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.20.22

    Stepping back from the world’s chatter, from deep within I focus on Divine Intelligence. Merging with Divine Intelligence, I focus prayer energy on all people opening their hearts, minds, and souls to Divine Intelligence. I visualize crystalline strands of Divine Intelligence connecting to all, anchoring us in Divinity. I visualize all empowered from the Creator within, each of us making choices for the Greater Good.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.19.22

    Today I affirm: My life’s tasks are easily achieved, in an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way, in a timely fashion, for the Greater Good. Amen. (Marc Allen)

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.18.22

    There is only Energy. As I sit with this truth I am flooded with Light. From deep within, I radiate Divine Energy to all our world’s governments. All governments are filled with Light and Love. All non-governmental organizations are filled with Light and Love. I visualize increasing awareness for everyone. We are one in the All That Is. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.17.22

    Focusing on my physicality, I declare: My cells are Light. My skeletal system is Light. My muscular system is Light. My nervous system is Light. My sensory systems are Light. My endocrine system is Light. My circulatory system is Light. My respiratory system is Light. My digestive system is Light. My urinary system is Light. My reproductive system is Light. My body’s bacteria are Light. I am a Light Being. I radiate Light throughout my body. I radiate Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for me, and for All That Is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.16.22

    Pondering one of the twelve attributes of the Tree of Life, Divine Rest, I affirm I can rest in the Divine knowing all is well. All perceived problems have a Divine solution. Today, I rest in Spirit renewing myself in Quiet. Today, I attend minute by minute to my High Self. Giving thanks for the Connection within, I rest in the knowledge that all is well.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.15.22

    In prayer, the Creator within me focuses Love and Light in our world’s jails and prison systems. The Creator within me radiates Love and Light for all of us in any type of prison, physical or mental, imposed by others or by self. The Creator within provides Divine Freedom for all, that we may be free to fulfill our sacred missions for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.14.22

    Expanding from the Creator within me, I focus on the needs of everyone and everything. The Creator within all people, flora, and fauna fills them with Love, Light, and Prosperity. Every need is abundantly met. All are divinely guided to places, habitats, people, and services that provide for all needs. We are One, we are connected on all levels. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, there is abundance to meet every need for all species in this beautiful dimension. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.13.22

    From deep within I affirm “I Am one with Divine Calm.” I Am Divine Calm. I radiate Divine Calm. We are Divine Calm. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for the creation of Divine Calm for all. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.12.22

    Praying for our beloved world and its creatures, I fill our land, air, and waters with Light and Love. I visualize all climate change directed by Light. As a Light Being I help anchor Love and Light. Thank you, God, for your Divine Guidance.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.11.22

    “Be positive! You are the Light of the World.” Today, I immerse myself in revolutionary optimism knowing We are the light of the world. In Divine Connection I expand anchoring Love, Light, the optimism of faith, and Joy. I am grateful for my ability to stay in the Divine Flow. I am in the right place, at the right time, praying, saying, and doing the right things for the Greater Good. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.10.22

    On this sacred day of Light and Love, I embrace Indigenous People’s Day and Columbus Day, filling all people with Love and Light. I visualize all of us releasing our ancestral and personal injuries to Light and Love. Today, in meditation and prayer, I hold sacred space for Divine Harmony for all, as a rainbow family of people on the divine path to Oneness. Thank you, sweet Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.9.22

    Today, I extend myself to encompass Earth filling it with Light and Love. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for the nurturing beauty of our fantastic planet. Thank you, for our beloved wild spaces and wildlife from whom we have much to learn. Thank you for ever better stewardship of our planet as we safeguard all wildlife now and forevermore. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.8.22

    As I open myself, Spirit stirs within me. Today, I give thanks for the knowledge that we are ONE. All is well. No Matter What. The Divine has a plan and on the astral level the template is prepared, and it is Perfect. Expanding from Spirit I hold Peace for All. Amen.

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September 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.27.22

    Happiest are those who have sought and found a way to serve” (Albert Schweitzer). As I ponder this quote during these turbulent times, I am inspired to gratitude for all that I have, all that I am, and for my purpose as a Light Being. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for you, for me, for Life. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.26.22

    At dusk last night, the Jewish New Year was welcomed in. Looking back, it is considered the start of humanity, when Adam and Eve were created. Looking forward, I welcome a messianic age when all are Enlightened Beings. Today, I create Good, filling all people, especially those celebrating the High Holy Days with Love and Light. All are in a bubble of Love and Light and are safe and secure in that Divine Bubble. Thank you, dearest Creator, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.25.22

    Today, I am thankful for the daughters in our lives. The role of daughter is unique. It encompasses friend, companion, keeper-of-family traditions, often care giver. I give thanks for all young women on planet Earth, all daughters who add grace and joy enrichening us all. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.24.22

    Praying for our beautiful nature world, I am filled with awe for the power of nature. Our weather systems are filled with Light. They are filled with Love. Merging with the wind and water in meditation I breathe Light and Love into them. All peoples effected by weather are filled with Light. Expanding, I fill our first responders with Light, Love and Gratitude for their holy mission to protect aid all of us.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.23.22

    Pondering Native American Day, I bow to the Divine in all Native Americans. Joining in Oneness, I honor each for their service to our natural world. Native American spiritual traditions help guide us all. From deep within, I feel a depth of gratitude to Native American culture and the Light Beings who have cared for our beloved Earth for eons and continue to lead as environmental activists. All our Native American tribes are filled with Light and Love. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.22.22

    Treasuring autumn, I embrace cooler temperatures and shorter days. As a Light Being, I fill our world’s climate with Light and Love. The Creator within all guides all to create Good through thought, prayer, and action. Today and every day we enable action to protect our fragile fantastic planet. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.21.22

    Slipping into Oneness, I merge with Divinity. Riding the energy I feel the Peace that surpasses all understanding. I am so grateful for my peace. Expanding myself to encompass the world, I join with others filling our world with Peace. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.20.22

      Moving through my day, I meditate on joy in Flow. Divine Flow. I declare: I am a Light Being. I am filled with Light. I am a Love Being. I am filled with Love. Today as I connect in Flow and am Guided I focus on areas of weather events, filling all our world with Love and Light. We are one in Divinity. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.19.22

    Focusing Love and Light on the many souls who are unexpectedly transitioning to the afterlife, I feel a need to expand and anchor Light on their behalf. Deepening within, I visualize these souls releasing any negative emotions and being cleansed in Light. All are filled with Divine Peace and Love. Of those left behind, I declare: the Creator within each enables them to change their grief to Love and Light. All beings join in Love and Light finding Divine Peace. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.18.22

    Touching in today, I feel the gift of Presence and I am filled with gratitude. Expanding, I radiate Light and Love through our world. I visualize Divine Calm, Peace, Love, and Harmony filling each world citizen. Again visualizing, I see Divine Abundance flowing to and through all our world’s cities and countrysides filling everyone with Love and Light. Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.17.22

    Praying for unity within my fellow Light beings, I expand from deep within visualizing all people as One. We are One. One Heart, a shared Oneness with the Creator within each of us. We are One. Joining with others I help anchor Divine Harmony and Peace. A Oneness of all beings.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.16.22

    All families are filled with Light and Love. Families are the laboratory of creation through which souls come. From the Creator within me I release my family to Light and Love. My family is filled with Light and Love and I release them to Light. All families are filled with Light and Love. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.15.22

    “All forms of light come with some form of shadows.” (Amanda Gorman, 2021) Today, knowing Light attracts shadow, I keep myself in a Bubble of Light on all dimensions. Purifying myself with Light, I also visualize our beloved planet being purified. There need be no drama, just a Bubble of Light. It’s simple. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for meeting my need for your Protection. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.14.22

    Deep in meditation and prayer, I focus on Spirit flowing through me and declare Love and Light is channeled to those of us in need of healing; to those of us in need of help, especially those of us touched by homelessness, poverty, loneliness, or mental health issues. I co-create with Spirit flowing through me to aid in creation of Heaven on Earth for All. Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.13.22

    From deep within I visualize filling all world governments with Light and Love. Light clarifies, revealing everything on all dimensions. I visualize all world leaders harmoniously working together for the benefit of all and for the benefit of our sacred environment. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.12.22

    I am Light. I am Love. I am one with the Divine. I am Divine!  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.11.22

    Turning within, I release any sadness about man’s inhumanity to man. Expanding, I focus Love and Light within all who have lost loved ones due to acts of terror. Today, I help magnify Love and Light within all who are injured and-or who seek to injure others. Each of us praying and acting for Good helps focus Love and Light on all so we may truly become the family of Divine Man. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.10.22

    Focusing, I inhale Light exhaling Love. I purposely create healing Peace. And I am comforted. Expanding, I encompass Earth, visualizing Peace filling our world. Serenity, Love, and Light flows through all. Thank you, God, for this mission of Love.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.9.22

    Praying for everyone making a transition from the physical to the nonphysical life, I fill them with Divine Love and Light. Expanding from Source within, I visualize all left-behind-loved-ones filled with Love and Light. All grief, hurt, and anger are changed to Light. Today, I help enrich Harmony, Peace, Love, and Light within everyone and everything. Amen  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.8.22

    Today, from deep within I purify and cleanse each cell of my body with Light. Standing at the gate of my thoughts, I release negative thoughts to Light. As I monitor my thoughts, it aids in clearing our world’s thought pollution. Moving deeper, I release and change to Light any fears helping to lessen our world’s darkness. Little by little, slowly we turn to Light and Oneness. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.7.22

    Breathing from the Creator within me, I focus Love and Light on the divisiveness in America. I visualize all in America opening their hearts, minds, and souls to Divine Love. All are directed by Light and Love. Today, I help hold space for Love and Harmony.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.6.22

    As children start school in earnest, I reach out from deep within filling all schools and school systems with Light and Love. I visualize all students, teachers, and employees protected in a bubble of Light on all dimensions. Today, we, as Light workers help anchor Light and Love everywhere for everyone. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.5.22

    Today, as I rest from my labor, I consider the notion: we began to labor as we turned from Divine Love. Today, I rest in Spirit knowing that I can imbue my work with love. This day allows renewal in the Divine. Thank you, God, for this day and every day. Thank you for meaningful work. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.4.22

    I am open to the Living Light that is my essence. I am one with the All. I expand Light and Love. I rest in Oneness. And so, it is.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.3.22

    The Creator within me creates Love and Light in and through all unexpected weather events. All fires, floods, and earthquakes across our world are filled with Love and Light Our world’s people are filled with Love and Light. Light directs climate change for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.2.22

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I radiate Light and Love throughout my being. The Loving Light of the Creator nourishes me. I am empowered as the Light Being I am. As I do this for myself, I expand – radiating Light. We are truly Beings of Light and Love.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.1.22

    Connecting to Source I ride the spiritual wave of Divine energy. I gently press personal expansion of my human boundaries to consciously feel All That Is. Releasing my fear, I surrender to Divine Flow. Sweet, sweet Spirit, my cup truly does runneth over. Thank you, for this sacred, conscious, not-always-easy-to-surrender Path of Light. Thank you. Amen.  

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August 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.31.22

    “Spirit energy hovers in our midst, as we attune to Love and awaken to the Joy of Oneness.” Linda Joy Montgomery (1998)  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.30.22

    As energy on our planet continues to shift, I embrace change. I consciously breathe giving thanks for All That Is. The Creator within me, that consciousness, guides and directs me. I am in the right place at the right time, thinking, saying, and doing the right thing for the Greater Good. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.29.22

    Considering all who are suffering any illness, I expand from deep within and fill each soul with Love and Light. Moving into this energy, I expand the concept of boundaries and limitations. The Creator within me changes all limitations within each of us to Light. We are Light Beings without limits. We are limitless in the Divine. Thank you, Dearest Divinity for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.28.22

    From the Creator within me, I visualize our exquisite planet filled with Love and Light. Setting intention from the Creator within me, I expand Love and Light within our Divine home. I find myself overcome – with love and gratitude for the incredible gift of our beautiful natural world. Thank you, Mother-Father God, for our world. Thank you for all things working together for the Good of All.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.27.22

    As I think of all of us on Spaceship Earth, I expand from deep within and fill us with Light and Divine Love. Everyone is coping with some type of challenge. Spaceship Earth is a schoolhouse, and we are all learning our lessons at different speeds. Today I visualize all of us filled with Light and Love, able to put down our resistance to change, able to accept Grace and speed our learning process. Thank you, Divine Presence, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.26.22

    Today, I salute man’s best friend, the dog. Many Light beings are alone. While we pray and meditate, giving and receiving love and nourishment, a dog’s presence can be grounding and affirming. All entities are rising toward the Divine. Thank you, God, for the Divinity in man’s best friend. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.25.22

    “In seizing the moment, you find heaven.” – Rodney Padgett Today I seize the day, finding peace in Divine Flow. I am elevated, reaching out to expand this Peace to all. I realize, again, Heaven is a state of consciousness. Thank you, beloved God, for Heaven in life. Thank you, for the ability to experience Heaven now.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.24.22

    I am a prism that refracts beams of Divine Light. I am a Light being. I am a Love being. I help anchor Light and Love here on Earth. I am Divine.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.23.22

    The Energy that is All, has room for us all. Expanding from deep with, I visualize everyone manifesting their divine missions. With gentle intent, I visualize everyone having each and every need abundantly met. Today, I open my heart, mind, and soul to Universal Abundance. There is room for us all at the Table of Life.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.22.22

    As I reflect on children returning to school, I expand from my High Self to fill all schools and school systems with Love and Light. I envision all students and their families filled with Love and Light. I picture all teachers and school employees filled with Love and Light. I visualize all schools secure in their own bubbles of Light. Expanding into the universe, I see the crystalline bubbles of schools connected around the world; a shimmering web of Love and Light. And so, it is. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.21.22

    From the Creator within me, I reach out in Light to those of us who feel lonely, afraid, or ill. Today, I expand filling our family of man with Light and Love. Today, I visualize all of us and our beloved Earth filled with radiant Light. Today I help hold space – anchoring Peace, Divine Calm, Light and Love for all. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.20.22

    Joining with others in my meditation-prayer, I help create Peace, Love, and Light in all nations. I fill North America with Love and Light. I fill Central America with Love and Light. I fill South America with Love and Light. I fill Europe with Love and Light. I fill Asia with Love and Light. I fill Africa with Love and Light. I fill Antarctica with Love and Light. I fill Australia with Love and Light. Our wonderful world is filled with Love and Light on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.19.22

    Thank you, dearest Divinity, for you within me. Thank you for my divine Connection with You. I am ever so grateful for Connection. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.18.22

    As I think of my fellow Light beings, I am buoyed by the actions of the many heroes we have on our beloved Earth. We create change working toward Heaven on Earth. Thank you, God, for Light. Thank you, God, for Love. Thank you, God, for this life and our ability to create. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.17.22

    The creator within me changes any outdated concepts to Light. Any misinformation within me is deprogrammed. I embrace my Light. I embrace my Divine Inheritance. I am one with the Creator within me. I listen only to the Divine Voice within. Thank you for my ability to hear. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.16.22

    Praying for our world I release my sadness at our turmoil. I think of Rumi who said: “Out beyond right and wrong, there is a field. I will meet you there.” Maybe it’s a cliché, but today, it feels right – today, I step out into that metaphorical field of Love. I step out in Love asking Light to direct my actions. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for Your Love, Your Light, and Your Guidance. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.15.22

    As I turn within, finding respite from the world. I let the mundane fall away. I let the chatter and talking heads go. I center in Divinity and feel loved. Expanding, I visualize all people filled with Love and Light. I remember God is the Energy that underlies each and every living thing. I relax and know this Truth. And so, it is, Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.14.22

    The Creator within me fills our world with Love and Light. Holy Spirit expands Love within everyone. Holy Spirit expands Light within everyone. Everyone is Divine. Everything is Divine. I am Divine. Thank you, Spirit, for your Creation!  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.13.22

    Climate change is directed by Light for the Good of All. As I help create Good in climate change, I visualize any discomfort or suffering changing to Light. I visualize all creatures’ suffering changing to Light. I visualize all plants’ suffering changing to Light. Everything is filled with Light and Love. Everyone is filled with Light and Love. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.12.22

    As I go about my daily life, I find myself grateful for little things. Flowering plants, rest, sunshine, laughter… I am grateful for my mind that I can focus as I choose. Today, I choose to focus on the Creator within me. I am grateful for the ability to focus mindful energy in prayer to create Good for All. Thank you, beloved Creator, for me.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.11.22

    Today, I give thanks to parents for rearing the newest generation of Light beings. Parents teach character and morals by living their lives in front of their children. Our way of life, ethics, love, and sense of play comes from our parents. I am grateful to all sons and daughters who are choosing to be born now. I am grateful to parents for doing their best to rear wonderful citizens of the world. I visualize families filled with Love and Light.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.10.22

    Centering in Divinity, I help anchor Light, Love, and Divine Clarity in the U.S. government and in all governments around planet Earth. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.9.22

    Today, it is enough to center, meditate, and hold space for the highest Good for All. Centering I radiate Light and Love. Visualizing, I see crystalline Energy radiating from everyone’s solar plexus. I help hold space for an age of enlightenment for All. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.8.22

    Opening to the energy of the Divine within me, I declare: “I am a Creator-In-Action on our beloved planet”. I co-create with Divinity and I am Guided to be in the right place, at the right time, thinking, praying, saying, and doing the right things for the Good of All. Thank you, Beloved Divinity for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.7.22

    Centering in Source, I find Truth is revealed and expressed. I am shown how to navigate any plight. I am given strength through Divine Communion. I am encouraged and enabled to don my spiritual armor. I am empowered to face both personal dilemmas and worldly turmoil. Thank you, God, for this divine partnership in Your Love and Light. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.6.22

    As I think of all of us on Spaceship Earth, I expand from deep within and fill us with Light and Divine Love. Everyone is coping with some type of challenge. Spaceship Earth is a schoolhouse, and we are all learning our lessons at different speeds. Today I visualize all of us filled with Light and Love, able to put down our resistance to change, able to accept Grace and speed our learning process. Thank you, Divine Presence, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.5.22

    Today, I stay centered in breath. I breathe slowing, rhythmically. Any challenge is met from my centered Self. I am walking through the day with Divine Courage. Courage inspired and fed by my Connection. Thank you, sweet Source, for my connection in Light and Love. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.4.22

    As I pray for our bacterial and viral kingdoms, I fill these kingdoms with Love and Light. Each has its own intelligence that mutates to fulfill its mission. From deep within, I fill all mutations with Love and Light. We ourselves are mutating, changing, every day. Today, I visualize everything and everyone mutating to enhance Harmony, Peace, and Love within All. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.3.22

    As my Consciousness expands, I become aware of a wish to isolate; a wish to dumb down awareness. Centering, I change my increased sensitivity to Light. As my perception increases, I am learning all things will become transparent. I am learning that Spirit within me will increase my tolerance and understanding to match my growing awareness of All That Is. Thank you, God, for this journey of discovery.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.2.22

    The Creator within me creates Love and Light in our world’s fires, floods, and storms. Light directs all climate change and climate related weather. Any souls making their transition to another level of existence are filled with Love and Light. No matter where- all of us are safe within a Bubble of Love and Light. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.1.22

    Focusing deep within, I visualize Light filling and guiding our world’s governments. All governments are Light. Our world’s people are Light. Our world is filled with Divine Love. Love and Light guide our world from a Divine Template. All is well. And so, it is. Amen.  

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July 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.31.22

    Nighttime is moon time and gives us the gift of rest. Today, I am grateful for Divine Rest. I am filled with gratitude for our daily cycles. With infinite wisdom Divinity gave us time to rest, rejuvenate, and consolidate our learning. Touching into Source I am filled to overflowing. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for our daily turn.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.30.22

    Today is International Day of Friendship. I am filled with gratitude for my friends and my friendships. These friends are my chosen family. Friends help me stay connected to a shared reality. Friends help me center when I start to question myself. Friends help me have fun! Friends are a gift from Spirit. I am filled with deep gratitude and love for my friends and for the interactions and relationships I have with them. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.29.22

    We are One, whether we know it or not, what happens to one happens to all. From Spirit within, I visualize all creatures, all plants, all living entities on this planet filled with Love and Light. Expanding, I visualize our Mother Earth filled with Love and Light. Spirit fills each molecule on this dimension with Divine Love and Light. We are One. One Heart. One Destiny. And, so, it is. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.28.22

    God works on a need-to-know basis. I don’t know The Big Picture because I may not yet have the capacity to digest it. As I release, more is revealed. Opening my heart, I release fear and anxiety. I open my heart and I see miracles every day. I open my heart and joy comes in, easing ambiguity. I am reminded Source is my spiritual safety net. Thank you, Sweet Source for this exciting journey of discovery.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.27.22

    As I pray for our world and its people, I consider our global economy, the movement and flow of monies. Focusing intention, I pray for the living flow of greenbacks, a plant-like system. Expanding myself into this Green flow, I visualize needed monies moving to where it is most essential for everyone, for everything, for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.26.22

    The Creator within me creates Love and Light in and through fires across our world. All unexpected weather and resulting challenges are filled with Divine Love and Light. Worldwide, our first responders are filled with Love and Light. They are guided in their missions to save lives, lands, and homes. All beings, whether plant, insect, animal, or human, are filled with Love and Light. All are safe within a Bubble of Love and Light. Thank you, God for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.25.22

    Sometimes, I find myself at a crossroads needing a sign. Stepping out in faith, as a spiritual scientist, I collect data on a subject of one, myself. “Basic research is what I am doing when I don’t know what I am doing.” (Werner Von Braun). If this is a basic research day, I say “Thank you, God”. I choose to reach within in faith, becoming One with All in my process of growth. And so, it is. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.24.22

    Reflecting on parenting, a 24/7 role that is sometimes pure joy and often not, I visualize parenting filled with Divine Ease. All parents are filled with Love and Light. Parents are Divinely Guided for the good of their children and people everywhere. Families are the building block of society. The Creator within parents fills all families with Love and Light for the Good of All. And so, it is. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.23.22

    Thank you, unseen Light Beings, for being here. Thank you for helping anchor Light and Love on Earth. Thank you, dearest angels, fairies, and friends of Light for all you do for us on this dimension. It helps to know we are not alone in our most perfect work. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.22.22

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I am a Light Being. I am filled with Light. I radiate Light and Love throughout my being. The Loving Light of the Creator nourishes me. I am empowered as the Light Being I am. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light and Love.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.21.22

    Today, I declare from deep within, I am loved. I am Love. I am Light. I am wise. I am strong. I am healthy. I am grateful. I am powerful. I am one with Divinity I am Divine. I am Joyful! I am One!  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.20.22

    Again, I am reminded: the keys to the Kingdom come as I release any personal negatives to Light. One by one, it is a gradual process. Today, I release my worry, anger, and fear to Light. Today, I step out in faith – trusting the Creator within me to guide me on my path to Oneness. Today, I take my courage in hand and Trust. Thank you, beloved Creator, for this journey to Oneness.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.19.22

    Light directs climate change to Light. Light and Love direct all weather patterns to Light for the Good of All. Thank you, dear Divinity, for making it so.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.18.22

    Today, I visualize our beloved planet Earth filled with Love and Light on all dimensions. Today and every day, I am in the right place at the right time, listening, thinking, saying, and doing the right thing for the Good of All. I help likeminded Beings hold the frequencies of Love, Light, and Peace for all in this dimension. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.17.22

    Today, I rest enjoying the fruits of my labor. Regardless of what I see and hear, all that truly matters is Love and Light. Today, I rest my heart in Spirit. Divine Connection is truly the pinnacle of worldly success. All else is smoke and mirrors. I rest in Ease, Grace and Glory.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.16.22

    Today, I confirm that the Creator within me gives me all the insights and information I need. If I pay attention, I can trust I will receive all needed messages from my High Self. I affirm I trust the Creator within me. I trust myself. I trust God. Thank you, High Self, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.15.22

    I release my preconceived notions of marriage to Light. Holding the institution of marriage in Light, I understand that it is a vehicle for completing Divine missions, together and separately. Married to life partners or married to God, this union creates Love and Light for All. Thank you, God, for this yoke of Love and Light.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.14.22

    From deep within, I focus Light and Love on all of us who are in war torn areas, ill, impoverished or imprisoned in mind, body or spirit. I visualize the Creator within each suffering soul opening to release discomfort and find ease, comfort, and peace within Thy Mercy. Thank you, Beloved God, for your Tender Mercy.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.13.22

    We dedicate the energy of our prayers to benefit all Sentient beings throughout time, space, and mind. May the power of our prayers increase to help others know their perfection as one with Divinity. Amen. (Revision of the Tibetan dedication of Merit; offered by Jacquelyn Sendak- Zavaleta)  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.12.22

    Focusing on our planet, I think about litter and littering. Suspending judgment, I fill those who litter with Love and Light. We all litter, knowingly or not, trash out of a window, words out of a mouth. Today, I fill all with Love and Light. Today, I litter our world with Love and Light holding space for a new heaven on Earth.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.11.22

    I find myself grateful for my many blessings. Yes, there are challenges, and these help me grow. As I consciously breathe, I am filled with gratitude. Today, I pay it forward, acting locally and praying globally for the Good of All. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for my many gifts.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.10.22

    Pondering one of the twelve attributes of the Tree of Life, Divine Rest, I allow myself to rest in the Divine. I know all is well despite possible outward appearances. Life on Earth is a sacred learning experience. We are Light beings learning to become One. Thank you, God, for Oneness.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.9.22

    From the Creator within me, I fill any out-of-control fires on our beloved planet with Light and Love. I visualize and affirm Light directs these fires to Light. Light directs the fire-determined weather patterns to Light. Light and Divine Love fill all living beings. Light and Love fill our atmosphere. Light directs climate change for the Good of All. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.8.22

    Merging with Divinity I declare: I am in the right place, at the right time, thinking, saying, and doing the right things for the Good of All. I am grateful for my God-given ability to co-create. Thank you, God, for this journey of Life.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.7.22

    We are One, whether we know it or not, what happens to one happens to all. The Creator within me releases the pain of man’s inhumanity to man. Spirit fills each injured party with Divine Love and Light. The Creator within each person changes injury to Love and Light. Confusion is transformed to Light bringing Clarity and Love. We are One. And, so, it is. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.6.22

    From my High Self, I visualize our world filled with Light. Crystalline strands of Light weave a radiant tapestry. Immersing myself in this creative endeavor, I visualize Light and Love filling our physical dimension. Everyone and everything are bathed in Light and Love. Thank you, Divine Essence, for this template of Light and Love.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.5.22

    As we return to our work-a-day jobs, I remember: “Work is love made visible” (Khalil Gibran). In carrying out my work from my High Self, I know the Creator within me Guides me. I work and pray with loving intention for the Good of All. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.4.22

    Amidst the parades and John Philip Sousa, I turn within visualizing a nation whose leaders and citizens are truly free. A nation where each of us is free of worry, fear, anxiety, and self-doubt. Today, I visualize the U.S. filled with Love and Light, a nation that upholds dignity for all. Our beautiful country is filled with creative Light Beings who are working for Good. Together we hold space for Unity for us All.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.3.22

    Today I rest, comforted in Divine Presence. Anything that wells up to be released, I fill with Love and Light and I release it. Only through facing, loving, and releasing fear am I free to be who I truly am: a Light Being. Thank you, beloved Creator, for our ability to choose Love. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.2.22

    Turning within I fill all generations beneath me with Love and Light. As I find myself becoming an elder, I realize prayer is the most potent gift I have to offer. Visualizing from the Creator within me, I see our world’s young people as they truly are: co-creators with the Divine. Our world’s young citizens are filled with Love and Light. All are able to easily access Spirit within them. And, so it is. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.1.22

    Today, is international Joke Day, so… how many Light beings does it take to screw in a light bulb? Twelve – one to screw in the bulb and 11 to anchor the Light! Humor is leavening for our emotional bodies. Humor is our birthright; it helps us in “Lightening” up. It enhances resiliency to aid in achieving Oneness. Today, I use my God given humor to ease my life and the lives of others. “…Heaven is the birthplace of laughter.” ~Martin Luther  

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June 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.30.22

    Sometimes I receive a “Divine download,” information with a To-Do list attached. Taking a deep breath, I step out in Faith. “First you leap, then you grow wings” (Wm. Sloan Coffin). Today, I am grateful for the courage to leap in faith. Thank you, God, for my faith and my courage. Thank you for showing me the way, the truth and Your Light.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.29.22

    Today, I anchor myself in God’s constancy. I remember that God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the universe for the Good of All. I center in that Truth. And so, it is, Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.28.22

    Centering, I gently release all judgments of others. Regardless of appearances, all are Light Beings. Today, I focus prayerful energy on all our disenfranchised brothers and sisters. Those living on the margins of society, who may appear as “other” to us, play as important a role in cosmic creation as do those who appear mainstream. From the Creator within me, I fill all with Love and Light. I pray globally as I act locally embracing all in Love and Light. We are all part of the Oneness.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.27.22

    All perceived problems have a Divine solution. From deep within, I am reassured there is a template for any needed solutions. This template already exists in the meta-dimension. Breathing deeply, I stay connected to Source. I wait for the Divine Solution to be revealed. I breathe, trust, pray, and do my daily work as I wait for revelation. Thank you, Dearest Creator for my Journey of Light.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.26.22

    Today, I give thanks for Divine Rest. Today, I rest in Spirit, renewing myself in Quiet. Today, I minimize, focusing on the moment, attending minute by minute to my High Self. Giving thanks for the Connection within, I rest in the knowledge that despite any perceived inner or outer chaos, all is well. And so, it is. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.25.22

    Turning within, I find respite from the world. I let the mundane fall away. I let the chatter and talking heads go. Centering in Divinity, I focus Love and Light on the United States and on the world. I fill the U.S. with Love and Light. I fill our world with Love and Light. We are One on all dimensions. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.24.22

    Thank you, God, for my place in the universe. Thank you, God, for me being part of you. Thank you, God, for my “Light-ness”. Thank you, God, for me being part of All That Is. Thank you, God, for you. Thank you, God, for me.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.23.22

    As I ponder transitioning from the physical to the metaphysical plane, I visualize all souls leaving their earthly body filled with crystal clear Light and Love. Light aids them in their transition. I visualize them easily finding their way to their next learning experience. Expanding, I visualize those loved ones who are left behind as filled with Love and Light. Light and Love cushions their loss. I radiate Light and Love to all. For All.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.22.22

    As I consider the concept of “fluid intentionality”, I am smacked by the rigidity that often comes with my intentions, my goals. Today, I release rigid means to achieve goals. I embrace my goals knowing I am Divinely Guided. Spirit is fluid. Spirit is dynamic. Spirit is vibrant. Today, I embrace a lively curiosity about how I will be directed. Thank you, Spirit, for your Guidance.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.21.22

    Honoring ancient traditions, yet looking forward I merge into the “I Am That I Am” deep within me setting my intentions on this summer solstice. Expanding, I take both the Earth and Sun within me. I radiate Love and Light to everyone. I radiate Love and Light to everything. As an Earth steward, I act locally and pray globally. I visualize Love and Light working for the Good of our beautiful planet and all beings that inhabit it. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.20.22

    Today, I hold myself in Divine Love and Light. Expanding, I take planet Earth and its inhabitants within me holding everyone and everything in Love and Light. I help anchor Love and Light on our incredible planet. Thank you, sweet Spirit, for making it so.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.19.22

    Celebrating Juneteenth and Father’s Day today, I acknowledge deep within that we are all One. Regardless of race all are One in Divinity. Celebrating the end of slavery in the U.S. allows us to honor the equality of all Light beings. It is a way of honoring the Divine Father within each of us. Today, I honor my earthly father knowing this helps create a new world where we are One. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for our Oneness in You.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.18.22

    Light directs all climate change. Our planet is in a bubble of Light and Love on all dimensions. Thank you, Spirit, for Light and Love.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.17.22

    From the Creator within me, I release any behaviors, foods, or substances that are not for my highest good. I am a Light being having a human experience, I turn to the Creator within me to meet my dependency needs. Opening my heart, mind, and soul to Divinity, I am guided. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for this journey of awakening to who I truly am!  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.16.22

    As our world continues to spin in apparent turmoil, I hear deep within: “Love makes the world go round. Love makes the world go round… High in some silent sky Love sings a silver song making the earth whirl softly Love makes the world go round.” Today, I help anchor Love and Light for all. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.15.22

    Today, I recommit myself to prayer for Oneness. Centering in Source, I fill myself with gratitude. I feel so lucky to be aware of the Divine within me. Thank you, Beloved, for this journey of Light and Love.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.14.22

      Gazing at the US flag, I ponder the nobility of our founding national principles of freedom, justice, liberty, and equality. Centering as a Light worker, I weave strands of Love and Light through our United States. I declare: the Creator within each American fills them with Love and Light. Today, I envision all Americans woven together in Love, Light, and Oneness.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.13.22

      Centering from the Creator within me, I fill the Office of the Presidency with Light and Love. Turning to Congress I visualize our representatives filled with Light and Love. Coming from Source there is only Divine Clarity and Divine Effectiveness. Visualizing further, our Supreme Court is Guided in Light and Love. Divine Truth, Light, and Love guide all three branches of government for the Good of All. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.12.22

      Today, I give thanks for having purpose. I am gratitude-filled. I have a mission. I am working as a creator-in-action, cocreating with the Divine. I follow where I am led declaring: Divine will not my will. I know: “good done anywhere is good done everywhere” (Maya Angelou). Today, I rest in the Divine, grateful for my purpose.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.11.22

      I open my heart to Divinity and I am one with the Knower within me. And so, it is. Amen  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.10.22

      Expanding into my High Self, I visualize Earth within me. The Creator within me fills Earth and its inhabitants with Light and Love cleansing all negativity. The Creator within Earth anchors Light and Love on all dimensions. Light directs our beloved planet and its inhabitants for the Good of All. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.9.22

      Doing my inner work, I release any barriers to Light. As hindrances release, a wave of rarefied Energy presents itself. Opening to this Energy, my body starts to “sizzle” in the rarefying flow. Giving thanks, a wave of Joy surfaces. Surrendering, I ride the Divine Flow. Thank you, sweet Spirit. Thank you, for this sacred, conscious Path. My cup truly does runneth over. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.8.22

      From deep within I declare: Earth’s oceans are Light. Light guides the cleansing and purification of our world’s oceans and seas. Each molecule of water is filled with Divine healing Love and Light. Love and Light radiate through all fish, coral, and sea creatures. Thank you, God, for our Living Waters.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.7.22

      Today, I breathe Divine Peace and Calm into our worldly dimension. My thoughts, feelings, words, and actions are Light filled and loving. I envision everyone stepping out in Love and Light. Regardless of appearance, we are Light beings. Today, I hold space for Divine Peace. Thank you, God, for your Comfort and Love.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.6.22

      In prayer, I honor all who sacrificed for peace. I visualize Love and Light suffusing all war efforts and tools of war. I visualize Love and Light filling all who have lost their lives in any human conflict. All loved ones who have been left behind are filled with Love and Light. In Spirit there is no time, all traumas may be cleansed. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.5.22

      Today, I give thanks for our magical environment, Spaceship Earth. Expanding from deep within, I take our beloved planet within me filling it with radiant Love and Light. I visualize Light balancing and healing all elements- air, water, earth, and fire. I visualize Love permeating every person’s consciousness – that we may all awaken to our role in protecting our world. Thank you, Spirit, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.4.22

    As we celebrate Shavuot with our Jewish sisters and brothers, we consider the personal rules and ethics we honor as Light Beings. Expanding from deep within, we center in Oneness. We are One with All. We honor All. We intensify Love and Light in All. There is only the ALL. And so it is. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.3.22

    In my meditation-prayer time, I expand focusing Love and Light on our world leadership. All leaders and politicians are filled with Light. Anyone holding public office opens his or her heart to the Voice of Spirit. They hear and listen. All our world’s leaders are Divinely guided to lead our world with Divine Wisdom. I visualize them leading with compassion, joy, and peace. Thank you, God, for making it so. Additional Prayers for Today in the U.S. Today, we as Light workers, fill the U.S. with Love, Light, and Divine Calm. We breathe the Peace that passes all understanding into […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.2.22

    Today, I open my heart to the integrity and honesty of the Creator within me. I am honest with myself as i gently examine and release any fears preventing Oneness. The Creator within me leads me to Oneness and I am open to being led by the Creator. I am filled with gratitude for this process of change. Thank you, Creator, for the changes within me. I embrace them knowing they bring Oneness.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.1.22

    The Creator within me helps anchor Light and Love to aid our grieving world. Aware or not, we are all Light Beings progressing toward Oneness with All That Is. Today, I anchor in the Divine visualizing kindness, generosity, and brotherly love between all people regardless of race, creed or color. Today, I breathe Divine Calm into our world order from my anchor of Light and Love. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for our opportunity to create Good on our beautiful planet.  

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May 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 5.31.22

    Turning within I ponder knowingness. One of the Divine’s gifts is our ability to KNOW. Every one of us can turn within and be a Knower. Today, I open to the Creator within and check the authenticity of every important thing. I find the truth and I anchor myself in truth. I speak my truth with courage. I am one with the Knower within me. And so, it is. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 5.30.22

    Expanding from the Creator within me, I touch all souls who died protecting or answering a call for their country. I visualize Divine Love and Light enveloping these souls as I reach back through time. Expanding further to encompass all died in any conflicts, I visualize Love and Light releasing these traumas. Any earthbound souls are released in Light. I visualize all freed in Love and Light to pursuit Oneness. Thank you, Sweet Spirit, for making it so.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 5.29.22

    Today is a day of rest and I rest in the Creator. Even as I rest, the Creator within me is manifesting Light, Love, and Peace for me and for us all. As I rest, I find myself transfixed by the Infinite All. I marvel, filled with love and gratitude for All That Is.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 5.28.22

    Today, I am grateful for my daily devotionals that fortify my connection to Spirit. I am strengthened and sheltered in Spirit. I feel and release my anxieties and fears to Light. I walk through my fear and am transformed. I am filled with Divine Light and Love. Thank you, Sweet Beloved, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Light Center Dome Open on Memorial Day

    We’ll be open on Monday, May 30 from 1:30 to 6 p.m.  Please visit us to enjoy our light chamber and prayer dome.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 5.27.22

    Today, I visualize a world that is safe for us all. Expanding from within, I see all societies and systems that are dedicated to Love and Light. I radiate Love and Light throughout the physical, mental, and emotional dimensions. I join with likeminded Light beings to hold space for Love, Light, Peace, and Harmony. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 5.26.22

    Thank you, God for my mistakes. Thank you for a showing them to me in a way I can easily understand. Thank you, God, for the flexibility to see the need to change and the ability to change. I am in Your Accelerated Learner Class as I become more and more One with You.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 5.25.22

    Pondering the goal of becoming one with my high Self, the Christ consciousness within me, I take heart knowing that it means being aware of everything and loving everything, despite, any negatives. It is only through love that everyone and everything is healed. I am grateful for my growth as a spiritual being. I am patient and kind to myself and others as I strive for Oneness. I am blessed with this journey of Love.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 5.24.22

    I open my heart, mind, and soul to thee, my beloved Presence within. I seek and I see. I see and I understand what I need to change. I am open to making changes. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 5.23.22

    Opening my heart, I gently advance my understanding that I am a being of God. I release all self-judgments. I am a Light being. I am a Love being. I radiate Light and Love to everyone and everything. I am centered in gratitude and filled with wonder at this Oneness of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 5.23.22

    Opening my heart, I gently advance my understanding that I am a being of God. I release all self-judgments. I am a Light being. I am a Love being. I radiate Light and Love to everyone and everything. I am centered in gratitude and filled with wonder at this Oneness of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 5.22.22

    In my journey toward complete Connection I release my struggles, major and minor. I release the daily grind, visualizing Divine Flow in my daily turn. I embrace ease. I allow the Creator within me to guide me. I relax into the Loving Embrace. Thank you, Dearest Creator.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 5.21.22

    To serve and protect our nation, that is the mission of our Armed Forces. All military personnel are filled with Love and Light. All open their hearts to God and are Divinely Guided. All active duty personnel and their families are protected in a Bubble of Love and Light on all dimensions. Guided by the Creator within, all branches of the military work together for the Good of All. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 5.20.22

    Expanding in prayer I take our beloved world within me filling it with Love and Light on all dimensions. Visualizing, I fill our world’s species- both plant and animal on land, air, and water with Love and Light. All species find their right place within our changing environment. As a co-creator, I take daily action in thought, word, and deed to help protect our fragile fantastic planet and all its species. And so, it is. Amen.

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April 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 4.6.22

    As I learn of man’s inhumanity to man, I turn within actively releasing my judgments to Light. I release my grief and sorrow to Light. From deeper still, I create Good from my High Self. Joining with other prayer workers, I aid in cushioning grief and sorrow around our world. Visualizing Divine Love and Light expanding through all dimensions, I help my fellow beings in Love and Light. We are One in Love and Light. And so, it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 4.5.22

    Opening my heart to Divine Mind, I realize we are like Pando (Quaking Aspens), one organism. Centering in Oneness, I visualize Love, Light, and Divine Peace being anchored for the Good of all creation. Today, I echo Divine Peace, Love, and Light for All. We are One. One creation of Love and Light. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 4.4.22

    The legislative body of the United States, Congress is filled with Divine Light and Love. Our representatives are divinely guided. We, the Body of the Divine on Earth, work together in harmony for the Good of All. Every nation’s ruling body works together with their citizens for the benefit of all, and for the benefit of our sacred environment. And so, it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 4.3.22

    Reflecting on the importance of rituals, I give myself over to meditation and prayer. During this holy time of year ritual is important. Today, I rest in gratitude for everything working for the greater glory of God. From deep within, I focus Love and Light on Divine Solutions for our beloved world and all beings who reside upon it. Thank you, God, for your Solutions. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 4.2.22

    Dearest beloved Creator centered within, thank you for your many blessings. As Ramadan begins, I continue my inward focus to draw ever closer to my divine Self. Thank you for your Oneness and for what I am learning. Thank you for my personal growth. Thank you for each being on this planet and for Your divine plan. Thank you for the small part I play. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 4.1.22

    April Fools’ Day may not seem appropriate to celebrate now, but we need humor as leaven for our emotional bodies. Humor is our birthright – it brings resiliency by helping us tap into Oneness. So – the Creator within me, aids me in “Lightening” up. Today I use my God given humor to ease my life and the lives of others. “If the earth is fit for laughter then surely heaven is filled with it. Heaven is the birthplace of laughter.” ~Martin Luther    

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March 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.31.22

    As I center myself in Oneness, I remember God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the Universe and beyond for the Good of All. I give thanks for helping hands, seen and unseen. Together, we as the Living Christ, the Doer, on this dimension fulfill our missions to help further people and planetary spiritual evolution. Thank you, God, for my part in this evolution. Thank you!    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.30.22

    With Spring, a sense of renewal buds, immersing myself in Spring I feel a response within. From deep within, I expand filling our world’s people with Love and Light. Today, I act locally to help my peers and our beautiful world. Today, I pray globally for all. Thank you, God, for this journey of Life.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.22.22

    Centering in the dimension of the Christ Consciousness, I open to Oneness. As I center in my High Self, I relax into Connection. From this awareness I know all is well. All is moving forward in Light, Love, and Peace. The Divine template is in place. All is well. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.28.22

    As a Light being, I know God encompasses both genders. Giving thanks during women’s history month, I am grateful for the many Light beings who, as women, have aided humankind now and throughout history. Joan of Arc, Marie Curie, Catherine Johnson…. Half of the good minds on our planet belong to women. Today, I celebrate the female gender, giving thanks for the Light Beings we know as women. I am humbled and filled with gratitude for our world’s females and the gifts they share on our beautiful planet.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.27.22

    As I reach out to my fellow Light Beings, I consider the difficulties this year has brought. From deep within, my High Self rises in love, Divine Love, for this planet’s people. I hold everyone in Light and Love, visualizing us all bathed in Divinity. I visualize all needs met bringing Joy for all. Thank you, sweet Divinity for your Joy.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.26.22

    Daily, I am filled with gratitude for our planet. This fantastic being is our mother working in concert with the Divine. I visualize our beloved Earth filled with Love and Light. I am so grateful for our physical world. Joining with other Light workers we create Good for our Mother Earth. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.25.22

    From the Christ consciousness within me, I am grateful. I am grateful for large and small things. I am grateful for each inhalation and exhalation. I am grateful for our shared Journey of Light. And our shared Journey of Love. I am grateful with each cell of my being. Thank you. Thank you, beloved God. Thank you.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.24.22

    Today, I focus on my physicality. My cells are Light. My body’s bacteria are Light. My skeletal system is Light. My muscular system is Light. My nervous system is Light. My sensory systems are Light. My endocrine system is Light. My circulatory system is Light. My respiratory system is Light. My digestive system is Light. My urinary system is Light. My reproductive system is Light. I am a being of Light. I am a Light Being. I radiate my Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for me and for All That Is.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.23.22

    If something brings a surge of fear, I breathe releasing it to Light. Girding myself in Faith, I work in concert with Spirit co-creating life as I envision it on Earth. Responding to God’s call, I feel freer, stronger. I am clothed in Faith, Light, and Love. Thank you, God, for making it so for us all. We are One in Spirit. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.22.22

      Today I center within, focusing on Divine Peace and Love. I radiate a vibration of Peace, Love, and Light. Relaxing into this vibration of Peace and Love, I visualize it expanding within our world and within everyone and everything. There is only Peace, Love, and Light. And so, it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.21.22

    Joining with the global community of prayer and Light workers, I feel a sense of belonging to this mission of holding space for Divine Harmony. Working together we are doing our missions as Light beings anchoring Light. We release all fear to Light. We release all judgment to Light. We are Light beings anchoring Light. Thank you, dearest Creator, for our journey of Light.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.20.22

    Today, Spring’s Equinox when our sun’s rays are equally balanced between both hemispheres of our beloved planet, I embrace this planetary balance of light and dark. From my essence as a Light Being, I release any darkness or negativity to Light. I am filled with Light and Love. Expanding, I visualize all of us filled with Light and Love. I am grateful for Divine Balance in all aspects of Creation.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.19.22

    “For the dead and the living, we must bear witness.” (Elie Wiesel.) We are now called to witness our world’s events. As we witness, we love everyone. We fill everyone with Love and Light. We help soften events with kind action and prayer. We hold space for Divine Peace and Healing. Today, we grow through giving Love with awareness. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.18.22

    As some of us celebrate Holi, a Hindu festival celebrating love, it is traditional to pray that any internal negativity will be cleansed. Today, I center deep within focusing on releasing and changing any internal conflict and negativity to Love and Light. Expanding from a well of Love, I visualize all of us changing any internal conflict and negativity to Love and Light. I help hold space for Love and Light for all humanity. Our world is filled with Love and Light. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.17.22

    Today, I am grateful for all things Irish. An Irish friend says:” On St. Patty’s Day everyone is Irish!” I am grateful for that loving attitude. I am grateful for Irish fun and ribald humor. Today, I give thanks for a wee bit o’ fun and the “wearin” of the Green. I remind myself that “On St. Patty’s Day, everyone is Irish” and we are all one on the journey of Light, Love, and Joy.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.16.22

    From Holy Connection, I feel called to pray. Prayer creates – everything else distracts. My prayer for today: The Creator within me fills our world with the calm healing Energy of Divinity. Spaceship Earth and all its inhabitants are filled with Light, Love, and Peace. On all dimensions, all are filled with clarifying Light and Love. Thank you, God for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.15.22

      Moving toward spring, I turn inward and feed the revitalization of my personal spring spirit. I visualize my love and light greening up and blooming into ever deeper love for everyone and everything. My prayer is giving thanks for being in the right place, at the right time, thinking, saying, and doing the right thing for the Greater Good of All. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.14.22

    Life on Earth is variable. Change happens. Circumstances occur that precipitate fear. And fear cripples the soul. So, every day as fear surfaces, I face it, releasing it to Love and Light. Embracing my High Self I expand, envisioning all of us embracing our High Selves. I ask the Creator within everyone to aid in whatever must be faced today. Thank you, beloved Creator, for our ability to choose your Divine Love, Courage, Peace, and Light. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.13.22

    The angelic kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The human kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The plant kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The animal kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The insect kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The bacterial kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The viral kingdom is in a bubble of Light. There is only Light. There is only Love. Dearest Creator, I am so grateful for our beautiful, exquisite planet. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.12.22

    I turn within releasing any internal conflict to Light. I exhale any struggle and inhale Peace. Expanding to encompass the world, I radiate Peace. Today, I stay centered in compassion and forgiveness. I help anchor Love and Light in our world. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.11.22

    In my meditation, I breathe Peace, Love, and Light to all nations and continents. I fill North America with Love and Light. I fill Central America with Love and Light. I fill South America with Love and Light. I fill Europe with Love and Light. I fill Asia with Love and Light. I fill Africa with Love and Light. I fill Antarctica with Love and Light. I fill Australia with Love and Light. Our wonderful world is filled with Peace, Love, and Light on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.10.22

    God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the universe for the Good of All. As I consider this truism, I focus on the energy of peace. Opening deep within, I envision our world embracing peace. Abundant peace for everyone, all nations. Expanding, I visualize peace and abundance flowing in whatever form needed to where it will benefit all planet Earth and its peoples. Thank you, God, for making it so. “Everything is Energy” (Stephen Lewis).    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.9.22

    Joining Spirit within, I focus on filling the Kremlin with Love and Light. I visualize the building’s walls filled with Love and Light. I visualize each story and room filled with Love and Light. I visualize the earth beneath it filled with Love and Light. I visualize Vladimir Putin filled with Love and Light. I visualize Russian leadership filled with Love and Light. I visualize each Kremlin worker filled with Love and Light. There is only Love and Light in Russia. Thank you, dearest God, for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.8.22

      There are only Light Beings, children of Spirit, but for our earthly experience we select a gender. Today, I celebrate women. Women bring wisdom, fortitude, courage to earth. Women bring life into this world. I find joy and gratitude in celebrating half of the great minds and doers in this world. Thank you, God, for the women of this planet.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.7.22

    Putting down my burdens, I embrace Ease, Grace, and Divine Glory. I rest in this soothing Flow. Today, I visualize Light and Love in each troubled region of our planet. All ground is holy ground. All is well. All is well. All is well. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.6.22

    Centered in Source, I consider the spiritual revolution that is quietly happening. I am one of many who pray for all – setting a field of rarified, spiritualized energy that is immersing all of us. From the Creator within, I aid in the creation of Divine Peace, Love, Light, and Joy. Thank you, dearest God, for my small role in helping anchor Love and Light for all creation. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.5.22

    “I feel there is nothing truly more artistic than loving people.” ~ Vincent Van Gogh Today, starting with myself, I extend Love. Gently, I bathe myself in Love and Light. Then, I extend myself and simply love everyone and everything. I visualize every ONE of us in a bubble of Love and Light on all dimensions. Only Love and Light can come to us. Expanding further, I extend Love and Light to everything; blanketing our world in Love. Thank you, God, for your Loving Kindness. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.4.22

    Light fills our planet. Love fills our planet. Light and Love permeates our planet. I am grateful for everyone who is aiding Ukraine. I am grateful for all those who are sheltering Ukrainian refugees. Be it protesting Russian citizens, Ukrainians returning to their homeland, or prayful others – we all make a difference. I am grateful for Light and Love guiding us. We hold steadfast in Light and Love. Thank you, God, for your Guiding Light.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.3.22

    Touching into Spirit I find a tranquil Love. Comforted, I expand visualizing this Love filling eastern Europe with Divine Comfort. Thinking of all the souls making their transition, I expand Love and Light to help comfort everyone. I give thanks to everyone’s angels and all angelic beings for their help in softening and releasing fear, sadness, worry, and hunger. We aid our fellow Light beings through prayer. Thank you, Spirit, for your Hand in solving this conflict. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.2.22

    On this first day of Lent, I turn within sinking into Holy Connection. As I release all impediments to Oneness, I envision everyone releasing their blocks, too. As I am filled with Love and Light, I visualize everyone on Earth filled with Love and Light. The High Self, the Christ, acts as God’s “Doer” in this physical dimension. Today, I visualize Peace and Divine Justice for all of us on Planet Earth. I am One with my brothers and sisters in conflict. I am One with the All, I hold space for Peace. Thank you, God, for making it so. […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.1.22

      Gently, I examine my thoughts and actions releasing those which no longer serve my highest good. I forgive myself any pettiness that is less than that which is for the highest good. In prayer, I open in gratitude for my spirit-filled journey of discovery. I am open to Divine Guidance. As I celebrate my journey toward Oneness, I expand filling everyone with this beautiful sense of Oneness helping to affirm we are One. Amen.    

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February 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.28.22

      Thank you, beloved Source, for your Light. Thank you for your Peace. Sitting with your Peace, Light, and Love, I focus my attention on Ukraine visualizing Calm, Love, and Light for all people. Any who are experiencing echoes of past traumas are filled with God’s fortitude, Love, and Light. Anchoring myself in faith, I know that this too shall prove to be for the greater Good for all. Today, I help hold space for Peace.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.27.22

    Resting in the Divine, I cast my High Self to eastern Europe filling Ukraine, Russia, and surrounds with Light and Love. Visualizing, I sweep the cities and country with Light. I declare from deep within: Light is directing all activities in this conflict. My prayer is Love-in-action helping fill each soul with Light and Love. I help anchor Divine Peace, Love, and Light so we may all grow from this experience. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.26.22

    “We need to sit on the rim of the well of darkness and fish for the fallen light with patience” (Pablo Neruda). Today, I lovingly focus concentrated Light and Love in Ukraine, Russia, Crimea, and Moldova. I work with my fellow light beings to fill Vladimir Putin with Love and Light. I visualize him in a bubble of Light on all dimensions. Turning, I envision Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky filled with Light and in a bubble of Light on all dimensions. Expanding Light and Love to fill all soldiers and families, I breathe Peace and Love to everyone and everything. Thank […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.25.22

    In prayer, I help anchor Divine Calm, Light, Love, Courage, and Peace in all of Ukraine, Russia, Europe, and the world. Our Ukrainian brothers and sisters are filled with Light and Love. I visualize all the children filled with a divine sense of safety. I visualize each heavy heart filled with Light. Today, I help anchor Truth so each soul understands no matter what happens all will ultimately be well. In Divinity, there is only Light, Love, and Life.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.24.22

    “Be sure to put your feet in the right place, and then stand firm.” (Abraham Lincoln) As I think of Lincoln’s commitment to America, I give thanks for everyone who has persevered doing the right thing for the Good of All. Today, I “stand firm” holding Peace, Love, and Light for all on our beloved planet. I radiate Light from my center of Light, solar plexus, to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.23.22

    As I consider my brothers and sisters around the world, I sink into Oneness visualizing Light guiding each one of us. Focusing of those of us in Russia and the Ukraine, I hold Light and Love to help anchor peace, strength, and ease for everyone. I thank our angels and the Angelic kingdom for the help, Love, and Light they are giving us and our world. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for your Light and Love. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.22.22

      Today, I give thanks for my ability to pray, to co-create in concert with Divinity. My creativity and fertile imagination are gifts. I am grateful for the Connection that allows Flow. I am grateful for my ability to listen to God’s voice. Thank you, sweet Divinity for this flowing beautiful journey to Oneness with You.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.21.22

      On U.S. President’s Day, the Creator within me fills all presidents, past and present, with Light. Regardless of dimension, astral or physical, each president is filled with Light and Love. Each president understands the sacred nature of their oath of office. Each president continues to work for the greater Good of our nation. Thank you, God, for your Light guiding the office of the Presidency. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.20.22

    Aligning in Oneness, I rest in holy Connection. Today I replenish myself with Spirit, then focus my divine Self on Ukraine and Russia. Breathing deeply, the I Am Within connects to these souls filling each one with Light, Love, Peace, and Harmony. Joining in Spirit with my brothers and sisters in prayer we tether Peace, Light, and Love for us all. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for Peace along this border. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.19.22

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I release unhealthy use of any substances, food, drink, or behaviors to Light. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I am fulfilled. Every need is met through the Divine. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.18.22

    As I consider social justice and world conditions, I pray directing Light to aid my brothers and sisters. I release my judgement of self and others. We are One, One in our Creator. Today, I work locally and pray globally for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for my many opportunities to help my beloved world’s community.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.17.22

    Deep within I connect to the “I Am” then ponder “You are the light of the world” (Matthews 5:14). Opening, I expand, intensifying Light throughout my body. Expanding, I encompass the world, increasing the radiance of my Light and Love to everyone and everything. I visualize all awakening to their Light. Thank you, God, for everyone, for everything, for me, and especially for thee. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.16.22

    I am grateful for our angels and archangels. I give thanks for helping hands both seen and unseen. As the Living Christ, the doer on this dimension, I visualize Earth’s angels helping to ease and heal our beloved planet’s difficult situations. Working together, we fulfill our missions to further planetary and people’s spiritual evolution. Thank you, sweet Source, for the small part I play.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.15.22

      Thinking of our world’s turmoil, I release my human judgments to Light. I release worry for our world’s future to Light. I am a Light Being. From deep within, I create Good in our current global situations. Our geo-political world is filled with Love and Light. I hold steadfast in Faith filling everything and everyone with Love and Light. There is only Love and Light. Thank you, sweet Source, for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.14.22

      On Sweetheart’s Day, Valentine’s Day, I go within and drink from the nectar of God’s love for me. I am filled with Divine Love. I am Love and I am Light. I know I am Loved. I know expanding Love is my mission. I radiate my Love and Light to All. All people on Earth are filled with Love and Light. I see the Living, Loving High Self of each being. Thank you, beloved God, for me and for everyone. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.13.22

    I affirm I am a “tuning fork” tuned to the Divine. I visualize other people – “tuning forks” tuning to Divinity. Together we raise the frequency of Love and Light on our beloved planet. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.12.22

    Our devices are filled with Light. Artificially intelligent devices are filled with Light. As creators-in-action, we radiate Light to every Thing, we radiate Light to everyone. We work in concert with the Divine creating Good. Today, I visualize a world filled with and directed by Light. I help by anchoring Light and Divine Love for all. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.11.22

    Taking a deep breath, I center myself and tune to the frequency of Divinity. I breathe rhythmically releasing my fears and frustrations for myself and for our world. I am filled with Divine Peace. I am renewed. I radiate Peace, Love and Light to all for all. Thank you, Sweet Divinity for You and for this journey of Light.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.10.22

    From deep within I declare: There is Light. Light fills the heart, mind, and soul of Vladimir Putin. Light suffuses all Russian bureaucrats. Light fills all Russian soldiers and their families. Light saturates the people of Ukraine. Light encompasses the country of Ukraine. Light fills the heart, mind, and soul of Joseph Biden. Light permeates all American bureaucrats. Light fills all American citizens. Light encompasses all people of all nations. Thank you, sweet Divinity for your Light Guiding our precious world. Amen. (adapted with Tully Moss’s permission.)    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.9.22

    Centering deep within, I give thanks for all people. Regardless of race, creed, gender, and orientation, we are each a drop in the Ocean of Spirit. All One, All equal in our beingness in Spirit. From my High Self, I radiate Light and Love through All. We are one in Light and Love. We are One. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.8.22

      With our world’s tumultuous times, I center deep within anchoring into the Light of Divinity. Today, I live in two worlds, staying anchored in Light – consciously expanding Light and Love. Yet also going about my daily rounds, working and interacting with others. I expand Light out to everyone and everything aiding in the creation of Harmony and Peace for all of us. We are One.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.7.22

      If I don’t know my Divine Mission, handed down from On High, I accept the work in front of me. If I don’t know what to do, I start with doing one kind thing for myself and for others each day. Slowly, through asking for guidance, meditation and listening, I am Guided. I take small steps thinking of Maya Angelou: “Good done anywhere is Good done everywhere”. Today, I will contribute to Good.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.6.22

      We are resilient spiritual beings. We are made in Love and from Light. We are Light Beings. As one awakens, more will awake. We are One on all dimensions. We are Light Beings. Thank you, beloved Source, for this journey of Light and Love. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.5.22

    Thinking of those of us with unhealthy habits, I look at myself first. I release any unhealthy habit to Light. That which is All That Is nourishes me with Love and Light. I am in a bubble of Light on all dimensions. Expanding, I visualize all of us in our own bubble of Love and Light. Thank you, God, for Your Guidance. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.4.22

    Thinking of “influencers”, I turn to the Great Influencer within me. Opening my heart, mind, and soul to Divine Influence, I am comforted like a child. Visualizing our world encompassed by Divine Influence, I envision each of us comforted by the knowledge that All is Well.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.3.22

    Sinking into meditation and prayer, I expand from the Creator within me anchoring Light, Love, and Divine Justice for all. Any groups that promote social injustice and hate are filled with Light and Love. I declare and affirm there is Divine Abundance for the Good of All. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.2.22

    Today, I embrace my creativity. I am a creator in thought, word, and deed. I create in concert with the Divine. I am divinely directed as I focus Love and Light throughout our world and beyond. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for the role I play in helping create Good in Your Creation. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.1.22

      “In seizing the moment, you find heaven.” – R. Padgett Today I seize the day, finding Joy. I am elevated, reaching out to expand this Joy to all. I realize, again, Heaven is a state of consciousness. Thank you, beloved God, for Heaven in life; Thank you for the ability to experience Heaven now. Thank you for the ability to help create Heaven for all. Amen.    

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January 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.31.22

      I give thanks for the loving gift of art. Art and our artists are Divine Gifts. Art cushions us, heals us, and inspires us. All art, especially music, lifts us from our toils. Refreshed we return to our daily round. Visualizing all artists filled with Light and Love I see them filled with the Creativity that flows from the Wellspring of Life. I give thanks for artists and all art. I know we are all artists in our own way. Today, I express Love and Light in an artful way.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.30.22

      Today, I allow Divine Rest, one of the twelve attributes of the Creator. Taking care of self is respectful. Today I relax, resting in the Divine. I breathe, rest, reflect, and heal. From deep within comes the knowledge that all is well. All is well. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for Divine Rest.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.29.22

    Thinking of those of us with role-strain – too many roles to play, too many demands. I expand from the Creator within me filling everyone with Light and Divine Love. I visualize everyone being able to fulfill necessary obligations in a loving and Light-filled way. Light enables each of us to be who we are: Light Beings. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.28.22

    Focusing on my physicality, I declare: My cells are Light. My skeletal system is Light. My muscular system is Light. My nervous system is Light. My sensory systems are Light. My endocrine system is Light. My circulatory system is Light. My respiratory system is Light. My digestive system is Light. My urinary system is Light. My reproductive system is Light. My body’s bacteria are Light. I am a Light Being. I radiate Light throughout my body. I radiate Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for me, and for All That Is.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.27.22

    Focusing within I join the Profound, entering the sacred space of Oneness. We are One. I hold that knowingness as I breathe peace and ease to all who have suffered injury due to abuse or crimes. Expanding to encompass our world, I fill each of us who feels the emotional echo of past trauma. I fill all with Divine Peace, Light, and Love. We embrace Peace. We are One. Thank you, God, for making it so.    

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  • Inclement Weather and Hazardous Roads closing, Friday through Sunday, January 28 through 30
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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.26.22

    Taking a deep breath, I center myself and tune to the frequency of Divinity. I breathe rhythmically releasing my concerns, worries, and frustrations for myself and for our world. I am filled with Divine Peace, Love and Light. I am renewed. I radiate Peace, Love and Light to all for all. Thank you, Sweet Divinity for You and for this journey of Light.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.25.22

      Resting in Spirit, I focus Love and Light on my brothers and sisters in need. Whether it is loss of a loved one, income, or sense of society, all of us experiencing loss are filled with Divine Peace. Visualizing those who have lost stability in their daily turn, I focus Light to help expand each individual’s sense of stability in the Divine. Today, I help anchor, Light, Love and Peace.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.24.22

      In prayer and meditation, I give thanks for my free will. Unlike Adam and Eve, we are not unthinkingly unaware. The gift of self-determination enables us to freely choose our path. Thank you, beloved God, for my freedom to choose to be One with You. One with All That Is. I am grateful for spiritual freedom.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.23.22

      As I rest in the Divine, I focus my mind on Divine Calm. Breathing, I inhale Light, exhaling Calm. I focus to help our world achieve peace. Expanding, I fill our world leaders with Divine Peace, Calm, Light, and Love. Visualizing Light strands supporting our world leaders, I join with other prayer workers. Thank you, God, for world peace. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.22.22

    As I pray for our world, I ponder our economy, the movement and flow of monies that support our endeavors on this plane. Focusing intention, I pray for the living flow of greenbacks, a plant-like system. Expanding myself into this flow of Green, I visualize needed monies moving to forward progress for all, for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.21.22

      As I watch the news, I fill all who may be watching or reading it with Light and Love. I visualize everyone’s inner Self knowing the Truth. Turning to the U.S. President, I envision Divine Love and Light radiating to the White House. All in the White House are in bubbles of Light. I visualize the Oval Office radiating Light and Love to everyone across our globe. Light guides our President and country for the Good of All. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.20.22

      Centering deep within, I give thanks for my divine health. Spiritual, physical, mental, and financial health. I am healthy! I am grateful! Expanding, I visualize robust health for others and for our beautiful planet. Thank you, Source, for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.19.22

      Moving deep within I fill what seems to be “broken-ness” in our world with Light and Love. I help anchor Calm, Light, and Love in Russia, in the Ukraine, and throughout our planet. Visualizing Divine Peace, I join with like minds radiating Love and Light for all. Thank you, dearest Divinity for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.18.22

      Reflecting upon leadership, I am guided to understand the importance of modeling – setting an energy and an example. Each and every day, I will set an example of living in concert with the Divine. Giving others an energy to match, in a humble effort to contribute Light and Love to the Greater Good. Thank you, God, for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.17.22

      Dr. King strove for justice and equality for all. Meditating in his old church, I realize he is still anchoring Light and Love for us. From the Creator within me, I visualize all of us treating our fellow citizens with Love regardless of race, creed, or color. To be truly American means to be truly inclusive: exploring differences, helping, and loving one another as heirs of the Divine, one and all. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.16.22

      Sinking into Holy Connection, I expand filling all people with Love and Light. All members of fringe-conspiracy groups are filled with Love and Light. Expanding from the Creator within me, I visual everyone filled with Divine Love. An internal plume of Sacred Energy fills all with Divine Healing, Love and Light. Known or not, we are all Light Beings on a path to Oneness, a sacred family sharing time on Earth. We are One. And, so it is, Amen.    

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  • Light Center closed on Sunday, January 16, due to hazardous driving conditions!
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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.15.22

    Expanding in prayer I take our beloved world within me filling it with Love and Light on all dimensions. Visualizing, I fill our world’s species- human, animal, and plant with Love and Light. All species find their right place within our changing environment. As a co-creator with God, I take daily action in thought, word, and deed to help protect our fragile civilization and planet. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.14.22

      Today, I focus within on any addictions or unhealthy behaviors I may have. Releasing these negative habits to Light, I surrender to Divine Connection. As I open to healing and direction, I pray others may open their hearts to accept Divine Healing. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.13.22

      Opening my heart to Divinity, I focus on my oneness with all. Visualizing a world of Oneness, I center Light and Love on everyone in our world who is suffering. I visualize everyone’s Light center, solar plexus, filled with Love and Light that radiates through their body. The Creator within me, helps fill our world and its people with Love and Light. Thank you, beloved Divinity, for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.12.22

      Focusing, I relax and think of myself. My Self. I ask: what do I need? An answer wells up – patience – with myself. Filling myself with Love and Light I say “I love you” from deep within. I bathe myself in Love and Light. I promise to be more patient and loving with myself. I will treat myself as who I am: the Light of the world. I am the Light of the world. I am the Love of the world. Thank you, God, for me and for Thee. Amen.    

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  • Tuesday night Prayer for January 11 cancelled due to furnace problem!
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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.11.22

      One country, one destiny. One world, one destiny. One galaxy, one destiny. One cosmos, one destiny. We are one. We are One. One Heart, One Mind. One.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.10.22

      From the Creator within me, I envision Divine Love and Light radiating from the Oval Office. I visualize the Light of the White House joining with the Light of Congress. Expanding, I imagine the executive and legislative Light merging with the Light of the Supreme Court. I picture all three branches of the U.S. government immersed in Light and Love. Light guides our country for the Good of All. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.9.22

      As we enter the new year, the Creator within me fills all families with Love and Light. All parents are filled with Love and Light. I visualize parenting filled with Divine Ease. Parents are Divinely Guided for the good of their children and people everywhere. Families are the building block of society. Through prayerful focus the Creator within me creates Love and Light within families for the Good of All. And so, it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.8.22

      In synchronizing myself with Oneness, I give thanks as I visualize Creative Energy maximizing the health of our Amazonian rainforests, our deserts, our plains, our piedmonts, our mountains, our tundra, our savannahs, and our poles. Our planetary waters are filled with Love and Light. Our beloved Earth is in a bubble of Love and Light. Divine Light is guiding all climate changes. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.7.22

      I know the Creator within me is radiating Divine Light and Love through me. Opening, I merge into Light and Love. Expanding, I radiate Light and Love to everyone and everything. I am a conduit of Divine Light and Love through all dimensions. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.6.22

      Considering Epiphany, I meditate on the gifts of the Magi; gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Gifts symbolizing incorruptible wealth, spiritual knowledge, and the necessity of ego transcendence. Feeling humbled, I turn within accepting these gifts for my high Self, the Living Christ within. Thinking of today’s world, I expand visualizing these gifts being accepted by all our world’s citizens – Heaven on Earth. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.5.22

      Considering, God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the universe for the Good of All, I focus on the energy of abundance. Opening deep within I see my Self accepting abundant health, wealth, and joy. Expanding, I visualize abundance flowing in whatever form needed to where it will benefit all planet Earth and its peoples. Thank you, God, for making it so. “Everything is Energy” (Stephen Lewis). .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.4.22

      Focusing within, I fill our world’s governments with Love and Light. Each country’s leader and governing body is filled with Love and Light. Each country’s leader is open to Guidance. Each nation’s leader puts the people first. Our world leaders work together for Good. We, the people, work together through meditation, prayer, and action creating Good for all. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.3.22

      As I prepare to return to work in the new year, I recall I am where I am for a reason. I know work is Good. “Work is Love made visible” (Khalil Gibran). In carrying out my work from my high Self, the Living Christ, I work with loving intention for the Good of All. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.2.22

      Today, as we celebrate the Season of Light, I continue to purify myself in Love and Light. Standing at my mind’s gateway monitoring thoughts, I release negative thoughts to Light. I am helping cleanse our world’s thought pollution. Facing my fears, darkness disappears and a New Day dawns. Life is for Living in Divine Essence and Oneness. Let us live in a new way of Oneness! (a la Diana Goure). .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.1.2022

      God is my providence. All that I am, all that I have is of God. Opening my heart, I know God as my providence. I give thanks for the blessings I have and for those I am about to receive. God working through me creates Abundance. As the doer in this realm of existence, I am in the right place, at the right time, saying and doing the right things for the Good of All. .    

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December 2021

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.31.21

      Today, the last day of the year, I focus within and connect to my High Self releasing everything that is not of service to me. I release all self-recriminations. I am a Light Being. I Am a Light Being. Breathing, I embrace my larger Self envisioning a future of Light and Love for all. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for this journey of Light and Love. .    

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  • Light Center Closed on New Year’s Day

    The Light Center is closed to visitors on New Year’s Day. We are limiting the size of groups inside the building and are hosting two concerts that day. Only concert-goers and staff will be allowed inside the building. Thank you for your consideration. Happy New Year!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.30.21

      As I consider those who have made a transition from the physical to the nonphysical dimension, I expand from the Creator within me, filling each of us in the transitioning process with Love and Light. Thinking of friends and family who may feel left, I expand Love and Light in each grieving soul. Our world is filled with Love and Light. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.29.21

      Giving thanks for the closing of the year, I relax, allowing my mind to range as the Creator within me guides me. As the Living Christ, the Doer, I am the hands of Divine Will. I am guided and given the needed tools. I am in the right place, at the right time, saying, and doing the right things for the good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 12.28.21

      In synchronizing myself with Oneness, I remember God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the Universe and beyond for All. Giving thanks I move into the flow visualizing Creative Energy maximizing health for everyone and everything. All are in a bubble of Love and Light. Divine Light is guiding all planetary changes. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 12.27.21

      In this season of Light, all families are filled with Love and Light. Parents are open to their sacred duty of raising responsible, loving Light Beings. Parents are Divinely Guided for the good of their children and people everywhere. Families are the building block of society. Through prayerful focus the Creator within me creates Love and Light within families for the Good of All. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.26.21

      As we celebrate the first fruits of harvest, I go within and give thanks for Unity. I give thanks that everything is of God. Centered in the “I Am that I Am” I expand myself through all creation. I expand Love, Light, Peace, and Joy. I radiate God’s fruits to all, for All. And, so, it is. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.25.21

      As I celebrate the birth of christ consciousness within, I allow myself the Joy of Oneness. Giving thanks for the birth of this Way-Shower, I celebrate our Oneness with Divine Essence. Opening my heart, I am grateful for the sacred gift of freedom to choose Oneness. Thank you, God, for this journey of Love and Light. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.24.21

      On this Christmas Eve as the Christian world celebrates the anniversary of Jesus’s birth, I turn within giving thanks for this “Way-Shower”. Opening to Divinity, I celebrate the birth of the Living Christ, a consciousness of Love, within me. I find myself filled with gratitude. Expanding, I radiate Love and Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for our gift. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.23.21

      Today, amidst the flurry of activity, I rest in Divine Peace. I release any negatives to the Gentle Comforter within. Centering in gratitude and love I radiate Love and Light to all who may be isolated, ill, or troubled. I help create Loving Flow for the good of all, especially for those with any unmet need. I visualize the Loving Essence of the Living Christ, the Doer on this dimension meeting the needs of All. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for making it so. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.22.21

      Taking a deep breath, I center myself and tune to the frequency of Divinity. I breathe rhythmically releasing my concerns, worries, and frustrations for myself and for our world. I am filled with Divine Peace, Love and Light. I am renewed. I radiate Peace, Love and Light to all for all. Thank you, Sweet Divinity for You and for this journey of Light. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 12.21.21

      In the season of Light as the veil thins between the astral and the physical, I center myself and expand my beingness to encompass the world. I fill everyone on all dimensions with Radiant Light and Love. All who may be transitioning from the physical to the astral are eased in and through Divine Peace. All is well. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for making it so. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 12.20.21

      Thank you, Creator, for our healthcare heroes. Thank you for their selfless giving, for their commitment to all of us, to humanity. Today the Creator within me fills all healthcare workers with Light and Love. Today, I visualize us all using wise health care practices to safeguard our healthcare workers and one another. Thank you, Creator, for your Divine Love and Light. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.19.21

      In this season of Light, I am grateful. Thank you for unexpected gifts. Thank you, beloved Creator, for Love. Thank you for Life. Thank you for an abundant life for all of us. Thank you for this beautiful planet. Thank you for Light and Love. Thank you for Divine Rest in You. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.18.21

      Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I release unhealthy use of any substances, food, drink, or behaviors to Light. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I am a Light Being; my every need is met. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.17.21

      Centering, I begin with gratitude for All That Is. I give thanks for all opportunities. Be they difficult or easy, I greet each opportunity with an open heart and mind. My centeredness and gratitude keeps me in the Universal Flow. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.16.21

      As Congress readies for winter adjournment, I focus Divine Healing, Love, and Light on our representatives. The Creator within me visualizes our elected officials governing from the Creator within to ensure the wellbeing of their constituents and our country. Anchoring Light, I aid them to realize their Divine Assignment to work together for the Good of All. And so, it is, Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.15.21

      From the Creator with me, I radiate Love and Light to all storms and stormy aftermaths. I radiate Light and Love to everyone in any storm path. I radiate Light and Love to everything in any storm path. I visualize Light and Love blanketing all areas affected by natural disasters. Everyone is safe in a Bubble of Love and Light. There is only Light and Love. All is well. All is well. All is well. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 12.14.21

      In this season of Light, “let your heart be light”. Today, I let my heart be light, I release any worries and fears to Light. “Let your heart be light.” I let my heart be Light. I am a Light Being. Thank you, dear Divinity, for this journey of Light. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 12.13.21

      As the year moves forward, I focus Love, Light, Peace, and Divine Effectiveness on the Oval Office. From the Creator within, I visualize the Office of the Presidency resting on the Mantle of the Living Christ. Lovingly, I intensify the Light and Love so that all in the White House are divinely Guided for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.12.21

      In the season of Light, Advent, meaning preparation to welcome Christ, I welcome my High Self, the Living Christ within me. From my High Self, the Christ, I am the hands of the Creator on this dimension. I am in the right place, at the right time, saying, and doing the right thing for the Good of all. Thank you, beloved Creator for making it so. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.11.21

      The Energy that is All, has room for us all. Expanding from deep with, I visualize everyone manifesting their divine missions. With gentle intent, I visualize everyone having each and every need abundantly met. Today, I open my heart, mind, and soul to Universal Abundance. I visualize us all opening to Divine Abundance. There is room for us all at the Table of Life. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.10.21

      As I entrain my mind in meditation and prayer, I enter sacred space and focus on our Oneness. All of us have dreams, hopes, and wishes. Dreams whether realized or not are how we create. Today, I visualize each of us as the creators we are taking action to advance our dreams in Divine Oneness for the Good of us all and our beloved planet. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.9.21

      In this season of Light, I focus within giving thanks for all that is. I visualize everyone filled with Light. Expanding further, the Creator within me fills all technological devices with Light. All social media is filled with Light and Love. Divine Light and Love direct all people everywhere. Thank you, dear Divinity for making it so. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.8.21

      Thank you, beloved Creator, for everyone, for everything, and especially for me. Thank you, beloved Creator, for You. Thank you for this journey of Oneness .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 12.7.21

      Focusing on my oneness with All, I declare, “We are One”. Holding this knowingness, I breathe peace and ease to all our people. I thank them for their contributions to our beloved planet and our peoples. In Light, I fill all who have suffered injury, both historically and present day. I fill those of us who feel the emotional echo of past and present trauma with Light and Love. I fill all with Knowledge of Right Action. I fill all with Divine Peace, Light, and Love. We embrace Peace. We are One. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 12.6.21

      Everything is energy. Everything has a frequency. Everything is of God. Light directs everything to Light and Love. As a knower, I affirm the Creator within everyone and everything guides each to Light and Love. We are all Guided on our paths to Oneness. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.5.21

      Centering in Divine Presence, I fill the concept of marriage with Love and Light. I give thanks for the institution of marriage. Expanding from Deep within I change my preconceived notions of marriage to Light. Marriage is a union that creates Love and Light for All. Marriage is a vehicle for completing Divine missions, together and separately, for the good of All. Married to life partners or married to God, all prosper in Union. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.4.21

      Focusing Light on our exquisite planet and its evolving climate, I radiate Love with the Light helping to anchor Light within climate change. Light directs all climate change. All is well. And so, it is. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.3.21

      From the Creator within, I fill all families with Love and Light. Despite life’s obstacles, all are safe in Divinity. As a Light worker, I help anchor Love, Light and Divine Abundance for the good of All. Today, I pay special attention to focusing Love and Light on families, visualizing every need filled through Light and with Love. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.2.21

      As a knower, I affirm the Creator within everyone and everything guides each to Light and Love. Light guides us all. We are Guided on our paths to Oneness. All is well on all dimensions and so it is. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.1.21

      Turning inward to Source, I am grateful for our first responders who are caring for our world’s ill suffering people. The Creator within me, fills all first responders, care givers all, with Light and Love. Our first responders are safe and secure in a bubble of Light on all dimensions. Expanding, I take our world within me, filling all people suffering from illness, despair, and worry with Light and Love. I visualize healing, radiant, purifying energy for our world and all its inhabitants. We are One. .    

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November 2021

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.30.21

      Centering in gratitude, I focus on what is working properly in my life. I am deeply grateful for my many blessings. I am grateful for my ability to meditate and pray. Turning within, I know that anything that has gone awry is an opportunity for growth. My resistance creates discomfort, discomfort is an invitation to release to Divinity. I am grateful for my ability to let things go. I am grateful for my ability to change. I am grateful for my personal growth. Thank you, dear Divinity, for this path of Light. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.29.21

      In meditation, I rest in Source before expanding to fill our nation’s Capitol with Light and Love. In prayer, I visualize and declare the Creator guides our Executive branch. The President and staff are open to Light. The legislative branch is filled with Light and Love. All members of Congress are able to receive Guidance. Turning focus to our Supreme Court, the Creator within me fills our judges and staff with Light and Love that Justice maybe served. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.28.21

      As we celebrate the Season of Light, I know the Creator within me is radiating Divine Light and Love through me. Opening, I merge into Light and Love. Expanding, I radiate Light and Love to everyone and everything. I am a conduit of Light and Love through all dimensions. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.27.21

      From the Creator within me I release any behaviors, foods, or substances that are not for my highest good to Light. I turn to the Creator within me to meet my dependency needs. Opening my heart, mind, and soul to Divinity, I am guided. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for this journey of awakening to who I truly am! .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 11.26.21

      I am filled with gratitude for the Divine gift of our beautiful, natural world. Thank you, Mother-Father God, for Earth. Thank you for the plant, animal, mineral, and microbial kingdoms. Thank you for the trees that hold spiritual energy for us. Thank you for our natural world that nourishes us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Expanding, I fill our beloved planet with Love and Light for the Good of All. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.25.21

      On this Thanksgiving Day, I reach within and give thanks for all I have and all I am about to receive. Radiating Light, I focus to help us all open our hearts, minds, and souls to Divine Generosity. When the impulse to give comes, I give generously in thought, word, and deed. We are One. Thank you, Holy Spirit Within for You and for us All. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.24.21

      Centering in Source, I focus on those of us making a transition through physical death. I visualize radiant Light and Divine Love easing each soul through this “graduation”. I envision their families filled with Light, Love, and Peace. All is well. Life is progressing without end. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.23.21

      Today, I stand with my fellow world citizens. Regardless of race, creed, or color, we are one. We are all Light Beings whether we know it or not. Today, I help anchor Divine Calm, Peace, Love, and Light. Today, I radiate Light to help change any negativity to Light. Our planet is a planet of Love and Light. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.22.21

      As I pray for our world, I consider our economy, the movement and flow of monies that support our endeavors on this plane. I focus intention and pray for the living flow of greenbacks, a plant-like system. I expand myself into this flow of Green visualizing needed monies moving to forward progress for all, for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.21.21

      As the weather cools in the northern hemisphere, I focus my prayerful mind on the needs of others. Deep within I create Love, Light, Prosperity for all, that each may have every need met. All are divinely guided to places, people, and services that provide for any need. We are One. We are connected on all levels through the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.20.21

      Centering within I pray for all those in need, filling my fellow world citizens with Light and Love. I visualize all our body’s chakras filled with empowering beautiful Light and Love. Schoolhouse Earth allows us all to learn and grow. Thank you, beloved Source, for this Journey to You. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 11.19.21

      As I go about my daily life, I find myself grateful for “little things”. Today I am grateful for my mind that I can focus as I choose. Today, I choose to focus on the Creator within me. I am grateful for the ability to focus mindful energy in prayer to create Good for All. Thank you, beloved Creator, for me. Thank you for shared Light and Love for All. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.18.21

      Today, I give thanks for the grace and generosity of our health care providers. From the Creator within me, I fill all these noble professionals with Love and Light. I visualize them safe and secure in a bubble of Light and Love on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.17.21

      Turning within I am grateful for Oneness. My daily meditation provides a safe haven as I negotiate the twists and turns of daily life. Connecting in Oneness, I slow- filling myself with Divine Peace, Love, and Light. Resting in Oneness, faith rises within. All is well. All is well. All is well.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.16.21

      From deep within I affirm: Light guides the United States of America. Light guides the Executive branch of the U.S. Light guides the Legislative branch of the U.S. Light guides the Judicial branch of the U.S. Light guides all who live in the U.S. Light guides everyone and everything. We are One, One Heart, One Mind. One. And so, it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.15.21

      Praying for our beloved beautiful planet, I help anchor Light to off-set the climate anxiety so many are experiencing. There is so much Light! Today, I help create more Light, more Love to fuel energies to help maintain and heal our beautiful spaceship Earth.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.14.21

      Today, from the Creator within me, I am grateful for courage, my own and that of others. As I face forward to my and our beloved planet’s future, I expand from my center of Light, my solar plexus, taking our world within me to aid in transforming all emotional, social, and physical storms to Divine Light and Love. I help anchor Light and Love on all dimensions. All is well.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.13.21

      On world kindness day, I merge with my High Self expanding Divine Peace, Calm, Love, and Light to everyone and everything. Pure crystalline strands of Divine Understanding weave together everyone and everything. All beings extend themselves in Divine Kindness. And so, it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 11.12.21

      Today, I give thanks focusing gratitude, Light and Love on our magnificent angelic kingdom. The Creator within me fills all angels and archangels with Light and Love. Beloved Angelic Kingdom, I am so grateful for your love, your help, and your constancy. Thank you, God, for our angels and their missions. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.11.21

      On this sacred day, 11.11, I merge with the Creator expanding Divine Love and Light within all who serve or have served our country. Those who serve or have served in the military are filled with Love and Light. Those who serve or have served to protect our people are filled with Love and Light. Their families are filled with Love and Light. Those who serve or have served our people in any capacity are filled with Love and Light. I honor service to all by helping expand Love and Light within all. Thank you, God, for Divine Service. […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.10.21

      Centering deep within, I tap God’s loving wellspring. Resting in gratitude allows me to extend Light and Love. Focusing Light and Love on our world’s climate conference, I visualize all participating countries enacting and completing their promised changes. Expanding, I fill the countries who are not participating: Russia; India; and China with Love and Light. The Creator within every country’s leadership guides each country’s actions in Love and Light. Light guides all human action for the Greater Good. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.9.21

      Considering my fellow citizens – of the US and of the world, I anchor myself in Love and Light visualizing our nation filled with Light. I visualize our world filled with Light. I release any worries to Light. We are Light Beings. The US is filled with Love and Light. The world is filled with Love and Light. I trust the Divine’s plan of Love and Light. Stepping out in Faith I help create Love and Light for the Good of All. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.8.21

      As I think of my fellow Light beings, I am buoyed by the actions of the many heroes, sung and unsung, we have on our beloved Earth. Working together, we can make change happen – creating Heaven on Earth. Thank you, God, for Light. Thank you, God, for Love. Thank you, God, for this life.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.7.21

      Today, opening within to Divinity I realize I am God’s hands in this dimension. I open my heart, mind, and soul to Spirit. I ask to be a clear instrument of Your will. From deep within, I release all impediments to Oneness. Thank you, beloved God, for Divine Connection.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.6.21

      If I don’t know what to do, I center deep within. Staying centered in the Presence within me, I know with Divine Knowingness what I need to do. I know I am called to model the Divine Presence Within for all people. To the best of my ability, I model God’s grace, presence, and spontaneity for all. Thank you, beloved God, for your Guidance.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 11.5.21

      Our planetary zeitgeist has many of us with a knot in our stomach. Centering from the Creator within, I visualize all of us working together to create Divine Unity. Expanding to encompass our world, I magnify Light and Love to help increase humankind’s awareness of our loving planet. We are One and so it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.4.21

    From the Creator within, I anchor Light, Love and Peace for all our world’s inhabitants. Inhaling Light, I exhale Love helping to hold sacred space for Divine Calm. I visualize all of us realizing our Divine Essence as Light beings having a human experience on a rough and tumble planet. Today, I anchor Divine Calm for us all.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.3.21

    As I open myself, Spirit stirs within me. Today, I give thanks for the knowledge that we are ONE. All is well. No Matter What. The Divine has a plan and on the astral level the template is prepared, and it is Perfect. Expanding from Spirit I hold Peace for All. Amen    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.2.21

    On the Day of the Dead, All Souls’ Day, I give thanks for the many generations who came before me. I am grateful for my ancestors’ work. From my High Self, I radiate Light back through time and space filling my transitioned loved ones and past generations with Light and Love. I am standing on the shoulders of those who came before me and I am grateful for their contributions to me, my life, and our world. I hold them in Light and Love. And so, it is.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.1.21

    Celebrating All Saint’s Day in a new way, I consider the many Light Beings and Saints who exist on various dimensions. I give thanks for those Beings. I give thanks for the example they have set for me and the Love and Light they have created. Breathing deeply, I expand centering Love and Light for us all as we knowingly or unknowingly strive to complete our spiritual missions.    

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October 2021

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.31.21

    Samhain, the night the veil thins between heaven and earth, I expand from the Creator within me, filling everyone and everything with Love and Light. Immersed in Divine Flow I am helping create a New Heaven on Earth. Thank you, dear Divinity for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.30.21

    Sitting in silent communication with Source, I radiate Divine Peace, Love, and Light within our world and its people. I know we are all God’s chosen Ones. We choose. We choose God’s path of Love and Light. I focus, intensifying Love and Light in social media. Turning, I expand Love and Light in churches, synagogues, and mosques. I visualize Light in everyone so all may know we are all God’s chosen people. With Love, I help anchor this Truth.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.29.21

      Pondering our planetary zeitgeist, I turn within and find solace in the Divine. From the Creator within me, I fill our world with Love and Light. This transitional time is filled with Light. Light directs change for the Good of All. Today, I hold sacred space for Love, Light, Peace, Joy, and Harmony for All. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.28.21

    The Creator with me creates Divine Light, Love, and Peace within all storms. Stormy weather is Nature’s way of transforming negative energy. I visualize each of us releasing our fear of storms and natural disasters to Light and Love. We all release our fear of climate change to Light. Light directs climate change for the Greater Good. Everyone and everything are safe in a Divine Bubble of Love and Light. There is only Light and Love. All is well.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.27.21

    Stepping back from the world’s chatter, I focus deep within on Divine Intelligence. Merging, I focus prayer energy on all people opening their hearts, minds, and souls to the Divine. I visualize crystalline strands of Divine Intelligence connecting to all so we all anchor in Divinity. I visualize all empowered from Divinity, each of us making choices for the Greater Good.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.26.21

    If I hesitate or don’t know my next step, I turn within opening to the Creator asking for Divine Guidance. I do not judge myself. Sitting in silence, I wait for clarification from my High Self. As I wait, I release my personal will affirming “Thy will, not my will”. Thank you, sweet Source for Your Guidance.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.25.21

    The Office of the U.S. Presidency is filled with Love and Light. The President is divinely Guided. All senators and representatives open their hearts, minds, and souls to Light and are Guided. All is well. And so, it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.24.21

    The United Nations is filled with Light and Love. Each UN member opens his or her heart to the Divine within. Each member willingly accepts the Mantle of the Living Christ and is divinely guided to serve for the Good of All. The United Nations, through the Power of the Creator within, LEADS the world’s nations to protect and serve the world’s peoples. And so, it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.23.21

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I release unhealthy use of any substances, food, drink, or behaviors to Light. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. The Creator within meets my every need. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.22.21

    Considering birthdays, the anniversary of one’s birth, such a courageous act – coming through into the physical, to learn more, do more, BE more. To work towards Oneness. Reflecting on this act of faith, I am humbled. Turning within, I fill all having birthdays with Joy, Love, and Light. Expanding, I focus Love and Light back through the last 364 days, filling all people who have had birthdays with Love and Light. Thank you, God, for my fellow Light beings.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.21.21

      Stepping back from the world’s chatter, from deep within I focus on Divine Intelligence. Merging with Divine Intelligence, I focus prayer energy on all people opening their hearts, minds, and souls to Divine Intelligence. I visualize crystalline strands of Divine Intelligence connecting to all so we are all anchored in Divinity. I visualize all empowered from the Creator within, each of us making choices for the Greater Good.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.20.21

      Today I affirm: My life’s tasks are easily achieved, in an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way, in a timely fashion, for the Greater Good. Amen. (Marc Allen)    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.19.21

      Continuing the process of embracing the power of my high Self, the Living Christ within, I reflect on empowerment as a process, sometimes two steps forward, one step back. Today, I gently step out in faith, walking through and releasing my fear to Light and Love. Thank you, beloved God, for guiding me on this journey of enlightenment.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.18.21

      There is only Energy. As I sit with this truth I am flooded with Light. From deep within, I radiate Divine Energy to all our world’s governments. All governments are filled with Light and Love. All non-governmental organizations are filled with Light and Love. I visualize increasing awareness for everyone. We are one in the All That Is. And so, it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.17.21

      Focusing on my physicality, I declare: My cells are Light. My skeletal system is Light. My muscular system is Light. My nervous system is Light. My sensory systems are Light. My endocrine system is Light. My circulatory system is Light. My respiratory system is Light. My digestive system is Light. My urinary system is Light. My reproductive system is Light. My body’s bacteria are Light. I am a Light Being. I radiate Light throughout my body. I radiate Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for me, and for All That Is.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.16.21

      In prayer, the Creator within me focuses Love and Light in our jails and prison system. The Creator within me radiates Love and Light for all of us in any type of prison, physical or mental, imposed by others or by self. The Creator within provides Divine Freedom for all, that we may be free to fulfill our sacred missions for the Good of All. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.15.21

      Expanding from the Creator within me, I focus on the needs of everyone and everything. The Creator within all people, flora, and fauna fills them with Love, Light and Prosperity. Every need is abundantly met. All are divinely guided to places, habitats, people, and services that provide for all needs. We are One, we are connected on all levels. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, there is abundance to meet every need for all species in this beautiful dimension. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.14.21

      Considering people “on edge,” from deep within I affirm “I Am one with Divine Calm.” I Am Divine Calm. I radiate Divine Calm. We are Divine Calm. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for the creation of Divine Calm for all. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.13.21

      Praying for our beloved world and its creatures, I fill our land, air, and waters with Light and Love. I visualize a dampening of the Caldor’s fire intensity. I visualize a dampening of hurricanes’ speed. I visualize all climate changes directed by Light. As a Light Being I help anchor calm and coolness to help lower temperatures and intensity. Thank you, God, for your Divine Calm.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.12.21

      “Be positive! You are the Light of the World.” Today, I immerse myself in revolutionary optimism knowing We are the light of the world. In Divine Connection I expand anchoring Love, Light, the Optimism of faith, and Joy. I am grateful for my ability to stay in the Divine Flow. I am in the right place, at the right time, praying, saying, and doing the right things for the Greater Good. Amen    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.11.21

      Indigenous People’s Day and Columbus Day, today, I fill all people with Love and Light. I visualize everyone releasing their ancestral and personal injuries to Light and Love. Today, in meditation and prayer, I hold sacred space for Divine Harmony for all, as a rainbow family of people on the divine path to Oneness. Thank you, sweet Spirit for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.10.21

      Pondering one of the twelve attributes of the Tree of Life, Divine Rest, I affirm I can rest in the Divine knowing all is well. All perceived problems have a Divine solution. Today, I rest in Spirit, renewing myself in Quiet. Today, I minimize, focusing on the moment, attending minute by minute to my High Self. Giving thanks for the Connection within, I simply rest in the knowledge that despite any perceived inner or outer chaos, all is well. And so, it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.9.21

      Today, I am reminded: I can only control my own thoughts and behavior. I cannot control the choices of others. I can view them as the Light Beings they are. I can set a good example. I can pray for them and visualize them in the beauty of their Light-ness. Thank you, God, for this reminder. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.8.21

      We are Light Beings having an earthly existence – fallible in some ways. As I think about pitfalls on the earthly plane, I consider addiction in its many forms. Today, I expand to fill everyone on Earth with Light and Love. Visualizing cravings of any type as strings attached to people, I take my heavenly scissors and snip the impediments freeing us all. Thank you, beloved God, for helping us realize our True Identity.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.7.21

      As we move into autumn in the northern hemisphere, I turn within and review my habitual thoughts. Thinking about what I am reaping this season, I curate my thoughts – I release any that are not serving me well. I affirm: I am a Light Being. Truth is revealed and expressed to me by Spirit. I am one with All That Is. Thank you, sweet Spirit for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.6.21

      Moving into Oneness, I focus Love and Light on our judicial system. I visualize Light casting clarity on justice in our country and in all countries around our world. All courts systems and those working in the system are filled with Light and Divine Love. All reasoning is Divinely Guided. Thank you, beloved Divinity for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.5.21

      As I relax and open to my High Self, I become more one with the Divine. Today, I relax and release my human desire to be perfect. I release all negative self-judgments. I am a Light Being and I am open to Divinity. I am a flexible fluid Light Being surrendering to Oneness. Thank you, Spirit, for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.4.21

      As I pray for our national leaders, I open to the Divine in me filling Congress with Light and Love. I visualize Light flowing through all budgetary hearings and activities. Light leads the way for all senators and representatives to carry out their duties to our nation in a wise and timely way. Light and Love enable flexibility and wisdom for the Good of All. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.3.21

      Today, I sit as an Observer. I sit in silence and observe my mind, my thoughts. I do not resist, that which I resist, persists (Carl Jung). I observe and I release, I let go, and focus on God. I am a clear vessel through which Spirit flows for the Good of All. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.2.21

      From deep within, I let the mundane fall away. Someone said: “You can’t build security in a world of fear.” I Know this is true. So today, I trust the Creator, That which is All That Is. Today, I trust and have faith. Today, I pray for my Self. Today, I pray for our beloved Earth and all inhabitants. Today, I declare: “I am Divinely Guided”. All is well. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.1.21

      I AM a Light Being. I AM resilient. I AM strong. I AM able to see clearly. I AM able to hear clearly. I AM one with the I AM That I AM. Thank you, beloved Source, for making it so. Amen.    

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September 2021

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.30.21

      Choosing to tune into Spirit I release my defenses allowing myself to depend on the Energy of All. Every need can be met through the Divine. I release grappling to have my needs met. I release my human relationships to Light. I create Love and Light in these relationships, letting them go in Love and Light. Taking action as Guided; visualizing my goals, God meets my every need. Thank you, God, for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.29.21

      As I consider Oneness, I think of bullies. How is one One with a bully? From deep within comes an answer: you see the high Self of the other and lovingly set limits. You push Light and Love out into less-light filled, less-loved filled people and areas. You expand your Light and Love to engage all as One. So, today, I expand my Light and Love to everyone and everything as a Light Being. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.28.21

      Today is National Sons’ Day and I feel a depth of gratitude to all parents who are raising sons to be the Light Beings they are meant to be. From the Creator within me, I expand in gratitude for the souls who choose to come through as sons bringing their gifts to this dimension. Thank you, beloved Source, for the next generation. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.27.21

      Praying for our giant sequoias I am filled with awe for our beautiful world’s trees. The Ancient Ones, as the Native Americans call them, are filled with Light. They are filled with Love. Merging with the sequoias in meditation I breathe Light and Love into them. I fill our firefighters with Light, Love and Gratitude for their holy mission to protect these trees and all trees, woods, and our environment.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.26.21

      Happiest are those who have sought and found a way to serve” (Albert Schweitzer). As I ponder this quote during these turbulent times, I am inspired to gratitude for all that I have, all that I am, and for my purpose as a Light Being. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for you, for me, for Life. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.25.21

      Focusing on our media, I direct the Creator within me to fill each person watching any news or social media with Love and Light. Increasing Light within each viewer, I envision all opening their hearts to Source, filling the internet dimension with Love and Light. I visualize all of us filling cyberspace with Love and Light. Thank you, Sweet Source, for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.24.21

    Pondering Native American Day, I bow to the Divine in all Native Americans joining in Oneness as I honor each for their service to our natural world. Native American spiritual traditions help guide us all. From deep within, I feel a depth of gratitude to Native American culture and the Light Beings who have cared for our beloved Earth for eons and continue to be leaders and environmental activists. All our Native American tribes are filled with Light and Love. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.23.21

    Expanding myself in prayer to become my Self, I visualize what we are meant to be: the living body of Divine Mind. Sitting in Divine Silence and Love I soak up Love, Light, and Serenity. Thank you for this communion of Spirit.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.22.21

    Treasuring autumn, I embrace cooler temperatures and shorter days. As a Light Being, I fill our world’s climate with Light and Love. The Creator within all guides all to create Good through thought, prayer, and action. Today and every day we enable action to protect our fragile fantastic planet. Thank you, God, for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.21.21

    Expanding to encompass our rough-n-tumble world, the Creator within me fills each of us with Light and Love. All who have endured any type of violence are filled with Light and Love. All who have carried out any type of violence are filled with Light and Love. All of us are Light Beings. All of us open our hearts, minds, and souls to the Creator within us. All of us learn from any drama in our lives, changing it to Light. All of us move forward creating Good as One. And so, it is, Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.20.21

      Focusing on the many souls who made an unexpected transition through death to the afterlife I fill them with Love and Light. Focusing deeply from the Creator within, I visualize all these souls releasing any negative emotions to Light. If they are earth-bound, I envision them freed to move forward with their essential purpose: Oneness with God. Turning to those left behind, the Creator within each enables them to change their grief to Love and Light. Thank you, God, for allowing me to aid All.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.19.21

      Moving through my day, I meditate on joy in the Flow. Divine Flow. I declare: I am a Light Being. I am filled with Light. I am a Love Being. I am filled with Love. I resolve to Love as I labor; to find Joy in daily work. I declare: I am worthy of fulfillment of my aspirations. I am Connected in Flow and am Divinely Guided. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.18.21

      Touching in today, I feel the gift of Presence. Expanding, I radiate Light and Love to all our American capital cities, especially the US Capitol. I visualize Divine Calm, Peace, Love, and Harmony filling each capital city within the US. Again visualizing, I see these Divine Gifts flowing to and through all our world’s cities and countrysides filling everyone with Love and Light. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.17.21

      Praying for unity within my fellow Light beings, I expand from deep within and visualize all of Us as One. We are One. One Heart – a shared Oneness with the Creator within each of us. We are One. Today, I hold space for our shared harmony. The Oneness of all beings.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.16.21

      Deep in meditation and prayer, I focus on Spirit flowing through me and declare Love and Light is channeled to those of us in need of healing; to those of us in need of help, especially those of us touched by homelessness, poverty, loneliness, or mental health issues. I co-create with Spirit flowing through me to aid in creation of Heaven on Earth for All. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.15.21

      “All forms of light come with some form of shadows, and that doesn’t mean you don’t want to walk into the sun.” (Amanda Gorman, 2021) Today, knowing Light attracts shadow, I keep myself in a Bubble of Light on all dimensions. There need be no drama, just a Bubble of Light. It’ simple. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for meeting my need for your Protection. Amen      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.14.21

      From deep within I visualize filling all world governments with Light and Love. Light clarifies revealing everything on all dimensions. I visualize all world leaders harmoniously working together for the benefit of all and for the benefit of our sacred environment. And, so, it is. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.13.21

      I am Light. I am Love. I am one with the Divine. I am Divine!      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.12.21

      Focusing, I inhale Light exhaling Love. I purposely create healing Peace. Expanding myself to encompass Earth, I expand Divine Peace filling our world. Serenity flows through all. Visualizing, I increase the radiance of Light and Love enveloping our world. Peace is expanded for All. Thank you, God, for this mission of Love.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.11.21

      On the 20th anniversary of 9-11, I turn within and release my sadness over man’s inhumanity to man. Expanding, I focus Love and Light within all who have lost loved ones due to acts of terror. Today, I help magnify Love and Light within all who are injured and-or who seek to injure others. Each of us praying helps focus Love and Light on our brothers and sisters so we may Truly become the family of Divine Man. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.10.21

      Praying for everyone making a transition from the physical to the nonphysical life, I fill them with Divine Love and Light. Expanding from Source within, I visualize all left-behind-loved-ones filled with Love and Light. All grief, hurt, and anger are changed to Light. Today, I help enrich Harmony, Peace, Love, and Light within everyone and everything. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.9.21

      Today, from deep within I purify and cleanse each cell of my body with Light. Standing at the gate of my thoughts, I release negative thoughts to Light. As I monitor my thoughts, it aids in clearing our world’s thought pollution. Moving deeper, I release and pass through my fears helping to lessen our world’s darkness. Little by little, slowly we turn to Light and Oneness. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.8.21

      Breathing from the Creator within me, I focus on the divisiveness in America filling it with Love and Light. I visualize all in America opening their hearts, minds, and souls to Divine Love. Masks or no masks, vaccinated or not, all are directed by Light and Love. Today, I help hold space for Love and Harmony. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.7.21

      As I return to work, my day job, I recall I am where I am for a reason. I know work is Good. “Work is Love made visible” (Khalil Gibran). In carrying out my work from my High Self, the Creator within me Guides me. I am co-creating with All That Is. I work and pray with loving intention for the Good of All. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.6.21

      Today, as I rest from my labor, I consider the notion: we began to labor as we turned from Divine Love. Today, I rest in Spirit knowing that I can imbue my work with love. This day is for renewal; for resting in the Divine Creative Essence of Life. Thank you, God, for this day and every day. Thank you for meaningful work. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.5.21

        The Creator within me creates Love and Light within all people everywhere. Expanding to encompass our world, I visualize all of us becoming aware of the Living Light that is our essence. All open to Oneness and are Guided. All are in the right place, at the right time, saying and doing the right thing for the Good of All. And, so, it is. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.4.21

        The Creator within me creates Love and Light in and through all unexpected weather events. All fires, floods, and earthquakes across our world are filled with Love and Light Our world’s people are filled with Love and Light. Light directs climate change for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.3.21

        Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I release unhealthy use of any substances or behaviors to Light. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I radiate Light and Love throughout my being. The Loving Light of the Creator nourishes me. I am empowered as the Light Being I am. As I do this for myself, I expand – radiating Light. We are truly Beings of Light and Love. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light and Love.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.2.21

      Riding the spiritual wave of our Creator’s energy, I continue to push personal expansion of my human boundaries to consciously feel All That Is. I release my fear as I surrender to Divine Flow. Sweet, sweet Spirit, my cup truly does runneth over. Thank you, for this sacred, conscious, not-always-easy-to-surrender Path of Light. Thank you. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.1.21

      Thank you, dearest Creator, for my creativity. I am deeply grateful that I am able to pray, to create from deep within. Thank you for the wellspring of creativity that is YOU within me. Thank you, for You. Thank you for me. Amen.      

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August 2021

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.31.21

      Centering from the Creator within me, I fill the Office of the Presidency with Light and Love. I visualize the White House filled with radiant Light. Divine Light guides our US President and staff. Divine Love informs the President on global need. Divine Truth, Light, and Love fill the Oval Office for the Good of All. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.30.21

      Today, the Creator within me fills all Afghans with Love and Light. Thank you, dearest Angels and Beings of Light, for helping all Afghans find the Creator within them and rise to their Divine Mission. We are One in Divinity. Amen. .      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.29.21

      Life isn’t about me; it’s about Us. Spirit has chosen each one of us. We are the Chosen, each of us. Today, I choose to listen to the quiet voice of the Divine within me. I choose to let go of temptations to be less than I am capable of being. I choose to let go of fear. I choose to let go of anger. I choose to let go of hurt. .I am a creator-in-action. I create love to replace fear in all of us. I create love to replace anger in all of us. I create love […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.28.21

      Sometimes, I don’t know what I am doing; I am at a crossroads needing a sign. When this happens, I step out in Faith, as a spiritual scientist, collecting data on a subject of one, myself. “Basic research is what I am doing when I don’t know what I am doing.” (Werner Von Braun). If this is a basic research day, I pray globally, realizing, I am United with all; I am re-searching my connection to Spirit. I am One with All in my process.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.27.21

      Thank you, sweet Spirit, for the plant, animal, mineral, microbial, and molecular kingdoms. Thank you for the water, rocks and trees that anchor our earth holding spiritual energy for us. Thank you for the minerals, microbes, and insects that work together feeding and nourishing us. My gratitude helps expand the radiant beauty of Earth helping to increase Love and Light in this dimension. Thank you, thank you, thank you.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.26.21

      “In seizing the moment, you find heaven.” – Rodney Padgett Today I seize the day, finding peace in Divine Flow. I am elevated, reaching out to expand this Peace to all. I realize, again, Heaven is a state of consciousness. Thank you, beloved God, for Heaven in life. Thank you, for the ability to experience Heaven now.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.25.21

      Expanding from the Creator within me, I fill everyone who is searching for their right place in life, everyone who is terrorized by their future with Divine Love and Light. If the old North Carolinian saying is true: “Rough weather makes good timber” many of us on Earth are prime grade A. Today, I sit in silence and fill everyone with Divine Resilience. All will be well. All is well. Thank you, sweet Spirit for helping us create Beauty and Peace on Earth. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.24.21

      Turning inward to Source, I am grateful for our first responders who are caring for our world’s ill suffering people. The Creator within me, fills all health care workers with Light and Love. These first responders are safe and secure in a bubble of Light on all dimensions. Expanding, I take our world within me, filling all people suffering from illness, despair, and worry with Light and Love. I visualize healing, radiant, purifying energy for our world and all its inhabitants. We are One.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.23.21

      There is a solution to every problem. Intellectually, I know problems are gifts; so today, I take my problems and release them to Light. Expanding, I release our world’s problems to Light. I put my and the world’s problems in God’s hands. In meditation, I release them and rest in the Divine. Grounding myself in Trust, I thank God for my and our learning experiences here on Schoolhouse Earth.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.22.21

      From the Creator within me, I reach out to those of us who feel isolated, lonely, afraid or ill. While I find solace in isolation, I know others may not. Today, I fill our family of man with Light and Love. Today, I visualize all of us and our beloved Earth filled with radiant Light. Today I help hold space – anchoring Peace, Divine Calm, Light and Love for all. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.21.21

      From the Creator within me, I visualize our exquisite planet filled with Love and Light. Setting intention from the Creator within me, I expand Love and Light within our Divine home. I find myself overcome – with love and gratitude for the incredible gift of our beautiful natural world. Thank you, Mother-Father God, for our world. Thank you for all things working together for the Good of All.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.20.21

      Life is short, I refuse to be fearful. Fear cripples the soul. So, every day, if I feel fear surface, I face it and I embrace it. I fill it with Love and I release it. Only through facing, loving, and releasing fear am I free to be who I truly am: a Light Being. Thank you, beloved Creator, for our ability to choose Love. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.19.21

      This moment in time, there have been many, is filled with massive change and apparent tragedy. From deep within, I expand Love and Light through everyone and everything helping to anchor Light, Love and the Peace that passes all understanding. Thank you, God, for this journey of Love and Light.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.18.21

      Reaching deep within I work to deprogram any disinformation and misinformation within me. Parents teach what they know. Today, I lovingly release each parent to Light. I embrace my Light. I embrace my Divine Inheritance. I am one with the Creator within me. I listen only to the Divine Voice within. Thank you for my ability to hear. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.17.21

      As I pray for our world, I focus on everyone trying to find their right place in life on earth. From the Creator within me, I declare Light directs everyone displaced from their home. Everyone finds their right path in the world. All are open to Guidance from the Creator within them. All is well. All are well in Light and Divine Love. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.16.21

      As I ride the spiritual wave of Christed Energy I continue to push personal expansion of my human boundaries to consciously feel All That Is. I embrace Divine Flow finding Joy. Sweet, sweet Spirit. My cup truly does runneth over. Thank you, for this sacred, conscious Path. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.15.21

      Considering all who are suffering any illness, I expand from deep within and fill each soul with Love and Light. Moving into the energy, I add the idea of limitation. The Creator within me directs Light changing all limitations in each of us to Light. We are Light Beings without limits. We are limitless in the Divine. Thank you, Dearest Divinity for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.14.21

      In my meditation and prayer time, I breathe Peace, Love and Light to all nations. I fill North America with Love and Light. I fill Central America with Love and Light. I fill South America with Love and Light. I fill Europe with Love and Light. I fill Asia with Love and Light. I fill Africa with Love and Light. I fill Antarctica with Love and Light. I fill Australia with Love and Light. Our wonderful world is filled with Love and Light on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.13.21

        Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. The Creator within me changes any unhealthy habits to Light. I am a Light Being. We are all Light Beings. We are all healing to become our true selves. We are truly beings of Light and Love. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light and Love.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.12.21

      Each morning I focus-opening to ask Divine Will for my instructions, I remind myself: I am teachable. Centering in Spirit, I expand myself to become my Self – always in touch with the Holy Spirit within. As I go through my daily tasks, I expand Light and Love to everyone and everything. I take action as directed by Divine Will. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.11.21

      As I consider our national disconnect from one another, I find myself saddened by the polarization. Today, I think of Rumi who said: “Out beyond right and wrong, there is a field. I will meet you there.” Maybe this is a cliché, but today, it feels right – today, I step out to that metaphorical field of Love. I step out in Love asking Light to direct my actions. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for Your Love, Your Light, and Your Guidance. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.10.21

      The Creator within me creates Love and Light in our world’s fires, floods, and storms. Light directs all climate change and climate related weather. Today, I visualize Divine Calm on Earth. I visualize all of us safe within a Bubble of Love and Light. Thank you, God for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.9.21

      Relaxing in Connection, I am able to hear the still small voice of the Creator within me. As I let go, I am able to relax and hear. I am hearing and understanding. I am listening and I am Directed. I am becoming more discerning. I am becoming that I Am That I Am. I relax into Divine Gratitude.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.8.21

      Today, I open to the energy of the Divine in our universe. I declare from the Creator within me: “I am the Creator-In-Action on our beloved planet”. I am Divinely Guided to be in the right place, at the right time, thinking, praying, saying, and doing the right things for the Good of All. Thank you, Beloved Divinity for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.7.21

      Moving calmly in Light, I breathe and visualize Light expanding within everyone and everything. Everyone and everything are made from Divinity. In my mind’s eye I see crystalline Light patterns permeating this dimension. Divine Light and Love are woven throughout the Whole. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for this Reality.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.6.21

      Considering the “dog days” of August, I turn within and breathe tolerance, Love, and Light into today and this month. Expanding, I visualize people in both hemispheres of our world filled with radiant Understanding, Peace, Love, and Light. Seizing the moment, I fill the month with the Power of the Living Christ.  Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.5.21

      Today, I focus prayer on electronic devices. Spirit within me fills all of us using any electronic media or phones with Love and Light. As I use devices, I consciously fill everyone viewing screens with Love and Light. All content on social media is filled with Light. Viewers’ emotional responses are filtered by the Divine and are filled with Love and Light. The Creator within me creates Good in, thorough, and around all devices and so, it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.4.21

      Centering in Divine Connection I find Truth is revealed and expressed. I am shown how to navigate any plight. I am given strength through Communion. I am encouraged and enabled to don my Divine spiritual armor to face personal dilemmas and our world’s turmoil. Thank you, God, for this divine partnership in Your Love and Light. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.3.21

      Focusing deep within, I visualize Light filling and guiding our world’s governments. All governments are Light. Our world’s people are Light. Everyone and everything are filled with Divine Love. Love and Light guide our world using a Divine Template. All is well. And so, it is. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.2.21

      As I pray for covid-19, delta mutation, I fill all mutations with Light and Love. We ourselves are mutating, changing every day. Today, I visualize the delta virus variation mutating to enhance Harmony, Peace, and Love within everyone and everything. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.1.21

      The Creator within me fills our world with Love and Light. Holy Spirit expands Love within everyone. Holy Spirit expands Light within everyone. Everyone and everything are made of Divinity. Made of Divine Love and Light. Thank you, Spirit, for your Creation!  

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July 2021

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.31.21

      As I think of all of us on Spaceship Earth, I expand from deep within and fill us with Light and Divine Love. Everyone is coping with some type of challenge. Spaceship Earth is a schoolhouse and we are all learning our lessons at different speeds. Today I visualize all of us filled with Light and Love, able to put down our resistance to change, able to accept Grace and speed our learning process. Thank you, Divine Presence, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.30.21

      As my Consciousness expands, I become aware of a wish to isolate; a wish to dumb down awareness. I release my increased sensitivity to Light. As my perception increases, I am learning all things will become transparent. I am made aware that Spirit within me will increase my tolerance and understanding to match my growing awareness of All That Is. Thank you, God, for this journey of discovery.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.29.21

      As I go about my daily life, I find myself grateful for little things. Flowering plants, rest, sunshine, laughter… I am grateful for my mind that I can focus as I choose. Today, I choose to focus on the Creator within me. I am grateful for the ability to focus mindful energy in prayer to create Good for All. Thank you, beloved Creator, for me.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.28.21

      Again, I am reminded: the keys to the Kingdom come as I release my negatives to Light. One by one, it is a gradual process. Today, I release my worry, anger, and fear to Light. Today, I step out in faith – trusting the Creator within me to guide me on my path to Oneness. Today, I take my courage in hand and Trust. Thank you, beloved Creator, for this journey to Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.27.21

      We dedicate the energy of our prayers to benefit all Sentient beings throughout time, space, and mind. May the power of our prayers increase to help others know their perfection as one with Divinity. Amen. (Revision of the Tibetan dedication of Merit; offered by Jacquelyn Sendak- Zavaleta)

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.26.21

      Thank you, unseen Light Beings, for being here. Thank you for helping anchor Light and Love on Earth. Thank you, dearest angels, fairies, and friends of Light for all you do for us on this dimension. It helps to know we are not alone in our most perfect work. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.25.21

      Parenting may be the hardest job in the world; it’s 24/7, little mirrors showing us our worst traits… Today, I expand from the Creator within me, filling all parents with Divine Love and Light. Lifting them in Light to acknowledge the loving sacrifices made by most parents. Thank you, God, for the courageous choice parents make. Thank you, God, for the growing experience of parenting. Thank you, God, for children and families on Schoolhouse Earth. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.24.21

      Considering birthdays, the anniversary of one’s birth, such a courageous act, coming through into the physical, to learn more, do more, BE more. Reflecting on this act of faith fills me with awe. Focusing from deep within, I expand Love and Light through all who have had birthdays in the past year. The Creator within me fills everyone with Joy, Love, and Light in gratitude for all that has been contributed to this physical dimension, our world.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.23.21

      From the Creator within me, I fill the fires in the western US with Light and Love. I fill the Bootleg fire with Light and Divine Love. I visualize and affirm Light directs these fires to Light. Light directs the fire-determined weather patterns to Light. Light and Divine Love fill all living beings. Light and Love fill our atmosphere. Light directs climate change for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.22.21

      As I focus on the Creator within me, I expand visualizing everyone with covid-19 filled with Light and Love. All who may be suffering are filled with Peace, Light, and Love. Light directs everyone’s bodies and souls to Light. The Creator within me fills the covid-19 virus and all viruses with Light and Love. Light directs everything to Light and Love. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.21.21

      As I turn within, finding respite from the world in my meditation. I let the mundane fall away. I let the chatter and talking heads go. I center myself in Divinity and focus Love and Light on our beloved world. I fill all people with Love and Light. I remember God is the Energy that underlies all living things. I center in this unifying comforting Truth. And so, it is, Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.20.21

      Nighttime is moon time and gives us the gift of rest. Today, I am grateful for Divine Rest. From deep within I am filled with gratitude for our daily cycles. With infinite wisdom Divinity gave us time to rest, rejuvenate, and consolidate our learning. Touching into Source I am filled to overflowing. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for our daily turns.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.19.21

      God works on a need-to-know basis. I don’t know The Big Picture because I may not yet have the capacity to digest it. I learn as I release, more is revealed. So, today, I step out in Faith, I release fear and anxiety. I open my heart to the miracles I see every day. I open my heart to Divinity and feel Joy. Joy eases ambiguity. I know Source is my spiritual safety net. Thank you, Sweet Source for this exciting journey of release.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.18.21

      Sometimes, I find myself at a crossroads needing a sign. Stepping out in faith, as a spiritual scientist, I collect data on a subject of one, myself. “Basic research is what I am doing when I don’t know what I am doing.” (Werner Von Braun). If this is a basic research day, I declare: “Thank you, God”. I choose to reach within in faith, becoming One with All in my process of growth. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.17.21

      The Creator within me creates Love and Light in and through fires, floods, and earthquakes across our world. All unexpected weather and resulting challenges are filled with Divine Love and Light. Light directs climate change for the Good of All. Worldwide, our first responders are filled with Love and Light. They are guided in their missions to save lives, lands, and homes. All living beings, be they plant, insect, animal, or human, who are touched by climate change are filled with Love and Light. All are safe within a Bubble of Love and Light. Thank you, God for making […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.16.21

      Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I release unhealthy use of any substances or behaviors to Light. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I am a Light Being. I am filled with Light. I radiate Light and Love throughout my being. The Loving Light of the Creator nourishes me. I am empowered as the Light Being I am. As I do this for myself, I expand – radiating Light. We are truly Beings of Light and Love. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.15.21

      The Creator within me releases and changes my preconceived notions of marriage to Light. As I hold the institution of marriage in Light, I understand that marriage is a vehicle for completing Divine missions, together and separately, for the good of All. Married to life partners or married to God, this union creates Love and Light for All. Thank you, God, for this yoke of Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.14.21

      In meditation and prayer, I focus Light and Love on all of us who are ill, impoverished or imprisoned in mind, body or spirit. Expanding, I visualize the Creator within each suffering soul opening to release discomfort and find ease, comfort, joy, and peace within Thy Mercy. Thank you, Beloved God, for your Tender Mercy, Love, and Peace that passes all understanding. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.13.21

      Focusing on our planet, I think about litter and littering. Suspending judgment, I fill those who litter with Love and Light. We all litter, knowingly or not, trash out of a window, words out of a mouth. Today, I fill all with Love and Light. Today, I litter our world with Love and Light holding space for a new heaven on Earth.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.12.21

      Today, I confirm that the Creator within me gives me all the insights and information I need to know. If I pay attention, I can trust I will receive all needed messages from my High Self. I affirm I trust the Creator within me. I trust myself. I trust God. I am in the right place at the right time, listening, doing, and saying the right thing for the Good of All. Thank you, High Self, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.11.21

      Today, I rest enjoying the fruits of my labor. Regardless of what we see and hear, all that truly matters is Love and Light. Today, I rest my heart in Spirit, knowing one’s Heart focused on Divine Connection is truly the pinnacle of worldly success. All else is smoke and mirrors. I rest in Ease, Grace and Glory.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.10.21

      I find myself grateful for my many blessings. Yes, there are challenges, and these help me grow. As I consciously breathe, I am filled with gratitude. Today, I pay it forward, acting locally and praying globally for the Good of All. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for my many gifts.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.9.21

      Reflecting on parenting, a 24/7 role that is often sheer joy and sometime not, I visualize parenting filled with Divine Ease. All parents are filled with Love and Light. Parents are Divinely Guided for the good of their children and people everywhere. Families are the building block of society. The Creator within parents fills all families With Love and Light for the Good of All. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.8.21

    From my High Self, I visualize our world filled with Light. Crystalline strands of Light weave a radiant tapestry. Immersing myself in this creative endeavor, I visualize Light and Love filling this physical dimension. Everyone and everything are bathed in Light and Love. Thank you, Divine Essence, for this template of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.7.21

    As we move into hurricane season, I know stormy weather is Nature’s way of transforming negative energy. From deep within, I declare the Creator within me creates Light, Love, and Peace within all storms. We all release our fear of storms to Light. We create Love and Light blanketing our world. All are safe in a Divine Bubble of Love and Light. All is well. And so it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.6.21

    As we return back to our work-a-day jobs, I remember: “Work is love made visible” (Khalil Gibran). In carrying out my work from my High Self, I know the Creator within me Guides me. I work and pray with loving intention for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.5.21

      Today, I am grateful for our founding mothers as well as our founding fathers. Feminine hands that contributed to the founding of this nation. Feminine hands that sewed our beautiful American flag. Feminine hands that offered a tea set to fund the first treasury. Feminine hands that defended homes and families. I am grateful for the many women and men who came before us in creating Good. I am humbled as I stand on the shoulders of the founding mothers and fathers. I am humble as I carry the Greater works forward, striving for a new Heaven on Earth, […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.4.21

    Today, amidst the parades and John Philip Sousa, I turn within visualizing a nation whose leaders and citizens are Divinely Guided. A nation filled with Love and Light that upholds dignity for all. Our beautiful country is filled with creative Light Beings who are working for Good. Life on Earth is a sacred learning experience. I help hold space for Unity for us All.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.3.21

    We are One, whether we know it or not, what happens to one happens to all. From Spirit within, I release everyone’s suffering to Light. From within, I release all creatures’ suffering to Light. From within, I release all plants’ suffering to Light Expanding within, I release our Earth’s suffering to Light. Spirit fills each molecule on this dimension with Divine Love and Light. We are One. One Heart. One Destiny. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.2.21

    Turning within I fill all generations under me with Love and Light. As I find myself becoming an elder, I realize prayer is the most potent gift I have to offer. Visualizing from the Creator within me, I see our world’s young people as they truly are: co-creators with the Divine. Our world’s young citizens are filled with Love and Light. All are able to easily access Spirit within them. And, so it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.1.21

    God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the Universe for the Good of All. I rest assured knowing all is in Divine Order. As I go about my daily tasks, I know the energy that is All That Is helps those who help themselves. In doing my part, the Creator within me maximizes all possibilities for the Good of All. It is a beautiful dance of Spirit. I am a dancer in a Cosmic ballet of Light and Love.

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June 2021

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.30.21

    Today, I direct the Creator within me to fill all of us who are suffering with Light and Love. All who may be enduring illness, loss, and-or fear are filled with Light and Love. Light directs each individual to Light. The Creator within me fills our world and its many life-forms with Light and Love. Light directs everything to Light and Love. Everything is of God and for the greater Glory of Divinity. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.29.21

    I am grateful to sit for this time in silence. I am grateful for my many gifts from the Divine. Expanding from the Creator within me, I fill our world with Love and Light. I am grateful for Divine Grace, Ease, and Peace. Thank you, sweet Spirit, for your Gifts.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.28.21

    From the Creator within me, I focus prayerful energy on our disenfranchised brothers and sisters. Those living on society’s margins may appear as “other” to us and they play as important a role in cosmic creation as do more mainstream appearing folks. Expanding, I fill all with Love and Light, praying globally, I act locally embracing all in Love and Light. We are all part of the Oneness of Divinity.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.27.21

    Pondering one of the twelve attributes of the Tree of Life, Divine Rest, I can rest in the Divine knowing all is well. All perceived problems have a Divine solution. Today, I rest in Spirit, renewing myself in Quiet. Today, I minimize, focusing on the moment, attending minute by minute to my High Self. Giving thanks for the Connection within, I simply rest in the knowledge that despite any perceived inner or outer chaos, all is well. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.26.21

    Exploring “For all have sinned and are short of the glory of God;” (Romans 3:23, G. Lamsa’s translation), it is revealed that it’s not about being perfect. It’s about opening to one’s High Self. Today, I release the human desire to be perfect. I release all negative self-judgments. I am a Light Being and I am open to Divinity. I am a flexible fluid Light Being surrendering to Oneness. Thank you, Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.25.21

    In synchronizing myself with Oneness, I give thanks as I visualize Creative Energy maximizing the health of our rainforests, our deserts, our plains, our piedmonts, our mountains, our tundra, our savannahs, and our poles. Our planetary waters are filled with Love and Light. Our beloved Earth is in a bubble of Love and Light. Divine Light is guiding all climate change. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.24.21

    Turning within I filter out our rough-n-tumble world, choosing to enter conscious communion with Spirit. I release my worries to Light and Love. I trust the Creator within me and I am Guided. As I visualize Goodness manifesting on Earth, I am so grateful for my life in Spirit. I am never alone in Spirit. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for you. Thank you for our angels. Thank you for all creation and thank you for me. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.23.21

    As I ponder transitioning from the physical to the metaphysical plane, death, I visualize all souls leaving their earthly body filled with crystal clear Light and Love. Light aids them in their transition. I visualize them easily finding their way to their next learning experience. I radiate Light and Love to all. All is well.

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I open my heart, mind, and soul to thee,
my beloved Presence within.
I seek and I see.
I see and I understand what I need to change.
I am open to making changes.
Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so.



October 2024

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.21.24

    Stepping back from the world’s chatter, I Merge with Divine Intelligence focusing prayer energy on all people opening their hearts, minds, and souls to Divine Intelligence. I visualize crystalline strands of Divine Intelligence connecting to all, anchoring us in Divinity. I visualize all empowered from the Creator within, each of us making choices for the Greater Good.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.20.24

    Pondering one of the twelve attributes of the Tree of Life, Divine Rest, I allow myself to rest in the Divine. I know all is well despite possible outward appearances. Life on Earth is a sacred learning experience. We are Light beings learning to become One. Thank you, God, for Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.19.24

    As I open myself, Spirit stirs within me. Today, I give thanks for the knowledge that we are ONE. All is well. No Matter What. The Divine has a plan and on the astral level the template is prepared, and it is Perfect. Expanding from Spirit I hold Peace for All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.18.24

    “Be positive! You are the Light of the World.” Today, I immerse myself in revolutionary optimism knowing We are the light of the world. In Divine Connection I expand anchoring Love, Light, the optimism of faith, and Joy. I am grateful for my ability to stay in the Divine Flow. I am in the right place, at the right time, praying, saying, and doing the right things for the Greater Good. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.17.24

    Someone said: “You can’t build security in a world of fear.” I Know this is true. So today, I trust the Creator, that which is All That Is. Today, I trust and have faith. Today, I pray for my Self. Today, I pray for our beloved Earth and all inhabitants. Today, I declare: “I am Divinely Guided.” All is well. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.16.24

    We are Light Beings having an earthly existence. As I think about pitfalls on the earthly plane, I consider addiction in its many forms. Today, I expand to fill everyone with Light and Love. Visualizing cravings of any type as strings attached to people, I take my heavenly scissors and snip the impediments freeing us all. Thank you, beloved God, for helping us realize our True Identity. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.15.24

    As I breathe in Light and Love, I am strengthened by the Creator within me. I am divinely guided. I am Light filled. I am Love filled. I take each day as the Creator within me directs. I breathe, eat, sleep and move in divine flow. I am in a bubble of Light on all dimensions and only Light can come to me and Light can come from me. I am a Light being. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.14.24

    Recognizing Indigenous People’s Day and Columbus Day, today, we expand this sacred day to fill all people around the world with Love and Light. Through Love we release our ancestral and personal injuries to Light and Love. Today, I join with others in holding sacred space for Divine Harmony and Divine Peace for all, as a rainbow family of people on the divine path to Oneness. Thank you, sweet Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.13.24

    Today, I extend myself to encompass Earth filling it with Light and Love. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for the nurturing beauty of our fantastic planet. Thank you, for our beloved wild spaces and wildlife from whom we have much to learn. Thank you for ever better stewardship of our planet as we safeguard all wildlife now and forevermore. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, day, Saturday, 10.12.24

    Pondering our planetary zeitgeist, I turn within and find solace in the Divine. From the Creator within me, I fill our world with Love and Light. This transitional time is filled with Light. Light directs change for the Good of All. Today, I hold sacred space for Love, Light, Peace, Joy, and Harmony for All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.11.24

    I AM a Light Being. I AM resilient. I AM strong. I AM able to see clearly. I AM able to hear clearly. I AM one with the I AM That I AM. Thank you, beloved Source, for You in me. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.10.24

    Today, I am reminded: I can only control my own thoughts and behavior. I cannot control the choices of others. I can view them as the Light Beings they are. I can set a good example. I can pray for them and visualize them in the beauty of their Light-ness. Thank you, God, for this reminder. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.9.24

    Tuning into Spirit, I allow myself to depend on the Energy of All. Every need is met through the Divine. I release grasping to have my needs met. I visualize everyone releasing their many needs to Light. Spirit within creates Light and Love blanketing our world. Acting as guided, visualizing my goals, Spirit meets my every need. Expanding, I envision everyone’s every need is met. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.8.24

    Breathing, I join with other Light beings creating Divine Calm in our world. All areas affected by unusual weather events are calmed with Light and Love. There is only Light and Love. I help anchor Light and Love in troubled situations. I am Light. I am Love. I am Guided.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.7.24

    Breathing deeply, I release any anxiety to Light. As a Light being having a human experience, I turn to the Creator within me to meet my dependency needs. Opening my heart, mind, and soul to Divinity, I am guided. I am in the right place at the right time saying and doing the right thing for the Greater Good. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for your Guidance and Comfort.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.6.24

    I am a flexible, adaptable Light Being. We, all of us, are flexible, adaptable Light Beings. I move through today’s tasks guided by Light and Love. Each of us moves as guided by Light and Love. Each day, a step at a time, I give thanks. We give thanks. We give thanks. We give thanks. I create Good here and now. We create Good here and now. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.5.24

    As I breathe in Light I am strengthened by the Creator within me. I am divinely guided. I am Light filled. I am Love filled. Expanding, I fill everyone and everything with Light. I visualize each person’s Light guiding them. All of us are in a bubble of Light on all dimensions and only Light can come to us and Light can come from us. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.4.24

    Today, we as Light workers, fill the U.S. with Love, Light, and Divine Calm. We breathe the Peace that passes all understanding into all. We fill our first responders with Divine Energy and ask that Spirit protect and guide them. Collectively, we anchor Love and Light on Earth. And so, it is. Amen.

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September 2024

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.28.24

    Moving through my day, I meditate on joy in the Flow. Divine Flow. I am in the Flow. I resolve to Love as I labor; to find the Joy in daily work. I am worthy of fulfillment of my aspirations. I am Connected in Flow and am Divinely Guided. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.27.24

    Deep with, I focus Spirit flowing through me and declare Love and Light is channeled to those of us in need. Regardless of circumstance or need, I visualize Divine Love and Light guiding, directing, and healing. Today, I work with Spirit flowing through me to aid in creation of Heaven on Earth for all. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.26.24

    Choosing to tune into Spirit, I release my defenses allowing myself to depend on the Energy of All. I affirm every need is met through the Divine. Trusting, I take action as Guided, visualizing my goals, God meets my every need. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Light Center Closed due to Tropical Storm

    The Light Center will be closed on Friday, September 27, due to inclement weather. Please stay safe, centered in Light!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.25.24

    I am thankful for daughters and daughters-in-law. Daughters carry forward family traditions. We, all of us, daughters and sons work together for the Good of our world and beyond. The role of daughter and son is sacred in many ways. And today, I celebrate the role of daughters in life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.24.24

    From deep within I visualize filling all world governments with Light and Love. Light clarifies, revealing everything on all dimensions. I visualize all world leaders harmoniously working together for the benefit of all and for the benefit of our sacred environment. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.23.24

    Pondering Native American Day, I bow to the Divine in all Native Americans. Joining in Oneness, I honor each for their service to our natural world. Native American spiritual traditions help guide us all. I feel a depth of gratitude to the Native American culture and the Light Beings who have cared for our beloved Earth for eons. All our Native American tribes are filled with Light and Love. Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.22.24

    Treasuring autumn, I embrace cooler temperatures and shorter days. As a Light Being, I fill our world’s physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual climates with Light and Love. The Creator within all guides all to create Good through thought, prayer, and action. Today and every day we enable action to protect our fragile fantastic planet. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.21.24

    Slipping into Oneness, I merge with Divinity. Riding the energy, I feel the Peace that surpasses all understanding. I am so grateful for my peace. Expanding myself to encompass the world, I join with others filling our world with Peace. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Tickets still available for Richard Shulman’s Autumn Equinox Concert on Sunday, 22nd, 2 to 4 p.m.

    Composer/pianist/recording artist Richard Shulman plays a concert on the Kawaii Concert Grand piano in the Light Center’s geodesic dome prayer room. Richard creates music intended to be a positive influence for himself, audiences and society. Advance tickets (until 4 p.m. on 9/21)$20; at the door $25. More information and tickets: https://urlight.org/events/autumn-concert-with-richard-shulman-sunday-291/

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.20.24

    Today, I sit with Spirit and I allow myself the gift of wallowing in Light. Today, I soak in Light and Love feeding my Self. Today, I allow myself to be satiated in Light and Love. Today, I will move slowly being kind to every living thing starting with myself. Thank you, sweet Spirit within, for this gift of time.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.19.24

    God is the Energy that is maximizing the potentialities of the Universe for the Greater Good. Going about my daily tasks, I know the Creator within me maximizes the positive outcome of my actions for the Good of All. It is a beautiful dance of Spirit and I rest assured knowing all is in Divine Order. I am a dancer in the Cosmic ballet of Light and Love. What joy this brings!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.18.24

    Expanding myself in prayer to become my high Self, I visualize what we are meant to be: the living body of Divine Mind. Sitting in Divine Silence and Love I soak up Love, Light, and Serenity. Thank you for this communion of Spirit.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.17.24

    Praying for unity within my fellow Light beings, I expand from deep within and visualize all of Us as One. One Heart, a shared Oneness with the Creator within each of us. Today, I hold space for our shared harmony as One in Divinity. The Oneness of Beingness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.16.24

    Today, from deep within I cleanse each cell of my body with Light. Standing at the gate of my thoughts, I release negative thoughts to Light. Releasing and walking through my fears helps lessen our world’s darkness by clearing thought pollution. Little by little, slowly we turn to Light and Oneness. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.15.24

    As I embrace any pain, it transforms to Holy Love. I die daily to christ-conscious Love. I find myself surrendering ‘self’ into Love. I leave my physical body to be filled with Love. I am a vessel of Love, generating healing Love. For myself. For us all. Everywhere, everything is radiant Light and Love. There is only Light and Love. (UR volunteer.)

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.14.24

    The Creator within me creates Love and Light within all people everywhere. Expanding to encompass our world, I visualize all of us becoming aware of the Living Light that is our essence. All open to Oneness and are Guided. All are in the right place, at the right time, saying and doing the right thing for the Good of All. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.13.24

    The Creator within me creates Love and Light in and through all weather events. All fires, floods, and earthquakes across our world are filled with Love and Light. Our world’s people are filled with Love and Light. Light directs climate change for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.12.24

    September is a time to feel the light. (Henri Cole.) I sit in light. I sit in Light. I am Light. I am Love. I am one with the Divine. I am Divine!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.11.24

    Turning within, I release any sadness over man’s inhumanity to man. Expanding, I become Love and Light. I visualize Love and Light within all who have lost loved ones due to the acts of others. Today, I help magnify and anchor Love and Light within all. Working together we create Good, so we truly become the family of Divine Man. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.10.24

    The U.S. is filled with Light and Love. The loving Light of the Divine guides our nation and our body politic. Today, I fill all my fellow citizens with Love and Light. Expanding I spread Love and Light through all nations. Light guides our entire world in Love. We are One. One Heart – One in Divinity and so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.9.24

    Riding a spiritual wave of our Creator’s energy, I continue to push personal expansion of my human boundaries to consciously feel All That Is. I release my defenses as I surrender to Divine Flow. Sweet, sweet Spirit, my cup truly does runneth over. Thank you, for this sacred, conscious, not-always-easy-to-surrender Path of Light. Thank you. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.8.24

    I am grateful for my family of origin and the lessons I learned. As I fill all families with Light and Love, I focus on grandparents who hold amazing power in families. Today, I fill all grandparents with Light and Love. I am grateful to my grandparents for the sacrifices they made for us. I am filled with gratitude for all I am learning and have learned from family. Thank you, God, for my family and for the human family.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.7.24

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I radiate Light and Love throughout my being. The Loving Light of the Creator nourishes me. I am empowered as the Light Being I am. As I do this for myself, I expand – radiating Light and Love. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light and Love.

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  • Sacred Circle Dances with Maggie Moon

    Hello dancing friends and happy early fall! Our Sacred Circle Dance returns to the Light Center on Sunday, September 15, from 2:30 to 4:30. Please join us and bring a friend! Each dance gently taught, no previous experience required. Donations to support the Light Center are much appreciated. During the summer hiatus, I have been to Dance Camp at Ferry Beach, Maine and hope to bring you some new and exciting dances.  Please join us! Blessings of this beautiful season, Maggie Moon

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.6.24

    Centering, I release any judgment or worry about our world. Recalling Rumi’s quote: “Out beyond right and wrong, there is a field. I will meet you there.” It’s a cliché, but today, it feels right. Today, I step out into that metaphorical field of Love knowing Light will direct my actions. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for Your Love, Your Light, and Your Guidance. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.5.24

    Thank you, dearest Creator, for my creativity. I am deeply grateful for may ability to pray, to create from deep within. Thank you for the wellspring of creativity that is YOU within me. Thank you, for You. Thank you for me. Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.4.24

    As my body or soul calls me to it, I release my past and deep past to Light. I permit a cleansing of blockages to Oneness. I release pain and embrace the purging fire within. I allow God’s divine healing Spirit within me to take command. I rest in the healing Grace of All That Is. I rest in Grace.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.3.24

    As I return to work, my day job, I recall I am where I am for a reason. I know work is Good. “Work is Love made visible” (Khalil Gibran). In carrying out my work from my High Self, the Creator within me Guides me. I am co-creating with All That Is. I work and pray with loving intention for the Good of All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.2.24

    Today, as I rest from my labor, I consider the notion: we began to labor as we turned from Divine Love. Today, I rest in Spirit knowing that I can imbue my work with love. This day is for renewal; for resting in the Divine Creative Essence of Life. Thank you, God, for this day and every day. Thank you for meaningful work. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.1.24

    Riding a spiritual wave of our Creator’s energy, I continue to push personal expansion of my human boundaries to consciously feel All That Is. I release my defenses as I surrender to Divine Flow. Sweet, sweet Spirit, my cup truly does runneth over. Thank you, for this sacred, conscious, not-always-easy-to-surrender Path of Light. Thank you. Amen.

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August 2024

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.31.24

    Expanding from deep within, I focus Love and Light on our world’s leadership. All leaders and politicians are filled with Light. All public officials open their hearts to the Voice of Spirit. They hear and listen. Our world’s leaders are Guided lead our world with Divine Wisdom. I visualize them leading with compassion, joy, and peace in their hearts. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.30.24

    My health rests upon the living Christ. I am grateful for the good health that underlies my ability to carry out the Greater Works on Earth. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.29.24

    Thank you, dearest Creator, for my creativity. I am deeply grateful that I am able to pray, to create from deep within. Thank you for the wellspring of creativity that is YOU within me. Thank you, for You. Thank you for me. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.28.24

    Today, I hold myself in Divine Love and Light. Expanding, I take planet Earth and its inhabitants within me holding everyone and everything in Love and Light. I help anchor Love and Light on our incredible planet. Thank you, sweet Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.27.24

    Thinking of those returning to school, I picture all school systems filled with Love and Light. I envision all students, and their families filled with Love and Light. All teachers and school employees are filled with Love and Light. All schools are secure in their own bubbles of Light. Expanding into the universe, I see the crystalline bubbles of schools connecting around the world; a shimmering web of Love and Light. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.26.24

    Today, I pray for man’s best friend, the dog, all have Divine missions. Many Light beings are alone. While we pray and meditate, giving and receiving love and nourishment, a dog’s presence can be grounding and affirming. All entities are rising toward the Divine. Thank you, God, for the Divinity in man’s best friend. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.25.24

    From the Creator within me, I visualize our exquisite planet filled with Love and Light. Setting intention from the Creator within me, I expand Love and Light within our beloved planet. I am comforted by the incredible gift of our beautiful natural world. Thank you, Mother-Father God, for our world. Thank you for all things working together for the Good of All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.24.24

    Freedom is nothing left to be (Tammy Tuberville). Today, I am grateful for spiritual freedom. Opening my heart to Oneness, I feel free to explore my boundaries in Thee. As I float in Oneness I feel Joy expanding my heart. I am overcome with joy and gratitude for limitless Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.23.24

    Everyone is coping with some type of challenge during our earthly existence and we are all learning our lessons at different speeds. Today I visualize all of us filled with Light and Love, able to put down our resistance to change, able to accept Grace and speed our learning process. Thank you, Divine Presence, our experiences on schoolhouse Earth. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.22.24

    As energy on our planet continues to shift, I embrace change. I consciously breathe giving thanks for All That Is. The Creator within me guides and directs me. I am in the right place at the right time, thinking, saying, and doing the right thing for the Greater Good. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.21.24

    From the Creator within me, I reach out in Light and Love to those of us who are lonely, afraid, ill, transitioning or in any peril. Working in concert with the loving aid of our angels, I expand Light and Love in our family of man. I visualize all of us and our beloved Earth filled with radiant Light. Together we hold space, anchoring Peace, Divine Calm, Light and Love for all. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.20.24

    God works on a need-to-know basis. I don’t know The Big Picture but as I release and grow, more is revealed. Opening my heart, I see miracles every day. Joy surfaces easing ambiguity. I am reminded Source is my spiritual safety net. Thank you, Sweet Source, for this exciting pilgrimage to Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.19.24

    The creator within me changes any outdated concepts to Light. Any misinformation within me is deprogrammed. I embrace my Light. I embrace my Divine Inheritance. I am one with the Creator within me. I listen only to the Divine Voice within. Thank you, beloved Creator, for my ability to hear. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.18.24

    I am a prism that refracts beams of Divine Light. I am a Light being. I am a Love being. I help anchor Light and Love here on Earth. I am Divine. Thank you, Beloved, for this life of Light!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.17.24

    Thank you, dearest Divinity, for You within me. Thank you for my divine Connection in You. I am ever so grateful for Connection, Light, Life and Love. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.16.24

    The Energy that is All, has room for us all. Expanding from deep with, I visualize everyone manifesting their divine missions. With gentle intent, I visualize everyone having each and every need abundantly met. Today, I open my heart, mind, and soul to Universal Abundance. There is room for us all at the Table of Life. (Inspired by Jo Harjo.)

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.15.24

    As I turn within finding temporary respite, I let the mundane fall away. I let the chatter and talking heads go. I center in Divinity and feel loved. Expanding, I visualize all people filled with Love and Light. I remember God is the Energy of all creation. And I relax and rest in this Truth. And so, it is, Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.14.24

    As I listen to the Divine within me, I follow my mission as well as I can. I let go of my EGO – no longer Edging God Out, no longer saying “no or I can’t.” As I listen to the Divine within me, I retain enough EGO to Execute God’s Orders. I am God’s willing worker, for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.13.24

    “In seizing the moment, you find heaven.” – Rodney Padgett Today I seize the day, finding peace in Divine Flow. I am elevated, reaching out to expand this Peace to all. I realize, again, Heaven is a state of consciousness. Thank you, beloved God, for Heaven in life. Thank you for the ability to experience Heaven now.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.12.24

    Thank you for Earth’s animal kingdom. All our kin, the creatures of the world, are filled with Love and Light. Thank you for the air and water that sustains life. Our air and water are filled with Love and Light. Thank you, dearly beloved Creator, for our beautiful planet and its myriad organisms. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.11.24

    Today, I give thanks for parents who are the path for our newest generation of Light beings. And I am grateful to all the souls who choose to be born now. Parents teach character by living their lives in front of their children. Parent or not, I am grateful for those who undertake nurturing our freshest world citizens. I visualize families lifted and filled with Love and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.10.24

    The Creator within everything fills our world with Love and Light. Holy Spirit expands Love within everyone. Holy Spirit expands Light within everyone. Everyone is Divine. Everything is Divine. I am Divine. Thank you, Spirit, for your Creation and thank you for me!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.9.24

    As I think of my fellow Light beings, I am buoyed by the actions of the many heroes we have on our beloved Earth. We create change working toward Heaven on Earth. Thank you, God, for Light. Thank you, God, for Love. Thank you, God, for this life and our ability to create. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.8.24

    Opening to the energy of Source within me, I welcome Light as it moves within my cells. In gratitude I embrace Light, declaring “I am One with All That Is.” More fully opening to Oneness, I consciously accelerate my spiritual growth. Co-creating with Spirit, I am Guided to be in the right place, at the right time, thinking, praying, saying, and doing the right things for the Good of All. Thank you, sweet Source, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.7.24

    Climate change is directed by Light for the Good of All. As I help create Good in climate change, I visualize all discomfort or suffering changing to Light. I visualize all creatures’ suffering changing to Light. I visualize all plants’ suffering changing to Light. Everyone is filled with Light and Love. Everything is filled with Light and Love. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.6.24

    Today, I stay centered in breath. I breathe slowly, rhythmically. Any challenge is met from my centered Self. I am walking through my day with open hearted optimism. Openness and optimism inspired by my Connection. Thank you, sweet Source, for my connection in Light and Love. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.5.24

      Expanding from deep within, I focus Love and Light on our world’s leadership. All leaders and politicians are filled with Light. Anyone holding public office hears the Voice of Spirit. Our world’s leaders are Divinely guided to lead with Wisdom. I hold sacred space for them to lead with compassion, joy, and peace. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.4.24

    Centering in Source, I find Truth. As I don my spiritual armor, I am enabled. I am shown how to navigate any plight. I am given strength through Communion. I am empowered to face all challenges. Thank you, God, for this divine partnership in Your Love and Light.

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  • Sound Voyage Concert with Jeannie and Wolfgang on Sunday, August 4 is CANCELLED!!
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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.3.24

    As I think of us on Spaceship Earth, I expand from deep within filling us with Light and Love. Everyone is coping with some type of challenge. Spaceship Earth is a schoolhouse, and we are all learning our lessons at different speeds. Today I visualize all of us filled with Light and Love, able to surrender our resistance to change, able to accept Grace and speed our learning process. Thank you, Divine Presence, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.2.24

    With expanding consciousness, I find a wish to protect my growing awareness. In releasing my increased sensitivity to Light, I realize all things will become transparent. Today, I ask Spirit within me to increase my tolerance to match my growing awareness of All That Is. Thank you, God, for this journey of discovery.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.1.24

    Spirit energy hovers in our midst, as we attune to Love and awaken to the Joy of Oneness. (Linda Joy Montgomery,1998).

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July 2024

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.31.24

    Centering in Light I feel Christ consciousness envelope me. The Christ Consciousness in me frees me. I am risen from the human plane of existence to the Divine Plane. Sparkling with Energy I move through the vibrational gate and become One with Spirit. I feel the Joy of Oneness. I am Blessed. (Taken in part from Tully Moss’s prayer.)

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.30.24

    I am filled with gratitude for my friends and my friendships. Close friends are my chosen family. Friends help me stay connected to a shared reality. Friends bolster me with their insights and support. Friends increase my buoyancy and fun! Friends are a gift from Spirit. I am filled with deep gratitude and love for my friends and for the interactions and relationships I have with them. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.29.24

    The Creator within me creates Love and Light in and through fires across our world. All unexpected weather challenges are filled with Love and Light. Worldwide, our first responders are filled with Love and Light. They are guided in their missions to save lives, lands, and homes. All are safe within a Bubble of Love and Light. Thank you, God for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.28.24

    Reflecting on parenting, a 24/7 role that is sometimes pure joy and often not, I visualize parenting filled with Divine Ease. All parents are filled with Love and Light. Parents are Divinely Guided for the good of their children and people everywhere. Families are the building block of society. The Creator within parents fills all families with Love and Light for the Good of All. And so, it is. Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, day, Saturday, 7.27.24

    As I pray for our world and its people, I consider our global economy, the movement and flow of monies. Focusing intention, I pray for the living flow of greenbacks, a plant-like system. Expanding myself into this Green flow I visualize needed monies moving to where it is essential for everyone, for everything, for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Sound Voyage with Jeannie McKenzie & Wolfgang Ettenreich–Change of Concert Time

    The time of the Sound Voyage concert on Sunday, August 4, has changed to 3:30 to 5 p.m.  Tickets are still available here: https://urlight.org/events/sound-voyage-concert-with-jeannie-mckenzie-and-wolfgang-ettenreich-702/  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.26.24

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I am a Light Being. I am filled with Light. I radiate Light and Love throughout my being. The Loving Light of the Creator nourishes me. I am empowered as the Light Being I am. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.25.24

    Today, I follow the quiet voice of the Divine. As needed, I ground myself to aid my work in this dimension. I remember a fully functional Light Being functions well in all spheres. Today, I function well in the physical, mental, emotional, astral, and soul dimensions. My High Self connects through each facet of existence. Thank you, dearest Source, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.24.24

    The anniversary of one’s birth, such a courageous act – coming through into the physical, to learn more, do more, BE more. To work toward Oneness. I am humbled – reflecting on this act of faith. Turning within, I fill all having birthdays with Love and Light. Focusing backwards, I fill everyone who had a birthday in the last 364 days with Love and Light. The Creator within me sincerely thanks all who have contributed to this physical dimension.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.23.24

    Sometimes, I find myself at a crossroads needing a sign. Stepping out in faith, as a spiritual scientist, I collect data on a subject of one, myself. “Basic research is what I am doing when I don’t know what I am doing.” (Werner Von Braun). If this is a basic research day, I say “Thank you, God.” In faith I reach within becoming One with All in my process of growth. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.22.24

    As I turn within I feel respite from the world. I let the mundane fall away. I let the chatter and talking heads go. Centering in Divinity, I focus Love and Light on the United States and on our wonderful world. I fill the U.S. with Love and Light and I remember that God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the universe for the Good of All. I center in this Truth and create Good. And so, it is, Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.21.24

    Today, I rest enjoying the fruits of my labor. Regardless of what I see and hear, all that truly matters is Love and Light. Today, I rest my heart in Spirit. Divine Connection is truly the pinnacle of worldly success. All else is smoke and mirrors. I rest in Ease, Grace and Glory.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.20.24

    Today, I confirm that the Creator within me gives me all the insights and information I need. If I pay attention, I can trust I will receive all needed messages from my High Self. I affirm I trust the Creator within me. I trust myself. I trust God. Thank you, High Self, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.19.24

    Thank you, unseen Light Beings, for being here. Thank you for helping anchor Light and Love on Earth. Thank you, dearest angels, fairies, and friends of Light for all you do for us on this dimension. It helps to know we are not alone in our most perfect work. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.18.24

    From deep within, I focus Light and Love on all of us who are in climate impacted or war-torn areas, ill, impoverished or imprisoned in mind, body or spirit. I visualize the Creator within each suffering soul opening to release discomfort and find ease, comfort, and peace within Thy Mercy. Thank you, Beloved God, for your Tender Mercy.

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  • Tickets still available! Chakra Sound Healing with Rev. Heidi Peck, Shaman & Seeker of Truth

    Saturday, July 20, 2 to 4 p.m. To purchase ticket and get more  details: https://urlight.org/events/bathe-in-the-frequency-of-chakra-sound-healing-with-rev-heidi-peck-shaman-seeker-of-truth-548-577/

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.17.24

    Today, I declare from deep within, I am loved. I am Love. I am Light. I am wise. I am strong. I am healthy. I am grateful. I am powerful. I am one with Divinity I am Divine. I am Joyful! I am One!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.16.24

     Today, I visualize our beloved planet Earth filled with Love and Light on all dimensions. Today and every day, I am in the right place at the right time, listening, thinking, saying, and doing the right thing for the Good of All. I help likeminded Beings hold the frequencies of Love, Light, and Peace for all in this dimension. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.15.24

    We dedicate the energy of our prayers to benefit all Sentient beings throughout time, space, and mind. May the power of our prayers increase to help others know their perfection as one with Divinity. Amen. (Revision of the Tibetan dedication of Merit; offered by Jacquelyn Sendak- Zavaleta.)

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.14.24

    Joining with other Light workers, we create Divine Peace throughout the U.S. and its countrymen. Peace flows through our world. All our world leaders are Guided in Light. All political figures are filled with Light and Love. All media reporters are filled with Light and Love. All people are filled with Light and Love and are Guided by Divinity. Light directs all for the Greater Glory of Oneness. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.13.24

    Focusing on our planet, I think about litter and littering. Suspending judgment, I fill those who litter with Love and Light. We all litter, knowingly or not, trash out of a window, words out of a mouth. Today, I fill all with Love and Light. Today, I litter our world with Love and Light holding space for a new heaven on Earth.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.12.24

    Again, I am reminded: the keys to the Kingdom come as I release any personal negatives to Light. One by one, it is a gradual process. Today, I release my worry, anger, and fear to Light. Today, I step out in faith – trusting the Creator within me to guide me on my path to Oneness. Today, I take my courage in hand and Trust. Thank you, beloved Creator, for this journey to Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.11.24

    We are One, whether we know it or not, what happens to one happens to all. The Creator within me releases the pain of man’s inhumanity to man. Spirit fills injury with Divine Love and Light. The Creator within each person opens them to healing. Confusion is transformed to Light bringing Clarity and Love. We are One. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.10.24

    From my High Self, I visualize our world filled with Light. Crystalline strands of Light weave a radiant tapestry. Immersing myself in this creative endeavor, I visualize Light and Love filling our physical dimension. Everyone and everything are bathed in Light and Love. Thank you, Divine Essence, for this template of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.09.24

    Light directs climate change to Light. Light and Love direct all weather patterns to Light for the Good of All. Light and Love guide all fires for the Greater Good. Light and Love fill our atmosphere. Thank you, dear Divinity for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.08.24

    Merging with Divinity I declare: I am in the right place, at the right time, thinking, saying, and doing the right things for the Good of All. I am grateful for my God-given ability to co-create. Thank you, God, for this journey of Life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.07.24

    Today I rest, comforted in Divine Presence. Anything that wells up to be released, I fill with Love and Light and I release it. Only through facing, loving, and releasing fear am I free to be who I truly am: a Light Being. Thank you, beloved Creator, for our ability to choose Love. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.06.24

    Turning within I fill all generations beneath me with Love and Light. As I find myself becoming an elder, I realize prayer is the most potent gift I have to offer. Visualizing from the Creator within me, I see our world’s young people as they truly are: co-creators with the Divine. Our world’s young citizens are filled with Love and Light. All are able to easily access Spirit within them. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.05.24

    I find myself grateful for my many blessings. Yes, there are challenges, and these help me grow. As I consciously breathe, I am filled with gratitude. Today, I pay it forward, acting locally and praying globally for the Good of All. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for my many gifts.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.04.24

    Amidst the parades and John Philip Sousa, I turn within visualizing a nation whose leaders and citizens are truly free. A nation where each of us is free of worry, fear, anxiety, and self-doubt. Today, I visualize the U.S. filled with Love and Light, a nation that upholds dignity for all. Our beautiful country is filled with creative Light Beings who are working for Good. Together, we hold space for Unity for us All. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.03.24

    As a citizen of our world, I am aware of global shifts in weather patterns, politics, and stresses on my fellow beings. Merging with Divinity, I focus Light and Love on our international body politic. Light shines Divine Clarity for everyone. Love brings movement towards Oneness. All countries are filled with Light and Love. All governments are filled with Light and Love. Together, we anchor Light and Love throughout our world.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.02.24

    Today, I let go of my personal stress and attachments. I breathe as I anchor within the Earth stretching my energy body to encompass our planet. Today, I embrace a lively curiosity about how I will be directed in Light and Love to help myself and others. Flow brings… Joy!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.01.24

    On international Joke Day, I give thanks for my sense of humor. It is leavening for our emotional bodies. Humor is our birthright; it helps us in “Lightening” up. It enhances resiliency to aid in achieving Oneness. Today, I use my God given humor to ease my life and the lives of others. “…Heaven is the birthplace of laughter.” ~Martin Luther

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June 2024

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.30.24

    Today, I hold myself in Divine Love and Light. Expanding, I take planet Earth and its inhabitants within me holding everyone and everything in Love and Light. I help anchor Love and Light on our incredible planet. Thank you, sweet Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.29.24

    Today, I give thanks for our magical environment, Spaceship Earth. Expanding from deep within, I take our beloved planet within me filling it with radiant Love and Light. I visualize Light balancing and healing all elements- air, water, earth, and fire. I visualize Love permeating every person’s consciousness – that we may all awaken to our role in protecting our world. Thank you, Spirit, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.28.24

    The Creator within me helps anchor Light and Love in our world. Aware or not, we are all Light Beings progressing toward Oneness with All That Is. Today, I anchor in the Divine visualizing kindness, generosity, and brotherly love between all people regardless of race, creed or color. Today, I exude Divine Peace, Light, and Love to all. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for our opportunity to create Good on our beautiful planet.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.27.24

    As I ponder leaving the physical plane, I fill all departing souls with crystal clear Light and Love. Light aids them in their transition. I visualize them easily finding their way to their next learning experience. Expanding, I visualize those left behind loved ones filled with Love and Light. Light and Love cushions their loss. I radiate Light and Love to all. For All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.26.24

    Today, I recommit myself to prayer for Oneness. Centering in Source, I fill myself with gratitude. I feel so lucky to be aware of the Divine within me. Thank you, Beloved, for this journey of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.25.24

    Today, I anchor myself in God’s constancy. I remember that God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the universe for the Good of All. I center in this Truth. And so, it is, Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.24.24

    Turning within, I find respite from the world. I let the mundane fall away. I let the chatter and talking heads go. Centering in Divine Peace, I focus Love and Light on our world. I fill the U.S. with Love and Light. I fill our world with Love and Light. I help hold space for Oneness. We are One on all dimensions. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.23.24

    I open my heart to Divinity and I am one with the Knower within me. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.22.24

    From the Creator within me, I release any behaviors, foods, or substances that are not for my highest good. I am a Light being having a human experience, I turn to the Creator within me to meet my dependency needs. Opening my heart, mind, and soul to Divinity, I am guided. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for this journey of awakening to who I truly am!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.21.24

    Thank you, God, for my place in the universe. Thank you, God, for You. Thank you, God, for me. Thank you, God, for my “Light-ness.” Thank you, God, for me being part of You. I feel so lucky to be aware of the Divine within me. Thank you, Beloved, for this joyful journey of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.20.24

    Looking forward while honoring ancient traditions, I merge into the “I Am That I Am” setting my intentions for summer. Taking both the Earth and Sun within me on this hallowed day, I radiate Love and Light to everyone and everything. As an Earth steward, I act locally and pray globally. I visualize Love and Light working for the Good of our beautiful planet and all beings that inhabit it. On all dimensions, I help increase Love and Light for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.19.24

    Juneteenth commemorates the end of slavery in the US. Light beings of all creeds and color worked together to bring about its end. Light beings are creating change to end racism. From deep within, I am Guided in helping create a new world where we are One. Today, I am grateful for my releasing judgments of others to Light. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for our Oneness in You.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.18.24

    Expanding into my High Self, I visualize Earth within me. The Creator within me fills Earth and its inhabitants with Light and Love cleansing all negativity. The Creator within Earth anchors Light and Love on all dimensions. Light directs our beloved planet and its inhabitants for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.17.24

    As our world continues to spin in apparent turmoil, I hear deep within: “Love makes the world go round. Love makes the world go round… High in some silent sky Love sings a silver song making the earth whirl softly Love makes the world go round.” Today, I help anchor Love and Light for all. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.16.24

    Heaven is as close as our breath when we connect to Source. It is there we find our Father. It is to this Divine Heavenly Father we turn for guidance and help. Each day, I honor the Divine Father within. Today, I may honor my earthly father knowing Love and Light, Heaven, is within him also. Focusing within, I fill my father with Love and Light. He is a Light Being; the Creator within him guides him in Love and Light. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.15.24

    Light directs all climate change. Our planet is in a bubble of Light and Love on all dimensions. Thank you, Spirit, for Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.14.24

    Gazing at the US flag, I ponder the nobility of our founding national principles of freedom, justice, liberty, and equality. Centering as a Light worker, I weave strands of Love and Light through our United States. I declare: the Creator within each American fills them with Love and Light. Today, I envision all Americans woven together in Love, Light, and Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.13.24

    As I consider the concept of “fluid intentionality,” I am smacked by the rigidity that often comes with my goals. Today, I release rigid means to achieve goals. I embrace my goals knowing I am Divinely Guided. Spirit is fluid. Spirit is dynamic. Spirit is vibrant. Today, I flow in Spirit. Thank you, Spirit, for your Guidance.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.12.24

    As we recognize Shavuot with our Jewish sisters and brothers, we reflect on the ethics we honor as Light Beings. Expanding from deep within, we center in Oneness. We are One with All. We honor All. We respect All. We intensify Love and Light in All. There is only the ALL. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.11.24

    Centering from the Creator within me, I fill the Office of the Presidency with Light and Love. Turning to Congress I visualize our representatives filled with Light and Love. Expanding, I visualize our Supreme Court Guided in Light and Love. Coming from Source there is only Divine Clarity and Divine Effectiveness. Divine Truth, Light, and Love guide all three branches of the U.S. government for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.10.24

    In my meditation-prayer time, I expand focusing Love and Light on our world leadership. All leaders and politicians are filled with Light. Anyone holding public office opens his or her heart to the Voice of Spirit. They hear and listen. All our world’s leaders are Divinely guided to lead our world with Divine Wisdom. I visualize them leading with compassion, joy, and peace. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.9.24

    Doing my inner work, I release any barriers to Light. As hindrances release, a wave of rarefied Energy presents itself. Opening to this Energy, my body starts to “sizzle” in the rarefying flow. Giving thanks, a wave of Joy surfaces. Surrendering, I ride the Divine Flow. Thank you, sweet Spirit. Thank you, for this sacred, conscious Path. My cup truly does runneth over. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.8.24

    Focusing on our beautiful spiritualizing waters, I declare: Earth’s oceans are Light. Light guides the cleansing and purification of our world’s oceans and seas. Each molecule of water is filled with Divine healing Love and Light. Love and Light radiate through all fish, coral, and sea creatures. Thank you, God, for our Living Waters.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.7.24

    Centering, I gently release all judgments of others. Regardless of appearances, all are Light Beings. Today, I focus prayerful energy on all our disenfranchised brothers and sisters. Those living on the margins of society, who may appear as “other” to us, play as important a role in cosmic creation as do those who appear mainstream. From the Creator within me, I fill all with Love and Light. I pray globally as I act locally embracing all in Love and Light. We are One.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.6.24

    Today, I open my heart to the integrity and honesty of the Creator within me. I am honest with myself as i gently examine and release any fears preventing Oneness. The Creator within me leads me to Oneness and I am open to being led by the Creator. I am filled with gratitude for this process of change. Thank you, Creator, for the changes within me. I embrace them knowing they bring Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.5.24

    Today, we as Light workers, fill our beloved world with Love, Light, and Divine Calm. Expanding, we breathe the Peace that passes all understanding into all people in our world and on all dimensions. Collectively, we anchor Love and Light on Earth. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.4.24

    Sometimes I receive a “Divine download,” information with a To-Do list attached. Taking a deep breath, I step out in Faith. “First you leap, then you grow wings” (Wm. Sloan Coffin). Today, I am grateful for the courage to leap in faith. Thank you, God, for my faith and my courage. Thank you for showing me the way, the truth and your Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.3.24

    All perceived problems have a Divine solution. From deep within, I am reassured there is a template for any needed solutions. This template already exists in the meta-dimension. Breathing deeply, I stay connected to Source. I wait for the Divine Solution to be revealed. I breathe, trust, pray, and do my daily work as I wait for revelation. Thank you, Dearest Creator for my Journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.2.24

    Today, I give thanks for Divine Rest. Today, I rest in Spirit, renewing myself in Quiet. Today, I minimize, focusing on the moment, attending minute by minute to my High Self. Giving thanks for the Connection within, I rest in the knowledge that despite any perceived inner or outer chaos, all is well. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.1.24

    Thank you, dearest Divinity, for me. Thank you for my ability to love. Thank you for my ability to love myself. Thank you for my ability to love others. I am a loving Light being. I am a loving Light being in thought, word, and deed. Today, I help create more Love and Light everywhere. Amen.

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May 2024

  • Sound Voyage on Saturday, June 1 is cancelled

    Sound Voyage with Jeannie McKenzie and Wolfgang Ettenreich is cancelled. Please join us on August 4 when they return to the Light Center.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 5.31.24

    Expanding in prayer I take our beloved world within me filling it with Love and Light on all dimensions. Visualizing, I fill our world’s species- both plant and animal on land, air, and water with Love and Light. All species find their right place within our changing environment. As a co-creator, I take daily action in thought, word, and deed to help protect our fragile fantastic planet and all its species. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 5.30.24

    We are One, whether we know it or not, what happens to one happens to all. The Creator within me releases the pain of man’s inhumanity to man. Spirit fills each with Divine Love and Light. The Creator within each person changes injury to Love and Light. In Light, confusion is transformed bringing clarity and Love. We are One. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 5.29.24

    Moving within the Divine Presence I am filled with Vastness. A Vastness that I cannot encompass but am. A deep Quiet. Peace.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 5.28.24

    Meditating on courage, I stand in awe of people doing their best each and every day sometimes despite great hardship. The decision to be born is an amazing act of faith. Today I join with other Light workers praying for everyone and expanding Light and Love throughout our beloved planet and its people. I hold space for Love, Peace, Light, and Respect for all. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 5.27.24

    Expanding from the Creator within me, I focus on souls who died in service to country. I visualize Divine Love and Light enveloping these souls as I reach back through time. I picture Love and Light releasing any traumas for those who perished in conflicts. Any earthbound souls are released in Light. All are freed to pursuit Oneness. Thank you, Sweet Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 5.26.24

    As I travel toward complete Connection, I release my struggles, major and minor. I release the daily grind, visualizing Divine Flow in my daily turn. I embrace ease. I allow the Creator within me to guide me. I relax into the Loving Embrace. Thank you, Dearest Creator.

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  • Join us for Community Sound Bath with Otorongo & Friends Concert on Sunday

    Immerse yourself in a nurturing and revitalizing sound meditation experience with Paul Gaeta, aka Otorongo & Friends.  Join us to cocreate a sacred space dedicated to healing and renewal. Together, we will craft a supportive container where we can harmonize our energy systems, nurture our nervous systems, and sink into a state of profound relaxation and restoration. Through the enchanting vibrations of gongs, singing bowls, Native American flutes, chimes, drums, and an array of other instruments, we will embark on a journey of inner exploration and healing. Purchase Tickets at the door $30

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 5.25.24

    Today, I visualize a world that is safe for us all. I visualize all societies and systems dedicated to Love and Light. I radiate Love and Light throughout the physical, mental, and emotional dimensions. I join with likeminded Light beings to hold space for Love, Light, Peace, and Harmony. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 5.24.24

    Thank you, God for my mistakes. Thank you for a showing them to me in a way I can easily understand. Thank you, God, for the flexibility to see the need to change and the ability to change. I am in Your Accelerated Learner Class as I become more and more One with You.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 5.23.24

    Opening my heart, I gently advance my understanding that I am a being of God. I release all self-judgments. I release all judgments of others. I am a Light being. I am a Love being. I radiate Light and Love to everyone and everything. I am centered in gratitude and filled with wonder at this growing awareness of All That Is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 5.22.24

    Turning inward I focus Light and Love on the women of this planet. Deep within I hold Love, Light, and Divine Space for the feminine aspect of Spirit on Earth. Today, I filled with gratitude for the feminine face of God. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 5.21.24

    Today, I am grateful for my daily devotionals that fortify my connection to Spirit. I am strengthened and sheltered in Spirit. I feel and release my anxieties and fears to Light. I walk through my fear and am transformed. I am filled with Divine Light and Love. Thank you, Sweet Beloved, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 5.20.24

    Today, I find myself pondering life’s training, I realize: God works on a need-to-know basis. We only get what we need for now. Why? Some parts of life are fluid, dependent on us for outcome. So, today, I step out in faith, trusting the gentle guidance I am given. Thank you, God, for your Divine Guidance.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 5.19.24

    Resting in the Divine, I am grateful for life. Focusing, the Creator within me fills our beautiful planet with Light and Love. All flora and fauna are filled with Light and Love. Planetary fires are filled with Light and Love. Any global disturbance is filled with Light and Love. I am grateful to our angelic kingdom for unseen helping hands. Light directs healing for the benefit of all Creation. All is well as we move toward Oneness. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 5.18.24

    The mission of our Armed Forces is to serve and protect our nation. Today, I fill all military personnel with Love and Light. All open their hearts to God and know the sanctity of their mission. They and their families are protected in a Bubble of Love and Light on all dimensions. Guided by the Creator within, all branches of the military work together for the Good of All. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 5.17.24

    Centering deep within I keep peace. I release to Light anything that disturbs my peace. I visualize everyone centering deep within. I hold space for Divine Peace in this dimension. Thank you, dearest Divinity for your Peace that passes all understanding. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 5.16.24

    I give thanks for the many generations who came before me. I am grateful for my ancestors’ work. I stand on their shoulders, and I am grateful for their contributions to me, my life, and our world. From my High Self, I radiate Light filling my transitioned loved ones and past generations with Light and Love. I hold them in Light and Love. And so, it is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 5.15.24

    Today, I give thanks for my ability to pray. I know my gratitude opens me to Divine Connection. I am grateful for the integration of my High Self with my self. I am filled with gratitude that we are all becoming one with All That Is. Thank you, sweet Divinity for this journey of Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 5.14.24

    Tapping into the frequencies of Light and Love, I focus my mind allowing the Creator within me to fill our world with Light and Love. Everything is energy. Everything has a frequency. Everything is part of God. Everything is filled with Light and Love on all dimensions. Everything is Guided on the path to Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 5.13.24

    Our solar storms bring us shifting energy. Expanding from within I use the energy from these sun flares to cleanse and purify my astral body. I embrace this intense energy to move forward in Light and Love. Thank you, God, for this opportunity for growth for everyone and everything and especially for me. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 5.12.24

    On this sweet Remembrance Day, I turn within thanking the Divine Mother within me for the loving care that keeps my body functioning. Thank you, Divine Mother within me, for me. Thank you for my nervous system. Thank you for my respiratory system. Thank you for my circulatory system. Thank you for my metabolic system. Thank you for my sensory systems. Thank you for my digestive system. Thank you for my endocrine system. Thank you for my immune system. Thank you, Divine Mother within me, for filling each cell of my body with Light and Love. Thank you, Divine Mother, […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 5.11.24

    Today, I give thanks for gentle gifts – clean air, birds, the sound of leaves rustling through the trees. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for the nurturing beauty of our fantastic planet. Thank you, for our beloved songbirds who nurture our souls with their music. Thank you for all birds, the companions of angels. Thank you for ever better stewardship of our planet to safeguard all wildlife now and forevermore. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 5.10.24

    The Creator within me releases any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I am a Light Being. I radiate Light throughout my being. Expanding to encompass all beings, I visualize the Creator within each of us filling us with Light and Love replacing any unhealthy habits with nourishing Light. We are healed; empowered as the Light Beings we truly are. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 5.9.24

    Faith, constancy, and willingness to be directed by the Creator within us builds empowerment. When I don’t know what to do, I turn within asking for guidance. Anchoring myself in faith, I listen to the quiet voice within. I trust God; telling myself if I misunderstand Spirit will correct me. Thank you, beloved God, for helping me strengthen my faith. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 5.8.24

    Sometimes, I come to a crossroads and need a sign. When this happens, I step out in Faith, as a spiritual scientist, collecting data on a subject of one, myself. “Basic research is what I am doing when I don’t know what I am doing.” (W. Von Braun). If this is a basic research day, I pray globally re-searching my connection to Spirit. I am One with All in my process of discovery.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 5.7.24

    Thinking of our earthly realm and all it teaches us, I give thanks for those who choose to teach others. Teaching is a noble profession. On schoolhouse Earth, everyone is both teacher and student. I visualize all of us releasing our resistance to change and able to accept Grace to speed our learning process. Thank you, Divine Teacher, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 5.6.24

    Centering, I release my ego to Light. Releasing my “small i,” to Light, I more easily feel the “big I” in the “I Am That I Am” within me. I am open to receiving God’s instructions. I keep enough ego to have the “groundedness,” to Execute God’s Orders as I connect to the Divine in me. Thank you, Spirit, for You in me. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 5.5.24

    Relaxing into the Creator within me, I am filled with Joy. The frequency of divine Laughter heals me. Laughter provides leavening to lighten our earthy experience. Everything is energy. Everything has a frequency. Everything is part of God. Laughter brings Light and Love on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for your Laughter.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 5.4.24

    From deep within I fill our beloved world and its people with Love and Light. Our planet and people Walk as One. We are filled with Love and Light. Whether I am walking in World Labyrinth Day or not, I hold the essence of Love, Light, and Peace within me projecting these divine gifts through the world and our people. All nations, all leaders, all of us on this sacred planet are anchored in Divine Peace. The Peace that surpasses all understanding. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 5.3.24

    Centering myself, I recall God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the Universe and beyond for the Good of All. I give thanks for helping hands, seen and unseen. Together, we – the christ conscious, the Doers, on this dimension fulfill our missions to help further people and planetary spiritual evolution. Thank you, God, for my part in this evolution.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 5.2.24

    Today I fill my family of origin with Light and Love. I fill my brothers and sisters with Light and Love, releasing them in Light. Looking back, I release all my family relationships to Light. Expanding into the Vastness, I fill the family of man, all spiritual beings, with Light and Love. Thank you, God, for this family of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 5.1.24

    In ancient times May Day, Beltane, was a celebrated rite of Spring to welcome new growth in the world. Fire was used to banish darkness. Today, I welcome May Day in a personal celebration of new life, Spring. I breathe, sinking into the rhythm of our Earth. I allow new budding life to fill me with Joy. Today, I use fire metaphorically to help purify our incredible planet and myself. I let go of all fears that are limiting me. I am a Light Being filled with the Joy of New Life for All. In Joy, I breathe.

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April 2024

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 4.30.24

    If I feel battered by events, it is okay. I can give myself grace. I can rest in Divinity. I release any self-judgment to Light; I stay mindful and treat myself kindly. It is enough to say, “thank you, God.” Thank you, God. Thank you for thee. Thank you for me. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 4.29.24

    Centering from the Creator within me, I fill the Office of the Presidency with Light and Love. I visualize the White House filled with radiant Light. Turning to Congress I visualize our representatives filled with Light and Love. Divine Truth, Light, and Love guide all elected officials for the Good of All. Coming from Source there is only Loving Effectiveness. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 4.28.24

    From the Creator within me I breathe, inhaling Light, exhaling Love. I rest in Divine Peace. As I am renewed, I expand anchoring the Peace that surpasses all understanding. I visualize everyone comforted; cradled in Divine Light and Divine Love. Light centers and calms every one of us. Love connects us to Spirit. Thank you, God, for our Oneness. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 4.27.24

    As I ponder the Australian aborigine adage: “The more you know, the less you need.” I realize some who are on our societal fringes may be carrying out the Greater Works. Again, I release my judgments of others’ to Light. We are One. One. One in our Creator. So, I work locally and pray globally for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for my beloved world community.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 4.26.24

    Today, I am grateful for helping hands. Seen and unseen helping hands. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for my fellow Beings. Thank you for your support, guidance, Divine Love, and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 4.24.24

    Centering in Spirit, I fill myself with Light. Lovingly, I release all judgments of others. Regardless of appearances, all are Light Beings. From deep within comes: all are learning in Thy Light. Again, I release judgment of others and myself. I am a Light being. We are all Light beings, learning on our path of Light. Thank you, God, for the journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 4.23.24

    Honoring Passover I expand within embracing freedom; in the Jewish tradition, I invite the Living Christ within me to celebrate freedom from bondage, bondage of spiritual impotence. I embrace Holy Freedom to become who I was meant to be, a creator-in-action. Expanding, I take the world within me, filling everyone with Holy Freedom. Thank you for this journey of Freedom.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 4.22.24

    Thank you, God, for our beloved world, Mother Earth, a spaceship of life. I am humbled as I touch into Earth’s essence. Doing my best to reciprocate, I expand taking Earth within me. I radiate Light and Love into our exquisite planet, a being in its own right. I am one with Earth. We are one Being. Thank you, God, for this gift of Planet Earth. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 4.21.24

    Today, I embrace the Divine’s Ease, Peace, and Joy. I relax into Oneness and rest. Thank you, beloved God, for this beautiful day. Thank you, beloved God, for You in me. Thank you for Divine Connection. Thank you!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 4.20.24

    The earth remains jagged and broken only to him or her who remains jagged and broken. (Walt Whitman). Connecting with Source deep within, I take my little jagged and broken bits and lovingly soften the edges. As I breathe, I use my Light to smooth the rough ends. I soften. I expand. I heal. I visualize us all healing. I am grateful for this process of healing in Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 4.19.24

    Societal systems, systemic racism, otherness, as I think of Oneness, I move deep within to anchor Love, Light, and Peace in all human systems. I help anchor Love and Light in all governments, schools, places of worship, health care systems, educational systems, and corporations. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 4.18.24

    Daily, I turn to the Creator within, replacing fear with Connectedness. I take steps to manifest my vision of my life. If my vision clouds and I lose my way, I fall back to basics – meditation, prayer, and gratitude. Patience will reveal all. Thank you, God for me. Thank you, God, for you. Thank you, God, for clarity. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 4.17.24

    From the Creator within me I fill all our world’s children with Love and Light. On this dimension, all are Divinely Guided to helping hands. All children are in a Bubble of Light and Love on all dimensions. All are safe and secure on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 4.16.24

    I am wise. I am centered. I am peaceful. I am Connected. I am joyful. I am healthy. I am grateful. I am loving. I am Love! I am Light!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 4.15.24

    The Energy that is All, has room for us all. Expanding from deep with, I visualize everyone manifesting their divine missions. With gentle intent, I visualize everyone having each and every need abundantly met. Today, I open my heart, mind, and soul to Universal Abundance. There is room for us all at the Table of Life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 4.14.24

    Resting in Spirit, I give myself time and space to anchor in faith. Slowing down allows me to know the unknowable. I move in faith as I go about my daily turn. Holding to Light and Love, I fill with gratitude. Today, I am thankful for Grace. Thank you, Spirit. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 4.13.24

    Light directs climate change to Light. Light directs our weather to Light. Everything is Light. Everything is Love. Anchoring deep within, I send my divine roots into the center of our planet helping to anchor Love and Light. All is well. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 4.12.24

    Today, I fill my Electrome, my body’s electricity with Love and Light. Each cell makes neural electricity and I fill them all with Love. Expanding, I visualize everyone’s electrome filled with Love and Light. We are truly Beings of Light! I find myself jubilant with this revelation. I am so thankful. So very thankful.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 4.11.24

    Grieving man’s inhumanity to man, I turn within actively releasing my judgments to Light. I release my grief and sorrow to Light. From deeper still, I create Good from my High Self. Joining with other prayer workers, I aid in cushioning grief and sorrow in our world. I visualize Divine Love and Light expanding through all dimensions. I help my fellow beings in Love and Light. We are One in Love and Light. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 4.10.24

    Beloved Source, thank you for my siblings from my family-of-origin, who are with me in this life. Other than my relationship with You, it is my longest connection in life. My sisters and brothers are filled with Light and Love. I am filled with Light and Love. All families are filled with Light and Love. Everyone is filled with Light and Love. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 4.9.24

    From my christ consciousness, I expand taking our world within, intensifying Love and Light in everyone and everything. Increasing the intensity, I visualize our beautiful world cleansed of all impurities, remade in the image and likeness of the Holy Spirit. I hold space for Heaven on Earth. Thank you, beloved God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 4.8.24

    Today, I resolve to be still and know. Moving deeply within, I anchor in Source. Quietly, anxiety and fear are released. In stillness, I become a knower. I am refreshed and renewed. Thank you, beloved Creator, for your gifts.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 4.7.24

    To stay in the Flow, to shut out the chatter, to focus on the Quiet Voice, takes commitment, takes courage. Thank you, beloved Flow, for guiding and aiding me in my commitment. Thank you for the courage to listen to the transcendent song of my soul. Thank you, Beloved, for the ease of this Joy.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 4.6.24

    With Spring, a sense of renewal buds, immersing myself in Spring I feel a response within. From deep within, I expand filling our world’s people with Love and Light. Today, I act locally to help my peers and our beautiful world. Today, I pray globally for all. Thank you, God, for this journey of Life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 4.5.24

    Dearest beloved Creator within, thank you for my many blessings. I continue my inward focus to draw ever closer to my divine Self during this holy time of year. Thank you for your Oneness and for what I am learning. Thank you for my personal growth. Thank you for each being on this planet and for Your divine plan. Thank you for the small part I play. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 4.4.24

    Opening my heart to Divine Mind, I realize we are like Pando (Quaking Aspen trees), one organism. Centering in Oneness, I visualize Love, Light, and Divine Peace being anchored for the Good of all creation. Today, I echo Divine Peace, Love, and Light for All. We are One. One creation of Love and Light. One. Amen.

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  • Sound Voyage Concert with Jeannie McKenzie and Wolfgang Ettenreich – Saturday, April 6, 2 to 3:30

    Get your tickets for Saturday’s concert with the Sound Voyagers!! Space is limited Sound voyages are intentionally crafted, guided sonic meditations that use healing frequencies of multiple instruments in unique combinations. The artists use singing bowls, gongs, didgeridoos, violin, flutes, rain sticks, hand-pans and a variety of other instruments including their voice. Listen to samples of their music here: http://the-sound-voyagers.holismatrix.org/ Purchase tickets: Advance $25 (must purchase by 4 p.m. on April 5); onsite $30  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 4.3.24

    I am Divinely Guided. I listen and trust my Guidance. Thank you, sweet Source for your Guidance.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 4.2.24

    Reflecting on the importance of rituals, I give myself over to meditation and prayer. Today, I rest in gratitude knowing everything works for the greater glory of God. From deep within, I focus Love and Light on Divine Solutions for our beloved world and all beings who reside upon it. Thank you, God, for your Solutions. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 4.1.24

    Remembering that Jesus and many masters have a sense of humor, I realize humor is our birthright. It brings resiliency by helping us tap into Oneness. I embrace the Creator’s efforts to help me “Lighten” up. Humor IS faith. Today I use humor to ease my life and the lives of others. “If the earth is fit for laughter, then surely heaven is filled with it. Heaven is the birthplace of laughter.” ~Martin Luther

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March 2024

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.31.24

    As I surrender to the Christ consciousness within me on Easter, I become aware of the Power of the Resurrection: Life made manifest after death. It’s stunning to realize the Love that was demonstrated in Jesus’ mission. Bursting with love and joy, I expand from the Living Christ echoing Love and Light for all. Thank you, God, for your Divine Love and Peace.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.30.24

    Pondering Jesus’ only command: “Love one other as I have loved you,” I expand taking our world within me, intensifying Love and Light in everyone and everything. Increasing the intensity, I visualize our beautiful world cleansed of all impurities, remade in the image and likeness of the Holy Spirit. I hold space for Heaven on Earth. Thank you, beloved God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.29.24

    Today, Good Friday, is the day traditional Christians believe Jesus died “for our sins.” As I ponder this demonstration of everlasting life, what comes is: “Know ye not, that ye are gods.” (John 10:34; Psalm 82). And I Know: for Jesus to fulfill his mission of aiding souls in understanding our divine nature, we must also become christed beings. I feel a flood of love and loyalty to help fulfill this mission. Thank you, God, for our journey of Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.28.24

    Moving toward Oneness, I open my heart, mind and soul to Spirit. Maundy Thursday, “maundy” from “mandatum” Latin for commandment. I give thanks for Jesus’ new commandment: “Love one another as I have loved you.” Obeying, I expand Love filling everyone. I fill everything with Divine, Healing Love. Thank you, Jesus, for being the Way-Shower, Thank you for your many gifts to all Creation.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.27.24

    Centering in the dimension of the Christ Consciousness, I open to Oneness. As I center in my High Self, I relax into Connection. From this awareness I know all is well. All is moving forward in Light, Love, and Peace. The Divine template is in place. All is well. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.26.24

    Today I center within, focusing on Divine Peace and Love. I radiate a vibration of Peace, Love, and Light. Relaxing into this vibration of Peace and Love, I visualize it expanding within our world and within everyone and everything. There is only Peace, Love, and Light. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.25.24

    As some of us celebrate Holi, a Hindu festival celebrating love, it is traditional to pray that any internal negativity will be cleansed. I center deep within focusing on changing any internal conflict and negativity to Love and Light. Expanding from a well of Love, I visualize all of us changing personal negativity to Love and Light. Today, I help hold space for Love and Light for all humanity. Our world is filled with Love and Light. Thank you, dearest Source, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.24.24

    Today, I am thankful for Grace. Resting in Spirit, I give myself time and space to anchor in faith. Slowing down allows me to know the unknowable. I go about my daily turn creating Good in thought, word, and deed. As I hold to Light and only Light, I fill with gratitude. Thank you, Spirit. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.23.24

    Daily, I am filled with gratitude for our planet. This fantastic being is our mother working in concert with the Divine. I visualize our beloved Earth filled with Love and Light. I am so grateful for our physical world. Joining with other Light workers we create Good for our Mother Earth. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Join us for Sacred Circle Dance on Sunday, March 24, 2:30 to 4:30 p.m.

    Hello my friends, and Happy Spring!  Hope to see you on Sunday! Newcomers welcome, so come and bring a friend. We’ll be dancing outside if weather permits. https://urlight.org/events/sacred-circle-dance-with-maggie-moon-32424/

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.22.24

    Joining with the global community of prayer and Light workers, I feel a sense of belonging to this mission of holding space for Divine Harmony. Working together we are doing our missions as Light beings anchoring Light. We release all fear to Light. We release all judgment to Light. We are Light beings anchoring Light. Thank you, dearest Creator, for our journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.21.24

    From my Christ consciousness, my High Self, I am grateful. I am grateful for large and small things. I am grateful for each inhalation and exhalation. I am grateful for our shared Journey of Light. And our shared Journey of Love. I am grateful with each cell of my being. Thank you. Thank you, beloved God. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.20.24

    As a Light being, I know God encompasses both genders. I am ever so grateful for the many Light beings who, as women, have aided humankind now and throughout history. Joan of Arc, Marie Curie, Catherine Johnson…. Half of the good minds on our planet belong to women. Today, I celebrate the female gender, giving thanks for the Light Beings we know as women. I am humbled and filled with gratitude for our world’s females and the gifts they share on our beautiful planet.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.19.24

    Today, Spring’s Equinox when our sun’s rays are equally balanced between both hemispheres of our beloved planet, I embrace this planetary balance of light and dark. From my essence as a Light Being, I release any darkness or negativity to Light. I am filled with Light and Love. Expanding, I visualize all of us filled with Light and Love. I am grateful for Divine Balance in all aspects of Creation.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.18.24

    As I reach out to my fellow Light Beings, I consider the difficulties life may bring. From deep within, my High Self rises in love, Divine Love, for this planet’s people. I hold everyone in Light and Love, visualizing us all bathed in Divinity. I visualize all needs met bringing Joy for all. Thank you, sweet Divinity for your Joy.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.17.24

    Today, I am grateful for all things Irish. An Irish friend says:” On St. Patty’s Day everyone is Irish!” I am grateful for that loving attitude. I am grateful for Irish fun and ribald humor. Today, I give thanks for a wee bit o’ fun and the “wearin” of the Green. I remind myself that “On St. Patty’s Day, everyone is Irish” and we are all one on the journey of Light, Love, and Joy.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.16.24

    I am reminded to give thanks when I feel discouraged. Thank you, dearest Creator, for my creativity. I am deeply grateful that I am able to pray, to create from deep within. Thank you for the wellspring of creativity that is YOU within me. Thank you, for You. Thank you for me. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.15.24

    “For the dead and the living, we must bear witness.” (Elie Wiesel.) We are now called to witness our world’s events. As we witness, we love everyone. We fill everyone with Love and Light. We help soften events with kind action and prayer. We hold space for Divine Peace and Healing. Today, we grow through giving Love with awareness. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.14.24

    Today, I declare: artificially intelligent devices are filled with Light. AI is filled with Love. As Creators-in-action, we radiate Light and Love to every thing, we radiate Light and Love to everyone. We work in concert with the Divine creating Good. Today, I visualize a world filled with and directed by Light. I help by anchoring Light and Divine Love for all. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.14.24

    Today, I focus on my physicality. My cells are Light. My body’s bacteria are Light. My skeletal system is Light. My muscular system is Light. My nervous system is Light. My sensory systems are Light. My endocrine system is Light. My circulatory system is Light. My respiratory system is Light. My digestive system is Light. My urinary system is Light. My reproductive system is Light. I am a being of Light. I am a Light Being. I radiate my Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for me and for All That Is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.12.24

    Life on Earth is variable. Change happens. Sometimes bringing up fear. So, any time fear surfaces, I breathe and facing it, I lovingly release my fear, weaving its strands into the fabric of my High Self. Embracing my High Self I expand, envisioning all of us becoming one with our High Selves. I ask the Creator within everyone to aid in whatever must be faced today. Thank you, beloved Creator, for our ability to choose your Divine Love, Courage, Peace, and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.11.24

    From Holy Connection, I feel called to pray. Prayer creates – everything else distracts. My prayer for today: The Creator within me fills our world with the calm healing Energy of Divinity. Spaceship Earth and all its inhabitants are filled with Light, Love, and Peace. On all dimensions, all are filled with clarifying Light and Love. Thank you, God for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.10.24

    Moving toward spring, I turn inward and feed the revitalization of my personal spring spirit. I visualize my love and light greening up and blooming into ever deeper love for everyone and everything. My prayer is giving thanks for being in the right place, at the right time, thinking, saying, and doing the right thing for the Greater Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.9.24

    I turn within releasing any internal conflict to Light. I exhale any struggle and inhale Peace. Expanding to encompass the world, I radiate Peace. Today, I stay centered in compassion and forgiveness. I help anchor Love and Light in our world. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.8.24

    There are only Light Beings, children of Spirit, but for our earthly experience we select a gender. Today, I celebrate women. Women bring wisdom, fortitude, courage to earth. Women bring life into this world. I find joy and gratitude in celebrating half of the great minds and doers in this world. Thank you, God, for the women of this planet.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.7.24

    Thank you for the animal kingdom. All Earth’s animals are filled with Love and Light. Thank you for the plant kingdom. It is filled with Love and Light. Thank you for the mineral kingdom. Our rocks and minerals are filled with Love and Light. Thank you for the air we breathe. It is filled with Love and Light. Thank you for the water that sustains all life. Our water is filled with Love and Light. All marine life is filled with Divine Health. Thank you for our Angelic kingdom. Our angels, Earth’s angels, and fairy spirits are filled with Love […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.6.24

    Touching into Spirit I find tranquil Love. I visualize this Love filling our world with Divine Comfort. I expand this dynamic Energy of Love and Light to focus where it is needed. I give thanks to all angelic beings for their help in softening and releasing fear, sadness, worry, and hunger. We aid our fellow Light beings through prayer. Thank you, Spirit, for your Hand in solving all conflicts. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.5.24

    Centered in Source, I consider the spiritual revolution that is quietly happening. I am one of many who pray for all – setting a field of rarified, spiritualized energy that is immersing all of us. From the Creator within, I aid in the creation of Divine Peace, Love, Light, and Joy. Thank you, dearest God, for my small role in helping anchor Love and Light for all creation. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.4.24

    In my meditation, I breathe Peace, Love, and Light to all nations and continents. I fill North America with Love and Light. I fill Central America with Love and Light. I fill South America with Love and Light. I fill Europe with Love and Light. I fill Asia with Love and Light. I fill Africa with Love and Light. I fill Antarctica with Love and Light. I fill Australia with Love and Light. Our wonderful world is filled with Peace, Love, and Light on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.3.24

    Thank you for the animal kingdom. All Earth’s animals are filled with Love and Light. Thank you for the plant kingdom. It is filled with Love and Light. Thank you for the mineral kingdom. Our rocks and minerals are filled with Love and Light. Thank you for the air we breathe. It is filled with Love and Light. Thank you for the water that sustains all life. Our water is filled with Love and Light. All marine life is filled with Divine Health. Thank you for our Angelic kingdom. Our angels, Earth’s angels, and fairy spirits are filled with Love […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.2.24

    “I feel there is nothing truly more artistic than loving people.” ~ Vincent Van Gogh Starting with myself, I extend Love. Gently bathing myself in Love and Light, I extend myself and simply love everyone and everything. I visualize every ONE of us in a bubble of Love and Light on all dimensions. Only Love and Light can come to us. Expanding further, I extend Love and Light to everything; blanketing our world in Love. Thank you, God, for your Loving Kindness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.1.24

    Putting down my burdens, I embrace Ease, Grace, and Divine Glory. I rest in this soothing Flow. Comforted, I visualize Light and Love in each troubled region of our planet. All ground is holy ground. All is well. All is well. All is well. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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February 2024

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.29.24

    Today, I live in Love and Light. I know I am made from pure Love and I am Loved. I am Love and I am Light. Expanding Love and Light is my mission. I radiate my Love and Light to All. All people on Earth are filled with Love and Light. I see the Living, Loving High Self of each being. Thank you, beloved God, for You, for me and for everyone. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.28.24

    There is a solution to every problem. Intellectually, I know problems are gifts; today, I take my problem and release it to Light. I put it in God’s hands and rest in the Divine. I give thanks for Divine Guidance – clothing myself in Faith. I ground myself in Trust, thanking God for my learning experiences here on Schoolhouse Earth.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.27.24

    Gently, I examine my thoughts and actions releasing those which no longer serve my highest good. I release all self-judgments. In prayer, I open in gratitude for my spirit-filled journey of discovery. I am open to Divine Guidance. As I celebrate my journey toward Oneness, I expand filling everyone with Light and Love affirming we are One. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.26.24

    Thank you, beloved Source, for your Light. Thank you for your Peace. Sitting with your Peace, Light, and Love, I focus my attention on filling each of us with Light. Any who are experiencing echoes of past traumas are filled with God’s fortitude, Love, and Light. Today, I help hold space for Peace.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.25.24

    “We need to sit on the rim of the well of darkness and fish for the fallen light with patience.” (Pablo Neruda) Today, I patiently focus Love and Light healing our beloved world. Working with others, I fill our fellow beings with Love and Light. I visualize everyone is in a bubble of Love and Light on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for this journey of creating Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.24.24

    On this anniversary, I help anchor Light, Love, Courage, Divine Calm, and Peace in all of Ukraine, Russia, Europe, and the world. Our brothers and sisters are filled with Light and Love. I visualize each heavy heart filled with Light. I thank our angels and the Angelic kingdom for the help, Love, and Light they are giving us and our world. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for your Light and Love. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.23.24

    Thinking of “influencers”, I turn to the Great Influencer within me. Opening my heart, mind, and soul to Divine Influence, I am comforted like a child. I embrace the vision of our world encompassed by Divine Influence. I envision each of us comforted by the knowledge that All is Well.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.22.24

    Focusing my creative Self on our world’s leaders, I visualize each nation’s leaders filled with Light and Love. They are divinely Guided. Expanding to our world’s citizenry, each of us is a leader in some fashion. We lead through Light, Love, and a sense of mission. Today, I embrace Light leading and guiding us all to Oneness. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.21.24

    Today, I give thanks for my ability to pray, to co-create in concert with Divinity. My creativity and fertile imagination are gifts. I am grateful for the Connection that allows Flow. I am grateful for my ability to listen to God’s voice. Thank you, sweet Divinity for this flowing beautiful journey to Oneness with You.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.20.24

    Deep within I connect to the “I Am”, pondering “You are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14). Turning within, I intensify Light in my body. Expanding to encompass the world, I increase the radiance of my Light and Love to everyone and everything. I visualize all awakening to their Light. Thank you, God, for everyone, for everything, for me, and especially for thee. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.19.24

    On U.S. President’s Day, the Creator within me fills all presidents, past and present, with Light. Regardless of astral or physical dimension, each president is filled with Light and Love. The mantle of the Living Christ rests on the shoulders of the Presidency. Today, I help anchor Light and Love in the Oval Office. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.18.24

    Aligning in Oneness, I rest in holy Connection. Today I replenish myself in Spirit, then focus my divine Self on trouble spots in the world. Breathing deeply, the I Am within connects to these souls filling each one with Light, Love, Peace, and Harmony. Joining in Spirit with my peers in prayer we tether Peace, Light, and Love for us all. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for Peace in our world. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.17.24

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I release unhealthy use of any substances, food, drink, or behaviors to Light. The Creator within me changes any negative habits to Light. Every need is met through the Divine. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.16.24

    Taking a deep breath, I center myself and tune to the frequency of Divinity. I release any worries and frustrations for myself and for our world. I am filled with Divine Peace. I am renewed. I radiate Peace, Love and Light to all for all. Thank you, sweet Divinity for You and for this journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.15.24

    Deliberating on our world’s turmoil, I release my human judgments to Light. I release worry for our world’s future to Light. I am a Light Being. From deep within, I create Good in our current global situations. Our geo-political world is filled with Love and Light. I hold steadfast in Faith filling everything and everyone with Love and Light. There is only Love and Light. Thank you, sweet Source, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.14.24

    Today, I expand into Connection radiating Love and Light to everyone and everything. I send this missive of Love and Light to all creation. Regardless of the personal, I send a valentine to All. I am filled with a profound gratitude for my connection to All That Is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.13.24

    I am a “tuning fork” resonating to Divinity. I visualize other people resonating to Divinity. Together, we raise the frequency of Love and Light on our beloved planet. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.12.24

    “Be sure to put your feet in the right place, and then stand firm.” (Abraham Lincoln). As I think of Lincoln’s commitment to service, I think of my fellow world citizens and radiate Love and Light to all. I visualize safety, security, and satiation of all needs for my Earthly cohort. I radiate Love and Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for this shared journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.11.24

    In meditation and prayer, I sink deeply into Oneness. As I center, I release all concerns. Focusing, I visualize what I desire in my life and for the world. I release my desires to Light asking for what is in Divine Order. In gratitude, I center in Holy Oneness as I move through the day. Thank you for sweet Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.10.24

    Today, I join 1.5 billion people celebrating the Lunar New Year. In mediation- prayer I visualize Divine Beauty encapsulating all of us. In this year of possibilities and opportunities, I fill everyone with Light and Love envisioning Oneness for All. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.9.24

    I am grateful for our angels and archangels. I give thanks for helping hands both seen and unseen. As the Living Christ, the doer on this dimension, I visualize Earth’s angels helping to ease and heal our beloved planet’s difficult situations. Working together, we fulfill our missions to further planetary and people’s spiritual evolution. Thank you, sweet Source, for the small part I play.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.8.24

    From deep within I radiate gratitude for our first responders who are caring for our world’s suffering people. Expanding, I take our world within me, filling all people who are suffering with Light and Love. All are safe and secure in a bubble of Light on all dimensions. I visualize healing, radiant, purifying energy for our world and all its inhabitants. We are One.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.7.24

    Focusing on others, I give thanks for all people. Regardless of race, creed, gender, and orientation, we are each a drop in the Ocean of Spirit. All One, All equal in our beingness in Spirit. From my High Self, I radiate Light and Love through All. We are one in Light and Love. We are One. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.6.24

    Centering, I anchor myself to Light. I live in two worlds – staying anchored in Light as I do about my daily rounds. Daily, I expand Light and Love to everyone and everything aiding in the creation of Harmony and Peace for all of us. We are One. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.5.24

    If I don’t know my Divine Mission, I accept the work in front of me. If I don’t know what to do, I start with doing one kind thing for myself and for others each day. Slowly, through meditation and listening, I am Guided. I take small steps thinking of Maya Angelou: “Good done anywhere is Good done everywhere”. Today, I contribute to Good.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.4.24

    We are resilient spiritual beings. We are made in Love and of Light. We are Light Beings. As one awakens, more will awake. We are One on all dimensions. I am a resilient spiritual being. I am made in Love and of Light. I am a Light Being. Thank you, beloved Source, for this journey of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.3.24

    Sinking into meditation and prayer, I expand from the Creator within me anchoring Light, Love, and Divine Justice for all. Those promoting social injustice and hate are filled with Light and Love. Today, I affirm there is Divine Abundance for the Good of All. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.2.24

    Today, I embrace my creativity. I am a creator in thought, word, and deed. I create in concert with the Divine. I am divinely directed as I focus Love and Light throughout our world and beyond. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for the role I play in helping create Good in Your Creation. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.1.24

    “In seizing the moment, you find heaven.” – R. Padgett. Today I seize the day, finding Joy. I am elevated, reaching out to expand this Joy to all. I realize, again, Heaven is a state of consciousness. Thank you, beloved God, for Heaven in life. Thank you for the ability to experience Heaven now. Thank you for the ability to help create Heaven for all. Amen.

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January 2024

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.31.24

    I give thanks for the loving gift of art. Art and our artists are Divine Gifts. Art cushions us, heals us, and inspires us. All art, especially music, lifts us from our toils. Refreshed, we return to our daily round. Visualizing all artists filled with Light and Love, I see them filled with the Creativity that flows from the Wellspring of Life. I give thanks for artists and all art. I know we are all artists in our own way. Today, I express Love and Light in an artful way.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.30.24

    Focusing on my physicality, I declare: My cells are Light. My skeletal system is Light. My muscular system is Light. My nervous system is Light. My sensory systems are Light. My endocrine system is Light. My circulatory system is Light. My respiratory system is Light. My digestive system is Light. My urinary system is Light. My reproductive system is Light. My body’s bacteria are Light. I am a Light Being. I radiate Light throughout my body. I radiate Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for me, and for All That Is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.29.24

    I am filled with gratitude for seen and unseen helping hands. Thank you, beloved Source, for my aid and comfort. Thank you for visible and invisible help for everyone and everything. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.28.24

    Today, I allow Divine Rest, one of the twelve attributes of the Creator. Taking care of self is respectful. Today I relax, resting in the Divine. I breathe, rest, reflect, and heal. From deep within comes the knowledge that all is well. All is well. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for Divine Rest.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.27.24

    Focusing within I join the Profound, entering sacred space. We are One. Holding that knowingness, I breathe peace and ease to all who have suffered injury due to abuse or crimes. Expanding to encompass our world, I fill each of us who feels the emotional echo of past trauma. I fill all with Divine Peace, Light, and Love. We embrace Peace. We are One. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.26.24

    God is Energy. Focusing on the energy of abundance, I open within accepting abundant health, wealth, and joy. Expanding, I visualize abundance flowing in whatever form needed to where it will benefit all planet Earth and its peoples. Thank you, God, for making it so. “Everything is Energy” (Stephen Lewis).

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.25.24

    Thank you, Creator, for our world’s caregivers, heroes all. Thank you for their selfless giving and for their commitment. Today, the Creator within me visualizes abundant Light and Love in all spouses, siblings, friends, parents, children, and professionals who give care to others. I am humbled at the love and light of all these loving beings. Thank you, Creator, for your Divine Essence in us.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.24.24

    Taking a deep breath, I center myself and tune to the frequency of Divinity. Breathing rhythmically, I release my concerns, worries, and frustrations for myself and for our world. I am filled with Divine Peace, Love and Light. I am renewed. I radiate Peace, Love and Light to all for all. Thank you, Sweet Divinity for You and for this journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.23.24

    Resting in Spirit, I focus Love and Light on my brothers and sisters in need. Whether it is loss of a loved one, income, or community, all experiencing loss are filled with Divine Peace. Visualizing those who have lost stability in their daily turn, I focus Light to help expand each individual’s feeling of stability in the Divine. Today, I help anchor, Light, Love and Peace.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.22.24

    In prayer and meditation, I give thanks for my free will. Unlike Adam and Eve, we are not unthinkingly unaware. The gift of self-determination enables us to freely choose our path. Thank you, beloved God, for my freedom to choose to be One with You, One with All That Is. I am grateful for spiritual freedom. .

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.21.24

    As I rest in the Divine, I focus my mind on Divine Calm. Breathing, I inhale Light, exhaling Calm. I focus to help our world achieve peace. Expanding, I fill our world leaders with Divine Peace, Calm, Light, and Love. I join with other prayer workers in visualizing Light strands supporting our world leader., Thank you, God, for world peace. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.20.24

    I know the Creator within me is radiating Divine Light and Love through me. Opening, I merge into Light and Love. Expanding, I radiate Light and Love to everyone and everything. I am a conduit of Divine Light and Love through all dimensions. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.19.24

    As I pray for our world’s economy, the movement and flow of monies that support our endeavors on this plane. I pray for the living flow of greenbacks, a plant-like system. Expanding myself into this flow of Green, I visualize needed monies moving to forward progress for all, for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.18.24

    Centering deep within, I give thanks for my divine health. Spiritual, physical, mental, and financial health. I am healthy! I am grateful! Expanding, I visualize robust health for others and for our beautiful planet. Thank you, Source, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.17.24

    Moving deep within I fill what seems to be “broken-ness” in our world with Light and Love. I help anchor Calm, Light, and Peace throughout our planet. I unite with like minds radiating Love and Light for all. Thank you, dearest Divinity for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.16.24

    Praying for my fellow Light beings, I am guided to understand the importance of modeling – setting an energy and an example. Each and every day, I will set an example of living in concert with the Divine. Giving others an energy to match, in a humble effort to contribute Light and Love to the Greater Good. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.15.24

    Meditating in his old church, I realize Dr. King is still anchoring Light and Love for us. From the Creator within me, I visualize all of us treating our fellow citizens with Love and respect regardless of race, creed, or color. To be truly American means to be truly inclusive: exploring differences, helping, and loving one another as heirs of the Divine, one and all. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.14.24

    In Holy Connection, I expand filling all people with Love and Light. I visualize members of radicalized groups filled with Love and Light. Expanding from the Creator within me, I visual everyone filled with Divine Love. An internal plume of Sacred Energy fills all with Divine Healing, Love and Light. Known or not, we are all Light Beings on a path to Oneness, a sacred family sharing time on Earth. We are One. And, so it is, Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.13.24

    Expanding in prayer I take our beloved world within me filling it with Love and Light on all dimensions. Visualizing, I fill our world’s species- human, animal, and plant with Love and Light. All species find their right place within our changing environment. As a co-creator with God, I take daily action in thought, word, and deed to help protect our fragile civilization and planet.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.12.24

    Today, I focus within on any unhealthy behaviors I may have. Releasing these negative habits to Light, I surrender to Divine Connection. As I open to healing and direction, I pray others may open their hearts to accept Divine Healing. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.11.24

    One country, one destiny. One world, one destiny. One galaxy, one destiny. One cosmos, one destiny. We are one. We are One. One Heart, One Mind. One.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.10.24

    Thinking of those of us with role-strain, too many roles to play, too many demands. I expand from the Creator within me filling everyone with Light and Love. I visualize everyone being able to fulfill necessary obligations in a loving and Light-filled way. Light enables each of us to be who we are: Light Beings.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.9.24

    Focusing, I relax and think of myself. My Self. I ask: what do I need? An answer wells up. Filling myself with Light I say “I love you,” “I honor you.” Bathing myself in Love and Light, I promise to respect my needs, to be more loving to myself. I will treat myself as who I am: the Light of the world. I am the Light of the world. I am the Love of the world.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.8.24

    From the Creator within me, I envision Divine Love and Light radiating from both Houses of Congress. I visualize the Light of Congress merging with the Light in the White House. Expanding, I imagine the Executive and Legislative Lights merging with the Light of the Supreme Court. I picture all three branches of the U.S. government immersed in Light and Love. Light guides our country for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.7.24

    Grace is not a get-out-of-jail-free card. It is not carte blanche to do nothing. Grace happens as we strive for a goal, then surrender, and magically it works out perfectly. So today, I step forward in faith towards my dreams. Today, I work in concert with the Divine. Thank you, God, for this path of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.6.24

    Life is for living in Divine Essence and Oneness. Let us live in a new way of Oneness! (a la Diana Goure).

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.5.24

    Reconsidering Epiphany, I meditate on the gifts of the Magi; gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Gifts symbolizing incorruptible wealth, spiritual knowledge, and the necessity of ego transcendence. Humbly, I turn within accepting these gifts for my high Self, the Living Christ within. I visualize these gifts being accepted by all our world’s citizens – Heaven on Earth.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.4.24

    Today, as we celebrate the Season of Light, I continue to purify myself in Love and Light. Standing at my mind’s gateway monitoring thoughts, I release negative thoughts to Light. I am helping cleanse our world’s thought pollution. Facing my fears, darkness disappears and a New Day dawns.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.3.24

    Focusing within, I fill our world’s governments with Love and Light. Each country’s leader and governing body is filled with Love and Light. Each country’s leader is open to Guidance. Each nation’s leader puts the people first. Our world leaders work together for Good. We, the people, work together through meditation, prayer, and action creating Good for all.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.2.24

    As I prepare to return to work in the new year, I recall I am where I am for a reason. I know work is Good. “Work is Love made visible” (Khalil Gibran). In carrying out my work from my high Self, I work with loving intention for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.1.24

    God is my providence. All that I am, all that I have is of God. Opening my heart, I know God as my providence. I give thanks for the blessings I have and for those I am about to receive. I give thanks for Divine Connection. As I face the new year, I am grateful for my open heart and my ability to pray for myself and others. Through my Light work I aid all of creation, and so, it is. Amen.

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December 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.31.23

    On the last day of the year, I focus within connecting to my High Self. I release everything that is not of service to me. I release guilt and anger. I release self-blame. I release my ego. I am a Light Being. Breathing, I embrace my larger Self envisioning a future of Light and Love for all. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for this journey of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.30.23

    As I consider those who have made a transition from the physical to the nonphysical, I expand from the Creator within me, filling each of us in the transitioning process with Love and Light. Thinking of friends and family who may feel left, I expand Love and Light in each grieving soul. Our world is filled with Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.29.23

    Giving thanks for the closing of the year, I relax, allowing my mind to range as the Creator within me guides me. As the Living Christ, I am the hands of Divinity. I am guided and given any needed tools. I am in the right place, at the right time, saying, and doing the right things for the good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.28.23

    In synchronizing myself with Oneness, I recall God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the Universe for the Good of All. Giving thanks I move into this flow visualizing Creative Energy maximizing health for everyone and everything. All are in a bubble of Love and Light. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.27.23

    The Creator within me aids in magnifying Love and Light within families. I visualize parents intuiting the sacred duty of raising responsible, loving Light Beings Parents are Divinely Guided for the good of their children and people everywhere for the Good of All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 12.26.23

    As we celebrate the first fruits of harvest, I go within and give thanks for Unity. I give thanks that everything is of God. Centered in the “I Am that I Am” I expand myself through all creation. I expand Love, Light, Peace, and Joy. I radiate God’s fruits to all, for All. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 12.25.23

    Celebrating the birth of christ consciousness within, I allow myself the Joy of Oneness. Giving thanks for the birth of this Way-Shower, I celebrate our Oneness with Divine Essence. Opening my heart, I am grateful for the sacred gift of freedom to choose Oneness. Thank you, God, for this journey of Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.24.23

    On this Christmas Eve as the Christian world celebrates the anniversary of Jesus’s birth, I turn within giving thanks for my burgeoning christ consciousness, a consciousness of Love. I find myself filled with gratitude. Expanding, I radiate Love and Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for our gift of Oneness with You.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.23.23

    Today, I surrender to Light. I surrender to Divine Love. I surrender to Joy. I surrender to the essence of Divinity within me. I am Divine. (From Diana Goure.)

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.22.23

    I am a Light being, I am a Love being. I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. Through Love, I release unhealthy use of any substances, food, drink, or behaviors to Light. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I am a Light Being; my every need is met. Expanding, I visualize everyone filled with Love and Light. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.21.23

    As the veil thins between the astral and the physical with winter solstice, I center myself expanding my beingness to encompass the world. I fill everyone on all dimensions with Light and Love. All who may be transitioning from the physical to the astral are eased in and through Divine Peace. All is well. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.20.23

    Today, amidst the flurry of activity, I rest in Divine Peace. I release any negatives to the Gentle Comforter within. Centering in Divinity I radiate Love and Light to all who may be isolated, ill, or troubled. I help create Loving Flow for the good of all, especially for those with any unmet need. I visualize the Loving Essence meeting every need. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 12.19.23

    As the year moves forward, I focus Love, Light, Peace, and Divine Effectiveness on the Oval Office. From the Creator within, I visualize the Office of the Presidency resting on the Mantle of the Living Christ. Lovingly, I intensify the Light and Love so that all in the White House are divinely Guided for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 12.18.23

    In this season of Light, I am grateful. Thank you for unexpected gifts. Thank you, beloved Creator, for Love. Thank you for Life. Thank you for an abundant life for all of us. Thank you for this beautiful planet. Thank you for Light and Love. Thank you for Divine Energy. Thank you for Divine Rest in You. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.17.23

    In this season of Light, I center within expanding Love and Light into all of us who survive any violence. Love and Light fill each surviving family member and friend anchoring them as grief buffets their souls. All who suddenly transition during trauma are filled with Love and Light. All are cocooned in Love and Light. My efforts help magnify our shared dimensions in Love and Light. Thank you, Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.16.23

    Centering, I begin with gratitude for All That Is. I give thanks for all opportunities. Be they difficult or easy, I greet each opportunity with an open heart and mind. My centeredness and gratitude keeps me in the Universal Flow.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.15.23

    Sitting with Spirit I find unwelcome events are catalysts for prayerful direction of Light toward where there appears to be little. I do not allow distraction from my immersion in pure Light. Facing challenges propel us deeper into Light. Today, I am a perfect channel of God’s omnipresent, omnipotent Light. (Based on a writing by a LC volunteer.)

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.14.23

    The Energy that is All has room for us all. Expanding from deep with, I visualize everyone manifesting their divine missions. I lovingly visualize everyone having each and every need abundantly met. Today, I open my heart, mind, and soul to Universal Abundance. I visualize us all opening to Divine Abundance. There is room for us all at the Table of Life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.13.23

    I am free in Light and Love. I am a Light being. I am a Love being. I release any obstacles to my Oneness. I am free to feel God’s Joy. I am filled with wonder as boundless joy overcomes me.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 12.12.23

    The season of Light is a time to welcome the Living Christ within. Today, I welcome my High Self, the Living Christ within me. From my High Self, I am the hands of the Creator on this dimension. Today, I affirm I am in the right place, at the right time, saying, and doing the right thing for the Good of all. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 12.11.23

    As the year moves forward, I focus Love, Light, and Divine Clarity in the US Congress. Members of both houses open their hearts, minds, and souls to the Divine within them. The still small voice of the Creator within guides them in their daily activities in Congress. Light guides as Love directs our Legislative branch of government. Today, I help all prayer workers create Good in our US government. For the Greater Good. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.10.23

    As I entrain my mind in Source, I enter Sacred Space. All of us have dreams, hopes, and wishes. Dreams, whether realized or not, are how we create. We have a God-given right to co-create as divine beings. Today, I visualize each of us enabled as the creators we are met to be taking action to advance our dreams in Divine Oneness. For the Greater Good. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.9.23

    In this season of Light, “let your heart be light.” Today, I let my heart be light, I release any worries and fears to Light. “Let your heart be light.” I let my heart be Light. I am a Light Being. Thank you, dear Divinity, for this journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.8.23

    As we celebrate the Season of Light, I know the Creator within me is radiating Divine Light and Love through me. Opening, I merge into Light and Love. Expanding, I radiate Light and Love to everyone and everything. I am a conduit of Light and Love through all dimensions. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.3.23

    In this season of Light, I fill all families with Love and Light. All are safe in Divinity. Joining with other Light workers, I help anchor Love, Light and Divine Abundance for the good of All. Today, I focus Love and Light on families, visualizing every need filled through Light and with Love. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.2.23

    Today, I affirm the Creator within me guides in Light and Love. I am a knower. I know what God within me tells me. I am guided by Light and Love. I am One with All That Is. Light guides us all. We are Guided on our paths to Oneness. All is well on all dimensions and so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.1.23

    From the Creator within, I am grateful for my like-minded fellow Light beings. Today, I help anchor Light and Love in our world. Inhaling Light, I exhale Love and Gratitude helping to hold sacred space for Divine Compassion. We help anchor the frequency of Compassion as we and others realize our Divine Essence as Light beings having a human Experience. Today, I visualize Divine Compassion. Amen.

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November 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.30.23

    Today, I give thanks focusing gratitude, Light and Love on our magnificent angelic kingdom. The Creator within me fills all angels and archangels with Light and Love. Beloved Angelic Kingdom, I am so grateful for your love, your help, and your constancy. Thank you, God, for our angels and their missions. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.29.23

    As I pray for our world, our economy comes to mind. The movement and flow of monies that support our endeavors on this plane. I focus intention and pray for the living flow of greenbacks, a plant-like system. Expanding into this flow of Green, I visualize needed monies moving to forward progress for all, for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.28.23

    Centering in gratitude, I am deeply grateful for my many blessings. I am grateful for my ability to meditate and pray. Turning within, I know that everything is an opportunity for growth. I focus on Divine Flow in my life and I embrace change. Thank you, dear Divinity, for this path of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.27.23

    Expanding from my High Self, I visualize us all filled with Love and Light on all dimensions. For those of us who are returning to work today, I envision crystalline Light infusing our workstations with Love and Light. Working together we create Love and Light throughout the remainder of this year and into the next. Thank you, Divine Source, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.26.23

    Centering in Source, I focus on those of us making a transition through physical death. I visualize radiant Light and Divine Love easing each soul through this “graduation.” I envision the families filled with Light, Love, and Peace. Despite circumstances we are One. One Heart. One Mind. One in Divinity. Life is progressing without end. All is well. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.25.23

    From the Creator within me I release any behaviors, foods, or substances that are not for my highest good to Light. I turn to the Creator within me to meet my dependency needs. Opening my heart, mind, and soul to Divinity, I am guided. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for this journey of awakening to who I truly am!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 11.24.23

    I am filled with gratitude for the Divine gift of our beautiful, natural world. Thank you, Mother-Father God, for Earth. Thank you for the plant, animal, mineral, and microbial kingdoms. Thank you for the trees that hold spiritual energy for us. Thank you for our natural world that nourishes us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Expanding, I fill our beloved planet with Love and Light for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.23.23

    On this Thanksgiving Day, I reach within and give thanks for all I have and all I am about to receive. Radiating Light, I focus to help us all open our hearts, minds, and souls to Divine Generosity. When the impulse to give comes, I give generously in thought, word, and deed. We are One. Thank you, Holy Spirit Within for You and for us All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.22.23

    Centering in Source, I focus on those of us coping with any illness, financial problem, or any other adversity. I visualize the Light and Love within each guiding us, easing each soul through this growth experience. I envision us all filled with Light, Love, and Peace. All is well. Life is progressing without end. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.21.23

    As the weather cools in the northern hemisphere, I focus my prayerful mind on the needs of others. Deep within I create Love, Light, Prosperity for all, that each may have every need met. All are divinely guided to places, people, and services that provide for any need. We are One. We are connected on all levels through the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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  • The Light Center Dome will be closed for Thanksgiving on Thursday, 23rd

    The Light Center will open at Noon on Friday, 24th. Happy Thanksgiving! The trails and labyrinth will be open during daylight hours.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.20.23

    Earth is a planet of Light. Earth is a planet of Love. Each being on Earth is filled with Light and Love. On every dimension, everyone is filled with Light and Love. Earth radiates Light and Love throughout the cosmos. And so it is, Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.19.23

    Today I embrace my Power in the Divine. My consciousness is Christ consciousness. I envision Light and Love empowering everyone to create Good on planet Earth and so, it is. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for helping us all make it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.18.23

    Centering within I pray for all those in need, filling my fellow planetary citizens with Light and Love. I visualize all our body’s chakras filled with empowering radiant Light and Love. Schoolhouse Earth allows us all to learn and grow. Thank you, beloved Source, for this Journey to You. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 11.17.23

    As I go about my daily life, I find myself grateful for “little things.” Today I am grateful for my mind that can focus as I choose. Today, I choose to focus on the Creator within me. I gratefully focus mindful energy visualizing Light and Love for all. Thank you, beloved Creator, for me. Thank you for shared Light and Love for All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.16.23

    Today, I give thanks for the grace and generosity of our world’s caregivers and first responders. From the Creator within me, I fill all these noble individuals with Love and Light. I visualize them safe and secure in a bubble of Light and Love on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.15.23

    Connecting within, I am grateful for Oneness. My daily meditation provides a safe haven as I negotiate the twists and turns of daily life. Connecting in Oneness, I slow – filling myself with Divine Peace, Love, and Light. Faith rises within as I rest in Oneness. I know all is well. All is well. All is well.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.14.23

    Today, I stand with my fellow world citizens. Regardless of race, creed, or gender, we are one. We are all Light Beings whether we know it or not. Today, I help anchor Divine Calm, Peace, Love, and Light. Today, I radiate Light to help change any negativity to Light. As a creator I declare: Our planet is a planet of Love and Light. And, so it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.13.23

    On world kindness day, I merge with my High Self expanding Divine Peace, Calm, Love, and Light to everyone and everything. Pure crystalline strands of Divine Understanding weave together everyone and everything. All beings extend themselves in Divine Kindness creating Heaven on Earth. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.12.23

    Merging with the Creator within me, I find myself overcome with emotion. My human frailties rise to be healed. Opening, I embrace Mother-Father Divinity within me and I am comforted in Presence. As I allow myself to be encompassed in Love, I find joy rise within. I am filled with joy and gratitude for God’s Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.11.23

    On this sacred day, 11-11, I merge with the Creator expanding Divine Love and Light within all who serve or have served our country. Those who have served in the military are filled with Love and Light. Those who have served to protect our people are filled with Love and Light. Their families are filled with Love and Light. Those who have served people in any capacity are filled with Love and Light. I honor service to all by helping expand Love and Light within all. Thank you, God, for Divine Service. Amen.

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  • Tickets still available for Sound Healing with Kennedy OneSelf on Saturday, 11/11

    For more information and tickets: https://urlight.org/events/sound-healing-with-kennedy-oneself90323-862/

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 11.10.23

    Praying for our beloved beautiful planet, I help anchor Light and Love to off-set any anxiety so many are experiencing. There is so much Light! Today, I help create more Light, more Love to fuel energies to help maintain and heal our beautiful spaceship Earth.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.9.23

    Today, opening within to Divinity I realize I am God’s hands in this dimension. I open my heart, mind, and soul to Spirit. I ask to be a clear instrument of Divine Will. From deep within, I release all impediments to Oneness. Thank you, beloved God, for Divine Connection.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.8.23

    As I think of my fellow Light beings, I am buoyed by the actions of the many heroes, sung and unsung, we have in our world. Working together, we can make progress – creating Heaven on Earth. Light and Love creates Good on Earth. Thank you, God, for Light. Thank you, God, for Love. Thank you, God, for this life of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.7.23

    Considering my global fellow citizens, I anchor in Love and Light visualizing our nation filled with Light. I visualize our world filled with crystalline stands of Light. As a Light Being, I declare: Light guides our nation. Light guides our world. Stepping out in Faith I help expand Love and Light for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.6.23

    If I am at a crossroads, I center deep within. Divine Knowingness comes to Guide me. I know I am called to model Divine Presence Within for all people. Doing my best, I model God’s love, truth, grace, presence, and spontaneity for all. Thank you, beloved God, for your Guidance.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.5.23

    Centering from the Creator within, I visualize all of us working together to create Divine Unity. As I expand to encompass our world I magnify Light and Love to help increase Unity. We are One and so it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.4.23

    As I open myself, Spirit stirs within me. Today, I give thanks for the knowledge that we are ONE. All is well. No Matter What. The Divine has a plan and on the astral level the template is prepared, and it is Perfect. Expanding from Spirit I hold Peace for All. Amen.

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  • Tickets still available for Sound Voyage with Jeannie McKenzie and Wolfgang Ettenreich on Nov. 4

    Saturday, November 4, 3 to 4:30 p.m. Tickets: Advance $20 (purchase by 4 p.m. on 11/3); at door $25 https://urlight.org/events/sound-voyage-concert-with-jeannie-mckenzie-and-wolfgang-ettenreich-702/  

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  • Tickets still available for Discover the Power of Tai Chi Gung with Nancy Foster

        Advance tickets: $20 (purchase before 4 pm on 11/3); at door $25 For information and tickets: https://urlight.org/events/discover-the-ancient-power-of-tai-chi-gung-with-nancy-foster/    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 11.3.23

    Yellow, gold, russet, our autumn is beautiful. No matter where we are, our slice of Earth has beauty. Today, I know I am standing on holy ground (R. Crow). Expanding from deep within, I fill my world with Love and Light. I help re-create our world as a planet of Love and Light setting an example for all creation imitate. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.2.23

    On the Day of the Dead, All Souls’ Day, I give thanks for the many generations who came before me. I am grateful for my ancestors’ work. From my High Self, I radiate Light filling my transitioned loved ones and past generations with Light and Love. I stand on the shoulders of those who came before me and I am grateful for their contributions to me, my life, and our world. I hold them in Light and Love. And so, it is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.1.23

    Celebrating All Saint’s Day in a new way, I consider the many Light Beings who exist on various dimensions. I give thanks for those Beings. I give thanks for the example they have set for me and the Love and Light they have created. Breathing deeply, I expand centering Love and Light for us all as we knowingly or unknowingly strive to complete our spiritual missions.

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October 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.31.23

    Samhain, the night the veil thins between heaven and earth, I expand from the Creator within me, filling everyone and everything with Love and Light. Immersed in Divine Flow, I am helping create a New Heaven on Earth. Thank you, dear Divinity for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.30.23

    The Office of the U.S. Presidency is filled with Love and Light. The President is divinely Guided. The U.S. Congress is filled with Love and Light. All representatives and senators open their hearts, minds, and souls to Love and Light. All are open to Divine Guidance. All is well. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.29.23

    Sitting in silent communication with Source, I radiate Divine Peace, Love, and Light within our world and its people. I know we are all God’s chosen Ones. We choose. We choose God’s path of Love and Light. I visualize Light and Love expanding in everyone so all may know we are all God’s chosen people. With Love, I help anchor knowledge of Oneness for all.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.28.23

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I release unhealthy use of any substances, food, drink, or behaviors to Light. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. The Creator within meets my every need. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.27.23

    Expanding deep within I focus Light and Love in all warring areas of our world. I visualize all people filled with Divine Love. I visualize Light guiding every mind, heart, and soul. I visualize all minds open to Light and Love. I visualize Divine Peace saturating the area on all dimensions. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.26.23

    There is only Energy. As I sit with this notion, I am flooded with Light. From deep within, I radiate Divine Energy to all our world’s governments. All governments are filled with Light and Love. All non-governmental organizations are filled with Light and Love. I visualize increasing awareness for everyone. We are One in the All That Is. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.25.23

    If I hesitate or don’t know my next step, I turn within, asking for Divine Guidance. I do not judge myself. Sitting in silence, I wait for clarification from my High Self. As I wait, I release my personal will affirming “Thy will, not my will.” Thank you, sweet Source for Your Guidance.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.24.23

    The United Nations is filled with Light and Love. Each UN member opens his or her heart to the Divine within. Each member willingly accepts the Mantle of the Living Christ and is divinely guided to serve for the Good of All. The United Nations, through the Power of the Creator within, LEADS the world’s nations to protect and serve the world’s peoples. And so, it is. Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.23.23

    Today I affirm: My life’s tasks are easily achieved, in an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way, in a timely fashion, for the Greater Good. Amen. (Marc Allen).

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.22.23

    Focusing on my physicality, I declare: My cells are Light. My skeletal system is Light. My muscular system is Light. My nervous system is Light. My sensory systems are Light. My endocrine system is Light. My circulatory system is Light. My respiratory system is Light. My digestive system is Light. My urinary system is Light. My reproductive system is Light. My body’s bacteria are Light. I am a Light Being. I radiate Light throughout my body. I radiate Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for me, and for All That Is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.21.23

    In prayer, the Creator within me focuses Love and Light in our world’s jails and prison systems. The Creator within me radiates Love and Light for all of us in any type of prison, physical or mental, imposed by others or by self. The Creator within provides Divine Freedom for all, that we may be free to fulfill our sacred missions for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Tickets still available! Getting Beyond the Physical: Guided Soundbowl Meditation with Naeemah Anai

    Discover a transformative meditation experience that speaks directly to your senses. Explore the soothing resonance of physical sound bowls, guiding you into a state of deep relaxation and heightened awareness. We go beyond traditional methods, incorporating principles of quantum physics to help you tap into the essence of being without form. No prior experience required – just an open mind and a willingness to explore. Come as you are and embark on a journey of inner discovery. Are you ready to tune in? Purchase Tickets at the door $30 https://urlight.org/events/getting-beyond-the-physical-guided-soundbowl-mediation-with-naeemah-anai/

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.20.23

    Expanding from the Creator within me, I focus on the needs of everyone and everything. The Creator within all people, flora, and fauna fills them with Love, Light, and Prosperity. Every need is abundantly met. All are divinely guided to places, habitats, people, and services that provide for all needs. We are One, we are connected on all levels. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, there is abundance to meet every need for all species in this beautiful dimension. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.19.23

    From deep within I affirm “I Am one with Divine Calm.” I Am Divine Calm. I radiate Divine Calm. We are Divine Calm. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for the creation of Divine Calm for all. Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.18.23

    Praying for our beloved world and its creatures, I fill our land, air, and waters with Light and Love. I visualize all climate change directed by Light. As a Light Being I help anchor Love and Light. Thank you, God, for your Divine Guidance.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.17.23

    “Be positive! You are the Light of the World.” Today, I immerse myself in revolutionary optimism knowing We are the light of the world. In Divine Connection I expand anchoring Love, Light, the optimism of faith, and Joy. I am grateful for my ability to stay in the Divine Flow. I am in the right place, at the right time, praying, saying, and doing the right things for the Greater Good. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.16.23

    Moving into Oneness, I focus Love and Light in and on our country and in all countries. I visualize Light casting clarity on leadership in our country and in all countries around our world. Our world is filled with Light and Divine Love. Light and Love create Good in our world. Thank you, beloved Divinity for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.15.23

    Stepping back from the world’s chatter, from deep within I focus on Divine Intelligence. Merging with Divine Intelligence, I focus prayer energy on all people opening their hearts, minds, and souls to Divine Intelligence. I visualize crystalline strands of Divine Intelligence connecting to all, anchoring us in Divinity. I visualize all empowered from the Creator within, each of us making choices for the Greater Good.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.14.23

    As I open myself, Spirit stirs within me. Today, I give thanks for the knowledge that we are ONE. All is well. No Matter What. The Divine has a plan and on the astral level the template is prepared, and it is Perfect. Expanding from Spirit I hold Peace for All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for World Peace is Cancelled on Sunday, October 15; Join Peace Prayer with Fr. James Twyman

    Please join in a worldwide prayer for peace on Saturday, October 14 at Noon. The Light Center Dome will open for silent prayer for one hour, joining Fr. James Twyman, the Peace Troubadour, in a prayer for Israel and Palestine: “At noon NY time on Saturday, Oct. 14, stop whatever you’re doing and spend 30-60 minutes FEELING the energy of peace prevailing in the Holy Land. We’re not “asking” for peace to prevail, but feeling that it already has. This type of energy-based affirmative prayer has been proven to powerfully impact world situations. Continue to send your love and energy to […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.13.23

    Today, on Friday the thirteenth, I know I am lucky. I am filled with Divine Grace, Love and Light. Today, I expand filling our war-torn brothers and sisters with Light and Love. Joining with prayer-workers around the world, we fill our brethren with Love and Light, Peace and Joy. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.12.23

    Today, I extend myself to encompass Earth filling it with Light and Love. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for the nurturing beauty of our fantastic planet. Thank you, for our beloved wild spaces and wildlife from whom we have much to learn. Thank you for ever better stewardship of our planet as we safeguard all wildlife now and forevermore. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.11.23

    Pondering our planetary zeitgeist, I turn within and find solace in the Divine. From the Creator within me, I fill our world with Love and Light. This transitional time is filled with Light. Light directs change for the Good of All. Today, I hold sacred space for Love, Light, Peace, Joy, and Harmony for All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.10.23

    I AM a Light Being. I AM resilient. I AM strong. I AM able to see clearly. I AM able to hear clearly. I AM one with the I AM That I AM. Thank you, beloved Source, for You in me. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.9.23

    Recognizing Indigenous People’s Day and Columbus Day, today, we expand this sacred day to fill all people around the world with Love and Light. Through Love we release our ancestral and personal injuries to Light and Love. Today, I join with others in holding sacred space for Divine Harmony and Divine Peace for all, as a rainbow family of people on the divine path to Oneness. Thank you, sweet Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.8.23

    Today, I sit as an Observer. I sit in silence and observe my mind, my thoughts. I do not resist, that which I resist, persists (Carl Jung). I observe and I release, I let go, and focus on God. I am a clear vessel through which Spirit flows for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.7.23

    From deep within, I let the mundane fall away. Someone said: “You can’t build security in a world of fear.” I Know this is true. So today, I trust the Creator, That which is All That Is. Today, I trust and have faith. Today, I pray for my Self. Today, I pray for our beloved Earth and all inhabitants. Today, I declare: “I am Divinely Guided”. All is well. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.6.23

    We are Light Beings having an earthly existence. As I think about pitfalls on the earthly plane, I consider addiction in its many forms. Today, I expand to fill everyone on Earth with Light and Love. Visualizing cravings of any type as strings attached to people, I take my heavenly scissors and snip the impediments freeing us all. Thank you, beloved God, for helping us realize our True Identity.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.5.23

    Today, I am reminded: I can only control my own thoughts and behavior. I cannot control the choices of others. I can view them as the Light Beings they are. I can set a good example. I can pray for them and visualize them in the beauty of their Light-ness. Thank you, God, for this reminder. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.4.23

    Tuning into Spirit, I release my defenses and allow myself to depend on the Energy of All. Every need is met through the Divine. I release grappling to have my needs met. I release my human relationships to Light and Love. Spirit within creates Light and Love in my relationships. Taking action as guided, visualizing my goals, Spirit meets my every need. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.3.23

    As I relax and open to my High Self, I become more one with the Divine. Today, I relax and release my human desire to be perfect. I release all negative self-judgments. I am a Light Being and I am open to Divinity. I am a flexible fluid Light Being surrendering to Oneness. Thank you, Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.2.23

    As I pray for our U.S. Supreme Court and Congress, I visualize Light and Love flowing through all activities. Light and Love lead the way for all the judges and representatives. Light and Love enable flexibility and wisdom in their daily functioning and the execution of their duties for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.1.23

    Pondering one of the twelve attributes of the Tree of Life, Divine Rest, I allow myself to rest in the Divine. I know all is well despite possible outward appearances. Life on Earth is a sacred learning experience. We are Light beings learning to become One. Thank you, God, for Oneness.

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September 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.30.23

    Joining with others in my meditation-prayer, I help create Peace, Love, and Light in all nations. I fill North America with Love and Light. I fill Central America with Love and Light. I fill South America with Love and Light. I fill Europe with Love and Light. I fill Asia with Love and Light. I fill Africa with Love and Light. I fill Antarctica with Love and Light. I fill Australia with Love and Light. Our wonderful world is filled with Love and Light on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.29.23

    Happiest are those who have sought and found a way to serve” (Albert Schweitzer). As I ponder this quote during these turbulent times, I am inspired to gratitude for all that I have, all that I am, and for my purpose as a Light Being. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for you, for me, for Life. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.28.23

    Focusing on our media, I direct the Creator within me to fill each person watching any news or social media with Love and Light. Increasing Light within each viewer, I envision all opening their hearts to Source, filling the internet dimension with Love and Light. I visualize all of us filling cyberspace with Love and Light. Thank you, Sweet Source, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.27.23

    Expanding myself in prayer to become my high Self, I visualize what we are meant to be: the living body of Divine Mind. Sitting in Divine Silence and Love I soak up Love, Light, and Serenity. Thank you for this communion of Spirit.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.26.23

    Expanding to encompass our rough-n-tumble world, the Creator within me fills each of us with Light and Love. Visualizing Light filling our institutions with Love, we open our hearts, minds, and souls to the Creator within us. We learn from any drama in our lives, changing it to Light. We are Light Beings. We move forward creating Good as One. And so, it is, Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.25.23

    Today I am thankful for daughters and daughters-in-law. Daughters carry forward family traditions. We all of us – daughters and sons work together for the Good of our world and beyond. The role of daughter and son is sacred in many ways. Today, I celebrate the role of daughters in life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.24.23

    Moving through my day, I meditate on joy in the Flow. Divine Flow. I am in the Flow. I resolve to Love as I labor; to find the Joy in daily work. I am worthy of fulfillment of my aspirations. I am Connected in Flow and am Divinely Guided. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.23.23

    Treasuring autumn, I embrace cooler temperatures and shorter days. As a Light Being, I fill our world’s climate with Light and Love. The Creator within all guides all to create Good through thought, prayer, and action. Today and every day we enable action to protect our fragile fantastic planet. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.22.23

    Pondering Native American Day, I bow to the Divine in all Native Americans. Joining in Oneness, I honor each for their service to our natural world. Native American spiritual traditions help guide us all. From deep within, I feel a depth of gratitude to Native American culture and the Light Beings who have cared for our beloved Earth for eons and who continue to lead as environmental activists. All our Native American tribes are filled with Light and Love. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.21.23

    Slipping into Oneness, I merge with Divinity. Riding the energy, I feel the Peace that surpasses all understanding. I am so grateful for my peace. Expanding myself to encompass the world, I join with others filling our world with Peace. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.20.23

    Praying for unity within my fellow Light beings, I expand from deep within and visualize all of Us as One. We are One. One Heart – a shared Oneness with the Creator within each of us. We are One. Today, I hold space for our shared harmony. The Oneness of all beings.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.19.23

    From deep within I visualize filling all world governments with Light and Love. Light clarifies revealing everything on all dimensions. I visualize all world leaders harmoniously working together for the benefit of all and for the benefit of our sacred environment. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.18.23

    Freedom, not just another word for nothing left to lose, but free to BE. I am free to Be. I am free within myself to be my Self. Breathing, I sit with my Self feeling this truth. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for this journey to Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.17.23

    Deep with, I focus Spirit flowing through me and declare Love and Light is channeled to those of us in need. Regardless of circumstance or need I visualize Divine Love and Light guiding, directing, and healing. Today, I work with Spirit flowing through me to aid in creation of Heaven on Earth for All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.16.23

    Choosing to tune into Spirit, I release my defenses allowing myself to depend on the Energy of All. I affirm every need is met through the Divine. Trusting, I take action as Guided; visualizing my goals, God meets my every need. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.15.23

    Praying for everyone making a transition from the physical to the nonphysical life, I fill them with Divine Love and Light. Expanding from Source within, I visualize all left-behind-loved-ones filled with Love and Light. All grief, hurt, and anger are changed to Light. Today, I help enrich Harmony, Peace, Love, and Light within everyone and everything. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.14.23

    Today, I hold myself in Divine Love and Light. Expanding, I take planet Earth and its inhabitants within me holding everyone and everything in Love and Light. I help anchor Love and Light on our incredible planet.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.13.23

    Today, from deep within I purify and cleanse each cell of my body with Light. Standing at the gate of my thoughts, I release negative thoughts to Light. Monitoring my thoughts aids in clearing our world’s thought pollution. Moving deeper, I release and pass through my fears helping lessen our world’s darkness. Little by little, slowly we turn to Light and Oneness. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.12.23

    As I embrace any pain it flows into Divine Holy Love. It transforms to Holy Love. I die daily to christ-conscious Love. I find myself surrendering ‘self’ into Love. I leave my physical body to be filled with Love. I am a vessel of Love, generating healing Love. For myself. For us all. Everywhere, everything is radiant Light and Love. There is only Light and Love. (UR volunteer)

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.11.23

    On the anniversary of 9-11, I turn within releasing any sadness over man’s inhumanity to man. Expanding, I become Love and Light. I visualize Love and Light within all who have lost loved ones due to the acts of others. Today, I help magnify and anchor Love and Light within all. Working together we create Good so we truly become the family of Divine Man. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.10.23

    September is a time to feel the light. (Henri Cole) I sit in light. I sit in Light. I am Light. I am Love. I am one with the Divine. I am Divine!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.9.23

    The Creator within me creates Love and Light within all people everywhere. Expanding to encompass our world, I visualize all of us becoming aware of the Living Light that is our essence. All open to Oneness and are Guided. All are in the right place, at the right time, saying and doing the right thing for the Good of All. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.8.23

    The Creator within me creates Love and Light in and through all weather events. All fires, floods, and earthquakes across our world are filled with Love and Light Our world’s people are filled with Love and Light. Light directs climate change for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.7.23

    As my body or soul calls me to it, I release my past and deep past to Light. I permit a cleansing of blockages to Oneness. I release pain and embrace the purging fire within. I allow God’s divine healing Spirit within me to take command. I rest in the healing Grace of All That Is. I rest in Grace.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.6.23

    Breathing from the Creator within me, I fill any divisiveness within our U.S. Congress with Love and Light. I visualize all in Congress opening their hearts, minds, and souls to Divine Love. All are directed by Light and Love to work together for the Greater Good. Today, I help hold space for Love and Harmony in Congress and throughout all nations’ governments. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.5.23

    As I return to work, my day job, I recall I am where I am for a reason. I know work is Good. “Work is Love made visible” (Khalil Gibran). In carrying out my work from my High Self, the Creator within me Guides me. I am co-creating with All That Is. I work and pray with loving intention for the Good of All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.4.23

    Today, as I rest from my labor, I consider the notion: we began to labor as we turned from Divine Love. Today, I rest in Spirit knowing that I can imbue my work with love. This day is for renewal; for resting in the Divine Creative Essence of Life. Thank you, God, for this day and every day. Thank you for meaningful work. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.3.23

    Riding a spiritual wave of our Creator’s energy, I continue to push personal expansion of my human boundaries to consciously feel All That Is. I release my defenses as I surrender to Divine Flow. Sweet, sweet Spirit, my cup truly does runneth over. Thank you, for this sacred, conscious, not-always-easy-to-surrender Path of Light. Thank you. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.2.23

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I radiate Light and Love throughout my being. The Loving Light of the Creator nourishes me. I am empowered as the Light Being I am. As I do this for myself, I expand – radiating Light. We are truly Beings of Light and Love. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.1.23

    Centering, I release any judgment or worry about our world. I recall Rumi who said: “Out beyond right and wrong, there is a field. I will meet you there.” Maybe it’s a cliché, but today, it feels right – today, I step out into that metaphorical field of Love. I step out in Love asking Light to direct my actions. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for Your Love, Your Light, and Your Guidance. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.1.23

    Pondering one of the twelve attributes of the Tree of Life, Divine Rest, I allow myself to rest in the Divine. I know all is well despite possible outward appearances. Life on Earth is a sacred learning experience. We are Light beings learning to become One. Thank you, God, for Oneness.

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August 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.31.23

    Thank you, dearest Creator, for my creativity. I am deeply grateful that I am able to pray, to create from deep within. Thank you for the wellspring of creativity that is YOU within me. Thank you, for You. Thank you for me. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.30.23

    Today, I hold myself in Divine Love and Light. Expanding, I take planet Earth and its inhabitants within me holding everyone and everything in Love and Light. I help anchor Love and Light on our incredible planet. Thank you, sweet Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.29.23

    As energy on our planet continues to shift, I embrace change. I consciously breathe giving thanks for All That Is. The Creator within me guides and directs me. I am in the right place at the right time, thinking, saying, and doing the right thing for the Greater Good. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.28.23

    As I reflect on children returning to school, I expand from my High Self to fill all schools and school systems with Love and Light. I envision all students and their families filled with Love and Light. All teachers and school employees are filled with Love and Light. All schools are secure in their own bubbles of Light. Expanding into the universe, I see the crystalline bubbles of schools connected around the world; a shimmering web of Love and Light. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.27.23

    From the Creator within me, I visualize our exquisite planet filled with Love and Light. Setting intention from the Creator within me, I expand Love and Light within our Divine home. I find myself filled with love and gratitude for the incredible gift of our beautiful natural world. Thank you, Mother-Father God, for our world. Thank you for all things working together for the Good of All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.26.23

    Today, I pray for man’s best friend, the dog, all have Divine missions. Many Light beings are alone. While we pray and meditate, giving and receiving love and nourishment, a dog’s presence can be grounding and affirming. All entities are rising toward the Divine. Thank you, God, for the Divinity in man’s best friend. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.25.23

    As I think of all of us on Spaceship Earth, I expand from deep within and fill us with Light and Divine Love. Everyone is coping with some type of challenge. Spaceship Earth is a schoolhouse, and we are all learning our lessons at different speeds. Today I visualize all of us filled with Light and Love, able to put down our resistance to change, able to accept Grace and speed our learning process. Thank you, Divine Presence, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.24.23

    Turning within I fill all generations beneath me with Love and Light. As I find myself becoming an elder, I realize prayer is the most potent gift I have to offer. Visualizing from the Creator within me, I see our world’s young people as they truly are: co-creators with the Divine. Our world’s young citizens are filled with Love and Light. All are able to easily access Spirit within them. And, so it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.23.23

    I am a prism that refracts beams of Divine Light. I am a Light being. I am a Love being. I help anchor Light and Love here on Earth. I am Divine.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.22.23

    The Energy that is All, has room for us all. Expanding from deep with, I visualize everyone manifesting their divine missions. With gentle intent, I visualize everyone having each and every need abundantly met. Today, I open my heart, mind, and soul to Universal Abundance. There is room for us all at the Table of Life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.21.23

    The creator within me changes any outdated concepts to Light. Any misinformation within me is deprogrammed. I embrace my Light. I embrace my Divine Inheritance. I am one with the Creator within me. I listen only to the Divine Voice within. Thank you, beloved Creator, for my ability to hear. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.20.23

    The creator within me changes any outdated concepts to Light. Any misinformation within me is deprogrammed. I embrace my Light. I embrace my Divine Inheritance. I am one with the Creator within me. I listen only to the Divine Voice within. Thank you, beloved Creator, for my ability to hear. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.19.23

    Thank you, dearest Divinity, for You within me. Thank you for my divine Connection in You. I am ever so grateful for Connection, Light, Life and Love. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.18.23

    As I think of my fellow Light beings, I am buoyed by the actions of the many heroes we have on our beloved Earth. We create change working toward Heaven on Earth. Thank you, God, for Light. Thank you, God, for Love. Thank you, God, for this life and our ability to create. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.17.23

    “In seizing the moment, you find heaven.” – Rodney Padgett Today I seize the day, finding peace in Divine Flow. I am elevated, reaching out to expand this Peace to all. I realize, again, Heaven is a state of consciousness. Thank you, beloved God, for Heaven in life. Thank you for the ability to experience Heaven now.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.16.23

    As I release sadness, a response to recent effects of climate change, what comes is: “In seizing the moment, you find heaven.” – Rodney Padgett Today I seize the day, finding peace in Divine Flow. I am elevated, reaching out to expand this Peace to all. I realize, again, Heaven is a state of consciousness. Thank you, beloved God, for Heaven in life. Thank you for the ability to experience Heaven now.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.15.23

    As I turn within finding temporary respite, I let the mundane fall away. I let the chatter and talking heads go. I center in Divinity and feel loved. Expanding, I visualize all people filled with Love and Light. I remember God is the Energy of all creation. And I relax and rest in this Truth. And so, it is, Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.14.23

    As we pray for those affected by our Maui fires, we know we are one in Spirit. What happens to one happens to all. Today, I help anchor Love and Light in Hawaii. I visualize Love and Light permeating all of Maui and our brothers and sisters there. Love and Light guide all activities throughout our world’s changing environment. We are One. We are One. We are One.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.13.23

    The Creator within everything fills our world with Love and Light. Holy Spirit expands Love within everyone. Holy Spirit expands Light within everyone. Everyone is Divine. Everything is Divine. I am Divine. Thank you, Spirit, for your Creation!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.12.23

    Climate change is directed by Light for the Good of All. As I help create Good in climate change, I visualize any discomfort or suffering changing to Light. I visualize all creatures’ suffering changing to Light. I visualize all plants’ suffering changing to Light. Everything is filled with Light and Love. Everyone is filled with Light and Love. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.11.23

    Today, I give thanks for parents who are the path for our newest generation of Light beings. And I am grateful to all the souls who choose to be born now. Parents teach character by living their lives in front of their children. Parents or not, I am grateful for those who undertake nurturing our new world citizens. I visualize families filled with Love and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.10.23

    As I go about my daily life, I find myself grateful for little things. Flowering plants, rest, sunshine, laughter… I am grateful for my mind that I can focus as I choose. Today, I choose to focus on the Creator within me. I am grateful for the ability to focus mindful energy in prayer to create Good for All. Thank you, beloved Creator, for me.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.9.23

    Today, it is enough to center, meditate, and hold space for the highest Good for All. Centering I radiate Light and Love. Visualizing, I see crystalline Energy radiating from everyone’s solar plexus, power chakra. I help hold space for an age of enlightenment for All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.8.23

    Opening to the energy of Source within me, I declare: “I am a Creator-In-Action on our beloved planet.” Co-creating with God, I am Guided to be in the right place, at the right time, thinking, praying, saying, and doing the right things for the Good of All. Thank you, sweet Source, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.7.23

    Centering in Divinity, I help anchor Light, Love, and Divine Clarity in the U.S. government and in all governments around planet Earth. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.6.23

    Centering in Source, I find Truth. As I don my spiritual armor, I am enabled. I am shown how to navigate any plight. I am given strength through Divine Communion. I am empowered to face both personal and worldly dilemmas. Thank you, God, for this divine partnership in Your Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.5.23

    As I think of us on Spaceship Earth, I expand from deep within filling us with Light and Divine Love. Everyone is coping with some type of challenge. Spaceship Earth is a schoolhouse, and we are all learning our lessons at different speeds. Today I visualize all of us filled with Light and Love, able to surrender our resistance to change, able to accept Grace and speed our learning process. Thank you, Divine Presence, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.4.23

    Today, I stay centered in breath. I breathe slowly, rhythmically. Any challenge is met from my centered Self. I am walking through my day with open hearted optimism. Openness and optimism inspired by my Connection. Thank you, sweet Source, for my connection in Light and Love. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.3.23

    Praying for our bacterial and viral kingdoms, I fill these kingdoms with Love and Light. Each has its own intelligence that mutates to fulfill its mission. I visualize all mutations filled with Love and Light. We ourselves are mutating, changing, every day. Today, I visualize everything and everyone mutating to enhance Harmony, Peace, and Love within All That Is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.2.23

    As my Consciousness expands, I become aware of a wish to isolate, to protect my awareness. Centering, I change my increased sensitivity to Light. As my perception increases, I am learning all things will become transparent. I am learning that Spirit within me will increase my tolerance and understanding to match my growing awareness of All That Is. Thank you, God, for this journey of discovery.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.1.23

    Expanding from deep within, I focus Love and Light on our world’s leadership. All leaders and politicians are filled with Light. Anyone holding public office opens his or her heart to the Voice of Spirit. They hear and listen. All our world’s leaders are Divinely guided to lead our world with Divine Wisdom. I visualize them leading with compassion, joy, and peace. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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July 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.31.23

    Expanding from deep within, I focus Love and Light on our world’s leadership. All leaders and politicians are filled with Light. Anyone holding public office opens his or her heart to the Voice of Spirit. They hear and listen. All our world’s leaders are Divinely guided to lead our world with Divine Wisdom. I visualize them leading with compassion, joy, and peace. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.30.23

    Today is International Day of Friendship. I am filled with gratitude for my friends and my friendships. These friends are my chosen family. Friends help me stay connected to a shared reality. Friends help me center when I start to question myself. Friends help me have fun! Friends are a gift from Spirit. I am filled with deep gratitude and love for my friends and for the interactions and relationships I have with them. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.29.23

    Through the lens of Infinite Intelligence there are no problems; there is only Creation. As I rest in Divinity, I anchor Light and Love; clarity comes with the knowledge that solutions will present for any challenge facing humankind. All is well.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.28.23

    We are One, what happens to one happens to all. From Spirit within, I visualize all creatures, all plants, all living entities on this planet filled with Love and Light. Expanding, I visualize our Mother Earth filled with Love and Light. Spirit fills each molecule on this dimension with Divine Love and Light. We are One. One Heart. One Destiny. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.27.23

    God works on a need-to-know basis. I don’t know The Big Picture because I may be able to digest it. As I release, more is revealed. Opening my heart, I release fear and anxiety. I open my heart and I see miracles every day. I open my heart and joy comes in, easing ambiguity. I am reminded Source is my spiritual safety net. Thank you, Sweet Source for this exciting journey of discovery.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.26.23

    As I pray for our world and its people, I consider our global economy, the movement and flow of monies. Focusing intention, I pray for the living flow of greenbacks, a plant-like system. Expanding myself into this Green flow I visualize needed monies moving to where it is essential for everyone, for everything, for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.25.23

    The Creator within me creates Love and Light in our planet. All unexpected weather and resulting challenges are filled with Divine Love and Light. Worldwide, our first responders are filled with Love and Light. They are guided in their missions to save lives, lands, and homes. All beings, whether plant, insect, animal, or human, are filled with Love and Light. All are safe within a Bubble of Love and Light. Thank you, God for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.24.23

    Sometimes, I find myself at a crossroads needing a sign. Stepping out in faith, as a spiritual scientist, I collect data on a subject of one, myself. “Basic research is what I am doing when I don’t know what I am doing.” (Werner Von Braun). If this is a basic research day, I say “Thank you, God.” I choose to reach within in faith, becoming One with All in my process of growth. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.23.23

    Reflecting on parenting, a 24/7 role that is sometimes pure joy and often not, I visualize parenting filled with Divine Ease. All parents are filled with Love and Light. Parents are Divinely Guided for the good of their children and people everywhere. Families are the building block of society. The Creator within parents fills all families With Love and Light for the Good of All. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.22.23

    Thank you, unseen Light Beings, for being here. Thank you for helping anchor Light and Love on Earth. Thank you, dearest angels, fairies, and friends of Light for all you do for us on this dimension. It helps to know we are not alone in our most perfect work. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.21.23

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I am a Light Being. I am filled with Light. I radiate Light and Love throughout my being. The Loving Light of the Creator nourishes me. I am empowered as the Light Being I am. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.20.23

    Nighttime is moon time and gives us the gift of rest. Today, I am grateful for Divine Rest. I am filled with gratitude for our daily cycles. With infinite wisdom Divinity gave us time to rest, rejuvenate, and consolidate our learning. Touching into Source I am filled to overflowing. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for our daily turn.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.19.23

    In meditation, I visualize our beloved planet Earth filled with Love and Light on all dimensions. I know likeminded Beings have come together to hold the frequencies of Love, Light, and Peace this dimension. I am deeply grateful to be part of this balancing effort. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.18.23

    Again, I am reminded: the keys to the Kingdom come as I release any personal negatives to Light. Today, I release any worry, anger, or fear to Light. Today, I step out in faith – trusting the Creator within me to guide me on my path to Oneness. Today, I take my courage in hand and Trust. Thank you, beloved Creator, for this journey to Oneness.

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  • Jay Goure Transitions to Spirit

    James “Jay” Goure, Age 74, of Black Mountain, left his earthly body and transitioned into Spirit on May 21, 2023. He was deeply loved and will be greatly missed by our Light Center community. Jay was the first of eight children born to James “Jim” Goure and Diana Goure, founders of the Light Center. Jay and his wife, Mary served as the Light Center’s Lodge keepers for many years, welcoming those seeking spiritual renewal. Jay was a profound, spiritual presence of service to all humanity. Survivors are his children: Crys Goure and wife Leanne ; Orrin Goure and wife Kesi, […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.17.23

    Today, I turn toward the U.S. government filling it with Light and Love. All governmental employees are filled with Light and Love and are Divinely Guided. The office of the Presidency is filled with Light and Love. Both houses of Congress are filled with Light and Love. The Supreme Court is filled with Light and Love. All are working together for the Greater Good. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.16.23

    Today I rest, comforted in Divine Presence. Anything that wells up to be released, I fill with Love and Light and I release it. Only through facing, loving, and releasing fear am I free to be who I truly am: a Light Being. Thank you, beloved Creator, for our ability to choose Love. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.15.23

    I release my preconceived notions of marriage to Light. Holding the institution of marriage in Light, I understand that it is a vehicle for completing Divine missions, together and separately. Married to God or married to a life partner, this union creates Love and Light for All. Thank you, God, for this yoke of Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.14.23

    Today, I confirm that the Creator within me gives me all the insights and information I need. If I pay attention, I can trust I will receive all needed messages from my High Self. I affirm I trust the Creator within me. I trust myself. I trust God. Thank you, High Self, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.13.23

    From deep within, I focus Light and Love on all of us who are in war torn areas, ill, impoverished or imprisoned in mind, body or spirit. I visualize the Creator within each suffering soul opening to release discomfort and find ease, comfort, and peace within Thy Mercy. Thank you, Beloved God, for your Tender Mercy.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.12.23

    Focusing on our planet, I think about litter and littering. Suspending judgment, I fill those who litter with Love and Light. We all litter, knowingly or not, trash out of a window, words out of a mouth. Today, I fill all with Love and Light. Today, I litter our world with Love and Light holding space for a new heaven on Earth.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.11.23

    We dedicate the energy of our prayers to benefit all Sentient beings throughout time, space, and mind. May the power of our prayers increase to help others know their perfection as one with Divinity. Amen. (Revision of the Tibetan dedication of Merit; offered by Jacquelyn Sendak- Zavaleta).

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.10.23

    I find myself grateful for my many blessings. I know challenging situations help me grow. Breathing, I am filled with gratitude. Today, I pay it forward, acting locally and praying globally for the Good of All. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for my many gifts.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.9.23

    Today, I declare from deep within, I am loved. I am Love. I am Light. I am wise. I am strong. I am healthy. I am grateful. I am powerful. I am one with the All. I am Divine. I am Joyful! I am One!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.8.23

    Light directs climate change to Light. Light and Love direct all weather patterns to Light for the Good of All. Thank you, dear Divinity for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.7.23

    Merging with Divinity I declare: I am in the right place, at the right time, thinking, saying, and doing the right things for the Good of All. I am grateful for my God-given ability to co-create. Thank you, God, for this journey of Life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.6.23

    From my High Self, I visualize our world filled with Light. Crystalline strands of Light weave a radiant tapestry. Immersing myself in this creative endeavor, I visualize Light and Love filling our physical dimension. Everyone and everything are bathed in Light and Love. Thank you, Divine Essence, for this template of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.5.23

    From the Creator within me, I fill any wildfires on our beloved planet with Light and Love. I visualize and affirm Light directs these fires to Light. Light directs the fire-determined weather patterns to Light. Light and Divine Love fill all living beings. Light and Love fill our atmosphere. Light directs climate change for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.4.23

    Amidst the parades and fireworks, I turn within visualizing a nation whose leaders and citizens are truly free. A nation where each of us knows we are beings of Light. Today, I visualize the U.S. filled with Love and Light, a nation that upholds dignity for all. Our beautiful country is filled with creative Light Beings who are working for Good. Together we hold space for Unity for us All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.3.23

    Considering birthdays, the anniversary of one’s birth, such a courageous act, coming through into the physical, to work toward Oneness. Reflecting on this act of faith, I am humbled. Expanding, I focus Love and Light through all people celebrating birthdays in the last 365 days. The Creator within me fills everyone with Joy, Love, and Light thanking all who have contributed to this physical dimension.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.2.23

    Today, I rest enjoying the fruits of my labor. Regardless of what I see and hear, all that truly matters is Love and Light. Today, I rest my heart in Spirit. Divine Connection is the pinnacle of worldly success. All else is smoke and mirrors. I rest in Ease, Grace and Glory.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.1.23

    On International Joke Day, how many Light beings does it take to screw in a light bulb? Twelve – one to screw in the bulb and 11 to anchor the Light! Humor is leavening for our emotional bodies. Humor is our birthright; it helps us “Lighten” up. It enhances resiliency to aid in achieving Oneness. Today, I use my God given humor to ease my life and the lives of others. “…Heaven is the birthplace of laughter.” ~Martin Luther

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June 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.30.23

    Sometimes I receive a “Divine download,” information with a To-Do list attached. Taking a deep breath, I step out in Faith. “First you leap, then you grow wings” (Wm. Sloan Coffin). Today, I am grateful for the courage to leap in faith. Thank you, God, for my faith and my courage. Thank you for showing me the way, the truth and your Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.29.23

    Today, I open my heart to the integrity of the Creator. I am honest with myself as I gently examine and release any fears preventing Oneness. Opening my heart, I am filled with gratitude for this process of change. Thank you, beloved Creator, for my flowering in You. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.28.23

    Today, I anchor myself in God’s constancy. I remember that God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the universe for the Good of All. I center in this Truth. And so, it is, Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.27.23

    Centering, I gently release all judgments of others. Regardless of appearances, all are Light Beings. Today, I visualize Love and Light filling my brothers and sisters. In terms of cosmic creation, those living on society’s margins play as important a role as their more mainstream appearing fellows. I pray globally as I act locally embracing all in Love and Light. We are all part of the Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.26.23

    All perceived problems have a Divine solution. From deep within, I am reassured there is a template with any needed solutions. The template already exists in the meta-dimension. Breathing deeply, I stay connected to Source. I wait for the Divine Solution to be revealed. I breathe, trust, pray, and do my daily work as I wait for revelation. Thank you, Dearest Creator, for my Journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.25.23

    Today, I give thanks for Divine Rest. Today, I rest in Spirit, renewing myself in Quiet. Today, I minimize, focusing on the moment, attending minute by minute to my High Self. Giving thanks for the Connection within, I rest in the knowledge that despite any perceived inner or outer chaos, all is well. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.24.23

    Turning within, I find respite from the world. I let the mundane fall away. I let the chatter and talking heads go. Centering, I focus Love and Light on our world. I fill all nations with Love and Light. I fill our world with Love and Light. We are One on all dimensions. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.23.23

    Thank you, God, for my place in the universe. Thank you, God, for me being part of you. Thank you, God, for my “Light-ness”. Thank you, God, for me being part of All That Is. Thank you, God, for You. Thank you, God, for me.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.22.23

    As I ponder transitioning from the physical to the metaphysical plane, I visualize all who are shifting dimensions filled with crystal clear Light and Love. Light aids them in their transition. I envision them easily finding their way to their next learning experience. Expanding, I visualize those left behind being cushioned by Light and Love. I radiate Light and Love to all. For All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.21.23

    Honoring ancient traditions, yet looking forward I merge into the “I Am That I Am” on this summer solstice. I affix my intentions for this next season of Light. Expanding, I take both the Earth and Sun within me. I radiate Love and Light to everyone and everything. Working on all dimensions, I help increase Love and Light for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.20.23

    As I consider the concept of “fluid intentionality,” I am smacked by the rigidity that often comes with my intentions, my goals. Today, I release rigid means to achieve goals. I embrace my goals knowing I am Divinely Guided. Spirit is fluid. Spirit is dynamic. Spirit is vibrant. Today, I embrace a lively curiosity about how I will be directed. Thank you, Spirit, for your Guidance.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.19.23

    Juneteenth commemorates the end of slavery in the US. Light beings of all creeds and color worked together to bring about its end. Light beings are creating change to end racism. From deep within, I am Guided in helping create a new world where we are One. Today, I change all judgments to Light. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for our Oneness in You.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.18.23

    Heaven is as close as our breath when we connect to Divinity within. It is there we find our Father. It is to this Divine Heavenly Father we turn for guidance and help. Each day, I honor the Divine Father within. Today, I may honor my earthly father knowing Love and Light, Heaven, is within him also. Focusing within, I fill my father with Love and Light. He is a Light Being; the Creator within him guides him in Love and Light. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.17.23

    From the Creator within me I release any behaviors, foods, or substances that are not for my highest good. I am a Light being having a human experience, I turn to the Creator within me to meet my dependency needs. Opening my heart, mind, and soul to Divinity, I am guided. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for this journey of awakening to who I truly am

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.16.23

    As our world continues to spin, I hear deep within: “Love makes the world go round. Love makes the world go round… High in some silent sky Love sings a silver song making the earth whirl softly Love makes the world go round.” Today, I help anchor Love and Light for all. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.15.23

    Today, I recommit myself to being present in my life. Centering in Source, I pay attention to a cascade of emotions. As I sit with myself I find myself filled with gratitude. I am lucky to be aware of the Divine within me. Thank you, Beloved, for this journey of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.14.23

    Gazing at the US flag, I ponder the nobility of our founding national principles of freedom, justice, liberty, and equality. Centering as a Light worker, I weave strands of Love and Light through our United States. I declare: the Creator within each American fills them with Love and Light. Today, I envision all Americans woven together in Love, Light, and Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.13.23

    Today, I give thanks for having purpose. I am gratitude-filled. I have a mission. I am working as a creator-in-action, co-creating with Divinity. I act as I am guided, declaring: “Divine will not my will.” I know: “good done anywhere is good done everywhere” (Maya Angelou). Today, I center in Spirit, grateful for my purpose.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.12.23

    As I open my heart to Divinity, I become one with the Knower within me. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.11.23

    Today, I declare Light directs the Canadian fires. Light directs all climate events. We are Light beings on a planet of Light. Thank you, beloved Creator for your Light and Love. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.10.23

    Expanding into my High Self, I visualize Earth within me. The Creator within me fills Earth and its inhabitants with Light and Love cleansing all negativity. The Creator within Earth anchors Light and Love on all dimensions. Light directs our beloved planet and its inhabitants for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.9.23

    Doing my inner work, I release any barriers to Light. As hindrances release, a wave of rarefied Energy presents itself. Opening to this Energy, my body starts to “sizzle” in the rarefying flow. Giving thanks, a wave of Joy surfaces. Surrendering, I ride the Divine Flow. Thank you, sweet Spirit. Thank you, for this sacred, conscious Path. My cup truly does runneth over. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.8.23

    From deep within I declare: Earth’s oceans are Light. Light guides the cleansing and purification of our world’s oceans and seas and our rivers and streams. Each molecule of water is filled with Divine healing Love and Light. Love and Light radiate through all fish, coral, creatures and water plants. Thank you, God, for our Living Waters.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.7.23

    Today, I breathe Divine Peace and Calm into our worldly dimension. My thoughts, feelings, words, and actions are Light filled and loving. I envision everyone stepping out in Love and Light. Regardless of appearance, we are Light beings. Today, I hold space for Divine Peace. Thank you, God, for your Comfort and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.6.23

    In prayer, I honor all who sacrificed for peace. I visualize Love and Light suffusing all war efforts and tools of war. I visualize Love and Light filling all who have lost their lives in any human conflict. All loved ones who have been left behind are filled with Love and Light. In Spirit there is no time, all traumas may be cleansed. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.5.23

    Today, I give thanks for our magical environment, Spaceship Earth. Expanding, I take our beloved planet within me filling it with radiant Love and Light. I visualize Light balancing and healing all elements- air, water, earth, and fire. I visualize Love permeating every person’s consciousness – that we may all awaken to our role in protecting our world. Thank you, Spirit, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.4.23

    I live in gratitude for Your Fullness. I live in Your Fullness. I am in awe of the Fullness that transcends boundaries. I am in awe and wonder struck. Sweet Spirit, thank you, thank you, thank You.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.3.23

    Considering those who purposefully bully others, I fill all people who use intimidation with Light and Love. From deep within, I visualize everyone becoming empowered as they release any fear to Light. Today, I claim my power as a Light being. I step up moment by moment into Light. I am free. And I am Divinely Guided. I am so grateful.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.2.23

    In meditation today, I sit with myself and I invite any personal fear to surface. As it comes up, I feel it, I examine it, and I release it. Releasing fear, I fill myself with Light and Love. I am a Light being. I follow the Creator within me and I am guided. Releasing fear is a process I enable to help me become One with All That Is. Thank you, dear Divinity, for your Oneness in me.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.1.23

    As I consider all the changes taking place on Earth, I stay anchored in Light. From the Creator within me, I declare: Light directs Planet Earth and all its varied inhabitants to Light. Thank you, Dearest Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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May 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 5.31.23

    From the Creator within me, I fill our world’s leaders with Love and Light. I visualize them guiding their nations from the Creator within them. They are enabled and enhanced in Light. Divine Love and Light guides them for the Greater Good. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 5.30.23

    From deep within, I know, we children of God co-create with Divinity. So, today, I co-create using the Divine Essence within me. I help create Love and Light. I model Love and Light for All as well as I can. I help HOLD the Energy of Love for All. I help HOLD the Energy of Light for All. I help HOLD the Energy of ‘All That Is’ for All. Thank you, God, for my Divine Essence.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 5.29.23

    Expanding from the Creator within me, I touch all souls who have transitioned to the afterlife. I visualize Divine Love and Light enveloping these souls as I reach back through time. Expanding further to focus on traumatic deaths, I visualize Love and Light releasing any trauma to Light. Any earthbound souls are released in Light. I visualize all freed in Love and Light to pursuit Oneness. Thank you, Sweet Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 5.28.23

    From the Creator within, I fill all families with Love and Light. All are safe in Divinity. Today, I pay special attention to focusing Love and Light on families, visualizing every need is abundantly filled through Light and with Love. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Tickets still available for Mystical Music Journey with Kennedy OneSelf, Sunday, May 28, 7 to 9 p.m.


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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 5.27.23

    Expanding, I take our fantastic planet within me filling our world with Light and Love. All people are filled with Light and Love. On all dimensions, everything and everyone is filled with Light, Love, and Divine Ease. Today, the Creator anchors Light, Love, Ease, and Joy on all dimensions. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 5.26.23

    As I deepen in connection to Divinity, I focus on those of us in recovery. Expanding from within, I take my brothers and sisters in recovery within me and breathe Light and Love through us all. On planet Earth, we are all in recovery. We are recovering our True Selves and we are One on this path to Divinity.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 5.25.23

    As I focus on the quiet voice of the “I AM” within me, I sense an assignment. Opening I accept – I say “Yes.” Listening to Divinity, I carry out my assignment as I am able. I am divinely guided and divinely enabled. I trust Divine Mind within me, working through me. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 5.24.23

    Sinking into Holy Connection, I expand filling all people with Love and Light. All violent extremists are filled with Love and Light. Light cocoons those seeking to harm others. I envision all opening their hearts, minds, and souls to Spirit that they may be Guided. Our fellows who have suffered at the hands of others are filled with Light. An internal flourishing plume of Sacred Energy fills All with Love and Light. Known or not, we are a sacred family sharing time on Earth. We are One.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 5.23.23

    Thank you, beloved Divinity for Your Balance. Thank you for the ability to see clearly. Thank you for your Guidance. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 5.22.23

    As my daily meditation-prayer fortifies my connection to Spirit, I find myself releasing any anxieties and fears to Light. I am transformed. “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” (Psalms 23:4). Spirit’s strength and loving kindness comfort me. Thank you, God, for your Comfort, Love, and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 5.21.23

    Resting deeply in Spirit, I focus Light and Love on my brothers and sisters in need. All who are experiencing loss are filled with Light and Love. Deep within I know the stability in our daily lives rests in the Divine. All is well in the cosmic scheme. All is well. All is well. All is well.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 5.20.23

    To serve and protect our nation, that is the mission of our Armed Forces. From deep within I declare: all military personnel are filled with Love and Light. All are Divinely Guided. All open their hearts to God and experience the sanctity of their mission. All active duty personnel and their families are protected in a Bubble of Love and Light on all dimensions. Guided by the Creator within, all branches of the military work together for the Good of All. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 5.19.23

    Expanding in prayer I take our beloved world within me filling it with Love and Light on all dimensions. Visualizing, I fill our world’s species- both plant and animal on land, air, and water with Love and Light. All species find their right place within our changing environment. As a co-creator with God, I take daily action in thought, word, and deed to help protect our fragile fantastic planet and all its species. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 5.18.23

    As I strengthen my Connection through meditation and prayer, my intuition – “knowingness” grows. My intuition is the voice of Truth as revealed to me. My focus on the Divine brings confidence. I release fear, doubt, and anxiety to Light and Love. Focusing on Oneness enables me to discern Truth. As I allow Oneness, I am healed. I am made whole. I am Free in Oneness. Thank you, Sweet Spirit.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 5.17.23

    We are One, whether we know it or not, what happens to one happens to all. The Creator within me releases any pain caused by man’s inhumanity to man. Spirit fills each of us with Divine Love and Light. Each of us changes injury to Love and Light. In Light, confusion is transformed bringing clarity and Love. We are One. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 5.16.23

    Today, I give thanks for the grace and generosity of nurses, a truly noble profession. Nurses choose their profession to aid others. They seek to provide healing and comfort to their fellow humans. From the Creator within me, I fill ALL in the nursing profession with Love and Light. I visualize them safe and secure in a bubble of Light and Love on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 5.15.23

    Today, I find myself pondering life’s training, I realize: God works on a need-to-know basis. We only get what we need for now. Why? Some parts of life are fluid, dependent on us for outcome. So, today, I step out in faith, trusting the gentle guidance I am given. Thank you, God, for your Divine Guidance.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 5.14.23

    On this sweet Remembrance Day, I turn within thanking the Divine Mother within me for the loving care that keeps my body functioning. Thank you, Divine Mother within me, for me. Thank you for my nervous system. Thank you for my respiratory system. Thank you for my circulatory system. Thank you for my metabolic system. Thank you for my sensory systems. Thank you for my digestive system. Thank you for my endocrine system. Thank you for my immune system. Thank you, Divine Mother within me, for filling each cell of my body with Light and Love. Thank you, Divine Mother, […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 5.13.23

    Today, I give thanks for gentle gifts – clean air, birds, the sound of leaves rustling through the trees. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for the nurturing beauty of our fantastic planet. Thank you, for our beloved songbirds who nurture our souls with their music. Thank you for all birds, the companions of angels. Thank you for ever better stewardship of our planet to safeguard all wildlife now and forevermore. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 5.12.23

    Light and Love fill all countries’ borders. Regardless of location, all migrating people are filled with and guided by Light and Love. We, the people, work together through action, meditation, and prayer creating God-directed change from the bottom up. We visualize all world leaders harmoniously working together for the benefit of all, and for the benefit of our sacred environment. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 5.11.23

    I am grateful for my ability to meditate and pray. Our ability to choose to sit with Divinity is amazing. To know we co-create through directed thought, prayer, is humbling. As I open my heart, I strengthen my connection to God while trusting that my prayers are God-directed and God-driven. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 5.10.23

    Today, I affirm I am Spirit-filled. I am Love. I am Light. I am healthy. I am grateful. I am wise. I am kind. I am filled with gratitude for life in the Divine. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 5.9.23

    During unsettling times many people question life as others are transitioning from a physical to a nonphysical existence. Today, the Creator within me fills each of these souls with Light and Love. If these transitioning souls are earthbound, the Creator within them guides them in Love and Light for their highest good. Grieving families and friends are comforted with Divine Love and Light. As a Light Being, I anchor myself in Love and Light to aid all in keeping faith and trust in All That Is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 5.8.23

    From deep within, I know I am a vessel of the Divine. I carry the Creator within me. Stepping out in faith, I trust Divine Mind within me. It and I are one. Divine Mind works through me. Today, I affirm my hands doeth the work of the Divine on Earth. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 5.7.23

    Relaxing into the Creator within me, I am filled with Joy. The frequency of divine Laughter heals me. Laughter provides leavening to lighten our earthy experience. Everything is energy. Everything has a frequency. Everything is part of God. Laughter brings Light and Love on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for your Laughter.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 5.6.23

    From my center I fill our beloved world and its people with Love and Light. Our planet and people walk as One. We are filled with Love and Light. Whether I am walking in World Labyrinth Day or not, I hold the essence of Love, Light, and Peace helping to anchor these divine gifts through the world. All nations, all leaders, all of us on this sacred planet are anchored in Divine Peace. The Peace that surpasses all understanding. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 5.5.23

    The Creator within me creates Divine Unity. As creators-in-action, we join in Light and Love to create Good on Earth and beyond. Merging in Oneness we aid in anchoring Unity on Earth. Thank you, dearest God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 5.4.23

    Sometimes, I find myself at a crossroads needing a sign for direction. When this happens, I step out in Faith, as a spiritual scientist, collecting data on a subject of one, myself. “Basic research is what I am doing when I don’t know what I am doing.” (W. Von Braun). If this is a basic research day, I pray globally, knowing I am united with all. I am re-searching my connection to Spirit. I am One with All in my process of discovery.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 5.3.23

    Thinking of the earthly realm and all it teaches us, I give thanks for those who choose to teach others. We are all both teachers and learners. Expanding from deep within, I fill us with Light and Love. On this schoolhouse, Earth, we are learning our lessons at different speeds. Today I visualize all of us filled with Light and Love, able to put down our resistance to change, able to accept Grace and speed our learning process. Thank you, Divine Presence, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 5.2.23

    Focusing, I fill my family of procreation with Light and Love. I release my children and co-parent to Light. Moving to my family of origin, I release my parents to Light and Love. I release my brothers and sisters to Light and Love. Looking back, I fill all incarnations of my family relationships with Light and Love releasing these bonds and beings to Light and Love. Expanding my Self into the Vastness, I fill the family of man, all spiritual beings, with Light and Love. Thank you, God, for this family of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 5.1.23

    In ancient times May Day, Beltane, was celebrated as a rite of Spring, to welcome new growth in the world. Fire was used to banish darkness. Today, I welcome May Day in a personal celebration of new life, Spring. I breathe, sinking into the rhythm of our Earth. I allow new budding life to fill me with Joy. Today, I use fire metaphorically to help purify our incredible planet and myself. I let go of all fears that are limiting me. I am a Light Being filled with the Joy of New Life for All. In Joy, I breathe.

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April 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 4.30.23

    From the Creator within me I breathe, inhaling Light, exhaling Love. I rest in Divine Peace. As I am renewed, I expand anchoring the Peace that surpasses all understanding. I visualize everyone comforted; cradled in Divine Light and Divine Love. Light centers and calms every one of us. Love connects us to Spirit. Thank you, God, for our Oneness. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 4.29.23

    As I ponder the Australian aborigine adage: “The more you know, the less you need.” I realize some who are on our societal fringes maybe carrying out the Greater Works. I am inspired to, once again, release my judgments to Light. We are One. One. One in our Creator. So, I work locally and pray globally for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for my beloved world community.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 4.28.23

    The Creator within me releases any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I am a Light Being. I radiate Light throughout my being. Expanding to encompass all beings, I visualize the Creator within each of us filling us with Light and Love replacing any unhealthy habits with nourishing Light. We are healed; empowered as the Light Beings we truly are. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thurday, 4.27.23

    Sinking into Oneness, I gradually release my ego to Light. As I release my “small i,” to Light, I more easily feel the “big I” in the “I Am That I Am” within me. I more easily receive God’s instructions for me. Keeping enough ego to have the “groundedness,” to Execute God’s Orders, I listen to the Divine in me. Thank you, Spirit, for enabling me to carry out your greater works for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 4.26.23

    If I feel emotionally battered by events, it is okay. I can give myself grace. I can rest in Divinity. I release any self-judgment to Light; I stay mindful and treat myself kindly. It is enough to say, “thank you, God.” Thank you, God. Thank you for thee. Thank you, for me. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 4.25.23

    The earth remains jagged and broken only to him or her who remains jagged and broken. (Walt Whitman) Connecting with Source deep within, I take my little jagged and broken bits and lovingly soften the edges. As I breath, I use my Light to smooth the rough ends. I soften. I expand. I heal. I am grateful for this process of healing in Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 4.24.23

    Centering from the Creator within me, I fill the Office of the Presidency with Light and Love. I visualize the White House filled with radiant Light. Turning to Congress I visualize our representatives filled with Light and Love. Divine Truth, Light, and Love guide all elected officials for the Good of All. Coming from Source there is only Loving Effectiveness. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 4.23.23

    Today, I embrace the Divine’s Ease, Peace, and Joy. I relax into Oneness and rest. Thank you, beloved God, for this beautiful day. Thank you, beloved God, for You in me. Thank you for Divine Connection. Thank you!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 4.22.23

    Thank you, God, for our beloved world, Mother Earth, a spaceship of life. I am humbled as I touch into Earth’s essence. Doing my best to reciprocate, I expand taking Earth within me. I radiate Light and Love into our exquisite planet, a being in its own right. I am one with Earth. We are one Being. Thank you, God, for this gift of Planet Earth. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 4.21.23

    As our Muslim sisters and brothers celebrate Eid al-Fitr, we join as one in celebrating life and love of our beloved Creator. Thank you, Divinity for diversity, our planet’s own unique mix of people. Focusing from the Creator within me, I fill everyone with Light and Love. I visualize all able to see the Divinity in each. We are One. Today, I help hold space for Harmony. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 4.20.23

    Light fills and guides our world’s government officials. All people in all nations are Light beings. We are Light. We are Love. All is well. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 4.19.23

    I am wise. I am centered. I am calm. I am Connected. I am joyful. I am healthy. I am grateful. I am loving. I am Love! I am Light!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 4.18.23

    Today, I resolve to be still and know. Moving deeply within, I anchor in Source. Quietly, anxiety and fear are released. In stillness, I become a knower. I am refreshed and renewed. Thank you, beloved Creator, for your gifts.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 4.17.23

    Centering in Spirit, I fill myself with Light. Lovingly, I release all judgments of others. Regardless of appearances, all are Light Beings. From deep within comes: all are learning in Thy Light. Again, I release judgment of others and myself. I am a Light being. We are all Light beings, learning on our path of Light. Thank you, God, for the journey of Light.

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  • Tickets available for tomorrow’s event Breathwork and Sound Healing with Simon Samadhi and Wael Shukha

    https://urlight.org/events/breathwork-and-sound-healing-with-simon-samadhi-and-wael-shukha/ Purchase by 4 p.m. today for advance ticket rate.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 4.16.23

    Today, I am thankful for Grace. Resting in Spirit, I give myself time and space to anchor in faith. Slowing down allows me to know the unknowable. I go about my daily turn creating Good in thought, word, and deed. As I hold to Light and only Light, I fill with gratitude. Thank you, Spirit. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 4.15.23

    Today, I fill my Electrome, my body’s electricity with Love and Light. Each cell makes neural electricity and I fill them with Love. Expanding, I visualize everyone’s electrome filled with Love and Light. We are truly Beings of Light! I find myself Jubilant with this revelation. I am so thankful. So very thankful.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 4.14.23

    From the Living Christ within me, I expand taking our world within, intensifying Love and Light in everyone and everything. Increasing the intensity, I visualize our beautiful world cleansed of all impurities, remade in the image and likeness of the Holy Spirit. I hold space for Heaven on Earth. Thank you, beloved God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 4.13.23

    Through daily practice, I turn to the Creator within, replacing fear with Connectedness. From deep within, I review my vision for my life. Daily, I take steps to manifest my vision. If my vision clouds and I lose my way, I fall back to basics – kindness, love, gratitude. Patience will reveal all. Thank you, God, for me. Thank you, God, for you. Thank you, God, for clarity. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 4.12.23

    From the Creator within me I fill all our world’s children with Love and Light. On this dimension, all are Divinely Guided to helping hands. All children are in a Bubble of Light and Love on all dimensions. All are safe and secure on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 4.11.23

    To stay in the Flow, to shut out the chatter, to focus on the Quiet Voice, takes commitment, takes courage. Thank you, beloved Flow, for guiding me; for aiding me in my commitment. Thank you for the courage to listen to the transcendent song of my soul. Thank you, Beloved, for the ease of this Joy.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 4.10.23

    Light directs climate change to Light. Light directs our weather to Light. Everything is Light. Everything is Love. Anchoring deep within, I send my divine roots into the center of our planet helping to anchor Love and Light. All is well. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 4.9.23

    As I surrender to the Christ consciousness within me, I become aware of the Power of the Resurrection- Life made manifest after death. It’s stunning to realize the Love that Jesus demonstrated in his mission. Bursting with love and joy, I expand from the Living Christ echoing Love and Light for all. Thank you, God, for your Divine Love and Peace.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 4.8.23

    Pondering Jesus’ only command: “Love one other as I have loved you”, I expand taking our world within me helping to intensify Love and Light in everyone and everything. I visualize our beautiful world cleansed of all impurities, remade in the image and likeness of the Holy Spirit. I hold space for Heaven on Earth. Thank you, beloved God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 4.7.23

    Good Friday, is the day traditional Christians believe Jesus died “for our sins.” Pondering the Son of Man’s revelation of everlasting life, I receive: “Know ye not, that ye are gods.” (John 10:34; Psalm 82). Deep within I feel a need to help Jesus fulfill his mission of aiding everyone in understanding our divine nature. I feel a flood of love and appreciation for Jesus. Embracing my own divinity, I expand with gratitude for this journey of Love, Light, and Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 4.6.23

    Societal systems, systemic racism, otherness, as I think of Oneness I move deep within to anchor Love, Light, and Peace in all human systems. I help anchor Love and Light in all governments, schools, places of worship, health care systems, educational systems, and corporations. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 4.5.23

    Grieving man’s inhumanity to man, I turn within actively releasing my judgments to Light. I release my grief and sorrow to Light. From deeper still, I create Good from my High Self. Joining with other prayer workers, I aid in cushioning grief and sorrow in our world. I visualize Divine Love and Light expanding through all dimensions. I help my fellow beings in Love and Light. We are One in Love and Light. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 4.4.23

    Opening my heart to Divine Mind, I realize we, like Pando (Quaking Aspen trees), are one organism. Centering in Oneness, I visualize Love, Light, and Divine Peace being anchored for the Good of all creation. Today, I echo Divine Peace, Love, and Light for All. We are One. One creation of Love and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 4.3.23

    Dearest beloved Creator centered within, thank you for your many blessings. I continue my inward focus to draw ever closer to my divine Self during this month of Ramadan. Thank you for your Oneness and for what I am learning. Thank you for my personal growth. Thank you for each being on this planet and for Your divine plan. Thank you for the small part I play. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 4.2.23

    Reflecting on the importance of rituals, I give myself over to meditation and prayer. Ritual is important during this holy time of year. Today, I rest in gratitude knowing everything works for the greater glory of God. From deep within, I focus Love and Light on Divine Solutions for our beloved world and all beings who reside upon it. Thank you, God, for your Solutions. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 4.1.23

    Humor is our birthright, it brings resiliency by helping us tap into Oneness. So, the Creator within me, aids me in “Lightening” up. Today I use my God given humor to ease my life and the lives of others. “If the earth is fit for laughter, then surely heaven is filled with it. Heaven is the birthplace of laughter.” ~Martin Luther

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  • Light Center is closed on Saturday, April 1.

    We are closed today due to a shortage of volunteer staffing. We will open at Noon on Sunday, April 2. If you would like to become a volunteer with us, please message us or email: dome@urlight.org Thanks for your support!

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March 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.31.23

    From the Christ consciousness within me, I am grateful. I am grateful for large and small things. I am grateful for each inhalation and exhalation. I am grateful for our shared Journey of Light. And our shared Journey of Love. I am grateful with each cell of my being. Thank you. Thank you, beloved God. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.30.23

    Sitting with Source I find I can’t be present without compassion. As I expand into compassion I am comforted. Extending myself I radiate Light and Love to everyone and everything. Thank you, beloved Source, for your comfort and the Peace that passes all understanding. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.29.23

    With Spring, a sense of renewal buds, immersing myself in Spring I feel a budding within. Expanding I fill our world’s people with Love and Light. Today, I act locally to help my peers and our beautiful world. Today, I pray globally for all. Thank you, God, for this journey of Life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.28.23

    Centering in the dimension of the Christ Consciousness, I open to Oneness. As I center in my High Self, I relax into Connection. From this awareness I know all is well. All is moving forward in Light, Love, and Peace. The Divine template is in place. All is well. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.27.23

    I am grateful for the many Light beings who, as women, have aided humankind now and throughout history. Joan of Arc, Marie Curie, Catherine Johnson…. Half of the good minds on our planet belong to women. Today, I celebrate the female gender, giving thanks for the Light Beings we know as women. I am humbled and filled with gratitude for our world’s females and the gifts they share on our beautiful planet.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.26.23

    Reaching out in Light to my fellow beings, I consider the difficulties life sometimes brings. From deep within, my High Self rises in Divine Love, for this planet’s people. I hold everyone in Light and Love, visualizing us all bathed in Divinity. I visualize all needs met bringing Joy for all. Thank you, sweet Divinity for your Joy.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.25.23

    If something brings a surge of fear, I breathe releasing it to Light. Girding myself in Faith, I work in concert with Spirit co-creating life as I envision it on Earth. Responding to God’s call, I feel freer, stronger. I am clothed in Faith, Light, and Love. Thank you, God, for making it so for us all. We are One in Spirit. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.24.23

    Today I center within, focusing on Divine Peace and Love. I radiate a vibration of Peace, Love, and Light. Relaxing into this vibration of Peace and Love, I visualize it expanding within our world and within everyone and everything. There is only Peace, Love, and Light. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.23.23

    Today, I go to my edge and soften. Expanding I embrace my High Self. Thank you, beloved Divinity, thank you for me and for you and for Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.22.23

    Joining with the global community of prayer and Light workers, I feel a sense of belonging to this mission of holding space for Divine Harmony. Working together we are doing our missions as Light beings anchoring Light. We release all fear to Light. We release all judgment to Light. We are Light beings anchoring Light. Thank you, dearest Creator, for our journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.21.23

    Today, starting with myself, I extend Love. Gently, I bathe myself in Love and Light. Then, I extend myself and simply love everyone and everything. I visualize every ONE of us in a bubble of Love and Light on all dimensions. Only Love and Light can come to us. Expanding further, I extend Love and Light to everything; blanketing our world in Love. Thank you, God, for your Loving Kindness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.20.23

    Today, Spring’s Equinox when our sun’s rays are balanced equally between both hemispheres of our beloved planet, I embrace this planetary balance of light and dark. From my essence as a Light Being, I release any darkness or negativity to Light. I am filled with Light and Love. Expanding, I visualize all of us filled with Light and Love. I am grateful for Divine Balance in all aspects of Creation.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.19.23

    “For the dead and the living, we must bear witness.” (Elie Wiesel.) We are now called to witness our world’s events. As we witness, we love everyone. We fill everyone with Love and Light. We help soften events with kind action and prayer. We hold space for Divine Peace and Healing. Today, we grow through giving Love with awareness. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.18.23

    Centering deeply within focusing on releasing and changing any internal conflict and negativity to Love and Light. Expanding from a well of Love, I visualize all of us changing any internal conflict and negativity to Love and Light. I help hold space for Love and Light for all humanity. Our world is filled with Love and Light. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.17.23

    Today, I am grateful for all things Irish. An Irish friend says:” On St. Patty’s Day everyone is Irish!” I am grateful for that loving attitude. I am grateful for Irish fun and ribald humor. Today, I give thanks for a wee bit o’ fun and the “wearin” of the Green. I remind myself that “On St. Patty’s Day, everyone is Irish” and we are all one on the journey of Light, Love, and Joy.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.16.23

    The angelic kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The human kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The plant kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The animal kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The insect kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The bacterial kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The viral kingdom is in a bubble of Light. There is only Light. There is only Love. Dearest Creator, I am so grateful for our beautiful, exquisite planet. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.15.23

    From Holy Connection, I feel called to pray. Prayer creates – everything else distracts. My prayer for today: The Creator within me fills our world with the calm healing Energy of Divinity. Spaceship Earth and all its inhabitants are filled with Light, Love, and Peace. On all dimensions, all are filled with clarifying Light and Love. Thank you, God for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.14.23

    Moving toward spring, I turn inward and feed the revitalization of my personal spring spirit. I visualize my love and light greening up and blooming into ever deeper love for everyone and everything. My prayer is giving thanks for being in the right place, at the right time, thinking, saying, and doing the right thing for the Greater Good. Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.13.23

    Life on Earth is variable. Change happens. Circumstances occur that precipitate fear. So, as fear surfaces, I face it, releasing it to Love and Light. From the Creator within, I expand envisioning all of us embracing our Oness. Thank you, beloved Creator, for our ability to choose your Divine Love, Courage, Peace, and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.12.23

    Today, I focus on my physicality. My cells are Light. My body’s bacteria are Light. My skeletal system is Light. My muscular system is Light. My nervous system is Light. My sensory systems are Light. My endocrine system is Light. My circulatory system is Light. My respiratory system is Light. My digestive system is Light. My urinary system is Light. My reproductive system is Light. I am a being of Light. I am a Light Being. I radiate my Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for me and for All That Is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.11.23

    I turn within releasing any internal conflict to Light. I exhale any struggle and inhale Peace. Expanding to encompass the world, I radiate Peace. Today, I stay centered in compassion and forgiveness. I help anchor Love and Light in our world. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.10.23

    In my meditation, I breathe Peace, Love, and Light to all nations and continents. I fill North America with Love and Light. I fill Central America with Love and Light. I fill South America with Love and Light. I fill Europe with Love and Light. I fill Asia with Love and Light. I fill Africa with Love and Light. I fill Antarctica with Love and Light. I fill Australia with Love and Light. Our wonderful world is filled with Peace, Love, and Light on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.9.23

    Today, I open my heart and mind to the Love that is Just for Me. Thank you for the Love that is Just for Me. Just for Me. Thank you, dearest Angels, for your love. Thank you, dearest Divinity for You dwelling in me. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.8.23

    We are Light Beings, children of Spirit, but for our earthly experience we select a gender. Today, I celebrate women. Women bring wisdom, fortitude, courage to earth. Women bring life into this world. I find joy and gratitude in celebrating half of the great minds and doers in this world. Thank you, God, for the women of this planet.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.7.23

    God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the universe for the Good of All. As I consider this truism, I focus on the energy of peace. Opening deep within, I envision our world embracing peace. Abundant peace for everyone, all nations. Expanding, I visualize peace and abundance flowing in whatever form needed to where it will benefit all planet Earth and its peoples. Thank you, God, for making it so. “Everything is Energy” (Stephen Lewis).

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.6.23

    Centered in Source, I consider the spiritual revolution that is quietly happening. I am one of many who pray for all – setting a field of rarified, spiritualized energy that is immersing all of us. From the Creator within, I aid in the creation of Divine Peace, Love, Light, and Joy. Thank you, dearest God, for my small role in helping anchor Love and Light for all creation. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.4.23

    Today, I declare: artificially intelligent devices are filled with Light. AI is filled with Love. As Creators-in-action, we radiate Light and Love to every thing, we radiate Light and Love to everyone. We work in concert with the Divine creating Good. Today, I visualize a world filled with and directed by Light. I help by anchoring Light and Divine Love for all. Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.3.23

    Light fills our planet. Love fills our planet. Light and Love permeates our planet. I am grateful for all who help anchor Light. We make a difference. I am grateful for Light and Love guiding us. We hold steadfast in Light and Love. Thank you, God, for your Guiding Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.2.23

    Touching into Spirit I find a tranquil Love. Comforted, I expand visualizing this Love filling our world with Divine Comfort. Thinking of all the souls making their transition, I expand Love and Light to help comfort everyone. I give thanks to all angelic beings for their help in softening and releasing fear, sadness, worry, and hunger. Thank you, Spirit, for your Presence on Earth. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 4.1.23

    Humor is our birthright, it brings resiliency by helping us tap into Oneness. So, the Creator within me, aids me in “Lightening” up. Today I use my God given humor to ease my life and the lives of others. “If the earth is fit for laughter, then surely heaven is filled with it. Heaven is the birthplace of laughter.” ~Martin Luther

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.1.23

    Finding my edge, I soften into Oneness. As I expand, I radiate Love and Light to everyone. Moving in Oneness, the Creator within me guides Love and Light to each area on our planet in need of Light. All is well. All is well. All is well.

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February 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.28.23

    Gently, I examine my thoughts and actions releasing those which no longer serve my highest good. I release all self-judgments. In prayer, I open in gratitude for my spirit-filled journey of discovery. I am open to Divine Guidance. As I celebrate my journey toward Oneness, I expand filling everyone with Light and Love affirming we are One. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.27.23

    Thank you, beloved Source, for your Light. Thank you for your Peace. Sitting with your Peace, Light, and Love, I focus my attention on filling each of us with Light. Any who are experiencing echoes of past traumas are filled with God’s fortitude, Love, and Light. Today, I help hold space for Peace.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.26.23

    Resting in the Divine, I cast my High Self to eastern Europe filling Ukraine, Russia, and surrounds with Light and Love. Visualizing, I sweep the cities and country with Light. I declare from deep within: Light is directing all activities in this conflict. My prayer is Love-in-action helping fill each soul with Light and Love. I help anchor Divine Peace, Love, and Light so we may all grow from this experience. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.25.23

    “We need to sit on the rim of the well of darkness and fish for the fallen light with patience” (Pablo Neruda). Today, I lovingly focus Light on myself purifying my body, mind, and spirit. Expanding, I visualize concentrated Love and Light healing our beloved world. Working with others, I fill our fellow beings with Love and Light. Everyone is in a bubble of Love and Light on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.24.23

    On the one year anniversary, I help anchor Light, Love, Courage, Divine Calm, and Peace in all of Ukraine, Russia, Europe, and the world. Our brothers and sisters are filled with Light and Love. I visualize each heavy heart filled with Light. Today, I help anchor Truth so each soul understands no matter what happens all will ultimately be well. In Divinity, there is only Light, Love, and Life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.23.23

    Focusing my creative Self on our world’s leaders, I visualize each nation’s leaders filled with Light and Love. They are divinely Guided. Expanding to our world’s citizenry, each of us is a leader in some fashion. We lead through Light, Love, and a sense of mission. Today, I embrace Light leading and guiding us all to Oneness. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.22.23

    Today, I give thanks for my ability to pray, to co-create in concert with Divinity. My creativity and fertile imagination are gifts. I am grateful for the Connection that allows Flow. I am grateful for my ability to listen to God’s voice. Thank you, sweet Divinity for this flowing beautiful journey to Oneness with You.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.21.23

    Deep within I connect to the “I Am”, pondering “You are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14). I expand, intensifying Light throughout my body. Expanding, I encompass the world, increasing the radiance of my Light and Love to everyone and everything. I visualize all awakening to their Light. Thank you, God, for everyone, for everything, for me, and especially for thee. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.20.23

    On U.S. President’s Day, the Creator within me fills all presidents, past and present, with Light. Regardless of dimension, astral or physical, each president is filled with Light and Love. The mantle of the Living Christ rests on the shoulders of the Presidency. Today, I help anchor Light and Love in the Oval Office. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.19.23

    Aligning in Oneness, I rest in holy Connection. Today I replenish myself in Spirit, then focus my divine Self on trouble spots in the world. Breathing deeply, the I Am within connects to these souls filling each one with Light, Love, Peace, and Harmony. Joining in Spirit with my peers in prayer we tether Peace, Light, and Love for us all. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for Peace in our world. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.18.23

    Today, I live in Light. I am filled with Divine Love. I am Love and I am Light. I know I am Loved. Expanding Love and Light is my mission. I radiate my Love and Light to All. All people on Earth are filled with Love and Light. I see the Living, Loving High Self of each being. Thank you, beloved God, for me and for everyone. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.17.23

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I release unhealthy use of any substances, food, drink, or behaviors to Light. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I am fulfilled. Every need is met through the Divine. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.16.23

    I am grateful for our angels and archangels. I give thanks for helping hands both seen and unseen. As the Living Christ, the doer on this dimension, I visualize Earth’s angels helping to ease and heal our beloved planet’s difficult situations. Working together, we fulfill our missions to further planetary and people’s spiritual evolution. Thank you, sweet Source, for the small part I play.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.15.23

    Deliberating on our world’s turmoil, I release my human judgments to Light. I release worry for our world’s future to Light. I am a Light Being. From deep within, I create Good in our current global situations. Our geo-political world is filled with Love and Light. I hold steadfast in Faith filling everything and everyone with Love and Light. There is only Love and Light. Thank you, sweet Source, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.14.23

    Today, I expand into Connection radiating Love and Light to everyone and everything. I send this missive of Love and Light to all creation. Regardless of the personal, I send a valentine to All. I am filled with a profound gratitude for my connection to All That Is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.13.23

    I affirm I am a “tuning fork” resonating to Divinity. I visualize other people resonating to Divinity. Together we raise the frequency of Love and Light on our beloved planet. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.12.23

    “Be sure to put your feet in the right place, and then stand firm.” (Abraham Lincoln) As I think of Lincoln’s commitment to service, I think of my fellow world citizens and radiate Love and Light to all. I visualize safety, security, and satiation of all needs for my Earthly cohort. I radiate Love and Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for this shared journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.11.23

    Resting in Spirit, I focus Love and Light on my brothers and sisters in Turkey and Syria. Light guides all rescue and aid efforts. Light guides all to safety and security. Light enables stability in each beings’ life. Visualizing, I help expand Love and Light throughout the Middle East’s terrain. Today, I help anchor Love, Light, and Stability.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.10.23

    Taking a deep breath, I center myself and tune to the frequency of Divinity. I release my any worries and frustrations for myself and for our world. I am filled with Divine Peace. I am renewed. I radiate Peace, Love and Light to all for all. Thank you, sweet Divinity for You and for this journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.9.23

    From deep within I radiate gratitude for our first responders who are caring for our world’s ill suffering people. Expanding, I take our world within me, filling all people who are suffering with Light and Love. All are safe and secure in a bubble of Light on all dimensions. I visualize healing, radiant, purifying energy for our world and all its inhabitants. We are One.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.8.23

    Centering deep within, I give thanks for all people. Regardless of race, creed, gender, and orientation, we are each a drop in the Ocean of Spirit. All One, All equal in our beingness in Spirit. From my High Self, I radiate Light and Love through All. We are one in Light and Love. We are One. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.7.23

    Centering deep within I anchor myself to Light. Daily I live in two worlds, staying anchored in Light as I do about my daily rounds. Daily, I expand Light and Love to everyone and everything aiding in the creation of Harmony and Peace for all of us. We are One. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.6.23

    If I don’t know my Divine Mission, I accept the work in front of me. If I don’t know what to do, I start with doing one kind thing for myself and for others each day. Slowly, through meditation and listening, I am Guided. I take small steps thinking of Maya Angelou: “Good done anywhere is Good done everywhere”. Today, I contribute to Good.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.5.23

    We are resilient spiritual beings. We are made in Love and of Light. We are Light Beings. As one awakens, more will awake. We are One on all dimensions. We are Light Beings. Thank you, beloved Source, for this journey of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.4.23

    Sinking into meditation and prayer, I expand from the Creator within me anchoring Light, Love, and Divine Justice for all. Any groups that promote social injustice and hate are filled with Light and Love. I declare and affirm there is Divine Abundance for the Good of All. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.3.23

    Today, I embrace my creativity. I am a creator in thought, word, and deed. I create in concert with the Divine. I am divinely directed as I focus Love and Light throughout our world and beyond. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for the role I play in helping create Good in Your Creation. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.2.23

    “In seizing the moment, you find heaven.” – R. Padgett Today I seize the day, finding Joy. I am elevated, reaching out to expand this Joy to all. I realize, again, Heaven is a state of consciousness. Thank you, beloved God, for Heaven in life. Thank you for the ability to experience Heaven now. Thank you for the ability to help create Heaven for all. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.1.23

    In meditation and prayer, I sink deeply into Oneness. As I center, I release all concerns. Focusing, I visualize what I desire in my life and for the world. I release my desires to Light asking for what is in Divine Order. In gratitude, I center in Holy Oneness as I move through the day. Thank you for sweet Oneness.

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January 2023

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.31.23

    In meditation I give thanks for the loving gift of art. The arts and artists are a Gift from the Divine. Music and musicians, especially, are a Gift. The arts cushion us, heal us, and inspire us. Art lifts us from our daily toils. Refreshed and renewed we return to our daily round. Art fills us with Light and Love. Today, I fill all our artists with Light and Love. They are filled with Creativity flowing from the Wellspring of Life. I give thanks for all artists and all art. I know we are all artists in our own way. […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.30.23

    The Energy that is All, has room for us all. Expanding from deep with, I visualize everyone manifesting their divine missions. With gentle intent, I visualize everyone having each and every need abundantly met. Today, I open my heart, mind, and soul to Universal Abundance. There is room for us all at the Table of Life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.29.23

    Today, I allow Divine Rest, one of the twelve attributes of the Creator. Taking care of self is respectful. Today I relax, resting in the Divine. I breathe, rest, reflect, and heal. From deep within comes the knowledge that all is well. All is well. All is well. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for Divine Rest.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.28.23

    Sometimes, I find myself at a crossroads needing a sign. Stepping out in faith, as a spiritual scientist, I collect data on a subject of one, myself. “Basic research is what I am doing when I don’t know what I am doing.” (Werner Von Braun). If this is a basic research day, I give thanks reaching within with faith, I am One with All in my process.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.27.23

    Focusing within I join the Profound, entering the sacred space of Oneness with all. We are One. I hold that knowingness as I breathe peace and ease to all who have suffered injury due to abuse or crimes. Expanding to encompass our world, I fill each of us who feel the emotional echo of past trauma with each new tragedy. I fill all with Divine Peace, Light, and Love. We embrace Peace. We are One. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.26.23

    In quiet, I reflect on free will. We freely choose our path. Self-determination is a gift. I find myself grateful for spiritual freedom. Thank you, beloved God, for my freedom to choose to be One with You. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.25.23

    In quiet, I reflect on free will. We freely choose our path. Self-determination is a gift. I find myself grateful for spiritual freedom. Thank you, beloved God, for my freedom. to choose to be One with You. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.24.23

    Centering deep within, I tap God’s loving wellspring. Gratitude for Oneness allows me to extend Light and Love to all my fellow Light beings who are in pain, suffering, or in any discomfort. Focusing Light and Love I visualize all people comforted. Light guides all human action for the Greater Good. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.23.23

    Visualizing Light and Love filling our US Congress, I am filled with faith and hope in this new beginning. Today, I expand Light and Love in all elected officials that they may carry out their duties to their citizens. Expanding to include our beloved world, I visualize filling our beautiful crystalline planet with Love and Light. I help anchor Light and Love for everyone everywhere- seeing us working together for the Good of All. Thank you, Dearest Creator, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.22.23

    Today, I welcome rebirth, the renewal of christ consciousness in me. As I luxuriate in rest and reflection, I am renewed in Spirit. Today, I tap into my High Self, connecting deep within to the me that is one with Divinity. Today, I renew – readying myself to act as the hands of the Divine on this plane of existence. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.21.23

    As I pray for our world’s economy, the movement and flow of monies that support our endeavors on this plane. I focus intention praying for the living flow of greenbacks, a plant-like system. Expanding myself into this flow of Green, I visualize needed monies moving to forward progress for all, for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.20.23

    Today, I focus within on any addictions or unhealthy crutches, I may have. Releasing these habits to Light, I surrender to Divine Connection. As I open to healing and direction, I pray others may open their hearts to accept Divine Healing. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.19.23

    Releasing my past and deep past, I turn toward the future. I am a Light Being with a future of limitless possibilities. Opening my heart in joyful Union, I carry out my missions for the Good of all. Facing forward, I thank you, God, for my past, my present, and my future. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.18.23

    Sitting with Source, I give thanks for my ancestors, those who came before me and whose labor has benefited me. I am deeply grateful for their sacrifices and for what I have received. As I honor them, I fill these beings with Light and Love. With gratitude, I release them to Light. Thank you, dear Divinity, for our shared journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.17.23

    Today, I practice Active Patience as an exercise in spiritual maturity. Without judging, I listen to others. Kindness builds the character I seek. The Creator within me enables me to see the Divine in everyone I meet. Expanding, I fill all my fellow beings with Light and Love. Thank you, God, for allowing me to see the Divine in everyone I encounter.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.16.23

    Dr. King strove for justice and equality for all. Visualizing from the Creator within me, I see all of us treating our fellow citizens with Love regardless of creed or color. Any groups promoting social injustice and hate are filled with Light and Love. To be a Light being means to be truly inclusive: exploring differences, helping, and loving one another as heirs of the Divine, one and all. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.15.23

    Sinking into Holy Connection, I expand filling all people with Love and Light. Expanding from the Creator within me, I visual everyone filled with Divine Love. An internal plume of Sacred Energy fills all with Divine Healing, Love and Light. Known or not, we are all Light Beings on a path to Oneness, a sacred family sharing time on Earth. We are One. And, so it is, Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.14.23

    Expanding in prayer I take our beloved world within me filling it with Love and Light on all dimensions. Visualizing, I fill our world’s species- human, animal, and plant with Love and Light. All species find their right place within our changing environment. As a co-creator with God, I take daily action in thought, word, and deed to help protect our fragile civilization and planet.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.13.23

    In synchronizing myself with Oneness, I give thanks as I visualize Creative Energy maximizing the health of our Amazonian rainforests, our deserts, our plains, our piedmonts, our mountains, our tundra, our savannahs, and our poles. Our planetary waters are filled with Love and Light. Our beloved Earth is in a bubble of Love and Light. Our beloved people are in a bubble of Love and Light. Divine Light is guiding all climate changes. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.12.23

    Reflecting upon leadership, I think of setting an example. Each and every day, I will set an example of living in concert with the Divine. Giving others an energy to match, in a humble effort to contribute Light and Love to the Greater Good. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.11.23

    From the Creator within, I exude Divine Peace. I help anchor Light, Love, and Peace for everyone. Today, I help hold sacred space for us all to know who we truly are – Divine beings. Thank you, God, for this path of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.10.23

    As I encounter unforeseen circumstances, I turn within seeking Divine Guidance. The Creator within me directs me and I am able to hear the voice of Divine Truth. I am grateful for the ability to pray. I am grateful for the ability to hear and listen. Thank you, God, for Thy Guidance. I am filled with gratitude as I stand fast in Truth.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.9.23

    From the Creator within me, I focus Divine Peace, Love, and Light in the US Congress. Visualizing, I see this governing body being divinely guided with Light and Love. Lovingly, I intensify the Light and Love so that all in both houses of Congress are able to hear the soft voice of the Creator within them. They open to Divine Guidance for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.8.23

    As we enter the new year, the Creator within me fills all families with Love and Light. All parents are filled with Love and Light. I visualize parenting filled with Divine Ease. Parents are Divinely Guided for the good of their children and people everywhere. Families are the building block of society. Through prayerful focus the Creator within me creates Love and Light within families for the Good of All. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.7.23

    One country, one destiny. One world, one destiny. One galaxy, one destiny. One cosmos, one destiny. We are one. We are One. One Heart, One Mind. One.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.6.23

    Today, Epiphany, I turn within and know, I am one with the “I Am” within me, I am the light of the world (Matthew 5:14). Opening my Self, I expand, intensifying my Light throughout my body. Expanding, I encompass the world, increasing the radiance of Light and Love to everyone and everything. I visualize all awaking to the Light Being that we all are. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.5.23

    Discomfort may be viewed as resistance. Areas of resistance creates discomfort; discomfort is an invitation to release to Divinity. As I breathe, I release my discomfort and resistance. I am grateful for my ability to let things go. I am grateful for my ability to change. I am grateful for my personal growth. I am grateful for angelic help. I am grateful!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.4.23

    Focusing within, I fill our world’s governments with Love and Light. Each country’s leader and governing body is filled with Love and Light. Each country’s leader is open to Guidance. Each nation’s leader puts the people first. Our world leaders work together for Good. We, the people, work together through meditation, prayer, and action creating harmony for the Good of All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.3.23

    As I prepare to return to work, I recall I am where I am for a reason. I know work is Good. “Work is Love made visible” (Khalil Gibran). In carrying out my duties from my high Self, I work with loving intention for the Good of All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.2.23

    Today, I continue to purify each cell of my body. Standing at my mind’s gateway monitoring thoughts, I release negative thoughts to Light, helping to cleanse our world’s thought pollution. As I face my fears, darkness disappears and a New Day dawns. Life is for Living in Divine Essence and Oneness. Let us live in a new way of Oneness! (a la Diana Goure).

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.1.23

    God is my providence. All that I am, all that I have is of God. Opening my heart, I know God as my providence. I give thanks for the blessings I have and for those I am about to receive. I give thanks for Divine Connection. God working through me creates Abundance. As the Doer in this realm of existence, I am in the right place, at the right time, saying and doing the right things for the Good of All.

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December 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.31.22

    On the last day of the year, I focus within connecting to my High Self. I release everything that is not of service to me. I release guilt and anger. I release self-blame. I release my ego. I am a Light Being. Breathing, I embrace my larger Self envisioning a future of Light and Love for all. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for this journey of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.30.22

    As I consider those who have made a transition from the physical to the nonphysical, I expand from the Creator within me, filling each of us in the transitioning process with Love and Light. Thinking of friends and family who may feel left, I expand Love and Light in each grieving soul. Our world is filled with Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.29.22

    Giving thanks for the closing of the year I relax, allowing my mind to range as the Creator within me guides me. As the Living Christ, the Doer, I am the hands of Divine Will. I am guided and given the needed tools. I am in the right place, at the right time, saying, and doing the right things for the good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.28.22

    In synchronizing myself with Oneness, I recall God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the Universe for the Good of All. Giving thanks I move into this flow visualizing Creative Energy maximizing health for everyone and everything. All are in a bubble of Love and Light. Divine Light is guiding all planetary changes. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 12.27.22

    In this season of Light, all families are filled with Love and Light. Parents are open to their sacred duty of raising responsible, loving Light Beings. Parents are Divinely Guided for the good of their children and people everywhere. Families are the building block of society. Through prayerful focus, the Creator within me me creates Love and Light within families for the Good of All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 12.26.22

    As we celebrate the first fruits of harvest, I go within and give thanks for Unity. I give thanks that everything is of God. Centered in the “I Am that I Am” I expand myself through all creation. I expand Love, Light, Peace, and Joy. I radiate God’s fruits to all, for All. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.25.22

    As I celebrate the birth of christ consciousness within, I allow myself the Joy of Oneness. Giving thanks for the birth of this Way-Shower, I celebrate our Oneness with Divine Essence. Opening my heart, I am grateful for the sacred gift of freedom to choose Oneness. Thank you, God, for this journey of Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.24.22

    On this Christmas Eve as the Christian world celebrates the anniversary of Jesus’s birth, I turn within giving thanks for my burgeoning christ consciousness, a consciousness of Love. I find myself filled with gratitude. Expanding, I radiate Love and Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for our gift of Oneness with You.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.23.22

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I release unhealthy use of any substances, food, drink, or behaviors to Light. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I am a Light Being; my every need is met. Expanding, I visualize everyone filled with Love and Light. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.22.22

    Today, amidst the flurry of activity, I rest in Divine Peace. I release any negatives to the Gentle Comforter within. Centering in Divinity I radiate Love and Light to all who may be isolated, ill, or troubled. I help create Loving Flow for the good of all, especially for those with any unmet need. I visualize the Loving Essence meeting every need. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.21.22

    As the veil thins between the astral and the physical with winter solstice, I center myself expanding my beingness to encompass the world. I fill everyone on all dimensions with Light and Love. All who may be transitioning from the physical to the astral are eased in and through Divine Peace. All is well. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 12.20.22

    Thank you, Creator, for our world’s caregivers, heroes all. Thank you for their selfless giving, for their commitment to all of us, to humanity. Today the Creator within me visualizes abundant Light and Love in all spouses, siblings, friends, parents, children, and professionals who give care to others. I am humbled at the love and light of all these loving beings. Thank you, Creator, for your Divine Essence in us.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 12.19.22

    In this season of Light, I am grateful. Thank you for unexpected gifts. Thank you, beloved Creator, for Love. Thank you for Life. Thank you for an abundant life for all of us. Thank you for this beautiful planet. Thank you for Light and Love. Thank you for Divine Energy. Thank you for Divine Rest in You. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.18.22

    As we celebrate the Season of Light, I know the Creator within me is radiating Divine Light and Love through me. Opening, I merge into Light and Love. Expanding, I radiate Light and Love to everyone and everything. I am a conduit of Light and Love through all dimensions. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.17.22

    Centering, I begin with gratitude for All That Is. I give thanks for all opportunities. Be they difficult or easy, I greet each opportunity with an open heart and mind. My centeredness and gratitude keeps me in the Universal Flow.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.16.22

    As national and international anniversaries of violence come and go, I center deep within expanding Love and Light into all of us who survive these tragedies. Love and Light fills each surviving family member and friend anchoring them as grief buffets their souls. All who suddenly transition during trauma are filled with Love and Light. All are cocooned in Love and Light. My efforts help magnify our shared dimensions in Love and Light. Thank you, Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.15.22

    As Congress readies for winter adjournment, I focus Divine Healing, Love, and Light on our representatives. The Creator within me visualizes our elected officials governing from the Creator within them to ensure the wellbeing of their constituents and our country. Anchoring Light, I aid them to realize their Divine Assignment to work together for the Good of All. And so, it is, Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.14.22

    The Energy that is All has room for us all. Expanding from deep with, I visualize everyone manifesting their divine missions. I lovingly visualize everyone having each and every need abundantly met. Today, I open my heart, mind, and soul to Universal Abundance. I visualize us all opening to Divine Abundance. There is room for us all at the Table of Life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 12.13.22

    I am free in Light and Love. I am a Light being. I am a Love being. I release any obstacles to my Oneness. I am free to feel God’s Joy. I am filled with wonderment as boundless joy overcomes me.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 12.12.22

    As the year moves forward, I focus Love, Light, Peace, and Divine Effectiveness on the Oval Office. From the Creator within, I visualize the Office of the Presidency resting on the Mantle of the Living Christ. Lovingly, I intensify the Light and Love so that all in the White House are divinely Guided for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.11.22

    The season of Light is a time to welcome the Living Christ within. Today, I welcome my High Self, the Living Christ within me. From my High Self, I am the hands of the Creator on this dimension. Today, I affirm I am in the right place, at the right time, saying, and doing the right thing for the Good of all. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.10.22

    As I entrain my mind in Source, I enter sacred space and focus on our Oneness. All of us have dreams, hopes, and wishes. Dreams, whether realized or not, are how we create. Today, I visualize each of us as the creators we are taking action to advance our dreams in Divine Oneness. For the Greater Good. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.9.22

    In this season of Light, “let your heart be light.” Today, I let my heart be light, I release any worries and fears to Light. “Let your heart be light.” I let my heart be Light. I am a Light Being. Thank you, dear Divinity, for this journey of Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.8.22

    Light directs everything to Light and Love. As a knower, I affirm the Creator within everyone and everything guides each in Light and Love. We are all Guided on our paths to Oneness. Thank you, beloved Creator, for everyone, for everything, and especially for me. Thank you, beloved Creator, for You. Thank you for this journey of Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.7.22

    Moving into Oneness, I fill all who have suffered injury, both historically and present day with Light. Those of us who feel the emotional echo of past and present trauma are filled with Light and Love. Divine Peace, Light, and Love fills everyone on Earth. We embrace Peace. We are One. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 12.6.22

    Everything is energy. Everything has a frequency. Everything is of God. Today, I breathe and synchronize myself to the Divine frequency within me. Thank you, God, for the ability to tune into You.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 12.5.22

    In this season of Light, I focus within giving thanks for all that is. I visualize everyone filled with Light. Expanding further, the Creator within me fills all technological devices with Light. All social media is filled with Light and Love. Divine Light and Love direct all people everywhere. Thank you, dear Divinity for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.4.22

    Focusing Light on our exquisite planet and its evolving climate, I radiate Love and Light to all wildlife and people interacting with our wildernesses. Together we help anchor Light in our natural world. Light directs all species for the Good of All. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.3.22

    From the Creator within, I fill all families with Love and Light. All are safe in Divinity. As a Light worker, I help anchor Love, Light and Divine Abundance for the good of All. Today, I focus Love and Light on families, visualizing every need filled through Light and with Love. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.2.22

    As a knower, I affirm the Creator within everyone and everything guides each to Light and Love. Light guides us all. We are Guided on our paths to Oneness. All is well on all dimensions and so it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.1.22

    From the Creator within, I am grateful for my like-minded fellow Light beings. Today, I help anchor Light and Love in our world. Inhaling Light, I exhale Love and Gratitude helping to hold sacred space for Divine Calm. I visualize all of us realizing our Divine Essence as Light beings having a human Experience. Today, I hold space for Harmony. Amen.

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November 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.30.22

    Today, I give thanks focusing gratitude, Light and Love on our magnificent angelic kingdom. The Creator within me fills all angels and archangels with Light and Love. Beloved Angelic Kingdom, I am so grateful for your love, your help, and your constancy. Thank you, God, for our angels and their missions. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.29.22

    Centering in gratitude, I am deeply grateful for my many blessings. I am grateful for my ability to meditate and pray. Turning within, I know that everything is an opportunity for growth. I focus on Divine Flow in my life and I embrace change. Thank you, dear Divinity, for this path of Light.

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  • Please Include Us on Giving Tuesday

    On Giving Tuesday, the Light Center staff is grateful for all you give in Love, Light, and prayer.  Please take a moment to remember us financially. As a nonprofit, we are supported by donations. Thank you for your support!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.28.22

    Expanding from my High Self, I visualize us all filled with Love and Light on all dimensions. For those of us who are returning to work today, I envision crystalline Light infusing our workstations with Love and Light. Working together we create Love and Light throughout the remainder of this year and into the next. Thank you, Divine Source, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.27.22

    Centering in Source, I focus on those of us making a transition through physical death. I visualize radiant Light and Divine Love easing each soul through this “graduation”. I envision their families filled with Light, Love, and Peace. Despite circumstances we are One. One Heart. One Mind. One in Divinity. All is well. Life is progressing without end. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.26.22

    From the Creator within me I release any behaviors, foods, or substances that are not for my highest good to Light. I turn to the Creator within me to meet my dependency needs. Opening my heart, mind, and soul to Divinity, I am guided. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for this journey of awakening to who I truly am!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 11.25.22

    I am filled with gratitude for the Divine gift of our beautiful, natural world. Thank you, Mother-Father God, for Earth. Thank you for the plant, animal, mineral, and microbial kingdoms. Thank you for the trees that hold spiritual energy for us. Thank you for our natural world that nourishes us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Expanding, I fill our beloved planet with Love and Light for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.24.22

    On this Thanksgiving Day, I reach within and give thanks for all I have and all I am about to receive. Radiating Light, I focus to help us all open our hearts, minds, and souls to Divine Generosity. When the impulse to give comes, I give generously in thought, word, and deed. We are One. Thank you, Holy Spirit Within for You and for us All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.23.22

    Centering in Source, I focus on those of us coping with any illness, financial problem, or any other adversity. I visualize the Light and Love within each guiding us, easing each soul through this growth experience. I envision us all filled with Light, Love, and Peace. All is well. Life is progressing without end. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.22.22

    Today, I stand with my fellow world citizens. Regardless of race, creed, or gender, we are one. We are all Light Beings whether we know it or not. Today, I help anchor Divine Calm, Peace, Love, and Light. Today, I radiate Light to help change any negativity to Light. Our planet is a planet of Love and Light. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.21.22

    As I pray for our world, our economy comes to mind. The movement and flow of monies that support our endeavors on this plane. I focus intention and pray for the living flow of greenbacks, a plant-like system. Expanding into this flow of Green, I visualize needed monies moving to forward progress for all, for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.20.22

    Earth is a planet of Light. Earth is a planet of Love. Earth radiates Light and Love throughout the cosmos. And so it is, Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.19.22

    Centering within I pray for all those in need, filling my fellow world citizens with Light and Love. I visualize all our body’s chakras filled with empowering crystalline Light and Love. Schoolhouse Earth allows us all to learn and grow. Thank you, beloved Source, for this Journey to You. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 11.18.22

    As I go about my daily life, I find myself grateful for “little things”. Today I am grateful for my mind that can focus as I choose. Today, I choose to focus on the Creator within me. I gratefully focus mindful energy visualizing Light and Love for all. Thank you, beloved Creator, for me. Thank you for shared Light and Love for All.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.17.22

    Today, I give thanks for the grace and generosity of our health care providers and first responders. From the Creator within me, I fill all these noble professionals with Love and Light. I visualize them safe and secure in a bubble of Light and Love on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.16.22

    Connecting within, I am grateful for Oneness. My daily meditation provides a safe haven as I negotiate the twists and turns of daily life. Connecting in Oneness, I slow- filling myself with Divine Peace, Love, and Light. Resting in Oneness, faith rises within. Breathing, I know all is well. All is well. All is well.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.15.22

    From deep within I affirm: Light guides the United States of America. Light guides the Executive branch of the U.S. Light guides the Legislative branch of the U.S. Light guides the Judicial branch of the U.S. Light guides all who live in the U.S. Light guides everyone and everything. We are One, One Heart, One Mind. One. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.14.22

    Praying for our beloved beautiful planet, I help anchor Light and Love to off-set any anxiety so many are experiencing. There is so much Light! Today, I help create more Light, more Love to fuel energies to help maintain and heal our beautiful spaceship Earth.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.13.22

    On world kindness day, I merge with my High Self expanding Divine Peace, Calm, Love, and Light to everyone and everything. Pure crystalline strands of Divine Understanding weave together everyone and everything. All beings extend themselves in Divine Kindness creating Heaven on Earth. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.12.22

    As I merge with the Creator within me I find myself overcome with emotion. My human frailties rise to be healed. Breathing deeply, I release my feelings to Light. Opening, I embrace Mother-Father Divinity within me. I am comforted in Presence. I am filled gratitude for God’s Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.10.22

    Today, opening within to Divinity I realize I am God’s hands in this dimension. I open my heart, mind, and soul to Spirit. I ask to be a clear instrument of Divine Will. From deep within, I release all impediments to Oneness. Thank you, beloved God, for Divine Connection.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.9.22

    As I think of my fellow Light beings, I am buoyed by the actions of the many heroes, sung and unsung, we have in our world. Working together, we can make progress – creating Heaven on Earth. Light and Love create Good on Earth. Thank you, God, for Light. Thank you, God, for Love. Thank you, God, for this life.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.8.22

    Considering my fellow citizens, U.S., and world, I anchor myself in Love and Light visualizing our nation filled with Light. I visualize our world filled with Light. I am a Light Being. Centered within I declare: Light guides our nation. Light guides our world. Stepping out in Faith I help create Love and Light for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.7.22

    If I don’t know what to do, I center deep within. Staying centered in the Presence within me, I know with Divine Knowingness what to do. I know I am called to model the Divine Presence Within for all people. Doing my best, I model God’s truth, grace, presence, and spontaneity for all. Thank you, beloved God, for your Guidance.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.6.22

    Today, from the Creator within me, I am grateful for courage, my own and that of others. As I face forward to my and our beloved planet’s future, I expand from my center of Light, my solar plexus, taking our world within me to aid in transforming all emotional, social, and physical storms to Light and Love. I help anchor Light and Love on all dimensions. I declare: All is well.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.5.22

    As I center within, I am guided to pray for the U.S. From the Creator within me I fill the mid-term elections with Light and Love. Light guides the elections. Light guides the American electorate. Light and Love creates Good in the election. Light and Love creates Good in our country. Light and Love creates Good in our world. Thank you, dearest Source for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 11.4.22

    Centering from the Creator within, I visualize all of us working together to create Divine Unity. As I expand to encompass our world I magnify Light and Love to help increase Unity. We are One and so it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.3.22

    As I open myself, Spirit stirs within me. Today, I give thanks for the knowledge that we are ONE. All is well. No Matter What. The Divine has a plan and on the astral level the template is prepared, and it is Perfect. Expanding from Spirit I hold Peace for All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.2.22

    On the Day of the Dead, All Souls’ Day, I give thanks for the many generations who came before me. I am grateful for my ancestors’ work. From my High Self, I radiate Light filling my transitioned loved ones and past generations with Light and Love. I stand on the shoulders of those who came before me and I am grateful for their contributions to me, my life, and our world. I hold them in Light and Love. And so, it is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.1.22

    Celebrating All Saint’s Day in a new way, I consider the many Light Beings and Saints who exist on various dimensions. I give thanks for those Beings. I give thanks for the example they have set for me and the Love and Light they have created. Breathing deeply, I expand centering Love and Light for us all as we knowingly or unknowingly strive to complete our spiritual missions.

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October 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.31.22

    Samhain, the night the veil thins between heaven and earth, I expand from the Creator within me, filling everyone and everything with Love and Light. Immersed in Divine Flow I am helping create a New Heaven on Earth. Thank you, dear Divinity for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.30.22

    Sitting in silent communication with Source, I radiate Divine Peace, Love, and Light within our world and its people. I know we are all God’s chosen Ones. We choose. We choose God’s path of Love and Light. I focus, intensifying Love and Light in social media. Turning, I expand Love and Light in churches, synagogues, and mosques. I visualize Light in everyone so all may know we are all God’s chosen people. With Love, I help anchor this Truth.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.29.22

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I release unhealthy use of any substances, food, drink, or behaviors to Light. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. The Creator within meets my every need. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.28.22

    Expanding deep within I focus Light and Love on Ukraine and Russia. I visualize all people filled with Divine Love. I visualize Light guiding every mind, heart, and soul. I visualize all minds open to Light and Love. I visualize Divine Peace saturating the area on all dimensions. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.27.22

    The Creator with me creates Divine Light, Love, and Peace within all climate change. Stormy weather is Nature’s way of transforming negative energy. Light directs climate change for the Greater Good. Everyone and everything are safe in a Divine Bubble of Love and Light. There is only Light and Love. All is well.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.26.22

    Continuing the process of embracing the power of my high Self, the Living Christ within, I reflect on empowerment as a process, sometimes two steps forward, one step back. Today, I gently step out in faith, walking through and releasing my fears to Light and Love. Thank you, beloved God, for guiding me on this journey of enlightenment.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.25.22

    If I hesitate or don’t know my next step, I turn within opening to the Creator asking for Divine Guidance. I do not judge myself. Sitting in silence, I wait for clarification from my High Self. As I wait, I release my personal will affirming “Thy will, not my will”. Thank you, sweet Source for Your Guidance.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.24.22

    The United Nations is filled with Light and Love. Each UN member opens his or her heart to the Divine within. Each member willingly accepts the Mantle of the Living Christ and is divinely guided to serve for the Good of All. The United Nations, through the Power of the Creator within, LEADS the world’s nations to protect and serve the world’s peoples. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.23.22

    Moving into Oneness, I focus Love and Light in and on our country and in all countries. I visualize Light casting clarity on leadership in our country and in all countries around our world. Our world is filled with Light and Divine Love. Light and Love create Good in our world. Thank you, beloved Divinity for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.22.22

    Today I embrace my Power in the Divine. I am the Living Christ. I envision Light and Love empowering people to create Good on planet Earth and so it is. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for helping us all make it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.21.22

    Considering birthdays, such a courageous act – coming through into the physical, to learn more, do more, BE more. To work towards Oneness. Reflecting on this act of faith, I am humbled. Turning within, I fill all having birthdays with Joy, Love, and Light. Expanding, I focus Love and Light back through the last 364 days, filling all people who have had birthdays with Love and Light. Thank you, God, for my fellow Light beings.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.20.22

    Stepping back from the world’s chatter, from deep within I focus on Divine Intelligence. Merging with Divine Intelligence, I focus prayer energy on all people opening their hearts, minds, and souls to Divine Intelligence. I visualize crystalline strands of Divine Intelligence connecting to all, anchoring us in Divinity. I visualize all empowered from the Creator within, each of us making choices for the Greater Good.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.19.22

    Today I affirm: My life’s tasks are easily achieved, in an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way, in a timely fashion, for the Greater Good. Amen. (Marc Allen)

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.18.22

    There is only Energy. As I sit with this truth I am flooded with Light. From deep within, I radiate Divine Energy to all our world’s governments. All governments are filled with Light and Love. All non-governmental organizations are filled with Light and Love. I visualize increasing awareness for everyone. We are one in the All That Is. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.17.22

    Focusing on my physicality, I declare: My cells are Light. My skeletal system is Light. My muscular system is Light. My nervous system is Light. My sensory systems are Light. My endocrine system is Light. My circulatory system is Light. My respiratory system is Light. My digestive system is Light. My urinary system is Light. My reproductive system is Light. My body’s bacteria are Light. I am a Light Being. I radiate Light throughout my body. I radiate Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for me, and for All That Is.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.16.22

    Pondering one of the twelve attributes of the Tree of Life, Divine Rest, I affirm I can rest in the Divine knowing all is well. All perceived problems have a Divine solution. Today, I rest in Spirit renewing myself in Quiet. Today, I attend minute by minute to my High Self. Giving thanks for the Connection within, I rest in the knowledge that all is well.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.15.22

    In prayer, the Creator within me focuses Love and Light in our world’s jails and prison systems. The Creator within me radiates Love and Light for all of us in any type of prison, physical or mental, imposed by others or by self. The Creator within provides Divine Freedom for all, that we may be free to fulfill our sacred missions for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.14.22

    Expanding from the Creator within me, I focus on the needs of everyone and everything. The Creator within all people, flora, and fauna fills them with Love, Light, and Prosperity. Every need is abundantly met. All are divinely guided to places, habitats, people, and services that provide for all needs. We are One, we are connected on all levels. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, there is abundance to meet every need for all species in this beautiful dimension. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.13.22

    From deep within I affirm “I Am one with Divine Calm.” I Am Divine Calm. I radiate Divine Calm. We are Divine Calm. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for the creation of Divine Calm for all. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.12.22

    Praying for our beloved world and its creatures, I fill our land, air, and waters with Light and Love. I visualize all climate change directed by Light. As a Light Being I help anchor Love and Light. Thank you, God, for your Divine Guidance.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.11.22

    “Be positive! You are the Light of the World.” Today, I immerse myself in revolutionary optimism knowing We are the light of the world. In Divine Connection I expand anchoring Love, Light, the optimism of faith, and Joy. I am grateful for my ability to stay in the Divine Flow. I am in the right place, at the right time, praying, saying, and doing the right things for the Greater Good. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.10.22

    On this sacred day of Light and Love, I embrace Indigenous People’s Day and Columbus Day, filling all people with Love and Light. I visualize all of us releasing our ancestral and personal injuries to Light and Love. Today, in meditation and prayer, I hold sacred space for Divine Harmony for all, as a rainbow family of people on the divine path to Oneness. Thank you, sweet Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.9.22

    Today, I extend myself to encompass Earth filling it with Light and Love. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for the nurturing beauty of our fantastic planet. Thank you, for our beloved wild spaces and wildlife from whom we have much to learn. Thank you for ever better stewardship of our planet as we safeguard all wildlife now and forevermore. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.8.22

    As I open myself, Spirit stirs within me. Today, I give thanks for the knowledge that we are ONE. All is well. No Matter What. The Divine has a plan and on the astral level the template is prepared, and it is Perfect. Expanding from Spirit I hold Peace for All. Amen.

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September 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.27.22

    Happiest are those who have sought and found a way to serve” (Albert Schweitzer). As I ponder this quote during these turbulent times, I am inspired to gratitude for all that I have, all that I am, and for my purpose as a Light Being. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for you, for me, for Life. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.26.22

    At dusk last night, the Jewish New Year was welcomed in. Looking back, it is considered the start of humanity, when Adam and Eve were created. Looking forward, I welcome a messianic age when all are Enlightened Beings. Today, I create Good, filling all people, especially those celebrating the High Holy Days with Love and Light. All are in a bubble of Love and Light and are safe and secure in that Divine Bubble. Thank you, dearest Creator, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.25.22

    Today, I am thankful for the daughters in our lives. The role of daughter is unique. It encompasses friend, companion, keeper-of-family traditions, often care giver. I give thanks for all young women on planet Earth, all daughters who add grace and joy enrichening us all. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.24.22

    Praying for our beautiful nature world, I am filled with awe for the power of nature. Our weather systems are filled with Light. They are filled with Love. Merging with the wind and water in meditation I breathe Light and Love into them. All peoples effected by weather are filled with Light. Expanding, I fill our first responders with Light, Love and Gratitude for their holy mission to protect aid all of us.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.23.22

    Pondering Native American Day, I bow to the Divine in all Native Americans. Joining in Oneness, I honor each for their service to our natural world. Native American spiritual traditions help guide us all. From deep within, I feel a depth of gratitude to Native American culture and the Light Beings who have cared for our beloved Earth for eons and continue to lead as environmental activists. All our Native American tribes are filled with Light and Love. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.22.22

    Treasuring autumn, I embrace cooler temperatures and shorter days. As a Light Being, I fill our world’s climate with Light and Love. The Creator within all guides all to create Good through thought, prayer, and action. Today and every day we enable action to protect our fragile fantastic planet. Thank you, God, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.21.22

    Slipping into Oneness, I merge with Divinity. Riding the energy I feel the Peace that surpasses all understanding. I am so grateful for my peace. Expanding myself to encompass the world, I join with others filling our world with Peace. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.20.22

      Moving through my day, I meditate on joy in Flow. Divine Flow. I declare: I am a Light Being. I am filled with Light. I am a Love Being. I am filled with Love. Today as I connect in Flow and am Guided I focus on areas of weather events, filling all our world with Love and Light. We are one in Divinity. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.19.22

    Focusing Love and Light on the many souls who are unexpectedly transitioning to the afterlife, I feel a need to expand and anchor Light on their behalf. Deepening within, I visualize these souls releasing any negative emotions and being cleansed in Light. All are filled with Divine Peace and Love. Of those left behind, I declare: the Creator within each enables them to change their grief to Love and Light. All beings join in Love and Light finding Divine Peace. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.18.22

    Touching in today, I feel the gift of Presence and I am filled with gratitude. Expanding, I radiate Light and Love through our world. I visualize Divine Calm, Peace, Love, and Harmony filling each world citizen. Again visualizing, I see Divine Abundance flowing to and through all our world’s cities and countrysides filling everyone with Love and Light. Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.17.22

    Praying for unity within my fellow Light beings, I expand from deep within visualizing all people as One. We are One. One Heart, a shared Oneness with the Creator within each of us. We are One. Joining with others I help anchor Divine Harmony and Peace. A Oneness of all beings.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.16.22

    All families are filled with Light and Love. Families are the laboratory of creation through which souls come. From the Creator within me I release my family to Light and Love. My family is filled with Light and Love and I release them to Light. All families are filled with Light and Love. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.15.22

    “All forms of light come with some form of shadows.” (Amanda Gorman, 2021) Today, knowing Light attracts shadow, I keep myself in a Bubble of Light on all dimensions. Purifying myself with Light, I also visualize our beloved planet being purified. There need be no drama, just a Bubble of Light. It’s simple. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for meeting my need for your Protection. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.14.22

    Deep in meditation and prayer, I focus on Spirit flowing through me and declare Love and Light is channeled to those of us in need of healing; to those of us in need of help, especially those of us touched by homelessness, poverty, loneliness, or mental health issues. I co-create with Spirit flowing through me to aid in creation of Heaven on Earth for All. Amen

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.13.22

    From deep within I visualize filling all world governments with Light and Love. Light clarifies, revealing everything on all dimensions. I visualize all world leaders harmoniously working together for the benefit of all and for the benefit of our sacred environment. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.12.22

    I am Light. I am Love. I am one with the Divine. I am Divine!  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.11.22

    Turning within, I release any sadness about man’s inhumanity to man. Expanding, I focus Love and Light within all who have lost loved ones due to acts of terror. Today, I help magnify Love and Light within all who are injured and-or who seek to injure others. Each of us praying and acting for Good helps focus Love and Light on all so we may truly become the family of Divine Man. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.10.22

    Focusing, I inhale Light exhaling Love. I purposely create healing Peace. And I am comforted. Expanding, I encompass Earth, visualizing Peace filling our world. Serenity, Love, and Light flows through all. Thank you, God, for this mission of Love.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.9.22

    Praying for everyone making a transition from the physical to the nonphysical life, I fill them with Divine Love and Light. Expanding from Source within, I visualize all left-behind-loved-ones filled with Love and Light. All grief, hurt, and anger are changed to Light. Today, I help enrich Harmony, Peace, Love, and Light within everyone and everything. Amen  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.8.22

    Today, from deep within I purify and cleanse each cell of my body with Light. Standing at the gate of my thoughts, I release negative thoughts to Light. As I monitor my thoughts, it aids in clearing our world’s thought pollution. Moving deeper, I release and change to Light any fears helping to lessen our world’s darkness. Little by little, slowly we turn to Light and Oneness. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.7.22

    Breathing from the Creator within me, I focus Love and Light on the divisiveness in America. I visualize all in America opening their hearts, minds, and souls to Divine Love. All are directed by Light and Love. Today, I help hold space for Love and Harmony.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.6.22

    As children start school in earnest, I reach out from deep within filling all schools and school systems with Light and Love. I visualize all students, teachers, and employees protected in a bubble of Light on all dimensions. Today, we, as Light workers help anchor Light and Love everywhere for everyone. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.5.22

    Today, as I rest from my labor, I consider the notion: we began to labor as we turned from Divine Love. Today, I rest in Spirit knowing that I can imbue my work with love. This day allows renewal in the Divine. Thank you, God, for this day and every day. Thank you for meaningful work. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.4.22

    I am open to the Living Light that is my essence. I am one with the All. I expand Light and Love. I rest in Oneness. And so, it is.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.3.22

    The Creator within me creates Love and Light in and through all unexpected weather events. All fires, floods, and earthquakes across our world are filled with Love and Light Our world’s people are filled with Love and Light. Light directs climate change for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.2.22

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I radiate Light and Love throughout my being. The Loving Light of the Creator nourishes me. I am empowered as the Light Being I am. As I do this for myself, I expand – radiating Light. We are truly Beings of Light and Love.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.1.22

    Connecting to Source I ride the spiritual wave of Divine energy. I gently press personal expansion of my human boundaries to consciously feel All That Is. Releasing my fear, I surrender to Divine Flow. Sweet, sweet Spirit, my cup truly does runneth over. Thank you, for this sacred, conscious, not-always-easy-to-surrender Path of Light. Thank you. Amen.  

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August 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.31.22

    “Spirit energy hovers in our midst, as we attune to Love and awaken to the Joy of Oneness.” Linda Joy Montgomery (1998)  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.30.22

    As energy on our planet continues to shift, I embrace change. I consciously breathe giving thanks for All That Is. The Creator within me, that consciousness, guides and directs me. I am in the right place at the right time, thinking, saying, and doing the right thing for the Greater Good. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.29.22

    Considering all who are suffering any illness, I expand from deep within and fill each soul with Love and Light. Moving into this energy, I expand the concept of boundaries and limitations. The Creator within me changes all limitations within each of us to Light. We are Light Beings without limits. We are limitless in the Divine. Thank you, Dearest Divinity for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.28.22

    From the Creator within me, I visualize our exquisite planet filled with Love and Light. Setting intention from the Creator within me, I expand Love and Light within our Divine home. I find myself overcome – with love and gratitude for the incredible gift of our beautiful natural world. Thank you, Mother-Father God, for our world. Thank you for all things working together for the Good of All.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.27.22

    As I think of all of us on Spaceship Earth, I expand from deep within and fill us with Light and Divine Love. Everyone is coping with some type of challenge. Spaceship Earth is a schoolhouse, and we are all learning our lessons at different speeds. Today I visualize all of us filled with Light and Love, able to put down our resistance to change, able to accept Grace and speed our learning process. Thank you, Divine Presence, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.26.22

    Today, I salute man’s best friend, the dog. Many Light beings are alone. While we pray and meditate, giving and receiving love and nourishment, a dog’s presence can be grounding and affirming. All entities are rising toward the Divine. Thank you, God, for the Divinity in man’s best friend. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.25.22

    “In seizing the moment, you find heaven.” – Rodney Padgett Today I seize the day, finding peace in Divine Flow. I am elevated, reaching out to expand this Peace to all. I realize, again, Heaven is a state of consciousness. Thank you, beloved God, for Heaven in life. Thank you, for the ability to experience Heaven now.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.24.22

    I am a prism that refracts beams of Divine Light. I am a Light being. I am a Love being. I help anchor Light and Love here on Earth. I am Divine.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.23.22

    The Energy that is All, has room for us all. Expanding from deep with, I visualize everyone manifesting their divine missions. With gentle intent, I visualize everyone having each and every need abundantly met. Today, I open my heart, mind, and soul to Universal Abundance. There is room for us all at the Table of Life.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.22.22

    As I reflect on children returning to school, I expand from my High Self to fill all schools and school systems with Love and Light. I envision all students and their families filled with Love and Light. I picture all teachers and school employees filled with Love and Light. I visualize all schools secure in their own bubbles of Light. Expanding into the universe, I see the crystalline bubbles of schools connected around the world; a shimmering web of Love and Light. And so, it is. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.21.22

    From the Creator within me, I reach out in Light to those of us who feel lonely, afraid, or ill. Today, I expand filling our family of man with Light and Love. Today, I visualize all of us and our beloved Earth filled with radiant Light. Today I help hold space – anchoring Peace, Divine Calm, Light and Love for all. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.20.22

    Joining with others in my meditation-prayer, I help create Peace, Love, and Light in all nations. I fill North America with Love and Light. I fill Central America with Love and Light. I fill South America with Love and Light. I fill Europe with Love and Light. I fill Asia with Love and Light. I fill Africa with Love and Light. I fill Antarctica with Love and Light. I fill Australia with Love and Light. Our wonderful world is filled with Love and Light on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.19.22

    Thank you, dearest Divinity, for you within me. Thank you for my divine Connection with You. I am ever so grateful for Connection. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.18.22

    As I think of my fellow Light beings, I am buoyed by the actions of the many heroes we have on our beloved Earth. We create change working toward Heaven on Earth. Thank you, God, for Light. Thank you, God, for Love. Thank you, God, for this life and our ability to create. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.17.22

    The creator within me changes any outdated concepts to Light. Any misinformation within me is deprogrammed. I embrace my Light. I embrace my Divine Inheritance. I am one with the Creator within me. I listen only to the Divine Voice within. Thank you for my ability to hear. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.16.22

    Praying for our world I release my sadness at our turmoil. I think of Rumi who said: “Out beyond right and wrong, there is a field. I will meet you there.” Maybe it’s a cliché, but today, it feels right – today, I step out into that metaphorical field of Love. I step out in Love asking Light to direct my actions. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for Your Love, Your Light, and Your Guidance. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.15.22

    As I turn within, finding respite from the world. I let the mundane fall away. I let the chatter and talking heads go. I center in Divinity and feel loved. Expanding, I visualize all people filled with Love and Light. I remember God is the Energy that underlies each and every living thing. I relax and know this Truth. And so, it is, Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.14.22

    The Creator within me fills our world with Love and Light. Holy Spirit expands Love within everyone. Holy Spirit expands Light within everyone. Everyone is Divine. Everything is Divine. I am Divine. Thank you, Spirit, for your Creation!  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.13.22

    Climate change is directed by Light for the Good of All. As I help create Good in climate change, I visualize any discomfort or suffering changing to Light. I visualize all creatures’ suffering changing to Light. I visualize all plants’ suffering changing to Light. Everything is filled with Light and Love. Everyone is filled with Light and Love. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.12.22

    As I go about my daily life, I find myself grateful for little things. Flowering plants, rest, sunshine, laughter… I am grateful for my mind that I can focus as I choose. Today, I choose to focus on the Creator within me. I am grateful for the ability to focus mindful energy in prayer to create Good for All. Thank you, beloved Creator, for me.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.11.22

    Today, I give thanks to parents for rearing the newest generation of Light beings. Parents teach character and morals by living their lives in front of their children. Our way of life, ethics, love, and sense of play comes from our parents. I am grateful to all sons and daughters who are choosing to be born now. I am grateful to parents for doing their best to rear wonderful citizens of the world. I visualize families filled with Love and Light.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.10.22

    Centering in Divinity, I help anchor Light, Love, and Divine Clarity in the U.S. government and in all governments around planet Earth. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.9.22

    Today, it is enough to center, meditate, and hold space for the highest Good for All. Centering I radiate Light and Love. Visualizing, I see crystalline Energy radiating from everyone’s solar plexus. I help hold space for an age of enlightenment for All. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.8.22

    Opening to the energy of the Divine within me, I declare: “I am a Creator-In-Action on our beloved planet”. I co-create with Divinity and I am Guided to be in the right place, at the right time, thinking, praying, saying, and doing the right things for the Good of All. Thank you, Beloved Divinity for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.7.22

    Centering in Source, I find Truth is revealed and expressed. I am shown how to navigate any plight. I am given strength through Divine Communion. I am encouraged and enabled to don my spiritual armor. I am empowered to face both personal dilemmas and worldly turmoil. Thank you, God, for this divine partnership in Your Love and Light. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.6.22

    As I think of all of us on Spaceship Earth, I expand from deep within and fill us with Light and Divine Love. Everyone is coping with some type of challenge. Spaceship Earth is a schoolhouse, and we are all learning our lessons at different speeds. Today I visualize all of us filled with Light and Love, able to put down our resistance to change, able to accept Grace and speed our learning process. Thank you, Divine Presence, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.5.22

    Today, I stay centered in breath. I breathe slowing, rhythmically. Any challenge is met from my centered Self. I am walking through the day with Divine Courage. Courage inspired and fed by my Connection. Thank you, sweet Source, for my connection in Light and Love. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.4.22

    As I pray for our bacterial and viral kingdoms, I fill these kingdoms with Love and Light. Each has its own intelligence that mutates to fulfill its mission. From deep within, I fill all mutations with Love and Light. We ourselves are mutating, changing, every day. Today, I visualize everything and everyone mutating to enhance Harmony, Peace, and Love within All. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.3.22

    As my Consciousness expands, I become aware of a wish to isolate; a wish to dumb down awareness. Centering, I change my increased sensitivity to Light. As my perception increases, I am learning all things will become transparent. I am learning that Spirit within me will increase my tolerance and understanding to match my growing awareness of All That Is. Thank you, God, for this journey of discovery.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.2.22

    The Creator within me creates Love and Light in our world’s fires, floods, and storms. Light directs all climate change and climate related weather. Any souls making their transition to another level of existence are filled with Love and Light. No matter where- all of us are safe within a Bubble of Love and Light. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.1.22

    Focusing deep within, I visualize Light filling and guiding our world’s governments. All governments are Light. Our world’s people are Light. Our world is filled with Divine Love. Love and Light guide our world from a Divine Template. All is well. And so, it is. Amen.  

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July 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.31.22

    Nighttime is moon time and gives us the gift of rest. Today, I am grateful for Divine Rest. I am filled with gratitude for our daily cycles. With infinite wisdom Divinity gave us time to rest, rejuvenate, and consolidate our learning. Touching into Source I am filled to overflowing. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for our daily turn.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.30.22

    Today is International Day of Friendship. I am filled with gratitude for my friends and my friendships. These friends are my chosen family. Friends help me stay connected to a shared reality. Friends help me center when I start to question myself. Friends help me have fun! Friends are a gift from Spirit. I am filled with deep gratitude and love for my friends and for the interactions and relationships I have with them. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.29.22

    We are One, whether we know it or not, what happens to one happens to all. From Spirit within, I visualize all creatures, all plants, all living entities on this planet filled with Love and Light. Expanding, I visualize our Mother Earth filled with Love and Light. Spirit fills each molecule on this dimension with Divine Love and Light. We are One. One Heart. One Destiny. And, so, it is. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.28.22

    God works on a need-to-know basis. I don’t know The Big Picture because I may not yet have the capacity to digest it. As I release, more is revealed. Opening my heart, I release fear and anxiety. I open my heart and I see miracles every day. I open my heart and joy comes in, easing ambiguity. I am reminded Source is my spiritual safety net. Thank you, Sweet Source for this exciting journey of discovery.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.27.22

    As I pray for our world and its people, I consider our global economy, the movement and flow of monies. Focusing intention, I pray for the living flow of greenbacks, a plant-like system. Expanding myself into this Green flow, I visualize needed monies moving to where it is most essential for everyone, for everything, for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.26.22

    The Creator within me creates Love and Light in and through fires across our world. All unexpected weather and resulting challenges are filled with Divine Love and Light. Worldwide, our first responders are filled with Love and Light. They are guided in their missions to save lives, lands, and homes. All beings, whether plant, insect, animal, or human, are filled with Love and Light. All are safe within a Bubble of Love and Light. Thank you, God for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.25.22

    Sometimes, I find myself at a crossroads needing a sign. Stepping out in faith, as a spiritual scientist, I collect data on a subject of one, myself. “Basic research is what I am doing when I don’t know what I am doing.” (Werner Von Braun). If this is a basic research day, I say “Thank you, God”. I choose to reach within in faith, becoming One with All in my process of growth. And so, it is. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.24.22

    Reflecting on parenting, a 24/7 role that is sometimes pure joy and often not, I visualize parenting filled with Divine Ease. All parents are filled with Love and Light. Parents are Divinely Guided for the good of their children and people everywhere. Families are the building block of society. The Creator within parents fills all families with Love and Light for the Good of All. And so, it is. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.23.22

    Thank you, unseen Light Beings, for being here. Thank you for helping anchor Light and Love on Earth. Thank you, dearest angels, fairies, and friends of Light for all you do for us on this dimension. It helps to know we are not alone in our most perfect work. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.22.22

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I am a Light Being. I am filled with Light. I radiate Light and Love throughout my being. The Loving Light of the Creator nourishes me. I am empowered as the Light Being I am. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light and Love.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.21.22

    Today, I declare from deep within, I am loved. I am Love. I am Light. I am wise. I am strong. I am healthy. I am grateful. I am powerful. I am one with Divinity I am Divine. I am Joyful! I am One!  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.20.22

    Again, I am reminded: the keys to the Kingdom come as I release any personal negatives to Light. One by one, it is a gradual process. Today, I release my worry, anger, and fear to Light. Today, I step out in faith – trusting the Creator within me to guide me on my path to Oneness. Today, I take my courage in hand and Trust. Thank you, beloved Creator, for this journey to Oneness.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.19.22

    Light directs climate change to Light. Light and Love direct all weather patterns to Light for the Good of All. Thank you, dear Divinity, for making it so.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.18.22

    Today, I visualize our beloved planet Earth filled with Love and Light on all dimensions. Today and every day, I am in the right place at the right time, listening, thinking, saying, and doing the right thing for the Good of All. I help likeminded Beings hold the frequencies of Love, Light, and Peace for all in this dimension. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.17.22

    Today, I rest enjoying the fruits of my labor. Regardless of what I see and hear, all that truly matters is Love and Light. Today, I rest my heart in Spirit. Divine Connection is truly the pinnacle of worldly success. All else is smoke and mirrors. I rest in Ease, Grace and Glory.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.16.22

    Today, I confirm that the Creator within me gives me all the insights and information I need. If I pay attention, I can trust I will receive all needed messages from my High Self. I affirm I trust the Creator within me. I trust myself. I trust God. Thank you, High Self, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.15.22

    I release my preconceived notions of marriage to Light. Holding the institution of marriage in Light, I understand that it is a vehicle for completing Divine missions, together and separately. Married to life partners or married to God, this union creates Love and Light for All. Thank you, God, for this yoke of Love and Light.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.14.22

    From deep within, I focus Light and Love on all of us who are in war torn areas, ill, impoverished or imprisoned in mind, body or spirit. I visualize the Creator within each suffering soul opening to release discomfort and find ease, comfort, and peace within Thy Mercy. Thank you, Beloved God, for your Tender Mercy.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.13.22

    We dedicate the energy of our prayers to benefit all Sentient beings throughout time, space, and mind. May the power of our prayers increase to help others know their perfection as one with Divinity. Amen. (Revision of the Tibetan dedication of Merit; offered by Jacquelyn Sendak- Zavaleta)  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.12.22

    Focusing on our planet, I think about litter and littering. Suspending judgment, I fill those who litter with Love and Light. We all litter, knowingly or not, trash out of a window, words out of a mouth. Today, I fill all with Love and Light. Today, I litter our world with Love and Light holding space for a new heaven on Earth.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.11.22

    I find myself grateful for my many blessings. Yes, there are challenges, and these help me grow. As I consciously breathe, I am filled with gratitude. Today, I pay it forward, acting locally and praying globally for the Good of All. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for my many gifts.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.10.22

    Pondering one of the twelve attributes of the Tree of Life, Divine Rest, I allow myself to rest in the Divine. I know all is well despite possible outward appearances. Life on Earth is a sacred learning experience. We are Light beings learning to become One. Thank you, God, for Oneness.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.9.22

    From the Creator within me, I fill any out-of-control fires on our beloved planet with Light and Love. I visualize and affirm Light directs these fires to Light. Light directs the fire-determined weather patterns to Light. Light and Divine Love fill all living beings. Light and Love fill our atmosphere. Light directs climate change for the Good of All. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.8.22

    Merging with Divinity I declare: I am in the right place, at the right time, thinking, saying, and doing the right things for the Good of All. I am grateful for my God-given ability to co-create. Thank you, God, for this journey of Life.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.7.22

    We are One, whether we know it or not, what happens to one happens to all. The Creator within me releases the pain of man’s inhumanity to man. Spirit fills each injured party with Divine Love and Light. The Creator within each person changes injury to Love and Light. Confusion is transformed to Light bringing Clarity and Love. We are One. And, so, it is. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.6.22

    From my High Self, I visualize our world filled with Light. Crystalline strands of Light weave a radiant tapestry. Immersing myself in this creative endeavor, I visualize Light and Love filling our physical dimension. Everyone and everything are bathed in Light and Love. Thank you, Divine Essence, for this template of Light and Love.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.5.22

    As we return to our work-a-day jobs, I remember: “Work is love made visible” (Khalil Gibran). In carrying out my work from my High Self, I know the Creator within me Guides me. I work and pray with loving intention for the Good of All. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.4.22

    Amidst the parades and John Philip Sousa, I turn within visualizing a nation whose leaders and citizens are truly free. A nation where each of us is free of worry, fear, anxiety, and self-doubt. Today, I visualize the U.S. filled with Love and Light, a nation that upholds dignity for all. Our beautiful country is filled with creative Light Beings who are working for Good. Together we hold space for Unity for us All.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.3.22

    Today I rest, comforted in Divine Presence. Anything that wells up to be released, I fill with Love and Light and I release it. Only through facing, loving, and releasing fear am I free to be who I truly am: a Light Being. Thank you, beloved Creator, for our ability to choose Love. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.2.22

    Turning within I fill all generations beneath me with Love and Light. As I find myself becoming an elder, I realize prayer is the most potent gift I have to offer. Visualizing from the Creator within me, I see our world’s young people as they truly are: co-creators with the Divine. Our world’s young citizens are filled with Love and Light. All are able to easily access Spirit within them. And, so it is. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.1.22

    Today, is international Joke Day, so… how many Light beings does it take to screw in a light bulb? Twelve – one to screw in the bulb and 11 to anchor the Light! Humor is leavening for our emotional bodies. Humor is our birthright; it helps us in “Lightening” up. It enhances resiliency to aid in achieving Oneness. Today, I use my God given humor to ease my life and the lives of others. “…Heaven is the birthplace of laughter.” ~Martin Luther  

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June 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.30.22

    Sometimes I receive a “Divine download,” information with a To-Do list attached. Taking a deep breath, I step out in Faith. “First you leap, then you grow wings” (Wm. Sloan Coffin). Today, I am grateful for the courage to leap in faith. Thank you, God, for my faith and my courage. Thank you for showing me the way, the truth and Your Light.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.29.22

    Today, I anchor myself in God’s constancy. I remember that God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the universe for the Good of All. I center in that Truth. And so, it is, Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.28.22

    Centering, I gently release all judgments of others. Regardless of appearances, all are Light Beings. Today, I focus prayerful energy on all our disenfranchised brothers and sisters. Those living on the margins of society, who may appear as “other” to us, play as important a role in cosmic creation as do those who appear mainstream. From the Creator within me, I fill all with Love and Light. I pray globally as I act locally embracing all in Love and Light. We are all part of the Oneness.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.27.22

    All perceived problems have a Divine solution. From deep within, I am reassured there is a template for any needed solutions. This template already exists in the meta-dimension. Breathing deeply, I stay connected to Source. I wait for the Divine Solution to be revealed. I breathe, trust, pray, and do my daily work as I wait for revelation. Thank you, Dearest Creator for my Journey of Light.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.26.22

    Today, I give thanks for Divine Rest. Today, I rest in Spirit, renewing myself in Quiet. Today, I minimize, focusing on the moment, attending minute by minute to my High Self. Giving thanks for the Connection within, I rest in the knowledge that despite any perceived inner or outer chaos, all is well. And so, it is. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.25.22

    Turning within, I find respite from the world. I let the mundane fall away. I let the chatter and talking heads go. Centering in Divinity, I focus Love and Light on the United States and on the world. I fill the U.S. with Love and Light. I fill our world with Love and Light. We are One on all dimensions. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.24.22

    Thank you, God, for my place in the universe. Thank you, God, for me being part of you. Thank you, God, for my “Light-ness”. Thank you, God, for me being part of All That Is. Thank you, God, for you. Thank you, God, for me.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.23.22

    As I ponder transitioning from the physical to the metaphysical plane, I visualize all souls leaving their earthly body filled with crystal clear Light and Love. Light aids them in their transition. I visualize them easily finding their way to their next learning experience. Expanding, I visualize those loved ones who are left behind as filled with Love and Light. Light and Love cushions their loss. I radiate Light and Love to all. For All.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.22.22

    As I consider the concept of “fluid intentionality”, I am smacked by the rigidity that often comes with my intentions, my goals. Today, I release rigid means to achieve goals. I embrace my goals knowing I am Divinely Guided. Spirit is fluid. Spirit is dynamic. Spirit is vibrant. Today, I embrace a lively curiosity about how I will be directed. Thank you, Spirit, for your Guidance.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.21.22

    Honoring ancient traditions, yet looking forward I merge into the “I Am That I Am” deep within me setting my intentions on this summer solstice. Expanding, I take both the Earth and Sun within me. I radiate Love and Light to everyone. I radiate Love and Light to everything. As an Earth steward, I act locally and pray globally. I visualize Love and Light working for the Good of our beautiful planet and all beings that inhabit it. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.20.22

    Today, I hold myself in Divine Love and Light. Expanding, I take planet Earth and its inhabitants within me holding everyone and everything in Love and Light. I help anchor Love and Light on our incredible planet. Thank you, sweet Spirit, for making it so.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.19.22

    Celebrating Juneteenth and Father’s Day today, I acknowledge deep within that we are all One. Regardless of race all are One in Divinity. Celebrating the end of slavery in the U.S. allows us to honor the equality of all Light beings. It is a way of honoring the Divine Father within each of us. Today, I honor my earthly father knowing this helps create a new world where we are One. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for our Oneness in You.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.18.22

    Light directs all climate change. Our planet is in a bubble of Light and Love on all dimensions. Thank you, Spirit, for Light and Love.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.17.22

    From the Creator within me, I release any behaviors, foods, or substances that are not for my highest good. I am a Light being having a human experience, I turn to the Creator within me to meet my dependency needs. Opening my heart, mind, and soul to Divinity, I am guided. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for this journey of awakening to who I truly am!  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.16.22

    As our world continues to spin in apparent turmoil, I hear deep within: “Love makes the world go round. Love makes the world go round… High in some silent sky Love sings a silver song making the earth whirl softly Love makes the world go round.” Today, I help anchor Love and Light for all. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.15.22

    Today, I recommit myself to prayer for Oneness. Centering in Source, I fill myself with gratitude. I feel so lucky to be aware of the Divine within me. Thank you, Beloved, for this journey of Light and Love.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.14.22

      Gazing at the US flag, I ponder the nobility of our founding national principles of freedom, justice, liberty, and equality. Centering as a Light worker, I weave strands of Love and Light through our United States. I declare: the Creator within each American fills them with Love and Light. Today, I envision all Americans woven together in Love, Light, and Oneness.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.13.22

      Centering from the Creator within me, I fill the Office of the Presidency with Light and Love. Turning to Congress I visualize our representatives filled with Light and Love. Coming from Source there is only Divine Clarity and Divine Effectiveness. Visualizing further, our Supreme Court is Guided in Light and Love. Divine Truth, Light, and Love guide all three branches of government for the Good of All. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.12.22

      Today, I give thanks for having purpose. I am gratitude-filled. I have a mission. I am working as a creator-in-action, cocreating with the Divine. I follow where I am led declaring: Divine will not my will. I know: “good done anywhere is good done everywhere” (Maya Angelou). Today, I rest in the Divine, grateful for my purpose.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.11.22

      I open my heart to Divinity and I am one with the Knower within me. And so, it is. Amen  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.10.22

      Expanding into my High Self, I visualize Earth within me. The Creator within me fills Earth and its inhabitants with Light and Love cleansing all negativity. The Creator within Earth anchors Light and Love on all dimensions. Light directs our beloved planet and its inhabitants for the Good of All. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.9.22

      Doing my inner work, I release any barriers to Light. As hindrances release, a wave of rarefied Energy presents itself. Opening to this Energy, my body starts to “sizzle” in the rarefying flow. Giving thanks, a wave of Joy surfaces. Surrendering, I ride the Divine Flow. Thank you, sweet Spirit. Thank you, for this sacred, conscious Path. My cup truly does runneth over. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.8.22

      From deep within I declare: Earth’s oceans are Light. Light guides the cleansing and purification of our world’s oceans and seas. Each molecule of water is filled with Divine healing Love and Light. Love and Light radiate through all fish, coral, and sea creatures. Thank you, God, for our Living Waters.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.7.22

      Today, I breathe Divine Peace and Calm into our worldly dimension. My thoughts, feelings, words, and actions are Light filled and loving. I envision everyone stepping out in Love and Light. Regardless of appearance, we are Light beings. Today, I hold space for Divine Peace. Thank you, God, for your Comfort and Love.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.6.22

      In prayer, I honor all who sacrificed for peace. I visualize Love and Light suffusing all war efforts and tools of war. I visualize Love and Light filling all who have lost their lives in any human conflict. All loved ones who have been left behind are filled with Love and Light. In Spirit there is no time, all traumas may be cleansed. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.5.22

      Today, I give thanks for our magical environment, Spaceship Earth. Expanding from deep within, I take our beloved planet within me filling it with radiant Love and Light. I visualize Light balancing and healing all elements- air, water, earth, and fire. I visualize Love permeating every person’s consciousness – that we may all awaken to our role in protecting our world. Thank you, Spirit, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.4.22

    As we celebrate Shavuot with our Jewish sisters and brothers, we consider the personal rules and ethics we honor as Light Beings. Expanding from deep within, we center in Oneness. We are One with All. We honor All. We intensify Love and Light in All. There is only the ALL. And so it is. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.3.22

    In my meditation-prayer time, I expand focusing Love and Light on our world leadership. All leaders and politicians are filled with Light. Anyone holding public office opens his or her heart to the Voice of Spirit. They hear and listen. All our world’s leaders are Divinely guided to lead our world with Divine Wisdom. I visualize them leading with compassion, joy, and peace. Thank you, God, for making it so. Additional Prayers for Today in the U.S. Today, we as Light workers, fill the U.S. with Love, Light, and Divine Calm. We breathe the Peace that passes all understanding into […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.2.22

    Today, I open my heart to the integrity and honesty of the Creator within me. I am honest with myself as i gently examine and release any fears preventing Oneness. The Creator within me leads me to Oneness and I am open to being led by the Creator. I am filled with gratitude for this process of change. Thank you, Creator, for the changes within me. I embrace them knowing they bring Oneness.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.1.22

    The Creator within me helps anchor Light and Love to aid our grieving world. Aware or not, we are all Light Beings progressing toward Oneness with All That Is. Today, I anchor in the Divine visualizing kindness, generosity, and brotherly love between all people regardless of race, creed or color. Today, I breathe Divine Calm into our world order from my anchor of Light and Love. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for our opportunity to create Good on our beautiful planet.  

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May 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 5.31.22

    Turning within I ponder knowingness. One of the Divine’s gifts is our ability to KNOW. Every one of us can turn within and be a Knower. Today, I open to the Creator within and check the authenticity of every important thing. I find the truth and I anchor myself in truth. I speak my truth with courage. I am one with the Knower within me. And so, it is. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 5.30.22

    Expanding from the Creator within me, I touch all souls who died protecting or answering a call for their country. I visualize Divine Love and Light enveloping these souls as I reach back through time. Expanding further to encompass all died in any conflicts, I visualize Love and Light releasing these traumas. Any earthbound souls are released in Light. I visualize all freed in Love and Light to pursuit Oneness. Thank you, Sweet Spirit, for making it so.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 5.29.22

    Today is a day of rest and I rest in the Creator. Even as I rest, the Creator within me is manifesting Light, Love, and Peace for me and for us all. As I rest, I find myself transfixed by the Infinite All. I marvel, filled with love and gratitude for All That Is.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 5.28.22

    Today, I am grateful for my daily devotionals that fortify my connection to Spirit. I am strengthened and sheltered in Spirit. I feel and release my anxieties and fears to Light. I walk through my fear and am transformed. I am filled with Divine Light and Love. Thank you, Sweet Beloved, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Light Center Dome Open on Memorial Day

    We’ll be open on Monday, May 30 from 1:30 to 6 p.m.  Please visit us to enjoy our light chamber and prayer dome.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 5.27.22

    Today, I visualize a world that is safe for us all. Expanding from within, I see all societies and systems that are dedicated to Love and Light. I radiate Love and Light throughout the physical, mental, and emotional dimensions. I join with likeminded Light beings to hold space for Love, Light, Peace, and Harmony. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 5.26.22

    Thank you, God for my mistakes. Thank you for a showing them to me in a way I can easily understand. Thank you, God, for the flexibility to see the need to change and the ability to change. I am in Your Accelerated Learner Class as I become more and more One with You.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 5.25.22

    Pondering the goal of becoming one with my high Self, the Christ consciousness within me, I take heart knowing that it means being aware of everything and loving everything, despite, any negatives. It is only through love that everyone and everything is healed. I am grateful for my growth as a spiritual being. I am patient and kind to myself and others as I strive for Oneness. I am blessed with this journey of Love.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 5.24.22

    I open my heart, mind, and soul to thee, my beloved Presence within. I seek and I see. I see and I understand what I need to change. I am open to making changes. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 5.23.22

    Opening my heart, I gently advance my understanding that I am a being of God. I release all self-judgments. I am a Light being. I am a Love being. I radiate Light and Love to everyone and everything. I am centered in gratitude and filled with wonder at this Oneness of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 5.23.22

    Opening my heart, I gently advance my understanding that I am a being of God. I release all self-judgments. I am a Light being. I am a Love being. I radiate Light and Love to everyone and everything. I am centered in gratitude and filled with wonder at this Oneness of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 5.22.22

    In my journey toward complete Connection I release my struggles, major and minor. I release the daily grind, visualizing Divine Flow in my daily turn. I embrace ease. I allow the Creator within me to guide me. I relax into the Loving Embrace. Thank you, Dearest Creator.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 5.21.22

    To serve and protect our nation, that is the mission of our Armed Forces. All military personnel are filled with Love and Light. All open their hearts to God and are Divinely Guided. All active duty personnel and their families are protected in a Bubble of Love and Light on all dimensions. Guided by the Creator within, all branches of the military work together for the Good of All. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 5.20.22

    Expanding in prayer I take our beloved world within me filling it with Love and Light on all dimensions. Visualizing, I fill our world’s species- both plant and animal on land, air, and water with Love and Light. All species find their right place within our changing environment. As a co-creator, I take daily action in thought, word, and deed to help protect our fragile fantastic planet and all its species. And so, it is. Amen.

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April 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 4.6.22

    As I learn of man’s inhumanity to man, I turn within actively releasing my judgments to Light. I release my grief and sorrow to Light. From deeper still, I create Good from my High Self. Joining with other prayer workers, I aid in cushioning grief and sorrow around our world. Visualizing Divine Love and Light expanding through all dimensions, I help my fellow beings in Love and Light. We are One in Love and Light. And so, it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 4.5.22

    Opening my heart to Divine Mind, I realize we are like Pando (Quaking Aspens), one organism. Centering in Oneness, I visualize Love, Light, and Divine Peace being anchored for the Good of all creation. Today, I echo Divine Peace, Love, and Light for All. We are One. One creation of Love and Light. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 4.4.22

    The legislative body of the United States, Congress is filled with Divine Light and Love. Our representatives are divinely guided. We, the Body of the Divine on Earth, work together in harmony for the Good of All. Every nation’s ruling body works together with their citizens for the benefit of all, and for the benefit of our sacred environment. And so, it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 4.3.22

    Reflecting on the importance of rituals, I give myself over to meditation and prayer. During this holy time of year ritual is important. Today, I rest in gratitude for everything working for the greater glory of God. From deep within, I focus Love and Light on Divine Solutions for our beloved world and all beings who reside upon it. Thank you, God, for your Solutions. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 4.2.22

    Dearest beloved Creator centered within, thank you for your many blessings. As Ramadan begins, I continue my inward focus to draw ever closer to my divine Self. Thank you for your Oneness and for what I am learning. Thank you for my personal growth. Thank you for each being on this planet and for Your divine plan. Thank you for the small part I play. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 4.1.22

    April Fools’ Day may not seem appropriate to celebrate now, but we need humor as leaven for our emotional bodies. Humor is our birthright – it brings resiliency by helping us tap into Oneness. So – the Creator within me, aids me in “Lightening” up. Today I use my God given humor to ease my life and the lives of others. “If the earth is fit for laughter then surely heaven is filled with it. Heaven is the birthplace of laughter.” ~Martin Luther    

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March 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.31.22

    As I center myself in Oneness, I remember God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the Universe and beyond for the Good of All. I give thanks for helping hands, seen and unseen. Together, we as the Living Christ, the Doer, on this dimension fulfill our missions to help further people and planetary spiritual evolution. Thank you, God, for my part in this evolution. Thank you!    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.30.22

    With Spring, a sense of renewal buds, immersing myself in Spring I feel a response within. From deep within, I expand filling our world’s people with Love and Light. Today, I act locally to help my peers and our beautiful world. Today, I pray globally for all. Thank you, God, for this journey of Life.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.22.22

    Centering in the dimension of the Christ Consciousness, I open to Oneness. As I center in my High Self, I relax into Connection. From this awareness I know all is well. All is moving forward in Light, Love, and Peace. The Divine template is in place. All is well. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.28.22

    As a Light being, I know God encompasses both genders. Giving thanks during women’s history month, I am grateful for the many Light beings who, as women, have aided humankind now and throughout history. Joan of Arc, Marie Curie, Catherine Johnson…. Half of the good minds on our planet belong to women. Today, I celebrate the female gender, giving thanks for the Light Beings we know as women. I am humbled and filled with gratitude for our world’s females and the gifts they share on our beautiful planet.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.27.22

    As I reach out to my fellow Light Beings, I consider the difficulties this year has brought. From deep within, my High Self rises in love, Divine Love, for this planet’s people. I hold everyone in Light and Love, visualizing us all bathed in Divinity. I visualize all needs met bringing Joy for all. Thank you, sweet Divinity for your Joy.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.26.22

    Daily, I am filled with gratitude for our planet. This fantastic being is our mother working in concert with the Divine. I visualize our beloved Earth filled with Love and Light. I am so grateful for our physical world. Joining with other Light workers we create Good for our Mother Earth. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.25.22

    From the Christ consciousness within me, I am grateful. I am grateful for large and small things. I am grateful for each inhalation and exhalation. I am grateful for our shared Journey of Light. And our shared Journey of Love. I am grateful with each cell of my being. Thank you. Thank you, beloved God. Thank you.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.24.22

    Today, I focus on my physicality. My cells are Light. My body’s bacteria are Light. My skeletal system is Light. My muscular system is Light. My nervous system is Light. My sensory systems are Light. My endocrine system is Light. My circulatory system is Light. My respiratory system is Light. My digestive system is Light. My urinary system is Light. My reproductive system is Light. I am a being of Light. I am a Light Being. I radiate my Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for me and for All That Is.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.23.22

    If something brings a surge of fear, I breathe releasing it to Light. Girding myself in Faith, I work in concert with Spirit co-creating life as I envision it on Earth. Responding to God’s call, I feel freer, stronger. I am clothed in Faith, Light, and Love. Thank you, God, for making it so for us all. We are One in Spirit. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.22.22

      Today I center within, focusing on Divine Peace and Love. I radiate a vibration of Peace, Love, and Light. Relaxing into this vibration of Peace and Love, I visualize it expanding within our world and within everyone and everything. There is only Peace, Love, and Light. And so, it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.21.22

    Joining with the global community of prayer and Light workers, I feel a sense of belonging to this mission of holding space for Divine Harmony. Working together we are doing our missions as Light beings anchoring Light. We release all fear to Light. We release all judgment to Light. We are Light beings anchoring Light. Thank you, dearest Creator, for our journey of Light.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.20.22

    Today, Spring’s Equinox when our sun’s rays are equally balanced between both hemispheres of our beloved planet, I embrace this planetary balance of light and dark. From my essence as a Light Being, I release any darkness or negativity to Light. I am filled with Light and Love. Expanding, I visualize all of us filled with Light and Love. I am grateful for Divine Balance in all aspects of Creation.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.19.22

    “For the dead and the living, we must bear witness.” (Elie Wiesel.) We are now called to witness our world’s events. As we witness, we love everyone. We fill everyone with Love and Light. We help soften events with kind action and prayer. We hold space for Divine Peace and Healing. Today, we grow through giving Love with awareness. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.18.22

    As some of us celebrate Holi, a Hindu festival celebrating love, it is traditional to pray that any internal negativity will be cleansed. Today, I center deep within focusing on releasing and changing any internal conflict and negativity to Love and Light. Expanding from a well of Love, I visualize all of us changing any internal conflict and negativity to Love and Light. I help hold space for Love and Light for all humanity. Our world is filled with Love and Light. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.17.22

    Today, I am grateful for all things Irish. An Irish friend says:” On St. Patty’s Day everyone is Irish!” I am grateful for that loving attitude. I am grateful for Irish fun and ribald humor. Today, I give thanks for a wee bit o’ fun and the “wearin” of the Green. I remind myself that “On St. Patty’s Day, everyone is Irish” and we are all one on the journey of Light, Love, and Joy.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.16.22

    From Holy Connection, I feel called to pray. Prayer creates – everything else distracts. My prayer for today: The Creator within me fills our world with the calm healing Energy of Divinity. Spaceship Earth and all its inhabitants are filled with Light, Love, and Peace. On all dimensions, all are filled with clarifying Light and Love. Thank you, God for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.15.22

      Moving toward spring, I turn inward and feed the revitalization of my personal spring spirit. I visualize my love and light greening up and blooming into ever deeper love for everyone and everything. My prayer is giving thanks for being in the right place, at the right time, thinking, saying, and doing the right thing for the Greater Good of All. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.14.22

    Life on Earth is variable. Change happens. Circumstances occur that precipitate fear. And fear cripples the soul. So, every day as fear surfaces, I face it, releasing it to Love and Light. Embracing my High Self I expand, envisioning all of us embracing our High Selves. I ask the Creator within everyone to aid in whatever must be faced today. Thank you, beloved Creator, for our ability to choose your Divine Love, Courage, Peace, and Light. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.13.22

    The angelic kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The human kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The plant kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The animal kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The insect kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The bacterial kingdom is in a bubble of Light. The viral kingdom is in a bubble of Light. There is only Light. There is only Love. Dearest Creator, I am so grateful for our beautiful, exquisite planet. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.12.22

    I turn within releasing any internal conflict to Light. I exhale any struggle and inhale Peace. Expanding to encompass the world, I radiate Peace. Today, I stay centered in compassion and forgiveness. I help anchor Love and Light in our world. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.11.22

    In my meditation, I breathe Peace, Love, and Light to all nations and continents. I fill North America with Love and Light. I fill Central America with Love and Light. I fill South America with Love and Light. I fill Europe with Love and Light. I fill Asia with Love and Light. I fill Africa with Love and Light. I fill Antarctica with Love and Light. I fill Australia with Love and Light. Our wonderful world is filled with Peace, Love, and Light on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.10.22

    God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the universe for the Good of All. As I consider this truism, I focus on the energy of peace. Opening deep within, I envision our world embracing peace. Abundant peace for everyone, all nations. Expanding, I visualize peace and abundance flowing in whatever form needed to where it will benefit all planet Earth and its peoples. Thank you, God, for making it so. “Everything is Energy” (Stephen Lewis).    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.9.22

    Joining Spirit within, I focus on filling the Kremlin with Love and Light. I visualize the building’s walls filled with Love and Light. I visualize each story and room filled with Love and Light. I visualize the earth beneath it filled with Love and Light. I visualize Vladimir Putin filled with Love and Light. I visualize Russian leadership filled with Love and Light. I visualize each Kremlin worker filled with Love and Light. There is only Love and Light in Russia. Thank you, dearest God, for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.8.22

      There are only Light Beings, children of Spirit, but for our earthly experience we select a gender. Today, I celebrate women. Women bring wisdom, fortitude, courage to earth. Women bring life into this world. I find joy and gratitude in celebrating half of the great minds and doers in this world. Thank you, God, for the women of this planet.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 3.7.22

    Putting down my burdens, I embrace Ease, Grace, and Divine Glory. I rest in this soothing Flow. Today, I visualize Light and Love in each troubled region of our planet. All ground is holy ground. All is well. All is well. All is well. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 3.6.22

    Centered in Source, I consider the spiritual revolution that is quietly happening. I am one of many who pray for all – setting a field of rarified, spiritualized energy that is immersing all of us. From the Creator within, I aid in the creation of Divine Peace, Love, Light, and Joy. Thank you, dearest God, for my small role in helping anchor Love and Light for all creation. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 3.5.22

    “I feel there is nothing truly more artistic than loving people.” ~ Vincent Van Gogh Today, starting with myself, I extend Love. Gently, I bathe myself in Love and Light. Then, I extend myself and simply love everyone and everything. I visualize every ONE of us in a bubble of Love and Light on all dimensions. Only Love and Light can come to us. Expanding further, I extend Love and Light to everything; blanketing our world in Love. Thank you, God, for your Loving Kindness. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 3.4.22

    Light fills our planet. Love fills our planet. Light and Love permeates our planet. I am grateful for everyone who is aiding Ukraine. I am grateful for all those who are sheltering Ukrainian refugees. Be it protesting Russian citizens, Ukrainians returning to their homeland, or prayful others – we all make a difference. I am grateful for Light and Love guiding us. We hold steadfast in Light and Love. Thank you, God, for your Guiding Light.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 3.3.22

    Touching into Spirit I find a tranquil Love. Comforted, I expand visualizing this Love filling eastern Europe with Divine Comfort. Thinking of all the souls making their transition, I expand Love and Light to help comfort everyone. I give thanks to everyone’s angels and all angelic beings for their help in softening and releasing fear, sadness, worry, and hunger. We aid our fellow Light beings through prayer. Thank you, Spirit, for your Hand in solving this conflict. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 3.2.22

    On this first day of Lent, I turn within sinking into Holy Connection. As I release all impediments to Oneness, I envision everyone releasing their blocks, too. As I am filled with Love and Light, I visualize everyone on Earth filled with Love and Light. The High Self, the Christ, acts as God’s “Doer” in this physical dimension. Today, I visualize Peace and Divine Justice for all of us on Planet Earth. I am One with my brothers and sisters in conflict. I am One with the All, I hold space for Peace. Thank you, God, for making it so. […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 3.1.22

      Gently, I examine my thoughts and actions releasing those which no longer serve my highest good. I forgive myself any pettiness that is less than that which is for the highest good. In prayer, I open in gratitude for my spirit-filled journey of discovery. I am open to Divine Guidance. As I celebrate my journey toward Oneness, I expand filling everyone with this beautiful sense of Oneness helping to affirm we are One. Amen.    

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February 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.28.22

      Thank you, beloved Source, for your Light. Thank you for your Peace. Sitting with your Peace, Light, and Love, I focus my attention on Ukraine visualizing Calm, Love, and Light for all people. Any who are experiencing echoes of past traumas are filled with God’s fortitude, Love, and Light. Anchoring myself in faith, I know that this too shall prove to be for the greater Good for all. Today, I help hold space for Peace.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.27.22

    Resting in the Divine, I cast my High Self to eastern Europe filling Ukraine, Russia, and surrounds with Light and Love. Visualizing, I sweep the cities and country with Light. I declare from deep within: Light is directing all activities in this conflict. My prayer is Love-in-action helping fill each soul with Light and Love. I help anchor Divine Peace, Love, and Light so we may all grow from this experience. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.26.22

    “We need to sit on the rim of the well of darkness and fish for the fallen light with patience” (Pablo Neruda). Today, I lovingly focus concentrated Light and Love in Ukraine, Russia, Crimea, and Moldova. I work with my fellow light beings to fill Vladimir Putin with Love and Light. I visualize him in a bubble of Light on all dimensions. Turning, I envision Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky filled with Light and in a bubble of Light on all dimensions. Expanding Light and Love to fill all soldiers and families, I breathe Peace and Love to everyone and everything. Thank […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.25.22

    In prayer, I help anchor Divine Calm, Light, Love, Courage, and Peace in all of Ukraine, Russia, Europe, and the world. Our Ukrainian brothers and sisters are filled with Light and Love. I visualize all the children filled with a divine sense of safety. I visualize each heavy heart filled with Light. Today, I help anchor Truth so each soul understands no matter what happens all will ultimately be well. In Divinity, there is only Light, Love, and Life.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.24.22

    “Be sure to put your feet in the right place, and then stand firm.” (Abraham Lincoln) As I think of Lincoln’s commitment to America, I give thanks for everyone who has persevered doing the right thing for the Good of All. Today, I “stand firm” holding Peace, Love, and Light for all on our beloved planet. I radiate Light from my center of Light, solar plexus, to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.23.22

    As I consider my brothers and sisters around the world, I sink into Oneness visualizing Light guiding each one of us. Focusing of those of us in Russia and the Ukraine, I hold Light and Love to help anchor peace, strength, and ease for everyone. I thank our angels and the Angelic kingdom for the help, Love, and Light they are giving us and our world. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for your Light and Love. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.22.22

      Today, I give thanks for my ability to pray, to co-create in concert with Divinity. My creativity and fertile imagination are gifts. I am grateful for the Connection that allows Flow. I am grateful for my ability to listen to God’s voice. Thank you, sweet Divinity for this flowing beautiful journey to Oneness with You.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.21.22

      On U.S. President’s Day, the Creator within me fills all presidents, past and present, with Light. Regardless of dimension, astral or physical, each president is filled with Light and Love. Each president understands the sacred nature of their oath of office. Each president continues to work for the greater Good of our nation. Thank you, God, for your Light guiding the office of the Presidency. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.20.22

    Aligning in Oneness, I rest in holy Connection. Today I replenish myself with Spirit, then focus my divine Self on Ukraine and Russia. Breathing deeply, the I Am Within connects to these souls filling each one with Light, Love, Peace, and Harmony. Joining in Spirit with my brothers and sisters in prayer we tether Peace, Light, and Love for us all. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for Peace along this border. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.19.22

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I release unhealthy use of any substances, food, drink, or behaviors to Light. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I am fulfilled. Every need is met through the Divine. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.18.22

    As I consider social justice and world conditions, I pray directing Light to aid my brothers and sisters. I release my judgement of self and others. We are One, One in our Creator. Today, I work locally and pray globally for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for my many opportunities to help my beloved world’s community.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.17.22

    Deep within I connect to the “I Am” then ponder “You are the light of the world” (Matthews 5:14). Opening, I expand, intensifying Light throughout my body. Expanding, I encompass the world, increasing the radiance of my Light and Love to everyone and everything. I visualize all awakening to their Light. Thank you, God, for everyone, for everything, for me, and especially for thee. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.16.22

    I am grateful for our angels and archangels. I give thanks for helping hands both seen and unseen. As the Living Christ, the doer on this dimension, I visualize Earth’s angels helping to ease and heal our beloved planet’s difficult situations. Working together, we fulfill our missions to further planetary and people’s spiritual evolution. Thank you, sweet Source, for the small part I play.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.15.22

      Thinking of our world’s turmoil, I release my human judgments to Light. I release worry for our world’s future to Light. I am a Light Being. From deep within, I create Good in our current global situations. Our geo-political world is filled with Love and Light. I hold steadfast in Faith filling everything and everyone with Love and Light. There is only Love and Light. Thank you, sweet Source, for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.14.22

      On Sweetheart’s Day, Valentine’s Day, I go within and drink from the nectar of God’s love for me. I am filled with Divine Love. I am Love and I am Light. I know I am Loved. I know expanding Love is my mission. I radiate my Love and Light to All. All people on Earth are filled with Love and Light. I see the Living, Loving High Self of each being. Thank you, beloved God, for me and for everyone. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.13.22

    I affirm I am a “tuning fork” tuned to the Divine. I visualize other people – “tuning forks” tuning to Divinity. Together we raise the frequency of Love and Light on our beloved planet. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.12.22

    Our devices are filled with Light. Artificially intelligent devices are filled with Light. As creators-in-action, we radiate Light to every Thing, we radiate Light to everyone. We work in concert with the Divine creating Good. Today, I visualize a world filled with and directed by Light. I help by anchoring Light and Divine Love for all. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.11.22

    Taking a deep breath, I center myself and tune to the frequency of Divinity. I breathe rhythmically releasing my fears and frustrations for myself and for our world. I am filled with Divine Peace. I am renewed. I radiate Peace, Love and Light to all for all. Thank you, Sweet Divinity for You and for this journey of Light.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.10.22

    From deep within I declare: There is Light. Light fills the heart, mind, and soul of Vladimir Putin. Light suffuses all Russian bureaucrats. Light fills all Russian soldiers and their families. Light saturates the people of Ukraine. Light encompasses the country of Ukraine. Light fills the heart, mind, and soul of Joseph Biden. Light permeates all American bureaucrats. Light fills all American citizens. Light encompasses all people of all nations. Thank you, sweet Divinity for your Light Guiding our precious world. Amen. (adapted with Tully Moss’s permission.)    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.9.22

    Centering deep within, I give thanks for all people. Regardless of race, creed, gender, and orientation, we are each a drop in the Ocean of Spirit. All One, All equal in our beingness in Spirit. From my High Self, I radiate Light and Love through All. We are one in Light and Love. We are One. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.8.22

      With our world’s tumultuous times, I center deep within anchoring into the Light of Divinity. Today, I live in two worlds, staying anchored in Light – consciously expanding Light and Love. Yet also going about my daily rounds, working and interacting with others. I expand Light out to everyone and everything aiding in the creation of Harmony and Peace for all of us. We are One.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 2.7.22

      If I don’t know my Divine Mission, handed down from On High, I accept the work in front of me. If I don’t know what to do, I start with doing one kind thing for myself and for others each day. Slowly, through asking for guidance, meditation and listening, I am Guided. I take small steps thinking of Maya Angelou: “Good done anywhere is Good done everywhere”. Today, I will contribute to Good.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 2.6.22

      We are resilient spiritual beings. We are made in Love and from Light. We are Light Beings. As one awakens, more will awake. We are One on all dimensions. We are Light Beings. Thank you, beloved Source, for this journey of Light and Love. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 2.5.22

    Thinking of those of us with unhealthy habits, I look at myself first. I release any unhealthy habit to Light. That which is All That Is nourishes me with Love and Light. I am in a bubble of Light on all dimensions. Expanding, I visualize all of us in our own bubble of Love and Light. Thank you, God, for Your Guidance. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 2.4.22

    Thinking of “influencers”, I turn to the Great Influencer within me. Opening my heart, mind, and soul to Divine Influence, I am comforted like a child. Visualizing our world encompassed by Divine Influence, I envision each of us comforted by the knowledge that All is Well.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 2.3.22

    Sinking into meditation and prayer, I expand from the Creator within me anchoring Light, Love, and Divine Justice for all. Any groups that promote social injustice and hate are filled with Light and Love. I declare and affirm there is Divine Abundance for the Good of All. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 2.2.22

    Today, I embrace my creativity. I am a creator in thought, word, and deed. I create in concert with the Divine. I am divinely directed as I focus Love and Light throughout our world and beyond. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for the role I play in helping create Good in Your Creation. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 2.1.22

      “In seizing the moment, you find heaven.” – R. Padgett Today I seize the day, finding Joy. I am elevated, reaching out to expand this Joy to all. I realize, again, Heaven is a state of consciousness. Thank you, beloved God, for Heaven in life; Thank you for the ability to experience Heaven now. Thank you for the ability to help create Heaven for all. Amen.    

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January 2022

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.31.22

      I give thanks for the loving gift of art. Art and our artists are Divine Gifts. Art cushions us, heals us, and inspires us. All art, especially music, lifts us from our toils. Refreshed we return to our daily round. Visualizing all artists filled with Light and Love I see them filled with the Creativity that flows from the Wellspring of Life. I give thanks for artists and all art. I know we are all artists in our own way. Today, I express Love and Light in an artful way.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.30.22

      Today, I allow Divine Rest, one of the twelve attributes of the Creator. Taking care of self is respectful. Today I relax, resting in the Divine. I breathe, rest, reflect, and heal. From deep within comes the knowledge that all is well. All is well. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for Divine Rest.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.29.22

    Thinking of those of us with role-strain – too many roles to play, too many demands. I expand from the Creator within me filling everyone with Light and Divine Love. I visualize everyone being able to fulfill necessary obligations in a loving and Light-filled way. Light enables each of us to be who we are: Light Beings. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.28.22

    Focusing on my physicality, I declare: My cells are Light. My skeletal system is Light. My muscular system is Light. My nervous system is Light. My sensory systems are Light. My endocrine system is Light. My circulatory system is Light. My respiratory system is Light. My digestive system is Light. My urinary system is Light. My reproductive system is Light. My body’s bacteria are Light. I am a Light Being. I radiate Light throughout my body. I radiate Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for me, and for All That Is.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.27.22

    Focusing within I join the Profound, entering the sacred space of Oneness. We are One. I hold that knowingness as I breathe peace and ease to all who have suffered injury due to abuse or crimes. Expanding to encompass our world, I fill each of us who feels the emotional echo of past trauma. I fill all with Divine Peace, Light, and Love. We embrace Peace. We are One. Thank you, God, for making it so.    

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  • Inclement Weather and Hazardous Roads closing, Friday through Sunday, January 28 through 30
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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.26.22

    Taking a deep breath, I center myself and tune to the frequency of Divinity. I breathe rhythmically releasing my concerns, worries, and frustrations for myself and for our world. I am filled with Divine Peace, Love and Light. I am renewed. I radiate Peace, Love and Light to all for all. Thank you, Sweet Divinity for You and for this journey of Light.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.25.22

      Resting in Spirit, I focus Love and Light on my brothers and sisters in need. Whether it is loss of a loved one, income, or sense of society, all of us experiencing loss are filled with Divine Peace. Visualizing those who have lost stability in their daily turn, I focus Light to help expand each individual’s sense of stability in the Divine. Today, I help anchor, Light, Love and Peace.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.24.22

      In prayer and meditation, I give thanks for my free will. Unlike Adam and Eve, we are not unthinkingly unaware. The gift of self-determination enables us to freely choose our path. Thank you, beloved God, for my freedom to choose to be One with You. One with All That Is. I am grateful for spiritual freedom.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.23.22

      As I rest in the Divine, I focus my mind on Divine Calm. Breathing, I inhale Light, exhaling Calm. I focus to help our world achieve peace. Expanding, I fill our world leaders with Divine Peace, Calm, Light, and Love. Visualizing Light strands supporting our world leaders, I join with other prayer workers. Thank you, God, for world peace. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.22.22

    As I pray for our world, I ponder our economy, the movement and flow of monies that support our endeavors on this plane. Focusing intention, I pray for the living flow of greenbacks, a plant-like system. Expanding myself into this flow of Green, I visualize needed monies moving to forward progress for all, for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.21.22

      As I watch the news, I fill all who may be watching or reading it with Light and Love. I visualize everyone’s inner Self knowing the Truth. Turning to the U.S. President, I envision Divine Love and Light radiating to the White House. All in the White House are in bubbles of Light. I visualize the Oval Office radiating Light and Love to everyone across our globe. Light guides our President and country for the Good of All. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.20.22

      Centering deep within, I give thanks for my divine health. Spiritual, physical, mental, and financial health. I am healthy! I am grateful! Expanding, I visualize robust health for others and for our beautiful planet. Thank you, Source, for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.19.22

      Moving deep within I fill what seems to be “broken-ness” in our world with Light and Love. I help anchor Calm, Light, and Love in Russia, in the Ukraine, and throughout our planet. Visualizing Divine Peace, I join with like minds radiating Love and Light for all. Thank you, dearest Divinity for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.18.22

      Reflecting upon leadership, I am guided to understand the importance of modeling – setting an energy and an example. Each and every day, I will set an example of living in concert with the Divine. Giving others an energy to match, in a humble effort to contribute Light and Love to the Greater Good. Thank you, God, for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.17.22

      Dr. King strove for justice and equality for all. Meditating in his old church, I realize he is still anchoring Light and Love for us. From the Creator within me, I visualize all of us treating our fellow citizens with Love regardless of race, creed, or color. To be truly American means to be truly inclusive: exploring differences, helping, and loving one another as heirs of the Divine, one and all. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.16.22

      Sinking into Holy Connection, I expand filling all people with Love and Light. All members of fringe-conspiracy groups are filled with Love and Light. Expanding from the Creator within me, I visual everyone filled with Divine Love. An internal plume of Sacred Energy fills all with Divine Healing, Love and Light. Known or not, we are all Light Beings on a path to Oneness, a sacred family sharing time on Earth. We are One. And, so it is, Amen.    

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  • Light Center closed on Sunday, January 16, due to hazardous driving conditions!
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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.15.22

    Expanding in prayer I take our beloved world within me filling it with Love and Light on all dimensions. Visualizing, I fill our world’s species- human, animal, and plant with Love and Light. All species find their right place within our changing environment. As a co-creator with God, I take daily action in thought, word, and deed to help protect our fragile civilization and planet. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.14.22

      Today, I focus within on any addictions or unhealthy behaviors I may have. Releasing these negative habits to Light, I surrender to Divine Connection. As I open to healing and direction, I pray others may open their hearts to accept Divine Healing. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.13.22

      Opening my heart to Divinity, I focus on my oneness with all. Visualizing a world of Oneness, I center Light and Love on everyone in our world who is suffering. I visualize everyone’s Light center, solar plexus, filled with Love and Light that radiates through their body. The Creator within me, helps fill our world and its people with Love and Light. Thank you, beloved Divinity, for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.12.22

      Focusing, I relax and think of myself. My Self. I ask: what do I need? An answer wells up – patience – with myself. Filling myself with Love and Light I say “I love you” from deep within. I bathe myself in Love and Light. I promise to be more patient and loving with myself. I will treat myself as who I am: the Light of the world. I am the Light of the world. I am the Love of the world. Thank you, God, for me and for Thee. Amen.    

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  • Tuesday night Prayer for January 11 cancelled due to furnace problem!
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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.11.22

      One country, one destiny. One world, one destiny. One galaxy, one destiny. One cosmos, one destiny. We are one. We are One. One Heart, One Mind. One.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.10.22

      From the Creator within me, I envision Divine Love and Light radiating from the Oval Office. I visualize the Light of the White House joining with the Light of Congress. Expanding, I imagine the executive and legislative Light merging with the Light of the Supreme Court. I picture all three branches of the U.S. government immersed in Light and Love. Light guides our country for the Good of All. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.9.22

      As we enter the new year, the Creator within me fills all families with Love and Light. All parents are filled with Love and Light. I visualize parenting filled with Divine Ease. Parents are Divinely Guided for the good of their children and people everywhere. Families are the building block of society. Through prayerful focus the Creator within me creates Love and Light within families for the Good of All. And so, it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.8.22

      In synchronizing myself with Oneness, I give thanks as I visualize Creative Energy maximizing the health of our Amazonian rainforests, our deserts, our plains, our piedmonts, our mountains, our tundra, our savannahs, and our poles. Our planetary waters are filled with Love and Light. Our beloved Earth is in a bubble of Love and Light. Divine Light is guiding all climate changes. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 1.7.22

      I know the Creator within me is radiating Divine Light and Love through me. Opening, I merge into Light and Love. Expanding, I radiate Light and Love to everyone and everything. I am a conduit of Divine Light and Love through all dimensions. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 1.6.22

      Considering Epiphany, I meditate on the gifts of the Magi; gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Gifts symbolizing incorruptible wealth, spiritual knowledge, and the necessity of ego transcendence. Feeling humbled, I turn within accepting these gifts for my high Self, the Living Christ within. Thinking of today’s world, I expand visualizing these gifts being accepted by all our world’s citizens – Heaven on Earth. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 1.5.22

      Considering, God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the universe for the Good of All, I focus on the energy of abundance. Opening deep within I see my Self accepting abundant health, wealth, and joy. Expanding, I visualize abundance flowing in whatever form needed to where it will benefit all planet Earth and its peoples. Thank you, God, for making it so. “Everything is Energy” (Stephen Lewis). .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 1.4.22

      Focusing within, I fill our world’s governments with Love and Light. Each country’s leader and governing body is filled with Love and Light. Each country’s leader is open to Guidance. Each nation’s leader puts the people first. Our world leaders work together for Good. We, the people, work together through meditation, prayer, and action creating Good for all. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 1.3.22

      As I prepare to return to work in the new year, I recall I am where I am for a reason. I know work is Good. “Work is Love made visible” (Khalil Gibran). In carrying out my work from my high Self, the Living Christ, I work with loving intention for the Good of All. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 1.2.22

      Today, as we celebrate the Season of Light, I continue to purify myself in Love and Light. Standing at my mind’s gateway monitoring thoughts, I release negative thoughts to Light. I am helping cleanse our world’s thought pollution. Facing my fears, darkness disappears and a New Day dawns. Life is for Living in Divine Essence and Oneness. Let us live in a new way of Oneness! (a la Diana Goure). .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 1.1.2022

      God is my providence. All that I am, all that I have is of God. Opening my heart, I know God as my providence. I give thanks for the blessings I have and for those I am about to receive. God working through me creates Abundance. As the doer in this realm of existence, I am in the right place, at the right time, saying and doing the right things for the Good of All. .    

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December 2021

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.31.21

      Today, the last day of the year, I focus within and connect to my High Self releasing everything that is not of service to me. I release all self-recriminations. I am a Light Being. I Am a Light Being. Breathing, I embrace my larger Self envisioning a future of Light and Love for all. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for this journey of Light and Love. .    

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  • Light Center Closed on New Year’s Day

    The Light Center is closed to visitors on New Year’s Day. We are limiting the size of groups inside the building and are hosting two concerts that day. Only concert-goers and staff will be allowed inside the building. Thank you for your consideration. Happy New Year!

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.30.21

      As I consider those who have made a transition from the physical to the nonphysical dimension, I expand from the Creator within me, filling each of us in the transitioning process with Love and Light. Thinking of friends and family who may feel left, I expand Love and Light in each grieving soul. Our world is filled with Love and Light. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.29.21

      Giving thanks for the closing of the year, I relax, allowing my mind to range as the Creator within me guides me. As the Living Christ, the Doer, I am the hands of Divine Will. I am guided and given the needed tools. I am in the right place, at the right time, saying, and doing the right things for the good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 12.28.21

      In synchronizing myself with Oneness, I remember God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the Universe and beyond for All. Giving thanks I move into the flow visualizing Creative Energy maximizing health for everyone and everything. All are in a bubble of Love and Light. Divine Light is guiding all planetary changes. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 12.27.21

      In this season of Light, all families are filled with Love and Light. Parents are open to their sacred duty of raising responsible, loving Light Beings. Parents are Divinely Guided for the good of their children and people everywhere. Families are the building block of society. Through prayerful focus the Creator within me creates Love and Light within families for the Good of All. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.26.21

      As we celebrate the first fruits of harvest, I go within and give thanks for Unity. I give thanks that everything is of God. Centered in the “I Am that I Am” I expand myself through all creation. I expand Love, Light, Peace, and Joy. I radiate God’s fruits to all, for All. And, so, it is. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.25.21

      As I celebrate the birth of christ consciousness within, I allow myself the Joy of Oneness. Giving thanks for the birth of this Way-Shower, I celebrate our Oneness with Divine Essence. Opening my heart, I am grateful for the sacred gift of freedom to choose Oneness. Thank you, God, for this journey of Love and Light. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.24.21

      On this Christmas Eve as the Christian world celebrates the anniversary of Jesus’s birth, I turn within giving thanks for this “Way-Shower”. Opening to Divinity, I celebrate the birth of the Living Christ, a consciousness of Love, within me. I find myself filled with gratitude. Expanding, I radiate Love and Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for our gift. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.23.21

      Today, amidst the flurry of activity, I rest in Divine Peace. I release any negatives to the Gentle Comforter within. Centering in gratitude and love I radiate Love and Light to all who may be isolated, ill, or troubled. I help create Loving Flow for the good of all, especially for those with any unmet need. I visualize the Loving Essence of the Living Christ, the Doer on this dimension meeting the needs of All. Thank you, sweet Divinity, for making it so. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.22.21

      Taking a deep breath, I center myself and tune to the frequency of Divinity. I breathe rhythmically releasing my concerns, worries, and frustrations for myself and for our world. I am filled with Divine Peace, Love and Light. I am renewed. I radiate Peace, Love and Light to all for all. Thank you, Sweet Divinity for You and for this journey of Light. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 12.21.21

      In the season of Light as the veil thins between the astral and the physical, I center myself and expand my beingness to encompass the world. I fill everyone on all dimensions with Radiant Light and Love. All who may be transitioning from the physical to the astral are eased in and through Divine Peace. All is well. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for making it so. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 12.20.21

      Thank you, Creator, for our healthcare heroes. Thank you for their selfless giving, for their commitment to all of us, to humanity. Today the Creator within me fills all healthcare workers with Light and Love. Today, I visualize us all using wise health care practices to safeguard our healthcare workers and one another. Thank you, Creator, for your Divine Love and Light. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.19.21

      In this season of Light, I am grateful. Thank you for unexpected gifts. Thank you, beloved Creator, for Love. Thank you for Life. Thank you for an abundant life for all of us. Thank you for this beautiful planet. Thank you for Light and Love. Thank you for Divine Rest in You. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.18.21

      Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I release unhealthy use of any substances, food, drink, or behaviors to Light. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I am a Light Being; my every need is met. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.17.21

      Centering, I begin with gratitude for All That Is. I give thanks for all opportunities. Be they difficult or easy, I greet each opportunity with an open heart and mind. My centeredness and gratitude keeps me in the Universal Flow. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.16.21

      As Congress readies for winter adjournment, I focus Divine Healing, Love, and Light on our representatives. The Creator within me visualizes our elected officials governing from the Creator within to ensure the wellbeing of their constituents and our country. Anchoring Light, I aid them to realize their Divine Assignment to work together for the Good of All. And so, it is, Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.15.21

      From the Creator with me, I radiate Love and Light to all storms and stormy aftermaths. I radiate Light and Love to everyone in any storm path. I radiate Light and Love to everything in any storm path. I visualize Light and Love blanketing all areas affected by natural disasters. Everyone is safe in a Bubble of Love and Light. There is only Light and Love. All is well. All is well. All is well. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 12.14.21

      In this season of Light, “let your heart be light”. Today, I let my heart be light, I release any worries and fears to Light. “Let your heart be light.” I let my heart be Light. I am a Light Being. Thank you, dear Divinity, for this journey of Light. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 12.13.21

      As the year moves forward, I focus Love, Light, Peace, and Divine Effectiveness on the Oval Office. From the Creator within, I visualize the Office of the Presidency resting on the Mantle of the Living Christ. Lovingly, I intensify the Light and Love so that all in the White House are divinely Guided for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.12.21

      In the season of Light, Advent, meaning preparation to welcome Christ, I welcome my High Self, the Living Christ within me. From my High Self, the Christ, I am the hands of the Creator on this dimension. I am in the right place, at the right time, saying, and doing the right thing for the Good of all. Thank you, beloved Creator for making it so. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.11.21

      The Energy that is All, has room for us all. Expanding from deep with, I visualize everyone manifesting their divine missions. With gentle intent, I visualize everyone having each and every need abundantly met. Today, I open my heart, mind, and soul to Universal Abundance. I visualize us all opening to Divine Abundance. There is room for us all at the Table of Life. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.10.21

      As I entrain my mind in meditation and prayer, I enter sacred space and focus on our Oneness. All of us have dreams, hopes, and wishes. Dreams whether realized or not are how we create. Today, I visualize each of us as the creators we are taking action to advance our dreams in Divine Oneness for the Good of us all and our beloved planet. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.9.21

      In this season of Light, I focus within giving thanks for all that is. I visualize everyone filled with Light. Expanding further, the Creator within me fills all technological devices with Light. All social media is filled with Light and Love. Divine Light and Love direct all people everywhere. Thank you, dear Divinity for making it so. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.8.21

      Thank you, beloved Creator, for everyone, for everything, and especially for me. Thank you, beloved Creator, for You. Thank you for this journey of Oneness .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 12.7.21

      Focusing on my oneness with All, I declare, “We are One”. Holding this knowingness, I breathe peace and ease to all our people. I thank them for their contributions to our beloved planet and our peoples. In Light, I fill all who have suffered injury, both historically and present day. I fill those of us who feel the emotional echo of past and present trauma with Light and Love. I fill all with Knowledge of Right Action. I fill all with Divine Peace, Light, and Love. We embrace Peace. We are One. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 12.6.21

      Everything is energy. Everything has a frequency. Everything is of God. Light directs everything to Light and Love. As a knower, I affirm the Creator within everyone and everything guides each to Light and Love. We are all Guided on our paths to Oneness. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 12.5.21

      Centering in Divine Presence, I fill the concept of marriage with Love and Light. I give thanks for the institution of marriage. Expanding from Deep within I change my preconceived notions of marriage to Light. Marriage is a union that creates Love and Light for All. Marriage is a vehicle for completing Divine missions, together and separately, for the good of All. Married to life partners or married to God, all prosper in Union. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 12.4.21

      Focusing Light on our exquisite planet and its evolving climate, I radiate Love with the Light helping to anchor Light within climate change. Light directs all climate change. All is well. And so, it is. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 12.3.21

      From the Creator within, I fill all families with Love and Light. Despite life’s obstacles, all are safe in Divinity. As a Light worker, I help anchor Love, Light and Divine Abundance for the good of All. Today, I pay special attention to focusing Love and Light on families, visualizing every need filled through Light and with Love. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 12.2.21

      As a knower, I affirm the Creator within everyone and everything guides each to Light and Love. Light guides us all. We are Guided on our paths to Oneness. All is well on all dimensions and so it is. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 12.1.21

      Turning inward to Source, I am grateful for our first responders who are caring for our world’s ill suffering people. The Creator within me, fills all first responders, care givers all, with Light and Love. Our first responders are safe and secure in a bubble of Light on all dimensions. Expanding, I take our world within me, filling all people suffering from illness, despair, and worry with Light and Love. I visualize healing, radiant, purifying energy for our world and all its inhabitants. We are One. .    

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November 2021

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.30.21

      Centering in gratitude, I focus on what is working properly in my life. I am deeply grateful for my many blessings. I am grateful for my ability to meditate and pray. Turning within, I know that anything that has gone awry is an opportunity for growth. My resistance creates discomfort, discomfort is an invitation to release to Divinity. I am grateful for my ability to let things go. I am grateful for my ability to change. I am grateful for my personal growth. Thank you, dear Divinity, for this path of Light. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.29.21

      In meditation, I rest in Source before expanding to fill our nation’s Capitol with Light and Love. In prayer, I visualize and declare the Creator guides our Executive branch. The President and staff are open to Light. The legislative branch is filled with Light and Love. All members of Congress are able to receive Guidance. Turning focus to our Supreme Court, the Creator within me fills our judges and staff with Light and Love that Justice maybe served. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.28.21

      As we celebrate the Season of Light, I know the Creator within me is radiating Divine Light and Love through me. Opening, I merge into Light and Love. Expanding, I radiate Light and Love to everyone and everything. I am a conduit of Light and Love through all dimensions. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.27.21

      From the Creator within me I release any behaviors, foods, or substances that are not for my highest good to Light. I turn to the Creator within me to meet my dependency needs. Opening my heart, mind, and soul to Divinity, I am guided. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for this journey of awakening to who I truly am! .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 11.26.21

      I am filled with gratitude for the Divine gift of our beautiful, natural world. Thank you, Mother-Father God, for Earth. Thank you for the plant, animal, mineral, and microbial kingdoms. Thank you for the trees that hold spiritual energy for us. Thank you for our natural world that nourishes us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Expanding, I fill our beloved planet with Love and Light for the Good of All. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.25.21

      On this Thanksgiving Day, I reach within and give thanks for all I have and all I am about to receive. Radiating Light, I focus to help us all open our hearts, minds, and souls to Divine Generosity. When the impulse to give comes, I give generously in thought, word, and deed. We are One. Thank you, Holy Spirit Within for You and for us All. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.24.21

      Centering in Source, I focus on those of us making a transition through physical death. I visualize radiant Light and Divine Love easing each soul through this “graduation”. I envision their families filled with Light, Love, and Peace. All is well. Life is progressing without end. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.23.21

      Today, I stand with my fellow world citizens. Regardless of race, creed, or color, we are one. We are all Light Beings whether we know it or not. Today, I help anchor Divine Calm, Peace, Love, and Light. Today, I radiate Light to help change any negativity to Light. Our planet is a planet of Love and Light. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.22.21

      As I pray for our world, I consider our economy, the movement and flow of monies that support our endeavors on this plane. I focus intention and pray for the living flow of greenbacks, a plant-like system. I expand myself into this flow of Green visualizing needed monies moving to forward progress for all, for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.21.21

      As the weather cools in the northern hemisphere, I focus my prayerful mind on the needs of others. Deep within I create Love, Light, Prosperity for all, that each may have every need met. All are divinely guided to places, people, and services that provide for any need. We are One. We are connected on all levels through the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.20.21

      Centering within I pray for all those in need, filling my fellow world citizens with Light and Love. I visualize all our body’s chakras filled with empowering beautiful Light and Love. Schoolhouse Earth allows us all to learn and grow. Thank you, beloved Source, for this Journey to You. Amen. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 11.19.21

      As I go about my daily life, I find myself grateful for “little things”. Today I am grateful for my mind that I can focus as I choose. Today, I choose to focus on the Creator within me. I am grateful for the ability to focus mindful energy in prayer to create Good for All. Thank you, beloved Creator, for me. Thank you for shared Light and Love for All. .    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.18.21

      Today, I give thanks for the grace and generosity of our health care providers. From the Creator within me, I fill all these noble professionals with Love and Light. I visualize them safe and secure in a bubble of Light and Love on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.17.21

      Turning within I am grateful for Oneness. My daily meditation provides a safe haven as I negotiate the twists and turns of daily life. Connecting in Oneness, I slow- filling myself with Divine Peace, Love, and Light. Resting in Oneness, faith rises within. All is well. All is well. All is well.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.16.21

      From deep within I affirm: Light guides the United States of America. Light guides the Executive branch of the U.S. Light guides the Legislative branch of the U.S. Light guides the Judicial branch of the U.S. Light guides all who live in the U.S. Light guides everyone and everything. We are One, One Heart, One Mind. One. And so, it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.15.21

      Praying for our beloved beautiful planet, I help anchor Light to off-set the climate anxiety so many are experiencing. There is so much Light! Today, I help create more Light, more Love to fuel energies to help maintain and heal our beautiful spaceship Earth.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.14.21

      Today, from the Creator within me, I am grateful for courage, my own and that of others. As I face forward to my and our beloved planet’s future, I expand from my center of Light, my solar plexus, taking our world within me to aid in transforming all emotional, social, and physical storms to Divine Light and Love. I help anchor Light and Love on all dimensions. All is well.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.13.21

      On world kindness day, I merge with my High Self expanding Divine Peace, Calm, Love, and Light to everyone and everything. Pure crystalline strands of Divine Understanding weave together everyone and everything. All beings extend themselves in Divine Kindness. And so, it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 11.12.21

      Today, I give thanks focusing gratitude, Light and Love on our magnificent angelic kingdom. The Creator within me fills all angels and archangels with Light and Love. Beloved Angelic Kingdom, I am so grateful for your love, your help, and your constancy. Thank you, God, for our angels and their missions. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.11.21

      On this sacred day, 11.11, I merge with the Creator expanding Divine Love and Light within all who serve or have served our country. Those who serve or have served in the military are filled with Love and Light. Those who serve or have served to protect our people are filled with Love and Light. Their families are filled with Love and Light. Those who serve or have served our people in any capacity are filled with Love and Light. I honor service to all by helping expand Love and Light within all. Thank you, God, for Divine Service. […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.10.21

      Centering deep within, I tap God’s loving wellspring. Resting in gratitude allows me to extend Light and Love. Focusing Light and Love on our world’s climate conference, I visualize all participating countries enacting and completing their promised changes. Expanding, I fill the countries who are not participating: Russia; India; and China with Love and Light. The Creator within every country’s leadership guides each country’s actions in Love and Light. Light guides all human action for the Greater Good. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.9.21

      Considering my fellow citizens – of the US and of the world, I anchor myself in Love and Light visualizing our nation filled with Light. I visualize our world filled with Light. I release any worries to Light. We are Light Beings. The US is filled with Love and Light. The world is filled with Love and Light. I trust the Divine’s plan of Love and Light. Stepping out in Faith I help create Love and Light for the Good of All. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.8.21

      As I think of my fellow Light beings, I am buoyed by the actions of the many heroes, sung and unsung, we have on our beloved Earth. Working together, we can make change happen – creating Heaven on Earth. Thank you, God, for Light. Thank you, God, for Love. Thank you, God, for this life.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 11.7.21

      Today, opening within to Divinity I realize I am God’s hands in this dimension. I open my heart, mind, and soul to Spirit. I ask to be a clear instrument of Your will. From deep within, I release all impediments to Oneness. Thank you, beloved God, for Divine Connection.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 11.6.21

      If I don’t know what to do, I center deep within. Staying centered in the Presence within me, I know with Divine Knowingness what I need to do. I know I am called to model the Divine Presence Within for all people. To the best of my ability, I model God’s grace, presence, and spontaneity for all. Thank you, beloved God, for your Guidance.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 11.5.21

      Our planetary zeitgeist has many of us with a knot in our stomach. Centering from the Creator within, I visualize all of us working together to create Divine Unity. Expanding to encompass our world, I magnify Light and Love to help increase humankind’s awareness of our loving planet. We are One and so it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 11.4.21

    From the Creator within, I anchor Light, Love and Peace for all our world’s inhabitants. Inhaling Light, I exhale Love helping to hold sacred space for Divine Calm. I visualize all of us realizing our Divine Essence as Light beings having a human experience on a rough and tumble planet. Today, I anchor Divine Calm for us all.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 11.3.21

    As I open myself, Spirit stirs within me. Today, I give thanks for the knowledge that we are ONE. All is well. No Matter What. The Divine has a plan and on the astral level the template is prepared, and it is Perfect. Expanding from Spirit I hold Peace for All. Amen    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 11.2.21

    On the Day of the Dead, All Souls’ Day, I give thanks for the many generations who came before me. I am grateful for my ancestors’ work. From my High Self, I radiate Light back through time and space filling my transitioned loved ones and past generations with Light and Love. I am standing on the shoulders of those who came before me and I am grateful for their contributions to me, my life, and our world. I hold them in Light and Love. And so, it is.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 11.1.21

    Celebrating All Saint’s Day in a new way, I consider the many Light Beings and Saints who exist on various dimensions. I give thanks for those Beings. I give thanks for the example they have set for me and the Love and Light they have created. Breathing deeply, I expand centering Love and Light for us all as we knowingly or unknowingly strive to complete our spiritual missions.    

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October 2021

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.31.21

    Samhain, the night the veil thins between heaven and earth, I expand from the Creator within me, filling everyone and everything with Love and Light. Immersed in Divine Flow I am helping create a New Heaven on Earth. Thank you, dear Divinity for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.30.21

    Sitting in silent communication with Source, I radiate Divine Peace, Love, and Light within our world and its people. I know we are all God’s chosen Ones. We choose. We choose God’s path of Love and Light. I focus, intensifying Love and Light in social media. Turning, I expand Love and Light in churches, synagogues, and mosques. I visualize Light in everyone so all may know we are all God’s chosen people. With Love, I help anchor this Truth.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.29.21

      Pondering our planetary zeitgeist, I turn within and find solace in the Divine. From the Creator within me, I fill our world with Love and Light. This transitional time is filled with Light. Light directs change for the Good of All. Today, I hold sacred space for Love, Light, Peace, Joy, and Harmony for All. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.28.21

    The Creator with me creates Divine Light, Love, and Peace within all storms. Stormy weather is Nature’s way of transforming negative energy. I visualize each of us releasing our fear of storms and natural disasters to Light and Love. We all release our fear of climate change to Light. Light directs climate change for the Greater Good. Everyone and everything are safe in a Divine Bubble of Love and Light. There is only Light and Love. All is well.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.27.21

    Stepping back from the world’s chatter, I focus deep within on Divine Intelligence. Merging, I focus prayer energy on all people opening their hearts, minds, and souls to the Divine. I visualize crystalline strands of Divine Intelligence connecting to all so we all anchor in Divinity. I visualize all empowered from Divinity, each of us making choices for the Greater Good.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.26.21

    If I hesitate or don’t know my next step, I turn within opening to the Creator asking for Divine Guidance. I do not judge myself. Sitting in silence, I wait for clarification from my High Self. As I wait, I release my personal will affirming “Thy will, not my will”. Thank you, sweet Source for Your Guidance.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.25.21

    The Office of the U.S. Presidency is filled with Love and Light. The President is divinely Guided. All senators and representatives open their hearts, minds, and souls to Light and are Guided. All is well. And so, it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.24.21

    The United Nations is filled with Light and Love. Each UN member opens his or her heart to the Divine within. Each member willingly accepts the Mantle of the Living Christ and is divinely guided to serve for the Good of All. The United Nations, through the Power of the Creator within, LEADS the world’s nations to protect and serve the world’s peoples. And so, it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.23.21

    Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I release unhealthy use of any substances, food, drink, or behaviors to Light. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. The Creator within meets my every need. Thank you, God, for your Love and Light. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.22.21

    Considering birthdays, the anniversary of one’s birth, such a courageous act – coming through into the physical, to learn more, do more, BE more. To work towards Oneness. Reflecting on this act of faith, I am humbled. Turning within, I fill all having birthdays with Joy, Love, and Light. Expanding, I focus Love and Light back through the last 364 days, filling all people who have had birthdays with Love and Light. Thank you, God, for my fellow Light beings.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.21.21

      Stepping back from the world’s chatter, from deep within I focus on Divine Intelligence. Merging with Divine Intelligence, I focus prayer energy on all people opening their hearts, minds, and souls to Divine Intelligence. I visualize crystalline strands of Divine Intelligence connecting to all so we are all anchored in Divinity. I visualize all empowered from the Creator within, each of us making choices for the Greater Good.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.20.21

      Today I affirm: My life’s tasks are easily achieved, in an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way, in a timely fashion, for the Greater Good. Amen. (Marc Allen)    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.19.21

      Continuing the process of embracing the power of my high Self, the Living Christ within, I reflect on empowerment as a process, sometimes two steps forward, one step back. Today, I gently step out in faith, walking through and releasing my fear to Light and Love. Thank you, beloved God, for guiding me on this journey of enlightenment.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.18.21

      There is only Energy. As I sit with this truth I am flooded with Light. From deep within, I radiate Divine Energy to all our world’s governments. All governments are filled with Light and Love. All non-governmental organizations are filled with Light and Love. I visualize increasing awareness for everyone. We are one in the All That Is. And so, it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.17.21

      Focusing on my physicality, I declare: My cells are Light. My skeletal system is Light. My muscular system is Light. My nervous system is Light. My sensory systems are Light. My endocrine system is Light. My circulatory system is Light. My respiratory system is Light. My digestive system is Light. My urinary system is Light. My reproductive system is Light. My body’s bacteria are Light. I am a Light Being. I radiate Light throughout my body. I radiate Light to everyone and everything. Thank you, God, for me, and for All That Is.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.16.21

      In prayer, the Creator within me focuses Love and Light in our jails and prison system. The Creator within me radiates Love and Light for all of us in any type of prison, physical or mental, imposed by others or by self. The Creator within provides Divine Freedom for all, that we may be free to fulfill our sacred missions for the Good of All. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.15.21

      Expanding from the Creator within me, I focus on the needs of everyone and everything. The Creator within all people, flora, and fauna fills them with Love, Light and Prosperity. Every need is abundantly met. All are divinely guided to places, habitats, people, and services that provide for all needs. We are One, we are connected on all levels. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, there is abundance to meet every need for all species in this beautiful dimension. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.14.21

      Considering people “on edge,” from deep within I affirm “I Am one with Divine Calm.” I Am Divine Calm. I radiate Divine Calm. We are Divine Calm. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for the creation of Divine Calm for all. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.13.21

      Praying for our beloved world and its creatures, I fill our land, air, and waters with Light and Love. I visualize a dampening of the Caldor’s fire intensity. I visualize a dampening of hurricanes’ speed. I visualize all climate changes directed by Light. As a Light Being I help anchor calm and coolness to help lower temperatures and intensity. Thank you, God, for your Divine Calm.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.12.21

      “Be positive! You are the Light of the World.” Today, I immerse myself in revolutionary optimism knowing We are the light of the world. In Divine Connection I expand anchoring Love, Light, the Optimism of faith, and Joy. I am grateful for my ability to stay in the Divine Flow. I am in the right place, at the right time, praying, saying, and doing the right things for the Greater Good. Amen    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.11.21

      Indigenous People’s Day and Columbus Day, today, I fill all people with Love and Light. I visualize everyone releasing their ancestral and personal injuries to Light and Love. Today, in meditation and prayer, I hold sacred space for Divine Harmony for all, as a rainbow family of people on the divine path to Oneness. Thank you, sweet Spirit for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.10.21

      Pondering one of the twelve attributes of the Tree of Life, Divine Rest, I affirm I can rest in the Divine knowing all is well. All perceived problems have a Divine solution. Today, I rest in Spirit, renewing myself in Quiet. Today, I minimize, focusing on the moment, attending minute by minute to my High Self. Giving thanks for the Connection within, I simply rest in the knowledge that despite any perceived inner or outer chaos, all is well. And so, it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.9.21

      Today, I am reminded: I can only control my own thoughts and behavior. I cannot control the choices of others. I can view them as the Light Beings they are. I can set a good example. I can pray for them and visualize them in the beauty of their Light-ness. Thank you, God, for this reminder. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.8.21

      We are Light Beings having an earthly existence – fallible in some ways. As I think about pitfalls on the earthly plane, I consider addiction in its many forms. Today, I expand to fill everyone on Earth with Light and Love. Visualizing cravings of any type as strings attached to people, I take my heavenly scissors and snip the impediments freeing us all. Thank you, beloved God, for helping us realize our True Identity.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 10.7.21

      As we move into autumn in the northern hemisphere, I turn within and review my habitual thoughts. Thinking about what I am reaping this season, I curate my thoughts – I release any that are not serving me well. I affirm: I am a Light Being. Truth is revealed and expressed to me by Spirit. I am one with All That Is. Thank you, sweet Spirit for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 10.6.21

      Moving into Oneness, I focus Love and Light on our judicial system. I visualize Light casting clarity on justice in our country and in all countries around our world. All courts systems and those working in the system are filled with Light and Divine Love. All reasoning is Divinely Guided. Thank you, beloved Divinity for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 10.5.21

      As I relax and open to my High Self, I become more one with the Divine. Today, I relax and release my human desire to be perfect. I release all negative self-judgments. I am a Light Being and I am open to Divinity. I am a flexible fluid Light Being surrendering to Oneness. Thank you, Spirit, for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 10.4.21

      As I pray for our national leaders, I open to the Divine in me filling Congress with Light and Love. I visualize Light flowing through all budgetary hearings and activities. Light leads the way for all senators and representatives to carry out their duties to our nation in a wise and timely way. Light and Love enable flexibility and wisdom for the Good of All. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 10.3.21

      Today, I sit as an Observer. I sit in silence and observe my mind, my thoughts. I do not resist, that which I resist, persists (Carl Jung). I observe and I release, I let go, and focus on God. I am a clear vessel through which Spirit flows for the Good of All. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 10.2.21

      From deep within, I let the mundane fall away. Someone said: “You can’t build security in a world of fear.” I Know this is true. So today, I trust the Creator, That which is All That Is. Today, I trust and have faith. Today, I pray for my Self. Today, I pray for our beloved Earth and all inhabitants. Today, I declare: “I am Divinely Guided”. All is well. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 10.1.21

      I AM a Light Being. I AM resilient. I AM strong. I AM able to see clearly. I AM able to hear clearly. I AM one with the I AM That I AM. Thank you, beloved Source, for making it so. Amen.    

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September 2021

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.30.21

      Choosing to tune into Spirit I release my defenses allowing myself to depend on the Energy of All. Every need can be met through the Divine. I release grappling to have my needs met. I release my human relationships to Light. I create Love and Light in these relationships, letting them go in Love and Light. Taking action as Guided; visualizing my goals, God meets my every need. Thank you, God, for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.29.21

      As I consider Oneness, I think of bullies. How is one One with a bully? From deep within comes an answer: you see the high Self of the other and lovingly set limits. You push Light and Love out into less-light filled, less-loved filled people and areas. You expand your Light and Love to engage all as One. So, today, I expand my Light and Love to everyone and everything as a Light Being. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.28.21

      Today is National Sons’ Day and I feel a depth of gratitude to all parents who are raising sons to be the Light Beings they are meant to be. From the Creator within me, I expand in gratitude for the souls who choose to come through as sons bringing their gifts to this dimension. Thank you, beloved Source, for the next generation. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.27.21

      Praying for our giant sequoias I am filled with awe for our beautiful world’s trees. The Ancient Ones, as the Native Americans call them, are filled with Light. They are filled with Love. Merging with the sequoias in meditation I breathe Light and Love into them. I fill our firefighters with Light, Love and Gratitude for their holy mission to protect these trees and all trees, woods, and our environment.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.26.21

      Happiest are those who have sought and found a way to serve” (Albert Schweitzer). As I ponder this quote during these turbulent times, I am inspired to gratitude for all that I have, all that I am, and for my purpose as a Light Being. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for you, for me, for Life. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.25.21

      Focusing on our media, I direct the Creator within me to fill each person watching any news or social media with Love and Light. Increasing Light within each viewer, I envision all opening their hearts to Source, filling the internet dimension with Love and Light. I visualize all of us filling cyberspace with Love and Light. Thank you, Sweet Source, for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.24.21

    Pondering Native American Day, I bow to the Divine in all Native Americans joining in Oneness as I honor each for their service to our natural world. Native American spiritual traditions help guide us all. From deep within, I feel a depth of gratitude to Native American culture and the Light Beings who have cared for our beloved Earth for eons and continue to be leaders and environmental activists. All our Native American tribes are filled with Light and Love. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.23.21

    Expanding myself in prayer to become my Self, I visualize what we are meant to be: the living body of Divine Mind. Sitting in Divine Silence and Love I soak up Love, Light, and Serenity. Thank you for this communion of Spirit.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.22.21

    Treasuring autumn, I embrace cooler temperatures and shorter days. As a Light Being, I fill our world’s climate with Light and Love. The Creator within all guides all to create Good through thought, prayer, and action. Today and every day we enable action to protect our fragile fantastic planet. Thank you, God, for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.21.21

    Expanding to encompass our rough-n-tumble world, the Creator within me fills each of us with Light and Love. All who have endured any type of violence are filled with Light and Love. All who have carried out any type of violence are filled with Light and Love. All of us are Light Beings. All of us open our hearts, minds, and souls to the Creator within us. All of us learn from any drama in our lives, changing it to Light. All of us move forward creating Good as One. And so, it is, Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.20.21

      Focusing on the many souls who made an unexpected transition through death to the afterlife I fill them with Love and Light. Focusing deeply from the Creator within, I visualize all these souls releasing any negative emotions to Light. If they are earth-bound, I envision them freed to move forward with their essential purpose: Oneness with God. Turning to those left behind, the Creator within each enables them to change their grief to Love and Light. Thank you, God, for allowing me to aid All.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.19.21

      Moving through my day, I meditate on joy in the Flow. Divine Flow. I declare: I am a Light Being. I am filled with Light. I am a Love Being. I am filled with Love. I resolve to Love as I labor; to find Joy in daily work. I declare: I am worthy of fulfillment of my aspirations. I am Connected in Flow and am Divinely Guided. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.18.21

      Touching in today, I feel the gift of Presence. Expanding, I radiate Light and Love to all our American capital cities, especially the US Capitol. I visualize Divine Calm, Peace, Love, and Harmony filling each capital city within the US. Again visualizing, I see these Divine Gifts flowing to and through all our world’s cities and countrysides filling everyone with Love and Light. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.17.21

      Praying for unity within my fellow Light beings, I expand from deep within and visualize all of Us as One. We are One. One Heart – a shared Oneness with the Creator within each of us. We are One. Today, I hold space for our shared harmony. The Oneness of all beings.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.16.21

      Deep in meditation and prayer, I focus on Spirit flowing through me and declare Love and Light is channeled to those of us in need of healing; to those of us in need of help, especially those of us touched by homelessness, poverty, loneliness, or mental health issues. I co-create with Spirit flowing through me to aid in creation of Heaven on Earth for All. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.15.21

      “All forms of light come with some form of shadows, and that doesn’t mean you don’t want to walk into the sun.” (Amanda Gorman, 2021) Today, knowing Light attracts shadow, I keep myself in a Bubble of Light on all dimensions. There need be no drama, just a Bubble of Light. It’ simple. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for meeting my need for your Protection. Amen      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.14.21

      From deep within I visualize filling all world governments with Light and Love. Light clarifies revealing everything on all dimensions. I visualize all world leaders harmoniously working together for the benefit of all and for the benefit of our sacred environment. And, so, it is. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.13.21

      I am Light. I am Love. I am one with the Divine. I am Divine!      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.12.21

      Focusing, I inhale Light exhaling Love. I purposely create healing Peace. Expanding myself to encompass Earth, I expand Divine Peace filling our world. Serenity flows through all. Visualizing, I increase the radiance of Light and Love enveloping our world. Peace is expanded for All. Thank you, God, for this mission of Love.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.11.21

      On the 20th anniversary of 9-11, I turn within and release my sadness over man’s inhumanity to man. Expanding, I focus Love and Light within all who have lost loved ones due to acts of terror. Today, I help magnify Love and Light within all who are injured and-or who seek to injure others. Each of us praying helps focus Love and Light on our brothers and sisters so we may Truly become the family of Divine Man. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.10.21

      Praying for everyone making a transition from the physical to the nonphysical life, I fill them with Divine Love and Light. Expanding from Source within, I visualize all left-behind-loved-ones filled with Love and Light. All grief, hurt, and anger are changed to Light. Today, I help enrich Harmony, Peace, Love, and Light within everyone and everything. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.9.21

      Today, from deep within I purify and cleanse each cell of my body with Light. Standing at the gate of my thoughts, I release negative thoughts to Light. As I monitor my thoughts, it aids in clearing our world’s thought pollution. Moving deeper, I release and pass through my fears helping to lessen our world’s darkness. Little by little, slowly we turn to Light and Oneness. Thank you, beloved Creator, for making it so.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.8.21

      Breathing from the Creator within me, I focus on the divisiveness in America filling it with Love and Light. I visualize all in America opening their hearts, minds, and souls to Divine Love. Masks or no masks, vaccinated or not, all are directed by Light and Love. Today, I help hold space for Love and Harmony. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 9.7.21

      As I return to work, my day job, I recall I am where I am for a reason. I know work is Good. “Work is Love made visible” (Khalil Gibran). In carrying out my work from my High Self, the Creator within me Guides me. I am co-creating with All That Is. I work and pray with loving intention for the Good of All. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 9.6.21

      Today, as I rest from my labor, I consider the notion: we began to labor as we turned from Divine Love. Today, I rest in Spirit knowing that I can imbue my work with love. This day is for renewal; for resting in the Divine Creative Essence of Life. Thank you, God, for this day and every day. Thank you for meaningful work. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 9.5.21

        The Creator within me creates Love and Light within all people everywhere. Expanding to encompass our world, I visualize all of us becoming aware of the Living Light that is our essence. All open to Oneness and are Guided. All are in the right place, at the right time, saying and doing the right thing for the Good of All. And, so, it is. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 9.4.21

        The Creator within me creates Love and Light in and through all unexpected weather events. All fires, floods, and earthquakes across our world are filled with Love and Light Our world’s people are filled with Love and Light. Light directs climate change for the Good of All. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 9.3.21

        Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I release unhealthy use of any substances or behaviors to Light. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I radiate Light and Love throughout my being. The Loving Light of the Creator nourishes me. I am empowered as the Light Being I am. As I do this for myself, I expand – radiating Light. We are truly Beings of Light and Love. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light and Love.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 9.2.21

      Riding the spiritual wave of our Creator’s energy, I continue to push personal expansion of my human boundaries to consciously feel All That Is. I release my fear as I surrender to Divine Flow. Sweet, sweet Spirit, my cup truly does runneth over. Thank you, for this sacred, conscious, not-always-easy-to-surrender Path of Light. Thank you. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 9.1.21

      Thank you, dearest Creator, for my creativity. I am deeply grateful that I am able to pray, to create from deep within. Thank you for the wellspring of creativity that is YOU within me. Thank you, for You. Thank you for me. Amen.      

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August 2021

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.31.21

      Centering from the Creator within me, I fill the Office of the Presidency with Light and Love. I visualize the White House filled with radiant Light. Divine Light guides our US President and staff. Divine Love informs the President on global need. Divine Truth, Light, and Love fill the Oval Office for the Good of All. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.30.21

      Today, the Creator within me fills all Afghans with Love and Light. Thank you, dearest Angels and Beings of Light, for helping all Afghans find the Creator within them and rise to their Divine Mission. We are One in Divinity. Amen. .      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.29.21

      Life isn’t about me; it’s about Us. Spirit has chosen each one of us. We are the Chosen, each of us. Today, I choose to listen to the quiet voice of the Divine within me. I choose to let go of temptations to be less than I am capable of being. I choose to let go of fear. I choose to let go of anger. I choose to let go of hurt. .I am a creator-in-action. I create love to replace fear in all of us. I create love to replace anger in all of us. I create love […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.28.21

      Sometimes, I don’t know what I am doing; I am at a crossroads needing a sign. When this happens, I step out in Faith, as a spiritual scientist, collecting data on a subject of one, myself. “Basic research is what I am doing when I don’t know what I am doing.” (Werner Von Braun). If this is a basic research day, I pray globally, realizing, I am United with all; I am re-searching my connection to Spirit. I am One with All in my process.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.27.21

      Thank you, sweet Spirit, for the plant, animal, mineral, microbial, and molecular kingdoms. Thank you for the water, rocks and trees that anchor our earth holding spiritual energy for us. Thank you for the minerals, microbes, and insects that work together feeding and nourishing us. My gratitude helps expand the radiant beauty of Earth helping to increase Love and Light in this dimension. Thank you, thank you, thank you.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.26.21

      “In seizing the moment, you find heaven.” – Rodney Padgett Today I seize the day, finding peace in Divine Flow. I am elevated, reaching out to expand this Peace to all. I realize, again, Heaven is a state of consciousness. Thank you, beloved God, for Heaven in life. Thank you, for the ability to experience Heaven now.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.25.21

      Expanding from the Creator within me, I fill everyone who is searching for their right place in life, everyone who is terrorized by their future with Divine Love and Light. If the old North Carolinian saying is true: “Rough weather makes good timber” many of us on Earth are prime grade A. Today, I sit in silence and fill everyone with Divine Resilience. All will be well. All is well. Thank you, sweet Spirit for helping us create Beauty and Peace on Earth. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.24.21

      Turning inward to Source, I am grateful for our first responders who are caring for our world’s ill suffering people. The Creator within me, fills all health care workers with Light and Love. These first responders are safe and secure in a bubble of Light on all dimensions. Expanding, I take our world within me, filling all people suffering from illness, despair, and worry with Light and Love. I visualize healing, radiant, purifying energy for our world and all its inhabitants. We are One.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.23.21

      There is a solution to every problem. Intellectually, I know problems are gifts; so today, I take my problems and release them to Light. Expanding, I release our world’s problems to Light. I put my and the world’s problems in God’s hands. In meditation, I release them and rest in the Divine. Grounding myself in Trust, I thank God for my and our learning experiences here on Schoolhouse Earth.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.22.21

      From the Creator within me, I reach out to those of us who feel isolated, lonely, afraid or ill. While I find solace in isolation, I know others may not. Today, I fill our family of man with Light and Love. Today, I visualize all of us and our beloved Earth filled with radiant Light. Today I help hold space – anchoring Peace, Divine Calm, Light and Love for all. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.21.21

      From the Creator within me, I visualize our exquisite planet filled with Love and Light. Setting intention from the Creator within me, I expand Love and Light within our Divine home. I find myself overcome – with love and gratitude for the incredible gift of our beautiful natural world. Thank you, Mother-Father God, for our world. Thank you for all things working together for the Good of All.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.20.21

      Life is short, I refuse to be fearful. Fear cripples the soul. So, every day, if I feel fear surface, I face it and I embrace it. I fill it with Love and I release it. Only through facing, loving, and releasing fear am I free to be who I truly am: a Light Being. Thank you, beloved Creator, for our ability to choose Love. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.19.21

      This moment in time, there have been many, is filled with massive change and apparent tragedy. From deep within, I expand Love and Light through everyone and everything helping to anchor Light, Love and the Peace that passes all understanding. Thank you, God, for this journey of Love and Light.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.18.21

      Reaching deep within I work to deprogram any disinformation and misinformation within me. Parents teach what they know. Today, I lovingly release each parent to Light. I embrace my Light. I embrace my Divine Inheritance. I am one with the Creator within me. I listen only to the Divine Voice within. Thank you for my ability to hear. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.17.21

      As I pray for our world, I focus on everyone trying to find their right place in life on earth. From the Creator within me, I declare Light directs everyone displaced from their home. Everyone finds their right path in the world. All are open to Guidance from the Creator within them. All is well. All are well in Light and Divine Love. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.16.21

      As I ride the spiritual wave of Christed Energy I continue to push personal expansion of my human boundaries to consciously feel All That Is. I embrace Divine Flow finding Joy. Sweet, sweet Spirit. My cup truly does runneth over. Thank you, for this sacred, conscious Path. Amen.      

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.15.21

      Considering all who are suffering any illness, I expand from deep within and fill each soul with Love and Light. Moving into the energy, I add the idea of limitation. The Creator within me directs Light changing all limitations in each of us to Light. We are Light Beings without limits. We are limitless in the Divine. Thank you, Dearest Divinity for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.14.21

      In my meditation and prayer time, I breathe Peace, Love and Light to all nations. I fill North America with Love and Light. I fill Central America with Love and Light. I fill South America with Love and Light. I fill Europe with Love and Light. I fill Asia with Love and Light. I fill Africa with Love and Light. I fill Antarctica with Love and Light. I fill Australia with Love and Light. Our wonderful world is filled with Love and Light on all dimensions. Thank you, God, for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.13.21

        Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. The Creator within me changes any unhealthy habits to Light. I am a Light Being. We are all Light Beings. We are all healing to become our true selves. We are truly beings of Light and Love. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light and Love.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.12.21

      Each morning I focus-opening to ask Divine Will for my instructions, I remind myself: I am teachable. Centering in Spirit, I expand myself to become my Self – always in touch with the Holy Spirit within. As I go through my daily tasks, I expand Light and Love to everyone and everything. I take action as directed by Divine Will. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for making it so.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.11.21

      As I consider our national disconnect from one another, I find myself saddened by the polarization. Today, I think of Rumi who said: “Out beyond right and wrong, there is a field. I will meet you there.” Maybe this is a cliché, but today, it feels right – today, I step out to that metaphorical field of Love. I step out in Love asking Light to direct my actions. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for Your Love, Your Light, and Your Guidance. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.10.21

      The Creator within me creates Love and Light in our world’s fires, floods, and storms. Light directs all climate change and climate related weather. Today, I visualize Divine Calm on Earth. I visualize all of us safe within a Bubble of Love and Light. Thank you, God for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.9.21

      Relaxing in Connection, I am able to hear the still small voice of the Creator within me. As I let go, I am able to relax and hear. I am hearing and understanding. I am listening and I am Directed. I am becoming more discerning. I am becoming that I Am That I Am. I relax into Divine Gratitude.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.8.21

      Today, I open to the energy of the Divine in our universe. I declare from the Creator within me: “I am the Creator-In-Action on our beloved planet”. I am Divinely Guided to be in the right place, at the right time, thinking, praying, saying, and doing the right things for the Good of All. Thank you, Beloved Divinity for making it so. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 8.7.21

      Moving calmly in Light, I breathe and visualize Light expanding within everyone and everything. Everyone and everything are made from Divinity. In my mind’s eye I see crystalline Light patterns permeating this dimension. Divine Light and Love are woven throughout the Whole. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for this Reality.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 8.6.21

      Considering the “dog days” of August, I turn within and breathe tolerance, Love, and Light into today and this month. Expanding, I visualize people in both hemispheres of our world filled with radiant Understanding, Peace, Love, and Light. Seizing the moment, I fill the month with the Power of the Living Christ.  Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 8.5.21

      Today, I focus prayer on electronic devices. Spirit within me fills all of us using any electronic media or phones with Love and Light. As I use devices, I consciously fill everyone viewing screens with Love and Light. All content on social media is filled with Light. Viewers’ emotional responses are filtered by the Divine and are filled with Love and Light. The Creator within me creates Good in, thorough, and around all devices and so, it is. Amen.    

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 8.4.21

      Centering in Divine Connection I find Truth is revealed and expressed. I am shown how to navigate any plight. I am given strength through Communion. I am encouraged and enabled to don my Divine spiritual armor to face personal dilemmas and our world’s turmoil. Thank you, God, for this divine partnership in Your Love and Light. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 8.3.21

      Focusing deep within, I visualize Light filling and guiding our world’s governments. All governments are Light. Our world’s people are Light. Everyone and everything are filled with Divine Love. Love and Light guide our world using a Divine Template. All is well. And so, it is. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 8.2.21

      As I pray for covid-19, delta mutation, I fill all mutations with Light and Love. We ourselves are mutating, changing every day. Today, I visualize the delta virus variation mutating to enhance Harmony, Peace, and Love within everyone and everything. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 8.1.21

      The Creator within me fills our world with Love and Light. Holy Spirit expands Love within everyone. Holy Spirit expands Light within everyone. Everyone and everything are made of Divinity. Made of Divine Love and Light. Thank you, Spirit, for your Creation!  

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July 2021

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.31.21

      As I think of all of us on Spaceship Earth, I expand from deep within and fill us with Light and Divine Love. Everyone is coping with some type of challenge. Spaceship Earth is a schoolhouse and we are all learning our lessons at different speeds. Today I visualize all of us filled with Light and Love, able to put down our resistance to change, able to accept Grace and speed our learning process. Thank you, Divine Presence, for making it so. Amen.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.30.21

      As my Consciousness expands, I become aware of a wish to isolate; a wish to dumb down awareness. I release my increased sensitivity to Light. As my perception increases, I am learning all things will become transparent. I am made aware that Spirit within me will increase my tolerance and understanding to match my growing awareness of All That Is. Thank you, God, for this journey of discovery.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.29.21

      As I go about my daily life, I find myself grateful for little things. Flowering plants, rest, sunshine, laughter… I am grateful for my mind that I can focus as I choose. Today, I choose to focus on the Creator within me. I am grateful for the ability to focus mindful energy in prayer to create Good for All. Thank you, beloved Creator, for me.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.28.21

      Again, I am reminded: the keys to the Kingdom come as I release my negatives to Light. One by one, it is a gradual process. Today, I release my worry, anger, and fear to Light. Today, I step out in faith – trusting the Creator within me to guide me on my path to Oneness. Today, I take my courage in hand and Trust. Thank you, beloved Creator, for this journey to Oneness.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.27.21

      We dedicate the energy of our prayers to benefit all Sentient beings throughout time, space, and mind. May the power of our prayers increase to help others know their perfection as one with Divinity. Amen. (Revision of the Tibetan dedication of Merit; offered by Jacquelyn Sendak- Zavaleta)

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.26.21

      Thank you, unseen Light Beings, for being here. Thank you for helping anchor Light and Love on Earth. Thank you, dearest angels, fairies, and friends of Light for all you do for us on this dimension. It helps to know we are not alone in our most perfect work. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.25.21

      Parenting may be the hardest job in the world; it’s 24/7, little mirrors showing us our worst traits… Today, I expand from the Creator within me, filling all parents with Divine Love and Light. Lifting them in Light to acknowledge the loving sacrifices made by most parents. Thank you, God, for the courageous choice parents make. Thank you, God, for the growing experience of parenting. Thank you, God, for children and families on Schoolhouse Earth. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.24.21

      Considering birthdays, the anniversary of one’s birth, such a courageous act, coming through into the physical, to learn more, do more, BE more. Reflecting on this act of faith fills me with awe. Focusing from deep within, I expand Love and Light through all who have had birthdays in the past year. The Creator within me fills everyone with Joy, Love, and Light in gratitude for all that has been contributed to this physical dimension, our world.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.23.21

      From the Creator within me, I fill the fires in the western US with Light and Love. I fill the Bootleg fire with Light and Divine Love. I visualize and affirm Light directs these fires to Light. Light directs the fire-determined weather patterns to Light. Light and Divine Love fill all living beings. Light and Love fill our atmosphere. Light directs climate change for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.22.21

      As I focus on the Creator within me, I expand visualizing everyone with covid-19 filled with Light and Love. All who may be suffering are filled with Peace, Light, and Love. Light directs everyone’s bodies and souls to Light. The Creator within me fills the covid-19 virus and all viruses with Light and Love. Light directs everything to Light and Love. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.21.21

      As I turn within, finding respite from the world in my meditation. I let the mundane fall away. I let the chatter and talking heads go. I center myself in Divinity and focus Love and Light on our beloved world. I fill all people with Love and Light. I remember God is the Energy that underlies all living things. I center in this unifying comforting Truth. And so, it is, Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.20.21

      Nighttime is moon time and gives us the gift of rest. Today, I am grateful for Divine Rest. From deep within I am filled with gratitude for our daily cycles. With infinite wisdom Divinity gave us time to rest, rejuvenate, and consolidate our learning. Touching into Source I am filled to overflowing. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for our daily turns.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.19.21

      God works on a need-to-know basis. I don’t know The Big Picture because I may not yet have the capacity to digest it. I learn as I release, more is revealed. So, today, I step out in Faith, I release fear and anxiety. I open my heart to the miracles I see every day. I open my heart to Divinity and feel Joy. Joy eases ambiguity. I know Source is my spiritual safety net. Thank you, Sweet Source for this exciting journey of release.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.18.21

      Sometimes, I find myself at a crossroads needing a sign. Stepping out in faith, as a spiritual scientist, I collect data on a subject of one, myself. “Basic research is what I am doing when I don’t know what I am doing.” (Werner Von Braun). If this is a basic research day, I declare: “Thank you, God”. I choose to reach within in faith, becoming One with All in my process of growth. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.17.21

      The Creator within me creates Love and Light in and through fires, floods, and earthquakes across our world. All unexpected weather and resulting challenges are filled with Divine Love and Light. Light directs climate change for the Good of All. Worldwide, our first responders are filled with Love and Light. They are guided in their missions to save lives, lands, and homes. All living beings, be they plant, insect, animal, or human, who are touched by climate change are filled with Love and Light. All are safe within a Bubble of Love and Light. Thank you, God for making […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.16.21

      Focusing within, I release any unhealthy habits that are not for my highest good. I release unhealthy use of any substances or behaviors to Light. The Creator within me changes unhealthy habits to Light. I am a Light Being. I am filled with Light. I radiate Light and Love throughout my being. The Loving Light of the Creator nourishes me. I am empowered as the Light Being I am. As I do this for myself, I expand – radiating Light. We are truly Beings of Light and Love. Thank you, God, for this journey of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.15.21

      The Creator within me releases and changes my preconceived notions of marriage to Light. As I hold the institution of marriage in Light, I understand that marriage is a vehicle for completing Divine missions, together and separately, for the good of All. Married to life partners or married to God, this union creates Love and Light for All. Thank you, God, for this yoke of Love and Light.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.14.21

      In meditation and prayer, I focus Light and Love on all of us who are ill, impoverished or imprisoned in mind, body or spirit. Expanding, I visualize the Creator within each suffering soul opening to release discomfort and find ease, comfort, joy, and peace within Thy Mercy. Thank you, Beloved God, for your Tender Mercy, Love, and Peace that passes all understanding. Thank you.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.13.21

      Focusing on our planet, I think about litter and littering. Suspending judgment, I fill those who litter with Love and Light. We all litter, knowingly or not, trash out of a window, words out of a mouth. Today, I fill all with Love and Light. Today, I litter our world with Love and Light holding space for a new heaven on Earth.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.12.21

      Today, I confirm that the Creator within me gives me all the insights and information I need to know. If I pay attention, I can trust I will receive all needed messages from my High Self. I affirm I trust the Creator within me. I trust myself. I trust God. I am in the right place at the right time, listening, doing, and saying the right thing for the Good of All. Thank you, High Self, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.11.21

      Today, I rest enjoying the fruits of my labor. Regardless of what we see and hear, all that truly matters is Love and Light. Today, I rest my heart in Spirit, knowing one’s Heart focused on Divine Connection is truly the pinnacle of worldly success. All else is smoke and mirrors. I rest in Ease, Grace and Glory.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.10.21

      I find myself grateful for my many blessings. Yes, there are challenges, and these help me grow. As I consciously breathe, I am filled with gratitude. Today, I pay it forward, acting locally and praying globally for the Good of All. Thank you, dearest Divinity, for my many gifts.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.9.21

      Reflecting on parenting, a 24/7 role that is often sheer joy and sometime not, I visualize parenting filled with Divine Ease. All parents are filled with Love and Light. Parents are Divinely Guided for the good of their children and people everywhere. Families are the building block of society. The Creator within parents fills all families With Love and Light for the Good of All. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.8.21

    From my High Self, I visualize our world filled with Light. Crystalline strands of Light weave a radiant tapestry. Immersing myself in this creative endeavor, I visualize Light and Love filling this physical dimension. Everyone and everything are bathed in Light and Love. Thank you, Divine Essence, for this template of Light and Love.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 7.7.21

    As we move into hurricane season, I know stormy weather is Nature’s way of transforming negative energy. From deep within, I declare the Creator within me creates Light, Love, and Peace within all storms. We all release our fear of storms to Light. We create Love and Light blanketing our world. All are safe in a Divine Bubble of Love and Light. All is well. And so it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 7.6.21

    As we return back to our work-a-day jobs, I remember: “Work is love made visible” (Khalil Gibran). In carrying out my work from my High Self, I know the Creator within me Guides me. I work and pray with loving intention for the Good of All. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 7.5.21

      Today, I am grateful for our founding mothers as well as our founding fathers. Feminine hands that contributed to the founding of this nation. Feminine hands that sewed our beautiful American flag. Feminine hands that offered a tea set to fund the first treasury. Feminine hands that defended homes and families. I am grateful for the many women and men who came before us in creating Good. I am humbled as I stand on the shoulders of the founding mothers and fathers. I am humble as I carry the Greater works forward, striving for a new Heaven on Earth, […]

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 7.4.21

    Today, amidst the parades and John Philip Sousa, I turn within visualizing a nation whose leaders and citizens are Divinely Guided. A nation filled with Love and Light that upholds dignity for all. Our beautiful country is filled with creative Light Beings who are working for Good. Life on Earth is a sacred learning experience. I help hold space for Unity for us All.  

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 7.3.21

    We are One, whether we know it or not, what happens to one happens to all. From Spirit within, I release everyone’s suffering to Light. From within, I release all creatures’ suffering to Light. From within, I release all plants’ suffering to Light Expanding within, I release our Earth’s suffering to Light. Spirit fills each molecule on this dimension with Divine Love and Light. We are One. One Heart. One Destiny. And, so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 7.2.21

    Turning within I fill all generations under me with Love and Light. As I find myself becoming an elder, I realize prayer is the most potent gift I have to offer. Visualizing from the Creator within me, I see our world’s young people as they truly are: co-creators with the Divine. Our world’s young citizens are filled with Love and Light. All are able to easily access Spirit within them. And, so it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 7.1.21

    God is an Energy that is constantly maximizing the potentialities of the Universe for the Good of All. I rest assured knowing all is in Divine Order. As I go about my daily tasks, I know the energy that is All That Is helps those who help themselves. In doing my part, the Creator within me maximizes all possibilities for the Good of All. It is a beautiful dance of Spirit. I am a dancer in a Cosmic ballet of Light and Love.

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June 2021

  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.30.21

    Today, I direct the Creator within me to fill all of us who are suffering with Light and Love. All who may be enduring illness, loss, and-or fear are filled with Light and Love. Light directs each individual to Light. The Creator within me fills our world and its many life-forms with Light and Love. Light directs everything to Light and Love. Everything is of God and for the greater Glory of Divinity. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Tuesday, 6.29.21

    I am grateful to sit for this time in silence. I am grateful for my many gifts from the Divine. Expanding from the Creator within me, I fill our world with Love and Light. I am grateful for Divine Grace, Ease, and Peace. Thank you, sweet Spirit, for your Gifts.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Monday, 6.28.21

    From the Creator within me, I focus prayerful energy on our disenfranchised brothers and sisters. Those living on society’s margins may appear as “other” to us and they play as important a role in cosmic creation as do more mainstream appearing folks. Expanding, I fill all with Love and Light, praying globally, I act locally embracing all in Love and Light. We are all part of the Oneness of Divinity.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Sunday, 6.27.21

    Pondering one of the twelve attributes of the Tree of Life, Divine Rest, I can rest in the Divine knowing all is well. All perceived problems have a Divine solution. Today, I rest in Spirit, renewing myself in Quiet. Today, I minimize, focusing on the moment, attending minute by minute to my High Self. Giving thanks for the Connection within, I simply rest in the knowledge that despite any perceived inner or outer chaos, all is well. And so, it is. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Saturday, 6.26.21

    Exploring “For all have sinned and are short of the glory of God;” (Romans 3:23, G. Lamsa’s translation), it is revealed that it’s not about being perfect. It’s about opening to one’s High Self. Today, I release the human desire to be perfect. I release all negative self-judgments. I am a Light Being and I am open to Divinity. I am a flexible fluid Light Being surrendering to Oneness. Thank you, Spirit, for making it so.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Friday, 6.25.21

    In synchronizing myself with Oneness, I give thanks as I visualize Creative Energy maximizing the health of our rainforests, our deserts, our plains, our piedmonts, our mountains, our tundra, our savannahs, and our poles. Our planetary waters are filled with Love and Light. Our beloved Earth is in a bubble of Love and Light. Divine Light is guiding all climate change. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Thursday, 6.24.21

    Turning within I filter out our rough-n-tumble world, choosing to enter conscious communion with Spirit. I release my worries to Light and Love. I trust the Creator within me and I am Guided. As I visualize Goodness manifesting on Earth, I am so grateful for my life in Spirit. I am never alone in Spirit. Thank you, beloved Spirit, for you. Thank you for our angels. Thank you for all creation and thank you for me. Amen.

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  • Prayer for Effective Living, Wednesday, 6.23.21

    As I ponder transitioning from the physical to the metaphysical plane, death, I visualize all souls leaving their earthly body filled with crystal clear Light and Love. Light aids them in their transition. I visualize them easily finding their way to their next learning experience. I radiate Light and Love to all. All is well.

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