Weekly Prayer Posts 2025

Religious Symbols

2024 Weekly Prayers
2023 Weekly Prayers
2022 Weekly Prayers


Dear Light Group,

Even the super-greats have moments when they need strengthening. On the night before his arrest, Jesus went to the Mount of Olives (a hill on a ridge on the eastern side of Jerusalem) and to the Garden of Gethsemane, which is at the foot of the Mount of Olives. There he prayed. Did he ever pray.

He had told his disciples, “My soul is exceeding sorrowful.” He reached out to them for help, saying, “…watch with me.” He walked a bit further, and then, evidently still feeling “exceeding sorrowful,” he fell flat on his face. At that point, he prayed, “O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me. Nevertheless, not as I will but as Thou will.” It must have been one intense prayer: “And being in agony, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground.”

But after he said “as Thou will,” an angel from heaven appeared, strengthening him.

What we can take from this is that earnest prayers are answered. We can also take from it that help is available for us on other dimensions, whether that help comes from angels, spiritual masters, or directly from the Divine Itself.

If you would like a prayer for strength this Saturday, you might try this: “Heavenly Father, give me the wisdom and strength to know and do Thy will. Let me not be distracted by the things of this world. Keep my focus on Thee and Thy goodness. Let not the temptations of the flesh distract me from Thee and Thy glory. Keep me focused on Thee and Thy will. Give me the strength to face what life presents. Give me the knowing that it is Thy goodness in all things. Make me an instrument of Thy Peace and Harmony, that all may be lifted up to Thee and Thy glory. Not my will, O Lord, but Thine be done. Amen.”

Love and Light,


Dear Light Group,

Through it all, let us remember who we are.

We are individualized rays of Spirit. Our purpose is to attune ourselves with this Spirit. As we do so, we realize that our bodies – and the entire world – are not soul-imprisoning but instead are part of the great Light and Consciousness of Spirit.

We come to this Consciousness of Spirit by following what Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” We purify our hearts by abandoning greed, anger, hatred, fear, grief, condemnation, aversion, and attachment.

Once our hearts have been purified of these bondages, we are free not merely to reflect the Light of Spirit but to actively manifest that Spirit. We are free to turn inward toward Spirit and align our will, thoughts, actions, and life with Spirit. United with Spirit, we recognize the entire human family as our family. We recognize everyone as a manifestation of God. Our love has expanded to include all. We are united with Spirit in all by loving all.

The glory of Spirit spreads over the stars and wheeling galaxies, shining in every atom and particle of material existence. We can talk to that Spirit, and It will respond. God answers every sincere prayer and blesses every spiritual aspiration and endeavor.

In talking with Spirit, our mission is to help all beings (including ourselves) harmonize – harmonize with each other and with Spirit. Let us do so this Saturday.

If you would like a prayer for this, you might try: “I am one with Spirit. This Spirit is infinite Love. This Spirit is infinite Light. In my heart this Spirit sings Its song of Joy. In my heart, this Spirit sings Its song of Beauty. In my heart, this Spirit sings Its song of Peace. In this Joy, Beauty, and Peace, my heart expands to include all people and all things in its Love. There is one harmony of Joy, Beauty, and Peace in everyone and everything. Thank you, Lord, for harmonizing us with Thee and Thy Joy, Beauty, and Peace. Thank you, Lord, for making it so. Amen.”

Love and Light,


Dear Light Group,

The poet William Blake wrote,

How do you know but ev’ry Bird
that cuts the airy way,
Is an immense world of delight,
clos’d by your senses five?

Earlier this week, I stepped out on the second story deck of my house and watched a lone bird, with mountains and blue sky as background, cut a path through space, floating through air and then swooping to a new path. As I watched this, I was reminded that we live in an “immense world of delight.”

This experience also brought to mind the words of Yogananda, who said that, “The Lord is painting glorious scenery in the ever-changing clouds and sky….In everything and everyone – friends and enemies; mountains, forests, ocean, air, the wheeling galactic canopy overarching all – the Christ-devotee sees the one blended Light of God.”

Let us take a few moments this Saturday to appreciate this Light of God and the “immense world of delight” in which we live.

In doing so, you might want to try a prayer such as, “Thank you, Lord, for this world of delight that you have created for us. Thank you, Lord, for the world of nature – for the forests and the birds and the sky and the clouds. Thank you, Lord, for this precious human birth and for the opportunity to experience the beauty of Your creation. Thank you, Lord, for Thy beauty in me. Thank you, Lord, for Thy beauty in my heart. Thank you, Lord, for the rhythm of my heart being aligned with the tune of Thy Love, Harmony, and Joy. Thank you, Lord, for helping me to know that I am one with this world of delight. Thank you, Lord, for helping me to know that I am the world. One with Thee and one with this world, let the Love, Harmony, and Joy ever expand, all for Thy greater glory. Amen.”

Love and Light,


Dear Light Group,

One of the most frequently used words in the Bible is “peace.” We have yearned for it for millennia, and yet it has eluded us.

In Psalm 85, David connects peace with righteousness: “Thou has forgiven the iniquity of Thy people….Thou has taken away Thy wrath; thou has turned Thyself from the fierceness of Thine anger. Turn us, O God of our salvation, and cause Thine anger toward us to cease….Wilt Thou not revive us again, that Thy people may rejoice in Thee? God…will speak peace unto his people…let them not turn again to folly….Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other….Righteousness…shall set us in the way of His steps.”

The word “righteousness” in this day and age sounds quaint, like something from a bygone era. And yet, in the interim, has not “folly” (another word from Psalm 85) increased tremendously?

Could it be that “righteousness and peace have kissed each other,” that peace comes from righteousness?

“Righteousness” might conjure images of a rigid, self-righteous, Bible-thumping type of person. It needn’t be that off-putting. It can be articulated in a more benign way: “Look, you have free will. You choose what you want. If you want to live your life in a frivolous manner, or if you want to indulge in greed, anger, and sensuality and then blame others for what you see lacking in your world, have at it. But if it’s peace you want, you’re going to need to heed what Jesus said, ‘Enter ye in at the strait gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat…Strait is the gate, and narrow is the way which leads unto life, and few there be that find it.’”

It’s a simple message: Don’t be distracted by the folly of the world and by your own ingrained habits. Do everything you can to stay focused on the universal Christ. That is your true nature. In it you will find the peace you seek, along with the joy and love of the Divine.

At the end of his physical life, Jesus told his disciples, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give unto you, not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let now your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” And “These things have I spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer: I have overcome the world.” And, after his resurrection, “Peace be unto you….Peace be unto you.”

The peace we seek is within us. We access that peace by staying focused on Spirit. The world outside is filled with folly. We attain the peace we seek by turning within and by eliminating thoughts, habits, and emotions that distract us from that peace. “Narrow is the way” for doing that, but righteousness – a moral grounding and a focus on the Divine – enables us to stay focused and pass through the narrow gate.

If you would like a prayer to accompany this perspective, you might try this: “Thank you, Lord, for keeping me focused on Thee. Thank you, Lord, for keeping me focused on Thy Truth and Thy Love and Thy Light. Thank you, Lord, for the gift of great masters such as Jesus, who have shown us the way. May their spirit reside in my heart, that my heart may be pure. Let me live all the days of my life in Thee and Thy Peace and Thy Truth and Thy Love and Thy Light. Amen.”

Love and Light,


Dear Light Group,

There was a Tibetan meditation master who had migrated to the U.S. and who frequently said to his American followers, “Cheer up. PLEASE cheer up!” People had gotten so serious about themselves and about their meditation practices that they had lost the point of what they were doing. They had been taught that through meditation their egos would dissolve, their suffering would dissipate, and they would see the basic goodness of life and how vividly wonderful it is. But they had gotten so aggressively wrapped up in pursuing various meditation practices that they were blocking the very happiness their meditation was supposed to produce.

Whether we are Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, or some other religion, it is easy to get lost in the details or the philosophy or the practices of that religion and forget the joy at its core.

One morning, the Tibetan meditation master, after having worked through the night, went outside and sat on the grass with Bill, one of his followers. He said to Bill, “Grass is green. Sky is blue. It’s a beautiful world, don’t you think?” At first, Bill thought it was a trick statement, one of those obscure Buddhist sayings designed to confound a person and demolish their ego. Then Bill realized, no, the Tibetan meditation master was simply saying that when we calm down and allow our discursive thoughts to dissipate, what do we see? We see that we live in a beautiful world. It is full of vivid colors and sounds. And it’s all there for us. It’s all there to help us move forward. Even the things we may not like are there to move us along. The rain, the snow, the cold, the heat – all of it is working with us: the universe is continually giving us messages and nudging us forward.

So perhaps we could benefit from taking a moment to cheer up, to be still and give thanks for the basic goodness surrounding us and the universe that is working with us and within us to bring us to that joy that is the essence of all creation.

If you would like a prayer to draw you into this joy, you might try this: “Behind the veil of illusion is the Joy of Spirit. This Joy is the essence of Spirit. This Joy of Spirit permeates all that has been created. The Creation is an ongoing act of Joy. Let his Joy fill my mind, that I may know Thy joyful presence at all times and in all places. Let this Joy fill my heart, that I may realize that I have need of nothing but Thy presence in me. Let this Joy fill my heart, that I may radiate this Joy to all with whom I come in contact. Let this Joy fill my entire being, that every cell and atom of my body may radiate this Joy. Let this Joy fill my entire being, that every thought and emotion I have may be filled with Thy Joy. Let this Joy fill everyone and everything, that Thy Creation may expand and expand Thy Joy, all for Thy greater glory. Amen.”

Love and Light,


Dear Light Group,

There is an ache in the hearts of many people. The world appears to be drifting further and further into dark, turbulent waters. People feel dismayed and helpless.

But if we flip this around, then we see opportunity. The world situation is an opportunity for us to double down on our spiritual commitments and see what we can do to make this a better world.

Top of the order for our spiritual commitments is to contact the universal Christ that is deep within us. If we do that, others will be awakened: it will strengthen them so they lose their fears, and if they lose their fears, they will be less prone to engage in destructive behavior.

We contact the universal Christ by reminding ourselves that we are not the stories we tell about ourselves. We are not that bundle of anxiety, dissatisfaction, and self-condemnation that may be the theme of the story we are telling ourselves. Nor are we a different kind of story: that we’re special and entitled to special treatment and special comforts and that others should recognize how wonderfully special we are.

If there is a universal Christ, then that means that we, too, are It. That universal Christ lives in us, as it does in everyone and everything else. That universal Christ knows no fear. That universal Christ is humble. That universal Christ is pure Love. Radiant Love. Joyful Love. Blissful Love. Non-stop Love.

Our job is to stay centered in that universal Christ and its radiant Love. That’s our mission, and if we stay centered on our mission, then others will calm down and change for the better. But we need to stay focused on our mission.

So, to help us stay centered on that mission, you might want to try a prayer such as, “I see the universal Christ in everyone and everything. I feel the universal Christ in everyone and everything. Everyone lives and moves in this universal Christ. Knowing that there is this universal Christ and knowing that this universal Christ is radiant Love, I feel compassion for those caught up in the ways of the world. Knowing that this universal Christ resides in everyone, I see the Christ in them, and I hold to this knowing, no matter what they do. This universal Christ that resides in my heart radiates Love to one and all. I am a mere vehicle for this universal Love. Centered in this universal Christ, I radiate Divine Love throughout my being. I radiate Divine Love throughout my home. I radiate Divine Love throughout my loved ones. I radiate Divine Love throughout the United States. I radiate Divine Love throughout all nations and all peoples. I radiate Divine Love throughout planet Earth. I radiate Divine Love throughout all creation. I give thanks to Thee, O Lord, for the universal Christ and for bringing Thy Love to this planet and to all of creation. Amen.”

Love and Light,


Dear Light Group,

Continuing our theme of healing, Jim Goure frequently reminded us that Jesus had said, “The things I do, you can do, and greater.” With that in mind, Jim said, “After two thousand years, I don’t think anyone should be sick on planet Earth.” If Jesus healed, and if Jesus basically said, “You can do it, too,” then all of us should be healers, and if all of us had become healers, then everyone on the planet would have been healed. And if that had occurred, then, according to Jim, “It would allow us to get on with greater things and not be stuck at the level of having to heal anymore – so that we…can get on with Life, with Joy, with creativity – with finding creative ways of helping man elevate himself.”

With that as a vision, how do we heal?

According to Jim, “The way healing occurs is that we are One. There is no separation. There is an energy flow that is Oneness. There is an energy flow from your mind to your liver or your kidney or your knee. That type of energy flow can awaken energy in another person. That is the healing that takes place. As you experiment with healing others, you will find that it is like healing yourself….The energy flow is what awakens the energy in the other person. That is the healing that takes place….healing…is an energy exchange.”

Last week we put our healing powers to use for one of our own Light Group members, Leslie Loveless, who has undergone heart surgery. Let us continue doing so.

In your prayers for Leslie, you might bear in mind what Jim has said, that “there is no separation” and that “healing is an energy exchange.” We are not separate from Leslie, and our prayers for her are an opportunity for us to engage in an energy exchange on her behalf.

To do that, you might want to use a prayer such as, “I am in a bubble of Light. Leslie Loveless is in a bubble of Light. These bubbles of Light are merged as One. We are one Light. This one Light fills and surrounds Leslie Loveless. This one Light fills and surrounds Leslie Loveless’s heart. This one Light heals Leslie’s heart. This one Light heals Leslie’s whole being. Leslie Loveless is complete. She is whole. She is One. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.”

Love and Light,


Dear Light Group,

Jim Goure was emphatic that “Every one of you should be healers.” The ability to heal is in our Christ-nature, and Jim wanted us to make continual use of that ability.

He gave us several prayer techniques for doing so: “The Creator in [the person to be healed] fills them with Light, heals them, and directs their life to Light.” “[The person to be healed] is in a bubble of Light, and only Light can come to them and only Light be with them.” Jim told us to place every body part in a bubble of Light and name it Christ or Divine.

Jim told us that Jesus healed people by increasing the Creator in each person – and where there was the Creator, there was no ill health. How do we increase the Creator? We declare with authority within us, “The Creator in you fills you with Love. The Creator in you fills you with Light.”

It is time for us to put our healing abilities to use. One of our Light Group members, Leslie Loveless, has been sent to a Charlotte, North Carolina hospital for heart surgery.

Let us conduct healing prayers for Leslie now. Building on the prayer suggestions Jim made, you might want to try a prayer such as, “The Creator in Leslie Loveless fills her with Light, heals her, and directs her life to Light. Leslie Loveless is in a bubble of Light, and only Light can come to Leslie and only Light be there. The heart of Leslie Loveless is in a bubble of Light, and only Light can come to her heart and only Light be there. The Creator in Leslie Loveless fills her with Love. The Creator in Leslie Loveless fills her with Light. The Creator in the doctors and nurses treating Leslie Loveless fills them with Light. All of the medical staff treating Leslie Loveless are in bubbles of Light. Light fills the operating room. Light fills the recovery room. Light fills the hospital. Thank you, God, for healing Leslie Loveless and for directing her life to Light. Amen.”

Love and Light,


Dear Light Group,

Knowing that his time on Earth in the physical was short – he would be crucified the next day – Jesus had one last supper with the disciples, at which he gave them comfort. He was to return to the Father, “having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them unto the end.” But before he returned to the Father, he gave them comfort: “Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” and “I shall pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever” and “…the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of Truth, which proceeded from the Father” and “the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.”

At a time when many feel anxiety and when some have a sense of hopelessness, it is good to remember that the Comforter is still with us. What is that Comforter? It is the “Spirit of Truth.” What is Truth? It is the Truth of the Divine, which is with us “unto the end.” It is God’s Love, in us, around us, in everyone and everything.

Strengthened by that Comforter, strengthened by that Truth, we can sense the wisdom of the Apostle Paul, when he wrote, “Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of all mercies and the God of all comfort, who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewithal we ourselves are comforted of God.”

So, by remembering that the Divine Comforter is with us at all times, we turn from our own anxiety and hopelessness to give comfort to others, and in so doing, “we ourselves are comforted of God.”

If you would like to join this spirit of receiving and giving comfort, you might try this prayer: “We give thanks, Lord, for Thy Comforter, which is with us at all times and in all places. We give thanks for Thy Comforter, which brings to us Thy Peace. Centered in Thy Comforter and Thy Peace, we give and give and give of this Comfort and Peace to everyone and everything. Centered in this Comforter and this Peace, we are free to live as Jesus admonished us to live, loving one another ‘as I have loved you.’ Centered in this Comforter, Peace, and Love, we are free. We are free to know that it is Thy Love, Peace, and Joy that permeates everything. We are free to know that there is only this Love, Peace, and Joy. We are free to know that we are that Love, Peace, and Joy. We are free to be that Love, Peace, and Joy. And so it is, all for Thy greater glory. Amen.”

Love and Light,


Dear Light Group,

Around 1980, after having been in Black Mountain, North Carolina for a decade, Jim Goure reflected on his experience: “My ten years here – and people have come from all over the planet – we’ve had about 18,000 people who have come here – and we don’t advertise, because we felt that if we radiated out Light and Love to everyone, that it would bring people, that it would also help solve the problem of the planet. But in looking into the souls of man, these some 18,000 people who have come, it narrows down to all these problems they all bring, and they all have problems: it narrows down to the fact of, wanting to be loved; wanting to love someone; and knowing there is a God but not knowing how to love. In all three cases, there is a lack of love, of knowing….Seeing people and their souls and their problems, hardly anyone has loved themselves. I have not found any who truly love themselves. We focus on our mistakes, and everyone makes mistakes….Everyone wants to love. Everyone wants to be loved….The greatest need in everyone is the feeling that you are loved, truly loved. Once you know that you are truly loved, you are free, totally free.”

To help free us, Jim communicated his love for each one of us. He also told us, “I know the Love is in you.” In loving us and in affirming that the Divine Love is in each of us, he wanted us to be free – not just free of our problems but also free to Be Divine. In Being Divine, we would connect with the Divine Love within and we would connect with our individual Divine Mission. In recognizing our Divine Mission, we would connect with Creative Spirit, and we would, in our individualized way, Create Good for the wellbeing of all.

If you would like a prayer to tune in to the spirit of Jim’s message, you might try this: “I know the Divine Love is in me. I know the Divine Love is in everyone. Knowing that Divine Love is in me and in everyone, I am free. I am free to create Good. I am free to Be Divine. I am free to know my Divine mission. I am free to know that special attribute of the Divine that God has placed in my heart. There is a special attribute of the Divine that shines in my heart. My heart is luminous, brilliant. clear, and spacious. This luminous, brilliant, clear, and spacious heart of mine radiates that special Divine quality that is me. This luminous, brilliant, clear, and spacious heart of mine radiates this Divine quality from my heart to the hearts of my angels. This luminous, brilliant, clear, and spacious heart of mine radiates this Divine quality to all the spiritual masters helping me. This luminous, brilliant, clear, and spacious heart of mine radiates this Divine quality to everyone and everything. There is only this Divinity, radiating from the luminous, brilliant, clear, and spacious heart of mine. My heart and the hearts of all beings are one. We are one Light, one Love, one Peace, one Joy. Let this Light, Love, Peace, and Joy go forth for the good of all. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.”

Love and Light,


Dear Light Group,

At the end of his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus had this to say:
Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.
It can feel as though our world is one in which the winds are blowing hard (as they are in Los Angeles now) and the floods are overwhelming (as they were in western North Carolina and eastern Tennessee in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene). It can also feel as though the national and international geopolitical winds are blowing hard and threatening a flood of bad outcomes.

Where to turn in the midst of this turmoil?

Jesus’s answer in the Sermon on the Mount was to hear his words and do them. Shall we give that a try?

Some of Jesus’s most powerful words were, “I am the resurrection and the life.” This is what Jim Goure had to say about that statement: “It’s the most fantastic statement! When he made that statement, it was just like in the very beginning when God said, ‘Let there be Light.’ Similarly with Jesus: it was the words coming directly from the Divine. When he said, ‘I am the resurrection,’ he was saying it not just for self, but for the world. With this statement, he instantly changed all of the atoms and cells within his own body to a more fantastic body than he had before. Far more than that, though, when he said, ‘I am the resurrection,’ he was One. We tend to think of him as a separate individual in a two-by-four body, but he wasn’t. You must think of him as universally present. When he said, ‘I am the resurrection,’ it was declared through every atom of the planet and through everyone on the planet. It was the most fantastic statement, stated with such power and beauty.”

If we are to think of the Christ as “universally present,” and if that Christ reverberates to this day “through every atom of the planet and through everyone on the planet,” then that Christ is within each one of us, and the “power and beauty” of that Christ also is within us.

As we confront a world in which “the rains have descended and the floods have come and the winds are blowing,” let us resurrect that universally present Christ within ourselves and thereby ensure that our “house,” our consciousness, is one that “falls not, for it is founded upon a rock.”

If you would like a prayer to accompany your personal resurrection, you might try this, “The Universal Christ is resurrected within me. This Universal Christ is my rock and my salvation. Upon this Divine Rock I build my consciousness. Whatever storms may come, this Universal Christ is always present within me. This Universal Christ has power and beauty. Let this Universal Christ be resurrected within me, that I may stand strong in a turbulent world. Let this Universal Christ be resurrected within me, that I may hear this Universal Christ and live the life it guides me to lead. Let this Universal Christ be resurrected within me, the I may remain focused on It and not on the turbulent world around me. Let this Universal Christ be resurrected within me, that I may radiate Its glory and goodness to all. Let this Universal Christ be resurrected within me, that I may bring peace and harmony to all. Let this Universal Christ be resurrected within me, that I may know Its joy and beauty. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.”

Love and Light,


Dear Light Group,

The world is not always what we think it should be. Last year, 2024, was turbulent, and this year, 2025, is off to a rocky start.

But through it all, we need to remember who we are: “Ye are the Light of the world.” So said Jesus over two thousand years ago. It remains our North Star. The fuller version of what Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount is: “Ye are the Light of the world. A city that is on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel but on a candlestick, and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your Light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”

In the midst of all that is going on in the world, we needn’t cower in our cocoon (“put our Light under a bushel”). Instead, we should “give Light unto all that are in the house”: our “house” is the world, and we are the Light of the world. Staying true to that is our mission, no matter what is going on in the world.

If you would like a prayer to accompany being the Light of the world, you might try this: “Joyful it is to be the Light of the world. Joyful it is to know that there is the Light. Joyful it is to be centered in this Light. Joyful it is to know that the Light is my essence. Joyful it is to know that Light is the essence of all that exists. This Light is Creative Spirit. I merge with this Creative Spirit. As Creative Spirit, I am solely focused on creating Good for everyone and everything. There is a super-abundance of this Good. It flows in unending waves for the benefit of one and all. There is only ever greater, unending Good, ever expanding Good, all for the glory of God, all for the Joy of God. In the midst of turmoil and darkness on Earth, I stay focused on the Light. This Light is my true nature. This Light is my essence. From this Light I came; in this Light I am now; to this Light I return. All is Light. All is Love. All is Peace. All is Joy. Thank you, God, for making it so. Amen.”

Love and Light,